Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Jul 1929, p. 1

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®(|je /teI)M0tt %hmnu :Vol. 49 No. 6 Flesherton Ontario, July 10, 1929 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors « t: PRICEVILLE Miss Jean McLean has gone to * Biidgeburgf for a visit. ; • Mr. Findlay Macphail of Toronto is visiting at Mr. Jno. McMeekin's. | j Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carbon of Pro- ' *on Station spent a few days visiting , at Mr. Alex. Carson's. , j Mr. Peter Joi-.nston, a former teach er here spent a few days visiting at' Mr. Ray McLean's. He is sporting a car now. | Rev. and Mrs. Corry and family of Toronto spent a few days visiting friends here and christened the twins of Mr. and Mrs. Angus McLachlan. j Mr. Jack Cor -y of Toronto is vis- iting at Mr. Dave Nichol's. | A number from here attended the U. F. 0. picnic and report a good time. i Misses Annie McLeod and E. M.' McCuaig spent a few days in Toron- to last week. i Mrs. Fred Pinkerton and little daughter, former residents of Price- ville, sailed last Wednesday via the S. S. Duchess of Bedford from Mon- ' treal fo- a visit with her father in Liverpool, England. Mrs. Pinkerton came out as a war bride 12 years ago and this is her first return to her heme. Her father has been in poor health and is anxious to see hia daughter. Mr. Wm. McLeod and Donalda mot- ored to Toronto on Sunday. Miss Emma Oliver is engaged to teach at Bunessan school. Mess--s Allan Mclnnis, Ale.x. Mc- Lean and Alfred Hincks are taking a six weeks course at Summer School in Hamilton. (Last Week's Items) Messrs. L McLean and Don. Mc- Lean of Toronto were home over the holiday. Miss Catherine Macmillan of Fer- gus visiteJ on Sunday at her home. Mr. Gilvray McLean spent the week end in To.-onto. Mrs. Colin Mcl-ean and daughter, Anna Mary are leaving on Tuesday for a tri» to the coast and Misses Gladys Hincks and Flora McFarlane are going Tuesday to the west. Mr. and Mr-s. Wilfred Magee am* Irva of Eugenia were recent visitors at Alex. Stewart's. Rev. Mr. G'-aham of near Ottawa oc- cupied the pulpit on Sunday and is Dreaching for a call. Mr. Graham is a wonderful speaker and gave a fine sermon. Mr. .\lfred Hincks is engaged as principal of the public school at Hol- stoin. Mr.and Mrs. Art Richardson. Swin- ton Park visited on Sunday at Mr. A. Carson'F. , Miss Ida Hincks has been engaged to teach in Dromore school. Miss Mary Carson of Toronto Is spending a couple of weeks at her home. Mr. Ed. Hogg of Shelburne viisted a few days at Mr. Jno. McMeekin's. Mr. Peter Muir and Miss Alice, with Mr. and Mrs. Earl McLeod motored to Peterboro recently to visit friends. MAXWELL (Last Week's Items) Rev. D. G. Kendall preached his farewel sermon here on Sunday ev- ening. He leaves for his . new ap- pointment in Toronto this week. We extend to him our best wishes for a useTul and prosperous life wherever he may be. We welcome Rev. and Mrs. Bram- ford and children to our community. Mr. V. Tozer and Mis-s Margaret Tozer visited at Mr. Robt. Priestly's over •'he holiday. Mr. and Mrs. AlacDonald of Owen Sound and Mrs. Ken W' ight of De- troit were week en visitors with Mrs. H. Wright. Mrs. Leslie Poole has returned home from Collin Twood, after under- going an operation in the hospital there. We hope to see her around again soon much improved in health. Mr. Angus Morrison of Tornto spent the week end at his home here. Mr. Angui Morrison of Toronto teaching staff, is holidaying at her home here. CEYLON fCIMBERLEY PRICEVILLE W.M.S.. LADIES' AID A sad gloom was cast over these The people of the comunity wen. parts when word was received on shocked on Saturday to hoar of the Tuesday of the past week that Mrs. ' death of Mrs. .Alcnzj Smi.h of Rod;- Sandv McDonald had suddenly passe !>'«• Alunzo has played ball with away t; the Western Hospital, To- ; the Kimberloy team this past three ronto, where she had gone a week years and during that time has previous to prepare for an operat- { ig?,ined many fi . jnds who -lym-Jx- ion for goitre, which had troubled thize with him i:i his trouble, her for a number of years, and was' Messrs Chas. Sluart of Rosseau opoiated en Tuesday morning, with | and Robert of Thornbury visited re- cently with their sister, Mrs. Wm. Ellis. Miss Myrtle Stuart, who has been visiting friends here, has gone to Toronto to visit before returning to St death resulting. She was a daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. McGregor of â€" . Her mother died when she was just an infant. She' was then ;aken by Mrs. J. McKee, the late Mr. McKee and they raised her as ' her home at Burks Falls. one of their own. She was married to her now sorrowing husband, and to them were bom three daughters and one son; a daughter Merdina passed away a numbar of years ago. Shj leaves to mourn her loss her husband, son, Raymond, and dau-jrh- Miss Marjorie Proctor has been Tisiting Miss Shirley Stuart of Mea- ford this past week. Shirley re- tui-ned home with her on Saturday and will visit with her aunt, Mrs. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Fawcctt and C:s, Jessie and Bessie, also two Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ellis has returned brothers in the States. The fun- to their home in Powassan, after a C-..1 took place Thursday afternoon to the Pri.'-eville cemetery. Rev. Mr. Sullivan of Priceville and Rev. Mr. Coutts of Markdale had charge vacation with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Best and children of Rochester, N. Y., visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Law- The regular meeting of the W. M. S. and Ladies' Aid of the St. Colur.i- ba church, Priceville, was held at the horiiQ of ]Mrs. J. Williamson on June 20th, 1929. The meeting opened by singing a hymn with Mrs. A. Muir, President of the W. M. S. presiding. G. Oliver then road the scripture, followed by ' prayer by Bertha James. Hymn 373 was sung and Mrs. Muir led in prayer. Miss Kate MacMillan gave a short account of the address of Miss Mit- chell, Field Secretary, who spoke re- cenM.y at the W. M. S. meeting at Eu- genia. A letter was read from iMrs. Rice, I missionary who is home on fur- lough, of her work in Africa, by Mrs. R. Parslow. A couple of chapters from a mis- ir -ary book "The Victory of Mary Christopher"' was read by the Pres. A'ter singing another hymn Mrs. MacKinnon, president of the Ladies' Aid took he chair. It was decided to have a garden party in the near future and committees were appoint- ed to look after this. Lunch was then served and a soc- ial half hour was spent. iri'ind-i. The pall bearers were wove Messrs Will Bowers Geo. Har- grave, George Cairns. Frank Cairns, Roy Piper a: \ Ed. Littlejohns. Those who attended the funeral from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. J. Cummings, Oshawa and Mrs. Ma- jor of Toronto. This community extends its sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. Read the Small Advertisements. * "Lucky Strike" ORCHESTRA Open for engagements at Garden Parties, Picnics, and Dances â€" round or square. For full particulars apply to:- J. H. PERKINS Phone 60w. FLESH iRTON t of the services. The casket was rence. cf vered with many beautiful flowere I Mrs. John Taylor and family of of sympathy by the family and , Oshawa are visitfng the former's mother, Jlrs. Jas. La\^Tence. Mr. Earl Dillon motored to Osh- awa recently. Mr. and Mrs. Foy Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Ran Brady and Miss Reta Barnhouse spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. U. L. Weber and family. The Weber families held a picni- B^ the home of Mrs. Ran Brady oi Markdale last v.cek. Mrs. George Cairns and Mrs. Alex. ^^"^s- D- A. Graham and children McDonald motored to AUiston the have gone to Niagara for the sum- past week. I '"^*"- Mr. Kirk of Berkely visited his' ^''^- A'<'='- Andrews has returned sister, Mrs. A. C. Muir the past week. , home after an extended visit with Mr. J. McMillan, who has been vis- ' ^cr sister, Mrs. F. Davis of Van- it,ing fiiends near Montreal, has re- "'^'^"'"' turned home. ^'^^^^ Edith Harris visited Toronto Mrs. J. Hill of Markdale arrived the f"ends recently, past week to -spend some time with Messrs Mervyn and Ru-ssell Ham- her daughter. Mrs. II. Piper. She """"d of Toronto spent the week emJ was accompanied bv her daughter, «* Spring Brook f.irm, the guests of Mrs. Love. ' ' , Mr. Ted Myles. John McMillan went to the Dur- ' ^I»'- «"<' '^'^^- ^m. Hutchinson of ham hospital last week and had his Vandeleur visited the latter's mther, tonsils out. The operation was Mrs. J. M. Fawcett one day last quite successful. His mother accom- ^^eek. panied him there. i ^rs. Arnold Lawrence, the Miss- Mrs. Hislop of Eugenia is visiting es Almeda and Geraldine Weber and with her sister Miss. Jessie Mc- ' Annie Burritt spent Sunday with Mr. j-gjj2ie I ^"^"^ Mrs. Prank Davis (;f Vandeleur. Mr. and Mis. D. L. Weber spenv AMINATIONS OP ALL KINDS Are Now Over For The Year RESULTS Come Later on The Question Socn to Be Faced and Answered Is: WHAT NEXT? THOSE WHO PASSâ€" will look forward with anticipation to a new course of study â€" Will it be Literary or Profe.ssiona! or a TraininLr for Business? Those Who Fail To Pass The Test- Will you go over the same Avork again for next year? or would a good course of business training suit you better? place to go to get up-to- "^/y>A/j^Jy^^/p/f/.'~>. date Business Education Cyc/c//^ ^ (^/^C<^1^ J is at the Northern Busi- ' vl^ ' ^^J_^ ness College, Owen Sound, where thousands of young people have been edu- cated for successful business careers. If you are interested in business studies just reach for your fountain pen and fill in the attached coupon. Owen Sound, Ont. C. A. FLEMING, P.C.A. Prinvlpul ) COUR.SliS COVERED OuHlnoNM Muil- Typine Bauklun aKenient PennianHltIp DookkeeplDtf. .^nUUInsr Cominerclul Pri-paratury vonrse tn iinliliu Steno^rapliy Acooantlns; Dictaphone OffJce Manage-. ment Law Nvbuol Habjects. \orthern IluKinesa CollrKc Oytcu .Sound Ont. Gentlemen: Yon mny senrt to me, without obiiBntton on my part, your t>ra- HpectiiN. The oourM! in which I am parlic- nlarly intcreRted Isi Name. jb AddrcHK .' • Post OHIce «s M:-s Delia White, Mr. Stanlely Vv'hite and daughter, Edna, who spent a fortnight here, has returned to Toronto. Miss Laura Vt'hite ac- companied them for a holiday. Mr. and Mrs. George Arrowsmith and Mrs. Thos. Arrowsmith motored to Brampton the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson spent the week end at Mono Mills. Mr. Edward Sargeant of Shelburne spent a couple of days liere last week. Mrs. Wm. Mathewson, son Ernie and Miss Irene, accompanied by Mr. Gcoree Mathewson, motored to Paris the first of the week; the former will -emain for a fortnight. Miss .\gnes Ma:phail, M. P., left Tue-.?day to spend a few days in the States, before taking her trip to Europe. We wish her bon voyage. Mr. a^'.d Mrs. Roydon Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson. the week end in Toronto. .Mr. and Mrs. H. Vv'allace of Zeal- andier, Sa.5k.. are visiting friends. Wc .sympathize with Rev. Stotes- bcy, whose father died recently. SWAMP COLLEGE The glorious rains are keeping things fresh and green and the crops look good. Mr. and Mr.~. V/m. llay. Messrs Dan and Gordon McCannell motored to Toronto and spent the week end Their cousin. Miss McCannell accom- panied them home for a week's visit. .\ number frcin he^e took in the big U. F. 'I picnic in Flesherton on Monday and report a good time. Miss Effie McCanncl returned to Toix)nto after spending a month at her homo. Congratulations to Miss Margaret Knox and husband, who were married PORTLAW Mou^it Zion Sunday School held their annual picnic last Friday ai 'he home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hopps. .A. pleasant time was en- joyed. Mr. George Thompson is visiting with his brother here and meeting with old friends of this part first time last Sunday and his mes- sage was much enjoyed. Service will be held until further notice ev- ery Sabbath at 1.45 p.m. and Sunday School an hour earlier. Eighth Line, Artemesia Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Linton, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher and sons, Ever- Dr. Robert Morton of Philadelphia ' ett and Delbert visited with Mr. and has been visiting at the parental Mrs. Black and of Orange- home on the Centre Line Mr. and Mrs. Nelson WaU(.<hope and family of Toronto visited recent- ly with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Shear- down. Mr. W. H. Blakey spent a few days with his daughter in Toronto. Rev. A. M. Bramford occupied the pulpit in Mount Zion church for the family ville on Sunday last. Miss Reta Linton spent the holiday at her home here. , . , , Mr. Russell Linton and bride have returned home after spending their honeymoon at Orillia, Niagara and other points. . , ^ u i,„«,» Mi-s. F. Taylor visited at her home over the week end. We offer congratulations to gn July 1st by 1he Rev. Corry of Master Stanley Hunt and LaVeme Toronto. GROCERY SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 7 Bars Castile Soap ZScT 1 lb. Tea (Cup and Saucer free) 25c. 2 Pk^s. Sift Salt 25c. Lantern anl Lamp Glasses, 2 for 25c. 5 lb. Pail of Syrup 33c. TRY OUR FRESH GROUND COFFEE -: . ..ALSO. :- OUR 65 cent TEA O'Canada Flour Come Our Ice Cream Parlor is now in full swing. in and you will be delighted with our menu and service. CITY DAIRY (TORONTO) ICE CREAM W. G. KENNEDY GROCERIES PHONE 37 WE DELIVER IN TOWN Piper, who passed their entrance examinations successfully. NEWSPAPER VS. BILLBOARD Here's a good advertisement which is taken from an exchange. An edi- tor and a merchant ware discussing the virtue of billboard advertising. The merchant contended that more peope read the billboard than the newspaper. After a lengthy con- versation in v.'hich neither man would give in, the men parted. The next week the merchant came tear- in down to the newspaper office wanting to know why the obiuaryof his wile's mother was not in the paper, especially after he had seen the copy was taken to the nawspape;- office. "Well", said the editor, "I knew you wanted the obituary reau by the people so I just took it out aind nailed it on the 'â- "" Just think it over. Mr. Goi-don McLeod had the mis- fortune to have one of his horses break its leg on Monday while they wore at the U.F.O. picnic. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks visited Sunday at Mr. Gordon McLeod's. billboard.' DOES IT CONCERN YOU The publishers do not like drawing fittention of their readers to their labeh any more than you l^ke read- ing them. But we feel more drastic measures have to be cmjiloyod for a number of our subscribers who have allowed their subscriritiosa to lanse for a few vcars and then some. IN MEMORIAM GENOE â€" In lovirg memory of my dear mother, who was called homo on June 26, lii2S. One by ono our dea-- ones leave us, And the bitter pain of loss Teaches us our heart's best shelter 1-3 the shadow of the cross. God knew that she was suffering, .And the h'l! wa?! hard to clii-'i But the love for her who slcc; s be- neath Will never fade away. No length of time* no lapse of years Can dim my mother's past, For treasured memory keeps her dear And will whfle memory lasts. â€"Sadly missed by Ella. Bates Burial Co. 122-124 Avenue Road TORONTO I Phone: RIngsdale 4344 I J.W.Bates. R. Maddocks. % I "House of Quality" ^ Neilson's Ice Cream (PURE AND WHOLESOME) Cones, Brick3, Eskimo Pies If ycu want an ICE COLD DRINK let us serve you from cur Serve-All Cooler CARD OF THANKS \ Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds stiictly fresh 1 ,.1*.'" We wish to thank our many friends and neighboi.) for tlioir many acts â€" . - ,• u, t 1 of kindness shown us in our recent and who faM to show the slightest ^^^ bereavement. response to our notices. A word to the wise is sufficient. May we hear from vou SOON? This applier? to classified adveri):ement3 paymilnts D. .\. MacDonald. and family. Read it in The Advance x Jas. A. Stewart . 'â- Â«â€ž

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