r Are 70U afraid to eat a hearty meal? WHAT does meal- time mean to yon? Is it the pleasure that it should be to restore the energy your work haa taken from you? Or must you pick and choose â€" in dread of indigestion? ' Here is a remedy that has brought relief to men and women the world over. Dr. Williams' Fink Pnis are taken every day in many countries, speci- fically for digestive trou- bles and stomach dis- orders, and have brought happiness to thousands of one-time sufferers. For, besides strengthening the digestive nerves, they in- v^oirate and purify the entire system and lay the foundation for continued health. Buy D*. Williams' PLok Pills now at your drug- gist's or any dealer in medicine, or by mail, 50 cents, postpaid, from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co^ Brockville, C^. g 47 l^Hlli PINKPiUS A NOUfEHOLD HAMS IN S4 COUNTRIES" Coming Events In the Modes Potentate Enjoys Day at Zoo Paris. â€" The old sayinK th.-il "corninij evtntii cast their shadt'Ws before" is particularly apt in r«lation to femin- ine fashions at th« present mcrm>nt, when the drepsmakers are showing mo<lels (leaigned for the late summer and early autumn, for a study of these reveals many a shadow which is al- most sure to become an actuality in the course of the next few iminths. And Ftranpely enouph, th« most no- ticeable of these shadows is the pre- dominance of two "sure-enough" sha- dow colors, brown arki gray- These are stressed in several of the most important collections r.nd are seen to a lesser extent in the exhibitoins of nearly every one of the Parisian dressmakers, preat and small. Two shades of brown are nRe<l, the deep seal shade, is almost the tint which used to be known a.s "tetc-de- negre," and a warm chestnut tint. The latter is seen principally in afterr,<v,n frock.s of crepe de chine, while the daiker tone is use<l for streef frtx'ks and ensembles. Worth uses a creat deal of this seal brown combined with beige or yellow anti there is a Ftriking (â- ports costume in his latest collection which consists of a long, plain coat of seal brown kask.-i worn over a sleeve- less tennis frock of white crepe do chine with one of the new long sc.irfs of which he is ho fond, in wide diag- onal stripes of brown and white and yellow, lwiste<l about the throat, caught under th« narrow leather belt at the waits and falling to the e<lge of the skirt. POPUL.'VRITY OF BROWN. This same designer uses tutked-in blouses of scal-brcwn jersey with j pointe<I turnover collars and narrow â€" -- - - - cuffs of beige kasha with a plain | checks in gray woolen materials are| skirt of the latter material. Dark used for the strictly tailored street blouses and cardigan jackets worn frocks whic hare worn with a fox 'with skirts of a lighter color, by the scarf in cool weather, and for the long by, are a feature of the sports cos- coat worn with a frock of plain gruy tumes of the present ccllection of this jersey. fa.nous old house. I PEARL GRAY AND SILVER. Another designer noted for her tail-, g,;^.^^. ^^^^y ^j,^ ^^^^^^ -^ ^^^^ ^^^^ .„-J SULTAN OF ZANZIBAR VISITS THE LONDON ZOO Top Centre â€" Siilt.in of Zanzibar seen with his youngest son upon recent Tisit to I.i0nd(yi Zoo during his sojourn in England. A Penguin h.is caught his majesty's amused interest. Dept. of Health I clarified AdvertMemenU BABY CBICXS DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR inTLE ONES Summertime and Accidents In Ontario, according to the latest flKures published, ther« were 2(9 deaihH among males and 44 among fiima]<!», due to dronaing during the, year. The age group claiming the higbest number among the men and boys was that from 20 to 24 years, iaving a total of 42 fatalities. The women and -.iris who lost their lives In this way numbered 10 in the age| group 14 to 24. the highest single' number a.s regards age. So far a.i our boys are concerned, ibstrucWoa in swimming might well be given at an early age ,a» Ontario loses her boys by accidental drowning In large num- bers beginHing in the fifth year of life. I It goes wiliiout .laying, of course, that! girls al.so should be taught to swim | at the earlies. possible a^^e. Deaths Due to Automobile Accidents Our di'alli rate from accidfuts %n\ Ontario to-day is alaraiingly high, i Aiifomobiles are an important factor j in fatal accidents. "Be careful" isj a bit of self-help advice which Willi help not only yourself but llie rest 1 of the world .-is well. | It you use a motor car â€" be careful. The driver and his passengers derive just as much protection from his careful driving as do the people !ie meets on his way. It you use a bicycle â€" be careful. ! There are very dangerous risks to be j considered in riding a bicycle; bej fair to the motor car and to the pedestrian, but first of all, be fair to yourself. j if you do not use a motor car â€" be careful. The deaths of children following motor accidents are not al- ways the fault of the driver; they are often due to carelessness on the part of the parents or the clildren tliem- selves. Old people who are nervous shouW Hot cross streets and high- ways busy with traffic by themselves. The motor car is ? blessing of mod- ern progress â€" reasonable care will do much to prevent Vt becomfng a curse. W AHY Clili"k'.S: JCI.r AND AL'tJL'ST, J J Ituulii* l;!o, blown r.rsrhuruH anil Ancniia.s lie, White I-eglimns lOi^ ua- » rled cltk'ka 9c. Kipresa piit<J on ;iilU or over; Iroe oatalOKUu. K. H fjwiuer, liruntnii unlariti. Q 1CE» WAHTED. MKN WA.VTKt) TO .SEM. WATK'INS 100 giiality IToduuts in ruiiil Mix- tions of Oiuann. Worid'n iuigi'st la<:iory to coiiMuiner urKaniKillon All-y«ar-riiiind |)i'0|>uNi;ton. Clutnce tn build uu Inatlng l<erinanen( hUKiness. Oreilit arranKUl to HUltahle parilfs. Wrlti- HiatfnK .itv to i. It. \Vatl<iii3 Coinoar.y Di-sk 5. Hamilton. fiiita! jo. A National Policy London Freo Prc-^s .i'ons.): It Is becoming more and more apparent that It is hopeless to try and do busi- ness in the way of reciprocity jiacts or trade treaties with the United States. The only possibia policy for Canada in that enunciated by Hon. R. B. Bennett, whereby Canada will frame its own Jiscai policy tor tJie benefit solely of Canadian industries. This does uot mean necessarily high tariffs, but it does mean a tariff based frankly on the protective prin- ciple and which takes into considerr atlon the welfare of the people of the Dominion. Emerald Lake, Ycho Park Beautiful Emerald Lake, In Yoho National Park, British Columbia, was first visiied by Tom Wilson In 1882 while searching for stray pack horses. As far as is known, he was the flrst wliite man to visit this lake. ored costumes is showing teveral en- gray a charming afternoon ensemble which semblcs for the early autumn vrhich' ^^^j,,^ ^ ^ , ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^, ^ consist of a long, seal-brown coat .^^^ j^^^^^ j^^,. ^,,.^j, ^^,, ,^j^ Ireachmg to within an inch or wo of !;„ j^^ ^y^^^ ^^^j „ , ^^j,,, ^j .,,^ the edge of the plam, tailored skuti^j^^ georgette tied low in i;nd a tacked-in blouse and long scarf | , of printed tusli-kasha in brown and \ yellow ^ brown and beige. pink At no time of life Is deiay or ne- glect more serious than at cliildhood. The Ills of little ones come quickly and nuleas the mother Is prompt in administering treatment a precious little life may be snuffed out almost before the mother realizes the baby is HI. The prudent mother always keeps something in the medicine How to Preserve Children Bird In My Garden Bird in my garden Why must you stay? Bird with the bright breast. Please go away! It's not that 1 covet yonr wings for the blue. Nor grudge you the handful of crumbs that I threwâ€" But when your beak carries Straw, wisps and hay â€" Bird in my gnrdeo, Please go away! « _ * « * < tied low in the front the bodice. Tliere are evening _,. , frocks in many of the colle ctions 13 ^^.^ . , ,. . . • f. i ..u' jpearl-giav lace, chiffon, georgette and ! chest as a safeguard against the sud- house IS the first o s^^stitu e thisl^^^p^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^ j^^^,^ ^.^p, i ,!«„ ijmess of her little ones. Thou- soft woolen m.aterial in a I-"J'ted de-. ^^^ recently seen in two shades of sands, if mothers have found, through Sign for the popular crepe cie <-i„ne .^j,^_ ^^,-^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ and It .seems a very happy thought] ^^j ^^^ j^^^ p,^,^,,, p.,^^,„ ^^ ^^ ^^^ " ^ charming cos-ij^i^rs which toucheti the fkor at the for autumn wear. tume which illustrates the use of this woolen material, consists of a long coat of string-color lightweight tweed with a full collar and deep pointed cuffs of astrakhan dyed in the dark- est shade of brown, and a frock of printed tusli-kasha x ith a b*ige back- ground and tiny design in dark brown, «iuite simply made with a narrow scal- loped band of plain dark brown at the edge of the skirt and around >he neck and wrists. CHESTNUT SHADE. A lovely afternoon frcK-k which was recently seen at a bouse in the Champs Elysees was ©f rrep« satin tn the warm chestnut shade mad* up cn the dull side of the material, with in crusted bauds of the shiny 8urfai<e placed diagonally belcw the hips and *ndin|f in the godets at the edge of the skirt, with a soft scarf of pale yellow satin aroand the nei-k, tied at one side in a ends. back. Lucien Ijelon ghas always had a marked /ondness for gray and he is using this color for ccstumes for all occasions in his demi-season collectir^. There are ports costumes in gray jer- ey, street frocks in gray checked the long jumper liLuse, worn outside the skirt, wi.ich has been in vogue for goodness know? how many .•â- eas<>n:». The latter, however, is still worn with the dressier type of street costume of crepe satin or moire or crepe mar- ocain, which is much in vogue for thfe older women -or lunch<on and after- noon functions. These little tailored suits, consisting of a smartly cut jacket and skirt in plain black crepe satin or moire or in 3 speckled black and-white or gray-and-white printed marotain, worn with a smart white blouse of crepe salin or crepe de chine, which mo."e 'Iten thr.n lot fita tightly bowknot with long around Inc hips ai.d is t'ed in a knot I at on;? side of the front, ?re twi'ieme- fTaken from "Babyhood") 1. Take tw«or more children of the run-about age. \f they are bright- eyed, rosy-cheeked youngsterb so much the better. 2. Tuck them into bed early â€" and experience, tljat there is no other leave -for 12 hours of quiet restful medicine to equal Baby's Own Tab- sleep. Windows wide open. let"! and that Is why they always keep I 3. In the morning, dress them a box of the Tablets on hand â€" why ; lightly and set at a table in the th«y always feel safe with the Tab- briglitest, cheeriest corner of the "A man hi senietimcs sorry he ROt tk« last word- tf It was 'yes'." Joy and Sorrow The joy that comes in sorrow's guise, The sweet paiits of self-sacriftce, I would not have them otherwise. J. G. Whittier. Gray is popular in all shades, from | (7 practical as well aa sfart. the light p«»rl-eolor to a deep battle- ship tint Plain gray jnsey is used by several wt the impoitaat design- ers for tfte sklit and akftrt jacket «f i time ee«tuin«(i, but they even place a the sport* - eeetume with a hand- [ narrow belt, usually of the same ma- knitted sweater of gray and white or {terial as the frech, aroond the nature) gray and brighter colors. One of | waistline' of the evening gown. These tbeee whieh --waa particniarly liked belts are usnaily made on a foundation bail a gray sweater in a splashy de-|of soft leather which prevents their n'rgn of Frewh blue and white, the wrinkUng. santa knitted material being used for the facing, collar, and turned-back cuffs of the short gray jacket. Plaid designs in gray and black or shaded gray tweed are used for motor, street or sports costumes. A very ; practical costume for traveling or \ e««ieral morning wear which was seen , ^ . ,. • recently consisted of a long loose top-.f" to replace those lost on the Amei- coat with big pockeLs ami comfortable I '<•*" »'"«• '^'" ^^^^ »""«• ^r. Mac- sl**ve8 and a reefer jacket with nickel "ensie Kings policy appears to be buttons and smartly tailored skirt all »»« «* ^^'^nK »•"' â- ««'"«• »« *"" in a gray-and-black plaid English woolen material, and a tailored blouse UsefiilneM There is no better foundation for pubke er private usefulness than a But to return to the subject of the m«ek. modest temper; gentle, indeed, normal waistline. Many of the de-|»nd re^dy to yield as far as good con- signers not only advwate this for day- «!•»«« ««l allowâ€" but yet standing lets. Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which by regulat- ing the bowels and stomach banlah coustipation and Indigestion; break up colds and simple tevers and promote healthy, natural sleep. Concerning Ihei. Mrs. Isaac Son la, St. Bugene, Out., writes.â€" "I have been using Baby's Own Tablets ever since baby was a month old and have found that they reach the spot and do mora good than any other medicine I have ever tried. I always keep the Tablets In the house nud would advise all other mothers to do so." The Tablets are â- old by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 coats a box from The Dr. WiK Uain's Medicine Co., BrochvUle, Ont Protection victoria Colonist (C)bs.): The situ- ation created by the new tariffs and the increased tariffs Is a serioua one for this country, for an adjustment of trade. In the finding of new ntark- Parliament on the eve of proroga- tion there has been no announcement oTgray'shanVunK^~'"SnTaVk^'pi.^ids'and o' "n^ contemplated action. The situ- ation is one calling (or action, and nn- less something is done Canada's trade ^'"i „«/»DACH« When Sours Food About two hours after eating many (harmless. It has remained the stand- ard with physicians In the 60 years people suffer from sour stomach)'. must suffer by tho shortly to be put In American sitte. tariff effect changes on the ' since Its Invention. Lighit.<< on the sea-line go, 'Vibrating to and fro, Errant, mysterious, low. Seen bright, seen <lw)ndl«<l; Bii4; that one steadfast spark That cleves the drooping dark, For what all fortunate banioe Is It enkindled'? 'With far flung beam it stands, Oirrough and perilous lands, 'Warning with upraised hands The grey shipmiistcrs; Why did no beacon free Klai'e out on life's broad 9e», To warn an<l presage lue Of love's disasters? They call It Indigestion. It means that j j^ ^^ ^^^^ q„,^^ method. Results the stomach nerves have been over- (,(,„, almost instantly. It Is the ap- J an.es tu ant, in the I x>ndon Spectator. ttlmulated. There Is excess add. proved method. You will never use' â- > The way to correct It is with an 'another when you know. I A short story entitled "Three Gen alkali, which neutralizes many times i Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' erations" Grandfather had a farm. Us volume In add. ! Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physl- Father hatl a garden. Son hat! a can- The right way Is Phillips* Milk of 1 clans for BO years in correcting excess op«ner. Magnesiaâ€" just a tasteless dose tn acids. Each bottle contains full . â€" â€" â€" « «at«r. It Is pleasant, efficient and : directionsâ€" any drugstore, firm and stable amid contradiction and opposition.â€" Canon Erskine Clarke. . « â- coMiNCs t^> smi Fease porridge hot. Pease porridge eoltfâ€" No matter bow y«t» order It. â- you feel that you've been sold. Softe like It hot, Some like It coM; But everyone would like to have The prices as of old. ! breakfast room. 4. To each child add the following: One small cup of orange Juice. One steaming dish of delicious, nut- brown "whole-wheat" cereal. Several slices of crisp whole-wheat toast. One glass of milk. 5. Remove the children to .a grassy lot. Add a kite, a dog or so and mix thoroughly. (S. Cover all over vfiih a blue sky and leave in the sun to brown. (Published by the Toronto Home and School Council and the Child Wel- fare Council.) lUiUilhePin X IheHoneylly&tdier You Mu»t Do Your Bit ^ 1 is the war agaiml ibe fly, currier «f gum asd brxdcr of liiicue. t â€" ^* --m^. .^t^ . , It l> proven that AEROXON u aw 'of th* inott cwiveni«Dt and most «llicient tneaiu of combiiling thi« lly «vil. It u convenient, because ^of lh« puch-puL It is hygienic, jftici never get *way when once caught. Each ipiral gives three weeks' perfect service. BtWARfi OF IMITATIONS Sold ut dtug, frt>tcT> and hold n^tt slofc« La Ci* C. 0. Gentst & Filt, Lmil^e W S>IU«SRCORE. UVK. •-but *(-t!»<l Slstrlbator for Ontario NEWTON A. HILL 5S FYont 8t. £.. Toronto Fishermen Take Minard's along to relieve liritatlon of mosiiuito bites. Also good for cuts and bruises. "He's suffering from dizziness." "Ones too many good turns for everybody." {â- A man who had taken pity on a iad and given him work as junior clerk kept him at the office rather later than usual one Saturday. The lad became sulky, and perform- ed Ivs duties in a very dilatory man- ner. At bst his employer turned on him. "You ungrateful rascal, where vonld you bo now but for me?" "At a cricket match," was the an- swer. Other Countries, Odier Customs Toronto Star find.}: (The London Dally News describes In an article how four Canadian Cabinet Ministers were compelled for the sake ol ap- pearances to adopt the custom of cur- rying walking-Htl4:k8 In London.) To be seen with a walking stick has a very different slgnlflcance in Toronto from what it appears to have in Lon- don. There, It would seem from the arttele In the Dally News, the carry- ing o( a stick Imparts to you an air of class and caste which Impresses .1 policeman. Here the tan-ying of a stick suggests that yoii are, unhappily, unable to get about in a car of your own. It you walk It Is taken to mean that yon have neither car, carfare nor a friend to pick you up. As for walk- ing. It is thing one does Indoors or necessarily and compulsorily when fishing or playing golf. Children still learu to do it. btit uot until long after ' they have become seasoned and sun- burned motor passengers. .> The Root of Unemployment Lancelot Lawton in the Fortnight- ly Review (London) : It was the nineteenth century that tilled the earth with peoirle and left its successor to solve the problem of what was to be done with theik. Karl Marx's em- bittere<l description of this epoch was not at all overdrawn. In reply it is often said that the rapid multiplica- tion of population was a response to tho enorbous growth of wealth due lo industrialization, and that as a con- sc«iuence the standard of living of the masses was raised. But the facts, im- pressive though they seem, are ina^lc- <)uate proof of common welfare. Other tests nee»l to be applied, as, for ex- ample, whether the standard of living was raised sufficiently to justify tho bringing into the world of so many million of people, and whether, if the answt^ ho in the affirmative, it was a Yes," giggled the bride-to-be, "1 standard the permanent enjoyment of accepted John the first time he pro-]which was tolerably secure. Judged po.«ed." "Oh, no, you didn't darling, '.by either of these tests, the nineteenth said her dear friend. "N«, you didn't I century fail«l. You wern't there.' - ^ 1> "I have tickets for 10.000eot!lesaDay Every day 10,000 women buy 8 bottle of Lydia E. Flnkham's 'Vege> table Compound. They know that there is no better remedy for their troublesome ailments with their accompanying nervousness, back- ache, headache, "blue" â- peils, ant} nudowa condition. lyilia F. Pinkhains Vegetable Compound -^ Our advice to Mr. Trot?,ky is to I make his way to Me.\ico and feci at tho theatre.' , "Good, I will start dressing at once." j borne again, "Do, dear, they are for tomorrow I * Keep Minard's In the Medicine chest, night" ' ^*« Minard's for the rub dov»n. "Skinny"? Gain Weight Quick Way New IRONIZED YEAST adds pounds in few weeks. Results Guaranteed â€" or pay nothing Men and women write us every day they are positively amazed at speed with wlilch Ironized Tfeast added 6 to 15 pounds. Cave them new strength; a youthful skin; banished agc-Iines. They ask â€" now does Ironized Yeast work so fast? Ironized Yeast is two great tonics In one. Weight building YKAST treat- ed with two kinds of strengthening, blood-enriching IRON used for years by highest medical authorities. The Yeast is also treated with 'Violet Rays â- .o increase its effectiveness. Only when Yenst is Ironized is It most effective. Iron is needed to bring out llie weight building, strengthening values of Yeast. Pleasant tablets. No "yeasty" taste. No gas or bloating. Stop being "skinny" and noattrac- tive. Fill out bony form. Get a clear skin and new strength. Feel years yotiuger and look it. Get a full size treatment of Ifonizcd Yeast nt any drug store today. If not riellKhfed with (luick results, get your money back. If incnnvenient to buy from druggist, send 11.25 direct to Canndinn Ironized Yeast Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. Desk 425-MT. 1SSUE"No. 27â€"29