Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Jul 1929, p. 7

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if' : t •^ I • Social Hygiene Council Meets Leading Health Association Reports Excellent Year's Work Th« drastic measure o( separating the nexes after they have reached tlie agi) of ten years In public and high «cboolri, and perhaps even later tu the iDSlUutions of higher learning and the unlvarultiM, waa recommended by th« stjnding commlttae on venereal llseane at the annual meeting of the Canadian ilygieuo Council, In Mont- reul, recently. The object behind this proposal is the control of gonorrhea, which. It waa stated, has increased Biggar, Toront very much within the past few years among adosceuts and adults under twenty years of age. Objection was taken to thi.s. however, on the grounds that coeducation, as the great educa- tor, Frobejj pointed out, had many line things to offer the youth of the country. The recommendation was, accordingly, forwarded without adop where a large decrease In lofant mor- tality was noted. Officers Elected Ofllcer.s for the coming year were appointed as fi)II(rws: President, Hon. Mr. Justice Rid- rtell, Toronto; vice-presidents, Hon. Dr. Korbes Godfrey. Toronto: Mrs. A. M. IluestU, Ti->ronto; r>r. J. W. S. McCuUough, Toronto; Dr. C. J. O. Hastings, Toronto: Judge Kmlly Mur- phy, Rdmonton; Hon. Dr. W. V. Rob- erts, at. John; Hon. Dr. H. I. Taylor, Frederlcton; Dr. 11. K. Young. Vic- toria; general secretary. Dr. Ootdon Batoa. Toronto; honorary treasurer, Mr. T. B. Jaaws, Toronto. Members of the board: Dr. L. J. Austin, Kingston; Dr. Fred Adams, Windsor, Ont.; A. W. Applegath, To- ronto; Dr. J. A. Baudouin, Montreal; Dr. W. J. Bell, Toronto; Col. J. L. N. L. Burnette, Ot- tawa; Dr. S. r..r,icher, Montreal; Dr. M. R. Bow, Kdmonton; Dr. Alan Brown, Toronto: Dr. A. M. Daviil.ion. Winnipeg; Dr. W. J. Deadman, Ham- ilton; Prof. A. T. Delury. Toronto; Dr. J. G. FitzOeraM, Toronto: Dr. A. War Speeds lU Engines Gooderhani, Toronto; Mr. J. J. Gib- bons, Toronto; Dr. H. W. Hill, Lon- tlon for the consideration of the In- don; Hon. George Hoadley, Edmon- comlng executive. Another question on which the meeting Rplit was the matter of the prevention of venereal disease. Pro- phylaxis would prove more effective than spiritual guidance in ridding the country of this disease, Dr. C. P. Pen- wick, of Toronto, stated. "We talk about Immunizing people against ty- phoid HuJ scarlet fever, and as long as we are content to leave venereal dlsea.ie to the spiritual administra- tors wo are not doing our full duty." Dr. A. H. Desioges, director of the di- vision of venereal disease for the Province of Quebec, differed strongly from I)r. Fenwlck, stating that pro- phylaxis was a dangerous doctrine which laxity. ton; J5r. A. K. Hayw.Tod. Montreal; Dr. J. H. Holhrook, Hamilton; T. B. Jame:<, Toronto; Mrs. V. A. Kennedy, Ottawa; Dr. AlpUonse Lessard, Que- bec; Dr. T. W. G. McKay, Oshawa; Mr. Tom Moore. Ottawa; Hon. E. W. Montgomery, Winnipeg: Dr. D. H. McCalman, WinHipeg: Mrs. Horace Parsons, Toronto; Dr. Geprge D. Por- ter, Toronto; Dr. Harold Orr, Edmon- ton: Dr. Fletcher McPhedran, Toron-j to; Henry North, Ottawa: Prof. Peter SandiforU. Toronto: T. A. Stevenson, Toronto: Dr. E. J. Trow, Toronto; Mr. L. M. Wood, Toronto: Dr. George P. Young. Toronto: Hon. J. M â-  - - â€" ^ M. L T. to Use Zeppelin in 'War' Against Aviator's Nuisance, Fog New Dirigibfe Mayflower Will Aid in Round Hill Tests of 'Blind Landing" Device and Superaudible Sound Waves The new Goodyear Zeppelin Airship , iingland In connection with the r» "Mayflower" will be used for aKti^u-j^jearch in wnlch she will take part, sive aeronautical researc^h liy the Mas-j The ability of the airship to hover sachuaetts Institute of Technology, It over one location will prove a great has just btfi;n announced here. The aid to many of the experiments. Varl- studies will include aerial navigation ous types uf antenna will bo -studied through fog, communication and mete- as the airship will have instruments orology. to measure directlou and strength of Experiments will also be conducted radiated energy. WORLD'S FASTEST TANK DISPLAYS ITS SPEED Christie, new type of tank, which att.iliHd a speed of 52 miles per hour during the military tournament and garden party at Governor Island, N'.Y., recently. Naval Limitation Glasgow Herald tCons.) : No coun- try ha.1 been so earuest in tlie cause of disarmament as Britain. la reduc "Arthur" New York Ilerald-Tribune: Arthur Schreiber of Portland. Mc. has put his country in France's debt. This ' young notoriety seeker, who rushed tlon of both land and sea forces we '" *"»«â- â€¢Â» ^"Sels fear to trwd. has been have continuou.'ily given a lead to 1 other nations, and that In spite of the | i fact that the policing of our far-scat- tered Empire and the interconnecting ocean routes throws a heavy respon- sibility on both services. Our good TTu°. t i faith In the matter of naval dlsarnia I. hrtch, ' , ,11 . . 1 , _ . ,, , I, ,, u II M, i ment Is conclusively demonstrated by Regma; Hon. J. F. Mahoney, Halifax ,- , . .,....â-  ,. . ^ ^ , ' , , „ . „ 'the fact that the announcement of Dr. G. P. Jackson. Toronto; Rev.. . . , - I • L^. .. .. K- ... n- . T^ o Americas swollen cruiser program would only encourage sexual -^rchbishop McNeill Toronto: Dr. S. ^„,^^j,,g^ ^.j,^ , reduction in our Or. Gordon Bates gave the «• Jenkins, of Charlottetown; Dr. V last word on the question by stating that 30 highly controversial a subject could hardly be taken as one of the -platforms of the council. Another ob- jection to Its adoption was that It would antagouiza the governments on whom they were depending for sup- port. Re.solutions and recommendations were adopted regarding the treatment of drug addicts; the prevention of blindness by gonorrhoeal Infection at birth through the euHctment of laws by each province making the proper prophylactic measures compulsory; D. Currey, of St. Catharines Desioges, of Montreal; Dr. port, of Regiiia, and H. M of Winnipeg. Dr. A. A. E. B. AI- Speechly, Tennis and Bare Legs received by the French people in a maimer that does exact justice to his pretensions. Any other nation, con- sidering the grave peril to its flyers and their failure to reach their ob- jective, for which h^ was responsible, would very iiltely have clapped him in Jail ami heaped anathemas on his head. But the French knew a better way. They haven't even snubbed him. On the contrary, iht?y have carried him on their shouklars and given him an ovation which completed his sur- render to vanity. Aud tliea, having him completely wiihiu t'leir power, thoy have introduced into hia cup of with a new "blind lanUlng " device. In w'.il'-h olectrtcal cables are burled beneath the surface ot the airport. Tbo Induced currents in the cables in- fluence special Instruments iu the aircraft, aiding them to come safely to the ground despite visibility con- ditions. Use of the airship, arranged by the Goodyear Zeppelin Corporation, Is one step in the expansion of the research facilities at the Round Hill Airport of Col. E. H. R. Green at South Datr- mouth, Mass., where the Institute short-wave radio research station has been in experimental operAtion for several years. Work on Dock Started In antlclpatiou of the arrival of the 'Mayflower" withiu a month, erection of aa aircraft dock 140 feet long and 72 feet wide has been started at Round Hill Airport. The foundations have been complete<l. The 'Mayflower' 'la expected to start her flight from Akron, O., early next mouth. In addition to her oper- ating personnel, an experienced giound crew of 25 men will be sta- tioned at Round Hill to handle the (locking operations. During the sum- mer I lie â- Mayflower" is expected to Experimunts also will be carrie<I ou iu super-audible sound waves, with the object of detorminlug their pos- iible application to airplane naviga- tion. Other studies will deal with altitude meters built on radio design, which will give accurate readings of heighta above the nearest ground, in- stead of the height above sea level. Will Te«t Beacons The fog re.soarch work, which liegan several months ago, includes studies of the penetrating characteristic o< lights ot various colors through artl- tlclal fog. This work, through the use of the 'Mayflower." will be ex- tended to include radio beacon aids to navigation. The general research programme will be in charge of Prof. Edward L. Bowles ot the Department ot Elec- trical engineering. The â- â-  Mayflower," the latest of four nonrigid airships built by the Good- yearZeppelln Corporation, has a gaa capacity ot ?6,000 cubic feet, and Is Inflated with the uon-iuflammable helium. She is 12(J feet long, 37 feet in diameter, and is powered with two "Ohorsepower Ryan-Siemens motors, which give her a speed ot 58 miles an hour and a cruising radius of 550 make flights to various parts of New miles without refueling. Steps Toward the World Court naval building scheme. Mr. Hoover can rely absolutely on Britain's co- operation in any fair plan of naval reduction. Elsie Pain in the London Dally Chronicle (Lib.): The completely happy person, if experienced in auy- London Daily Express (Ind. t"™«) ^ | -[.'^'j^aagLjl)!^' as'^T"ry ^imnw^^^^^^ cracks and waving an American flag, a j Root's formula as a basis for our en- New York World: One by one the .ftps are being taken which will joy the subtle poison of derision. N'ow '. i,riiis the United States into the that he has strutte<l his little day on ! World Court. The League Council the Paris strect.s. scattering wise ; sitting ^t Madrid, has approved Elihu The Wimbledon authorities, threa- tened with an avalanche of bare- legged competitors, are said to be about to issue an edict commanding stockings. Aesthetically they are right. Not only do legs look better when clothed â€" go to any revue If you I small boy, or a person wlij never guts hot or dishevelled after a set ot ten- nis. It seems vary unfortunate â€" not to say unfair â€" that when happiness aud a cheerful disposition are such obviously desirable things they should manufacturer of novelties there has franco. Its action was unanimous, as become busy turning out tiny effigies ^.^s the previous action of the world to be known as "Arthur." They are j committee ot jurists which submitted designed as antomobile or airplane ! jir. Root's proposal (embodied in a mascots and are distinguished by ; j,.;,ft protocoH to the Council. It was Diesel Motor for Airplanes Proves Successful their shocks ot fuzzy hair and the ex- I now necessary to obtain the assent .,....., .- , , be so unfashionable They are unfa- ''''^'"* impudence ot their features. !o( tjje member nations of the Court, and approving the principle of medical I '^°"'" "â€"''"' ""'â- â- Â« '^ something "Q- j ^j j^,, ^,^1^ j^ ^^^^^ sop'aistica'.Hl age i"^***^ ''^*â„¢ ''**""''^' *" "'^ '"''P'""''^'''! and the ratification of the United examination before marriage. congruous, as the witty Senorita Al- 1 ' ^^^ ^ . -^ .; to enjoy a Besides its recommendation against 1 J^^.'^ ."^'^ Pointed out. In wearing a, Parisians co-education, the report of the ven- ereal disease committee stated that syphilis was becoming 1-jss prevalent. frock but no stockings. If the con- venience of the players and the ad- 1 vantages to be had from extra asility It al.so expressed the opinion that the ^'^'^ "^^s* ^''^ '" ^l^cide these weighty provinces .should be left to work out ' '''"^'' ^^^'^ "'« '•''''" ^'^""'* <^'"'"- tkelr Individual solutions of the con- H?'''"^'^'^^ "' ^'^^ '"'"''«• P"'"l« of ' the very near future, will be fought is concerned: but it will spoil her chances of axciting masculine interest ! as effectually as it she was said to I have a shiny nose. trol ot the provincial clinics. The rural health centres should, the report stated, be used as bases for propa- ganda, while greater discretion about results should be practised by the smaller hospitals so that patients 'would be encouraged to take the rou- tine Wassernuiu tests. Drug Committee Reports The report of the narcotics com- mittee recommended "that (1) it be! made more ditTicult each year for drug I u.em" to unite, though confidently addicts to secure supplies, and that | expected in view of the approval of this process must be made so difllcult , the congregations throughout the that ha addict will be afraid of hav- , ,^„d_ ,, ^^..^ j,,,, i^^, momentous and ing hi.s supply cut off. (2) That treat- ; ,.po,i,.n,aking. The development of ment in an institution must be given ' .[j^ jjj to all known addicts. Trt^atmeiit for out by men In "shorts" and women in bathing dre.sses; and Wimbledon will bo like unto the Lido or Deau- ville, only more so. The Church's Reawcdcening Eiliubui'gh Weekly Scotsman (Con): The emphatic decision of the two great branches of the Scottish Church to accept the overtures- which pledge ;!ea of ro-union has coincided with SHOCK FELT London. â€" Daily Mail despatches from Chrlstchurch, N.Z., today stated that 21 earthfjliake shocks occurred there within eight hours Saturday, two of which were as severe as the initial shock which rocked the coun- tryside last Monday. The reports â-  said the populace walked the streets throughout Saturday night, feariu;; to enter the bulldiugs. Wellington dispatches to the Lon- don Daily telegraph revealed to-day great popularity among; states Senate. The plan devised at Even Schreiber, the dls-l Geneva and formally set In motion by patches say, has begun to see tho^nig Council in Madrid is to hold a point. After turniug his little soul ; meting ot the member nations iu Sep- inside out^for the delectation of the j ;^.,nber, simultaneously with the multitude, he has begun to expert- ! ^oeting ot the League Assemblv. cnco that sinking feeling which no : Here. It is anticipated, approval to the amount of abti.'^e could have produced JKoot formula will be promptly and but which follows inevitably wheu,{reely given. The leading European vanity gets its first taste ot mockery, i staty.jmya_BriattJ. Stresemann. Sir The French, as usual, have concocted j Austen Chamberlainâ€" who hare their -lauco to the Queen's taste. Itgpoken on the matterâ€" have all Is said that our hero is worrying now! treated our entrance as assured: some overthoinannerof his reception when little hesitation has upeared In Latin he gets back home. But nothing we! America, but it appears from the vote mem- New Power Plant Marks Avia- tion Milestone â€" 500 to Be Built Monthly- Detroit. â€" Uirgescale production ot Diesel airplane motors â€" a type radic- ally different from existing aircraft engines â€" is contemplated by the Pac- kard Motor Car Company iu a new manufacturing plant Hearing comple- tion here. The factory wlll.*ave a capacity ot 500 motors a month. The new Diesel motor is now prac- tically perfected for aircraft use, ac- cording to Packard ofBoials. It was developed by Capt. L. M. Woolson. Packard aeronautical engineer. As 'â-  the climax ot nearly four years of [.experimenting. Captain Woolson made' ja non-stop flight from Detroit Langley Field, Va., In a to Dlesel-pow- bers of the Council that It is melting Barring as unexpected hitch. , •^ ! hours plan: for him can aproach the French [of the three Latin-American formula. Ho has got his deserts. Bet- ter to let him nurse them iu obscurity. .> The Carnea;ie Foiindatien !s com- , piling a loO-vo'.iiine li^.story of the 1 World War. Wish they would make i It 151 volumes, and say who won. â€" ered airplane .marking an Important milestone in the quest for new sources of airplane power. away. by the end of September tho door should be open tor Senate action. that, as a result of the recent earth quakes. Mount Steveus, nearly 4,000 Kay Featiires feet high. disapoared completely. 1 Slopes have been levelled, trees de- 1 Mussolini says Christianity wouldiCons.) Election Pledges London Evening St;«idaid ilnd. Thoro is rather too much of ,, , , ., , > - changing and a broadening concep- : „ ._J .„, „«â-  th8.se people while they are tree to 4;^,, „( ,^,ij,i„„ j^^^,f ,.... „!. 1 Port cut oft walk about am get additional supplies ; Terence to points ot difference that Is nselos.s C! That all patients who , „^„ ^^p, ,„^ churches apart has I have received treatmen in an ii.stitu-^^i,,„ ,,. ,, ^ j„,„,. recognition of tiou must be supervised and watched | ^^e more vital principles on which lor a long period after their treatment | tn^y are at one. We have reached a s completed. There is no use treat- ; ..^g, ^.,j^,^ („ ,^,,i j^^^ ^„,j ^^,^.,^„ „,. Ing thorn by cutting off drugs and ,„i. .1 . ., , ,, , , .. , . *^ ,"; I fairs the nation needs a clear and nil' hen turning them loose to Ro back, i;,;.,,^, ,,,,,. ^„j „^ ^. j,,.,,,,,. a, T^ »? ^'TT' '"f "â- '^"";'*- i nioiul remarked, the Church c.tn con- (4) Uiat tho patient must know that olidate Its moral weight on the side he IS .0 only being assisted to .,ult I „, „„j„ ,,„., ^j ,^t the habit, but that the .«ame people \ , stroyed and the water supply at West- have remained inslgniflraut It it had a tendency In the average voter, when Diptheria, the report not go to Rome at the right timeâ€" | polling-day has been reached, to re- sald. was Karamea. making heavy inroads at but the ' himself: same is true of Mussolini - Frankfurter Zeitung. Try This On Your Vacation teousness. rill asi'ist him to remain free from it. (5) That a confidential register should 1 tv 1 j »i_ nj • ' ^bo kept of all drug addicts who have ! * *»« League and the Movies received treatment at public expense, i Manchester Guardian (Lib): (.Vn and these people should be supervised -American luis proposed that the , for a period of at least three years. | L^*K"o ''f Nations should ba made j (C) That drug addicts should not be i ^*"rld censor of films.) To evolve; treated iu prisons and reformatories, ' '' world censorship ot films Is more' because it Is in prisons and retorma- \ *han we can fairly ask of the League. ! torlos that they meet the type of Fortunately, the problem tends to j young men who are easily led Into solve Itself, though slowly. The Prlt- r tho drug habit. (7) That the provision ''''' Dominions and colonies e.xercise \ should bo made In each province for | through their Governments their own tho establishment ot an institution tor checks on presenting to unsophlsti- tho care of drug addicts and that phy- ' cated peoples the sensualities and sen- siciuus ."hould be specially trained to ' ^-atioualisms of Hollywood. They j undertake Iha care of drug addlcls." , ''^^'^ now. very rightly, seized on th« | The resolution concerning medical a'''""on of speech to picture, to de- . examination before marriage was as ] ^â- '=5<'' ^^''•i Gov?rnment subsidy, the j follows: "That we approve the prin- *"•â- ' <" chronicle play that will show clplo of medical examinatiou before ! 'he young Australian the evolution ot his country from bushranging to na- tionhood, and give the young Canadian a glimp>'e of Wolfe on the St. Liw- reiico nnd of Jloulcalm's raeDiorable end on the Heights of .-Vbraham. Sheer weariness ot gunmen and vamps will yet reform the cinema without the aid of a League censorship. -♦- marriage: that legislation as at pres- senl proposed should not be passed unless and u:Ull preceded b van ade- quiite period of public education: that public education as to tho desirability of Medical examination before inar- rt!a:ie should bo undeilaken." Th > H:ian,"iul statement showed ox- ponditures amounting to J37.813, rev- enue ot 1.17,118 and a deficit of |69t. Assets amounted to J15.21(J. Greater education on tho necessity ot Imnunization and isolation In tho case of communicable disease was was silll noe.led. Dr. Grant Fleming reported, as there were over l.rtOO deaths In Canada In the past year from dipiherii and other iMscases ot a comnv.inlcable u.iture. It wa.i ro- -"-x.* portr^d lli.it li:e work ot ths county Hug: ^^'^ly the loud cap and pipe? j health unit.i v.as mo.st rncjur.iging. Hopper: I've joined an Kugllsh nspoclally l.n t;:j PiovUico ot yaobec. cricket clubj gard the result in the light of the result of a sportiug contest. This side or the other has won the Cup. and that is that, until the next general election aproaches. We shall make He covered the G50 miles In sir and fifty minutes. The motor used "$4.()S worth of furnace oil" as compared with $21 to $26 worth ot gasoline, which would have been used by the conventional type of motor, it was said. The Diesel motor presents many ob-! vious advantages for ahcratt use. ac-' cording to its sponsors, but has not been used hitherto because of its weight. The Packard motor weighs less than Uiree pounds per horse-; power. Efllcient aircraft gasoUne motors WL-igh approximately l.t pounds per horsepower. The weight ot the fuel renulrod tor a Diesel mo- tor, however, is said to be consider-" ably below that ot the conventional a great mistake if we permit our- selves to fall into that frame of mind now. The pledges that have been given must ba remembered, and those; type. who have given them uuist be re- j Hi-^'a cylinder head temperatures minded of them, until they have beesi; which must be avoided in gasoline en- fuly and .securely implomentei?. The Young Plan London Times (h'-d): The settle- ment upon which the Committee of Experts have now agreed â€" a settle- ment already known to the world af- ter the name oJ their chairman as the Young Planâ€" completes the work left unfinished by the Uawes Committee. It fixes a final figure for German liabil- ities under the Treaty ot Versailles, aud It provides suitable machinery by which these llabiilries may be dis- charged through the ordinary routine transactions ot international finance. WITH ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME Edward II. Itoe, 6.t. who lei-ently e.-tablisli.-d a ten liuur swinU' lug record wllheut arms or legs at West Lake Park Charlotte. "Tom Is going to give up smoking for me." "How old fashioned!" "No. not that. Uo says we both att^rd It." glues to prevent fires are no hazard in this new type. The desijtners also point out that it has been possible to fly the new motor without exhaust stacks or manifolds, thus eliminating difllcult design problems. It Is of; radial typo and offers less head resis- tance than the average radial gaso- line engine the engineers claim. Each ot the Diesel's nine cylinders works independently, aud the engin- eers say it is probable four would produce enough power to keep an airplane afloat at low altitudes, mini- mizing the possibilities ot complete engine failure. Since the carburetlon system does not depend upon gravity,' the motor will operate successfully In any position, they add. Ignition is furnished by compres- sictt of ths air charge. Hence there are no hijih tension electric currents to become short circuited nnd stop the motion. This also eliminates radio interference, Packard ofllcials .say. so that fliers may be guided more safely when Tunning "blind" through fog and thick weather. This feature is regarded .as ot great importance as aircraft are expected to rely more and more upon radio beacons for direc- tion. Using Many Pulpstones Over half a million dollars worth ot pulpstones are used annually in the 60 Canadian pulp mills. California has not as yet been in- v;yled by the MedlteiTanean fruit fly, I which Is bringing distress to Florida. can't Is It possible that the Western oranges have no Insects appcalT

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