Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Jul 1929, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1929 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ROCK MILLS tunately the building did not taVii 1 home of Mrs. B. Field on Wednes- fire. day, July 17th. Mrs. Cecil Meldrum Mrs. Robt, ^,^': '"f ""• ^^°"**'". ^u"" Vl . M^- ""d Mrs Lewis Pedlar motored Meldrum of Port Law and Miss Jean' ^'â- â- ^•^'•''^''"<^ ^'^- "^<^ ^rs. Archie Mc-|to Durham Saturday evenmg and ainton of Toronto were visitors re-' ^"'^"'* *"** ''"''*• °' I'riceville, Mr., spent the week end with relatives, cently with the forn.er's parents, Mr.' ""** j^'"' ^•^^'" ^'"^*' ^l^d/a-nib' of London, were recent visitors (with Sunday, but Mrs. Pedlar remained with her second youngest daughter, Doris, who underwent an operation in the Durham hospital on Monday for removal of tonsils. We congratulate Ita Pedlar and wall. Two pigs were killed in the Gcnoc. I Mcrvyn Johnston, who were success- stable and a third one injured; for-' The Ladies' Aid will meet at the^"L'" P«'^'".» their entrance exama «nd Mrs. Wm. Pedlar. I .u o ^, , •â- â€¢ u n,,,.i_„ .u,. „ ,. I . • ,. the Pedlar families here. UUl ing the si'Vere elec ric sturin' ove; here last Thursday, Mr. Wes." ^''* ''°"*^ ^°'"'' '" being done here Smith's barn was struck by lightning ^*''* week. and tore some of the shingles and The Misses Gcnoe of Toronto are boarc'j off and cracked the stone holidaying with their uncle, Mr. H. Mr. Pedlar returned hoem with them CEYLON lerton apent Sunday with Mr. and^ Tottenham are visitors at the home j Mrs. Win Kemahan, j of W. Burnett. \ Mr. and Mrs. Eby of Port Elgin| (Last Week's Items) \ Mr. and Mrs. Eby of Port Elgin! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood and chiW- Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pickell of Paris' and Mr. and Mrs. H. Eby and family ren of Markdale visited on Sunday spent Thursday at R. Cook's. j of Los Angeles, Calif., are visiting. «* ^"o«- Levers. Mr. Stanley McMuUen, Mr. and with the former's son, Mr. G. Eby I Mr. Chad. Cole of Detroit is visit- Ml 3. A. McMullen of Toronto, visited, and family here. |'"«f Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mc-i Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Krum of De-j Miss Arleen Beecroft of Owen Mullen the pa-jt week. 'troit were week end visitors with: Sound spent a day with her aunt, Mrs. J. Cummins of Oshawa mot-j jir apj jjrg. Eby in this village. j Mrs. E. Wickens. ored up and visited her brother, Mrs. jjjgg Dorothy Robinson visitedl Mr. T Sled and son, spent Sunday McDonald accompanied them back to] ^j^j^ friend-3 in 'Coliingwood las*', with friends at Collingwood. Toronto.! i ^^^k. '' Dcies Your Home Need a Bathroom? T? it does, or if your prosent â- â- â€¢ batlroom needs modernizing, specify Emco Bathroom Fls- tures and Fittings. Quality and beauty are built into them to ensure lasting ser- vice and satisfaction. Beauty of design, gleaming vrhite or charmingly tinted, Einco Fix- tures fit into any color scheme. If you haven't runciag water in your home to supply bat^oom, kit- chen and laundry, on EMPIRE DURO WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM will solve this problem. Models made for deep or shallow weUs having minimum capacity of 250 gallons psr hour. The izitial cost is surprisingly low. Install an Empire Duio and solve the water supply problem forever. D. McKILLOP - - Flesherton, Ont. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Via. Smith were Mr. Edwin Smith, wife and family, of Ix)ndon, Mrs. Ed. Phillips and wife of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Al- cox and daugh'or, and Mrs. Wm. Al- cox, of Markdale. >Iess'-.> Percy Gorham and George Tucker motored up from Toronto on Saturday and spent the week end with their wives, who are camping here for a few holid.iys. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Croft v.-cre Mr. and Mrs. Melville Douglass and family of Feversham; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Croft, and Mr. Russell Croft of the Fourth Line. Mr. and Mrs. Will Clark and Mr. Will English of Idaho, arrived here Thursday for an extended visit with relativfrj. They are visiting with their sister. Airs. Thos. Fisher at present. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Russell and fam- ily of Idaho, who have been visiting relatives here for several months were the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fisher and family. EUGENIA PUBLIC SCHOOL Agent i CmpVtB 9yu^Ub Prassure Water Systems and Bathroom Fittinj^s (Promotion R«»sultH> Sr. .3 to Jr. 4 â€" Ron. Middleton H, Argyl Martin (H,) Bernice Camp- bell, Verniee Fawcett, Earl Russell, Teddie Campbell. J^. 3 to Sr. 3â€" Ruth Russell, Ann- ieta Turner, Herbie Fawcett. Sr. 2 '0 Jr. .3â€" Nancy Middleton, Verda Gonoe. Jr. 2 to Sr. 2â€" Douglas Morgan H; Ilene Rus.-,ell (H), Hazel Turne(H), Jr. 2 â€" Leone Duckett, Jean Tu- dor. Sr. Pr. to Jr. 1â€" Evelyn Camp- bell, Winnetta Martin, Reggie Faw- cetc Carmel Martin, Rody Gordon, Ruth Gordon. Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr.â€" Mabel Duck- ett, Ehvard Campbell, Elmer Colgan, Diris Fav/cet^, Rete Gordon. Names in order of merit. Sylvia E. Acheson, Teacher. TENDERS WANTED For f iki ig off old .shingles, and rtv hiniling the Flesherton Public Schoo'. . , , .u Tendcrr. will be received by the iir('ers-ignc'.l up to six o'clo4.k on Saturday, July 20, 1929; contractor to furnish scaffolding. The lowest or any tender not nec- I'ssarilv accepted. Dated July U, 1920. â€" E. McKILLOP, Chairman. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Hosiery Specials For Ten Days FOR THE LADIES LADIES' SILK HOSE. 4.-)c. PAIR r,0 dozin Ladicii' Silk llo.se, sub- Etandards of a liie soid at ?1.00 per pair. All the best shades are shown in thi.s lot. All sizes, und a real bar- gain at, pere pair 45c. LADIES' SILK AND LISLE HOSE 3 I'AIRH FOR $1.00 25 dozrn Ladies' Silk and Lisle Hose, all first quality in assorted shades and all sizes up to 10. Roular 50c. value. Salu price .'fSc, 3 pair ....|1.00 LADIES' C01T0N HOSE. 35c. 40 dozen Ladies' Fine Cotton Hose, nnstly all colors in thi:» lot. All sizes A riguar 46c. line. Sale price per pair 25c. LADILS' FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE. S1..1S» A PAIR 25 dozen Ladiis' Full Fashioned lloiw iin uU first, (luality. Two of the htst makers of full fashioned silk hose are shown in the lot. Almost every nhade and size. Reg. $1.75. Sale Price a pair $1.39 Friday morning, sharp at eight o'clock, the door of the store will awing open to the greatest Hos- iery 'Sale ever attempted by us. FOR THE CH CHILDREN'S HOSE. 25c. n pair 30 dozen Children's Fine Mercerized Ribbed Hose in as.sorted shades, sizes 4 1-2 to 9. Regular value from 35c. to 50c. Clearing at, your choice per pair 25c. CHILDREN'S SILK PLATED SOX 45c. 20 dozen Children's Fine Ribbed Pat- ed Sox in as.sorted shades, sizes C 1-2 ti 9. A beautiful sox and a real wearer. Sale Price per pair 45c. noV'S HEAVY RIKHED HOSE 15 dozen only. Boy's Heavy Ribbed Hose, assorted colors and a stocking that will give the best of wear, sizes G 1-2 to 10 1-2. Sale Price, per pair 25c. This store will be open every Tuesday night until 10.30, during the summer months. Mrs. J. Chesney and daughter, Bet- ty are visiting with friends in Ham- ilton. John McMillan, who has been em- ployed in Toronto, returned home on Tuesday, having happened with an accident to his hand. Visitors at Mrs. White's over the week end were Mr. Jack White and lady friend. Miss Delia White, Mr. and Mrs. .Si^anley White and daugh ter. Miss Aina White and Mr. R. Brown of Toronto. Mr. Jas. W. McMullen went to To ronto for the holiday and was ac companied back by Mrs. Wilson Mc- Mullen. Misses A. and E. Grant of Toronto Mr. F. J. Grant and family of Dur- ham, and Mr. Brock Grant of Welland spent the first of the week at Mr. Al- lie Muir's. Mrs. Jas. Patterson of Toronto and former resident of Ceylon visited Mrs. Knox and called on old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chislett of To- ronto called on old friends on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leslie, Toron- to .motored up for the week end, and was accompanied back by Mrs. Ar- chie McMullen, Master Orton and Fern Leslie. Mrs. S. Hill of Markdale and Mr. and Mrs. Westover, Billy and Min.i. St. Petersburg, Fla., visited Mrj. 11. Piper the first of the week. Mr. Angus Whittaker spent a few davs in Toronto. Mrs. T. Baxter and Will Vickery of Caledon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stringer. Miss M. Stringer. Mi-3S Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Lut- ivp, Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McMullen over the holi- day last week. Mr. Jimmie Sinclair spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Miss Jeanette and Miss Winifred McMullen of Toronto are visiting with :h('ir mother at present. Mr. Morrison and his mother of Meaford and Mr. Al. Love of To- ronto and Mr. and Mrs. Simons and son from the city were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chr;-3 Thompson last week. ARTEMESIA COUNCIL Artemesia Council met at Flesher- Mr. Chas. Waters and lady friendUjjn „„ j^iy 4^ iy2a. The members cf Toronto also three other young j ^y„g gj] present; the Reeve presid- people from the city were week end. jng, <r),e rninutes of the former visitoij with Mr. a:id Mrs. Chrisj meeting were read and on motion Thompson. | ^.^re adopted. Accounts presented and passed as follows: Regis' ery office, register- ing by-law 875, $3.64; Municipal World, collector's rolls S19.85; the • Assessor, for postage $2.00; Claims ""or sheep killed, ordered paid, Harry Genoc, S30; C. Thompson, $14; H. Fisher S.30; D. Adams $13; Geo. Bowles S30; and valueri fees: R. Piper $2.50; J. Campbell $2.50; W. J. Beatty. $1.50; F. Taylr S2.00. Road Superintendent Patton pre- sented his report showing expended $2240.00 which, on motion, was pass- ed and amounts were ordered to be paid. John Dow and Christopher Irwin were appointed Weed Inspectors In â-  I lieu cf the resigned. By-laws 876 and 877, re Proton TORONTO LINE NORTH M]-. and Mrs. Chas. Sled and family of Lumsdcn, 'Sast' , viiited at the home of the former's brother, Mr T. J. Sled, last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever spent the week end with their daughter, Mrs. Gerald Morgan at Tottenham. Mervin McFadden is spending his vacation with friend-3 near Orange- ville. Mr. Cecil McEachnie of Brampton' and Misses Cora Dunn of Parkinson, Station Drainage System were pass- .\Igoma, and Kathleen Murdock of ed and signed. Small Advts. LOST STRAYED & FOUND FARM FOR SALE LOST â€" Hound on Saturday, July C, bro'ce loose has collar and tag attached. Finder please notify A. Sparks, Flesherton. VICTORIA CORNERS Mina Scott is improving nicely. Mr. A. Stinson's house was struck with the lightning on Saturday night last at about 1 o'clock it came down the outside of the chimney, knocked off plaster, made a hole in the roof, ran down behind the stove, tore the linoleum under the stove and splint- evcd the wood but no other seriou-3 damage was donj. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Killins and son of Smithville are holidaying at Chas. Moore's. Margaret More of Buffalo is at her home for the holiday.;. We are very sorry to report that Mrs. Ernie Stinson has not been nearly so well, though at the time of writir;? is much improved. Dr. Jamicson of Durham wai called anil Nurse Smith, also of Durham, is in charge. 110 acres in the TowtishiD of Ar- temesia. lots 77 and 78, 1 N.D.R., about 85 acres under cultivation,. i balance pasture and mixed bush; bam LOSTâ€" 4Square school satchel con- 36x60 with T 36x45. all with stone, taining ladies' hand bag, containing I basement, in good repair, water at silver and odds and end-s. Will the | barn; driving shed 24x30, also hen finder please leave at the Advance 1 house; 8-room.ed solid brick house office or Down's garage, Flesherton. ' !!?*.h "o*' ^''^^^^ cistern and fuma*-. _ ^ I This is a good grain and stock farm. LOST â€" Between Kimberley and j well fenced and watered, situated' Eugenia, on Saturday, July 6, one I convenient to railway, church and" I'own imitatiiin leather suit case, school. Reason fir selling is on* Party f ndiug jame leavj at Eugen- account of poor health. For partic- ia Post Office or Advance Office. 1 "'*" "P^'^' °" nremiso.=!. ( W. A. MORTON. STRAYED â€" On June 1st from R. R. 2, Proton Station, promises of undersigned. Lot 10, con. 3, S.D.R.. Gsprey, â€" one dark red sow. Kindly natify JOHN MOORE, Pro- ton Station, R. R. No. 2. Phone 84 r 12. BOAR FOR SERVICE. FOR S A L B Fresh kihi of lime, ready this week. â€" T. Fenwick, 8th line Artomesia. FOR SALEâ€" Heavy horse, Â¥yrs. old. â€" A. Harrison, phone 41 r 4. Miss Richardson of Laurel is via-^ pQR SALEâ€" Piano, beautiful up- iting her sister, Mrs. Ernast Stin- jig^t owner wil sacrifice. Apply t>) Miss V. A. Nicholson, Flesherton. Resristered Yorkshire Boar for MF>- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Cliib^ the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriciiltnre. â€" C. STEWART. CareUker. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICS FOR SALE â€" Young driving horse, four years old and rubber tire buggy good as new â€" H. Down & Sons, Flesherton. son here. Lawson Lochart and Robert Lud- low of Detroit -.spent the Fourth of July and a couple of days at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. J. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reid, Mrs. McCol-j â€" lough and Francis, Toronto, visited at FOR SALEâ€" Harley-Davidson twin George Ludlow's. | cylinder motorcycle, with side car, Mr. and M'.v^ Ashby and Mr. and . ^f,*>""t and in first class condition.â€" Mrs. Ummcry of Chicago are expect- Wes- Armstrong, Flesherton. ed at George Ludlow's on Monday Registered Shorthorn bull for vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Oaprey, "Marry Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire. Bponh Marquis 142.381; Dam, Red Etotterfly 131,078. Terms â€" Purebreda 15.00. grrades $2.00. Cows not returned will be charge full price, â€" S. R. HAWKINS. Eurmla. GEO E.-DUNCAlf DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER - Fir the County of Grey. Tarmsi FOR SALEâ€" 18 good cows, heavy 1 per cent. Satisfaction p twi colt, 3 years old, also new Massey- Dates made at The Advance offlea. Harris spreader. â€" Walter Akitt, Mrs. Quigg '.Tnd Beth are visiting her sister, Mrs. George Ludlow. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and Ro- '. Flesherton, phone 11 r 6. zella were visiting at Woodstock] pQjj j^^^,j, _ gj^ ^^^^^j ^^^^^ last week. and good garden, opposite the high Service was closed at Inistoge on school in Flesherton. â€" Mrs. W. J. Sunday on account cf the Orange^ Caswell, Proton Station, R R 3. sermon at Proton. ... ,. ... -,11 u . .♦ 1 F'OR SALE â€" For cash, or note We hope there will be much bette, 1 ^^.;^^ ^^ ^^ g,,, ^^^^^ weath.A- â-  or V-mV.day evening the ^^^, ^.^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^3 ^^^^^ day of our garden party than .. has ^^. ^^^ j^,j ^^ ^^^^ ^ been for the l.nst couple of days, as . ^^ ^^ ,^^^ j^^^ jg^ ^ ^ we have h ad considerab le rain. , y. ^ g ^ interested parties make an offer toâ€" L. R. Thistlethwaite, 21 Connor .-^ve., Toronto. FEVERSHAM Dr. and Mrs. T. N. Scott of Toron- to were recent visitors with the lat- ter's brother Mr. John Black. Mn. and Mrs. W. J. McMillan are holidaying with friends in Kitchen cr and other towns in western On- tario. Mr. MacMillan is manager of the Ba.\'; of "Toronto here and Mr. Shafer of 'Meaford is relieving here. Misj Lavine and MiSa Louise Black MISCELLANEOUS NOTICEâ€" Carload of salt to arrive in a few days. Give orders early â€" Harold SpofTord. MIDDLEBnO & BURNS Barriatera, etc Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton evesy Saturday afternoon and evenin;. BUSINESS CARDS Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. « A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm- strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. G. Watson. W. M., C. F Lawrenca. •Secretary EGGS WANTED â€" Highest mark- et prices wil be paid in cash.^-Jno. \ Runstadler, Flesherton. Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I, B. Lucas, K. C, W D Henry, B.A, Offices, Markdale Lticaa' Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. Telford & Birnie. Barristers, soli- citors, etc. Offices Grey and Bmca For the Men For the M en MEN'S MIRINO COTTON SOX, 23c. PAIR 50 do:'.';'n Men's C )tton Sox, renman make. A real wearing .Sox. .Sik-i-i.-iI price per pair 26c, MEN'S WORK SOX. Lie PAIR 25 dozfi Men's Work Sox in a^iorted colors. This line w-ill give the working man lots of wear. Sale Prioq per pair 15c. MEN'S SOX, 5 PAIR FOR $1.00 .'to dozen Men's Fancy Checked and Plain Cot- ton Sox. A licuutiful quality and will give good wear. Sale price, r, pair for SLUG MEN'S SILK AND WOOL SOX. 4.'>c. PAIR 20 do/.on Men's Silk and Wiol Sox, fanrv plaid pattern, first quality and n real buy. Sale Price per pair 45c. "Where Quality is Higher Than Price" NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Saturdays only. â€" Graham Bros. Eu- of Tornta vi^iitcd with their brother, 'ggnja, i\T\-. John RUuk recentiy. I our. ^r. r.,^»,rr, :-^=^- Miss M. K. Heron of Toronto is! ^^ ^'^^^^ OR RB^T - 100 ac- visiting with Colquette. Mr. and Mrs IhI^^ity""fter"hnliduyi^g">o7'awcek''^P^^'y ^° ^- «â-  T^i^Methwaite, 2^ ' '^'m. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioii^ in Toronto. Port McNiohol and here. J-""'"^'' '^J''-- Toronto or W. J. Bel-; for the counties of Grey and Siracoe. farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and dates her sister, Mrs. Robt.'' ^^^' '"*'« l^"- \^''J. «• ^V-. T. & O. Block. Owen Sound; Standard Bank jS N. on No. 10 Highway m town- Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays) W rs. WiH Cohuiette of ''»''»' f Ar enu>«ia, '. ,^0 from P. Telford, Jr., J P. p D?i'e ,ave returned home 'Jl'^"^?^- ; '""'•VT J^'^'^^'^'^^-]- " -^^^^^ Mr.^. Will Ferguson and .son, Don- ald, of Rochester, N. Y.. arc the L'uests of Mr. and V.rs. John Black here at present. Mr. John Specr ha:^ gono to K'lt la\-, FlLvshcrtoii. SHINGLES New BrunswiiU White Ceclar. 5 may be made at the Advance office, or Central telephone office, Feversham, .-honcr to atl.nd a Mennonite camp t^ ._. inp,,^^ i^^^,.^, perf^ctlv clear Z"" ^^ 'xUre-'^ng me at Fevexsh.'kra, meeting there. Miss (Sivia Henderson of South- ampton is V.^iiling with Miss Ann KdtiiiiFon and other friends here at (n (-sent. Mrs. Wm. Ilnnley of Ottawr\ is vis- itin.i: with her sister, Mr.i. J. A. Kcr- ".hnn and famil of knots !\nd sapwood. Clears in, 1 ' clo-- ar-' up. Phone your orders: 13w. W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON BULL FOR SERVICE BOAR FOR SERVICE Do. and iln. 1. Ottewell of Flesh- C. Akins, R. R. 3, Proton Station. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vli-eâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,998 ,â€" Property of S.nugeen Bacon Hig pniham Bull for service. $1.50 if ^'"^' Terms $1.00. pai(i before January, otherwise $2. :. C. HINDLE ^ ( Proton Station ^=>

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