y-tT' â- »'^fc , â- .xn :^ Is YOUR APPrriTEPOCR? PERHAPS bj aiccing or och«r Dwana, you have been treating the lymplotn*, rather tban the cauac. Loas of appetite, heartburn, lour â- Comach, arc lymptoms that the blood is impure. This cxptairM tiie auccesaful uae of Dr. Wiilianu' Pink P!U« in all (uch caaea. Here ij « typical example:â€" "I began to feci eaaily tired," write* Mias Margaret White, of Parry Souul, "and when I aat down to a meal I felt I did not want to eat. A doctor toid me I wa* inefmic but I oaada Uttla progteaa with hi* madirim When I •taxted taJdng Dr. Wiltinn*' Pink PiO* I tooa noticed that my appatita waa improving, that the hcodachaa camcleaa f raVWBlfjr and Aat I waa nM â- o aaattf tirtd. New my hi haa inccaaacd, my Barley Notes Ilnteretting data I ACTION NEEDED Found in Wales JO FIGHT WEEDS Unearthing of Tile Bearing Greek Cross of Third Cen- I tury at Caerleon Seta Conversion Forward 200 Ye.ars A sample of bnrlty sui(.ib!e for making malt miiKt be pure us to vari- ety, unifiiim as to maturity nn<! Miur- oiipbly maiiire; a mixt-.ire of varitil^Hi will give bt-k of uiiifortuily. The i sample must not be Injiired and mnst > be free from other graiiia ami wetil I seeds. X'reEiiming tbat the crop to be bar vested is from pure seed of a known London. â€" ExcavatioiiB at an old Rc- variety, muili can be done uow to In- 1 jnan .ortress at (..aerleon, .Vlorimouth- sure a pood sample from the malt- i shire, hi.ve revealed a tile liearin}; a sters' viewpoint. Firstly, the Krain crests dating iroin the third tviitiiry. must be fully raaturfd, in other words, The discovery is described liy V. E. "dead ripe;" (here must be no green | N'a.«h-Wi!l:anis of the National .Mu- kernels or immatuie kernels In ttie ..seum of Wales as "epoch-makii fe," and sample. If necessary, save for the i indicates tha- Christianity reached malting sample, only the parts of ihei Wales at, least 5J0O years earlier than field that are free from sipna ofjhitheito supposed. Kreennees, and put the rest of thel .\ccoidirg- to some, however, Wales grain in a separate bin. Thi9 extra ' received Christianity thvoug-.i the work insures a sample that the malt-' Claudia mentioned in Paul's Epistle to sters will buy, and consequently com- the Romans and in Timothy. Claudia mandis a better price. The grain, at- ! is lelieved to have been a Briti-sh prin- ter ciittinp. should be allciwed to cure, cess, ilauphter of Caractacus, residing in the stock for a shnrt time, but must j -eniporariiy in Rome with her Roman not be left too Ion« as, uwinK to tbeihuaband, Pudens, who afterward re- inclement .weather often fcxpfirlem-od turned home and w!th a little band of at this time. Injury may occur fi-om ^'on^'frts .= pread the new doctrine. A sprouting in the stock, cr bad Uis- stone bearirar Puden's name was found coloration. j at Chichester recently. Dumped FruH Ilaratllon .SpectaKir .liid. Cons): There is no objection to Unlteil fnilt and vegelablett cuiuiuji into Canada before our own produce -r • 1 1 v7 . "1^''*' "â- appearance. Neither do Tax Levied by Weeds on Agri-j Canada's producers object to fair culture of Province Mount- i competition. But it is held to be an Classified Adveritseraents BABV CHICKS n itucka I'^c, Brown L.tfttliut'!:sf Miid .iiicopuM lie. White i.oglt<)rn:4 lUir. iia- » lied >:llll-U:l !lc. R<ipit:s» lMii<l uii Jf)t> ur t)\Kr; rri-o cuialtiKiv- A. H S^^Itzer, ing Yearly msH WAHTXD. injustice to permit American frui'a and vegetables, harvested by cheap Mexican and negro labour in Callfor- nia and the Southern States, to be ! ;;;. --^'-r c^«ani^t_K.n^ .vn-y^ 31 iJ.N- W.wriClJ Tl) Si:!,L vVATKINS :io yuulny i-ruducts in rjriil jmmj- j liiina of t>;iuii ]i). Woi hi a liii'Kest factory FARMERS START CAMPAIGN The weed menace !d Ontario haa! dumped Into the Dominion wliea the: la-iipiantnt bUMtiicss. Crvdii arranK?d to markedly Increased during the past 'first Canadian crops are i'«a>iy '"r tl>e hJ' Vt^/.t/ity'c^nt^uv'D^^K'i^ few years. It is not an exaggeration market. The Canadian growera are oiiia.io!" ' ' •<â- '•*â- - not unreasonable In their demand that they be protected form this kiud of| competition. to say that in certain parts of the pro- vince certain weeks like the Perennial Sow Thistle are driving men off their farms. The tax levied by weeds on the agriculture of the province has been mounting yearly. One of the ' * chief reasons ivhy the weed menace' .^n election campaign la a combina- has increa.sed with each succeedins ; -'"" "f !wnd-hhakii)g and legpuiling! yea---* is the indeniable fact that in I - the past vast quantities of weeds have been allowed to ripen seeds on roadsides ,in school-yards, on waste and vacant lands, along our lanes and headlands and in our fence corners and odd spots here and there on the farm. The^'following an tne number of si*eds producid ay sin^'le plants of (iverase ."ize m oi.e season: Canada Mistress (testily) â€" "Dear me, I told ! you to (ill that iit-ppfr-pot (|uite an •> J hour ago. Haven't you done It vet?" Minard-8 Liniment^ for aching JoinU., ^3J,,__..^-„t y^f^ ma am. It is su.h a : job getting it through the little holes." It May Be iAcd." Start tod a y to impaora yomr appetite. Boy Dr. Wil. liama' Piak Pilb from yoav diimgiir'a or by mail, poat- paU, at SO oaf a baa faoa Tha Dr. WiMama Medkina Ok, BeeckriUe, Ontario. Saad for free baokâ€" "What to Bat aad Hew to Eat". S-U Careful threshin:,- is just as import- j It -as been disclosed that ti"ij_n< the! ,j,,^j^j,g_ .j.,jq. ^,_j,.,g^ ^^ bellow Dock, ant as careful harvesting. Many a. subsequent conversion cf the Engli.<=h L.(,Qy. common Ragweed. 5,000; good crop has been mined by careless there were many pomts of 'I'fferer.ce Uhieorv, 3.000; Perennial Sow Thistle, threshing. Good barley must be free,'" (ipctrine between the ancient Chris- op^Q. ^yj,,j Lef^nce. S.COO; Stinkweel. from broken or skinned kernels, too jti^nity known on these islands anil the j'o qoo Every weed that is alloA-ed* close threshing will cause this. It is^-^w forms intrducted by Augr^iftine Lq' „,;,ture produces at least I.OOO better to have a iittle cf the awn ad-.'-^";^" *!?.* ^"'P'f « "[ ^^"]e- , , | seeds and most of them ripen sever.tl hering to the kernel than by close j The 'Wel.sh church, nideed, always j „,oj,^3„j ^g^jg ,„ ,^6 past weeds by the mil'i'iis have be'?n aMo.ved to mature in this province and scatter I their billions of seeds far and wide. i Is it any wonder that tfce weed' threshing to have the hull skinned cff, Infused to .submit to Rome, and re-j as this injury allows the entrance of, t^'^^'J ''s independence untilWales was j moulds, and a consequent deteriora- i '^^<^'J<:<1 '">' Edward I. regainintf it'i tlon In U/fnt MADE HER BABY PLUMP AND WELL PUl BSk IH-^llicims' PINK PILIiS "A MOUSSHOU> MAMC IN 14 COUNTRIKS" the malt prodded from thel''?"'" ^-'th the revolt of Her.ry VIII., grain. By the use of proper screens |-^^ 5"^*""' later. In the thresher, many cf the weed) s«eds can be removed, thus lessening ! the work In recleaning the grain upi to the required standard for malting. Spray Late | Not infrequently letters are re- ceived at the Central Experimental! Farm from growers com.plaining that,| although they tave sprayed their , trees, their fruit, during that particu- lar year, has been biidly affected with apple scab. Upon close inquiry. It is generally ascertained that ocly the j first two or three sprays have been given and that late Icfefctations of! apple scab have caused the trouble. Growers should realize that there} is no set number of sprays required,! no rule of thumb method whereby; economic control can be guaranteed.! Some years the late sprays are alli Important, while during ethers the reverse is the case. The calyx spray, ' which goes on before the calyx closes j ;j" ^y Daby'7 Own Tablets. These IS g-neially the third spray and in Tablets relieve constipation and in-' some seasons may have to be followed I Nothing makes a mother more, grateful than a benefit conferred up-' en her child. Mothers everywhere who have used BabyV Own Tablets for their children speak in enthusias- tic terms of them. For instance. Mrs. Zepherin Lavole, Three Rivers, Que., writes: â€" "Baby's Own Tablets are a wonderful incdicir for little ones. They never fail to regulate the baby's stomach and bowels and make him plump and well. I always keep a box cf the Tablets in the house and woald advise all mothers to do like- wise." Most of the ordinary ailments of chiidhood arise in the stomach and bowels, and can be quickly banish- menace has incre.istd In Ontario? Are we going to tolerate this state Of affairs any longer I' Ontario? No. The farmers of the province have raised their voices in protest. An Act haa lieen passed by tha Legisla- ture to enable them to meet the situa- tion. United action Is what is re- ^ quired low. Every munlcipaiity. ; every farmer, every land owner in town or country must unite in the war against weeds and see :hat t'oeyl are cut early and often enough to I prevent them from seeding. Wbeul the weed inspectors send out notice i ^ticura V^OINTMENT â- ^ .A. tried and tmsty ^^ liitr.tl icr 50 years. 'j.'HE SSACTICAl W££S Ili:;iXSOY£K Wrt'U Cop Kills ihe .'>o(.s also. Weed C<'P iuin-poisoiiou.** >;heiinc;il wiiicii I'an be sprayed on iliB wo.cds. GiVe your cmps a .•h:ince. Wilte todi.y io>" full Infornia- :i(.ii to: Onta-lo Distil- l.,;tiir3. rertilizar ft Feeda. limited 3880 Simdaa Street Weat, Toronto 9. Out. Kfi rl .M. <Iri)Se. T'ies!<Jfrt A-sk for prui-s on full wlitiit ffrt'li:.;s. When ffour Children Ciy for It Cuts and Burns Minard's soothes infianima'icn, removes all poison and iieals q:il.k!y. digestion, break up colds and simple that it is time to cit weeds let no one :ag behind or neglect his duty. Promptness Is necessary to prevent all weeds from seeding. .Many weeds, it cut after they have passed ^'i-' , remedy bloom, will mature their seeds. In order, therefore, to secure the greatest results from the time and labor e.x- peuded, everyone concerned should see that weeds are cut just as soon as possible after the inspector gives notice. United action is required so that by at least two inore. To obtain con-|,evers, expel worms, allay teething' „„ ^.^^dg be left uncut on roadsides, trol of apple scab, n must be remem- p^in, ^^^ promote heaUliful sleep. '..^.^nt lands, railway tracks, school- bered that it is necessary to practic- j They are guaranteed to be " ally keep the foliage and young fruit ; injurious drugs and are sa I covered with a good fungicidal spray. !,|,e youngest and most delicate child lifiil sleep. ..^cant lands, railway tracks, school- "1 '' ,nr.,l,-« snrp • e even for^ „f ^.^^^^ .^^^ ,g ,gft „n^,„. ,, ^ menace, ^'„_ . ,. .... Color Television »aratus Shown Apps Three Electric Eyes Current Corresponding to Tint in Subject New Yorkâ€" Color television has b«ea demonstrated at the Bell Tele- phone Laboratories, which devised the apparatus fcr the American Tele- to the farms and gardens in the neigh borhood, iin eyesore and a costly moLument of neglect, signifying tbat some one has failed to do his duty to his muulcipality and to !;is neighbors. t/ommunlty pride and regard for , the rigots of others should serve as Londoa Observer (Imi.): After the incentives to prompt and united ac- , ,, ^ ,. . , .. . .there remained but two mistakes' tioa on the part of all concerned. r.ives' , K^ y,^"?. ^ "'"''!"""; "'^'l " ',"! which the Swarajists could cci^imit. When such is secured the weed men- Uives doubt should immediately consult .^^^^ ^.^j^^ ^.^^ themselves off f rom ' ace will be much dec:eased. our farms the Indians who have accepted seats j will be cleaner and _ moro profitable Only by doing so can the fruit be j The Tablets are sold by med'clne safeguarded against late infection. ' dealers or by mail at 25c a "do\ from Very frequently fruit is kept dean The Dr. William's Medicino Co..' until late into .\ugust and then, on ac- Brockvllle, Ont. ' count of a few days of dgse, muggy ! weather, sufficient scab appears on I the fruit to cause serious loss. Orow-i ers should be constantly on the alert CTastoria is a comfort when Baby Is fretful. No sooner taken than the little one Is at ea.-e. It restless, a few drops soon bring contentment, j No harm Jone, for Castoria is a baby j meant for babies. Perfect-: I !y safe to give the yciungest infant; ; •you have the doctors' word for that! i It is a vegetable product and you 1 could use it every day. But it's in an j emergency that Castoria means most.', I Some night when constipaticn must be relievedâ€" or colic painsâ€" or other 1 suffering. Never be without it; some mothers keep an extra bottie, un- here will al- house. It is ! effective for older children, too '[ the book that comes wi'h !t read The Indian Situation their nearest spray service. In a large number ot the fruit districts, these spray services are now well under way and offer the grower a means of obtaining much better guidance than has been available !n the past. Another important reason for keepiag phone & Telegraph Company. The control of the scab right through the apparatus, except for the addition of season is tbe bad effect ot scab on â- pedal color mechanisms, was the foliage. Loss of leaves prematurely •aiue as that demonstrated three due to any cause means loss ot crop jears ago in a wire and radio test, the follow tng season. lietween New York and Washington. ITor the experiment, the receiring ftnd recording apparatus was set up In th» auditorium ot the Bell labora- ftorles, but the system is subject to use oyer long distauce wire or radio circuits. The dllTerence between the «oler television machine Is merely the addition ot three electric eyes, each transmitting a current corres- ponding to the amount of the natural color in the subject. . Johnny was tHvldIng an apple be- ,'tweeu b»s older sister and himself. He i»ook the larger halt and gave Mary the smaller. "If that had only been me." said Mary, "I'd have kept the smaller halt." Johnny replied â€" "Well, â- what are you hollering about? You've ]got tbe smaller half" Wli«n i|ou need anij Circular saui- For woodor metal get a "SIMONDS" â€"the apcciatly tempered Steel takes and holds • wonderful edge , A 1* yoKf Jealir tr vriU ear n4»rttt t/raiKh, MCMTIUKL - TOKONTO^ ^ VANCOUVM > 9QW9 n* JOHN. K* â€" M. B. Davis, CeBtral Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ont. on Sir John Simon's Joint Free Con- ference, and they might antagoniic the Indian Princes. Both mistakes have been cor.iniited. In the long run the second will probably prove the more deadly. It is. of course, out of the Question that the Princes will ac- cept or that Iiidiam settlement will permit them to accept, a position of complete sobordination to an All- Indian Government at Delhi. â- * â- Sense of Humour Katharine Brcsh in the Women's Journal: â€" People who take life serioisiy work harder and longer than those who do not, but I wonder if they really fret more dyne? They have no sense of humour, and they lio not know ugh and our highways and byways will be- come attractive beauty spots, indicat- ing individual and municipal pride end prosperity. The Real Cleavage Spectator (London): We are confideni; that the real cleavage in oar political life will soon be recognized by all. And this means that the 1)^.^. jo play ; and pleasure and majority of Liberals, certainly, will|tjr between-whiles are good work, as range thewwives on tbe side of pro- ',.„;„ fpr the garden. People who take gtess. We !.hall then have the two jnfg seriously are likely to be plodders, genuine parties, the Projcressive ;^vherea8 most of the really spectacular (which will BO doubt for some timej^vork of the world i.s done in spurts, retain the badge c£ Labour), strong '1,^ te^,p€ra„,ental, holiday-loving mad- in the strenbth of Free Trade because [t^vn. of its up-to date conception of the *â- orgaized world community, and for the same reason ready to pledge their country to a periranent system of arbi- tration for inter-State disputes; the Conservative in the strict sense (in- c'uring, no dcibt, seme of the present Labour-Socialist party) which would be bitten by the microbes of Protection and a short-sighted Imperial policy as against the League. « â€" ^ Fred was on his first visit to a farm and he was greatly interested by some young chickens which had just been hatched. "I say," he said to the farm- er, "have they come out of the eggs because they are afraid ot the darU?" ♦ i Minard's Liniment for Earache. We iiear very Uttle complaint in these changed times about the height of the kitchen sink, but considerable about the position ot the brake and clutch pedals.- Ohio State Journal. ^ Nephew of Late Czar Becomes Tiiil Driver.â€" Headiice. About the only pvofession in which czarism still exists. â€" Arkansas Gazette. T'nere is a story • f a man w hem others called poor and who had just enoHgh fortune to support himself in going about the couniry in the simp- lest way and enjoying the life and beauty of it. He was once in the company of a great millionaire, who GASTORIA So "Skinny" CouMn't Work. Gains 21 lbs. and New Strengthj Miss Donle nrisuin writes, "Belore i I took Irouized i'e:ist 1 was so 'tkinny' I 1 could not do my ilay's work. But now I can work hard ail day and rest good ail nighL . "About 3 months ago my weight was 128 pouiuis. lii!i;ized Yeast gave, me 147 pojuds of good flesh. You I would think I was another woman, I ' fchl and look so much better." Stop being "skinny" and always tired. Thousands have gained 5 to, 35 pounds in 3 weeks with Ironized Yeast. Scrawny bones change to | graceful curves. Blotched skin be- 1 comes clear and fresh. "I>azy" feel- ing vanishes. ! Only when Yeast is Ironized is It] so wimdertully effectiveâ€" for Iron Is: needed to bring out the weight-build- j lug anil strengthening values of Yeast.: Pleasant tablets in a bandy bottle.! safe tor everybody. Never cause ga.s [ Give and Take Three Rivera Novelllste: A cam paign has been proposed in Montreal [said the millionaire was engaged in business, working at or bloating, it daily and getting richer every vcar. Go to any druggist to-day and get n and the poor wan said to the million^ full size treatment ot Ironized Yeast, aire:" "I am a richer man than yoti'" ^^'^^ 'his generous trial you are are." "How do you make that out?'' Why," he tc- to leach pedestrians to cross the road without getting themselves run over by motor cars. It might be more to the point If they started away by ira- posiug on motor cars the fundamental respect needed for the trafllc regula- tions. .ji It I knew you and you knew me. If both of us could clearly see, And, with an inward sight, divine The meaning of your heart and niiiie- I'm sure that we would differ less. And clasp our hands in friendliness. Our thoughts would pleasantly c^ce, not de!i.?hted, get your money back; f;om druggist or manufacturer. If inconvenient to buy from druggist. Ground has beeu broken tor a new jf i knew you, and you ki;ew ipc. bridge between Windsor, Ontario, and " .> Detroit. Why not a pipe line?â€" . Lawlessness and Publicity Brooklyn E^ngle. FERTILIZERS FOR FALL WHEAT Carpfully compounJwl to i>i<>niote proper growth. Fall and Spi l:iK- Eviry rarlot n)iil les.x jurlot l.uyer Hhoiild havf our price.i. Wrllt Now. .*Kem» WHiitoil. Minltiium c.ir 15 tons. .No rvhson to complain ot liiKh pi ices It jou buy fii'in ut. Write tnilay. FERTILISERS AND FEEDS LIMITED B M. GB08E Free., 8330 Snnaaa St. Weat, Tczoato 9. Caa. Our Motto: Qaallty â€" Service â€" Sailaf net'- a. »» ' Halifax Herald (Cons.): The best !way to promote better entorcemeDt of the laws Is to give publicity to the f.'.ct that the laws are not being en- forced. Muzzle the pressâ€" and law- lessness will thrive. plie<l, "I have got as much money as .gnd f j 25 to Canadian lionized Yeast I want and ycu have not." Co.. Ltd . Fort Erie. On*. Desk 425-BS ^»fi*^^ :PHIILSPS= MAO/V, ^'-.r For TroubJes due to Acid aCidS'Om^cm HBAalBO"" MtADACMl Si our Stomach Just a tasteless dose ot Phillips' Milk ot Magnesia in water. That is an alkiill, effecilve. yet harmless. It I A boy made his first trip into the ''as been the standard antacid for SO years among physicians everywhere. , city from his little villa-te. He treate«l ' himself to an ice-cteani cone, walked iiutside to eat it. an I then brought back the cone toiho counter. Hand- iiu; it to the clerk, bo said, 'Thanhs Ijr the vasel" departs. Ycu are happy again iijflve' iiiinutes. { Don't depend on cmdo methods, | Employ the best way yet evolved In all the years ot searching. That is I I'hiiiips' -Milk of !\lagnesiiu I One spoonful will neu'ralize .it once I Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' inauy .imes its volume in acid. It is Milk cf Ma.stnesia pre>*crlbed by pliysi- the ilglit way, the tiukk. pleasant and'cians for 50 years in correcting excess edlclcnt way to kill the excess acid. | acids. Knch bottle contains tnll Olrec- The stomach becomes sweet, iho pain i lionsâ€" any drugstore. I Those Languid Eyes They quickly reflect your hc.-ilth and physical condition â€" rcstlcfs eyes indicate the tempcramenc cf the stomach. Warch the eyes . . . Ke tli.it the whiles are clear with a healthy bluiih tinge. The minute a yel- low tinge appears ic betrays cun- etipation, sluggish liver or bil- iousness, you need a laxative. Bring back your â- Vigour, Vim, Vitality with B««cham's Pills â€" ihe »,«• Ha^ to constant, joyuus, bouodina A . Try a rtsulu <hily W coucs. for . •Jiott i^ V«-«».,)l»,. p«io4. Your.>MwiU <* yegetablc t«lt ilie nory. Product Riad about Chnrecter itvm the jEvij in fulwe Bct^liam AthitliumtTtli. Stiti Attnif: Harsid F. Rhciii. K Co Llmilwi, Toronio p;: "I think Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound is wonJeilull I have had six children of which tour are living and my youngest is a bon- nie baby boy now c'ght months old who wciglis 23 pounds. I have talicn your medicine before each of them was bom and have certainly re- ceived great benefit from it. 1 urge . my friends to take it as I am sure they will receive the same help I Jid." â€"Wn. Mifioii Mc.Mu/lcn, Va.-ic5.<<j, Ontono. Lydja E. Pinkliain's Vegetal)!* CBmpoufiH ,i<.: ["tySPljii^M.i C.„l,'.i. Mill Vf. s , '^if?SPf»'i*"!'*'-'^'"** .â- & ISSUE No. 28â€"79