Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Jul 1929, p. 3

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â- WM < W ! IIW I irila.»«MP.JI ' My ' .i). ' .U.. 'i M.i ' .',., ' ,»...) ?: THE iMrvM ai« fed isy the blood. Poor blood oteana starved nerve tis- sue, tn!«omnia, irritability and depreMion. Dr. Willianu' Pink Pills will etirich your blood stream and rebuild your over-worked nerves. Miss iosephine M. Martin, of [itchener, Ontario, testi- fies to this : "I (utfered (ram a ncrvoiu breakdown," liie writes. "I had terrible lick headaches, dizzineas; felt very weak and could not sleep ; had no appe- tite. I felt always as if some- thing terribla were going to happen. After taking other treatment witfaont success, on my sister's advice, I tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and now â- 11 these symptoms are gone, •nd I am strong and happy â- gain." Boy Dr. Williams' Fink Pills now at your druggist's or any dealer in medicine or by mall, 50 cents, poaipaid, from the Dr. Williams Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ontario. $29 Golf Pua Bu Pr:iMlllciins' PINK PIliLS **A MCUSVWOLD MAMS â- ft •« eOUNTBIK* *" "Most British" Cities Edmonton Journal (Ind. Cons.): (The mayors of Toronto anil Kings- ton recently engaged in a violent dis- cussion concerning the justice ot either city's claim to be called the '•most Britlsb" in Canada.^ After all Is said and done, as long as Canada Is British, every city in the Dominion Is equally British. One place may have more ot the "English" atnjos- phere about it, another more ot the air of ono of the United States cities. But as time goes on anj Canada de- velops in greater degree its own characteristics out ot the elements ot other races that have mingled in the Canadian, and out of the very soil and atmosphere ot this country itself, cities will grow more Canadian and less anything else. Golf is a forn. of work made expen- sive enough for a man to enjoy It. It ia physical and mental exertion made attractive by the fact that you have to dress for It in a J200.000 club bou!>e. Golf is wbat letter carrying, ditch digging and carpet beating would be it those three tasks had to be per- formed on the same hot afternoon in short pants and colored sock.s by gouty-looking gentlemen who. require a different Implement for every mood. Golf is the simplest looking game in the world when you decide to take it up, and the toughest after you have been at it ten ot twelve years. It is probably the only knbwn game a man can play as long as a quarter Of a century and then discover that it was too deep for him in the first place. The game is played on carefully sel- ected grass with little white balls and as many clubs ai the player can af- ford. These little balls co^t from 75 cents to $2.">, and it is possible to support a family ot ten people (all adults) for five months on the money represented by ihe balls lost by some golfers in a single afternoon. A golf course has eighteen holes, seventeen of which are unnecessary and put in to make the game harder. .^ "hole" Is a tin cup in the centre of a "green". A "green" is a small parcel of grass costing $1.98 a blade and usually located between a brook and a couple of apple trees, or a lot of "unfinished excavation." The idea is to get the golf ball Into each of the eighteen cups In the few- est strokes and the greatest number ot words. The ball must not be tbrown. push- ed or carried It must be propelleil i)y about $200 worth of curious look- ing implements especially designed to provoke the owner. Each implement has a specific pur- pose and ultimately some golfers get to kno^ what that purpose is. They are the exceptions, .\fter each hole has been completed, the golfer counts his strokes. Then he subtracts six and says, "Made that In five. That's one above par. Let's play for fifty cents next hole, too, Ed." .â- \fter the final, or eighteenth hole, the golfer adds up his score and stops when he has reached eight.v-seven. He then has a swim, a pint ot gin, sings "Sweet Adeline" with six or eight other liars, and calls it the end oE a perfect day. â€" "Provincial's Pay You." Friend of the Night Flyer THE NEW 50,OOO.CANDLEPOWER SUPER-BEACON Tlita Neale beacon Is said to be twice as large as any now in use. It is seen here^ ready to be*lnstalled at Long Beach municipal airport. The finest tea you can buy â€" Red Rose Orange Fekoe. Made from juicy, flavor filled leaves â€" three days in bud. Every package guaranteed. RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra goo d Europe and the New World Classified Advertisements RED HOT JULY DAYS HARD ON THE BABY^ Labour and Socialism Ciia.s^ow Herald (ConsJ: The new I^bor Government in Britain does not seem to have anything in com- . ' ! nion with the Protectionist policy of. I [ the Australian Labor Governments. I July-tlie month of oppressive heat; . ,„ ^ost matter.s, indeed, it might , red-hot days and sweltering nights; ^eem that affairs in the two conn-! i 13 extremely bard on iitlle ones. Diar-!,,ies cannot be paralleled. Yet the j I rhoea, dysentery, colic and cholera ia-l fg^t fj,at in P""^! Australian Labor Governnien's â€" one "^^^ of which was 14 years in office W.ckham aiepa in the Itevie.v of Reviews (London): Anslo-.Vmerican naval rivalry would infallibly produce Cjndi'iors in Europe which, sooner oi ia'cr, Kould lead to atioiiier great war. -As Lord D'Abernon â€" no mean auihorljyâ€" has explained, the wiiole polity of Gernj^iiy during the past ciglit or nine years has been In- fluenced, directly or indirectly, by the United States. What German Gov- ern men's have done has been done either on .Vmerican advice or in anti- cipatio of A.^lerican approval. Were Aniclo-A.iierican relations to be mark- ed by a spirit of hostility tending to- wai'ds conflict; were Great Britain, at the same time, to lean more heavily upon France in ber foreign policy, the logical result would be for Ger- many to "play up to" the United Stales in the expectatio not a strug- gle in which Germany might hope to "get her own back." BABY CHICKS BAEV CHlCKi: JULY .V.'.D .\UGUST. RucKii 12c. Brown l-eghunis and Anconas llo. White Legliorns luo. aa- » neil (.hirks 9c. E.xpress na.J on :i") or over; free calalogue. \. H .â- jwlizer, Oranton C.'^rario q Minnrd's Linimrnt for aching joints. I fantum carry off thousands of clous little lives every summer. â-  mother must be constantly on her guard to prevent these troubles, or, i if they come on suddenly, to fight them. No other medicine is ot such aid to motliers during the hot sum- mer as is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the oowels and stomach, and an occasional dose given to the ,ve!l Magic the later stages of the ^jjo ..^n f^n .„.j,;,t magic is? Or in wbat covert does she lie? years in officeâ€" , State Socialism was at a complete dis- fnder what brown leaves or green count is worthy of remembrance, gi^j^g^ 1,^^ startled eye? Some Labor spealters in .â- Vustralifl' even propose now to throw the Na- tionalization planlf overboard. If llr. IMacDonald's Government had ade-l Though we beat the woods of dream, Lure and stalk her as we Tvill. She sits close, she nestles warm, There will be no beauty contests in Italy, by order of Alussollni, who thus puts a stop to the only thing at which he can't hope to win. â€" Kay Teatures. Trade With Russia Saskatoon Star-Phoeni.v (Lib.): Di.sapproval of Russian economic and political methods is no reason for ignoring Russia. The Russians re- main citizens of the world and con- sumers of goods for all the mistalses of their rulers. Propag."ndist worlt by the Bolsheviks in Great Britain and in India was a legitimate ground for complaint by the British Gov- ernment, but its extent was certainly exaggerated. So was Its effective- ness, at least In Britain. There was only one avowed Commnuist in the last Parliament and at the last elec- tion every Communist candidate was defeated. , quate power and set Socialistic ex- 1 periments in motion .it is a fair child will prevent summer complaint, spep„ia,ion to suggest that the erperi- or it the trouble does come on sud- : g„^,g ^j ,,,e Australian Labor Gov- denly. will banish It. The Tablets 'j.^^^^t, ^.o„,j ^^ repeated. are sold by medicine dealers or by' mail at 25c. a box from The Dr. Wil-1 *♦* Ham's Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ' She eludes us still. I have never seen her clear Nor known from what deep shade she slips, Yet I have felt her sudden wings Brush against my lips. â€" >- General Dawes' "Yardstick" Speech ! "A.t the beginnitig of the work the 'contribution of the naval experts t3 ; the problem should be a definition of ! abstract equality. It is certainly pos- 1 sible for naval experts to arrive at n j definition for evaluation of fighting strength of ships. Thus, for instance, one might find a yardstick with which -<^ In this country It Is the Hopper Tote rather than the flapper vote which keeps the politicians awake o' Blgbts.â€" Boston Transcript. It's Funny Cincinnati Enquirer: We always thought it funny to call a chicken "dressed" when It was stripped. Looking about the streets, we still think the same way. The Naval Pilgrimage Toronto Globe (Lib): It is persis- tently rumoured in Britain that the Right Hon. Ramsay JIacDonald is shortly to set out on a naval disarma- ment pilgrimage to Washinsiron, and that he is to invite the Canadian Prime Minister to join him in the pourparlers with the United States' the matter is nof.o ot Canaila's busi- President. '3trij(.!y speaUiug of couri-e, the matter is none of Canadas' busi- ness. The Motherland pays the entire cost ot her own navy. Canada's con- tribution to Empire naval defence con- sists of two borrowed secondhand de- stroyers. That force hardly entitles her to a voice in international dis- armament diecussious. We understand from the advertise- ments that the college lads are at least passing their cigaret tests with great success this year. â€" Arkansas Gazette. TO &iV£r Most Mile&/^i'l>ollai* Whether it's the sudden stop, the oulck get-away or the ateady pull tnrough heavy roads â€" your Firestone tires arc on the Job 100% insuring you safety, traction and economics performance. Under the rugged non-skid tread is the Firestone safety carcass built of cords with every fibre insulated with rubber to eliminate internal friction. With such a combination, no wonder Firestone tires give "Most Miles Per Dollar." See your nearest Firestone Dealer. i to determine the military value of ! individual ships. I "I will say, frankly, that from a commission of naval experts of Oie respective nations meeting together land called to evolve a final lietinitian of the naval yardstick I personally should €.\pect a failure to agree. A Liverpool Communist who was "It would seem that to adjust hu- asked his views on Roman Catholic man nature the method of arriving at' schools declared: "That matter la of naval reduction each Government ' no personal interest to me. I am an might separately obtain from their re-' Atheist, thank God!" spectivo naval experts their definition of the yardstick. Then the inevitable compromise between these differing definitions which will be expressed in the final fixation of the technical yardstick, should be made by a com- mittee of statesmen of the nations, re- inforced from the beginning by these separate expression? of abstract technical naval opinion, and able again to seek further naval advice, if necessary, before the final fixation. "These statesmen should further be the on.M to draw up for the world the terms of the final agreement upon naval reduction, which should be couched in those simple terms under- standable to the ordinary man on the street, which, while the pet aversion of the casuist, are the highe.«t expres- sion of true statesmanship. That final LAXATIVE FOR BABY THAT "STAYS DOWN" Baby's tiny system rebels ag.iii'st castor oil and strong purgatives: but here's a medicine that iu.st suits him. .And it does the work quickly and so gently that Baby doesn't feel it. Fletcher's Castoria Is soothing cross, fretful babies and olilldien to sleep and making the feverish, constipated, upset ones well and happy. In mil- lions ot homes to-day. Castoria Is purely-vegetable, harmless and en- dorsed by the medical profession. Avoid imitations. The Chas. H. Fletcher signature marks genuine Castoria. i London Supreme I London Daily Chronicle i Lib.) : I This mighty metropolis of the British I Empire is the Mecca for many thijigs, I j'et not for all. Music you v\i!l find better in Germany; painting, in Paris. Paris, too, still dictates the feminine fashions, as London, the masculine. But along each of these lines London is creeping' up. In the last of them â€" women's wear â€" the old primacy of Paris has been narrowed to the most exclusive type of dressmaking; for the rest the British capita! leads. Women, generally, are better dressed now by the Thames than by the Seine, and can buy better value here than there. Tiiis change, which is still in progress, is especially the work of the ?reat Lon- don stores. Their magnificent growth since the war is one of Europe's won- ders. Besides them their Paris equiva- lent seem almost provincial. Maintaining Our Highways The ioial amount spout ou ih>* im- provement and maintenance of Caira- dlan roads annually i*! well over $45,- OOO.OOU. A great mail is one whose life proves him to have been recognized, it not called, by God. lilHhlhePin -1 TheHoneyTly&tcKei You Must Do Your Bit \ in the war against the fly, carrier of germs aod breeder of disease. I It i» proven thai AEROXON it ont of the mott convenient and mo»t effkirol meant of combdtmg this fly cviL It it convenient, because oi ihe puth-pin. It t« hygienic; tiws never gel away when uhcm caught. EaiJi spiral givet ibree week** perfect tcrvtce. fitnARE OF IMITATIONS La Ce C. 0. Geit>< & Fitt. Luailn PHILUPS' ForTroublM 4lue to Acid iNOioesnON ACtO STOfWf MEAirrauiiN GASSS-NAt^CA Acid Stomach Blstrlbntor for Ontario NEWTON A. MILL M rront at. E_ • Toronto Headache Batbe the head with Minard's In water. Also beat and inhale Minard's. Excess acid is tbe common cause of, agreement, covering the quantitative ' indigestlop. It results in dispositions, will ko to the nations for ; sourness about two hours ipproval or rejection. "If this sho lid be the outcome, let. lUg. wbic pain and after eat- Tbe tiuick corrective is an alkali The best cor- APPUCATIONS APPLICATIONS Are Filled A« Far Ai PoisibI* In the Order In Which They Ar« Received. ONTARIO DSPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURS Farm Help Supplied Offering Annual Work Are Invariably Given the Preference. The Co.onlaatinn and Immigration Bran?h of lh9 > Department of .Agriculture for Ontario will have available a number of Experienced Married Men V.'ith Their Wivee •nd Familiesâ€" Married Couplet V/ithout Childwnâ€" Also Single Men. l-aiBHre r^iulrlaj btlp wlU te weU •dTU*4 to in»k« eaily appUeatioa to Fit* Your Application at One* Geo. A. Elliott 31r«ctor of Coloni»aHon Parllanient Bldgs.. Toronto. Ont All Men Placed Subject to Trial Period HON. JOHN t, MARTIN, Minister ct Agrtcultur* I those entrusted with tlie last draft , '^•"^ch neutralizes acid. I of the conclusions of the last confer- : rective is Phillips' llilk of Magnesia. jence be men born with the faculty of' It has remained stanJard with physl- clear and cfwdse statement, for that' cians In the 30 yeais since Its inven- iiiocument must appeal to the con'.po-i tion. 'cite will of the peoples of the nations, i One spoonful of I'liillips' Milk of I and in order to mai<e th« proper ap-i Magnesia neutralizes instantly many peal it must be read Kcnerally and ; _ , â€" j_ __ â-  â-  understood. i _ "There, apain, we remember the operations of the law of human n.v ture, an 1 will hope that in these men the temptation to sh<.w erudition will â-  be subordinated to writing that which. ; while properly covering the cause. may be understood by the audience. ! A clear statement of the case, undsr-i limes its volume in acid. It la harm- less and tasteless and its action is q«ick. Vou will never rely on crude methods, never continue to suffer. when you learn how quickly, how pleasantly this premier method acts. Please let it show you â€" now. | Be sure to get the genuine Phillips" ! Milk of MaKiiesia prescribed by physi- J cians for 50 years In correcting ex- , ct-?s acids. Each bottle contain.^ ; full (Jivec:ionsâ€" any drugstore, I jslar.dable l\v all, should ii^oan success.' Remomher I swln.n Indian i bells? Well, i Indian cUibs.- (Chicagp). when father tised to clubs and raise dumb- he has quit swinging -.\merican I.umbemian .According lo tbe l.iterr.ry Digest, plants make a noise when growhiK- Then maybe the wakeroblu really does wake the robin. | â€" « - Minat-d's Linlmtnt for Rhcumatitm. I High School Boards and Eoards of Education Ars authori^*d by iaw to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted in accordance with the regulations iMued by the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION la given in various trades. The schools and classes are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for at'.endance should be made to the Principal of the school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS. MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for i.i the Courses of Study in Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of tho Regulatlbns issued by the Minister of Education may k« obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. l|S|ISKM!lkl ATTENTION, WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE! Mrs. Goodkey Tells Her Experi- ence with Pinkham's Compound Byemoor, .-Mberta. â€" "The Ch.nnge of Life was the trouble w ith me and I wx"5 run-down, thin; and weak and cotild not sleep, had a poor appetite and cou'ij not do nnii-h work. I am taking Lyuia E. Fink- ham '3 Vegetable Compound now and I teel like a well woman. I saw it advertisetl in the papers and triwl it and Lydia E. Pink- ham's Sanative \Va.sh. I have recon»- incnded it to a lot of women fHtpds.'* Mhs. Wm. (iooPKEY, Byemoor. Al- berta. ISSUE No. 29â€"79

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