Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Jul 1929, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, JULY 24th, iam. ^ 'f When Your Money I Travels By Mail Send yoar remittances by Bank of Ccmmerce Money Orders. They are convenient, effecient, and econmieal. The mone is fully insured against loss or theft in transit. It can reach only the person to whom it b addressed. Bank of Commerce Honey Orders are as good as cash and are acceptable anywhere in Canada. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (with, which is OMttxtyamatatS THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Big Parade Promises To Be hterestiiig Ceflsus CD Highway 'i CJ>Jt. TOtE TABLB Trains laave FlcshcrtoB Stetiea fellows: Coins SoQtlL - Goisir North â- â€¢O* «•««»• 11X2 ajn. 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. 8-11 Pm. 4.33 p.m. The mails clese at Ptesherton as One part of the protrram on Mon- day, August »th, that will be received with great glee by old and young will be the Calithumpian parade in the morniog. Preparations are go- ing haead fast that will ensure the event to be the best ever held i-n Flesherton. Quite a number of the merchants have floats planned to ad- vertise their respective businesses and many novel ideas are being brought to light. Mr. D. McKillop ha^; planned a float representing his hardware and plumbing business, featuring Empire Brass products; Jas. Stewart also has a very good one; H. Down and Sons are planning a display that will malu the big crowd laugh with glee when it scurries past ; John Nuhn always advertises his woollen business with an excellent dismay. Lloyd Morwood will also advertise his shoe and re- pairing business; H. K. Mcauley will also have an unique e.xhibit to rep- resent his building supplies trade. Then there will be all kinds of clowns with two clown hands besides o':her features that cannot be enumerated at this time. If there are any mer- chants from outside places who wish The Canadian Passenger Traffic t° ^*»*«'" » display in the parade they Association at Montreal have notified ^'^ ''« welcome, and can get m touch -Mr. Burton E. Field, secretary of the '"^^ ^- ^- ^- Murray, chairman of Again the yearly census of tr«fflc on the Provincial and County high- ways was taken last week by Mrs. E. Best and Mr. R. Fisher. It shows that 9541 cars of Ontario licenses travelled on the provincial highway with 8402 on the county. Foreign cars numbered 505 and 434, trucks 903 and 840. busses 38 and 33 anU horse drawn vehicles 513 and 582 on the provincial and county highways respectively. The figures show ^ that there is a steadily increasing 2 stream of traffic tiirough town, and:4> that it is an important intersection j x for north and west traffic. With, 5 the roads becoming better and more ' X pavement b>eing laid it is apparent V that the Toronto and Owen Sound ^ highway will become an important * artery of traffic as time progresses. % ^'Railways Reduce Rates PRICEVILLE Toronfo committee for Old Home the committee. There will be a frevioos CTcning. Week, that a return fare amounting ^^^^ parade and the merchants are to 1. >- times single fare will be pu: requested to prepare at once to rep- follows: For the north ai 11.00 a.m.i into effect on all points within 87 resent their business. •outh at 3.3?) Per irfomihg train: miles of Flesherton, or where the ^^"â- - ^^^ ^^''^- ^^^^ Thistlethwaite •onth mail dosea at 9.00 pjn- 'the single fare does not exceed $3.C0 ''^^ family of Toronto spent the This ticket wiU be good on all p.m. '^^^'^ ^^^ "^ Flesherton. Mr. A. trains August 2nd and on all days Thistlethwaite accompanied them to following to August 7th and wiKVe Toronto. Their children are spend- good for return on August 8th. i "^^ » few weeks m Hesherton. Mr. Field also intimates that there will be room for eleven passengers PASSED MUSIC EX.\MIN'ATIONS on the Grey Coach Lines but which carries the band, which can be let to Local aad Personal this extended to and Marion Congratulations are anyone who wishes to travel that way Misses Betty Murray at $3.00 return. The bus will leave Stuart, who passed with honors their To- i the Toronto .'Vrmories at 6.30 a.m. Pr'^ary piano examinations held re- Buy in Flesherton. See Findlay's advt. in issue. Miss Audrey MacBlashan of ,.., ronto visited with her friend. Miss} (Toronto Time) "Sunday "mon^iig gently in Owen Sound. Miss Jean Verdun McMaster. August 5th. Applications for res- Stuart also her junior piano exams Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jamieson of ervation should be made to Mr. ^^^'d at the same time. Betty was Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. ; Field at 53 Yonge Street and Mrs. R. McMaster. I Salvation Army Band of Owen Sound will again be in Flesherton this Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton and two children of Durham visited Mrs. H. "Wilson over the week end. Mr. George McMaster is visiting! ors in Chesley. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mrs. W. L. Wright left on Monday for her new home in Samia. Mr. Lloyd Wauchope and Miss V. a pupil of Mrs. Jos. Blackburn and Marion and Jean of Mr. J. Dundas of Markdale. Haying is in full swing around \ here and there is a good crop. Miss Nellie McLean of Toronto is spending three weeks at her home here. Miss Ida ifcCuaig, nurse at Salem, Oregon, is spending a couple of months at her home. Mrs. Mepham of Hamilton spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Jno. McMeekin. Mrs. Dan Campbell is visiting I friends at Niagara Falls. Messrs. .A.le.x. McLean, .\lfred Hincks and .-Mile Mclnnls of Hamll-I ton spent the week end at their par-| ental homes. Miss Rebecca N'icHcl is engaged to' Lcach school at Badjeros. | Miss Beth Hincks was the guest o£ her friend. Miss .A.lnia Hooper on Sunday. Miss Donalda McLeod spent a few days visiting her cousins. Misses Jean and Almeda Hincks. Mr. Donald Stewart spent a few days visiting friends in Montreal last week. Congratulations to Misses Rebecca Xichol and Violet • McDougal. on be- ing successful students at the Toron- to Normal School. Miss Marion MuLr is engaged to teach near Peterboro. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Houston andi â€" what more could one desire to become strong than Finder's Purity Bread. â€" If you have not tried it. why delay? Ybu'U thank us for insisting that you order this favorite bread from our driver to-day. [ Finder's Bakery \ 11 Tickets for J 1.00 PHONE 8 | IN MEMORIAM with his sister. Miss Perle McMast- er of Owen Sound. BLACKBURN â€" In sad and loving _, . ^, ^. .^ , J - . memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Thistlethwa.te_were week end visit- j^j^„ gj^^y^^^^.j^^ ^^^ ^^i^^ Home Ju'.y 24th, 1926. Sadly missed by Husband and the Miss Jean .Alexander is visiting her sister and other friends in Ow- Family, Mr. Robt. Thompson has returned en Sound. ' to Toronto, after spending a couple jirs. D. McTavish and Miss Mayme' of weeks in town. are holidaying at a camp near Or- Miss Marion Shaw of Lions Head, iUia this week, is visiting wi^ harjgrandparents.l y^. j^, Armstrong and famQy of Mr. and Bdrs. W. H. Thurston. j Toronto are holidaying at their sum- Miss Perle McMaster, R. N.. of. mer home in town. Owen Sound spent the week end at! Miss Elizabeth Bentham of To- ller parental hofte here. | ^^^^^ 3p^„t ^he week end at her Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Murray and| home here. daughter, Betty, spent a few days jjr. Jos. Field has received the ap- in Sarnia last week. pointment of County Constable for Misi Algina Henderson of London the Couaty of Grey. visited with Jean Alexander last! week. St. John's United Church REV. W. J. SCOTT. M. A., S.T.N. SUND.W. JULY 28th 11.00 a.m. â€" The Kingdom in the Commonplace." 7.00 p.m.â€" "The Busyness that Hind- ers." During the summer months the Sunday school will meet at 9.45 a.m. Pause awhile to pray and meditate. i Sunday School at 1.30 p.m. The fine weather is right for the Ceylon Church service at 2.30 p.m. . proper curing of hay and the farmers â€" '- â€" â€" _ -;, Mrs. Vv-. J. Otewell spent the past are taking advantage and rolling the NOTICE TO CREDITORS week in Owen Sound visiting her feed into the bams. mother. Mrs. S. J. Keams. Miss Helen DeCudmore of Montre- In the matter of the Estate of Will- Mr. James Caushier of Hagerston,! al is spending the summer vacation lam Henry Guy, late of the Town Ind.. is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Robt. with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ship of Osprey. in the County of W. i\.. .Armstrong. Grey. Gentleman, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Thistlethwaite NOTICE is hereby given pursuant and familv. Toronto, motored up ana to section 51 of the Trustee .\ct (R. spent the week end with the form- S. O. 1927. Chapter 150) that all er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thistleth- creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of tne said William Henry Guy who died on Alexander Clean up for Old Home W'eek. Have attractive surroundings for our visitors to enioy. Mr. W. Clarkson and sister of To- >--.. xwxx^r.-nm au luose >.nu na>e ^ ^^^^ j . ^j March. 19- room resenation for Old Home "^ â-  . , \„f„_„ „»,„ oc.v ^ r.- 1 1 ... J.. '9 are reoairetl on or before tne -otn two; Week please communicate with "^l. ""l^! V.r.._. ,\;.v, .. „_j >,..,,.,.f day of .\ugust. 1929. tc> send by post prepaid, or deliver, to Donald Henry Guy. Newmarket, Ontario, the ad- ministrator of *he estate of the said deceased, their Christian names and surnames, addresses and de- scriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their ac- ronto visited over the week end at waite. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt.j NOTICEâ€" Will all those v.ho have Best. Rev. and Mrs. Raymer and twoi Week plea children, Helen and Donna, of Samia! G. B. Welton. Even those with one are holidaying with Dr. and Mrs. E.' room will be welcome. C. MuTay. j Miss L. Liilis and Miss M. McCar- Thc principal of the Dundalk: thy, B..\., of Hamilton, spent a few Business College reports that thej days last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. graduates of the past term are meet-i Runstadler on their way home after ing with continued success. taking the Mackinaw trip. Mr. and Mrs. J. .'V. Lever, Mr. and: Mrs. W. H. Thuirston is improving counts, and the nature of the secur Mr.5. J. Brackenbury and Miss .\lnia; nicely from her injuries received In ities (if any) held by them. Lever spent the week end with Mr.; the automobile accident two weeks AND take notice *hat after such and Mrs. Gerald Morgan at Palm- ago. She is still confined to bed last mentioned date the said admin- with a nurse in attendance, but her istrator will proceetl to distribute condition is very satisfactory. the assets of the said deceased Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan andi among the parties entitled thereto. Miss Kate moved to town on Mon-j having regard only to the claims of day to the cobblestone residence] which he shall then have notice, and purchased last week on Durham | that the said administrator will not ' be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or per- sons of whose claims notice shall not have been receive<l by him a: the time of such distribution. NORMAN L. M.\THEWS. Newmarket, Ont. Solicitor for the said administrator. Dated the Eighteenth day of July, erstoi. Are you making preparations to commence the study of Commercial work at Dundalk Business College, during the coming term? The Col- lege reopens September 3rd. The cornor's inquest info the death street from W. A. Armstrong and of the late William A. Giockling of Son. Toronto, who was killed on July 10 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rowe and tw» in an automobile accident east of daughters, Isabel and .A.udrey, and Dlaxwell is being held at Maxwell Mrs. McGowan of Lome Park, Ont., this Wednesday afternoon. I were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A M....^ ri,.. Cf,>.>..» A C....V. ' McEachnie over the week end. Mbo- Mesara. Cnas. Mewart, A. »parks, , . , ._, ». .__ __.:_„j «„. v,» I e*..r.^ .-J Mi.l A «!»lnk.. *» Isabel and .\udrey remained for Mrs. J. Stewart, and Mwa A. Stephen _ ,^_^.^.. „â-  ;<. motored to St. Paul on Saturdagr; a fortnight's visit. 1929. llrs. Chas. Stewart returned ^o'«M ^ %^%%%%%%%%^%%%%%%%%%^%%^%%%^4^^%i%%i%^%t%%%%*****%** with them on Sunday after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart. < > A Monster Fiekl Day wil be held ; ; mt Feversham on Thursday, July 25tb \ '. «nder the auspices of the Ospaey Ag- ; ; ricultural Socitty. Softball touroa- . . ment, horse shoe pitching and dance \ \ in the evening. See bills for part- j • â-  ioulars. i ! '> Mrs. W. C. Hanley, who has been, A •\>ith her sister-in-law. Mr». W. R. Y Carson, at Port Huron, for the pas: i three years, returned home on Wed- X nesday of last week. Mr^ Carson* In Our Men^s Wear Department Fine ?t»i\v Hats, special at $1.50 Men's Ca<is. up to date at $1.35 <k $1.50 Peabody Overkwls. heavy black, blue $2.^5 Cambray Shirts for ^^?cts I-ncv Check Shirts from $1.25 to $165 A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. Store Closed Tuesday and Friday at 6 p.m. Dn J. G. Russell Will Be At Armstrong's Jewellery Store Od Home Week AUG. 5 to 10 - Inclusive CARD OF THANKS GIVEN NEW HEADQUARTERS .s The Following Goods Will Be Required Now ' SCREEN DOORS ' : SCREEN WINDOWS ' SCREEN WIRE j^_ % t and Y '!15 I Prov. Constable Robt. E. Purvis of Miss Emily Buddy desires to thank Coiliigwood. son of Mr. Robt Purvis her many fnends and relations for qJ Eugenia, has received a move to ^eat kindness and sympathy also ng^ headquarters at Orillia. He son, Archie, of Peterboro. were re- tU^^tJ^"""^' '^'"^ *"" "**"'! ^^^^^ "''"^ ^^ ''^^ '*'"'*' °° '^^ ^^ oem visitors a: Mr. Pete- Muir's. j '^'='f '>""°«- of August. Miss Esther McLean is en^age(J'♦♦♦<^*•»♦****<-»**<-^^♦♦♦**♦♦♦*♦*-»<-^*♦*.>*<-M-^*♦*<-^.^^ to teach at Singhampton. I? Miss Catharine Campbell rettrmed^* to Montreal on Monday, after a'j month's holidays here. |j Many from here were very sorry; A , to hear that Rev. J. A. MathewsoUi* ! was striclien with a paralatie stroke. ' X Rev. Mr. Madill of Vancouver ; Y preached an impressive sermon in the 1 4 hall on Sunday and spent the weefcjX end at Mr. Archie McKinnon's, South,* Line. \% Mr. Donald Stewart is spending a * couple of weeks visiting friends in, a Montreal. * .Mrs. Farquhar McKinnon left for!* the west to visit friends. * Mrs. Ed. Heard and mother. Mrs. ^ Aldoorn. of Swinton Park, visited on * Friday last at W. J. McMillans. '^ Miss Isabel! McCornaack is visit ir.!? at Mr. John Nichol's. >i-. and Mrs. Herb Mclnnis family have returned after their holiday. Miss Guest is visiting at|A their hoT'e. I Y Miss Willa McCuaig returned homelij from Toronto after spendiner some ^ time marking exam papers. ; a Mr. and Mrs. Rob". Parsknv are Y visiting in the western province. ! * Mrs. Kenry Richardson and Miss Doris McLean of Toronto visited their parents here. The "Onward" young people pres- ,"nted their play at Fhromore on Fri- day night and report a good crowd. Miss Alice Muir returned home af- ter spending th-ee weeks with her sister atPe*erhoro. , , Mrs. John Gilbert and grandchild- J ren of Tornto are visiting her broth- * er. Mr. .Alex. McQuarrie. X Some from here attended the lawn ♦ social at Mrs. McCannell's. Durham ^ ard report a good time. "? . I CIVIC HOLIDAY ,5 l-^ I hereby declare that Monday. .\nsr-|* ast 5th a« Civic Holiday for the vil 1 J lage of Flesi>erton as instructed t>y motion of the village council. , ^ ^ , â€" T. \\. FINDL.\Y. Reeve. I* s ^ HOES. R.\KES SCYTHES. FORKS f -'â-  ^^ ; I yjirfr^ , PARIS GREEN ' CLIMAX BUG KILLER ZENOLEUM FLY SKOOT V ♦ WIRE FENCE STAPLES CEMENT. LIME PLASTER F. W. DUNCAN Flesherton, OnL Hear the Salvation Army Band in $ » » ^ ^^.w.v.K.<-'\_"i_'WkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA» town this Wednesday evening. passetl away on May 25 last. The Presbyterian church in Flesh erton will hold communion service Y on Sahba'h, July i'<. at 2.80 oVlook. A Rev. F. G. Fowler of Bni*els will ^ conduct th? service also bni'tismnl .j ser\-lco. Preparatory service will be \ I I Men's Straw Hat Bargain We offer our entire stock of Men's Strraw Hats, broader shapes mostly, some with plain bands, some with fancy bands . Good range of sizes to fit eevry- one. Values from ijCOO to $3.00 are inclmled -Ml fresh, clean, snayy styles and weaves. At one price $1.79 Decorations For Old Home Week DominKMi Flagrs on sticks. I'nk^n Jaclt; on sticks. Jacks and Dominion Kkigrs for strings. Tri-Co!ored Hunting. ALL REASOABLY PRICED F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON. ONTARIO â- *;<*-

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