WEDNESDAY, JULY 24th, 10». THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ;> ^ >»»»»o»o«»'»»»»»»»««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»««o»»»»»»o »}♦»»♦♦♦ VICTORIA CORNERS FLESHERTON OLD HOME WEEK AUGUST 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Make This Re-Union Long to be Remembered by haviiifif a PHOTOGRAPH of Your I'aniily or Old Friends and Re-Unions They will be Appreciated in Years to Come MAKE AN APPOINTMENT NOW (ELECTRIC STUDIO) Photos taJ«en Day or Night. W. A. HAWKEN PHOTO ARTIvST . MUSIC DEALER t EUGENIA DUNDALK BUSINESS COLLEGE WILL RE-OPEN FOR THE FALL TERM ON Tuesday, September 3rd (The foUownig subjects will be listed on cirriculum) ' SHORTHAND, liOOKKEEPING, BUSINESS ARITHMETIC, BUSINESS LAW, SPELLING, PENMANSHIP, TYPEWRITING, BUSINESS LETTER WRITING RAPID CALCULATION AND BANKING. - ' Graduates of previous years have completed the entire course, as given above, in a term ranging from Five to Seveta Months. The nienas we have of jjlacing our graduates in posit- ions, is FIRST CLASS If you are interested in joining the classes on Septem- ji» bcr 3rd, kindly mail the cupon attached below ^-=- Dundalk Business College, *^* Dundalk, Ontario, ^l^f^' DearvSir:- ,*:<^- I desire to enter your classes on Sept. 3rd. NAME ADDRESS her sister-in-law, Mrs. Rogers, mot- ored to Toronto and on Thursday by train to Port Huron, Mich., for a couple of weeks visit. Miss Jennie Anderson of Berkley is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Milton Bannon. Bill and Ken. Hyland, Toronto, Delbcrt and George Bannon, Dundalk visited at Milton Bannon's. Milton Bannon, Doris and Fre<:, motored to Mimico last week. Mrs. Will Ludlow and daughter, of Woodstock, are visiting in the neigh- borhood. We are pleased to report that Mina Scott is improving as quickly as her operation will allow. She would like thanks conveyed to the W.C.T.U. for the nice box of fruit sent to her and alao to all friends and neighbors who have sent sucti beautiful flowers. Elva Batchelor of Proton visited her friend, Helen Moore. On Saturday, about noon, a truck, belonging to the Perry Transport Comany took fire just between the Bannon's and the Saugeen bridge and was totally destroyed. One of the foremen of the company had come from Toronto to Orangeville to help a disabbled truck there and hearing about this truck came on up, and soon after arriving, received .n telephone message that his brother was dying in Oshawa. Kathleen Bannon is visiting her cousin, Lorcena Bannon, Dundalk. Miss Cook of Toronto has been vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Walter Ache- son, Mr. Walter Acheson, a brother- in-law, motored up on Saturday. We are sorry not to be able to state much improvement in Mrs. Ern- ie Stinson. They are having a spec- ialist to-day. We hope for better word next week. 'Mrs. G. F. Hargrave D.«<..»J A...«n Cv^Jnn in the United States. It deals with I aSS6d Away rriOay mtresting points in her travels. Next • i week we hope to publish it, as we crowded this issue. I This week we received a letter ifrom Miss A. C. Macphail, M. P., _ i who is travelling with a chautauqua There has teen qxjdi^nt haying ^ weather the pae!. we^KT We hope; it continues for a few days. j There has been a number of feet ^^^^j^ Gladys Pedlar, Moved are of steel pipe added to the pipe in the ^^f^ ^^ George F. Hargrave, pas- Mr. Stewar*. Thibaudeau, the new new bridge here, in order to make ^^ ^^^y ^^ j^gj. ^ome, west back- principal of the high school, has. the roadway wider. Mr. Taylor ot u^^^ Artemcsia, on Friday, July 19 moved hi-a family and household ef Hamilton, who works for the Pedlar. j,j^ ^^^ ^^^jy ^^g ^f 33 years. The feels to town and -is occupying Mr. People firm, spent a few days here deceased lady was the youngest C. J. Crojsley's residence on Toronto assisting in putting the pipe '-o-j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ped- street. gether. 1 lar of the Collingwood gravel. She Miss Luella and Emeline Brook* Millie McMullen has gone on had been suffering for a long time „£ Buffalo, were the guests of Mra. a trip to the Soo. We wish her tL^ with rheumatic trouble. The fun- c_ Wilcock last week. Both ladie» pleasant time. eral took place on Monday to Sal- Flesherton and were . ciai luuii i».«vc uii ^>#iiu>..)r i,v ^o.- yfere Dom m Mr. ar.dMrs. Wilfred Magee, Eigh- em cemetery, the services being con- daughters of the late James Brooks, (Last Week's Items> We are sorry to report that Mrs. Ernie Stinson is very low, but hope for her recovery being held out. Mr. and Mrs. Sproule and Miss Gracey of Shelburne visited at Mr. W. Acheson's. Mt. and Mrs. Edgar Betts, Mrs. C. Newell, the Misses Betts of Eugen ia isivted at Carl Atkinson's. Congratulations to Doris Bannon, Ina Acheson and Mabel Acheson who pased their entrance. The former two passed with honors, also congratulations to our teacher, Mr. McDonald. Our garden party was a success last week. The ball game between Fleshcrton and Dundalk resulted In j a 8-5 score, in facor of Dundalk. ' The program following the supper, • consisted of a splendid play by the I Shelburne Ladies' Aid, violin duet I by the Misses Johnston of Shelburne I and a solo by Miss Boszella Stevens I and reciUtions by Misses Marjory i Acheson and Betty McTaggart We I especially wish to mention Betty Mc- Taggart, who only about seven years old, is second to a very few of the 1 best. th Line spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cardwell Graham. Mrs. Wm. Hanley returned from Port Huron, where she has spent the past â- three years nursing her sister- in-law, Mrs. W. R. Carson, who pas- Aed to her Eternal Home on May 25, after spending the past nine years as an invalaid. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Hanley and relat- ives in their bereavement. We are pleased to report Miss Ir- ene Martin, who has returned from Owen Sound hospital, much improv- ed in health. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Partridge and family called on friends in the village this week. Miss Lola Blackburn of Fleeherton spent a few days with her friend. Miss Irene Martin. Mr. Thos. Elliott and daughter. Miss Mae, of Markdale, were guests at the Hanley home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Purvis and daughter, of Collingwood, visited this week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purvis. Mr. Russell Cameron of the Bio- logical survey motored home and vis ited over the week end at his parent- al home. Eighth Line. Russel en- joys his work very much. We extend our sympathy to the sorrowing â- the late Mrs. Geo. ducted by Rev. Farow, Anglican who was by trade a stone manson. minister, assisted by Rev. Coutts, jj^ ^^j Mrs. Hugh Pedlar of United Church minister, both of Qxbow, Sask., arrived on Monday Markdale. She is survived by her f^^ ^ ^1^^ ^jtj, j,ig parents, Mr. and hushand, father, mother, two bro- jj^^ -^ T. Pedlar of Rock Mills, and thers and two sistersâ€" Lewis, Flesh-|p^j,^ friends. Hugh is editor of erton; Hugh D., Oxbow, Sask.,;|The Oxbow Herald and has made Dora (Mrs. Cecil Meldrum); Nelhe: jj^^^d at editing in the West. He will (Mrs John Wickens) Kimberley; al: ^ „j„g ^,,3^ pleased to meet many of whom were at the funeral. The ^f his old friends at the Old Home deceased was tenderly nursed dur- ^^^y. celebration. JS^e.'Sel^^Sr^Lr'SrrBen^ ^^^ir^/^j't Tt '^^Z' ers will be pleased to learn that Mrs. ' M. A. Sproule, widow of the late Dr. were very ,p^^ Sproule, ex-Speaker o| the I House of Commons, daughter of the I late W. K. Flesher, Esq.. after whom ADDITIONAL LOCAL ITEMS the village was named, has graciouB- I ly consen-ted to perform the little See Findlay\i advt. )'or par|icu- ' ceremony of hoisting and presentingr lars to the balloon ascension in the new flag on August Fifth, at connection with Old Home Week. noon. Hargrave. The floral offerings fine and numerous. Small Advts. LOST OR STOLEN FOUND â€" On Monday, July IB, sum of money. Owner please en- quire at The Advance. FARM FOR 5ALE 110 acres in the Township of A^ N.D.f., .A «„- .„m„ofi.„ t^ n,i. T / c. 1 1 i i_ , I about 85 acres under cultivation. ^ Z , "y^P^^'^y .*<» *^^ LOST-pSquare school satchel con-] balance pasture and mixed bush; bam husband and relatives oil taming ladies' hand bag, containing ^ 36,60 with T 36x46. all with stone rs. Geo. Hargrave (nee V silver and odds and ends. Will the basement, in good repair, water at Miss Annie Pedlar) who died after a 'finder ple.ise leave at the Advance ; bam; driving shed 24x30, also hen prolonged illness. I office or Down's garage, Flesherton. house; 8-roomed solid brick house Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lehman of To-j , -„-, Z" „. , , aT^^ .*°" ^**f "?t«™ an<J furna^. ronto visited with Mrs. Lehman's L ^^^.^ " ^l*':^!;i Kimberley and This is a good grain and stock farnu „- „_*- M- o.,^ nf,. T.^^K Win Eugenia, on Saturday, July 6, one well fenced and watered, situated iams over the ^ek end ^'"*| Lfown .imitation leather suit case. ! «>nvenient U> rail^eay, church and Mr. W. D. Campbell, "iporonto, vis-l ^'^''ty '"'^'"^ «*â- "« ^'^''^ "* Eugen- ', school. Rea«)n for selline i, o« 1?" THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. L HILL & CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Maryale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Special Savings Another big shiii;iient of Ladies' Summer Dresses, very new and exclusive and at prices much below what you would e.xpect to pay for such quality dresses. 10 dozen T.,adies' Silk Hose, full fashioned and ex- cellent quality. All shades . '•-' all sizes. .\ real special ai .. u " choice, per pair, for ouiv .. $1.39 Grocery Specials ( )ran^es, sweet and juicy, 2 doz 35c. (â- ranulated Suj^^ar, 10 pound for 5Jc. I rcaiuit llutter, reg lOc, 2 for 15c. i-|r>aker's Cocoa, rcg lUc, spec. 2 for 15c. l.audry Starch, per pk Uc. Fig liar Hisciiits, i)er Ih 19c. Seelless Raisins, 2 lb. for ..^. 21c. Puritv Rolled (Jats, large pk 25c. Snider's Kctsup, reg. 25c 17c. "Where Quality is Higher Than Price" ited over the week end with his wife and son, who are holidaying at "Fairview IVillh." ] Mr.-. CJampbell ha-3 purchased a fine new Chevrolet sedan. He, with his wife and son, will go on a motor trip to New. Lis- keard, Cochrane, and other points. We wish them a pleasant trip. Mr. and Mrs. K. Kimmerley and children and Mr. Kimmerley's moth- er, of Watertown, N. Y., are visiting with Mrs. K's mother, Mrs. D. Sloan. Mrs. Chas. Quesnel and children of Ov i I Sound spent Friday with Mr. Jos. Sherwood and Miss Lucy Mac Donald. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lewis of To- ronto visited with the lat-?er's sister, Mrs. Chas. Hanley, Mrs. Lewis (nee Miss Susie McMa-ster) was married recently. We wish the young couple many happy and prosperous days of wcddeed life. Mr. Lorenzo Martin spent a days with Mr. and Mrs. Gorley and his sister, Irene, before returning to Detroit, to resume his work there. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Boyce and sons of Northern Ontario visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood and child- ren of Markdale, Mrs. Thos. Lever of Flesherton and daughter. Miss ia Poet Office or Advance Office. FOB KALB FOR SALE â€" Cherries. Graham Clarksburg. E. A. account of poor health. For partic- ulars apply On oremiseR. W. A. MORTON. R. R.-2, Proton Station. BOAB FOB SEBTICB. FOR sale:â€" Heavy horse, 8 yrs. old. â€" A. Harrison, phone 41 r 4. FOR SALE â€" Sixteen acres of standing hay for sale. â€" F. G. Kar- stedt, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Young driving home, four years old and rubber tire buggy | SHORTHORN BULL FOB SEBYICS good as new â€" H. Down & Sons, Flesherton. | Kegittered SborthorB bull for Betrietand Torkabln Boar for tm^ vice by Fleaherton Bacoa Hoc CUU the proparty ot tha Ontario Depart* mest of Afrtenttora. â€" C STEWAKT. Caretakaa. 'â-¼Ice at lot S, Con. 9, Qapray, "Merry FOR SALEâ€" Harley-Davidson twin Marquis" No. 179 JSS; Sfre. Bonaia cylinder motorcycle, with side car, Marquia 142311 ; Dam, Red Butterfly rebuilt and in first class condition.â€" 181.078. TertH â€" Pur e b wde fS.Ot. Wes. .\rmstrong, Flesherton. grade* $2.00. Cows not retnmatf 1 FOR SALE â€" Montmorency and T''^ ^ c^*** '"" Vtin. .1 English cherries, red currants ,now ready), also berries, black currants, plums and tomatoes in season. â€" Mrs. E. Bell, Duntroon. FOR SALE â€" Five ten or fifteen acres on field; clean timothy and clover. Apply â€" Jno. W. Eagles, Or- _ __ ange Valley. R. R. 5, Markdale, d.-J^ „ -," .t'^', jJ^V;;;^";^^^ Phone 33 r 23. â€" S. B. HAWKINS, Bng«alak GEO B. DUNCAN DUNDALK LKENSED AUCTIONBEB Fir tha Cennty at Grey. Tarast per cent. Satiafactioa mamleo* MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barriatera. oCe. Ofices â€" Owen and Flesherton. Sound, Durham Flesherton cvtiy FOR RENT â€" Six roomed house „ , , _, 1 • -.. J •*. and good garden, opposite the high Marge Lever of Toronto visited witn ^^^, .„ piesherton. - Mrs. W. J. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin and fam- caswell. Proton Station, R R 3. ily on Sunday. | â€" â€" Mrs. W. Nixon (nee Miss Gertrude' FOR SALE â€" For cash, or note Paul) and Mrs. Robt. Watt (nee Ruth with good security at 6% per annum Paul) of the West are visiting with for six months. About 13 acres , Saturday afternoon and evenicS' their father, Mr. Elijah Paul at of standing fall wheat, also a quant- pre3ent. t ity of hay. On lots 166, 167, 1 R. We understand that a Miss Milli- W. T. S. R. Interested parties make gan of Allen Park will teach in the an offer to â€" L. Ri. Thistlethwaite, Eighth Line school for the coming 24 Connor Ave., Toronto, year. BUSINESS CARDS Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard LeGard and family of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKce. Mrs. W. Pedlar of Toronto was a caller on her sister, Mrs. Thos. McKee recently. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell and children visited a few dayo in To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Russell motored to Toronto for a few days visit ^^^^^^^___^^_^^__^^^ Prince Arthur Lodge, 833, A.F. * â€" â€" jA.M. meet* in the Masonic Hall. Arm- MISCELLANEOUS strong Block, Flesherton every W- WANTED â€" Two young Calves,, day on or before the full moon. W. â€" Albert Blackburn, Phone 42 r 6, G. Watson, W. M., C. F Lawrenetv Flesherton. Secretary NOTICEâ€" Carload of salt to arrive ill a few days. Give orders early â€" Harold SpofTord. Lucas St Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C, W. D, ._ __, I TO RENTâ€" For hay or pasture â€" ?f "!f ' ^•^" ^''«e». Markdale Lucaa Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Graham spent' one half acre lot in Eugenia, or would °''^^' Phone 2. Branch offices a| a day recently with Mr. and Mrs.' sell same. For particular apply to â€" Dundalk and Durham. Thos. Hoggard and family, recently. ' Ed. Hillock, Maxwell, 'phone 42r81. i - Mr. and Mrs. Merrick and Mrs. E.l -; ^_,,„ â€" -â€" â€" 7- . Telford & Bimie. Barristers Ball. Jamieson of Alliston vJ.ited with the' NOTICE - Q^ir of feed to arrive ',5t,„^ .^ ^^^ ' g^""^'^!^ Latimer and Proctor families, Mi^.^ne-.t week. Orders^ tak^n; ^special ^,^^^ ^^^^ ^^J^^ S^'nd^ B^ o,„, .... ^^ L. Latimer, who has been on a fort-!P"" off car.â€" Phone Ge night's visit in Alliston, returned "^'^^^ °^ ^^^ Q»P''^y Milling Co. home with them. EGGS WANTED â€" Highest mark- Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays) P. Telford. Jr., J. F. P. Birnie. We suppose tl*B "resident" prices wil be paid in cash.â€" ^no \vrote the letter, re horses on streets,! Runstadler, Flesherton. io resting easier now, since most or) ^,_^_, ' _ ^^ ,_ all of the horses have been taken off _ NO-TICE â€" Chopping done on , Farm and stock sales Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. _.. „. â€" ..„...^o .....c -^-.. .....^.. .... oij rCvD r.1 - specialty, the streets since a car was damaged »atF***y* only.â€" CTaham Bros. Eu- 1 Terms moderate, satisfaction guta- by hitting a horse recently. genia. A TALENTED YOUNG LADY I anteed. All arrangements and dates FOR SALE OR RENT â€" 100 ac- may be made at the Advance office, 01; re J, lots 1C6, 167, 1 R. W., T. & O. Central telephone office, Feversham, S. N. on No. 10 Highway, in town- or by addressing me at Feveishsm. Ailoen Tyrill, the thirteen year old | ship of Artemcsia, U mile from . '__ (laughter of Dr. E. K. Richardson, ' school. 2 miles from Flesherton.! niul KianddnuRhter of the late Mr j Apply to L. R. Thistlethwaite, 24 ;>nd Mrs. M. K. Richardson, who has' Connor Ave., Toronto or W. J. Bel- BOAR FOR SERVICE been attending Moulton College, has lay, Flesherton. had the distinction of standing first in her year in general proficiency firs' in the college of art, and first in drawing, for which mo-st approp- riate prizes were presented her by riiatucllo'- Whidden of "' »•- â- University, recently. SHINGLES , New BrunswicM White Cedar, S McMaster to 2 inches. Extras perfectly clear of knots and safiwood. Clears 6 in. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vfceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,99« â€"Property of Saugeen Bacon H9i- ^Club. Terms $1.00. .j I -C. HINDLE, ft I Proton SUtioB *i â€" â€" â- jcle â€" ar-i up. Whr:i evciy m.m has a number oi Phone your orders 13w. '« his house every v.'ill be happy. enquiring reporter W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON. BULL FOR SERVICE Durham Bull for service. $1.50 if paid before January, otherwise $2 â€" C. Akins, R. R. 3, Proton Station."