Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Jul 1929, p. 10

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mmm mfmi^mmmm WEDNESDAY, JULY 31«t, 1925, ^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE FLESHERTON OLD HOME WEEK AUGUST 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Make This Re-Union Long to be Remembered by liaviiig- a PHOTOGRAPH of Your Family or Old Fritiuls and Rc-Utiions They will be Appreciated in Years to Come I MAKE AX APPOINTMENT NOW I (ELECTRIC STUDIO) Photos taken Day or Night. | W. A. HAWKEN I I nioTO ARTIST MUSIC DEALER | ♦<«*<kk«<K'<kkK'<'4^'<":><~:.<h:~:~><i<~c»<k«<«<«<k«<~x~x~x~:«*««><~:~x~x-X"«* DUNDAI.K BUSINESS COLLEGE WILL HE-OPEN FOR THE FALL TJ'RM ON Tuesday, September 3rd (The foUownig subjects will be listed on cirriculum) SHORTHAND. BOOKKEEPING, BUSINESS ARITHMETIC, BUSINESS LAW, SPELLING, PENMANSHIP, TYPEWRITING, BUSINESS LETTER WRITING RAPID CALCULATION AND BANKING. Graduates of previous years have completed the entire course, as given above, in a term ranging from Five to Seve/n Months. The menas \vc have of placing our graduates in posit- ions, is FIRST CLASS If you are interested in joining the classes on Scptem- , ber 3rd, kindly mail the cupon attached below Dundalk Business College, ''JS"" < Dundalk-, Ontario, i ; %^^ Dear Sir:- .J ^T i desire to enter your classes on Sept. 3rcf. NAME ADDRESS A SCOTTISH INVESTIGATION For tho past few years, the Boara of Health of Scotland has been ear- lyiif, on an investigation in regarcJ to tho nutriton of school children. In the school of seven centres select- ed for the study, the children were divided into groups. The objective was to a-jjcrtain whether or not the children who received a daily ration of milk would show an improveniem in health greater than thc-ae who did not receive the milk, or those who received a biscuit only. The result was that the children receiving milk were, after a time, found to be twenty per cent, heavier and taller than those not receiving milk. There was, in other words, a (ijciJtd iniprovci'.'.cnt in growth. Tho general health of many of the nii!k ration group was noticeably better. Th!s improvement wnj not t;:n!)orary, for they have contined to improve while the milk ration was maiiHaincd d'jrinj: a second period cf investigation. This is not the only invcstijjation ] of Ihc kind that has been made j Other studies of a similiar nature, in many countries, have shown that, I during the growing years milk as ai i article of (Vet is essential. The need and value of miln cannot be too .-.trongly emphasized because we j have no substitute for it. I The practical lesson for parents 1 and those in charge of children Is I to see to it that their children are not being handicapped through the lack of milk in the diet. Milk Js not a complete diet for school child- ren, but no diet is complete without milk. Milk may be used in many ways. It io not necessary that it be drunk. It may be taken on cereals and other foods; it may be used in cocoa, in milk pudings or in any other simil- iar manner. It need hardly be said that safe, pure milk only should be used, and that means milk from healthy cows, produced in a cleanly manner and then pasteurized. Letter From Miss A. CMacphail, M.P.J NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders on supplied forms plainly marked a.? to contents will be receiv- ed by H. G. Burke, Clerk of the Twp. of O.sprey, Feversham, Ont., or hand ed to him at the residence of Co^i'' lor Grummett, lot 12, Con. 2, E.iJ.rt., Osprey, up till 3 p.m. Tuesday, the C:h day of August, 1929, for the er- ection of three concrete bridges and culvcit: spans 28, 10 and 8 feet. The Ph'n-' and Specifications may bo seen at Mr. Grummett's residence which is near the site of bridges, or the office of undersigned after the Ist of Aug., r.2.'. A marked cheque for $100 in favor of the Treasurer of "the Twp. r.'.Uot accompany each tender. The ).)v.-e.;t or any tendtr not necessarily accepted. CHP.ISTIE fi BEATTY, Engineers, Orangevillc. Mr. Taylor, Reeve, Singhampton, Ont. Have the kiddie-.; attend the balloon ascensions at the places specified in Findlay's advt. THE STOKE WITH SEKVICE F.LHILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdak Ontario OIR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Special Savings Another big shipjuent of Ladies' Summer Dresses, very new and exclusive and at prices much below what you would e.xpect to pay for s!n.!i (iiialjty dresses. 10 dozen Ladies' Silk Hose, full fashioned and ex- cellent (luality. .Ml shades . r.-l all .sizes. A real special at yt â-  â-  choice, per i)air. for ouhr ... .^ $L39 Grocery Specials Oranges, sweet and juicy, 2 doz 35c. Cramiiated Sugar, 10 pound for 53c. reaiiut Butter, reg lOc, 2 for 15c. I>aker's Cocoa, reg 10c. , spec. 2 for 15c. Landry Starch, ])er pk 9c, h'ig Mar Hiscuits, per lb 19c. Seelless Raisins, 2 lb. for 21c. Purity Rolled Oats, large pk .;....25c. Snider's Kctsup, reg. 25c. 1 17c. |<j<K.^^***<.**«'**«<.**0****^Lt birth is over $9,000. Thi. .081 iT J-J ctf»\i-Vy ^CkfXTtr»f^ ♦' invested would bring in the money .X ncdllll CJCrrVlCC Xirequlred to rear the child and tho 1 j' - of the - i net income of his earning years. •? ..CANADIAN MED. ASSOC. ? Upon this baais which we believe Jefferson City, Missouri,' X,,„j^.,^^,^,^,,^^..5,<.<H»<~f<-<'^<»<><«*«| '•'' sound and reasonable, we find July 16th 1929. * * ' ! thit the twenty-two thousand babies ^ ^. , ,„., ' .„„»l IS IT WORTH WHILE? who die each year in Canada have Our routme a few days ago sent ^^ ^^^^^^.^ ^^,^^ ^, ^^^^ ^22,000- :rop>t:dt;r tTvU^^^^^^^^^^^ is is worth while for Canada to 000. Thi.. represents a drain upon The ax, driver dTdn't know where'. :.ve $22,000,000 each year which sum our nationa resources to an extent i^was truly "a propJet haTh honor' is a moderate estimate of the money which just.f.es national consider- suve in his own country." With- value of the infant lives lost each ation „ ,^^ ^ . ^ iittlo dlifficulty we found the park year m this country? | Public Health work is not a matter in th" csntre of which is the *^mbâ€" | It is difficult to place money value of sentimentj it i-3 esentially the ex- on a round flat topped base sits the upon human Pfe, because, in the first penditure oi reasonable sums of huge figure of the Great Lincoliw' place, it seems a cold and heartless money along certain established the base is leally a building filled v.-i'li books, innga-zines and pictures of Lincoln. At the back is the vault with the casket. A v/reath had bi.^n. recently placed by Herbert Hoover. We saw a letter written in Oct- ober i860 by a little twelve year oltf girl; Grace Bedell, to Lincoln. Grace waa an ardent Republican. A cam- paign waa on. A picture of Lin- ci;ln enclosed by a split rail fence wa;; sent around, one came to the Bedell home a;'.d Grace was upset by the teasing of her brothers and playmates over the homely features of her hero, so she wrote and sug- gested that he grow whiskers and promised if he would that she would do her best to get her two demo- cratic brothers to vote for him. She added "1 think the fence is really pretty." If he were too busy to write to her Grace asked that he get his little girl to do it for him. Abe Lincoln was in the tliroes ol a general election for the Presidency of the United States but he answer- ed that letter by hand on October PJth, 1860, beginning, "Your very agreeable letter of the loth receiv- ed'* that he had never worn whisk- ers and peopla might think it silly affectation if he did, but he thank- ed her for hev interest in him Lat- er he visited her town, askedher and kissed her with thousands of people looking on, to her very great con-^ fusion, but he did grow the whisk- ers and improve his looks thereby. Lincoln has been one of my ideals so the Springfield visit meant mucti to me. For a week now I have been in wheat and corn of Illinois and Mis- souri, speaking every day on "Uncle Sam and Jack Canuck." Many, per- haps most of the people in my aud- ience, knew little of Canada bsfore. Some have visited Canada but their general ideas about our country are pretty hazy. They give me a fret iiand to discuss trade, tariff, pro- hibition or anything I like. The farm audiences want to know more about the wheat pool, the farm or- ganization, the nall'orul '•.'â- .'iway, etc. The people are so friendly, I like them, and they have a free and easy manner. In shops, trains, ev- eryv,-here, men go in their shirt sleever, it is so hot. Corn is tho principal crop, oats sec- ond. The c;>rn that will ripen is now so tall that tho hor.ses backs just shew above it but the silage corn is only a few inches high. Thi land around Princetown and Bloom- inutcn. III. sells from ?200 to $300 S per acre, tho farmers are heavily in debt to the mortgage loan companies and the banks. We had breakfast yesterday in the City of St. Louis. Big cities and this heat are a poor combination. To-day we are in Jefferson City the capitnl city of Missouri, the homo of Tlionias Jcffcraon. tiiird president of United St;itea. My room faces the grounds of thi? Governor's Mansion! This morning we visited the capitol. thing to do We rather resent the line.s of proven value. Public Health fact that anyone should think of oui : work pays a dnvidend far beyond cwn children as having a dollar val-.what it paid on any other invest- ue Then there are 'xch human el- mer.t. At least one-half of the ments aj mother-love expended upon $22,000,000 now lost each year can a child which are beyond any meas- be saved ^nvough providing the nec- u'-e of value. ' e.=5sary public health ser-rkes. Is it If, however, we think of the, worth while? nuc-:t;on in en impersonal way, we; â€" â€" â€" â€" do find certain interesting fac*s. It HOUSE FOR SALE requires money to feed, house, clothe. and educate a child. There is, as] House, could be used for store and it v.-ere. an amount of money invest- 1 dwelling combined. Has water and ed in every child. When a child modern conveniences. It is situat- grows to be an adult and begins to earn money he then becomes an ass- et, and to the extent that he earns mo-e than i? required for his bare living he is paying dividends upon the money invested in him. An eminent American statistician, taking these points into consideratior has found that the value of a child ed in this thriving village (Hom- ings Mills) on the main highway and in the centre of one of the most prosperous farming districts in On- tario, six miles north of Shelbume. There is an opening here for a live- wire using a truck in connection with a general store business. Price $600.00 â€" T. J. O'Flyn, Shelbume. Small Advts. «-><-X~X"VX«<K-X«4"X-:~XK«<~X«<-X^"X«<K'<«<~X'<»X->«X~X~XK~^^ LOST OR STOLEN FOUND â€" On Monday, July 15, sum of money. Owner please en- quire at The Advance. FARM FOR SALE FOR S A i- B FOR SALE â€" Cherries Graham Clarksburg. E. FOR SALE â€" Heavy horse. 8 yrs old. â€" A. Harrison, phone 41 r 4. 110 acres in the Township of \T' temesia. lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.R., I about 85 acres under cultivation, I balance pasture and mixed bush; bam 1 36x60 with T 36x46. all with stone- I basement, in good repair, water at bam; driving shed 24x30, also heir- ; house; 8-roomed solid brick house â-  with soft water cistern and fuma**". This is a good grain and stock farm. well fenced and watered, situated' I convenient to railway, church and „ ., „ Z Z 7:, ' school. Reason for selling is oi» FOR SALE â€" Cow, 6 years old, aeeou„t ^f poor health. For partic- with calf at foot. â€" Joe Thompson, ulars apply on nremisos. Singhampton. j xv. A. MORTON. -. jj j^ 2^ Proton Station. FOR SALE â€" Montmorency and English cherries, red currants ,no'w j ready), also berries, black currants, plums and tomatoes in season. â€" ' Mrs. E. Bell, Duntroon. j Registered Yorkshire Boar for •w FOR SALE â€" Five ten or fifteen ^'^e by Flesherton Bacon Hoff CJ«*, •cres on field; clean timothy and th« property of the Ontario Depart* •lover. Apply â€" Jno. W. Eagles, Or- ment of Agrlcirfture. nee Valley, R. R- 5, Markdale, i â€"C. STEWART. Car«Uke». Phone 33 r 2:5. | . FOR RKNT - Six roomed house iS«OKTHOBN DUIX FOR SERVIC« ind pood garden, o-iposi'" tho hish j =!ehool in Fleshertfn. â€" Mrs. W. J. | Registered Shorthorn bull for 8er- Caswell. Proton Station, R R 3. vice at lot 5, Ccn. P, Osprey. "Merry 1 Marquis" No. 179.135; Sirp. Dopnia FOR SALEâ€" Bran $1.70; Middlings Marquis 142.381; Dam, Red Buttcrn-f $2.10; low grade flour $2.25; Chop. 131.078. Terms â€" Purebred.i $6 00 $l.ir) per hundn;d; also cats, barley, grades $2.00. Cows not returned BOAR FOR SERVICE. wheat, etc. Phone 38 r 3.â€" A. C. wiU be charge full price. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" For cash, or note with good -jecurity at 6'' per annum for six months. About 13 acres of standing fall \Vhcat. also a quant- ity of hay. On lots 166. 107, 1 R. W. T. S. R. Interested parties make an offer toâ€" L. tl. Thistlethwaite, 24 Connor Ave., Toronto. â€" S. R. HAWKINS. Eocente MISCELLANEOUS , NOTICE â€" All parties nre warned a beautiful white building fashioned agajngt trespassing on my property after the Federal Capitol ii Wash-lio^ 27. con. 12. Artemesia. â€" C. E. ington. It stands on the banks of Tumgr, Eugenia. the Missouri the grounds going to' 'â-  j. the water's edge. The House of, WANTED â€" Two young Calves,. Representatives or Lower House has â€" .\lbert Blackburn, Phone 42 r 6, one hundred and fifty members the Flesherton. * Senate or Upper House has thirty-!-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" â€" ; ; ; four. There is one woman in the'. NOTICEâ€" Cf.rload of salt to arrive Lower House. | H^roy '''s''Xrd '*' " ~ Honey dew melons, blackberries __! "IS '. and cream, hot corn bread, fried TO RENT â€" For hay or pasture â€" GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LKCNSED AUCTIONEER Fir the County of Grey. Termu 1 per cent. Satisfaction guamtM^ Dates made at The Advance office. MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barriatera. etc Ofices â€" Owen Sound. Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton evosy Saturday afternoon and evening. BUSINESS CARDS Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. A A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall, Arm- - . strong Block, Flesherton evei-y Fri- chicken and iced tea fortify me ag- one half acre lot in Eugenia, or would day on or before the full moon W For particular apply toâ€" G. Watson.W. M., C. F Lawrence) ainst the heat and constant travel- sell same ling- â€"A. C. Macphail. Ed. Hillock, Maxwell, 'phone 42 r 31. THE MAN AND MOTOR "Where Quality is Higher Than Price" m An old and periodically recurring question has cropped up again, "Should the motorist stop and give a lift to anyone who signa!.^ him?" A correspondent who writes that in some ten years of motoring, he ban never, under any reasonable cir- cumstances, refused a lift when it has been asked for, complained that when, the other day, he tried to ob- tain a lift himcalf â€" to the nearest gn-age, his car having developed en- gine trouble. A.I 'this trouble ocurrcd on the highway betwen Humber Bay and Mimico, there was plenty of cars passing, but after signalling to over seventy cars it was half an hour be- fore a kindly truck driver came a- long and towed him to the nearest garage. "Is the courtesy of ther oaddead? he asked mo somewhat theatrically," and is the spirit of brotherhood whi ch used to exist between motorists deceased? Or is there any reasonable explanation of why seventy presum- ably decent motorists should refuse to stop- at the «igrnal of a fellow motorist obviously in •trouble?" NOTICE â€" Car of feed to arrive next week. Orders taken; special price off car. â€" Phone Geo. Ross or the office of the Osprey Milling Co, EGGS WANTED â€" Highest mark- et prices wil be paid in cash.â€" Jno. Runstadlcr, Flesherton. NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Saturdays only. â€" Graham Bros. Eu- genia. FOR SALE OR RENT â€" 100 ac- re, lots 166, 167, 1 R. W., T. & O. S. N. on No. 10 Highway, in town- ship of Artemesia, U mile from school. 2 miles from Flesherton. Apply to L. R. Thistlethwaite, 24 Connor Ave., Toronto or W. J. Bel- lay, Flesherton. NOTICE TO TRESSPASSERS Secretary Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C, W. D. Henry. B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucm Block, Phone 2. Branch office* at Dundalk and Durham. Lots 146 and 147 3rd range E. T. & S. R., and parts 231-2-3-4, hunt- ing, fishinig and tresspassing strict- ly prohibited.â€" R. J. Meggilt, Flesh- erton. Telford & Birnie, Barristers, soli- citors, etc. Offices Grey and Bruca Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays.) W. P- Telford, Jr ., J. P. p. Birnie. Wni. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and datea may be made at the Advance office, or Central telephone office, Feversham, or by addressing me at Feveishsun. SHINGLES Mew Brunswick White Cedar. 5 to 2 inches. Extras perfectly clear of knots and sapwood. Clears 6 in. NOTICEâ€" Will all those who have room reservation for Old Homo Ids'"" ««•'♦ up. Week please communicate with *hone your orders: 13w. G. B. Welton. Even those with one room will be welcome. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for â€" , ivfceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,9M â€"Property of Saugreen Qacon BM Club. Terms fl.OO. ^ â€"aHINDLB, fl ' ftoteo 8tati«a 1 BULL FOR SERVICE : ij ^ Durham Bull for service. S1.50 H W. A. ARMSTRONG A SON. P«id before January, othenrtae M " C. Akim, R. R. 8, Protoa Statioai ^

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