THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDKESDAY, JULY 31st, 1929. « it (1 I How the Flesherton Old Boys' and Girls' Home Coming Was Started ^^w » (by Dr. R. H. Henderson, Toronto) , Murray suggested that it be Sheard ,„, ^, , . „ ^ off. The culprit Newell that some- _ [Please Noteâ€" All the names cap- ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^- ^is Way, and tried italized are the names of people whoL^ Uuckett, and being in a Pinch, and have lived, or are now living in the ^^^^-^^ somewhat Moody, asked the village or the vicinity of Flesherton.] The people who are now living, or have lived in Flesher-ton and sur- rounding country, although they are of different nationalities, and known .. _ by a variety of names, have a very from the Faweett, f nd, taking a Sly advice of a gentleman formerly from Grey whose judgment is always Wright, so acting on his advice and feeling a little Churney. on the S purr of the moment, and not wanting to Bolster up the situation, took a drink Strong Love for each other; and j glance at the crowd, pulled down hte while visiting thereâ€" my own home ' Westcott, and as it was a little Wrag- townâ€" I Heard on Good authority a Short time Ego, that the people were gett, he made a Sharp turn and left the Hall, and being a good Walker. Thurston for a Long time for an old. decided to Trudge-on home Boyes and girls home coming celebra-j ^jthp^t Moore, ado a most capable â- Unn an »(• Vuhn. which ia twelve by j .!..:_„__ _* „„,^mt**a^a tion, so at Nuhn, which ia twelve by g^jg^^tj^ ^ad chairman of committees the Clock, on a certain Day, being Boyd up with Pride, in the Hope of Crockford, Burke-ton, Heathcotc, Sut- formerly, a Rae of sunshine rented on ton, Hogg's-Hollow, Preston, Clinton every foot of the dear old plac^. I Mount Julian, and as far even as the At the Old Home week there ^will be' river Jordan and river Shannon and Radwicks, Chadwicks and W icken8,j from Genoa in Italy. I but the finest "Wick" at the c^lebra- You Neir-er will have such an op- tion will be Wilfenwick who came portunity to hear such fine music as from Eugenia Falls, but is ncnw ex- the Canadian Field Artillery Band of Alderman of Toronto. .\^ a ^-Wick" Toronto will furnish. The leader, is an important part of a can^die, so Mr. WiLson, not Holden to ancient tra- this "Wick" altho' not "Wick"-.^d. nor ditions, has kindly consented to let tolerates "Wick"-edness in any^ form, Mel-drum on this occasion, the laws of plays a very important part in the the Meads and the Persians not now Toronto delegation; and v^ithout being in force in the village. He is speaking "Wick"-edly, if yoi«_ think not Talbot is Shier than Dav-is. you can knock down his "WL <k"-ets , J , „ . . , J V ,'you will find you are up against a I denna' Kennedy when you. w'ud ha J j f.wick"-erware. so much fun, unless you get, as a Scot , l i j would say. Fuller 'en a goat. I l**"'' "»' ^n apostel, had an under I taking to Plantt a few Murph -39, and Our Potts are all cleaned^up, our | ^jj^r Cullen out a few Semples, pro. , ^^ ,„ ^ „. __ _ in made Ready for our Guests. The Old Home sports committee is making every effort to have the home Cattle On Highway seeing a number of friends of their YouBg-er days, resolved, Orr rather decided to get be-Hind the proposition and Doupe out the Best plan to make it a great sciccess. A Freeman, and others of the vill- age and vicinity, en-Dow-ed with the same laudable spirit, Gott together, Bowles^are washed and the Chambers I ggg^gjj ^^ j^„y them in Kt^ynt "' "" ' ^"' " the Rear of the Buck-wheat iield. I don't wonder that some ^rom a distance be-Wale their inab* comers, Small and great, Young and leave their Homes, in order lity to to be' I he was going to eat them, a tale ' which the Game Warden declined to ' I swiijlow. The law allows only I twenty speckled trout a day and th»> Ir» the second division court in To- Trout Creek man will have to try^ ronto a judgment was given dismiss- and explain to the magistrate why ing a;i appeal which is of interest he kept on fishing after he had gor '• to motorists axid to owners of caHle. ] his number. This lack of respect WTii le driving at night on a highway; for the law is too general and has the motorist turned aside to pass a ' much to do with the scarcity of fish couple of calves, when a third bobbed in many trout streams. â€" Collingwood up from the ditch and was struck by j Bulletin. the car, which was damaged to the â- extent of |30O The motorist sued ' the owner of the calf and secured ; judgment for the full amount. On ] appeal the judgment was sustained. ; The court held that the plaintiff was j not guilty of negligence and the sole cause of the accident was the negli- gence and disobedience of the statu- tory duty owed by the defendant. By the Highway Improvement Act, R. S. O., 1927, chapter 54, section 73 (3) it •was pointed out; that, permitting one's cattle to run at large is forbidden; ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY lierr-fully selected, who were never "'d enjoy thmselves, so they will find with their old friends, and a tear| coixsequently the presence of these Wier-y in their en-i>ever to make it a in the grounds a Ferris wheel. Teeters,; Wells up in their eyes, but fLnd con- cal-ves on the road was unlawful â€" oreat success Every Mann was Sledrriding Bowles, Ball and other' solation in the thought that "every- as much so a. s if forbidden by muni great success. Every anxious to Coe-operate and all who could run an OtteweU, made hU Cargoe until the radiator Boyles over. Being in a Pickle when his Karatedt Still, he thought he would Parker in the Park, and not being Rich, having only a few Nichols and a Copper in amongst whom were a Baker, Barber., his pocket, decided to Lever in one of a Bntcher, a Cook, a Cooper, a Gar4- Barnes or at "Brack's" until he would iner, a narrower, a Mason, a Miller. I Palmer off for a Brackenbury or an a Pedlar, a Porter, a Tanner, a Taylor Eaton brand of Snow-mobile, a Weaver, a Black-Smith, an Arrow.\ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ were placed as to which Carr Boms smith, and a Goldsmith. In addition to the above list of hon- orable tradesmen, they have stal- wart Boyes, "Noble sons of Noble sirea" of other persuasions, the Atkin- sons, Andersons, Achesons. Bensona, Carsons, Dnbsons. Dawsons, Donald- sons, Fergusons, Gibsons, Harrisons, Hutchinsons, Hendersons, Johnsons, Jamiesons, Jacksons, Morrisons, Mat- thewsons, Murchisons. Neilsona. Pat- tisons. Parsons, Robertsons. Robin- sons. Samsons. Sandersons, Sampsons, Stinsons. Stevensons, Stephensons, Thomsons, Thompsons. Watsons, Wil- sons, Williamsons and Wilkinsons. the most Gass, the Cole, the Nash, the Brooks, the Starr, the Duraat, or the Essex. This, of course, started a friendly argument, but one who ap- peared to be a little Gamey started to Kuff it, and Sparks began to fly. Not being anxious to Harrow the feelings of a.iyone, some thought it had gone far e-Knuff as it was causing more or less nerve Strain for a time, and fearing aSlaughter of some one, they called in a Sargent who put on his Carson-Armour and with a Stone in his sling and a Speer in his Hand, in the presence of an Earl and in the ganies. | ^hing comes to him who Wai-teg.' Littlejohn who had to Neil when he The fact is that I was sane enough played Bowles, and who could not say 1 up to the day that I decided -*o write Runstadler or Thistlethwaite without I this desultory; and have bees=ii sine*, lisping, was a good Bowler, but did not 'as far as I know. I am v&ry anx have an Armstrong enough to place! ious to see this Home Comi-^ng cele them properly. There was a little bration a gigantic success, If it it Hi(e)ckUng over the result, but to a failure, I want it under8t<=>od that Foster any hard feelings was out of! I was taken possession of fcay some the question. [unseen, perhaps Satanic, po^wer; but A ShepheH with his Home, not a if it is a success, then of e=«urse it Cornet was singing Robin- Adair as he was an inspiration of my o-m. To walked ac-Ross the Meddaugh and those who are inclined to lo-ck upon later being a Handy man, was busy the bright side of life, who «re aiut- trying to Sheardown a few sheep. | ious to meet and greet old fiâ€" lenda of An -Owler visited the old 'Olmstead their youth, with a glad haa-J and a but was not Gauld to find the 'A(o)ld- smiling face this letter a respect corn Pe(a)tch, instead of being Chard f'^W fledicated. and covered by a Hayes or a Smnrr as "Smile with me, not at nrae." cipal law. Furniture Talk for Old Home Week You may find yourself short of sleeping accommodation. Remember we have Cots and Bed Outfits ai moderate prices also emergency combination of couch and bed. Any one of these may help you solve your difficulties for this great event In the history of our village. Watch for one of our balloons sailing through the air. To help advertise I our Old Home Week end we are of - 1 fering to pay a fuil day's admission J fees to any one day in our Old Home Week End to the person capturing one of our balloons. If weather ts favorable one of these balloons will be released from the following places. On Wednesday, July 31 at 1 o'clock in Proton; Wednesday, July 31 at 5 o'clock in Ceylon: " at 7.30; at met a man carrying 98 speckled , Maxwell, August 1st at 1 o'clock; trout None of these fish were over I Eugenia, August Ist at 2 o'clock; ha.lf a pound in weight. The man . Flesherton, August 2nd at 1 o'clock. had been fisfeing from 9 a.m. to 5.15 Watch for the balloon ascension, p.m., the time when Mr. Stevenacn; Tk.«- W TSmJI*** asked him w-hat he was going to do 1 DOS. W. rinQiay -with so marxy fish, he claimed that p„,„itupe Dealer Funeral Direetor Speckled Troat Hog XJp north the other day, Mr. Peter Stevenson, IDiatrict Game Warden ha<i the somewhat doubtful prlvileg:* of meeting a, real "fish hog." Mr. Stevenson, with Bert Gooderhani wa« pa. trolling near Trout Creek when he ' Flesherton on July 31 With this Large Conn-course of > name of the King, the gathering which people of Welsh, English and Irish | might be call|l a Parliament, was descent, they thought it Wood, not be I -^alled to order, and what to some complete without a 'wee bit 0' Scott- ! might appear to be a quarrel, was ish 'ta tune in 'wa them, so to the skirl 0' the bags o' the Pipes, 'ta the tune o' "the Campbells are Comin'..". there was an enthusiastic gathering o' the clan, amongst which were tho ^ff ^^g Wardrobe McAdams, McAlisters, McAuleys, Me- j,f Whiteoak. but only a friendly exchange of words or, as it were a "Tempest in a tea pot." A Vause, however, was seen to fall which was made made to Weth- Carrolls, McCannell's. McCallums, Mc- 1 5^,11 kinds of Somers and Winters Conkeys, McCuIloughs. MeCutcheons, [ ^jj^t generally prevails at or near McCrackens, McDonalds. MacDonaWs. 1 Clarksburg and Thornbury. The secretary, after having his Inkster-ed up was asked to Reid out McDonnells. McDermotts. McDougalls. McDougalds, McEachnies, McFaddens, , McGirrs. McGilvreys McGowans Mc-j - ^.^^^^^^^ ^^^.^^^^ Intyres. Mclnn.s Mclntoshs. McKees, ^^^ ^ ^^^ McKillops. Mekenzies. McKechmes, ""^" """â- " Mp«..r<! Adams McKinnons. McLau.h.ins. McLellans. ^^n^r. fdl^^ds.'^Ha^^ah. Ht";?: McLanghrys. McLachlans, McLeods. â- ;y"" , ,; ,, _, , , ..„„ .„•, i. w . .. M 1- M u:ii.__ Howard. Harold. Franks, Isaacs. Jack. McMasters. McMeckins, McMillans' , Z^ r^i„^, Phinin.. Rnh*rt« Van McMunens McNjllys. McNultys. Mc-j ^-s OUj^-J'^^^-^^^^^^^^ J^e'r^iSry^ K^ueet: M:! of each committee being duiy allotte^ ' . '„ „ M T-.,^u„ M.T.... and obligated, the feeling of .he Quarries, McRaes, McTavishs. McTag- " ' „„•,„„„„ ^u-f ^»~\, » M wu! _..„„ meeting was unanimous that each garts. McWhinneys. | ^^^ J^^^ ^^^ ^^^j^ ^^^^ ^ ^^j^^. Accordingly, the Campaign, having mined effort to make the Old Home been started, they decided to Marshall ; >Veek the gnreatest in the history of their forces and proceeded Post haste the village, to Hunt up a place in which to meet' ^^^.^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^.^^^^ ^^^ for organization purposes, so taking; a Short Wauchope the street they meeting adjourned. found a suitable Roome in the Man- J The next morning, nearly every shaw House, Down near the Mill. !n man was diligently engaged in his the shade of the Woods, on the Banks business pursuits, but a few were on by the Walters of the Boyne. | pleasure bent and wanted to take a T\. D„ -J » - 11 tu^w. 1.^ ' Haliday, and a Fisher was seen trying The Reeve m order to <=» » th"" *?" t„ ^atch FUh without Bates in a gether. proceeded to Ring the Bell m p^,^ .^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ Cornfield, and ueiioy tower. , ^^^.^^ innocent of the Hazard of the The Elder of the party thought that ' situation, received a rude Bunt from Parson, dressed in his Priestly robes,! an innocent looking billy goat which Wood take Pride acting as Dean, or.' made him Haw-ler with Payne. chairman of the meeting, so without' . ,, . .^. n_»,_ u IT t T.- _j • u- tVr- J ^u- A Hunter, with a Hatton who was Hopeof re-Ward ,n his Wisdom, this ; j^;^ g„^ ^^^ Service he amicably performed. ^.^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ g;,,^^ ^^^ A Guy who was not Scilly, who over the Hemphill top, or Highland, Hales from Maxwell and who made it and before he left the Field was seen Lively for a time, Hopps up, being Russell for game on the Lee side of overcome with Joy and started to the Heath, and succeeded in captur- Hooper up at the enthusiasm of the ing a Hare, a Leppard and some 'meeting, and acting a Little Crossleyj L}ons. somo thought he was going on a| ^j, ^ p„^,„ ^^^^ „„ ^^^ ^ ?* V^r'l'^ 'l'° Waller .„ the'^„j ^^,,3 informed that Eagles. Mar- gutter, but, being a Trueman of sturdy, ^^ ^„j h„„„^ ^^^^^ 3^ numerous Stock, and Knott ha%nng this desire, ^3 Hawkes. Cowes. and Partridges, being a good Dresser, he knew this act ^^^ ;„ ^sprey, so he tried his Fortune would spoil his new suit of Tweed, and ^^^ ^^^^ j,^ ^y^ ^^^ j^ ^„^,j^ he could not af-Ford to Marr his Fair g^^^,, ^^^ ^^j,, ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ b,^„„ name, by a report of thia kind circu- 3^^^ y^.^. ^^^^^^ ^^^ Graham bread lating in the neighbor-Hood. | ,„j ^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ g^^^ Gutter, by As it was Knight, the Kertons were way of a Small lunch with him. *^I*T;>, ^K^'' * '** ^uT.Z^ ^'"^ V""" There was also an Oldfield there gavel the chairman called the meeting ^^^^ ^^^^ ,^^^ u„„^„j_ ^^o boast- " °^ ^^' j ingly said his ancestry went back to A Bachelor looking Hale and Hardy the Tudor period, or even as far as viCh a Whitehead and a Beard as the Norman conquest. Some took for Gray as a Badger, came in, and as Grant-ed that he was trying to put on there was a Bann-on that particular Ayres, as the old saying goes by style of facial decorations, Bellamy . "building Cassels in the air." People -wanted to Burnett; and when he start- from Oliver (all over) the world who ed to Trimble, 3ome thought that a once lived in Flesherton, are coming Black-bnrn would not be becoming for Mitchell, Kingston. Beaton, Hamilton, his particular style of beauty, so Sing-hampton, Snell-grove, SuUivan, Build Up a Monthly Income by Investing Your Funds in Royalties. An investment in Second Standard Royalties Ltd. vie!d.s 12' Payable 1 tnonthly. the 1st of each record of 25th Dividends are payable on month to shareholders of of the previous month. FOR FULL INFORMATION SEE Dr. E. C. Murray - Flesherton THE FORE) CAR SHA^BTERIPROOF GLASS WINDSHIELD Protection with Clear Vision THE shatterproof gMass wind- shield on all Ford cazars is one of many important safety fe:^ituies tliat contribute to the pleasure and cc^m' fort of all Ford Model "^e^" omters. The peace of mind and feeUng of security made possible by^ this factor of safety is further enhac^ced by the clear vision roof pillars, sk'brakc system, % irreversible storing, one piece gas tank and all-ste-^1 body. The Ford car shatterprroof glass windshield does not splimiter iin.der the impetus of a direct blow. In case of a collision there i j no flying glass to endanger Ariver or passengers. The vision is clear and irtiob^tructed with the Ford shatterproof glass wisidshield. At the same time the driver reaULes that this windshield is a protection ansi a factor ia creating driving confidence and oivzier enthusiasm. ]^^ .'•5' j^* Drive it Yourself â€" there is no Better Test Ford Car Features CSciea cf colnn 55 to Cj nCca 9a }io::t ;j-AcrM potrcr njino Fvll ba^i^^tm tins FnUp cnck$€ti iix-irakc tytem i I'.oniaCm hairaaiic tkoek 10 lo 30 mtlct j>T gaSon of gnaolmt Shattmpreof glam iniiidUaU TW/f rroof igml^om \otk SilittCiiv and ten ii yfcMy K,< ,^» •'-«.^.M».^-*k,/^ .^» ,-• ^â€" ..- c^rran^e for your demomtratiawi ride 'with tht neamt F^jri dealer H. DOWN 8i SONS FORD DEALERS •:• FLESHERTON, ONT. ^