'^« Wi)t /leslj^trtjan %imMt Vol. 49 No. 10 Flesherton Ontario, August 7, 1929 W. H. Thurston & Son. Propcietors CEYLON n . Mr. Wm. Strain of Pleasant Dale, Sask., Mr. George Strain of Gore iiay were callers in town ahd on old friends on Saturday. Miss Eft'ie Chislett, Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Anna Mc- Millan. Master Alex, and Murray Marshall spent the week end at Chatsworth. | Mr. D. D. McLauchlan spent a couple of days at Guelph the past week. j Mr. and Mr3. J. D. McLeod, Misses Dorothy and Jeanette and Mrs. Mc- Leod's brother, Mr. Barlow, motored to Michigan and attended the funeral of Angus McLeod, a former resident j of this place, also a brother of Mr. ! Donald McLeod. The sympathy of the community is extended to the relativc-3. Miss Vera Marshall, nuTse-in-train- injf at Durham hospital is spending a few holidays at her home here. j Mr. and Mrs. John McKimon, Mr. and Mrs. Nean McKinnon, Brampton spent the holiday at Mr. George Ar- row^smith's. Miss .\nnie Muir of Toronto was a holiday visitor with her brother, Mr. Allie Muir and Mrs. Muir. Mr. Robt. Cook and Miss Millie motored to Otterville, Oxford county for the week end and was accompan- ied back by Mrs. Joe Graves and daughter, Helen. i Mr. Robt. Brown, Misses Anna and Delia White, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley \shite and daughter, Edna, spent the holiday with Mro. White. Old Home Week visitors with Mr. anu Mrs. J. L. McMulien were Mr. and MiJ. Goidon McMuilen, Mr. and .>irs. Fred McMulien, Mr. and Mrs. iLrnie McMuilen, Mr. and Mrs. Austin .ilc.uuUcn of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. uales and son. Jack of Ov,-cn Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Marshall and dai;gW:er, Elenor and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, Toronto at Mr. and Mrs. Wilson McMullen's. Ivirs. Varni.^k and mother, Mrs. J. Whitakci- ot Caledon among old friends. , , ...I. and Mrs. F. CoUinson and fam- ily moL3red to Owen Sound and were a con.pinied back with Mr. Russell Coleman of London and Mrs. Coleman of Owen Sound. Messrs. John and Thos., Misses Grace aid S. Cherrio of Toronto, Ui: and Mi ;. Du-.can Campbell of Ham- ilton. M-. and Mrs. D. Campbell, Mrs Frank Sanderson. Mr. and M s. Huga JlcCailud of Caledon were week end visitors with Mr. ami Mrs. Robt. Campbell. Mr. J. C. McLachbn spe :. the week end with his father. Mrs. Duncan Mui • of Port Arthur, Mrs. Murdock of Caledon at Messrs J. and S. McFadden. Mrs. Gillespie and daughter of To- rcnto at Mr. A. Sinclair's. Mr. .-Mex. McDonald of Weston is rclievinc for Mr. A. Sinclair, who is on h^o holidaj's. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jackson and son. Miss Margaret Finlan of Dun- itas. Dr. Patterson and son, George Mr. "nd Mr-.. Snowden McLeod of Toronto at Mr. D. McLeod's. Mr. and Mrs. Cade, Toronto, Mr. McFarland. Miss W -iht, Miss Page of Mclntyro, Mr. and Miss B. Mc- Kenzio of Fevershani and Mr. Sniers of Kimberley at Mr. S. Hcmp- hi'Ts over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and family rf Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. F. Cairn-. Dr. F. Grant of Durham, Dr. Line Grant of Stratfn-d and Mr. Brook Gr-.r; vioiti".g their sister, Mrs. .A.I- lie ^luir. JMi". and Mrs. Bean and son. Jack cf Red Creek. N. Y.. and Mr, i-au Mr«. Hc-bie Fijher and two children of Toronto at Mr. Rov Piper's. M>-. and Mrs. J. Fletcher. Toron- to, Mr. Grimbsy and two sons of Gait were week end visitors with M- f(] Mrs. Thos. Fletcher. Mr. Silas Hill and dauhter, Ada of .Markdalo. Mr. and Mrs. LutherTorry ard son. Jack,- of Lauviston were week end \-isitoi -, with Mr. and Mrs. Piper. The Ladies' .Md held their usua! monthly f'cCiing at the home of Mr:. McWilliams when al business of importance was 'ransacted. The resi- dent. Miss K. McMillan was prese:i:- id with a handsome readimr electric lamp for the work and interest she bss taken in the work, for which she •hanked the ladies. The hostess then served a most delicious lunch which brouirht the meeting to a close. Mr. Kilbourne Hemphill, Vancouver! Mr. Will Hemnhill and daughter and* -â- 'n Ken., of Toronto, were old home week visitors. Mrs. Robertson fnd Mrs. W. Snyder •-f Toronto, vi=''ed with thci- father n n. M-Inus-hlin. â- vfr--. John P'«tton. Cnlgary, visited friends here this week. ed to Miss Margaret Sinclair, who recently pased her conservatory musical examination, which was held at Dundalk. She was a pupil of Miss Gardiner. i Owing to Old Home Week it was decided to withdraw the Sunday behool and church service on the Sabbath and join the commuity ser- PRICEVIL1.E SWAMP COLLEGE vice which is to be held in the Mem- arrival of a son Miss Pearl McCuaig and friend of The haying is almost completed ar- Pontiac, Mich., motored home Sun- ound here and the lidiea are oui day where she will spend a month's picking raspberries, vacation. , iiessrs Carlyle and Duncan Mac- We congratulate Mr. and Mrs.' Millan visited on Sunday at Wm. Leonard McKeown on July 1" on the Hincks, Priceville. orial Park, Flesherton on Sabbath afternoon at 2.30. .Mr. and .virs. Jas. Ilalej and son. Jack, ot Uwen Sound visited the lat- '.er's father last week. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, Miss Flora Mr. Clifford Hincks, sister visited at Mr. Howara McLean's a* h-gremont one day last week. ..ir. Charlie McLean and Mrs. Mori imer or bhelburne and Mrs. Saiten visited on Wednesday at Mr. Hector Miss Effie McCannell and Mr. Dan Ida! MacDonald of Toronto are holidaying MaeUonald and Joh.i oi iJentincfc, | McLean's Jirs. McL«an and little daughter, ] Mr. Wm. Hincks, accompanied by i:.ana, of Gull Lake, Man., viiited his three sisters, Beth, Jean a.id Al- with Mr. H. McPherson and two ' nieda, visited friends at Stajmer and Slaters the past week. [ Wasaga Beach the first of the week. Mr. Sinclair motored to Harriston 1 Mr. .\rt Whittaker ad Mrs. Anna the past week and was accompanied HacAiiilan of Ceylon were recent vis- t !ck by his mother and sistei-, Mi-ss | itoio at Mr. John Whittaker's. Olive. ] Mrs. Ulrich of Chicago arrived last week to visit her father, Mr. around here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hay and Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Black moiured to Ow- en Sound on Saturday. Mr. Duncan McMillan of Toronto spent the week end at his home. A number from here attended the church parade and services in Flesh- erton on Sunday. 1 Great preparations are being made for the Orange picnic on .August 14. Also the S. S. Picnic at Swinton Park on Knox's lawn on Aug. 7, when a (Last Week's Items) '*â- ••. A. Sinclair and family, '^frs. Sinclair and d<iueh' ^- .Oliv". of Hnr. •''ton. nvitored to Owen Sound the fi>^ of th" wo"k. Mr and M " F. Col'tnson and fim- â- h- went to Owen Sound for the \v"^k '"'>d. Mr. T> ^t<>wa'*. who hni hc^n vis- •â- •!n<» pt >fo"»'-pnI 'las -ptu'""o'< home j,-..-,r>ip»»nipd by '^'i^-! r<<nipbel1. M,. c^^'-rrp MoKptit:''-' and Ml^s ' â- - ""'r-K-v-'- -rrit tha week end w''*" Eu"*!"""" friends. r •2ratv.!.'itions p.re bein.-r cxtcnd- J. Melia. Mr. S. Hemphill, son Percy and Miss Reta motored the first of the week to Fergus. .Mrs. H. Piper, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper and family, Mr. Jas. W. Mc- Muilen motored the first of the v.eLK to Wasaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. L. Torry and don. Jack, accom- panied them. ji.s. itiCV.^ormack and daughtei', Isabelle of Durham aer visiting at Mr. C. Smiley's. Miss V. Eitherington of Toronto is visiting with her cousin. Miss Margaret Sinclair for a week. FEVERSHAM Mr. Ed. Everist of Toronto isi good time is expected. !=pending a few weeks ai hii homel Miss Fern Goheen returned to To- here. 1 mntn after spending a few holi- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker and days here. Mrs. .Ambrose McKee motored from t^t-mmmvmi r"V Toronto and were visitors at Mr. Eu. K.ImBERLEl Everists. Messrs Inis and .\lroy McLean of Toronto spent the week end at their homes. Mr. and Mr^.Angus McEachnie of Detroit were visitors at his mother's here. jir. Fred Runmiman and Mary oi Toronto are visiting at Mr. Colin Mc- Lean's. .ur. Jack Mepham, Mrs 1 ana M;ss .Mepham una Mr. boijson' Mr. and Mrs. Lyness Fawcett and children of Smiths Falls are holiday- ing at the home of the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Fawcett. M.-'3. Leslie McMulien of F«4ver- sham visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. Ellis. I The Creemore basebell club wen I the game from Kimberley on Weil- ,, , nesday. Owing to a one sided score .Viepnami ^^^ ^^^ ^^-^^ ^(^^ ^^^^ ^.^^ ^^^ ^^ , interesting as predicted. Oi Hamilton, ..ir. bimpson ol loron-| ^intors during the week with Mr. to are visitors at -Mr. Jno. McMeek-j ^^^ jjj.^ .^y ^ gn^g ^.^^.^ y^^ in's here. ,, , i, -' Flaren and children of Toronto. Mr. ( Mr .and Mrs. George McLellan oi ; ^^.^ jjj... ^^y^ gj.^^^ ^f xhornbury. The church here will be closed for; Nia.ijaia spent the week end at Dan y^^ ^^^ y^^^^ Harold Ellis and Ken- two Sundays while it is being re-dec- j Campbell's. Mrs. Campbell return- '^^,^\^^ jj^ _,,j jj,. Cramp. Mr. and orated and service will be held in the, lu home after spenam;; two weeks ^r,.,,' j^X.^gtuart" and daughters oi Uninge Hall. j with them. I Meaford >tr. and Mrs. D. Bates of Niagara Kev. Mr. Magnor of New Jersey, .^^j,^ Almeda Weber is holidaying Falls, N. Y., wTe visitors with the j preached oh Sunday in the hall and ^^.;.ij j-,.g_ Lcs. McMuilen of Fevtr- lormer's sister, Mrs. Thos. Cooper sri€nt the week end with Mr. Herb s]iam. on the townline and other friends in Mclnnis. | Mr. and Mrs. Bon Knott and .\:i2:'. th'-. viliaee. j ..^.. .-tkx. and Miss Mae Stewart ^^ gj, ^jncent visited one day las: Mr. and Mrs. HammoU of Port j motored to Paisley on Friday and ^.pgjj ^^.ijjj frierdj here. " ' ' Mrs. Goo. Burritt, Ml-ss Vera and Mr. Jas. Magee ef Markdale spent n'cdnpsdav with Mr. and Mr-:. S. S. VANDELEUR visitoci their son J. T. don Su.3 Sled. .\11 road-: n-.-e leaJin- .. Floi'ner- Mr.. Mae .Mcl.ntyrc and sister, Miss ton th'ise days, it being their Old Annie RicUardsc-n of Toronto spent home Week a f<^w days w.th their brother, Mr. Mr. ^nd Mrs. H. F. Ready and ^^'- Ri'^h-rdson and family, family of St. Marys and Mrs. Kate Miss Ida Lcver of Toronto spent a Davidson and Miss Swinton of Or- couple of days with her paren.s, Jir. ^jallia are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. T. Lever, ^eo. Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Mr. and Mrs. C. Perigo and two Johnston and .Mr. and Mrs. Frank child.en of Detroit are visiting with Davis. Mr. and Mrs. .\. Stewart. Mrs. Blair Sr. and Mr. Garnet Blair Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sled. Mr. and of Toronto are the euests of Mr. and Mrs. Vancise and Mr. and Mrs. Cur- Mrs. J. I. Garham and family. rie of N'ottawa spent a day with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. .A.llen McLauchlan of and Mrs. Sled. Huron were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W. J. Lever of Owen Souivd Lundy Johnston recently. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. Haying is almost over with in Brown. this district and most of the wheat Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Thompson and is cut. Both the crops are good. son of Simcoe are the guests of Mr. â€" â€" ^â€" â€" â€" â€" and Mrs. J. A. Lever. ^ % TORONTO LINE NORTH ENG.M'.EMENT Mr. W. . Sled and Mr. and Mrs. T. ^j. a^d Mrs. T. R. McKenzie an- F. Rambough of Ottawa visited with nounce the engagement of their only J- T. Sled. daughter. Joanna Lillian, to James Mr. and Mrs. Will Conrin and fam- Herbert Walker, son of Mrs. and the ily cf Toronto were week end visitors late James Walker, formerly of Mark- at F. Bro-wn's and T. Lever's. dale. The marriage will take place Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sled of Lums- in August. { Bates Burial Co. t 122-124 Avenue Road I TORONTO I Phone: KIngsdalc 4344 I J.W.Bates. R. Maddocks Coil^' ne v.-p'-e callers in the village on T-desday last. Mr. c :d Mrs. Fred Brown and son of Forest visited -iv^'h the former's sir^tcr. Mrs. Jos. B'l-bo'-. Mr. ?nd Mr-. C. Per'::T and fam.iiy -^" Detroit visited with the former's j s'ster, Mr3. H. .Alexander over the j hr^'-'iav. 1 Mr. and Mr-?. Thos. Davidson of T.-- • ""Pto visited r,-''-h Mr.i. Davidson"; â- 'â- ''t-cr, Mrs. Jo-. Barber ove-" the hoi:- j dn". I V-. rrd Mr.:. H. Perigo and fam.ly ; "" Toronto were 'he eue;ts of Mr. and Mr-, n. Al°^-ande - over the week end. ''". -nd T'Trs. Fni-^-?nn Osbor-ie "ind Httic ('-''.-e'riter of Hamiltori are vls- itins with the former's brother, Har- ol'l and other friends at present. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lawler of Lon- don visi'pd with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Barber over the holi- day. Mr. and Mrs. CoUe.ge and sons of St. Thomas are visiting with Mr. ana Mrs. J. A. Kernahan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Palmer of To- ronto and Mrs. Sniallcy of Colling-- wood called on Mr. and Mrs. Barber on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Forsytho of Owen Sound visited v,-ith Mrs. For-^ythe's oarcpt;. Mr. and Mrs. Eby over tlie -.v--'- end. Mr. and Mrs. Will Colquctte and Ro<â- ^â- •• and Allan of Owen Sound vis- ited here over the holiday. nrs. Wm. B :-il accompanied them home for a visit. I is visiting with .'tj.rs. -viuir oi her daughter, Mrs. .-Vrchie McLean. Q.jj-ritt. A number from here went to y^^. ^^^i Fawcett visited last week Flesherton on Sunday. ' y,. j^^^ yii • father who is %-ery ill at the ii.--: bonalda .Nicnol .is visiting i^j.^^ ^i Uvi daughter, Mrs. Ed. Cor- â- ' cv.a, r.nd relatives in London and p-^. ^j Dundalk. Ho also visited Plymouth, U. S. A. Mr. and .Mrs. Filkingham, Dur- ham. 3Iiss Catharine McMillan of Fergus visited recently at Hector McLean's. ' Rev. and Mrs. Corry and family of T^^^...^J ine t..^i.i-i.^i« uo-^jv I'.iiil wilD visit with fr.eiii^s around ii-jr-j for a I weoii or two. | Keep in mind the law-n social on with Mrs. Fawcett, who is undergo- ing ti-eatmen; in Durham hospital. Ml-.-. (Rev. J Stotesb-jry has re- turned from a visit to Kitchener. Misj EstelL> Hamnio -.d of Toron- to is visiting v.-.th Mi-s Ruth Myles a. present. -:so Kvelya So-^ii has gene to C . angcviila Busines-s College). Mr. and Mr--. .â- Vrchibald MacLean the Manso Grounds on .August 12. .-V' have returned to the home of their acbate v.il! be given by Miscc-s Ester daughte -, Mrs. D. L. Weber after a McLean a.^.d Wilda McC-.iaig, Messrs fcrtr.ight's visit in Owen Sound. -Murray Nichcl and Clifford Hincks, Resolved that a batchelor over 30 pay a municipal tax. A good program will be given. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. jIacDonald of Ow-en So-and spent the week end with friends here. Mr and Mr-^. Tom Hin?ks and thrc.-' vrocd of Duadalk diuG-hters, Dorothy, Florence and cd this v%-eok. Marion motored up frol Toronto on We c.n; sorry to report thit ''.it;u.Ia-.- and p~e visiting the Hinc'Ks Tom returned back on MonH.-iv p-iu "^'r-. Davj Hincks accompanied him to ToT-^nto. A'-. V'. J. M-ncMillan had a bars'" kill"! w>h lightning a cou-pis c- ROCK MILLS Jliss Eljie Gcwell of Ceaserea vis- ed over tiic holiday at her home here. Mr. Fachard Tucker, wife and fam- ily c: Toronto were holiday visitors at tl.o iiome oi Mr. Levi Bettj. Unity U.F.W.O. Club will meet at tile home of Mrs. W. Magee on Aug- ust lUh. Please notice change oi date. Mr. Elwood Genoa and family ot Toron-'o were holiday visitors with his brother 'nere, Mr. uarry Genoe. Mr. Ja-3. Scott from the west visit- ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft. .Mr. Thos. Whitmore, wife and family of Durham were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Newell. A number from arou-nd here attenO- od the services in Flesherton last Sabbath morning and afternoon. Miss Lulu Russell, who holidayed for a couple of weeks with relatives at Williamsford and Owen Sound ha-3 returned home. Uvi. Tucker Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ti k?r, Mrs. P Graham and faniiiy if Torr'o were visitors here over the holidav and attended the celebration in Flesherton on Monday. M--,. Tho.-i. Hov.'ard. Owen Sotr»d i? -isiting with her daughter, Mrs. Rob. Croft. Mr. n-^d Mrs. Harold Oaborno ^n.l ^o- nf Fovc'-sham v^iitcd with Mr. :\ri Mrs. Xo.I Cro*' .nnd family. M- s"d Mrs. Rob'. L*"" o* O'^ot Sound visited rc^ntlv with the lat- ter's sister, Mrs. Dick Clark. V.-CCU.S £".â- >. EUGENIA Mr. ar.d Mrs. Levi Pottage of Fair- mount spent, a U.iy with .virs. tiio;. Abercro: I jie. Miss i-""a.nny .-Vuci-- cromtie returned with t'ner.i to ro- n.;v,- Old acr;-aaintances at Fairniount. The truitces have let the contract for painting the school to Mr. Well- Work commenc- Mrs. .\!'-e:-t Myl-5s i-; quite ill at p-esent. T-irs. C-iirrie and Miss Lena Wri^rht of Det o't are visiting with Miss Mnrv StP^ford. Miss Ita Pcdiar of Rock Mills is the gurst of her cousins, the Misses Iva and Gladyj Wickens. r.li.^s Wi'son of the Chatsworth Banner, acconira->iet' by London friends spent a d.iy last week with Mrs. .-Libert Myics. Mi -s Marion Fawcett of Tironto v'sitod over '.'-.e v>-eik end at her par- ental home. Tho Misses Gilchrist of Oriliin 111 Fieshei--' "" visiting their sister. Miss Lorena -\ii=3 Violet and Mr. Wm. .•Vnda'scn are visiting their uncles I Many were the visitors to our vill- aao over tne holiday. i'he n-agema Mouse was well patroniiied. fccvcral I'roni this Ic-cahty jire at-j _. tend-ng- Old Home We ton. ..11-3. Chas. Martin and babe, a^- , ,. , ^. companiei by Miss Gertrude Lever',: - <?^'-'"'â„¢ of Hcshcvton visited last Thursday I "?=-*^'^- -"^^s ^"^* ^^s. Foster, Miss lola G;aham is visitin..; with Jas. Stewart cf Fie -h-.-rto-" in Owen Sound, Mrs. Fogg of Winiipeg is visiting. ,, m;- ii .^ ti i_ , her brother, Postmaster Park and; , ^^'*'. OJ.^-'-^^^f' ^^ Thombury has ,-,„,;,,. '^'^-" visiting .Mrs. Jas. Lawrence. â- - I Mr. and Mr?. Earl Dillon and I Claire Mr. and Mrs. Fred LeC-ard, cc-.r.paniod by Misses Mary and Is- abelle McKee ~ ill Thc'-nbury CARD OF THANKS M-. .-nd Mrs. W. T. Podia'- wish to thonk the!'" m.nnv friends for ^ym- pa^hv cxto^^od '^u••^ng 'he long illr«'''«i and unon th" death nf their d^uirh- for several years is visiting with his ,!'• ,; „ ,, . ... sister, Mrs. P.. .A. Park r.nd olhar . ^^^f- Harry P-»,I »s vis-t.ng with his relatives • ''^'^'^•'' ^^i'^- Hul. Mr. W. E. Morgan is -3till on Gi;' ^^J^' Ti^ ^"'' ^â- -'-?'^.i'e and children sick list. We hope for a speedv re- 'J C^a^J^r.ia are visiting with ii--. "ove-y ' ' â- Cronrnp "nd are at'endiig Old ' Mr. 'Nelson Conrin of Tornto, al- ^°';'''^ ^^''^^/ ',^ Fleshe ton. so Miss Marge Lever of the city vis-' ^^\- .^'^'^ ^''â- "• ^e*'"?, I-;v-T'«ncf> is:;d witli Mr. and M-s. Chas.Martin. spen. tne weoc end at the former : Mr. John Park of Detroit is at Parental home. . home at pi-e^ent. i . ^^r. J-yerJ of Flesherton is v:c-:t- Miss Elsie Savage. Toronto is holi- '"^ his 'c 1 William, dsying with her friend, Mijs Muriel ^.^^';' «"l' ^'~'- Ja^ McFadc-en of Cameron. ; '^â€" h-^ntr- -â€" visiting Mr. anO Miss Gertrude Lever and Miss Al^ '^ â- ^^ ^amnel Osbo-n-. Advprl'se in Th* .Arl-rance HONEY rOR SALE -:->«<-:-w~x~>^ Build Up a Mcnthlylncome by Tnvesting Your Funds in Royalties. .â- \n investir.etU in Second Standard Royalties Ltd. yields 12;. Payable I'c monthly. Dividends are payable on the 1st of each nionth to shareholders of record of 25th of the previotis month. FOR FULL L\FORM.\TIOX SEE Dr. E. C. Murray Flesherton Y®ii Can Have Ruiitiing Water â€" At tlie Tmrtfi oS tha Tap â- DiiTp Cuafante^s Sa^sfac^ cxn-ider nn.) friends called «i Mr.' ^'•- ""'! ^^7" }','^'^*'*„»" ' cb-'d;;-. and Mr3. Martin on Sunda^-. I r ---^^x^r.r.iM »';• V-'. ^-ov-^ of }»,-. Mr. and Afrs. Edw-' i PuTvij anc^ „ 'â- ''"c,;";" '''^'•'^'^ '•'•'•''" I'-ev. and -hadren of To'-onto visited over the. ^â- "- Stotesbury. holiday w'th the former's parents.] Mr. and Mrj. Roh*. Purvis. | y^. and Mrs. Bert Grnhim an'j children of Toronto are visiting rei- - ativ^n -'n thp village at present. Mr. Fronciv! Gervx* has boen ill f>ie nnst couple of weoVs with to"«:i;tIs rv-oj,'-. Clover Honey in bulk, at r. i^TJ*" . **"'' *'*'' ^'"" ^^^ manyout we are pleased to report him re-10 cent's per round or pail? suppH".'. floral offerings. «cvering. ctttra.â€" Rov W. Fenwick, Maxwell. '^L7HY not have it so instead of trudging to » â-¼ the old hand pump? An Empire Duro Water Supply System brings the water right from the well into yotir home. With it you can add a bathroom, but be s-ire it is Emco equipped, Emco Bathroom fixtures are cf the best possible construction, guaranteed to give lasting satisfaction and service. Chromium plated or China fittings as desired. Empire Duro Water Supply Srststas are made in several stjies â€" si^table for diep or shallow wells, cisterns or springs, aad you will be surprised at tte low loitial cost. Agent D. McKILLO? -:- Flesherton, OnL Prassure Water Systems and Bafhroom fittinj^s s