Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Aug 1929, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTQN ADVANCP. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1929 I (j i i 1 Against That Day Tha fabled years of ancient Egypt's fulness and famine â€" the striking lessons found in other his- toric facts and natural life prosesse-3 establish savine: among the funda- mental laws upon which Nature makes her sure indictments. Follow your natural personal instinct to "lay by in store" by adding regular installments to a savings account in the Bank of Commerce. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE u/ilh which is timalgctm^mti >| STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Jl Large Crowds Attended All the Old Home Week Festivities The Re-Union Was Attended by Hundreds of Old Residents Who Again Renewed Acquaintances oi Youth It was a wonderful home-coming. The dear old Boys ar.d Girls came home in thousands. And everyone who came was loud in his claim that it was wo-th a trip across the conti- nent to be present on such a wonaer- Many fine floats were i.i the paraue tnici of wnicn were:- D. AUiviiiops iioac 01 bath room nxtures maue oy me Lmpue Brass Jllg. >-o-; tl. a. j.ct.-auiey wan a hoi...e buut on a wuck liuver.ising buuuing materials 01 ail kinus; oonne bntent coach ^^>^****2m^^m>*<»^m2»«**^<-^^***«^^**»^2**S^S****^ 'I •t I t •:-:-:~:~:~X":-:-:~w~x->*x~:~X";~x-:~>':">*** X I lul occasion. All me: iriends whom maue by tne General Moiors of Can-j^ tney had not seen for many years, and would never see aain. This home- coming was the greatest event thai; has ever been celebrated in this county at least, and everyone pro- nounced it the finest celebration ot the kind that they had ever attended ada, D. iic lavish & Son local rep- ^. resentatives; John Nuhn, who had a;i ^ excellent display ot nis woollen manu- .^ lactures at 11.3 lactory here and who y had a weaving machine on his float; 'J Jjunean's haruware by a nice float ^ and ilorwood's snoe repair shop.;'/ There was harmony throughout and Theje were qute a number of comic |i no jardng -notes were introduced to turnouts, o.ie cf which was the hard- j ^ mar the pleasure of the visitors, while time band mi:ii>; up by twenty-five ' .J. the various items on the program 01 the boys 01 Toronto, who made X were carried through on the schedule and without a hitch. - â€" â€" . ^^ though the .♦. CJ».K. TIME TABLB Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows: Going Soutk. Going North 8.08 a.m. 11.62 a.in. 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. «.ll p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails clese at Flesherton ai follows: Fot the north ai 11.00 a.m. â- outh at S'.Si) For morning train •outh mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the ^eTiasa evening. time plenty of noise, even rythm was not 01 the best. , \ Twelve 01 the boys of town in variouj •, costumej formed a band th?.t also j made plenty of noi^e. First prize was given to a wedding party composeti , 01 -Ur. Ver.ion Stewart and Mabel Thibaudeau, with Miss Irene Stew- art driving them with the farm team 1 Sunday morning, hitched to an old time double surrey. I , , f't'st day 01 the Second prize was given to Billy Hen- 1 j Mr. H. Down has returned from ^ Old Home Week celeb.atiuns. Ihe ry and party with a pony hitched toj I Hamilton where he attended the | Toronto contingent met at the road a can ami third prize was given to 1 I Radio Dealer Meeting of the Can-; in front of the cemetery at y.UO a.m. Ncrm Mclllraith and Cyril Becker of, adian Westinghouse Company, which j but on account of motor trouble with Durham, who gave plenty of fun to i â€" what more could one desire to become strong than Finder's Purity Bread. â€" If you have not tried it, why delay? You'll thank us for insisting- that you order this favorite bread from our driver to-day. Finder's Bakery PHONE 8 Attended Big Radio Convention Last Week Saturday afternoon and evering I the oia boys and girls commenced ar- riving in uroves a.id Saturday night the streeti were filled with visitors in town and with extra lighting, iLunting and flags was in gala dress ^ for the occasion. i however was the .'..x~K~>-:~:~>*><~:~>*>-><">*>*>><'<~>>*>*H~KKKK~:~:~:~:~x~x~:^^ was held at the Glendale Golf and Country Club. At this convention there were ir- ti'oduced, two radically new types ai the coach carrying the Canadian the boys and girls \vith a goat hitch- Field Artillery Band the parade did ed to a cart, not leave to march into town until 10 a.m. The procession was headed Local and Personal Screen Grid Radiolas, and the West inghouse Pioners in Radio achieved, without doubt, the most impressive and successful Convention since radio has made its first bow to the public. Mr. Peter Dow of Thorold is holl- Enthusiasm for the new models laying at his hom here. ^as engendered the moment they Miss Laura Boyd has secured a were exposed to view, and the many I by Mr. W. J. Bellamy, clerk of the village carrying the Union Jack anu 2.L ;;ompanied by the members of the village council, the band plajing "Home Sweet Home", which was very appropriate for the occasion. Several selections were given when the motocade reached the market square and then disembarked to ai- •Vf ter the parade arrived at Flesh- ers pond water sports were ..lauigeul in liiat were quite iuccessful. T. ' 1- mdlay anu .uurray btewart were 1 ine winners of the boys swimming ' race under 12; 12 to 16, Bill Lynn I and Ld. -Patton; open race, Ken | Hemohill and Will Wilson; girls' race f Betty Murray; under water, Willi Wilson, Leslie Ferris; greasy pole, \ Leslie Ferris. Dr. J. G. Russell, r.o. Will Be At W. A. Armstrong & Son's New Optical Parlor Until 5at., Aug. 10th ~KK~XK~XK-x~KKK~:~:~:~:~:~>«><K~;~>K~K~><^HK~x~:">«>«>«<->>*<>***» school, S. S. No. 13, Proton. advances made over previous models ! '°.'"' ^^^ P^°P^^ ^° ^"^"'^ '^^"^h *^^- , tv,. „,.«. ,.„..<==â-  .1? , were smilingly admitted by everyonV ^"^=^^- ^JlZfl 'â„¢P'^"',r' '^"^"i^^^ °^ | Mr. W H. Bunt attended Old Home ^f this large body of men who make,' Rev. Jas. Dudgeon of Peterboro, '^^ tiag Tthe til age'oTTehafx o - ^: Week and is visitmg friends m town. „ business of selecting and supplying! a tormer pastor, preached in tne Uu- 'Z o'a^oys and gfrls and raisii^H t Mr. Isaac Turner, Winnipeg is vis- to the public radios latest achieve- , ited church, which was crowded fuil ai^ft t^y ^^^^ ^urT Sproule widow >* iting this week with relatives here ments and best values tor the occasion, many not bei.ig able oi the late Dr. T. b. Soroule, 'former- ' ^* *nd at Eugenia. \ Jl^'J^lJl^Ti^J^^'lf. ^^^^^J^J^'M" ^^'^'t ^"^^l^ «r^^. .^° ^^^ "l^'"*: b' Speaker of the House of Commons'? and daughter of the late W. K. Flesh- i*^ er, founder of Flesherton. While | a the huge crowd stood silently withi? „ , , , , r J • ,T u 1 ''^'"^'^ ^^^^^ ^"he ^"- F". A. band playea X Dudgeon s text was found m Hebews the National Anthem as the flag un- lo:8, the subject being "The un- fuHed to the breeze and cheers were ., j .-hangeable Christ • "The Old \\ay-! then given as the flag waved poudly •}• T ,_ ,,.,, J , „i,:ij„„„i .»«iu YY-i. icv.ci.«rvi laai. wccB. ui LUC 'side LTOss was beautifully rendered cpventv fppt- ahovp Aftorw.,^- k/ I'? Mrs. John MiUer and two children ^^^^h of an old Artemesia boy in the by Drs. R. H. Henderson, E. C. Muv ' ^^""""'-^ ^''^^ ^'^^^•- --^f'^^^ad:, be-l.i of Salmon Arm, B.C., are speidmg aj couple of weeks with her father, Mr. •C. W. Bellamy. The General Motors official car. Miss Agnes Lever of Torono is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. J. .A.dam3 and other relatives. The bear, so often seen recently, â- was again observed last week in the swamp two miles north of the village. Mr. H. Down expects to have the ! to secure entry even to the inside new Westinghouse Sets on display | doors. Rev. Dr. G. Sidney Smith of very shortly. .^leaiord and Kev. W. A. Hutchinson â€"â€"â€"â€" I ot' Michigan, former Flesherton I i boys, assisted in the service. Rev., The Late Angus McLeodj Word was received last week of the I side Cross" reUiA m-i^ ere ; A urs. K. H. Henderson, t. C. xVIur-, i^g followed with "Land of Hope andl^- r, J. D. Russell and F. W. Murray. â-  niorv" beinir sun^ hv thp thofw^nrtJ* iperso.i of Mr. Angus McLeod at W^ray, j u. Kussea ana f. w. Murray. â-  Glory- being sung by the thousands,, home at Clare, Mich., at the age of; The choir contained many old boys who witnessed the ceremony t 72 years. and girls who formed it many years ' .p, " I A The deceased spent his boyhood days I ago. Dr. Fred Murray gave a soul- 1 .^"^ sports in the afternoon at the ; A Bonne Entent. will be in Flesherton ' in Canada, where he was married on j stirring tenor solo "I've Found a ;^,'^„/^°"/J^.^^„^^'^5f i, ^"«"'^e'i by al'j; again o:i Friday afternoon on a tour January 13th, 1886 to Mis; " ' ' '""'"" '•â- ''â- ""â- "^° to the local agency. | Black. He was a prominent ' in Farwell, Mich., Lodge and for many „, , . ^, « x- i .^ . ^, ," i* years took an active interest in the' ^^^ parade ot the veterans of No.'Oshawa Chp\Tolprs wnn n h»a„Hf„. '5. t~^ The Following Goods Will Be Required Now SCREEN DOORS SCREEN WINDOWS ' SCREEN WIRE , ' 'â- iTT Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith and two children of London are holidalying ; J ^y^^^^^. ^^ ^^^^ ^j.^ ^ with thc^ tqmers parents, Mr. am. ^ ^^^ ^.O.L. and Odd Fellow f rater- Mrs. I. Smith. I nities, joining the former while living Mrs. Geo. Goldaborough and child- [here. He leaves to mourn besides the ren of Iroquois Falls are spending a v.idow and children, one grandchild, few weeks with her parents, Mr. and three sisters and two brothers, and a Mrs. George Mitchell. I large circles of friends and fraternal and Mrs. Clifford Gamey and L-rcthren. Messrs. Donald and J. D. rried on stirring tenor solo "I've Found a ' ^"'^ 8iou"ua were actenaeu oya.Y s Jessie I Friend," that gripped the hearts of ^Towd estimated at between four andjX t Mason I the congregation. I ^'y*-' thousand people who enjoyed the f or many ' . . afternoon of tun and entertainment. I S Oshawa Che\Tolets won a beautifu5'« member ''^ Company oi uie aist Kegimen. silver cup by defeating tlie Lady i and of the Great War was he!a Sun- Greys from Owen Sound by the score • day afternoon, headed by C. F. A. of 22-12 and which was presented to I V Mr. -»«â- /-.! _i vt„ ,. ,.;-;i-o,i tha McLeod ot Cevlon are brothers, ana i Mrs. Glenn and Mary visited the , r-.^^- r.. •.. » \. 1 -n. ivT- \^A ^T,^- p n ' Mrs. F. Cairns of town is a r-ister, to , past week with Mr. and Mr.. R. D. ^^.^^^ ^^^^^ sympathy is extended in! M^I'i'-"â„¢- I the loss of their brother. \ Mr. and Mrs. S. E. McTavish of The funeral was held on Thu'-sdayi Regina. Sask.. are visiting this week afternoon of last week and Mr. anu" with the former's parents, Mr. and r.irs. J. D. McLeod of Cevlon attended. Mrs. D. McTavish. There were hundreds of visitors in town for Old Home Week celebration -whose names will be published next week with all those who attended the mi. unu iuis. .-iiuciv i^ciu ..»»vc ic- j celebrations and who registered. PORTLAW Mr. and Mrs. .A.lbert Reid have re- baid anu was in charge of Col. R. Ferguson of 1 hornbury, O. C. of the of the game Urey Regiment. Mr. Jos. B'ield had charge oi No. Company and Majoi- E. Bellamy the war veterans. There was a large turnout of both classes ot veterans and the route from the high school to Memorial Park was lined with spectators. L'pon arrival ' at the Park a minute's silence was ; observed in memory of those niem- I bers who had passed on and who I gave their all for Kin and Country. j i'he oldest veteran in the parade, I Mr. Henry Williams of Eugenia was I honored with heading the parade, â-  carrjnng the Union Jark. the captain of the team at the fin isli W. I turned from their post nuptual trip â-  Mr. T. Findlay, reeve, presided at . land settled down on their farm. We the reception in the park and on be- -Miss Ellen Switler of Vancouver,' join their many friends in wishing half of the town welcomed the old * â-  *h" " K, ^ • .'".^^ PuWic school the popular young couple a full boys and girls back for the reunion, .eacher here is^visiting frjend-s and: nieasure of prosperity and happiness and presented Mr. Harry Hooper ot ^ _ throughout their wedded life. i Toronto, the oldest visitor register- Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Thompson and ed, with a three-foot silver key ot little son of Detroit visited for a ; the village, stating that the old home week with the former's uncle and Mr. ' town welcome them with open arms, and Mrs. J. .\. Thompson. j Mr. Hooper made an excellent reply Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jamieson, j on behalf of the visitors. Rev. Gordon and Donald ofToronto visited Dudeeon, Rev. Hutchinson and Rev. with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jamieson. g. Sidney Smith each addressed the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wauchope^ large gathering. Mr. S. W. M. Hard- and two daughters of North Bay, i wick rendered a solo and the quar- Mr. and Mr«. Wesley Rhodes and tette arain rendered the "Old Way- Dr. E. K. Richardson, the Toronto Old Boys while here is the guest of Mrs Miller. I The .-Vdvance had a pleasant call from the Snowden brothers, props.' of the Seaforth News. They had been on a motor ti-ip to Orillia, Mid-' land and Colling^vood and were re- turning home. I Mr. and Mrs. Herb LeGard and lit- tl son of Pickering and Messrs Joe of Toronto and Percy of St. Cathar-^ babe, Mrs. Arbuckle, son and wife side Cross.' ines are holidaying this week with' and daughter and Mrs. Melville and chairman of This was followed by a junior la- ' crosse game between Toronto Key- i stones and S\vani;ea junior, champ- ions of their league, and was won by , the latter 10-1. fhe Keystones were greatly handicapped v.-ith the absence: of their star goalie, but they gave i a splendid exhibition of the national game of Canada. Mr. .•Mbert Le- Gard of Toronto is m.anap-er of the Sw^ansea team and is an old Flesh- erton boy. His son, Bert plays goal lor the Swansea team. Allenford won from Owen Sour.d in the base- hall game 6-2 in a game ':hat was full of interest and fast throughout. In the horse shoe pitching compet- ition at Flesherton on Monday Messrs. J. W. Boyd and A. E. Colgan of Markdale won first money and Jos. and Fred Stafford of Dundalk won sei'ond. In the ringer pitching com- petition Messrs. J. W. Boyd and J. Whelan were tied for first place and divided first and second money. ' The largo seating capacity of the rink was inadequate to ^eat the large crowd which attended the concert in (Continued on last page) i 'rnffTf HOES. RAKES "^i^ SCYTHES, FORKS '^. PARIS GREEN ' CLIMAX BUG KILLER ZENOLEUM FLY SKOOT WIRE FENCE STAPLES vs CEME-\T, LIME PL-\STER _. ;. F. W. DUNCAN Flesherton, Ont. ~>^.^.^.^.>K^.^•^.^•^.>•>>•^•^•xKKK~^•^•>^^•^•H•<~^•^•^•x-^•^•K~x~^.^•K~^•:-^.>•>•^^ their father, Mr. H. LeGard and sis- ter, Mrs. K. Best. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MacAleer of Hammond. Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. ... , . ,. , Kendall Mitchell and two children of ^^'^V..*^'" ,'"!.'^.^' ,1*?; '' ChicaiJo attended Old Home Week and are the quests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. The members of the O.E.S. will please be reminded by this notice of (family have returned from Toronto the Eastern Star picnic to be held in and will again be residents of this the park, Flesherton. on Thursday I neighborhood, afternoon, -August 15th at 3 o'clock.] Mr. J. H. Walker has purchased children of Toronto visited at the ccmmittee. replied to the address ot home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Shear- welcome extended by T. W. Findlay. down. ' .\fter the service the C. F. A. band Mrs. Knox of Toronto is visiting rendered several selections. In the \\ . Haney. eve".ing the concert hv the band was Mrs. James Walker, Mrs. Aitken, \^^\^\ \^ the rink on account of the M-s. Home and Mrs. T. W. Walker cool weather and it was filled to and son of Toronto are visiting with capacity. The concert was of a the former's son, Mr. J. H. Walker. ' verv hi'eh order and save an excel- Mr. and Mrs. Abram Blakey and \^^i ending to a day which commenc- ed with rain and continued until the arrival of the hand in the morning. Monday morning dawned bright Bring your families and baskets and ; the -store property which he occupied and by nine o'clock the streets were have a good time. ' thp past three years from Mr. A lawn social will be held in the "''^"«»' °^ Berkley. Rob. crowded with spectators to view the cajithumpian and trade procession. Manse Grounds, Priceville, on Mon-^ â- day, August 12th, under the auspices! of the Willing Helpers' Society. Old time games and a good programme. Admission^ and 15 irents. Ice Cream and cake extra. | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chard of Toron- to gave The Advance a pleasant call on Wednesday morning. He stated that his father and mother, Mr. and Mr*. John Chard, were enjoying good health in New Westminster, B.C., but were disappointed they were unable to attend the Old Home Week festivities. A Field Day under the auspices of the Maxwell United Church Ladies' Aid will be held on Friday, August 9th, at '^he home of .\ndrew Pallist- er, 1-2 miles west of M.'ixwell on the Gr.ivel Road. Softball, Hor.'p Shoe pitching, races for children a!' good prizes. Grand • oncert in the €vering by Stavner Merry Makers t>nd Pedlar Orchestra. Booth on the F"otirda. Admission *o concert and irrorr'd'', 50 and 25 cei>ts. •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦«»'»»»«»'»»»»»<'»»»»8"»»»»>»»fr»» In Our Men^s Wear Department Fine Straw Hats, special at .*^$L50 Men's Caps, up to date at $1.35 & $1.50 Peabody Oyerhauls, heavy black, blue $2.25 Cambray Shirts for '. 95cts. Fncv Check Shirts from $1.25 to $165 , A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. S Store Closed Tuesday and Friday at 6 p.m. English Semi Porcelain DINNER WARE Special Reduced Prices for August Only 97 Piece Dinner Setts Reirukxr J?25.0O for $22.50 Rcguklr $27.50 tor $24.50 . Regular $31.50 for $27.50 Reg-ular 35.00 for $31.50 40 Piece Dinner Setts Rcg-uku- $11.00 for $10.00 Rciiukir $ S.50 for $ 7.65 Reg-ular $10.00 for $ 9.00 Regular $ 9.50 for $ 8.55 There are eleven elected designs to choose from in white and ivory bodies. They are from the best patterns: Johnston's, Myott's and Mcakin's. AH are "Open Stock" patterns, so that you can purchase a full Dinner or Tea Sett, or a single plate or cup and saucer, as you prefer. If vou already have some of these patterns and wish to add a few pieces to re- place some broken pieces, we will allow you a Special 10 per cent discount oil our regular prices during .\ugust. - F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO

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