"WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1929 THE r LESHERTON ADVANCE The Old Home Week ^(Continued from local page) the evening. Fully fifteen hund- red people crowded iitu the buildint; and every available corner was occu- pied, it was the best conceit ever K>ven in Mesherton the main feat- ure beintc "Ye Old Tynie Villuge liuartctle" f.oni Toronto that thril- led the people with their sintfini;, «a;h member beinK an artist of high order, and their numbers were re- peatedly encored. Messrs, Bert i'etch and Elwood Genoa, two old i'lesherton boys who have appeared here on previous occasions, again pleased the audience, the former with hia jok«j, etc., and the latter with hla elocution. Bert received his I At eleven o'clock following school ( concert on Wednesday evening, but A. W! Kowe, the tailor, attended toxicatcd person since July 10th. j Goitre, that dread and <|».igur- a Softball guiue \va.< played between' the crowd was not as large as that of public school in Flesherton upwards It is noticeable that no one hei-e ing disease is diminwhing in this the visiting old boys and the local ' Momtuy night. Kach of the compet- oi tiali a century ago. He weni has goitre yet these States are as ^^untry because it was generally dua boys and resulted in the defeat of • iriona \*ere well filled and the contest Lack to the oia school with the old far from the sea as we are. In our , ^^ ^ i,,.^ ^i iodine in the diet, and the locals by 22-9. The Flesherton' ants were heartily applauded. Mr. ' boy.< and girb on Tujsday morning Mar.Vmie provinces the >l:.vjase is : n^^y iodine is available to everyone, line-up was:- F. Mathewson, B. Wei-! Godlrey of Owen .Sound won first during the "Old ttome" celebration.â€" most uncommon. I think it is ^ jg tou that in former years every ton, O. Phillips, A. Stewart, C. Rich-j prii'.c in the step dancing contest for, Uundalk Herald. .quite time that we in Grey County j ^^hite baby bom in Pemberton Val- ardHon, C. .S'ewurt, G. Mitchell, W. those over 50 and Mr. Allan McDon- | organize to rid ourselves of thi.i dis- ; j^y j^ British Columbia had a goitre, A. Hawken and U. Richadson. Vis-jald of Ceylon took second money; The oldest Flesherton boy to at- case. What are Departments of yg^ ;„ a village of Indians in this torsâ€" P. LcCJard, P. Beattie, H. Le-j Duncan Morrison took first between tend the celebration was Mr. Harry health in the Province and the Dom- valley there was never a case of it. training from Elwood and proved a I Tuesday afternoon was composed of '" ' " " -'^ '^--' and a worthy pupil. Mrs. (Dr.) Ros- ! P ""'^'»'k, Meaford, Durham ams, and was borne, gave several violin 'selections ! Clarksbui,'. Meaford won Ga-d, E. Smith, 0. Davis, J. LcGard,) IC and 50, Maurice Smith, second, H. Griffi-n, K. Meads, It. McCauley,iIn llic stjuare dancing eylon were subs, F.rn Armstrong, Jeff Thistle- j winner;; with the Fourth Line second, thwaitc. I Highland dance, Lsobel Mcintosh, Isl, Following the game, the greasy piR, Isabel -McDonald, 2nd. Violin corn- was allowed freedom on the square Petition over 50, Dan McDonald took and was captured by Master Robert first with Geo. Haw second, and from Ple.ster. son, of John Plester, of town ^0 to 50 the winnc- war. Alex. Mc- and the other one released was luy- IDoiinld, with Ed. Haw second; under ed low by Mr. Ken Hemphill, son of' 20, Russell Patton. Mr. Duncan .Mr W Hemphill of Toronto. 'Morrison gave several Scotch dances „,,,.. , , ,, , . ' i'l '•ofltume that were exceedingly The ladico' soflball tournament on ^.^i, rendered. Geo. E. Hill and Wm. Woods of Mnikdale took first prize in the zcUe of Caledonia, formerly Ida Qs- i Clarksburg teams, and ^" ^^'""^i^^yi horseshoe pitching with John Whaten NOTES ON OLD HOME WEEK Hooper of Toronto, who is in his 78th '"'O" ^"^ '^ "<''â- '^ ^*'P ^^*' people j^ scientist who sought long for the year and aupears to have many more t" keep well. The Universities ^ause finally said: Whilst consid- yet ahead of him. Mr. Nathan Miller *»e ""w stressing preventative med- ering the lack of goitre among these of Co!li:igwood was next in age, being '<"'^e and surely making a survey o; Indians I would like to draw attent- 75. He was born in the old Boyne Grey to find how pi-evalent the dia- jon to the fact that they eat a great Water Hotel, and has not been In.^ae '* then research to discover the deal of salmonâ€" and annually cure Flesherton since he way sixteen years I cause and find the remedy and la-3t, thousands for winter use. It is of age. { but not least, applying tlie remedy quite probable that they get enough in preventative medicine. I wrote iodine from the salmon to give their Only one accident marred the day on Monday, when a car driyen by Mr. Geo. Oram of Toronto crashed into a car owned by Mr. Purvis then head on into the side of a car owned of oldtTme'numbA"sthat"we're"heart-:|Kame from Dundalk by the score of | «;'d;;^Sn°dm;j ^°rhoU^^ ily appreciated a:id applauded. Miss i 15 to5, while Clarksburg nearly white- '^''"^.'•''^^"/"'^ ^- y^Co^'an 'fourth Wilson, little daughtrr of the leader cashed Durham 17 to 1. The final J^;- »"3'« """^ f"- *"•- , '^7' f""^***' of the C. F. A. band proved to be an i betwee-.i Meaford and Clarksburg' ^he final wmdup of the festivities expert at the Highland Fling and | was more even, but the runs scored was the big dance at the close of the dancing and her tiilents were ?iven by both teams amounted to 43, with 1 ^-on^crt and the Midnight Serenaders more than ordinary applau.se. Mr. the score 26-17. The crowd was not kept the big crowd on the floor until Wilson also rendered a cornet s jIo. I larPC l^ut their enthusiasm made up four o clock in the moimng. accompanied by the band. Mrs. (Dr.) for thi.s deficiency. Races were held E. K. Richardson delighted the aud- »" the track foi- both boys and girls, ience with a niano solo. A dance including bicycle races. Hanover followed the concert, music being band of 30 pieces supplied excellent 1 Six thousand people were estimated sapplied by the Blue Bell orchestra, i music throughout the afternoon and: to have been in town for the festivi- Scboni Held Tuesday MornijiK ' I evening. j tics on Monday. No fonder memories are cherished The concert at night was given by; than those of schooldays, and so It a troupe from the Canadian School oi Mr. Wm. Clark of Wilder, Idaho, •WC3 a happy gathering of assorted music in Toronto, composed of nine ca"ie the furthest especially to attend vintages that met in the old school girls ranging in ages from six tc the festivities. fk *â- *'*,,*''" *° ^'t °"" asain under twelve years. Their folk dances and | the spell of the "Old Masters," in the step dancing was wonderful for Two provincial constables, two persons of Mr. M. P. McMaster and .-hildrcn so young and showed the motor cycle policemen and two local Caspar Sproule. careful training they received. One policemen handled the big crowd on It must be conceded that those little lady was Honore Blanche CuUen, Monday in a very systematic manner. temfying personages had lost much daughter of Mr. Thomas Cullen an «f fhf '»,-!'' """^ ^^^ old-time fear Artemesia old boy, and was v-ery ; Next week we will commence to f Ll^ transgressors was absent. Yet sweet in the various parts she took, give all the names of those who reg- cve^ "vm,n!" r*^ °"' '«-**"u"?,'' """^ "^^"^ ccstumes of the girls were lov- istered for the Old Home Week even young George Mitchell was ely and fitted the parts to perfection. ! festivities. accused of smoking. > As the platform was not as large as Many of the old students (?) came wished for several parts were exclud- Many wrords of commendation were in costume bringing their lunch, or ed from their repertoire that would heard on all sides of the neat appear- nouquets for the teacher, and the have added materially to the pro- j ance of the village and of the excell- spirj. ol carnr/.il flourished. gram. However the large audience j ent decorations that gave a decided Dr. E. K. Richardson was request- present was real pleased with the j gala appearance to the festivities. ed to preside over the session after splendid prcnrram. The dance at the i school master ^"'i -5-"-'^^^ -''•.'''*> ':-""!''' -''- attended^ by a large' Sunday morning dawned with low- esting F-a Willi rplnnn^^l^' " Armstro-ig â€" whose; and exLcllc:it bairwa~s" supplTed "to ' was cold and uninviting. wordl 'snlin'r'' '"teres. ng. and, the thousand fans who attended. Tiie 1 ^ord. jn^uirmg-particularly in themst game between Creemore and by Mr. Ben Wilson of St. Catharines, l a survey. They said they would be damaging it considerably. The car """" â€" '" "" ~ '""^ "^ " ' was able to proceed home under its own power, where repairs would be made. It was the only oerious accid- ent daring the entire week.* the Federal Minister of Health, Dr. thyroids necessary suantum of the ele- King, but his Secretary answeiei:. ment." The millions of cans of sal- The Minister is i:i Europe. I wrote men and other fish now sold in do- the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. ing much to save us from this and asked if they would undertake scourge. The Toronto committee deserves uns,L.ateu piuiae lor tne magniticenl manner in wnich tney cumc lorewaru wnn i.'SMa,.ance to ..lake the even, lo.ig to be rememoerea. ihe coi- leticd lioua, anu the Toronto Olii lioys themseu-cs went down deep into their pockets. One Toronto gentle- man aonaied ?90 towards expenses, anu practically every r lesherton boy m ioronio came forward wi.h gener- ous donations. The entire urogram on Sunday and Monday was put on by the Toronto contingent. The Toron- to funds for this purpose were col- lected from all parts of the Dominion. oisp of Fmnlf lr«ir, ,.,i-,„- .'!"•"â- K""'^-- "ciwccii v^i ceiiiure iinu i Eveyone was agreed that Flesher- I'fr,,?!,.-':â„¢"'' Ir^Mn whose accurate, Rimberlcy was a seven inning affair I ton's Old Home Week was a decided 'jand was won by tlie fornur by 4 to ; su-crns, both financially and bv the 2. Meaford trimmed Chesley G to 5 ' ni..nber of people who were attracted recolleclinn wns »bjit ho was the best student in the :-;'hool. nJw"^n/''i^L'J'^^ '"''^ of the esca-' in a seven inniug fixture, coming ; hnnu- to visit the old scenes'of'the'ir pades of schoo days and had the from behind in the seventh to score childhood. time bee, available they might be four runs and capture the game. Up running yet! to the fifth inniiig Chesley was lead- At the condu.sion of the session no ing four to nothing and were unfor- hurry to depart could be observed. In tunatc to emerge on the low end of I .Joseph Henry Strain of Anaconda, Mo., arrived Saturday and found fact this wnu ..!,..,.»»•, • .- "f 'i," .1 ' ----„- V. .„,. ^.„. „. ,n;!ny more friends of his youth than latt, this wa.s c^iuracteristic of all the score. Creemore and Moaford ).„ ovimctcd Mnnv had nassed from the gatherings. The chief purpose in c!a..hed in the final game, the latter ,i/p oni„rv on v to be renewed bv every heart was to visit, visit, visitâ€" havim,- no difficulty in disposing of i u '''""^"P^. ""'^ to "le lenewed by and the wonderfully fine programs of their opnonent.s by the overwhelmHK ' associations at the celebrations, entertainment were, after all, only -ore of 8 to 1. Hoc Goldsmith, ^ ,. ^. , , , ,.„ , i secondary. piteher for Creemore and well known ''"*'" Canadian Field Artillery band A picture of this resurrected school ''<>>•.> !â- = a former pUiver with the ' '"•'i'"' '''^st mu iral ni'ereirn.i.m .hat ROGERS â€" WILSON On Thursday, August 1st at Port- lar.d, Pa., by the Rev. Edward L. Ke:inedy, Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wils^jn of Flesherton, Ont to Mr. Richard Rogers of Greystonc Park., N.J., son of the late Mr am: Mrs. Pierce Refers of Dover, N.J. The happy couple are at present on a visit with Mrs. Rogers' parents ir Fkriherton, and best wishc; are ex- tended to thi.; popular former Flesh- erton gi.-l. personnel] was taken on the lawn of ''>f-'»l tenm, haf'i the Meaford lads ! Ihe school- cvpr !irnonr''d ii Flesherton. -and will doubtless serve -'♦^ng m.t of his hand .ind had lO^hrv v.-r-re in^t.-ifn- m t -ir music a visible reminder in many homes of •♦'â- ik..niit victims to hia credit, eleven''""' r"â€" "of^ • '"p 'â- '; "^ "li nu.^rtei? the morning's excursion into the days "f which we"o in a row. < - - â- , .»,„:r playing ability and Tcne-.al of tho (i.iy hcrorc yi-.teroa;, . Tli,. v;„k was fiil.'d for the o'd ti:>:c I "<Ti 'icncy- THE .STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.Xtd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OIR BJYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Special Savin Another Iii^ ship^iicnt of Ladies' v'^uinnicr DrciK'X'.s, vcM-y now and exclusive and at prices r.'.iicii below what you would expect to pay for s;;c!i <|iiality dresses. 10 (K)zen Ladies' Silk Hose, full fashioned and ex- cellent quality. . -Ml .shades i"I all sizes. A real special ai ,^ • choice, per pair, for C'lilv ... $1.39 Grocery Specials < )raiii;es, sweet and juicy, 2 di)z v^5c. ('â- ramilaled Su^ar, 10 pound for 53c. I'eatuu liiilter, reg- lOe., 2 for 15c. Laker's Cocoa, rejjf lOc, spec. 2 for 15c. Laudry Starch, ])er pk 9c. \'"\ii Wdv i'.isciiits, per Ih 19c. Seeliess Kaisiiis, 2 Ih. for 21c. I'tiritv Rolled Dats, lanjfe pk 25c. Snider's Ketsup, reg. 25c 17c "Where Quality is Higher Than Price" While on the way home to Toronto Monday evening the T. T. C. coach broke down near Dundalk and several cars were despached from Flesherton to bring them back to town while awaiting the arrival of another bus from Toronto. While here they played on the street for two and a half hours, finally leaving for the city at two a.m. Early Monday morning the populace of the village were awakened with the stirring strains of "Hail! Hail! The Gang's All Here," and for two hours were treat- ed to maiy musical selections, and very few peonle in the village slept while the program was in progress. I shall write from New York city. â€" Agnes C. Macphail HOUSE FOR SALE willing to co-operate with the Pro- vincial Government in making a survey but thought it best to wait until school began agai-i. Couldn't we have a committee that would be representative of Grey? The medical | House, could be used for store and Association the Comity Council, the dwelling combined. Has water and Township and Town Councils, tne ^^dern conveniences. It is situat- Women s and Teachers organizat- ' j • ^u- n. • • -n /tr ions, etc., could appoint members '"^ '" .^^? '^"""^ '' i'^t ^ °™; on this committee. There ^^uld ,'."^\^'"^> °" ^''! '"^'" ^'l^'^r'*^ *"** then be a group who could and would i '" ^^^ <^^"'^'? °! °"f . °^ 'he most push the .survey and research work P^°8P«''°"s farming districts in On- p'on". It is a problem that effects | ta"°' six mdes north of Shelbume. almost every home and I believe we ' There is an opening here for a live- could solve it bv united effort and ^^'''6 using a truck in connection with perseverance. The following which a general store business. Price appeared in the Peoria, Illinois Star ?600.00 â€" T. J. O'Flyn, Shelburne. Small Advts. LOST OR STOLEN j p^^ p^^ ^^ FOUND â€" On Monday, July 15,! sum of money Owner please en- 1 no acres in the Township of Ar- quire at The Advance. temesia. lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.K., about 85 acres under cultivation. LOST â€" In Flesherton Station on balance pasture and mixed bush; bam Saturday Aug. a, a child's orange , 36x60 with T 36x45. all with stone I sweater with white trimming. Find- | basement, in good repair, water at 'er please return to Archie Sinclair, ! t""": driving shed 24x30, also hen Agent, Ceylon. house; 8-roomed solid brick house " I with soft water cistern and furnace. "" '^â- ^â- "â- ^"â- "•â- â- ^ j This is a good grain and stock farm. F O R S A I R i ^^^" fenced and watered, situated convenient to railway, church and school. Reason for sel''ne is on account of poor health. For partic- ulars apply on nremise''. W. A. MORTON, R. R. 2. Proton Station. From liaii )\ rites Galesbuig, Hi. FOR SALE â€" Cherries. â€" E. A. Graham Clarksburg. FOR SALEâ€" Heavy horse, 8 yrs. old. â€" A. Harrison, phone 41 r 4. FOR RENT â€" 6 room house, with 1 1-1 acres of ground. â€" John Melia, Ceylon. I BOAR FOR SERVICE. FOR S.A.LE â€" Cow. G years olC Registered Yorkshire Boar for eer. .„ ,c ^ e . , rri, '•«« ^'y Flesherton Bacon Hog Club^ with calf at foot. â€" Joe Thompson, ., „,„„„>-„ * .u r» » • V. -T Singhampton. | '^* P''°P^rty n the Ontario Depart- j ment of Agriculture. FOR SALE â€" Jlontmorcney and j â€"^- STEWART. Caretaker. English cherries, red currants ,no\v \ â€" â€" ready), also berries, black currants. SUORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB plums and tomatoes in season. â€" i U-%. E. Bell, Duntroon. j Registered Shorthorn bull for ser- FOR RENT - Six roo-.ned hou.,e ^ ;f|" ^'^. ',f \^ ^^D: ?• Osprey, "Merry and good garden, oppoiite the hicli ^ "^"1^ , ,„"• .^'^"-'^ ^"^- Bonnie school in Flesherton. â€" Mrs. W. J. ?i^^l"i' 142.381; Dan^. Red Butterfly Caswell, Proton Station, K R 3. ^131,078. Terms â€" Purehreds $5.00. grades 52.00. Cows not returned FOR SALE â€" Bran $1.70; Middlings will be charge full price. â€" S. R. HAWKINS. Eugenia. Oalciburg. Illinois, 53.10 ; low grade flour $2.25; Chop, i.u-ust 3 l'J2;i. ,91.25 per hundred; also oats, barley. Ten town-, in Illinois and Iowa have been visited since I last wrote. We ainved, rest, drcs.s, cat, speak, sleep and go agam sometimes moving two lu.ndi-ed miles, nover less than fifty, l-voiywheru we see corn and still more corn. .-V very badly needed all-day lain came August 2nd. The Farm Buildings are sub- •stunLwl, many of ihc houses .uv Deautuul unci mo.Kt of the buildin 's "ic painted. The barns are iiiu n smaller than in Ontaao. The strav>- IS ot housed, the corn goes into *he crib.s, buildings that look like gian- uiics made with latli. The sUa -^ IS stored in the siloj and -•arns are unnecessary. Hog;; are almost as common a .siKiiL a.s corn. One doosu't usually associato the "poiker" with bcauiy out luiiy u liunmott bl.ick ones witn white tollaia leetnng eagerly in a' stu ble fielu in the early inorninK I light seemj to me a beautiful picture. wheat, etc. Phone 38 r 3.â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALE OR RENT â€" 100 ac- rc-j. lots 166, 167, 1 R. W., T. & O. S. N. on No. 10 Highway, in town- ship of Artemesia, U mile from school. 2 miles from Fle.iherton. Apply to L. R. Thistlethwaite, 24 Connor Ave., Toronto or W. J. Bel- lay, Flesherton. so big MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE â€" .-Ml parties are warned against trcapasfing en my property lot 27, con. 12, .\rtemesia. â€" C. E. Turner, Eugenia. WANTED Two young Calves,. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCT'ONEER For the County o# Grey. Terms: 1 per cent. Satisfaction guamteed D ates m ade at The Advance office. MIDDLEBRO & BURNS HarrUtera. ete- Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton evesy Saturday afternoon and evening. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. B. S., D. D. S. de-.Ual surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- â€" Albert Blackburn, Phone 42 r 6, , donee of Dr. E. C. Murray, Toronto Flesherton. street. Flcsher'on. Phone 08. I'rince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. * WANTED â€" Man for general farm The zero hour of 3 30 .saw" u^Tii Y?'"'^' ' * ''"'''"^â- ^" "^ summer.â€" Ross I A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Ami- loday. We had to drive thiity milw ' '^*'-'''''"'^'- ^- »• 5- I strong Block, Flesherton every Pri- fioni Muscatine on the Iowa side 01 TO RENTâ€" For hay or pasture â€"^^^^ ^n «"• b«foro the full moon. W. ore half acre lot in Eugenia, or would ! ?" ^'»'son, W. M., C. F LawTence» the Mississippi to mako train con- nection-, for GalcsbuiK, Illinois. The tram left at 0.30 and the thirty miles was a wilderness of gumbo mud. In the da. k wo crossed the mighty river bi!t fu-it our driver had to arouse the keeper of the toll bridge and pay him forty cents before he would lift the gates and let U9. on the bridge which IS over a mile long. Then the adventure in the mud began. We clipped and slid and slewed; we teotcrcd on the ed-o of the ditcii ill t thanks to the excellent driving Hi" neve- quite wen', in. Finally wc got to tho station called "Jov" '"!d n joy it wns to us. Wo still uul :ime for breakfast. We had been ;>oiir..-ed and jostled into a gix>nt h'.int'er. The waitren asked if I v'oiild have a "full" breakfast. I â- til same. For particular apply to â€" 'Secretary Ed. Hillock, Ma.\well, 'phone 42r31 NOTICE next week. price oil' cir.â€" Phone Geo. Ross or the ' Block" Phnno'o office of the Osprcy Milling Co. ' Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C, W. D. Car of feed to arrive Block, Phone 2. Branch offices a* Dundalk and Durham. EGGS WANTED â€" Highest mark- et prices wil be paid in cash.â€" Jno. Runstadler, Flesherton. NOTICE â€" Chopping done on .Saturdays only. â€" Graham Bros. Eu- genia. NOTICE TO TRESSPASSERS Telford & Birnie, Barristers, soil. citors, etc. Offices Grey and Bruc« Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays.) W. P. Telford, J r., J. F. P. Birnie. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer Lots 140 and 147 3rd range E. T. '"*â- ^^^ counties of Grey and Simcoe. & S. R., and parts 231-2-3-4, hunt- 1 ^*'''" «"d stock sales a specialty. kod (he sound oV the "word '."o\vith- 1 '"*^' ^'^•^'"B and tresspassing strict- j Terras moderate, satisfaction guar- out in tlip It-ast knowinr v.hat it '^ prohibited.â€" -R. J. Mcggitt, Flesh- antoed. All arrangements and dates meant I said I would. Sh- -ervo.' *''"'°"- 1 . - - hot wheat cakes (p«-, cakes) bacon NOTICE Ts. --run »^nd coffe- and I ate thi> whole of it. It the«e towns do not know that u ^'.''''"'' ^a^nea Williams Davies. ("anada is tlic best Customer of U "'*^''"*^ '^'f' '^<'** ^*-''' »â- >'' ("oard, 1 will S. A. having purchased from UncU'-l"'"' '."^ resporjiblo for any debts af- may be made at the Advance office, or Central telephone office, Feversham, or by addressing me at Fevetsbsm. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- ""'â- ^«"'t- j SHINGLES One has the fading that this Js ' the heart of the Nation. Thes,. ,il- ( New BrunswicK White Cedar. 5 ?,',.^"..V''"".' "^\f'''"* ""<â- very hospitable *S1 ? inches. Extras perfectly clear "' - in. Club. Terms ?1.00. â€" C. HINDLE, *â- ; Proton Station â- lUMiple much more truly' represent "^ '^'^"^^ ""'' sapwood. Clears 6 the Ameriin of Lincoln than the rrtu-ic'e" i!!>r. I ustling cities. * P In .?nite of an the talk against j^ I r;o»i!»)iti«n I l»vc only seen one in- up. BULL FOR SERVICE hone your orders: 13w. Durham Bull for sen-i c Jl "iO \t W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON. Paid before January, otherwise '$• -- C. Akins, R. R. 3, Protoa Station!