Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Aug 1929, p. 1

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®hje /leshjett^tt %hmnce. Vol. 49 No. 1 1 Flesberton Ontafio» Augtist 14 1929 W. H. Thurston & Sen, Proprietor. PRICEVILLE Most of the farmers have finished haying and the harvest will soon be ready. Mr. Dan McLachlan from the West is vl-jiting his brothers, Angus and John. He hasn't been home for 44 yeai's. Mrs. Mepham of Hamilton is spending a month visiting his sister, Mr-!. John McMeekin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Runciman and Mary, and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Runci- man of Toronto are holidaying in the village. yji'- Marjorie McLean of Toronto is ipanding her vacation at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McLeyd of Swinton Park visited over the week end at A. L. Hincks'. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richardson of Toionto are spending their holidays here. Messrs. .A.Iired Hincks, Allan Mc- Innij and Alex. McLean returned homa on Tuasday from summer school. The Sunday school picnic will be held en Thursday, August 15th on the school grounds, v.hen a good time is expected. jir. Dave Hincks retuned home on Saturday from Toronto, after visiting with friends for a week. Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess, Dur- ham, Miss Catharine McJ-'-'illan of Fergus, Mrs. (Rev.) Corry and Jack and Jim were visitors on Sunday at Hector McLean's. Rev. Mr. Corry is preaching in Rev. Banks Nelson's (.hurch in Hamilton for th ee Sundays whi!? he is on his vac!'*1on Last Monday while Mr. Colin Mc- .Mi'.lan was drawing in hay the bam door fell on him a-.d he was knocked down. He lay unconsciou'- for a counle of days. Dr. Sneath was called and at time of writing wo are glad to kn"w he is much improved. Mi?s Nellie McLean -"turned to To- ronti on Saturday, after spending th"P9 weeVc \v''h her •'T-onts ber". â- \Ir. ••"•'^ Mr-. Fam Gilbert of Va~- delev. ."\''-. an-* Mr^. F->-rv Garner -nd da'iffhtpr. Irer". c{ Toronto vis- itcH S.Tt'' "d"v at .A.1p-. (^arson's. Mr. and Mr«. Geo. Hincks cf Eer?- "•nrt ?»»cnt the week end at Alen. Sfon-arf'. ivfpoc-.-. .Arsus 'T""'^".. Co''T a^r^ "1-,. nf-Tpiri are busy shingling T. Niehol's barn. Old Resident Passes An old resident of .A.rtemesia town- sh'p passed away on Friday last in the person of Mrs. Joseph Littlejohns, at the advanced age of 85 years. The deceased had been in failing health for r.:.me years and suffered a stroke a incnth ago from which she failed to rally. Her maiden name was Matilda Murray. Her husband predeceased her eight years ago the past June. Thre s left to mourn one daughter imd one son, Emma and Edward, who have been tenderly caring for their mother during her declining years. The funeral took place on Sunday, Rev. J. H. Oke, former Flesherton service at the housesPaboutspletMasr pastor, now of Toronto, had charge of th service at the house and grave. The n.allbearers were: Allan White, Geo. Littleiohns. G. Littlejohns. .A.lf Murray, Willys Cockburn and Harold Lever. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Will- iam Henry Guy, late of the Town- ship of Osprey, in the County of Grey. Gentleman, deceased. NOTICE is hereby gi»tii pursuant to section 51 of the Trustee Act (R. S. 0. iy27. Chapter 150) that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said William Henry Guy who died on or about the Third day of March, 19- £â- ', tire required on or before the 26th day of .-Vvigust, 1929, to send by post prepaid, or deliver, to Donald Henry Guy, Newmarket, Ontario, the ad- niiniftrator of the estate of the said deceased, their Christian names find surnames, addi'es'ses and de- sci-iptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their ac- counts, and the nature of the sccur- iti.^s (if any) held by them. .\ND take notice that after such last mentioned date the said admin- istrator w-ill proceed to distribute the asset.s of the a-nid deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that tho said administrator will not i be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or per- sons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. NORMAN L. MATHEWS, Newmarket, Ont. Solicitor for the said administrator. Dated the Eighteenth day of July, EUGENIA Those who attended the Old Home Week in Flesheton enjoyed a pleasant time. .iiisii Mae l-'ark of Toronto is holi- daying at her pare.ital home here. Mr. Sam McDonald has returned home from Toronto, where he has spent several weeks attending sum- mer school. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Genoe and daughter, of Toronto are visiting rel- atives in this locality. Mr. Joseph Leppard and sons, Joe and Thos., from near Markdale, vis- ited on Sunday with thc< former's brother, Jas. Leppard, and family. Messrs. James and Douglas Mit- chell have returned to their home in loiont' --fter spending a fortnight with Will Magec and family. Mt »•£. John, Sam and Nci! Mc- Donald in company with Mr. Percy Magee, attended the funeral of the fo--iuc's' relatives, :he late Mr. George Burrell, at Markdale on Sunday. We extend our sympathy to the sorrow- ing friends. -vir. and Mrs. Archie Cairns and daughter, Miss Jeanette, who have bee.i visiting the former's brother, Mr. Henry Cairns of "his place and other relatives in Ontario, returned to their home in 'he West this week. Mr. and Mrs. Quesnel and family of Owen Sound visited with Mr. Jos. Sherwood on ' Sunday. Miss Lucy McDonald returned heme with them for a few days' vacation. Haopy days, Lucy! Mr;. Geo. Beecroft and son and daughter from near Flesherton spent the week end with Mrs. Baecroft''' mc'her, Mrs. Turner. Mr. ard Mrs. Beaton, also Mr. and Mrs. H. Tuck of Toronto spent a day with the former's sister, Mrs. R. A. Pa-k. an-! family. Miss Jean Lavery nf Toronto .-nd Bill Sjjr-co Tp holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. PuT-\'i-. >fr. am' Mrs. J . Goodfellow of Nobleton visited the Park family. ROCK MILLS TORONTO LINE NORTH Rev. George Smi;h of Meaford and Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis cf Toronto we-e visitors with Mr. and Mr:;. E. Wicken for Old Home Week. Miss .\gnes Lever of Toronto vis- ited her brothers, Thos. and J. A. Lever. Miss Gertrude Lever visited with Owen Sound friends over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart spent a few days with frieiids in Toronto. Mr. White Anderson anu son, Cliff- ord, daughter, Mary, of Brampton, also Mr. Jas. FuUerton and son, Elmer, of Algoma were visitors with W. Burnett and family. Master Argyle Martin of Eugenia is holidaying with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Lever. Master Burt Sled is spending a week with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Vancise, of Staj-ner. LOAVER SCHOOL RESULTS OF FEVERSHAM CONT. SCHOOL Minen-a Conn â€" Art, Botany, Geog. Albert Davidson â€" Botany, British History, Geography. Madge Davidson â€" Art, Botany, British History, Geography. Mary Findlay â€" .Arithmetic. Bot- any, Grammar, Physiography. Murray Hawton â€" Botany, British Histc y. Geography. Edith Heitnianâ€" Art, Botany, Br. History, Geography. John McLean â€" Arithm.etie, Bot- any. Grammar. Lloyd Moore â€" .Arithmetic, Botany Gramma?, Physiography. Kathleen Morrison â€" .Art. Botany British History, Geography. Tom Stephen â€" â-  Art, Botany, Brit- i.-:h History. Geig-apby. Violet Sullivan â€" Art, Botany. Geography. Albert Wright â€" .Art, Botany Brit- ish History, Geography. SITU.ATIONS GUARANTEED The Canada Business College (Col- lege and Spadina) Toronto is popii- iirly known os Tornto's Greatest Sehool of Business s.r.d remains open the entire year. Ambitious young people who eimnot enter now may I any on bv Home Study free of charge, enter later, thereby saving time and money. It pays to attend a school 01 strength and charter. A school with a staff of university trained commercial specialists. The good situations are all in Toronto, so, it pays to attend a school where the situation.*! are. Individual instruction. \ situat- ion for every graduate. Learn while you earn by Mail Classett. Pay when convenient. The Gold Medal and Championship School. Write to-day to above address for list of success- ful graduates dyring the past twenty- five yea s from your district. Ask them. They know. We will stand or fall en their testimony. Threshing has commenced in our vicinity, several having threshed their fall wheat. Fred and Arthur Betts holidayed the past week with their uncle, Mr. Edgar Betts, 8th line, Osprey. , Mr. Smith and Mr. Oliver of To- ronto spent a few days camping at Mr. Wm. Pedlar's. i Mr. Ed. HoUey of Toronto visited the past week with his sister, Mrs. Sam Croft. j BORN â€" 0.1 Friday, August 9th, ' to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark the gift of a son. ' Miss Gladys Wickens of Kimberley was a visitor during the past week with her cousin, Miss Ita Pedlar. ; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Good and daughter of Buffalo, v/iio have been visiting- their niece, Mrs. S. Mc.Mullen cilied on Mr. and Mis. Frank Bjtts ! recently. - Recent visitor", at the home of Mr. ; and Mrs. Robt. Croft were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard and daughter. M •. | and Mrs. Jos. Armstrong and Mi^: ?.l;»!ree a!!, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. ' Kd. IIowar<i of Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. John Gib'on and two childre •; of Dr-ham and M •. and Mrs. Dick How- ard of Owen Sound. Pi-ayc- meeting will be hold in the church here Thursday night s.t the u?\'?il hour. Mr. and .Mrs. Will English and Mr. ind Mr'=. Will Clark left on Friday '-•- the'r homo at Wilder. Idaho, after â- JDenflinc: about a month wi'h reln- Mvcs hern. Thev also attended O'd Home W'eek in Flesherton. y~. McMr-.ter rf Fleshertr." is dr'Hirg n well for ^Tr. Lewis Pedlar. M"-". -Tns. Darea''-"! roturn^d ho'r"' -n J'r-fJ.iy fvopi Durham hcsDital. whcrp c;}j2 had heen receiving treat- Tip-*- for SOT" throat. M'- .anH Mr-!. Valentino and s^-n ind 1^1''". H'^w p^ \^arir'^'=a •â€"'^rp vfs- •â- 'nr, T-,>h the Pedlar families here M «. C. R^ycp vi'»>pd â€" ith her inr.-I,"-"-. Mr«. AV â€" . Kndi-.h. V~ T,loy.-) Pn-^••?df»"' is o-o-.fl'-.~ n -oi,. f)-.y5 with his aunt. Mis-, Ettie Radlcy. EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. and Mr-^. R. McCiusky vi'-ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hall. Mr. Thos. McCulIough of Erindale spent the week end at his home here. A number fiom here attended the old boys' re-u.'.ion at Flesherton the first of the week. Mrs. I. Fawcett is spending a fort- night with her son, Thos., at Epping. Mrs. Rae and daughter. Monica, spent Wednesday with Mrs. H. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. F. Chard and son, Gordon, of Toronto, M's. T. Shears and Mrs. R. Hardie of Owen Soutid spent Tuesday nigh*^ with Mr. and Mrs. S. Smart. Mrs. Clarence Smart and Merle and Miss Mildred Smart visited recently 'vith the fovraer's narents. Mr. and Mrs. Prentice, of Duncan. Charge Follows Crash While Mr. Bruce Rogers of town, accompanied by two lady iriends and a gentleman from Toronto, waj mot- oring to the Old Boys' Re-union at Teeswater about 11 o'clock on Tues- day night, his fine new Pontiac sedan was crashed into by a Ford reputed to be of extremely ancient vintage, and which was being driven by Russell D. Irwin, .ural mail courie.-, of Proton Station, and in th mix-up the Walker- ton bus suffered cevere damages, the f -ont a.\le being bent, the lamp dented and the front fonder-? cru:npled up. T'p.^ Ford, whi'h took to tho ditch. foHowing the colii«ion, was a complete wrerk. None of the occupants of cither car wcr? hurt. Following the accident, which oc- curred on the Provincial highway a hfilf mile we^' of Knnisi<i"*on the V,'a!ke-tonian, who claims to have got away over on his own sidj cf tVv road, when he alleges to have seen the other car come zijr-Eagging tow>.rd him, sumn^oned the police from Wa'k- erton. High Cor.-.tablc .Arch. Ferguson getting there shortly a^^'er the accid- ent. Afte" an investicratio" into th-' sfVatr. a complaint was laid against th;' Proton man of being intoxica e>! while in char<-p of .a car. He w.ns released on bail to appear before Mag- istrtae Walker in the police court here for trial â€" Walkerton Herald- Times. CEYLON Mrs. Hanason and family of Or- angcvillc \ isitcu :.i. J ;i;.i Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. J. I.obson and family of Zion, and Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Flynn and family of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. -A. Muir. The- Ladies' Aid intend holding an ice cream social on Friday evening of this week. A good program is also being prepared. Mr. and Mrs. '. A. C. Muir have kindly given their lawm for the occasion. Visitors at Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith's over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Isthman and son, Doulgas, of Brampton. Mr. Jack White, who has been vis- iting his mother, left on Tuesday for Toronto. .After Wednesday we ex- pect to hear of a very interesting event, as Jack has decided it is not good for man to live alone. Tho hay erop has all been garnered in and the farmers are happy, but tired. The best yield we have heard of this season is tha* of Mr. Jack Nichol, who took 2i) large loads of hay from 5 acres. Mr. and Mrs. Ear! McLeod of Swinton Park were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mu!r. Mr. Will Stewart of Kingston. Mr. Frsnk Stewart and Miss Irene Stewart of Toron'^o spent their holi days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Mrs. ,Ioe Graves and daughter. Helen, who ha-e spent a v.-eek visit- ing ?*Ii«s M. Cook, left the first of the week for their home at Vane=:sa. Oxfcvd county. Mr. A. Sinclair and daughter. Mar- garet, spent the week end at Harriston. Jlrs. K :cx received a message the past week that her daughter was lying seriously ill in Edmonton hos- DJ'nl. She left on Friday for hev bedside, accompanied by her daugh- ter, Mrs. Gillespie, and little daugh- ter, who have been un a three months* vacation from the West. _^ -Mr?. H. Piper. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper and famijv, accompanied by Mr. Robert Torrey. Mr. and Mr^. Luther Torrey and son. Jack, of Lauriston, Mr. and .Mrs. Silas Hill. Mios -Ada, and son. Bryson, of Mark- dale motored 'o Port Elgin the first of the week. Sir. and Mrs. .Albert Connel and family of Grand Valley called on old friends the first of the week. ::r. and Mrs. Luther Duckett a.nd fr. .ily visited with Eugenia friends tho fir^t of the week. Mr". John Ps-'on of Calga'y visited Mrs. .A. Rutlcdge and called on old neiarlibcrs. here last week. Miss Vera !^ai-sh.'fl \Vs^ted her parents here the past week and has returned to her duties at Durham Memorial hospital. Mr. and .Mrs. Will Carruthers and family of Toronto and Mr. I. H. Turner of Wimiipeg spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe and family of Ced:u- View Farm. Mr. Joseph Chesney of Hamilton ^pent the week end with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Marshall and dau'ghter, E*eanc-, who have been •isiting tho latter 's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson McMullen, left Tuesday for their home in Toronto. Owing to the pastor. Rev. Scott, â- 'cinr' on vacation service is being withdrawn on August 18th. KIMBERLEY VICTORIA CORNERS Sth LINE. OSPREY Haying is about completed in this vicinity. The fall wheat is also near- ly all cut. Mrs. Blaekie, son and daughter and Mi- • Beth I'ving have retarne<l tj their home in Preston after a fort- night's visit with -"he former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Moffatt. Mr. and M -s. Ted Pallistor of Mo -.- treal, Mr". Pallirter of To:onto. Miss Eva Hill of Markdale visited recently with the former's uncle and aun.-, Mr. and Mi:. Geo. Lawlor. Mr. Peaity, B.A.. of Swiit Current. Spsk.. hich school, .Mrs. Will 'Kill and dn.ihter. Miss McFaddcn. Mark- dale. Dr. .ind Mrs. Wes Wright and thei â-  daughts!-;. Thelnia and Shirley, of Winnioec. Mis.? Wriciht and Mr. Ilc-.ry of Flesherton, Mr. Will Law- lor and son of I.omioi. Ont.. veic viMtnr^ with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Law- Icr fhi- week end. Pr. Wright i.? a cousin of Mrs. Lawlor. Nearly ai! the peorde of thi? ccn'- mun-ty spe:tt Sund-iy in Flesherton. h w;-,5 a splendid opportunity to meet fiicnds and rc^ew acquaintances. i.r. and Mrj. Henry Ellis, Miss F.va and Mr. Theron Ellis and Miis Eileen Liwrcncc of Powassan l:avc Deen visiting Mr. and .Mrs. Bruce Hall and other friends. Mr. a.id Ms. George Stuart, Miss Eileen and Masters Nerval, Kenneth and Lloyd of Powassan, Mr. Chas. Stuart of Rosseau a.nd Mr. John Stuart of Burks Falls spent a few days with Mrs. W. T. EUis. Mrs. Floven and son of Toronto are holidaying with her ccasin, Mrs. Wm. Ellis. Misi Lillian Hart of Meaford spent a fev/ days, the guest of Miss Gerai- dine Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oraham and children of Clarksburg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber. Mr. Vv'm. Barnhouse of Edmonton is the guest of the Weber families. BORN â€" On Saturday, August 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ellis, a daughter. Jlr. and Mrs. .Appleton of Gait and Messrs. Jack Oliver and Bob Art ol Detroit were recent visitors at the home of Mr. Robt. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hamill and divushter vi.sited v.ith Mr. and Mrs. John Plewis. Mrs. Chas. Graham spent a day recently in CoUingv.ood with her brother, Mr. Letlie Plewes. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart of Fleckerton, with Miss Edith Davis, and Mr. Cecil Betts visited one day last week wi:h Mr. and Mrs. Sa.m Os'Dcrne. M-. arc! M'-s. Wm. Hammond and children of Toronto are camping on tlio flats. M •. .Andrpw V.'ickens of Flesherton â-  " "isiting his sister. Ms. G. Prr.^tor. Several men:'?ers of the Au."il-ary went to Enping and were the guests pf th- ladei there at the horn? of Mrs. .Abe Knott one day last week. iliss Mina Scott is vi-siting in Durham. Visitors at Chas. Mooe's wert: Mr. and Mrs. Will Moore and Messrs. Chas. Moore oi Hawkeston. Dr. Herb Little of Powassan, Mr. and Mrs. .August Schnick of Gait, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Park of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S-ephenson and Mr. and M.-s. Scott or Brampton vis- ited at Jas. Lockhart's. Do you hear the merry jingle of the ^ wedding bells? They do say by the ' time this will be read they will be finished ringing. Mrs. Glazier of Toronto is visiting at Mr. Thos. Bannon's. Visitors at Milton Bannon'.; we-e: Mr<?. Regan of Toronto, M--. John Robinson, Hamilton, Mr. Everett Robinson, New Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brooks and family of Toronto and Mrs. Brooks Sr. W'e a-e pleased to report Mrs. Ernie Stinson i- improving though still being attended by a trained nurse. Mrs. Guest and children of Bro'.vns- ville Jet.. Maine. Mrs. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Brown a-ij three â- child- ren of Ottawa visited at Ja-. Best'.s. M-. Will Stinson of Port Dover is visitine his brother. Mr. A. Stinson, jind sister. Mrs. Jas. Be^t. A CORRECTION In oar report last week we failed to mention *ho church service on Sun- day in the Baptist church. Rev. J. P.. Wolstencroft the pastor, preached r.n excd'ert serraon to a large congre- rn'-ion. Mrs. John L?.timer fJosie Riciiardson) rc-dered a beautiful solo which va"! much ai'oreciated. Rev. Wol rtencrof ' al.=o took part in the a£- tem:on service in Memorial Park. Advertise in The Advance HONEY FOR SALE Choice Clover Honey in bulk, at 10 cents per nound or pails suppliea e-xtra.â€" Re- W. Fenwiek. Maxweii Mr. .Vlex. Currie captured a big old- fcshior.ed bull frog on Queen street ; one day last week. It proWably : wandered uo from the river. It was 'about the biggest anyone who viewed it had seen. It measured about 7 inche •, from tip to where the tail was when it was a "adpole and its hind lee-; ^eemed nc^ "ly a foot long when stretched out. â€" Mt. Forest C^nfed. Bates Burial Co. s I i I 122-124 .Avenue Road TORONTO Phone: KIngsdeJe 4344 'J.W.Bates. R. Maddocks Build Up a Monthlylncome by Investing Your Funds in Royalties. An inve.stment in Second Standard Royalties Ltd. yields 12'";. Payable I'c monthly. Dividends are payable on the 1st of each month to shareholders of record of 25th of the previous month. FOR FULL INFORMATION SEE Dr. E. G. Murray - Flesherton Jne^po r Is man V paradise '^ PROTECT IT AGAINST F B R E 1P» MAY BE DIS.APPOINTED Why do chimneys smoke. Because they cannot chew. HONEY Encourage your home industries by . buying from your home town. Api- arv Al Clover Honey now going; at 10 cents per pound. Pails at cost. â€" H. S, Inkst<r, Flesherton. . ^L fc&t*. Some of Ih.isc wto are expectins: relief from their frnancisl worries by the Old .Age Pension.-? Aet are likely to be disappointed. Any father or mother having a son or daughter of sufficient means to support him or he- is not eligibte for a pension. If children who are able will not keep their parents, it will be the duty of the Board to comj>et them to do ?o.- Chcsley Enterprise. .ii;'"" *" ' Green forests ensure a.n even flow of clear run- ning water: burned timber means muddy torrents in fiocd time and stag- nant pools in dry v,-cathcr. The good sports- man, in his own interest, is care- ful with fire in the woods. Isyjcvi by authority of HciwuraNe Cttarlts Stewiirt, Nliniiwrefthc Intcrioi;

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