Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Aug 1929, p. 7

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< Are you afraid to eat a hearty meal? WHAT «loes meal- time mean to you? Is it the pleasure that it should be to restore the energy your work has token from you? Or must you pick and choose â€" in dread of indigestion? Here is a remedy that has brought relief to men and women the world over. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are taken every day in many countries, sped' fically for digestive trou- bles and stomach dis- orders, and have brought happiness to thousands of one-time sufferers. For, besides strengthening the digestive nerves, they in- vigorate and purify the entire system and lay the foundation for continued health. Buy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now at your drug- gist's or any dealer in medicine, or by mail, 50 cents, postpaid, from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 5.47 imtis Fishing With The Cormorant In Japan Dr. E. W. Gudger, American Museum of Natural History Cormorant fi;jli'ns in the rivers and lakes of JapHn is carried on both as a sporting and as a commercial pro- position. A.S a rogtilar sportiu.i; at- traction, usually carried on at nii;lit, It attracts a lar^e number of sight-seers among llie Japanese, and barges with lantern?, servant, and refreshments rarry the visitors to the fishing ground!--. A writer in the London Times, Major-General Palmer, gives a clear account of how the fi.shing is done. at night, by the light of great capes of blazing pine-knots suspended over the bow of each boat to attract the fish: 'There are. to be.s;in with, tour men in each of the seven boats before ue, one of whom, at the stern, has no duty but that of managing his craft. In the bow stands the master, handling no fewer than 12 trained birds with surpassing skill. Amidships is an- other fisher, of the second grade, who handles four birds only. Between them is the fourth man who, with a bamboo instrument, makes the clatter necessary for keeping the birds up to their work. Each cormorant wears at tlie base of its neck a metal ring, drawn tight enough to prevent mark- etable fish from passing below it, but at the same time loose enough to ad- mit the smaller prey, which serves as having attachAl to it at the middle of the back a short strip of stiffish whalebone, by which the great awk- ward bird may be conveniently low- ered into the water or lifted out when at work; and to this whalebone is r^ . , ., , ^ looped a thin rein of spruce fiber, 12 ^ vigorate and purify the ^ ,,gt io„g_ j^„,, ,„ ,.,r ^^nting in ^ entire svstem and lav the IF pUancy as to minimize the chance of entanglement. "The muster lowers his 12 birds one by one into the stream and gathers their reins into his left hand; and forthwith the cormorants set to at their work in the hearties and jol- liest way, diving and ducking with wonderful swiftness as the astonish- ed fish come flocking toward the } blaze of light. The master is now , the businest of men. He must handle I his 12 strings so deftly that, let the j birds dash hither and thither as they j will, there shall be no impediment. He must have his eyes everywhere and his hands following his eyes. Specially he must watch tor the moment when any of his flock is forged â€" a fact generally made known by the bird it- self, which then swims about in a fool- Chicoutimi Progres du Sagnenay ish helpless way, with its head and (Ind.): (The increased activity of swollen neck erect. Thereupon the the Conservatives in the province is master, fhortenin};: in on that bird, ' a giod thing.) We rejoice for two lifts it aboard, forces its bill open' reasons: First, because the province with his left hand, which still holds needs a good Opposition to watch ' the rest of the reins, squeezes out the j over a good Crcvernment. Second:y, ' fish with his right, and starts the i because it is desirable ihat the peo- ; creattire oft on a fresh foray â€" all I â- pie, instead of having to accept onej^-mi g„cii admirable dexterity that in' program, should be able to cicose be- another moment the whole flock is tween two programs which are each .jgaJQ perfectly in hand." one the result of study and the work j .p],ig account gives the reader an of a group composed of intelligent I gj^^.g,,gm ^^^^ ^j ^^j^ combined sport men, eager to serve their country, in ' „(, business. As for the cormorants, fact real economists. Whether Con- ...... they are trained when quite servatives or Liberals are in POwer ,ygy,j^,_ 1^^,,^^ ^^ught with bird-lime on is Of little importance, provided tlie j^^ ^^^^^jg q^^^^ trained, they work policy of 'l?e province is progresslive I ^g„ ^p ^^ j,^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^ j,, ^^ ^^ j years of age; and though their keep I in winter bears hardly on the masters, •> I they are very precious and profitable If you want a thing to Succeed, get hunters during the five-months' sea- tehind it and Push ; don't stand in son. For one bird will catch about 150 fish of four or five inches length in an hour, or 450 tor the usual three- hour fishing trip. Every bird in a flock has and knows its numbers: and one of the funniest things about them is the quick-witted jealousy with which they invariably insist, by all that cormorant languauge and panto- mimic protest can do, on the obser- vance of their recognized rights. No. 1, or "Ichi," is the senior in rank. His colleagues come after him In numer- ical order. Ichi is the last to be put into the water and the first to be taken out, the first to be fed, and the last to enter the baskets in which when work is over, the birds are carried home. It, for instance. No. 5 be put into the water before No. 6, the rumpus that arises is a sight to see and a sound to hear." Cormorants are also used in an- other way â€" by men wading iu streams. The cormorants are often as pointer dogs, and apparently full of perfect enjoyment. To the right and left they plunge with lightning strok- es, each dip bri;iging up a shining fish. When the fish are sorted the small fish are thrown first to one bird and then to another. Each bird catches his share "on the fly " and makes a .'^ound which doubtless means that he likes the fun and will be glad to try it gain at the proper time. (Note: The author quotes at length from the acouuts of many ancient and I contemporary writers to show that this time-bonored Fapauese sport is carried on now much as It has been jfor centuries. 1â€" The Scientific Month- liy. Happy Bush Friends in Captavity HERE IS A BURYING GROUND OF ANTAGONIS Babies of the Beriin Zoo a rhino and gnu, stand side by side at the feed troughs and calmly dine. Department of Health Tha Fly is a Mci«ce to Health Summer, with the holiday pi. ures which it brings. Is often marred by that pest of health and conifortâ€" j the tly. The presence of files .Troundl any dwelling means that there lias' been carelessness on somebody's' part. A few necessary precautions taken in time Is all that is necessary to prevent the annoyance and dan- gers to health which can be safely attribtuted to this pest. Types of Fly The flics which bother us around the house and at summer resorts are of two main types â€" the house fly and the blow fly; the I Classified Adverti8em5nts I BASY CHICKS Jl AliY t:illOKS: Jl.'I.V a:IU AUlJL'ST, Jj K'K-li.s i:>o, tir»\vii l.eglionm anil Aiicmias II'!. White I .(>g'hnrii9 inc. as- |M rieii clil.'ks ».; ICxpriis!" Datil mi VH) or o^-.-r; ftve caMt.iKUM. \, U Switzer, as- (Iruii'.iii (ini.irl.i q Dominion Status Sydney Sun tAiis 1: (.Soutii .Africa has appointed a Minister to l!ie Uni- ted States. Au.straiia is still only represented by a trade commisiiioner,) I To the Government ot the United ' States, Canada and the South Afrl- I can Union are nations, while we are still colonies. To Canada she sends ' her own Ambassadi rs ,and no doubt will do so now with South Africa. I This invidious and inferior position I ( f Australia is purely Australia's latter are larger own choice. Tiiere is absolutely no than tiie house fly and have bright, 1 reason why she, too. should not as- metallic bodies and make consider-' gume nati.>nal rank in .\merica by able noise when flying. The stable : sending a Minister to New York. Wliy fly is generally found around cattle | it has ot been considered by the Gov- and liorses; In appearance it resem- ! ernment is a mystery. The world bles the house fly, but has oe dls-l is so constituted it takes men and When Asked Are You Friz Sez Yes I Is But! of CHOLERA INFANTUM Cholera infantum is one fatal ailments of childhood. It Is a trouble that comes on suddenly, especially during the summer months and unless prompt action is taken the little one may soon be beyond aid. Baby's Own Tablets are an ideal medicine in warding olT tfcis trouble. They regulate the bowels tingujshing featureâ€" It bites and sucks blood and is especially active ! before storms. Control of the Fly Pest When we study the life cycle and habits of flies, we know beyond all doubt that to be effective, the work we do to destroy them must be aim- ed at the distribution point, viz., the of the '"â- s^'i'^e grounds. There are sev- States largely at their own valuation, and we may be sure that the tact that the Ambassadors ot Canada and South Africa may claim audience with the representatues ot the United States Government ,and our commis- sioner c( nnot, does not help our esti- mation in the eyes of a nation which is peculiarly susceptible to face values. I eral methods of attack: Use of Larvicides (a) Chioride of Lime applied in lay- fresh exposed contents ot outdoor' and unity.â€" R. W. Emerson privies every four or five days Is an â- =s======^ effective, cheap agent for destroying the iarvae of the blow flv which j and sweeten the stomach and thus beeds chiefly in outdoor privies, i prevent the dreaded summer com-| (b) Crude Coal Tar Distillateâ€" The.v are an absolute safej proves a most effective method In being guaranteed to crn-|the .ontrol ot the house fly breeding tain neither opiates nor narcotics or other harmful drug; plaints, medicine. PINKHULS "a household name in 54 countries ' Conservatives in Quebec Five Districts in Province Quebec Report Snow in Summer Quebec â€" Five different places re- ported snow in the Province ot Que- bec during the n-jnth of June. The Gone Dam In the L.ike St. p.;ter .e- gion, nfaded the list, with a ia'jIiioj fall duiing the ''.0 d;iys of the niOiUii. Amos, in the Abitib.. had one-tenth of an inch, while Thetford reported traces of snow. Manouane, also in the Lake St. Peter district, experi- enced one inch of snow during the | a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- j ai.tjon is rapid and the results very month, while Metis, in the Lower St. Lawrence, a famous summer resort, also had one inch. On the other hand Thetford rang- ed to the other extreme, for, in addi- tion to recording traces of snow, it also registered the hottest day of the entire month, the mercury soaring to | emigrants of the world. An access 96 degrees on June 20 Temperatures j ff 150,000 newcomers every year can of 90 degrees were common during ; only be regarded as a drop in the Daily Needs We are to dignify to each ot-er the daily needs and offices of man's life, and embellish it by courage, wisdom. nm FARManxSTOCK ACCOUNT BOOKS They cannot possibly do harm â€" they always do] gord. The Tablets are sold by medi-j cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents | cine Co., Brockville, Ont. In st.'.ble manure, gatbage piles, etc. A satisfactory stren^-th Is a three or four per cent, solution; this is sprinkled on the edges of the piles wherever the larvae appear. The In the Melting Pot Vancouver Province (Ind. Cons.): For all practical purposes, the United the month, while so were below freez- ing marks, no less than 14 sectors re- porting temperatures between 24 and 31 degrees above zero. Montreal, experienced normal wea- bucket Of the MO millions of Ameri- cans. It is different now from what it was in the first ten years of the 1 Twentieth Century, vr'r.en nine million ' immigrants entered the country, and be- m;ii i>"»d. The blow fly (bine bottle and green blow fly) breed also in garbage, de- caying vegetable matter and pig manure. Sprinkle crude coal tar dis- tillate (four per cent, solution) over the infested areas, j Crude coal tar distillate may be secured from your drtiggist. i Supplementary Methods j (a) Trapâ€" the c.ji^-shaped type is; Debt; It is so D-.iilt that the fly after' teicg attracted by bait placed under noath passes through a small open- Ini; in the top ot tlie roue, into the fore the war, when about 1,200,000 im- 1 trap proper. migrants, each yetr. mainly p:uro-j (b) Screensâ€" wire of twenty meshes peans, added their numbers to the to the inch is necessary to keep out] population. Unless and until the, bouse flies. j bars are let down again, the ingredi-j (c) Poisoningâ€" a cheap and effec-, ents of the melting pot will nrt differ; tive poison may be made in the Some] greatly from wliat they are now. j by adding to a pint mixture ot mllkj There is no likelihood that the bars and water three (3) teaspoonfuls of| will be let dow:;. Racially, it seems, j formaldehyde. This may be poured j the United States lias conn to the : on pieces of bread placed in shallow | pciint of equilibrium. But probablyj saucers. Place safely out of reach 'Thisvnlunblcbook wa-^rom- pilid :o aiivcrtUe CARHARTT OVERALLS â€" l.he best farmer's overalls in the world. Ona farmer wrote that he would not take ten dollars tor bis book. Write for yours to-dar. Hamilton Carhant, Manufacturer, Ltd., Toronto Over twenty thouiand Ascrictes ifmonds Sauis^ for charter â€" faster cuttfnij The steel used is made and Sipeo ially tempered in the Sitrtunds plant and we can and do gtjar* enteccverj' Simunds Saw. THE stMONOS CANADA SAW Co. LTD, Moatrr.'il - TjTOOto \'ancauvtr £l.Juiia,.N.S< ther during the month, with a maxi- 1 it is differet fn m the two years mum tem.p'^rature of SS.5, a minimum ' """ ..1--.. -i • of 38.2 and an average of 61.5, while the rainfai: of 3.73 inches was 2.1U below normal. Runaway Horse Obeys TrzdEfic Light; Many Motorists Do Not A wooden horse play.l no small part in the faU of Troy. A milk wa- gon steed helped write history in! the dispute about national origins will| of young children Stamford, Conn. remain to provide the dilemma, and Here's the storyâ€" an 1 the good folk] the opportunity, of the politicians, of Stamford are going to stick to it. ] â-  •:• The Emoire Crusade and aims at increasing the happiness ; of all of us. front and Pull.â€" Robert Hoe. â-  K Tires HOLD ALL nCRLD RECORDS FOP Endupamc Safety 6-> During the wee, small hours this particular horse decided to run away. The streets were wide and deserted and the going wa.? flne for a block or so, during which time a lot of milk was delivered promiscuously. Then came a Stamford intersee Salurday Review (Londiul: Lord Beaverbrook and the supporters of his infere.Hting Empire scheme are proceeding on the assumption that all units overseas would fri m senti- Kitchen garbage should be tightly wrapped in paper or kept in fly-proof cans. Minard's Liniment for Neuralgia. tion, and as old Dobbin thundered meat and economic molive approve ot down upon it. the green light chang-llree trade within the Ki'Uiive. There ed to red. The noble charger dug his cleats into the pavement and stopped dead in his tracks, thereby sualifying him- self as a law-abiding plug. The Na- tional Safety Council points out this little i. cident as an evidence of horse senseâ€" often needed by care- less drivers. H'lea^ "Jack kissed me last night.' "Uet he got painter's colic, do put it on thick." You IS one unit which would neither feel the urge of sentiment m r admit the economic argunnnt â€" India. Now India takes from this country about £85,000.000 worth of go;ds. As even Australia take'< only about .£60.000.- 000 and Canada only about £30,000,- 000, the attitude of India cannot be deemed unimportant. Even new it is impossible to impose on India any fiscal system of which her few thous- and active Home Rulers disapprove; in the near future it will be impos- sible to prevent the erection ot a lofty barrier against any kinds of British goods. Sea Nocturne Lights on the sea-line go. Vibrating to and fro, Errant, mysterious, low. Seen bright, seen twinkled; But that one steadfast spark That cleaves the drooping dark, For what all fortunate barque Is it enkindled? With far flung beam it stands, On rough and perilous lauds, Warning with upraised hands The gray shipmasters; Why did no beacon free Flare out on life's nad sea. To warn and presage me Of Love's disasters? â€"James Grant in the London Spectator. SiROXOH 1 MiiakePin 1. TheHoneyriyGitdier You Must Do Your Bit ^ io !he war against the fly. carrier of germs and breeder of disease. It it proven thai AEROXON is one , of the most convenient and ino>t eftf^ent meant of combating this fly evil ll IS convenient, because of the push-pm. It i» hygienic flies never get away when once caught. Each spiral gives three Mcek&' perfect service. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Sold at drug, f roccr> and harduvtt itona hi Ge C. 0. GenMl & Fils, Liinil^e Oiatrlbntor for Ontario NEWTON A. HILL 56 Front St. E_ Toronto A Fervent Heart 0! What a glory doth this world | put on for him who, with fervent heart, g( es forth under the bright, and glorious sky, and looks on duties 1 well performed and days well spent. 1 â€"Longfellow. L U XO FOR THE HAIR .\sk Your Barberâ€" He Knows ton rUi'V VEABS Ctitieura Soap and Ointment have nfforilrd the pure*!. «woctr*l and mort Mlia* fuctury mclfaod of caring for tlic Hkin aud hair. Sprains YOUR local Firestone Dealer has a Fire- stone Tire for every purse and purpose. He saves you money and serves you better. See him today. I'se Minard's immediately. It soothes tile pain and draws out the inflammation. FERTILIZERS FOR FALL WHE.AT Carefully compounded to promote proper Rrowth, Fall anil Spring. Every carlot and less carlot buyer stioulil lime our prices U rue Now AK*"" J Wanted. :'lnlmum car 15 tons. No i-.-u-iom ;ii (.omulaln oi luKh 01 ices 11 you buv from us. Write today. FERTILIZERS AND FEEDS LIMITED E M. OB08K Piea., 8980 Dusdai 8t. Waat. Toronto 9, Can. On* Kotto: QnaUtyâ€" Serrlc* â€"SaOaf action. "" THE WORLD OF BOOKS i Wliat a convenient and delightful worl dis this world of boolis!â€" if yon bring to it not tiie obligations of the , student, or look upon it as an opiate, for Idleness, but enter it rather with the enthusiasm of tlie adventurer. It; has vast advantages over the ordia- 1 ary world of daylight, or barter and trade, or work and worry. ft this ; world evtM-y man is hii own liins- the: sort of king one loves to Imagine not, ^i,at most people call indigestion One tasteless spoonful in water j concerned in such petty matters as „ jj ,„ „,e stomach. I neutralizes many times its volume in j .„, ..... IS usually excess atiu HI I c 3 acid. The results are immediate,; The food has soured. The instant i.^j^ ^^^ ^^^^ after-effects. Once you' remedy is an alkali which neutralizes ig^r^ ti,ig fact, you will never deal acids. But don't use crude helps. ] with excess acid in the crude ways. L'se what yiur doctor would advise, i Uo learnâ€" nowâ€" why this method is The best help is Phillips' .Milk of supreme. | Magnesia. For the 50 years since its Be sure to get the genuine Phillips'; Inveniion it lias remained standard Milk ot Magnesia prescribed by physi-| with physicians. You will nnd no- clans for 50 years in correcting e.xcess^ thing else so quick in its effect, so acids. Each bottle contains full direc-, Minard's Liniment for Summer Colds liaruiless. so efllci-iut. 1 lionsâ€" any drugstire. j I?!^^^ f ^Irttffffff^jyTTyg^^ iii^nsnniMi wars, and parliament and taxes, but a mellow and moderate despot, who Is a true patron saint of genius â€" a mild old chap who has In his court the greatest men and women In the worldâ€" and ail of them vying to please the most vagrant of his models! â€" Fiom ".Vdventures in Contentment," by David Grayson. Feeling Run Down? Over 400.000 women and girls who were weak, 'blue," nervous, run- down, and unable to do their work properlv, have improved their health by taking Lydia E. Tink- ham's Vegetable Compound. By accurate record, "JS out of every 100 report benefit. You can be almost certain that it v.iU help you tco. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ISSUE No. 32â€"29

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