Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Aug 1929, p. 1

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®hje fk&\)ttt0n %hmnu Vol. 49 No. 12 Flttskcrton Ontafio. August 21 1929 W. H. Thurston & Son, ProprietoK LADY BANK We are favored with good harvest weather at present, as well as grand hay season of the latest. Mrs. Mullen, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. VanWinkle and son, Master J. VanWinkle, of Toronto have returned to their homes, after spendi'ng the past month with Mrs. Mullen's brothers here, Messrs. John and James Ottewell Miss Jean and Ruby Allison of Markdale visited the past week with their aunt, Mrs. Wm. Semple Mrs. McMillan and Miss Jessie McMillan spent, a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple. Mr. James Ottewell purchased a beautiful new car last week. We wish Mr. Ottewell many hanpy trips. There will be service in the church ?it Providence each and every Sab- bath evening through the summer months. Rev. Garbig of Maple KIMBERLEY 1 Miss Constance Smith of Toronto is * spending a couple of weeks at "Spring Brook" the guest of Miss Ruth Mylc-3. Miss Lillian Macintosh of St. Marys ipent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Carruthers, also Miss Jean Carruth- ers of Moncton Mr. and Mrs Allen and children of Meaford are visiting Mr and Mrs. G. Cornfield. Mrs. Jos. McConnell and Miss Helen of Sturgeon Falls are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McConnell and other friends. Mrs. Melvin Harris, Mr. Walter Harris of Toronto spent a few days with Mrs. B. A. Carruthers. Miss Edith Davis of Richmond Hill is the guest of her friend. Miss lola Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Haines of Beaverton also Miss Haines of the North Coun- Grove Baptist Church will conduct thtf try are the guests of Mr. Wm. and service. There was service last ev- enine at 7.30 p.m., with a good at- tendance. The Ladies' Aid of Providence church and Feversham Presbyterian met at the home of Mrs. Torrance Williams. 10th line, Osprey, on Wed- nesday of last week with over thirty members and visitors present. The latter opened the meeting, while P'-o- vidence put on a few contests. Mrs. McJIillan and Miss McMillan of Fev- ersham were the lucky ones in winn- ing first prize on the first contest, and Miss Lillian Thompson won first prize on the -second contest. Much crefiit is due to one and all who took such an interest in making tha unior meeting a success. Mrs. A. Holroyd Tavn a gond reading which caused much merriment, while the Rev. N. llcaatt, Prosbv-terian pajtor of Fev- ersham, closed the moetins: with nraye-. A dainty lunch was then served by tha hostp<!s. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple, a?-. fompanied by Mrs. C. Semple and two children of Islington, spent the week end wi'h Mr. and Mrs. Russell AlH-^on nf Afarkdale. MisT Eva Poole visited with friends at Fleshcrton the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Poole snent Sundav with Mr. md M -•. Earl Poola Trwnline of CoUingwood. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilion rrtent r day recently with Mrs. Wilson's par- onts, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sayers, Town line, CoUingwood. EAST MOUNTAIN Miss Mary Haines. Mr. and Mrs. Ran Brady of Cherry Grove spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber. Miss Geraldine Weber, accompanied by Mr. John Weber, Mr. Wm. Barn- house and Miss Reta Barnhouse, spent a week touring London, Stratford, Niasrara Falls and other points. The baseball boys were in Creemore last Monday where they won the game of the finals 9-5. This Wednesday Creemore plays here for the final game, which promises to be inter- esting. We are sorry to report Mrs. John Haines ill. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. M. Wicker.3 and Mr. T. Clay- ton of Flc"herton visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Plewes. VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. John Wright of the U.S.A. vis- ited last week with Mr. and Mrs. H mTss^ Hazel Flood and friend of' ^''"e- ^- »nd Mrs. Lome Nevilles Hanover were the quests of Mrs.P"'^ two daughters, Gladyz and Dor We a-b glad to report that Mrs. Ernie Stinson is out of danger. Nurse Smith returned to Durham on Satur- day evening. Myrtb Moore visited her friend. Miss Beth Hincks at Priceville for a few days. Kathleen Bannon i.s visiting at Mrs. Dixon's at Holland Centre. Congratulations and best wishes for a lov.gr pecaperous mmL- useful Ufe with plenty of happiness to Russell Patterson and Stelli Acheson, who were married last Wednesda-.'. Rev. Mr. Baker of Dundalk had charge of the pulpit at Inistioge on Sunday. Mr3. Burke of New York, Mrs. M. fMclds, Mrs. Jennie Elliott and two dautrhte: i, Margaret and Elizabeth, Mrs. L. P. Killiis and son of Smith- EUGENIA Mrs. Wm. Hislop is visiting at present with her daugh'.er Mr:, W;i- Licd Magce. Miss Mae Park has returned to the city again after a visit at her paren- tal home. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Will Gor- don, vi:-ited at Hamilton recently. Mr. W. E. Morgan is recovering ve.y satisfactorily after his recent illness. Mr. Charlse Park of Detroit visited jver the week endwith his parents. Postmaster and Mrs. Park. Chas went to Toronto on Monday and his uncle, Mr. Dan. McLaughlin, who is leaving for the West accompanied him that far. Mr. McLaughlin had a most enjoyable fortnight's visit hereabouts and noted mai:y changes. It i? 48 years since he last saw his sister, Mrs. Park. Master Ross Kimmerley and sister, Miss Margaret returned to Watertown after visiting their grandmother, Mrs. W. Sloan. Their aunt. Miss Done'.da Sloan, accompanied them home and will visit v.'ith them for a few da*'j. Mr. Will Purvis of Toronto, who travels for an auto upholstery Co., called on Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purvis last week. Miss Jean La very of Toronto is a visitor with Mrs. Robt. Purvij. Mrs. Guy Orr of Toronto spent a few days v y i her daughter, Mri. Alex. Cameron 8th line, befcre leaving for the West, where she will visit with relatives at Aneroid. Rov. Argyle Campbell, son of the late Peter Campbell, formerly of the Eugenia circuit, wiil preach in the Jmted church hero on Sunday, Aag. 25, at 10.20 a.m. Mr. Stanley Smith and daughteir, Irma, of Rob Roy, visited at Mr. C. Martin's on Sunday. ivlis" Muriel Cameron is holidaying wi:h her friend Miss El-iie Savage, Toronto. Miss Isabell McKee has returned to her position in Toronto, after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKce. CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Turner and family, -Mrs. S. Turner of Eugenia, Mis.i Mable V/illiams of Flesherton and ilrs. I. H. Turner of Vv'innipeg were week c id visitors with Mr. V\' . T. Genoe and family at Cedar View Farm. Owing to the pastor, Rev. Scott, still being on his vacation, there will be no church service on August 25th, but instead Sabbath School will meet at 10.30 a.m. There will be music, singing, and blackboard talk, each class taking part, which will be very interesting and everyone is invited to be present and enjoy the hour with the scholars. . Miss Doris Knox of Swamp College is visiting her cousin, Mable Haw. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair spent a few days in Toronto last week and the week end with friends at Gait. PORTLAW He Mr. and Mrs. .Albert Reid, who re- cently returned from their post nuij- tial trip, were agreeably surprised oae evening at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Linton, when a large number of their friends shower- ed them with a profusion of u.ieiu; and beautiful gifts. The company afterwards had an enjoyabte time with music and games. Mrs. M. Conron and family of To- ronto are visiting with relatives in this part. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher upon the arrival of a fine little boy. Mrs. J. Thompson of CoUingwood visited her daughter, Mrs. .\lbert Blackburn. Mr. R. J. Woods of Corbetton was a very acceptable preacher at Mount Mrs. Brady of Cherry Grove visited Zion church Sunday. The previous to his soul-stirring message, will be here agam next Sunday. Mr. anu Mrs. McKmdrick and son of Toronto spent last week holidaying with friends here. Miss Lizzie Blakey returned to To- ronto on Monday, after visiting at the parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Sheardown atterded the reception given to relatives at Mount Forest last week. SWAMP COLLEGE Mrs. Thos. Irwin and assisted at the social on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith and friend of Toronto spent a couple of days at J. Gibson's last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pedlar of Detroit visited the former's sister, Mrs. Geo. Fisi\c â- . last week. Master Billv Wright, v.'ho has been visiting at Geo. Fisher's, ^e^urne<^ to his home in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. .'^. Hemphil and family visited with Feversham friends the first of the week. M s. Watson of La^ky, and Mrs. Bowe-. of Thornhill visited the past week with S. Ilemphiil and family. • Mrs. .A.llic Miiir and son, G^aIl^, left Saturday for a few v.-eeks' visit in tha city. Mr. and Mr:. Luther Torrey an;l son. Jack, of Larristc i and Mr. and Silas Kill <^f Hr kt'iio snent the first of the week with Mrs. H. Piper. Mice. Hewitt and Mrs. Graham of Toronto rre visiting thi^ v;eek with Mr. cv.d Mr-. Thos. Fletcher. Mrs. Mu: • and daughter. Mis.? Annie, of Toronto a-c spending a fcr'night at .\llio r..'iiir's. Mrs. D. Muir of Port .\rthur is visiting he- daughter, Mrs. .\. Mc- Le-n. pnA othc- relatives. D-. Patterson and Mr. Snowden McLcod of Toronto -zpent the week Sunday Rev. Argyle Campbell occujj- ied the pulpit. He is a son of Rev. Peter Campbell, a former much loved pastor. He referred to the fact tha: his first sermon was preaclied in the same church and that he occupied seven minutes in it-3 delivery. Many were delighted to see him and lister. Some have commenced harvest in this locality since the Orange picnic, and all the big days are over. All should now settle down to work . Mrs. McDonald and Dorothy, Miss MacPhal and Miss Mary McCannell. all returned to Toronto after having their holidays. Mr. Herb. Corbett and Mr. Dan McCannell spent a few days in the city- A number from here took m the dance at Swinton Park on Friday night, and report a good time. Born â€" On .A.ug. 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ferguson, a son. Con- gratulations. A number from here took in the concert in Price\nlle a week affo, and report a splendid entertainment. I Bates Burial Co. I t 122-124 Avenue Road I TORONTO Phone: KIngsdalc 4344 J.W.Bates. R. Madcocks ? Dr. Q, ^&jljth oi Meaford, re»d at D. McLeod's. Mrs. McLeod , . Chas. Fawcett recently othy cf Hamilton visited at Chas. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dawn and Moore's. family and Mrs. Best of Thornbury and the Misses Hainc-s of Bethel were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thompson and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. Smart and Mrs. S. Smart and daughter attended the Helen Moore is visiting at Hamilton and Smithville. Mr. and Mrs. WiViam Acheson, Misses Marion, Sylvia and Ina .A.che- sp-i visited at Shelburne on Sunday. Mioses Marion and Sylvia sang in the funeral of the late George Burrell United church at the evening service. am visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Clarke, near Markdale. Advertise in The Advance You Heed Not Spoil Your Evening Now that reduced evening rates on "long distance" begin at 7 p.m. (local time) it is possible to get one's telephoning done before evening engagements begin! From 7 to 8.30 pjn. tlie rate on Station- to-Station calls is about 25 per cent less than the day rate. Further reductions are in effect from 8.30 p.m. to 4.30 a.m. â€" about 50 per cent off day rates. (Tlie minimum reduced evening rate is S5c; and the minimum reduced night rate 25 cents). This service â€" particularly the early evening type of message from 7 pjn. â€" is a real convenience! THE BELL TELEPHONiS COMPANY OF CANADA r. and Mrs. W. Bentham of Fre- vlonia, N.Y., Mrs. Wr... Parr of Port Credit and Mr. and Mrs. H. White .»nJ friend, Mrs. Taylor, of Sarnia visited wi;h their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith, during Flesh- crton Old Homo Week. All enjoyed meeting so many old friends. Miss Georgma Smith, nurse, also visited with her cousins, at home, for a few holidays. Miss Helen Graham of Clarksburg visited with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. .A.rchie McLean are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Proctor. Mrs. Park and son. Russell, accomp- anied by her brother, Mr. Dan Mc- Laughlin, visited friends at Durham and vicinity one day recently. Mr. and Mr?. Basil Carruthers and son of Sault Sto. Marie are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aley.. Carruthers. Miss Esther Magee of Toronto vio- ited recently with her brother, Mr. Jchn Magee. Master .A-rgyle Martin is holidaying with his giandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lever, Flesherton. Miss Lucy McDonald has returned home after a week's visit with Owen Sound friends. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood and family of Markdale visited Mrs. C. Martin and family recently. Mr. Isaac Turner of Winnipeg has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Turner, in the village and his brother, Jlr. Oliver Turner, 10th line, and other relatives around, during the past few weeks. MAXWELL In the absence of Rev. Bamiord, who, with Mrs. Bamford and family are holidaying, Mr. R. J. Woods of Corbetton occupied the pulpit Sunday evening. His address was very inter- esting. Rev. A. Campbell, son ot the late Peter Campbell, will have charge of the service next Sunday. Mrs. W. Moore and Miss Eleda of 1 Irwin CoUingw^ood, Mrs. Everett and daugh ter. Miss Marjorie of Harriston, also Mr. and Mrs. Smithson of Detroit were visitors at Mr. J. L. Morrison's last week. Master Lloyd Morrison spent the past week in Toronto. Miss Edith Davis of Georgetown has returned home after spending a few days at the home of Mr. George Ross. Visitors at the home of Mr. Robt. Priestly recently were Miss R. HoU- ingworth and niece. Miss Audrey Perry of Renfrew, Miss iM. Jacobs and Hiss Ruth Hollingworth of Toronto. Miss Isabel Pallister ig the guest of her friend, Mies Belle Yearly, of Toronto. Miss Jean Ross spent a weelt with her sister, Mrs. Milton Nicholls, tn Dundalk recently. . .r\i_. . .Ji^^: j-wt and little son. and Master George Patterson, who have) been visitinsr here, returnd with them to their home in Toronto. I Mr. Robt, Cook. Miss Millie, Mrs. George Arrowsmith, Mrs. White and da"chter, Laura, motored to Barrio an â-  Orllia the f'rs*- of the week. 1 :'r. and Mrs. T. Fletcher scent Isst week vi'siting friends at Gait, Ham- ilton and Toronto, returning home en Saturday. MisT Agne^ Macphail, M.P.. spent a couple of days last week with her rarents, before leaving on her trio to Europe, sailina: .A.ugust 16th from Xrw York. Wo wish her a bon voyage. Miss Emm.i Wris-ht of St. Louis, Mo., vi-.-ited Miss Cook the first oT the week. Mess'^ Lyle :^nd Harry Mathewscn of Toronto snpnt the first of the week v.-it'- their father. Sir. Percy Hunt fro'n r.f\r Barrie spent the v.-eek end v>-ith his family here. The Ladies' Aid held an ice cream ,vf«.,i- QX),\ wit'n her n.nrcnts. The .".dies' A'd hold an i:"" cream social on Friday evenins. The Cev- I'ln boy? and g!v!<; rlaved ball wirh the boys and girb of the tack line, the score being in f.avor of the back line team. The evenir?: being cooi, the program wai given in the church, which wa^; packed fcr the occasion. Mr. MicGiUvray of Priceville wh<: prevailed unon to act as chairman and witli his v.it and humor added much ti the mirth cf the proirrani. The first number was the Marl? Leaf, v.-hich was heartiLv sung; then c-.ime the chairman's add-es', after which the following numbers were given: sevnral selections on organ, violin and rr.outh organ by Mrs. Roy Piper, Messrs. .Alex. McDonald and George Cairns, which had to respond to en- cores; Miss Milly Whittaker gave three readings and the applause was foud aid long and had to be respondev.? ti eacii time: solos were given by ^fi«s M. Hemnhill, dsiet bv Mrs. .\lex. McDonald and Mrs. Geo. Cairns; quar- tette by Messrs. G^o. Cairns and F. Duncan, Mrs. Alf. Down and Mrs. G. Cai-ns; two comic ?ongs by Brady A vote "f thanks was then Build Up a xMonthlylnccme by Investing Your Funds in Royalties. .An investment in Second Standard Royalties Ltd. yields 12'';. Payable 1% monthly. Dividends are payable on the 1st of each month to shareholders of record of 25th cf the previous month. FOR FULL IXFORM.\TIOX SEE Dr. E. C. Murray - Flesherton tendered to thp chairman and all who so kindly assisted to make the oc- casion such a success. The program was then closed by the National An- them, after which ice cream and cake were served. The proceeds amounted to over $30 and .the Ladies' Aid is very grateful to all for their help. HONEY Encourage your home indtistriee by buyinsr from yowr home town. Api- ary Al Clover Honey no\r iroing at 10 rents per pound. Pails at cost â€" H. S. Inkster, Flesherton. HONEY FOR SALE A Mother's Work is Never Doneâ€" but it con bo lightened con- siderably by the â- astailatioa cf an Empire Duro Water Supply System in the home. A kitchen sink, Isuadry tubs, tcth with Emco faucets â€" and bast of all a modem batarocta completely furnished withFixtuxes end FiiUags cf guaranteed Emco cocstrjctioa. Such a bathrooni is a joy and will give lasting satisfaction. Aa Empire Duro Water Sys- tem v.ill serve all these improve- ments with a constant pressure water supply. Models for deep or shallow well operation, suitaMa for farm, s-aburbaa or country homes with a capacity of 250 gallons or more per hour. See your local dealer and he will be' glad to show vou the system aost suited to your needs. ^^ Agent McKILLOP Flesherton, Ont. ^-. "*<:. *-i?i» m ^liwicb Pressure Water Systems and Bafbroom Fittinj^ <•-• i Choice Clover Honey in bulk, at 10 cents per nound or nails supplied extra.â€" Roy W. Fenwick, MaxvelL

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