Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Aug 1929, p. 2

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H^'7_'1171 • "TLJ^ I (load, hut llio task of raising: llie sub »*fl Wliy 18 1 niS I niiirliio undiT huclj coiutltious. wan Outrage Permitted wan so difficult that no private salvasa company coi^ld undertake It. Eveu- I tually Cominandor Kll.sl)crg concolved THe Necessity For "A Positive " i''""- '»"' ">« ^'^"y Ufpa'tmcnt was Insistence on the Elimina- tion of the Submarine From the Armoury of \\ ar Vhat a great IliliiK It would 1)0 If we rould persuade the naliotis of the worlil to abandon the submarine as a .ireai>on of warfa.re." The Hight Hon. A. V. Alexander, Fir.-t Lord of the Admiralty. The sinking of the submarine 11. 47 with Its appalling loss of life Is re- sponsible for a passionate plea by Mr. A. R. Uardiuer iu the "Star." We writes: â€" Ac-roplano.s are a weapon of war, but they have also added enormously to the useful and harmless equipment Of society. Hut the submarine is un- mittgalod devilry. Apart from Us uses as a weapon of war It is entirely worthless, and if It were outlawed to- morrow there is not a single healthy human interest which would suffer 10£S. "The fact that It Is a .-.iionk that strikes in the dark, a ctlininal tliat hits below the belt, and nowhere else, would rob war of its last rag of de- cemy and honour, if such a rag re- mained to It. Inl this vile furtive mon- ster, that sluyni indifferently both friend and enemy the savagery of war tou< lies Its basest note, and its exis-! tence In an offense against the most elenierilary (onditions of a civilised society. ' "Wiiy Is this outrage iiermilled to destroy the innocent and affront the conscience of the world? All the nations have solemnly outlawed war. Why cannot they give evidence of their good faith by outlawing this most infamous weapon' of war? It Is Raid that It is the only weapon of defence available to the small nations themsolves. It Is not the small na- tions like Sweden and Norway that are building submarines, and it is coniinon knowledge that if the mat- ter re.'iied with these I'owers the sub- marine would be banned to-morrow. "The resijonsibillty Is not with the small I'owers. but with the great Power.'^, the Big Five of the Sea. And of these, two at least, and three al- mase certainly, desire Its climiuation. This country made a propo.sal to that effect at the Versailles Conference. It made it still more formally and ur- gently at the Washington Conference in VJ'll when it was supported by the United States. Since then America has Independently, through its I're- sldent. repeated the proposal. I think I am right in saying that Japan is in full aicord. "With this powerful backing by the two greatest sea Powers In the world why Is the infamy not aboli.shed? The answer Is that France blocks that fought the proposal at Versailles, and fought it still more obstinately at Wasliingtpn. on which occasion Ijird Da'foiir addressed to .M. Hrland one of the most impressive warnings ever , directed against a nation In public ^ by a responsible stateman. | "It was uttered In vain, and today, eight years after, the competition in submarines is proceeding as though ' no League of Nations existed and no Kellogg I'act had been Rigncii, and France Is in this respect as predomin- ant In Kwropc aa she Is In the air and on land. { "It is time that this sinister fact was faced and challenged. The case of the bubmurno Is the acid lest of the armaments problem and It must be applied with candour and direct-' ness. It can be so applied with the utmost propriety anil force. Hoth this country and the United States | have repeatedly signified their wish to ban the submarine, and they have given abundant notice on Ihu subject. ; Ililherto they have failed to act out of consideration to the opposition of France. | "That opposition sliould now be met with a positive Insistence on the ellm- . Inatlon of the submarine from (he armoury of war. .Such us InslsliMice' would be endorsed by the whole iniu'al sen-ie of the world and by the over- whelming vote of the non-naval na- tioM.". If resisted, llie issue !-houlil be carried to the Leaguo of Nations. Nothing but good would result. "France anil Italy woulil either have to yield to the public, opinion of the World or they would be gibbeted as the protagonists of a weapon that every consideration of humanity and of peaceful Intention la concerned to outlaw and abolish. If Mr. Mac-; Dnnahl and I'resldeiit Hoover Is their momi'ntous meet lug decide to make the elimination of the submarine an •rtlclu of their common policy the fictory will bo won." | Just at the moment when the public has been following with painfijl an- xiety the effortsâ€" 4>venlually abandon- edâ€"to salve Subnuirlne 11.47, there has been publlshe<I a boixl which en- ables the layman lo realise the dang- ers and illfflcullies to be overcome and the heroism needsil for such an undertaking. That hook Is on the holtoin, by t'ommander Kdward Klls- berg, of the United Slates Navy (Constoble, lOS). It tells of the salving of the Ameri- can submarine S.!>l, whii'h was rnmni- •d by the 8.S. City of Rome in Sept- ember, 1925, and which sank In 135 feet of water In one of the stormiest sectlona of the .North Amerl<aii coast. | It was determined that no effort should bo spsred lo give back to thn btroaved relatives the bodies of iheir scei)tlcal, and It was only after fight Ing hard for It throughout a confer- ence lasting a whole night that lie was allowed to carry It out. The wreck-master of a salvage com- pany could undertake It. Kventual ly Commander KUsberg conceived a plan, but the Navy Department was sceptical, and It was only after fight- ing hard for it throughout a conferen- ce lasting a whole night that he was allowed to carry It out. The wreck-master of a salvage company, when leaving the confer- once, declared: "I don't know who Is going to do this job, but whoever he Is, he'll wish before he gets through that he had been born a girlbaby." The story of the terrific struggle with the elements which followed is told in a vivid narrative which is a great epic of tlio sea. Ttie reader will follow with breathles.i Interest the details of the opciatlons which make it easy to visualise every opera- tion and to understand Its purpose. Above all, it is a plea against the In- iquity of the submarine. Paper Suit Favored To ^Liberate' Men Chicago â€" How men can obtain a more comfortable form of summer at- tire, a (luestlon that has brought forth advocates of everything from pajam- as to barrels, has another answer. It conies from Waldemar Kaempfert, director of the Uosenwald Industrial Museum, Men's enslavement to fash- ion, says Mr. Kaempfert, will be brok- en by paper suits, costing about $2 a piece and thrown away after about two week's wear. "The fibers." .Mr. Kaempfert says, "will be made of paper, and will be spun like cotton or wool, then woven into attractive patterns. Instead of being sewn together, the woven â-  paper will be glued. A man will step. Into a clothes shop, where an expert' tailor will in a few minutes drape strips of paper about his form and then fasten them with fi.sh glue. "Such a suit â€" unlike a paper tissue ' towelâ€" will be unaffected by rain ' and hold Its shape for at least two ' weeks, after which it can bo thrown ' away. "There is no (|iiestlon that present clothes are uiadileniiig. But wo are slaves of convention. Although a thousand men marching down to ' work in pajamas would liberate us from the present style tyranny, It Is i Impossible to find a thousand such ! men. The paper suit Is our only I hope." Examined Wild Life Around James Bay Dominion Botanist and Bio-' legist Will Report at Ottawa Ottawa.â€" .\. K. Porslld, hntonlst and biological Investlgat'-r, and F. H. ' Ketto, n.L.S., of Iho department of the Interior, who have been invesll-i gating wild life matters in the James! Bay region rehiriied recently. I The areas dealt wiili were .\klniislii Island on the west coast of Iho l)ay ; and Charlton Island on the east coast.' These surveys are in c ainertion with wild life propagallon and other mat-' lers. The invesllgators went north' early In June to the end of steel on ' the Teiniskaiiiing and Nortlern On- tario railway and thence by canoe' down the .M)ilibl river to Mo ise Fac- j tory. The voyaging about the bay, was done with a small sailing vessel ', with auxiliary gasoline engine. The I return Journey was over the same route. They will Inimediately pre-', pare their reports for presentation ti-j Hon. ("harles Stewart, niintstei of the' Interior. f New Power Plant I Is Joint Project 80,000 Horsepower Is to Bs Developed on Ottawa I River i I'rom Montreal romn news de- spatches that RR.nno lioisepower Is to be developed Jointly al Chats Falls, on Ihe Ottawa, by the Ontario Ilyilro-i Klectric I'ower Comiiil«sloii, operat- ing on I'le Ontario side of the river, and by 1. W. Klllam of Montreal on the Quebec side. The despatch also Kt.tted Hint .Mr. Klllam's siirpliiH power w< uld be pur- chased by the Hydro, for distribution ^ In Kttstern Ontario, provided a. suit- able price- laid down in Ontario - coullt* be srcureil, and provided the tjuebec Govenimenrs approval to the scheme Is f; jlliromiiig. | Work Of creeling tlie Joint dam and I'ower plant would start, Iho de- ' spalches staled, early tills fall. i Commenting on the report Tremier , O. Ilowaril Ferguson said: "The whole, c]uesllon of devej. ping power at ChatH FalU Is n matter of negotiation. | We have been dlsrusshiR it for some time and hope to reach n Ratlsfac- lory coucliislon before I ng." Canada Once Again in the Lims Light THE KING'S PRIZE Lieut. R. M. Blair. Canada, being chaired after WINNER BEING ACCLAIMED winning the Kin.gs Prize at Bisley, Englnd. Health Units and i Tax Payments The Reasons Why Taxes Should Be Spent For Main- taining Efficient Public Health Departments By DR. GORDON BATES (General Secn^lary. Canadian Social Hygiene Council "Why should my ta.xes be spent In Unemployment material Is sent to parents, teeth are carefully examined, and hygiene cdu- eation thoroughly and systematically |';uried on by the teacher. All of these things contribute to the saving of many more than 1933 lives I„a.,., „f i„ • , a ,, wi,n '"""-^ ot immigrants Adds to League of Nations Does Big Business 396 Treaties Have This Year Been Registered Making a Total of Over 2,000 Genevaâ€" Open covenants, or Inter- national treaties, characterized as epliemjral when Woodrow Wllscn first demanded them at the creation of the league, have become startllng- ly close to reality. The secret com- pacts of pre-war days may Indeed stiil exist, but they have no binding value on the peoples of the gr^vern- mcnts which made them. Furthermore, no treaties made be- tween any of the members of the league are valid until they have been omcially registered. Once they are transmitted to the treaty section of the league they are public property. During the past calendar year, ac- cording to the report which the secre- tary-general. Sir Eric Drummond, will submit to the assembly In September, there have been 382 treaties register- ed by members of the league and the United States has voluntarily sent, to the secretariate for publication 14 treaties negotiated by Washington during tl:e year. To date, according to the rep rt, the treaty section has compiled and printed, in their original languages and in French and English, 1.S50 treaties â€" SO volumes of about 45C pages each. The total of treaties thus far depo.?ited at the league sur- passes considerably the 2.000 mark. In Toronto last year, as well as to the preventing of untold sickness, misery, and economic wasteâ€" ond all cf these things point clearly to one Inescap- able fact, that the effectiveness of any public health department, and the number of lives and the sickness and the economic wastage that it will Stirs the West Radium Coated Hooks Lure Fish Problem in West; Towns rn niahualning an expensive department TZ TaZ;?;'""^ ''''''' ^"""â- ^'^ One occasionally hears that com- plaint .even nowadays. There are still a few pei pie who point out that a departmont of health does not pro- duct anything and therefore, they suggest, does not justify its existence. nut does anybody claim that we could get along withi\'t a police force â€"despite the fact tliat It doesn't pro- duce anything either? And the life- guard at a summer resort. He Isn't a producer yet If he saves halt a dozen live.s during a summer, we deem him well worthy of his hire. .During the year 1928,' 1933 wore .saved by the MediCa! Health Department of the City of T.Tonto. I quote Toronto ligurcs because they are readily available. Hamilton. Ontario, furnishes quite as good an Edmonton, Alta.â€" As a result of a conference between (iiembers of the Alberta Cabinet and Uobert Forke, Federal ."Minister of Immigration, a survey i-t the unemployment situa- tion in this Province will be made. This will he undertaken In view of Ne e^v York Naturalist Makes Experiment at Bermuda New York. â€" Science gave fishermen some'hing new te play with when word arrived from nermiuia of suc- ces.sful use there recently of radium as a lure for deep sea fishing. The radium" was used by William f money spent upon it, and carefully expended by it, un- , . -. - • ~- der the direction of competent public senous condition likely to occur Boobe, New York naturalist, as a Uim- health olllclals. | "''^ winter with the increasing num-' inous coating on hooks attached lo I A certain injustice Is indicated â-  here. In big Canadian cities death j rates are being steadily reduced , through the efforts of public health 1 departments. lint rural Canada is not sharing In this march towards social health ,to nearly the same de- gree. I The reason Is, that rural Canada j has not the in 'ney to spend In safe- I guarding its health, that urban Can- .. I ada has. In place of the splendid â-  I health organization serving Toronto. 1 the work of which I have just rough- ; ly outlined, the average rural com- ' muiiily has to get along with one of- ! liclal. and a pa;t-linie oflicial at that her of unemployed men in thg prov-; snindinj, wires about a mile long, in ince. The survey will ascertain their depths where no daylight exists. The number, their former home, h.w long; first catch wa-; a squid, a member of the octopus family. It was large en- they havo been in Canada, how and by whom they were brought out, and i what are t!.eir occupations. Both rural and urban districts will be cov-' ered in the Investigation. } For several years there has been an Influx of harvesters inti Alberta.! outlittcd with glow-hooks nearly £ and when the crop Is garnered, these! foot long, hoping to land some of the transients decide to remain for the ough to fill ;• fair-sized fruit basket. Before leaving here on his expedi- tion Beehe said that as far as ha knows radium-lum'nous fish hooks never bef re have been used. He example. Nearly two thousand P->o- 1 -''* """"'="' °""'" "^ '"^=''"' "â- ''" '' l)le, at least. People In all walks of. life. Enough to jiopulato a whole village. Hero Is how that figure Is arrived at. In 1910, when Toronto began to spend a good d.-ai of money to pro- tect its health, there were 15.1 deaths ,., , , ,, . ,, every year, for each thousand pe ,,,,.' """'I"*"^ "â- â- <> surveyed by small-full miserably unpaid, even for his part- time work, and who cannot concelva- 1 biy do the work that should be done. jPnvinclal departments of health arc doing a great and Important work to ; stem the tide of rural disease and ; premature death, but until rural com- tlnio coiinterpart^i of Ihe lealtli depart- ments that are succeeding so well In cities .anylhing like complete success Is ImposslbTe. i P'xperimets v.idi such rural health derartment.s, or "cuintry lip;iltli units" as they are usually termed, have succeeded far beyond expecta- i tlon In Quebec, British Columbia and' Saskalchewan. and today one of the â-  largest task-; faciii;; tlu> public health worker in this dernocrtic country Is to educate public opinion to the end that governments ,federal. provincial and niunicipal may be Jiistilied In spending public money on the estab- ' Usliment of adeqiuilely tinanced and staffed healMi ((iiiiity uiills. over the uilire Dominion. winter, and come to the cities and towns in large numbers where no' work is available; This has become' a serious problem to the pr. vince and nuiniclpallties, as the men must he provided for by the taxpayers, who feel their taxes should be used for- the relief of tlieir own citizens who are in need and not of c utsiders. The siiuation is iiitensHied by the number! of Immigrants coming West, osten- sibly as farm laborers, and these add | greatly to the unemployment prob- lem, as Ihey do not remain on farms,' but drift cityward t.> look forwork| where the Introduction of machinery j is rapidly eliminating the need ofi manual laborers. powerful creatures from lightless depths that in past expeditiins have broken out of the nets tint brought up smaller scentilic specimens. He said that occasional presence of huge scales In the nets indicated the pos- sibility of great fish. Britain Greatest Trader In World Bandit and His Cache Located Comfort Comfort the poor, protect and shel- ter th(- weak, and with all thy might right that which Is wrong. Then shall the Lord love thee, and f!od himself shall be thy great reward.â€" Alfred tlio CJreat. .s .Smithers. BCâ€" After guarding all; highway exits from this district firi nearly two weeks, since a bandit held up the Itoyal Bank staff here and es- j caped with twenty thousaiul dollars, I •police, directing a posse .surprised lilm asleep in a wild ciiiiitrv near â-  Walcott. " I He gave his name as James Wesley Bint, from Ontario. Indian hackers lot-ated eleven Ihousand dollars and a revolver hhl- deii 111 brush near where he was cap- tured. ,1 cliaigt. of robbery with violence and n w awaits trial at the Assises. Self After all, the Kind world i ne car- ries about In oii"sclf Is the Important The Highest Art Tie lovi .if ,iiMii« lia* Iho hlghrsl art lu UU .-. .<:. It. Jcrfoiloii. In 1928. only ll.S died, out of every thousand. Working that out in terms of Toronto's many thousand population, a illsllnct saving of 1933 lives Is shown. And even that tig- ! ure mark you. Is not fair to th> do-.l partment, which Is actually saving many more lives than that every year. That llg:.re Is based iP' n the Im- provement In the deiiartuKMit sin'o 1910 -not upon Ihe dlffi-reiice between ! the death-rale of 192.S and the death-! rate ns it would havo been If Toronto' had had no deiiartment at all. | And what Is responsible for this?; Hi.w iloes the department operate to save all these lives? First of nil. the water supply 1- safeguarded against all water-borne diseases; typhoid, dyseiitaiy, diar-, rlioea, etc. To-day Toriuito's death- i rale from typhoid Is .9. while that of rural Outnrln Is 6.43. Then milk. A veritable lake of milk is loured into Toronto every, day. and all of It excepting less than' one half of one-percenl. Is pasteurized.! The result Is that bovine lubercul sis ; - tuberculosis of bone and gland is i virtually ellmlualed from Toronto.' ami septic sore throat and all oilier 1 communicable diseases are reduced.' Everyone is familiar wUh th.e ordlii-, ary routine of a health depart inenl' - -the checklug-up of comniunlcablo' diseases, (luaranlliilng. etc. But there Is another branch of this j work, and possibly Ih-^ ni st lni;)o;!-| ant of all, that Is not so generally ap- preciated. And that Is the saving' of Infnts and soho.d children. This; begins with the expectant mother. | She is being taught the Importaiico ] of pre-natal care. She Is being urg- 1 ed to see her doctor frequently be-j fore the birth of her child, or to re- gularly attend clinics ninlnlalned for | her heai!b nnd safety. Public health! nurses call upon her, and tactfully 1 stress the Importance of doing so. j Two weeks after the birth of Ihe; child, liho nurse again n\U<. Ihe moth- er Is directed lo "well baby " centres, where her child Is examined, weigh- ed, any defects noted and Ihe mother rei's-rrod to her doctor to have these remedied. 'i"h« newest devebpment In this scjrtuca of dilld saving Is Ihe "pro- sch.ool «y« ' cllnle, for thn physlml eia.'nlnatlon of children before they start to lohool. And «ll (luring the scho I life of the ENDURANCE PLANE CRASH child, ixgulnr physical examlnatlont ^'M>1 •*. .'• Crichlou was killed and Owen Il.iughland fatally Injured when are provided for II, hoaltti othicntlonal enduraucu plane, Mlunesota, crashed nt MInueapolU, M'.r.a. London Newspaperman Says Inter-Empire Trade is Essential In an address to the Advortising Club at the Jlount Royal Hotel, Mi ntreal. recently Charles E. Luke of the London Times, stressed the fact that a greater attempt must be made on the part of both Canada and the British Empire to develop an Inter-Empire Trade. "Britain." he said, "has come back no the Industrial position she held be!i-e the war in 1 spite Of the terrible odds she has had I to cintend with. At the end of the war. and in the early days of 1921, ; Britain's debts and the condition of I her industries wore in such a terrible ' state that nations thri ughout the en- j tire world thought her attempts to recover her status would be in vain." "Great Britain pays out per annum one liundied and lifty million dollars on the sinking fund of her war debt In police court he pleaded guilty to' a'"' another three billion two hundred thousand on the annual budget of the navy. Still, she has pulled right ahead and today can b^- classed as one of the greatest if not the great- est trading nation in the world." Ho ended his address by slating that If on his arrival back in his own A Gift Blessed are they who have the gift | of making friends, for it Is one of Uod's gifts. It Involves man/ Ihlnsa ' country he f.Mnd that ho was able to bnt above all the power of going out ' at least familiarize British manufac- Ihlng and the world outside takes all "f oneself nnd seeing and appreclat-| tuiers with greatue.ss of Canadian in- Its grace, color, and value from that '"g whatever Is noble and lovhi'; industries and to accentuate tht> Im- .r. R. l.ow.dl. aolh-' portaiice of establishing their trade lu Canada, he would feel that his ef- forts had not been In vain. "The UnitMJ States of Europe" Truth (l. donl. Briand has not chosen his moment very well in re- prodiiciiij. his scheme for the "Unl- ! ted States of Europe". 1 say repro- ! duclng. for the Idea is one which has been moving lu the back of his mind I for many year;, past. Indeed, some four years age ho lii'st voiced It In the lobbies of the League of Na- tions at (ieiievtt. The tact that at the present moment he should havo thought lU to come out Into the open with his plan is perhaps an indica- tion that be at least is aware if thJ Increshig Isolation of his country. Contentment Conleulment Is not to be caught by long and foreign chases; he Is like- liest to find who sits at home and dally coiitemplntes those blessing-, which Hod has placet! witblit h' roach. f .

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