®hje /tol)^trt0n %hmnct Vol. 49 No. 1 3 Fleaherton Ontario, August 28 1929 W. H. Thurston & Son, P:opfietcr VICTORIA CORNERS MAXW£1X Miss Alice Smart of Markdale has been visiting her sister, Mrs. RusseTi Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Robir.jon oi Dundalk and Herb Robinson of Buff- alo visited at Milton Banon's. Jim Bannon went to Toronto with them. Mrs. Bannon and Doris are also visit-' ing for a week in Toronto and attenil- ing the Exhibition. i Miss Richardson, who has been wit*. I her sister, Mrs. Ernie Stinson, re-j turned to Laurel last week, to pre- ' pare for the re-opening of the school term. Mr. Wm. Scott and son, Mr. Wilfred Scott, M..A.., daughter and Mis3 Mable Gillespie visited at the home of W. G. Acheson last week. Miss Sylvia Acheson returned with them to their home at Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Watson, Mrs. Lemain Terrance, Washington D.C., Mrs. Watson. Miss Martha and Louise Watson of Priceville called on the former's cousin, Chas. Moore. Mr. Jos. Armstrong called on W. G. Acheson and presented them with a handsome door knocker in memors of the old home. Miss Roszella Steve-is had her ton- sils removed last week at Collingwood hospital and has not been very well since, but we hope will be well en- ough to resume her duties by the first of September. KIMBERLEY CEYLON EUGENIA PRICEVILLE LADY BANK Verv dry hai"-e3t w^eather at pres- ent with fair crops. i Mr. Joshua Dobson is on a bu«in- pss trin to Whitby and Niagira Fails th'-';-" days. j BORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Jc-ep»-. Sewsil on Wednesday, Aueust 21st, a son, Douglas Reid (still born.) | Miss Lorraine McEachern of Cam-' ilia, Ont., i; the guest of Miss Edith' Enfl Japip P'"mr>lp at nre^en"-. I r-Ir-. W. T. Ellis of Kiraberley V: rnendin? a few day-s with Mr. ana Mr". Les McMullei. | Th^ Lrrii'es' Vid of Providence churfh will hol'l their September, meeting at the homo of Mrs. Wm.| Semple on Wednesdav, Sept. llt'n.' Members 'ilease attend and all visit-' rs are welcome. I Rev. Argyle Campbell occupied the pulpit in the United Church here on Sunday evcuing. His sermon wa~ most interesting, his text being "The work of His hands." He was accom- panied by his mother and two friends. Miss Ayres of Guelph is visiting at the home of Angus Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross and Miss Jean motored to Brampton and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wellar and family. They were ac- ; companicd by Mr. and Mrs. V.'m. Lud- ' low of Victoria Comers. ] Mrs. Robert Priwtly and Miss Ja- cobs spent a few days last week wit'.i the former's daughter, Mrs. George Lc":g of Dundalk. Miss filary Ross entertained a nur.-.- ber of girls to a thimble tea Wednes- day afternoon last. During the af- ternoon Misses Marion and Sylvia Acheson of Victoria Comers delight- ed the g~oup with vocal selections. Mrs. Robert Priestly of Pundalk spent the past week with relatives here. Th? sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. Thomas Bemrose and family in their sad bercavemen: b.y the loss of a wife and mother, who psjsed to her reward Friday, August 9th. Mrs. Wilbc-t Poole and Lillian .spent a few days la.st week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Down, Flesherton. Mr.-. Milton NichcUs and Kennein of Dundalk spetn a few days lasi week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mil. Geo. Ross and family. The travelling library in connoction wiith the W. L has arrived and is at Mr?. .Alex. Morrison's. The books may be borrowed at any time ana kept for two weeks, then returned In good condition. CARD OF THANKS Wc wish to thank all our kind friends .ind neighbors for their gen- erous help also for flowers, in our recent sad bereavement in the loss of •ur dear wife and mother. Thos Bemrose and Family. Be a booster and help things; not a kicAr and knock things. Mi'3S Geraldine Weber visited over the week end with her friend. Miss Lillian Hart, of Meaford. Mrs. Furstnow of Rudyard, Mich., '.'rs. Trimble, Mrs. Batoif and Wheeler of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., visited during the week with Mrs. Thos. Abercrombie and other friends. Miss Marion Fawcett of Toronto is visiting at her parental homo. Mrs. S. S. Burritt spent a day last week with her brother, Mr. "Taylor Abercrombie, of Cherry Grove.. Mrs. John Taylor of Oshawa is N'isi'^ing her mother, Mrs. James Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Proctor and children of Eugenia, Mr. Jas. Ma gee and Miss Vera Magee of Markdale spent the week end with Mr. and sirs. Geo. Proctor. Mr. aid Mrs. Campbell and Reia of Listowel visited during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gilbert and family. We congratulate the ball club or. winning •'he cup in the Grey-Simcoc Baseball League. The last game was played here on Wednesday la-.s: against Creemore and resulted in a scorj of 19-13 in favor of Kimberley. Miss Blanche and Hazel Hammona of Toronto visited with Miss Rut:i Myles recently. Mrs. Currie and Miss Lena Wrig'ni left on Saturday for their home In Detroit. Miss Mary Stafford ac- companied them and will visit in Niagara Falls and other points before returning home. Mr. William Stafford is a guest at the homo of Mrs. Ed. Baker of Van- deleur. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hammond ana children, accompanied by Mrs. S. S. Burritt, visited recently at Wasagr. Beach. Thj Sunday school held their an- nual picnic on Mr. Frank Chard's flats on Tuesday afternoon. Mr=;. Wm. Ellis is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Leslie McMullen ol Feverjham, who is quite ill. Mi's lola Graham has been visiting in Teronto. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Graham ani! chidrpn motored to Toronto Sunday and will attend the Exhibition. Â¥\ V^ New U.F.O. Store in Flesherton We have opened a new store in Flesherton in the Wright Block and invite the public of Flesherton and surrounding country to see us when in town, and if our line pleases you, do - your purchasing as well .^.^^<h>.:«s<hX.<h;^.^^.><mX.^K*^ An Egg Grading Station is Being Operated in connection with the new store and we feel that you will be pleas- ed with the advantages and service this D^iartinent . _^ ^ . is prepared to give you. ♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<"»<«*4-X«»«* It is our aim to serve the interests of the public as best we can in ail Departments »»»»»»»»»0"»»»»»»»»»»»» Where the Values are Higher and the Prices Lower Osprey & Artemesia Go-Operative •'Phone 70 CO., LIMITED H. SPOFFORD, Manager FLESHERTON Vu h Miss Loreen English of Rock Mills is visitinn; Mrs. George Sneli. i Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper and family motored to Toronto the first of the week and attended the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Will Crosken, Mr. W. Croskcn and daughter, Mi-ss May, of Toronto spent the week end at Robt. Cook's. Mrs. Hislop of Eugenia is spending a few days with her sister. Miss Jessie McKenzio. Mr. and Mrs. Raney and litl'.e daughter of Wiarton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey and two daughters ci Shrigley spent the week c.d witn " heir parent j, Mr. and Mrs. 1-. McPhail. Misse-3 Annie and Jennie Chesney are holidaying with friends at Wiar- ton and Hepworth. Mrs. Wilson McMullen left Satur- day to visit her daughter i".i Toronio. Mrs. J. Kennedy and three children who have been visiting friends :.-. London, returned home Friday. Mr. Percy Hemphill left Thursday for a two weeks' vacation. He will visit Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec and the Thousand Islands, Mr. Bert Ross of Detroit is a vis- itor at Mr. Jos. McKee's. Mr. and Mrs. John Oliver motorec "o Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. Balfour and son, Bonnie, oi Port Dalhousie visited at Mr. F. J. CoUinson's and with Mrs. F. D. Cairns last week. :'.Ic£:5r3. J. C. and Oben McLachlan spent the week end with their fathei, ,Mr. Dan McLachlan of Winnipeg vis- ited U.-=t week with his bro:her her;.'. Dr. ;.. ,'rd c-.d Dr. ilahoney o'f Guelph visited the first of the week wiih Mr. and Mrs. A. Sincla: â- . Mr. Gold of Kleinburg i; assisting at the station during Mr. Percy Hemphill's absence. Misses Frances, ?l3rge and Jean Collinson are holidaying with their '.grandmother, Mrs. Coleman, of Owen S,ou:d. Miss Doris Stewart is spending a fortnight with Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chiseltt of To- ronto visited with Mrs. .^.nna Mc- Millan la.st week. Mr. and Mrs. -Archie Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Patterson motored to Dunkirk, N.Y., for a few holidays last week. Mr. R. Love of Dundalk was a vis- itor at Mrs. H. Piper's last week. !'r. and Mrs. Royden Gibson of Tor nto spent the week end at Mr. John Gibson's. They were accomp- anied back to the city by Misses Mazel and Dorothy Snell for a few holidays. Congratulations are extended to M:-:s Margaret Sinclair, who passea all her subjects for the past term in Flesherton high school. Mrs. J. A. Nichol and son, Gorcion, visited frie".us at Collingwood over the v.-cek er.i'. Mr^. W. J. Tracey and son, Billie, who spent the p^ist month visitinn; her "lister, Mi^. W. Gibson, left on Friday for her home in Detroit ana was accompanied by her son. H.'.roiu, who for th'i past five years has lived v.itli his aunty. Before leaving Har- .'Id invited fifteen of his little boy ..hums to a party on Thursday after- noon, where a happy time was spent l)y all oresent. Karold will bp misl- ed by his little friends and in Sunday -ohool, where he wa; a member ot the Sunbeam Class. Wednesday afternoon the Ladiei* .A.id held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Roy Piper. Tlie meeting was well attended. Mrs. W. Gibson and Mrs. F. D. Cairns eacTi gave papers on "Hospitality in the farm home," which were enjoyed and qui '3 interesting. .A.t the close the hostess served a dainty lunch. Mrs. J. McMillan invited the ladies to her home at Flesherton for their nexv meeting. On Sabbath morning the Sunday school held its service at 10.30, which was well attended. The meeting op- ened with singing of "Holy. Holy, Holy"' and the 23rd Psalm was reaa in unison. In MioS McMillan's class three boys. Lloyd Archibald, Stanley Hunt and LeVern Piper, gave a short story on the different lessons about Daniel. Then the class sang "Dare to be a Daniel." Mrs. Haw then gave a blackboard talk on "Thoughts and Sii, and its Effects." Mi-?3 Maud Hemphill sang "Ivory Palaces." Miss Blanche Genoe, secretary, gave the re- port and hymn "I am so glad" was sung by the school All present enjoyed the hour very much. Next Sabbath the school will open at 1.30 and church at 2.30, when a good attendance is requested. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rutledge and two children, of Roderick, Ont., who are movi'ig to Holland Centre, arc spending a few days with their re- spective families here. Misses Olive and Jean Marshall, who have been spending the summer holidays at Roderick, have returned home. Mr. S. Hemphill and Miss Rita, accompanied by Mrs. Watson of Las- kie, and Mm. Bowes of Thornhill, who have been visiting hero, motorea to Wingham and Lucknow for. the week end. .^.^s..*..-. -.-.j. -^ â- ..--. Col. McFarland and liittie son of To- ronto visited with ilr. W. E. Morgan last week. Mrs. Chas. Quesnel and children ot'cesa, the Owen Sound are visiting with Mr.' o^'ei" $38. Jos. Sherwood and Miss Lucy Mac-] Donald. Mrs. Chas. Martin spent Thursday McQuaig's. of last week with her mother, Mrs. I ^rs. Henry Tucker and Betty. Mr. J. A. McQuaig, Mary, Ida and Pearl visited friends in Stayner last week. Mrs. Tucker and babe re- mained fcr a longer visit. (Last Week's Items) The lawn iocial held recently on the -Manse grouncs was a decided suc- proceeds amounting to Miss Emma Mauser of Owen Sound was a visitor last week at Mr. Thos. Lever, who is ill. Messrs. John and Sam MacDonala have etu ned home alter spemliag a fevir days in Toronto. Miio Evelyn Txtrr.cr, ::c:cr.tpsn: by her cousin. Miss Marie FenwicL, are visiting in To 'onto at present. I Mrs. W. E. Moragn is in Toronto] this week attending the Exhibition Mr. I5aac Turner has returned to his home in Winnipeg after a visit with relatives here. Mrs. Will Mag«e and other members of the family visited on Sunday in Collingwood wiith Mrs. Magee's sister, Mrs. Sled, who is leaving soon for her home in Lumsden, Sask., after an ex- tended viist with friends here. Rev. .\rgyl Campbell, elder son of the late Rev. Peter Campbell, occu- ied the pulpit in the United church he e on Sunday forenoon and preached The Sunday school picnic was held on 'i'hursaay and, despite tne wet, miserable day, about 60 gathered, old and young. Games were played in the hall as the grass was too we; I outside. Everybody had all the ice cream they could eat, and tables were set and all sat down to a sumptuous repast. The weather detained many from being present, but all those who attended enjoyed the day. Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod of To- ronto visited last week at Mr. Wm. McLeod's. Misj -A.nnie McKinnon of Toronto hs been visiting friends on the SoutS Line, but returned on Saturday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Chambers (ne Florabell Mc- a wonderful 'sermon, taking as his text . , , -, . ,• j ,-. .1 1 <.u ,-1. c T 1 .. \ J u I Lean) who were recently married in the 14th Chap, of Judges â€" .\nd He „ ' Chap said unto them, out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came for'^h sweetness."' He express- ed the topic in two v.-ords "Unexpected Good." He explained tb:U w.; could not have peace end g-xxi anles^ th' good spirit were ^".ti^ ^^ >..i,y'..c^i.x. '.- and v.hat wero the use cf Peace Leagues. League tiOHo etc.. T.-fonto. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Curry. Mr. and Mrs. .\ngus McLachlan visited on Thursday with Durham friends. Miss Calder of Fairbairn is visitiag at Mr. McQuaig's. ^fr. Attri Mm. BiawieV and Harry, i Mr. and Mrs. Black and family, or Wir.gh.^.T-.. spent th'.? -^eek end at Mr. I John Mc.Meekin's. I Rev. .\. Thompson of Toronto occu- pied the pulpit in the Hall Sunday ; and spe-.it the wesk end at Mr. Wm. Brown's. Mioses Elia and Laura McKinnon of Toronto are visitors at Wm. Aid- corn's. Mr. John L. McKinnon of Saskatoon arrived on Saturday to visit his bro- ther .\rchie on the South Line and will stay until the end of the month. Mr. and Mrs. John .\ldcorn. Swinton Park, and their daughter, Mr?. Ken- nedy of Shelburne. visited Saturday jt Mr. W. J. McMillan's. Mr% Russell B.iird of Pontiac. Mich., is visiting at her parental home. RCXrX MILLS the destru-'tive elements of evil were i e:;ert in hearts and minds to break UD peace at any time. Christ died and rose again that all might d.i the •ame and on "hat glorious resurrec- tion day we shall all rise as Christ did and peace and good shall reign. Rev. Jlr. Madden Sr. bestowed a pray- er of blessing on all. It was indeed! an interesting se"wice throughout.! Rev. Campbell was acompanied here! by his mother and Miss Daw, the lat-| ter rendering a beautiful solo in a! clear, pleasing tone. Rev. Campbell will leave in rbout two weeks fori Uncle Sam''3 domain, where he â- wili'l continue in the ministry. He told ns on Sunday that his first sermon lasted seven minutes and his next one fifteen minutes, but on Sunday he gave us a good lengthy sermon and we are sure that v^•ith practice he will become a most proficent man for his profes- sion. Wo wish him every success and may the blessings of God ever be upon him in his good work. Mr. Chas. Park had a sucessful op- eration for goitre in a Toronto hos- pital. We wish him a speedy recovery. Rev. W. H. and Mrs. .Madden of .A.urora. Dr. H. N. and Mrs. Wilkinson (nee Eva Madden) of Toronto and Mrs Jack Broley (nee Olive Madden) of Cookjtown visited a"' Mr. .\. Smith's over the week end and spent a ra«st enjoyable time. Mrs. R. Park went to Toronto Tues- day morning and spent a few days. | Mr. and .Mrs. Cardwcil Graham, ac- children are visiting at present with companied by Mrs. Well Graham and relatives in Toronto. aaughter. Mi-?s Phyllis, snent the week y^,. anj >[r?. Chas. Newell motored 0:id v.'ith Mr. ar.d Mr'. Thos. Hoggard to D> -ham on Saturday and visited and family, Cb ksburg. Relatives, returning horn. Sunday. .Mrs. Campbell ( ;ee Mi.-^s Hopper) of ^ truck has been hauling lumber I'lcsherton) now of Kansas, U.S..A..,' from the mill here to Ceylon, where called on her old friend. Mrs. Fogg. j^ ...g, loader on the train to be Tho Hammond girls and boys of To- ^hipped to the Du-ham factory, rcnto are hohdiiying with their grand- j. jg expected that the mill will mother, Mrs. M. McMullen. ' ^i^j^,, ^^^^^^^ here about the middle Mr. and Mrs. E,a-.viii rurvis ana „{ tj,^ week. The vards are pretty children of Toronto visited over the^-eU fji'ed with lumber as the Com- wcek end with the former's parents,! „anv had a large stock of logs In Mn and Mrs. Robt. Purvis I ^^^ ^ard again this year. M;s. Wm. C. Hanl;3y and Miss Ruby! Mr Ned Croft is stook threshing w 'u M 1°"^ â- ^â„¢l ,?"ended the ! j^^ ^ few of the farmers this week. VValker-McKenzio wedding on Satur-I ^j^g Margaret White of Goderich ^^' is holidaying at her home here. x Farmers are progressing very rap- idly ai the harvesting, as the weather has been so good. Frank Betts is the first around here to finish harv- est, having finished Saturday. A number from here attended ser- vice at the Bible School, Proton, last Sunday morning, when Rev. H. B. Jackson preached and delivered very fine sermon from the 12th Chap. of Hebrews and especially the 15th verse. Mr. S. Fisher motored to Toronto Saturday and visited relatives there. Mr.?. Fishe- returned home with him after spending a couple of weeks in the city. Mv-s. .\lex. English ad two youngest Bates Burial Co. 122-124 Aveoae Road TORONTO Phone: Klngsdalc 4344 I J.W.Bates. R.Maddocks ^ Build Up a Monthlylncome by Investing Your Funds in Royalties. An favestmcnt ia Soeoad Standard Rcnalties Ltd. yields 12^. PijFable 1% monthhr. Dfridends »re t^«TaMi OB the l«t of each monfh to shareholders of record of 25th of the previous month. FOR FULL INFORMATION SEE Dr. E. G. Murray - Flesherton