Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Sep 1929, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTQN ADVANCP! WEDNESUAY, SEPT. 11, 1929 * * ;«*>â-  The Service a Bank Renders. FROM the very moment production of a commodity is planned, until, through the channeh of cammerce, it finclj its way to the ultimate con- sumer, it must be financed. In pro- viding; far.ds to finance production End di:iribution, banking renders one of its major services ta the Con- sumer. . , ,.^,^.„ : TOE CANADIAN BANK ' OF COMMERCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ) i i i I I 1 I I John S. Black A Personal Sketch John S. Black, a much-respected losider.t of Glenelg Township, wiil shortly celebrate hij 93rd birthday. Week before l£v;t he motored to To- ronto and back with his -son , and without fatigue, anu attended the To: < 'J exhibition. A fact worthy of mention in this connection .is tha: ho attended the same exhibition oZ years ago. The fair was then heiii at the foot of Ba:hurst street, along- side the Garrison Common, and was L'.f.H. TIME TABUS Trains leave Flesherton Station follows: GoHiK Soutk. Going NorUi 8.08 a.m. 11.62 a.m. 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. «.ll p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails cleae at Flesherton aa follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. south at 3.50 For morning train south mail closes at 9.00 p.m. 'th« previous evening. Local and Personal a very small concern compared witn that of the present day. Mr. Black is a remarkable oia gentleman in many res'ects, as you I will agree after reading these notes ! of his long life. Born in Inverness- shire, Scotland, he arrived in Ca.iaiia when only fourteen years of age, settling in the township of Eramosa, near Guelph. He came to Glenelg Township in 1855. He was married to Catherine McDonald, daughter or Archie McDonald, the ceremony be- iig performed by Rev. Father Gra- nnotiere at Owen Sound. To them were born thirteen children, eleven of v^hom are still living. These are, Angus in Dakota, John and Frank In Michigan, Alex, of Fort William, George ci the homestead, and Joseph in Toronto; Mrs. McCormick and Mrs. r^, , „ . â-  , t ^ â- â€ž' McDonald, living near the home; Mrs. The followmg special _featu«s will gowie, Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Gra- ham, of Toronto Mr. Black never received a day's ^Special Features At Grey School Fairs Change of Election Date in Artemesia I ^ Al the last regular meeting of the ^ Artemesia Council it was decided to ♦ have the Clerk prepare a by-law foi /, the purpose of changing the Sale-j •? for nomination and election of thei? official ; of the township, to be pres- ented at the next meeting of i:ie Council. It ii p.-oposed to have the nominations the last Monday in Nov- ember and if c-.y election i? desireii to have it the first Monday in Dec- ember. It is expected that the by- law will be placed before the electors for 'heir ratification at the elections at the end of the year. We believe this wiil be an excellen: ,'. move on the part of the township l^ officials as it takes the election away * from the busy season around Christ-! - mas and New Years, and we believe' more interest would therefore be tak- en in the selection of a council. The 'e are many other places throu^houT Ontario that have already changed the dates and "-hey are well satisfieC with the results. ♦♦♦<-><>**^^***«>**'>4->>>>><-»-^*>><~>**<">*>>*>*>*><">>>^ « Flesherton Fall Fair, Sept. 19-20 Mr. 0. W. Phillips was i.i Toronto •on Thursday last. Mrs. C. N. Richardson visited in Toronto last week. be conducted at the School Fairs in Grev County this year. HEALTH TALKS I ^^^'- Black never received a Miss Osbor.ie of the Health Branch i schooling previous to his fourteentli Parliament Buildings, Toronto will| birthday, and after that only such . be present and grive demonstration-si as he- ccuid get from a night school; ! and also a talk on Health. 1 >"et his natural abiM.y and Sto-^-n Miss Osborne is a graduate Nurse' persevera.ice qualiiied him for ! and as she has been employed for t'^-e position of Township Clerk : come time v.ith the Denartment of "^'C'" he held m the Township of : Kcal^h she is capable of giving dem- G'enelg for 38 years! ror seven i cnstrations and advice to all peoole yf^''^ ^e was assessor of the to^^^l- ! that care to take advantage of ihe ^^ip. and for six years filled the po- â- s.:me. She will be at all the School fticn of tax collector. A'-tog^t.aer Fairs overv day. Pamphlets will be ^e served his township m these^ three capacities for o2 years â€" a ivuiy rc- nisrkabls record. He was also ap- , pointed Justice of the Peace Ihrec rj , i-v i ,. 11 1 ^ cciEccutivc tiir.es â€" under Queen Vlc- Zoology Department will be present 'â- -^i-"'-- ^ ^ distributed regarding: her work. SHEEP PROBLEMS Mr. V. R. Brown of the Piovincial Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton and two children of Durham were week ena'^lso at the School Fairs to give dem visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs. j or.jtrations en Internal Parasites of .,, ' choop. This man has been in the - ., . „ J^"' liiney •^^'^ , Qoiiiiiy of Grey on several occasions laTweek"^ "" ° ^ I ^"' '' "°''' ^°'"^ ^° ^"^'^ ^'^ '^^ School Fairs where full information Artemesia school fair date has, will be given. Lambs will be secured figain been changed, to be held in' if at all possible so that the actual Flesherton on Mondav, Septembe 30th. Miss Ruth Edmunds Toronto will be shown to and Je. ; Edmu.ids Scarboro, spent a few' ^â- â- ^ V'0-:th while toria. King Edward and King George. Four yea'-s aco Mr. and Mrs. Black CPlebrsted their jrolden v/eddin-', v.-hen all their children vrcrc present, with one exception. To-day, at nearly 93 years of age, Mr. Black can read his nev.'spaper without tho aid of glasj^:' lie has the full possession of all his facul- ties, the only apparent infirmity be- ing a slighi deafness. He v>'as al- ways a great reader and had gathirca ;ogethor a quantity of historical data. which he had carefully put away in a , trunk. Unfortunately this wr.3 burn- cd a few years ago, and its loss Is Flesherton Fall Fair, Sept. 19-20. • j-^t r.:oumed by its ov.- .c v. Order a big steak from the butcher " Fancy the handicaps with whicTi and invite your friends for the Fair this rearkable old gentleman starteu on September 19 and 20. I life; then vision the extent to v.-hicti Internal Parasite tho men present. Do not miss these specials. They .^I>DmONAL LOCALS tlays with their cousin Mrs. C. N.' Richardson the past week. I Mr. Thos. Clayton spent the pas: I week in Toronto and was accompan-j ied home by his aunt, Mrs. Strachan, who will remain for a visit. i There will be a real ball game be- ,^, „ , „ , . , . , j .u„ -.^^o-^ tween Creemore and AUenford , ^he Gordon Eckharat company of these were overcome ^"d ;.^f ;^;"- These teams both have good batter-' ^,^11 nngers wil appear m Markdale he accomplished m qua lit>ing him- ics and should provide a real game. I Tuesday eve., Sept. 17th. The Eck- self for helpmg his fellow men .n I hardta have a five piece all-girls' municipal capacities, and we thmn. Get your entries in early and help orchestra this season for dancing after you will agree with us that under the Secretary out all you can, as an-j the program. Owing to other at- a kinder environment and better fa- other increase like last year will make; tractions booked in Flesherton the cilities for education he would have him a little busy. j Eckhardts will not be able to play been qualified to become one of tiie J. T. Reefer and wife, accompanied here. ' great men of his time. The name ot by his son Geo. and wife of Kansas Miss Kathleen Hutchinson, who John S. Black is so closely interwoven City called on their cousin W. Trimble has had a good nosition in Detroit, with the history of Glenelg Townsn.p one day last week. j has been spending a few days at her that to speak of one without mention- Mr, T r<.,.<,no ovn».t« f„ ioo„<. r,o,f "home ii Kimberley. She leaves this ing the other would be like descnb- Mi-3 J. Cargoe expects to leave next extended visit wi^h ing Windsor Castle without referring week for Detroit, where she will spend V. , 7, '^^J"'""^" ^'*'.^^. 7.-" .„ ^i,- Histininiished nersonage who the fall and winter with her son, ^''"^''-'il '\ Saskatchewan, with tne to the dis ingui.hed personage wno Waiter. She will also visit he; ^'Tu^^^v ""f ''"""'' "'^^?l^T^" daughter, Lorene. in Toronto enroute. [""^ .^^ '^« ^\^''^^ ^"" "f/'?^ ^^?- It 13 expected that her father, Mr. The Directors are providing a tent George Hutchinson, will accompany for the roots and vegetables for the tier. Fair this year and this will give f.ie Tj,g annual convention of tho Grey ladies' work and doniestic science a young People's Union will be held rlroady been better chance to bo displayed. , ;., Cook':- United Church. Markdalo, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brownlee and on Wednesday, Sept. 18th. The aftev- son, Wiiber. and Miss Edna Bendeii noon session commences at 2.30 p.m., of Collingwood spent Sunady with and the evening session at 7.30. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Alexander anci Preparations are being made for a family. , banner convention, and no pains are M . and Mrs. C. J. Reid and two^ ^f '"^, !P'"5;' .*" .""^''y the^ young peo The Political Ontlook The Chesley Enterprise issues the political situation editorallv "- follows. The most of the exccut Liberal party of South-Last Grey live in Hanover. It seems the Lib- ^ eral executive a few weeks ago maus!*:* a proposition to the Conservati\^' •!• There is no sense of | hurry connected with I a meal where good i sandwiches are served. | ? For they can be prepared hours Z before and they will remain Y fre.sh and attractive ready for t use when desired. Trv ♦ t Stuffed Celery Sandwich S Mix 1 cream cheese with 2 table 'S spoons celery chopped fine. 1 % tablespoon chopped stuffed oliv- * es, yi teaspoon salt, % teaspoon ♦ paprika and enoug'h milk to *â-  make it the right consistency to 4; spread. Cut Purity Bread in v thin slices and spread mixture f between two slices. Garnish y each sandwich with a slice ot * stuffed olive in the centre $ I'x ASK YOUk Bread Vji .^ j Now is the Time i to do voiir Fall Sadie children of Detroi'. and Mrs. Curtlss Wayne Mich, visited couple of diiys with W. Trimble recently. pie of the United Church in this Pres- The Advance recently remarked to Mr. Black that he was likely to reach the century mark before he left U3. I There was just a touch of pathos as he replied: "I hope not." His his rlroady been a full life, and he ;-3 ready to lay down the burden. May th? present afterglow of his sunsei be as glorious as his energetic and suc- cessful life has been worthy of. Old Tyme Quartette f bytery in a great forward movement r il Grey ^ BREAD IS YOUR IDEAL SUMMER FOUi^. executive of the sanie riding for the j ^^..^.j^j^j^^^j^j^j^j^j^^^^ Conservatives to withdravv their can-| didate in the Feileral riding and allow j <~t~><~>>^<~X~X~X~WKK~I~XKK~XK~WK~WK~>>X~X~>^ the Liberals to contest the lidingi'}* against Agnes McPhail, M. P. and In | a return for this 'he Liberals would not nominate a candidate fci- the Ontario Legislature. .A.t a meeting of the Conservative executive in Durham the proposition of the Liberals was turned down and there will be no fusion oi the tv.-o old parties in Soutli-east Grey. Nelson Perdue, a very popular farmer in Holland Township has been nominitsd f-y the Conse;-\-::- tivc-3 to oppose Mr. Oliver, the pre- sent local representative of the riding. We understand he will have a largo majority of the vote of Hol- land. Dr. CampbeP was nominated several months ago as Miss Mc- Phail's opponent. In talking ie Durham Liberals we find the tend- ency is to support Miss McPhaii. They claim she was not given due credit for the part she played in securing a new post office for Dur- ham and are sympathetic towarui her. The U.F.O.still has consider- able strength through co-operative societies in South-East Grey ana with Liberal support in Durham and Hanover for the only lady member she should stand a good chance of re-election. We have heard very little about the situation in South-East from the provincial standpoint er:- J* cepting what we said about Mr. 'A Perdue being strong in his own ! Y township, which always speaks well;^ for any candidate. There isn't much in the charge that Mr. Oliver has done nothing for his ridini:. There are very few grants of pub- lic money a member can get for r. riding in Old Ontario. The Federal and Provincial rid- ings of South-East Grey are not the same. Sullivan township being- in North Grey for Provincial pur- poses and in South-Er.st Grey for Federal elections. aintmg S.W.P. Outside Paintâ€" the old reliable â€" covers most, looks best, wears longest. t t t Marnot your floors before cold weather comes. AUTO ENAMEL SHER-WIL-LAC Stove Pipe Enamel, Brushes, etc. TUBS. BOILERS, WASH BO-\RDS, FRUIT JARS. RINGS. RUBBERS, ^ PRESERVING KETTLES, etc Watch the school at 1 p.m. on Fair day, Soi-t. 2rith. F. W. Duncan Hard ware Flesherton <• t I I of service. The convention needs you. Come. There have been quite a number ot Remember the concert Fall the farmers in this locality stock night in the rink. Dance after, threshing this year. It has been made possible by so much dry weather. The political meeting of the U.F.O.j organization of South-East Grey Is meeting in Durham this Wednesday afternoon, for the purpose of select- ing a candidate for the coming Prov-I incial election-s. i The now pavement between Shel-i burne and Orangeville has now beenj opened for traffic and so the usual detour has been eliminated, the highway south of Orangevi has not been finished yet, and it is expected that the detour there will be in effect for several weeks yet. I The Osprey U.F.Y.P.O. met at the home of Fred Spofford on August 15 with a good number in attendance. They decided to entertain the Onwarc! young people on Friday, September 13th at tho home of Mr. Fred Spoff- J ord. All the young people welcome.; â€" M. Hawton, Secretary. j When a pedlar calls at your door ask him what he does for your town Br community The merchants should ask printing canvassers \he sanv ^ qvostion. Always vemember that Y these people usually live in some ^ ether place and do not help to nip- t port the community in any way. ^» Ice Cream & Candies HOT OR COLD DRINKS â- "^ ALWAYS ON HAND - also - FANCY GOODS AND SCHOOL SIPPLIES H. Alexander FEVERSHAM, ONT. The Old Tyme Village Quartette ts again coming to Flesherton on \\ ed- nesday, September 11th, under the Fair auspices of the Agricultural Society. Those people who heard this troupe during Old Home Week will be pleasei: to know that they will again have have the privilege of hearing them render an entirely new program. Flesherton Fall Fair, Sept. 19-20. Why is Flesherton faiv forging? Just because everybody gets a square deal, give good cash prizes and the best list of special prizes north of Toronto. HoweTr'y****^^>**><~>-^=">****«*«**<~^^^^ ingeviile ^ ^ "House of Quality" Bags Bags We have a quantity of Seed Bags at a very attractive price. Anyone wanting the same would do well to see these. Jas. A. Stewart Monev spent with 'hem goes ts some t D/^pCDipC other town or city. Buy from your ^- I\Vy V^^CFVIILO PHONE 37 home merchants. Money spent at X home works at home, and helps your -j* community and yourself, WE DELIVER IN TOWN ! Il % l^ September duk oaie 15 p.c. Reduction from Regular Prices All Silks, Dachesse Satins, Crepe de Chines, Georgette, Canton Crepes, Flat Crepes, Crepe Back Satins and Habutais are included without exception. Regular $1.25 qualities for $1.06 Rejiiilar SI. 50 qualitie.s for $1.27 Reg-ular $1.95 qualities for $1.68 Regular $2.50 qualities for $2.12 AS REDUCTION APPLIES TO ALT. SHADES CARRIED IN OUR LARGE STOCK, A FULL RANGE OF THE MOST POPULAR COLORS IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL. Two Extra Specials 36-inch wide Black Duchesse Satin good lustrous finish, fine soft draping quality, reliable black, rfgular^l 1Q $1.50 for 36-inch wide Black Duchesse Satin, heavy quality, made espfjcially for us with our name on every vard.^O ^Q fully guaranteed., reg. $3 for SILKS IN SHORT ENDS AT BARGAIN PRICES. A large number of usefdl lengths in aii kinds of silk in a big variety of colors offered at Special Clearing Price. AU perfect goods. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO i^♦♦^~><•♦♦♦♦♦<â-ºâ™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦<^^♦♦♦♦♦*♦•^*â- ^♦^^*•>***•^****^^ ^jBBB ^

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