Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Sep 1929, p. 8

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WEDNESUAY. SEPT. 11. 1929 THE Fl.ESHERTON ADVANCE FLESHERTON IE Grey Soecial Prizes i Treasurer's Sale of Land in Arrears for Taxes I TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES This year's Fall Fair promises to be the best in the history of the Society. Entries are coming in from long distances. The first and second prize teams at last year's Guclph Winter Fair have reserved stabling. Special attractious vv^ill also be held on Friday afternoon. The three Bounding Jays will put on an acrobatic performs n*-'* ^ '^ ^ I ^â- ^9^ «&MH^^ 4n^^^ ^b MHi mBaOl^y mmSt^^ ..1.LENFORD vs CREEMORE These two teams are the best in their districts when they have their regular Hneup, so a good game is assured. Potato Race on Horseback Anokher real fun-making stunt. HUR DLE JUMP ING Grand Concert in th evening by the Kenny Wilson Troupe DANCE AFTER CONCERT Music by Midnight Serenaders Admission to grounds 35c.. to Concert 50c. GEO. CAIRNS- Pres. T. W. FINDLAY, Sec -Treas. I I II THE STORE wnii SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES IVIarkdale, Ontario OUR RuYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Special Sale of misses Dresses at $2,95 This means a big saving to the thoughtful buyer. MBteriaK- are printed and co!3red crepes, crayshenes and other dotis. Sizes 14 to 44. Regular values of $5.95 up to $3.50. Friday and oat'.^rday your choice $2.95. See oui" window disiUy, Ladies' and Misses' Coolie Coats $3.95 Girls' biiid Boys' Stooifingo 19c. II I 12 (>iil\, l,a(lie^.' and .i^.lisscs Coolie Coats, beautiful Jaj)aiicse patterns, woil- (lerrul (|ualii\-. Clearing;- al $3.% New Style Pleated Skirts at $1.79 'i'liesc iK'W style IMcatcd vSkirfs are indeed l)eaiititul and arc very i)(»i)tdar. All sizes 16 to 20. (iood ran^e of colors aiul materials. Kcj;'. value u]) to $2.95. Cleariuii,' at !iU./'J Shoe Department News At this time of year we are offering ni.'iny clearing lines al exceptionally hnv prices in the shoe department. ( )ne of the outstaudinj^ seasonable bar^Mins is about .SO pairs of I'lrowii (boot hei}.,dit) Kinuiinj^- Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, at only 79c. ; sizes 3 to 7 al oidy 9(Sc. .Another special is Misses' Dres.s Shoes of kid uv patent leather, 1 f>r 2 strai)s at only $1.49 â- '* Oirls' and 15'oy:,' Stockings made vl fine (juality cotton in heit^o and b!aok, .sizes 6 to 9'/2. This class of stockin}^' is j.;reatlv in demand just now as they wear well, last well, and wash nice .and soft. Mothers' don't forget to buy a su])i)lv of these for your bovs and skirls. P)Uv now and save Clearing- at 19c. pair. Men's and Young Men's Varsity Sweater Coats at $3.45 Just the tliin.t; for the camp, for mot- orinjj:', ft"* fishins^- and for the holida\ . They are made of f^ie quality wool in colors of cardinal with black trim, black with while trim, black with oran,t;e trim and sand whli oranije and bl.ick trim. .\i! sizes .36 to 44. V/tn will surely want one of these at this very low poicc. To clear at ' $3.4.=; Men's Khaki Pants $1.45 Good weight Khaki Drill Pants, wei: j5oys' School Ho„(s. sizes I t<, 6. f;,,;,],,.,] pocbets and belt loons. A spr Re. value i^.U:^, tor only $l./9 ..j.^, i„,^, enables us to sell "these $2..'^n Remend)er that wc fit you and );uar pants in all sizes 32 to 44 at a CltTiriuK'- antec satisfaction at all times. Sale Price of $1.4.S "Where Quality is Higher Than Price" TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES IN THE COUNTY OF GREY BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT issued by the Warden of the County of Grey and authetiticated by the seal o; the said County, bearing date of the Seventeenth day of June, 1929, anu ;j me directed, for the collection of arrears cf taxes due for three yeain and over, upon the lands hereinafier mentioned and described being ia tlie County of Grey. These arc therefore to give notice that unless the said taxes, together with all lawlul costs and charges bj sooner paid, I shall on Friday the , »o . oV r. i- , II ^'"' '^'^y °^ November, 1929, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon at cash 33 and §2; Best five 1 pound _ the Court House in the City of Owen Sound, i:i the said County, proceed r.mt3 of butter $4 and 51; Best five to sell by public auction the said lands or as much thereof as may be suffi- 1 pound_ prints of butter, to go to | ^icnt to dischare cuch arrears of '-axes and costs and charges incurred, donor $o and |1. i ' VILLAGE OF PRICE VILLE (Township of Artemesia) Lot Concession JcECfh R. Armstrong dropped dead i while loading oatj at his home near' Markdale on Monday afternoon. Mr.' Armstrong leaves a large amily. J He v.-as a man of sterling christian , cliaracter. Mr. Mark Armstrong, J. i P., is a brother. f DAIRY CLASS j 1 Best ten 1 pound rpints of butter 1. Cake and pan of biscuits from Magic Baking Powder, can to stand bL.:ide exhibit $3 and $1: 2. 1 dozen Liicuitj from Eggo Baking Powder, tin cf rowder to stand beside exhibit ?2 50 and $1. 3. Laver cake $2.50 and |1. 4. Variety of baking from j| ona batch of dough |2 and $1. 6. WorI:ingman':5 dinner $2.50 75c.; 7, 2 loaves of bread baked from O'Can- ada flour S2.40 and 75c.; 8,6 buns baked from O'Canada flour 251b. *bag of flour value 81.25; 9, raisin pie baked from O'Canada flour $1.10; 10 dark layer cake $2 and $1; 11, ore doz. biscuits $2 and 75c.; 12. col. of 3 pies, raisin, apple and lemon $2 and 7.'>c.; 13. 2 loaves of bread baked from Purity flour $2.50 and $1.25; 14, layer cake light $1.50 and $1; 15, col. of baking by one person of six different articles $6.00. .. FIELD ROOTS 1. Display of field rots Town from Rennie's seeds, goods $3; 2. coll. root.s and vegetables, $15.00, VEGETABLES 1. Display of vegetables grown from Rennie's see'''-, goods, $3 and $2; 2. Coll. roots and vegetables $15, $2.. LADIES' WORK 1. Coll. of fancy work $12 and $3; 2. Coll. of fancy work bv ladv who has never competed at our fair SIO aiid $2; 3. Coll. doilies not less than G S2 and $1; Best piece of fancy work, not value alone, but quality of work, made by a new exhibitor and tr.UGt be unmarried or not married move than one year, should the winner of first prize be married within six months the prize will be doubled 5j a"d $2; 5, best piece of embroidery . laoe trimmed by lady over 60 years | P2 and $1; G, Best 4 articles suit- able for gifts, total cost not to exceed $1.50, prize of $1.50 and $1. FLORICULTURE Acres If Patented Taxes Costa Taxes Lot 9 Tory St. North % Patented 8.29 3.40 11.69 Lot 10 " %â-  Patented 8.29 3.40 11.69 Lot 11 " % Patented 8.29 3.40 11.69 Lot 12 " % Patented 8.29 3.40 11.69 Lot 13 " % Patented 8.28 3.40 11.68 Lot 14 " % Patented 8.24 3.40 11.64 Lot 8 Durham St. South % Patented 19.45 3.65 23.10 Lot 9 " % Patented 19.45 3.65 23.10 Lot 8 Kincardine St. North % Patented 19.45 3.65 23.11 Lot 9 " % Patented 19.4G 3.65 23.11 Pt. 6 Park Lot 6 Not Patented 96.88 5.55 102.43 - ^ TOWN'^HIP OP OSPREY Lot 9 2, S.D. Rd. 50 Patented 256.06 9.55 265.61 Lot 10 2, S.D. Rd. 50 Patented 256.06 9.55 265.61 Lot 13 1, N.D. Rd. 50 Patented 294.26 10.50 304.76 Lot 14 1, N.D. Rd. 50 Patented 294.26 10.50 304.76 Lot 75 2, N.D. Rd. 50 Patented 91.11 5.45 96.59 E. Pt. 76 2, N.D. Rd. 25 Not Patented 45.40 4.30 49.70 W. Pt. 76 2, N.D. Rd. 25 Not Patented 45.41 4.30 49.71 Lot 77 2, N.D. Rd. 50 Patented 91.14 5.45 96.59 The County of Grey Treasurer's Office, Owen Sound, Ontario. â-  .^•,. JOHN PARKER, li-?' ' -i3^'!.i.^. County Treasurer. •^*4~x•♦•^♦K•♦<^x~:~^♦♦<~x•<^x•<K~:♦♦♦<K":•<~:~^«•4~>^x~^<-x-^^^^ ? '^- _„ t FARM FOR SALE LOST OR STOLEN FOUNDâ€" Gold Bracelet. Apply to About 100 acres of good clay loam Mrs. D. Williams, Flesherton. '^^d, being lots 24 and 25, 2nd con. N.D.R., near Six Corners, about a Small Advts. LOSTâ€" Between Flesherton and mile from Flesherton Station, about Rock Mills, a pair of shoes. Finder R5 acres of cultivated land, 10 acres please leave at this office. in hardwood bush, five acres swamp. Seven-roomed house, solid brick with LOSTâ€" A black leather satchel cellar under all, also summer kitchen Best displ^rorfTowers"grown from containing baby^s clothes^ on highway roof barn 45x46, drive shed 20X40, u„t Pi„.v„-* A r...„j„ii, !?.„ gQQjj spring well and good fences. Rennie's seeds, seeds value $2 by the between Flesherton and Dundalk. Fin Wm. Rennie Co., Toronto. ^^^ Pe'^^e leave at this office. MEAFORD FISHING FEATURED IN GREY COUNTY EXHIBIT Through the efforts of Mr. H. Rowe, chairman of the Fishing Com- mittee of the Meaford Board of Trade and the courtesy of Mr. T. Stewart Cooper, Agricultural representative of Markdale, Meaford fishing is feat- ured in the Grey County exhibit at the Canadian National Exhibition In ToronlD. The large fish weighing 33 lb=. 8oz. caught by Mr. Geo. Duncan, of Owc:i Sound, was recently mount- ed arid takes a prominent position In the display. A number of photo- graphs are included; a fresh caught trout i.=i kept on display in the refrig- erator display ca.-o. This is good .".fiverti'.in;^ and should result in msny visitors to cur town, much to Ihe ^icclit rf Mc^s; FOR BALB FOR SALE â€" 16 young pig-s. â€" Archie McKechnie, Priceville. FOR SALE â€" Good horse.â€" Mrs. W. C. White, Ceylon, Phone 38 r 33. I This farm cheap for quick sale. â€" Geo. I E. Banks, Flesherton , telephone 36 J. FARM FOR SALE 110 acres in the Township of \r- temesia, lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.R., about 85 acres under cultivation. balance pasture and mixed bush; bam , 36x60 with T 36x45. all with stone FOR RENT â€" 6 room house, with basement, in good repair, water at 1 1-4 acres of ground. â€" John Melia, 'barn; driving shed 24x30, also hen Ceylon. [house; 8-roomed solid brick house â€" with soft water cistern and fumaro. FOR S.ALE â€" Pedigreed Jersey cow, ' This is a good grain and stock farm, ') years old, to freshen this month.â€" ! ^'e" fenced and watered, situated convenient to railway, church and school. Reason for selling is on .account of poor health. For partic- ulars apply on nreniisos. W. A. MORTON, Dr. J. P. Ottewell, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Earl Touring Car in fine condition; engine and tires good. Car cost $1750. Will sacrifice for a TUiL'k sale. Wm. Wright, Maxwell. GOME FALL FAIR DATES FOR SALE â€" Good kitchen range. Cooper and Ro\vi;.|Coal or wood, good baker and heater, cnlso good livinjj room heater. â€" Mrs. M. Jamieson, Flesherton. ( ollingv.-oc.(i Sept. 25-28 Chatsv.'orth Oct. 10-11 ('!ie-,!ey Sept. 27-28 I'larksbu-K Oct. 1.5-IC l)e.;hcro Sept. 19-20 Dundalk Oct. 2-4 l)urhai;i Sept. 17-18 FLESHERTON Sept. 19-20 !\'vcr.han! .Sept. SO, Oct. 1 llnncver Sept. 1112-13 K-pworlh ,c:opt. 10-11 Hobt.-in Sept. 24-25 KH-yth Sept. 25-25 London (Western) Sept. 7-14 .'f-ir'-^^l? ,. 0:U 1-2 '.ucaioul P.opt. 18-20 .Mount Forest Sept. 18-20 O an,q:':v;ile Sep;. 17-13 Owc;i Sound Oct. 3-5 PalsL-y Sept. 24-25 i'ri::vii:o Oct. 3-4 .^i-.elij.v.r.c Sept. 26-27* lara Oct. 1-2* Wiart'Ti Sent. 17-18^ FOR SALE â€" Good frame- house suitable for garage, double garapc, or many farm purposes. Apply to Mr5. M. Jamieson, Flesherton. R. R. 2, Proton Station. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Y'orkshirc Boar for ser- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART. Caretaker. FOR S.ALEâ€" Y'oung sow with ten yov.ng pigs, the bunch or singly. AI.^o six cows. â€" Walter Akitt, phone llr"), Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" MofTat kitchen hangc burns coal or wood, reservoir, also o;iv Ipped for hot water attachincni. .Addreiis enouiries to Mary Paton, G. and M. hospital, Owen Sound. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB Registered Shorthorn bull for ser- vice at lot 5, Con. 0, Ospray, "Merry Marquis" No. 170,133; Siro, Bonnia Mcirquis 142,381; Dam. Rod Butterfly 131,078. Terms â€" Purfbreds ^.00. grades $2.00. Cows not returned will be charge full price. â€" S. R. HAWKINS. EugenJa. MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barrtstcra. etc I Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durham FOR SALEâ€" Bran $1.70, Middlings and Flesherton. Flesherton eve - Tl'.e Secretary, T. W. Findlay, lii.T r.lric'i in from 80 miles away already. Be n boc:ter and talk for our fair, not again.-it it. Wliilo our fair gained 800 entries last year the Secretary informs us ihat he will look after .iuit as 1 \rgc in increase thi-j year if he ha:-, to. Co-operation means nieces.i to any object. 'Let e\ ''ybody eo-opcrato aiul make our Fall t^iir a ron! sueee.-i.i. The production of lead in Canada lull i -creased from 25,000 tons in i:U« to 170,000 tons in 11128. The ^. tat ("niiadian source, according to .N'aturrI Rosouroes, is Briti-*li (H)lum- i'i ! which contains the l!ir>i;e.a leaii r.r.d zinc mint-, in the world. It U tiue in a sense that "nothing- ever happonH in n country town" tiut tliat after all is one of its gseat as- -ictq. There are no miii-ders, lui intht, o communistic (Iinturbanc(»s. Tiio ciflzcn-i arc thrifty ami are pro- ducers â€" no' dtjtroyers. It s-ihould be a matter of pride that "nothing ever happen.^ in this town." When Jules Verne wrote his ;^ te ies, which many of us read as boys, he thought an airship might fly round the world in sixty day.'. The great zeppclin ha.s now cut this tiivio i.i half and the actual flying lime wan much less than that. More- over, the passenger.^ and crow have Kot had quit.' as harrowing experi- ence -, ni tho;e on board "Clipper of the Clouds." ••^2.25, Chop $I.tir) cwl., best quality Manitoba Flour S4.10 per bag, Pen- sylvania Anthracite Coal $11 per ton, Salt 75c per cwt., or $2.35 per barrel; Ter'iis cash. Phone 38r3, Ceylon. â€" A. C Muir. FOR SALE OK RENT â€" 100 ac- s, lots 16G, 1G7, I R. Vv'., T. &. O. S. N. on No. 10 Hi^ihway, in town- E!iin of Artemesia, 'i mile from Satui-day afternoon and evenin" BUSINESS CARDS Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Ur. E. C. Murray, Toronto street, Fjjshertun. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. ^ -;hool. 2 milej from Flesherton. | A.M. m.ects in the Mascvnic Hall, Arm- fVppiy to L. R. Thistlethwaite. 24 1 strong Block, Flesherton every Fi-i- CoiUior Ave., Toronto or W lay, Flesherton. J. Bel- GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSBD AL'CTFONEER F>r the County of Grey. Terms: 1 per cent. Satisfaction guanitee4 Dates made at The Advance offito. day on or before the full moon. W. G. Watson, W. M., C. F Lawrence* Secretary NOTICE TO TRESSPASSERS Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. R. Lucas, K. C, W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucas Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. Lots 14l> and 147 3rd range E. T. t S. R., and parts 231-2-3-4, hunt- '-."S, fishing and tresspassing strict- y prohibited. â€" R. J. Meggitl, Flesh- erton. FARM FOR SALE Wm. Kaitting\ Licensed Auctioneer j for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and dates may be made at the .\dvance office, or Central telephone office, Feversham, or by addressing me at Feveisb.'.m. BOAR FOR SERVICE Lot 32, Con. 0, Artemesia, one hun- Ired acre", about 65 acres under culti- .ation, about 5 acres of bush and 3 Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- leres of swamjv; spring creek running vtceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,998 •hrough pahtupo near rear of larhi; â€"Property of Saugeen Bacon H-vg iboiit 40 rods from sch.io'. Good ..Club. Terms $1.00. â€" C. HINDLE. hnnkbarn 45x56; frame liou-^e with 8 rooms, good cellar, good drilled well, j hen pen and small orchard. Half . mile from Rock Mills and 4 miles â- 'rom Flesherton, rural route. Will sell reasonably. i â€"WALTER RUSSELL, ' Proton Station BULL FOR SERVICE Verne-3.7. R. No. 1 Flesherton. Durham Bull for service. $1.60 If paid before January, otherwise $2. C. Akins, R. R. 3, Proton Station.

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