Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Oct 1929, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1939 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE l< buyanycar Miss Macphail's Letters The Assembly vi ((rawing to cloee. U-.i the whole real Drains have been made and yet one feels disap- pointed tnat even more was not ac- complished. The signing of the rain. Next in importance I would be inclined to put the work of Lord Cecil on Disarmament. | I According to the Covenant of t'.ie | League of Nations, Article S. the maintenance of peace requires the re- duction of national armaments to the lowest point consistent with national safety and the enforcement by com- mon action of international obliga- tion. Yet in the ten years little progress has been made toward dis- armament on land. Three years ap;o a Committee called the Preparatory Disarmament committee was appoint- ed to canvass the subject and to pre- pare drafts to be submitted to a pen- eral Disarmament conference which was to be called as soon as the Com- mittee had completed its work. This Committee has met many times, the called there would be something <f ( value to t submitted. He . pointed out that the calling together A t-i me whole world to consider dis- \ $ armament would not bring the result Y we desire unless the program sub- ' mitted to it contained plans that would actually lead to disarmament. He was very ably supported by Sir George Foster, the Scandinavian Small Advts. LOST OR STOLEN , nQT T _ /-,., _ LOST ~ Ceylon, on Sept. I FOR SALE Talman Sweet apples Lew - Genoe, Eugenia, phone 43 r 31. , o"-ncd by France, thel W ' t*' 1 bobbed. Information will be little Entente, Italy Greece, Spain, i gladly received. Wm. Poole, Eugenia. and Japan. He did not press his* BY TENDER. ^ _ ' I . .' 1 i 1 | III I I . III. I II I 1 l\' . | I I l_ .T 1 11 1O ~ . y . J ' 1_ resolution to a vote, but he won his' Tlre Lost Truck tire, between | 106 acres in Osprey, nearly all un- point. The whole subject will be} Markdnle^and Collingwood, a weefcj der cultivation. Cement house and opened up again at the next meeting of the Preparatory Disarmament Commission of which, I am glad to say, Lord Cecil is now a member. After the Committee have finish- ed their work their reports are sub- mitted to the Asesmbly for their ap- proval, which they seem always to get. The last few days of the As- sembly therefore are quite dull. Mile. Vacaresco, a delegate from Roumania who has been coming to the League for ten years, addressed the Assembly and at the conclusion com B* m..y Y' 7' l " c | of her eloquent speech at least eight last time being in April of this year. man nf ySSZZJrZZSZ+tLm \;A ,,r, , Two proposals for limitations of land I armament was submitted : one by j France asking for budgetary limit- ^ Ch driven evrolet IPS all very well to listen to So-and-so'* opinion of car values, but after all, the per* on whose opinion counts most is YOURSELF. It's all very well to sit bade and wonder how Chevrolet can produce a really higb-clasc Six put hk compression, valve - in - head J: f? i / in it . . employ Fisher Body genius to and build a series of magnificent bodies for it . . equip it in the most detailed and up- to-the-minute fashion . . and icll it at the frice of a four. The unmatched resources of General Motor*, t**rtring up Chevrolet's own tremendous facili- ties, explain all that, of course. But how much more satisfying to test it all out for yourself . behind the wheel ot the new Chevrolet Six. That is why we urge you . . no matter how many nice things you have heard or read about Chevrolet . . to DRIVE CHEVROLET before yon buy any car. If you don't tfU yourtelf a Chevrolet, nobody dse is going to do it. Please don't feel you an obligating younelf in any way. It's a pleasur* for us to place a Chevrolet Six at your disposal. .!. IIC Ask tboia ibt GMAC DejtTTtd Paymtnt Plam rKODUCT OP GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA. LOOTED D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, - ONT. ation, (the amount of money spent on armaments to be reduced), the other by Germany asking for men of different countries lined up by the side of the platform and each in tu.-n kissed r^r hand, bowing very low. I inquired the reason and informed that Europeans consider it a mark of honor and respect. Last <nner oy """"'"r "7"'* ;Yj; i night at an intellectual dinner, to limitation by direct and I specific wm - ch j was odd i y , O ugh invited.giv- mcar.s(reducing the quantity of war fa fc D , (parliament- Under-Secretary of Foreign Af- fairs for Great Britain) there was amonz the guests a golden blond material). To the amazement those who followed the proceedings of the Committee, neither of these plans for disarmament were voted , sympathy is close to hv Mr CiWn of thTuniS Stresemann. During the evening I by Mr Gibson of the United disciple of Stresemann that btates saying that agreement could " gince f I bo rmame at closing the subject by giving nada h an office in Geneva which is situated near the Secretariat the ndon the >boukvard f'n* the lake military powers the opportunity of saying that the matter was settled. A Chinese member of this Prepar- atory Commission and also a member of the Third Committee (Disarma- amcnt) graphically described the scene last April when the Gibson re- solution was submitted: "A shudder and a murmur passed through the It is statfed with three men and two women, headed by Dr. W. A. Riddell. Each of them has done everything it was possible to do to assist the Can- adian delegation to do good work and to be happy while here. Canada is fortunate in having these efficient and devoted citidens in this interna- tional centre. and a half a^o. Finder leave at H.' large frame barn with stone base- Down & Sons' garage, FVcsher*,on,i merit. Lot 31. Con. 10, Osprey. Ap- or notify W. J. Bell, Collingwood. Phone 2733 and receive ?5 reward. LOST New heavy duty tire and your best offer, rim 30x5. between Rock Mills and, Flesherton on Friday, Sept. 20th. ] A lady was seen picking the tire up at Wm. T. Pedlar's gate. Suitable reward offered. Communicate with Down's Garage, Flesherton. to John Thompson, Agincourt, Ont., administrator of the estate of ! the late George Thompson. Give FARM FOR SALE. 50 acres, lot 165, 1st S. W. T. S.R., Artemesia, 35 acres under cultivation with 4 acres of swamp and hardwood bush; good bank barn 40x45, and dri- wr\m i " ne g heA 22x30; frame house, five - ' BAIB rooms. Farm is situated on the pro- FOR SALE Dominion organ, 6 vincial highway with public school Octave John McKcchnie, Priceville. i 30 rod? distant and IVi miles south FOR SALE Young pigs, 1 lonth' old. Jos. Radlcy. Phone 35 r 4. Potatoes Wanted Highest market price. Phone 38 r 3. A. C. MUIR. of Flesherton. CHAS. BEST, R.R. 3, Proton Station. FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE A quantity of hard- 32 > Co*- *t Artemesia, one hun- wood. Alex Stewart, Ceylon R.R. 1. dred acres, about 65 acres under eultJ- ' Tation ' boat B * FOR SALE-Four Ladders. Cabi-' net. Wheelbarrow and Gramophone.- ff S ' 8W * P ' : 'P rui * tr * ek I through pasture near rear of farms I about 40 rods from school. Goo* A. Shackleford, Flesherton. FOR SALE Purebred Oxford bankbarn 48x59; frame hom wfth 8 Down ram lamb. J. A, Stewart. 1 rooms, good Flesherton. phone 46. FOR SALE 2 Oxford Down rams, registered, one 3 years old and one yearling. Fred Stuart, Flesherton. hen mUe r, good drilled well, cpehard Ha|f R* *BUs and 4 mites Flesherton, rural route. Will sell reasonably. ~ WALTER RUSSELL. FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE Young Oxford Down D , ram, registered, Claude Akins, Pro- ' "' "" No ' l ton Station, phone41 r 12. FOR SALE 3 Calves, an aged ram and ram lamb. Harry Patton, 1 About 100 acres of good clay loam i land, being lots 24 and 25, 2nd con. I N.D.R., near Six Corners, about a Phone 42 r 6. Flesherton. ii'U B uiujjiiui tsaoocu wetwvKH * _ _, . ^ , .. r'jj 11 Committee, the shudder caused by! On Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Riddell th> quivering conscience o<f evtry took me on a motor trip into the m mhr> mountains. I was very anxious to oreRobert Cecil saw the grave ' vis 't the home of one of the farmers. R' dd e and 1 alked up the danger and by a resolution on the ' 8O . Disarmament Committee opened up , *>dc of the mountain for at least a again the whole question. He mle. to a farm home. It was typi- | gladly stated that progress toward ! t*l '" structure, the house and barn disarmament on the sea and in the "nder one roof, with a balcony I air had been or was being made, but "hove what we would call Dinted ^ that 7n regard to armleV * shed The man of the house came we had not advanced one inch since out and the^ three of_^_sat on_a .ho spring of 1927 and that perhaps I an unfriendly critic might say that in IT'S BETTER BECAUSE IT'SCANADlAtl _ .. . some respects we had gone backward. Yet in his opinion the reduction of armies was the most essential of all since the history of the last hundred i years or more proved that the bulk ' of the fijfhtir.z had always been done on land. In no other way could an ! advance be made into the erfcmy Country. He pleaded with the mem- hers o the Disarmament Committee , to take 'he action necessary, to have the whole question of land disarm- ament opened up again so that when the Disarmament Conference was THE STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY October Special Bargains Our New Fall Merchandise Attractively Priced AUVANCK COAT MODELS, PRICED LADIES' CHAMOISFTTE r "' 1>1K " :S1!iT111LK VA "S 50, 59, 75, 85c. $ U,; $ ', S have gathered together the most interesting models. raaffs in Fancy Cuff Gloves, all '"ides "and ftarh rlnl tcrh'f nlltr faaBftlAnAjl ,, 4.I A KT V-._ i . ' niutra mm each delightfully fashioned in styles New York had dictated this fall. Many are tailored in straight line effect, while others have stylish flares. Smart, deep cuffs of fino quality fur. The notable shawl collars are high standing, long and envelope styles, some reaching down to the hem line. All the new glowing colors are shown, copper, tan, nigger, wine, green, navy, black. For something real smart try Hill's. Second floor. MKX'S NKW FALL SUITS The finest range of New Fall Suits we have ever shown. The selection of colors and patterns is very attractive. There ore .greys, grey mixtures, blue serges, blue with pink stripes, single or clust- ered striped effects. These suits are all hand tail- ored and well styled in models for men and youmger men, single or double breasted models in all sizes 35 to 44. These suits are all guaranteed fast col- ors and the very best workmanship throughout. Conic to Hills' for your suit this fall We can save you money. Now ready for your inspection. MKN'S WORK BOOTS $2.98 A PAIR Men's Heavy Work Boots in tan and black, solid leather. Mostly all travellers' samples, hence the reason of the very low price. All sizes C to 12. Buy these and save money. Special this week $2.08 . _ _.._ a great variety of shades. They aie priced to suit all at 60c, 5'Jc. 75c, 85c, $1.00 and $1.39 a pair. MEN'S VARSITY SVVEATK AH colors to choose from. All pure wool yarns. Sizes 38 to 44. Reg. $4.95 value. Special $3.45. CREPE SATIN DRESSES $14.95 Just arrived direct from the style centres, new smart Fall Dresses, all styles, suitable for either Misses or Matrons. Colors black, navy, wine and pcnelope. Sizes 10 to 20 or 3G to 44. A real bar- gain tit $14.95. LADIES' DRESS SHOES A large assortment of all sizes in kid or patent leather on all new Cuban or high heel lasts Rep. valuo $3.50 to $4.25. Special sale at $2.95. Another table of Specials as above including a ciuar.tity of travellers' samples at only $2.49. GROCERY DEPARTMENT Castile Soap, 8 bars for 26c. Aylmer Pork and Beans. 32 oz. tin, ner tin 23c. Kellogg's Shredded Whole Wheat, per pkg lOc. 2-in-l Shoe Polish, special per tin 9c. Cook's Friend Baking Powder, 8oz. tin, per tin 8c. Pint Jura Peanut Bulter, spe:ial per jar 30c. "Where Quality is Higher Than Price" and had a comfortable chat. Dr. Riddell interpreting for me. 1i;e farmer was dressed in his "Sunday clothes'* but over his coat he wore a pretty grey chambray smock, shirred at the shoulders and across the back. It was a little longer than his coat and had two pockets which he found very useful for his hands. Soon we saw an old white haired lady coming down the steep incline carrying on her back in a canvas knapsack a load whLh turned out to be cabbages. She rmd tc>cn working in the fields and was not in the least dressed up. She had a kind face They stay on the side of the mountain until Christ- mas time, and then they take their stock and go into the village in the valley. All the farmers have pas- FOR SALE-Quantity of dry hard- mile >od.-_ R. J. Vase. Proton Station, T K . wood Phone Flesherton 32 r 18. from Station, about 85 acres of cultivated land, 10 acres | >n hardwood bush, five acres swamp. FOR SALE Talman Sweet apples Seven-roomed house, solid brick with Eliis Kimberir 61 **" tree ~ Elm *' I cellar . under " also w>mer kitchen roof barn 45x46. drive shed 20X40, For Sale Axminster Rug, 9xl2V4ft. I*??* 1 /P""* wel1 and K<xxl fences, nearly as good as new. Phone 141, ' Tnis ** rm c h*P for quick sale. Geo. E. Banks, Flesherton. telephone 36 J. line SO.Markdale. FOR SALE Heavy Work Horse, will sell reasonably. Robert Croft, ring 4 on 11, Flesherton. FOR SALE Six pigs 8 weeks old. j FARM FOR SALE Fred Jamieson, Eugenia, phone Fev- Cr8ham 5 r "' HO .ere. in * Township of r- temesia. lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.R, about 85 acres under cultivation. balance pasture and mixed bush; barn . 38x60 with T 36x46. all with stone House For Sale A bargain for a basement, in eood repair, water at quick sale; must be moved at once. | barn; driviner shed 24x30. also hen Mrs. M. Jamieson, Flesherton. FOR SALE Sow and 11 pigs 4 weeks old; cow just freshened and 7 chunks of pigs. Jas. Sewell, R. R. 1. Flesherton. house: 8-roomed soli'd brick house with soft water cistern and furna<*. This is a good grain and stack farm, well fenced and watered, situated convenient to railway, church and i school. Reason for selling is on 1 account of poor health. For partic- bred Shrop. ram. Price right. Phone I W. A. MORTON. 132rl2, Markdale. FOR RENT 6 roomed house in Flesherton, near high school, garage and all conveniences. Alfred Thistle- ture rights on the mountain where no crop is sown, and to these com- 1 . mon lands the cattle are sent with ' herdsmen during the summer months. Their homes in comfort do not com- pare in any way with ours. Coming 1 thwaite. Flesherton. back to Geneva we passed many people ridintr bicycles, who had strapped to their backs the cans of milk, which they were taking to the village or to the factorv. Bicycles play a big part in the life of this city. Very comfortable long shaped baskets fit the back and in these the people carry all sorts of things. I am leaving to-nieht for Paris and with only a four hour ston will go on to London. Much as I have ' Eurone, I gladly enioyed my stay Fail for home on the Duchess Bedford on September 27th. of M AX WELL SCHOOL The following is the report of S S. _ No U, Osprey tor the month of Sept-' umber. 4th. Mcrlie Buckingham*, Jean Ross'.Ethel Kenwick*. Edith LOUR- SALE One span mares ris- ing 4 years, also good Oxford Down ram, good stock-getter. Wm R. Meads R.R. 3. Priceville. phone 21r23. For Sale Young pigs. Will sell sow and litter of nine. Cow for sale and horse wanted to buy. R. R. 2. Proton Station. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICI Registered Shorthorn bull for ser- vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "Merry Thomas Fenwick. Eugenia Phone Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire, 5 r 1111, Fevei'sham. Marquis 142.381; Dam, Red Butterfly ' FOR SALE new seven roomed house with all modern conveniences, Toronto St.. Flesherton. Write or phone C. J. Crossley, 651 Annette St.. Toronto, phone Junction 2161. 15.00. Cows not returned be charge full price. S. R. HAWKINS. Bnffsnla, FOR SALE Two one year old American Oxford Down rams, elig- ible for registration, and ram lambs eligible for .registration, also reg- istered red Shorthorn Durham bull. Qjj Robt. E. Gorley. Eugenia. FOR SALE Sow with ten pigs. Lewis Pedlar, Flesherton. For sale Climax range good as new W.J. Moore, Proton Station Phone 41 r 32 FOR SALE Bran $1.70, Middlings heed, Arleen Pallister, Minnie Loug- $2.25, Chop $1.25 cwt., best quality hpprf* Mnrin Chnrd. Isabell Pallister*. i__:i-i._ CM... _,>.<,.. r> , Marie Chard, Isabell Pallister Irene Parker, Stella Young. cvlvnnia Anthrnrit-o Pnal S11 tw>r tnn Jr.3 Billie Kerton*. Lloyd Morris- s y' vanla Anthracite Coal $11 per ton, Manitoba Flour $4.40 per bag, Pea- on*. Robt. Priestly*. Donald Radley. Jr. 3 Muriel Bamford*. Donald Bamford*. Mabel Bemrose, Guy Poole, Jim Poole*, Tom Pallister Warreh Priestly. Sr 2 Flora Morrison*, J A. Loug- heed*, Tom Bemrose, Murray Mor- rison*, Noreen Grummett*. Valeria Stafford, Charlie Grummett*. Sr. 1 Robert Fenwick*. Sr. Primer Violet Duckett, Mack Stevens, Lorraine Fisher, Bob Allison, Katie Bemrose, Nellie Allison, Norma Fisher, Jennie Guy*. Jr. Primer Edith Morrison*, Gladys Winters, Laura I'orteous. Thjse marked * were present every day. Average attendance 37. Helen Maynard, teacher. S.S No. 7, Osprey 4th Burton Conron*. Dora Short, Emily Moore*, Teresa Le-ard, Mervin Moore, Marion Hawton, Lloyd Hudson. Merryl Davidson, Manael Conn. Sr.3 Irene Hudson*, Delsa Kaitting Billy Burke, Annie Heathcote. Salt 75c per cwt., or $2.35 per barrel; Terms cash. Phone 38r3, Ceylon. A. C. Muir. M1DDLEPRO & BURNS Barristers. te. Oflces Owen Sound, Durban and Flesherton. Flesherton evesy afternoon and evening. ' LEARN ELECTRICITY Hydro electrical development is proceeding , Secretary on a tremendous scale in Canada. | BUSINESS CARDS Dr. W. D. Bryce. L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray, Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 833, A.F7"* A.M. meets In the Masonic Hall. Arm- Strong Block, Flesherton very Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. G. Watson, W. M., C. F Lawnmca, The supply of Electro-mechanician* [ Lucas & Henry, Barristers. Solicit does not begin to equal the demam*. . ora etc j Q - v c w A" We train you at your home. Write | w __ 4, /.... ' ' w ' * t t,,M ,>.,,-t ,n,1-,, v rnnariinn School " enr y. "-A. ( *Hlce, KAr.idalfl I. IIP.. for full particulars. Canadian School of Electricity. 325 Federal Building, Toronto. FOR SALE OR RENT 100 ac- res, lots 186, 167, 1 R. W., T. & O. S. N. on No. 10 Highway, in town- ship of Arfcomesia, ^4 mile from 8-hool. 2 miles from Flesherton. Apply to L. R. ThistVethwaita, 24 Connor Ave., Toronto or W. J. Bel- lay, Flesherton. Henry, B.A. 'Block, Phone 2. Dundalk and Durham. ^dal Luca Branch offices at GOOD SMOOTH FARM OF 70 _ acres best of land almost all under cul j . tivation 2 v i miles north east of Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey od Sirnco*. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, eatlafnctkm guar- anteed. All arrangements and dates may be made at the Advance office, or Central telephone office, foTcnhatn, or by addressing mo at F\awhsm. BOAR FOR SERVICE- Flesherton. Good barn 33x40, new Jr 3 Gordon Davidson. Marjorle garage 20x22, good brick house, newly , Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- Benson, Mar jorie Lepard. Burton Hud- decorated, 20x35. well, windmill and vice Edgery Bright Vhn, Tfc^ 99999 son. Ms acres orchard. Priced for quick _p roperty 2nd.- Waldo Stonehouse*. Evelyn ' sa le. Apply Lucas. Henry & Lucas, C1K ^ Hale*, Mildred Moore, Doris Conn,' Markdale, or Mrs. S. Dezell, P. R. No - Dorine Davidson* i B.Owen Sound. 1st Norman Davidson, Kathleen Hawton, Bernice Hudson, Ida Benson. Sr. Primer Florence Storehouse*. Jr Primer Loreen Davidson, Geo- rce Oshornc, Murray Lepard. An asterisk after n rinmo denotes Present every day. fifiO R. DVNUALK LflCENflBD For the County olf GTy. 0. HIWDLE, *''" Proton Station BULL FOR SERVICE Durham Bull for service. $1.60 If Terms: _ .,-, cent, Snflafaetion Ruarntced P a 'd before January, otherwise $2. j. Bradley, Ter.eher. Dutes made at The Advance office. C. Akins, R. R. 3, Proton Station!

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