j 4 IS YOUR IAPPETFTEPOOR? PERHAPS by oth.-r mc*ot, TOO hv tn treating the fytnptonu, nthet than th catu*. lam of ippctiu, heartburn, ten* cnaccK, art ijrmptrau that th* blood m Lr pure. Thia explain* th* *ucc**if ul ej* of I'r. VCUlianu' Pink PiU* in 11 mca cue*. Her* it typical example "I began to fe*I eaifly tired," write* Mia .V/ jr-t XSTiite, of Parry Sound, ''and *C . I act down to a moal I feh ! d.j not want to eat. A doct-.r told me I wu but I mad* KttU nh hi* raedicin*. Whan I tartcd taking Dr. William*' Pink Pilli I icon noticed dial mv appetite wa* improving, that the headache* c*m< lea* frequently and diat I wa* not o ra*ilv tired. Now my weight ha* increased, my cheek* ar* ro*y and every che and pain haj van- ished." Start today to improve your appetite. Buy Dr. */il- liam*' Pink PH1 from your droggi*t'( or by mail, post- paid, at JO cent* a box from Th* Dr. William* Medicine Co., BruckvilU, Ontario. Send for free book "What to Bat and How to Eat". Owl Laffs GOOD IN EVERY WAYi Infantile Paralysis Politicians console themselves with _ , , ,_ tha belief that they are statesmen not Baby 8. Own Tablets yet arrived. Babyhood and Childhood Ailments. The control and prevention of au- thorities. The policy of the Depart- ment o Health of Ontario- has been for some years now to offer a variety of services to assist local health au- medicine that al! mothers praise' thorities in their fifeht against cotn- ili-wises iu their resiiecv lid the public are Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea is truly economical. A half pound makes almost as many cups as a full pound of cheap tea costing 50c to 60c. e9 Billy'g datlrty took him to the rail- road to see the circus unload. After | A seeing the elephants, camels and other one gooil in every way one that munlcable animals unloaded from tho cars, his will (| -ickiy banish the minor ills of tive com muni ties, daddy said: "Well, Billy, I guess we babyhood and chililhood is the medi- j well informed in regard to the prod- have seen it all. Now shall we go cine to keep in the medicine chest; to ucts which the Department distri- horne?" To which Billy replied: "No, 'always have on hand in case of emer- j butes free of charge for the preven- daddy, let's stay a while longer and gency. Such a medicine is Baby's ; tion of certain c; mmimleable diseases, see them unload the clowns." | 0wn Tablets they are helpful at all. The people of Ontario are also very .. 'times. They ar a mild but thorough' appreciative of th fact that the De- Every dollar you save there are ten laxative which by regulating the! partment extends this humanitarian j Sharks lying In w:nt ,.) beat you out bowels and stomach bauisti colds and j service to include treatments for per-! o ( it ! simple fevers; correct constipation sons suffering from specific diseases! 'and indiges'ion; relieve colic and, insulin for diabetes, serum for in- Nothing works out perfectly. Twin ' diarrhoea and make tha cutting ot fantile paralysis. ant:t.-xln for scarlet | = beds became fashi.jruble after twins teeth easy. fever ami' diphtheria, etc. went out. Thousands of mothers use no other j The most striking item, however, :s;orado town broke do\vn. The man in Tisdoodtea* o RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good A municipal plant in a small Col- 1 Classified Advertisements medicine for their little cues. Among the provision, without cost, of con- j charge, who was also own constable, SITUATIONS VACAKT There is nothing that broadens one them Is Mrs. J. H. Bromley, West- j valescent serum for the treatment of | superintendent of the water works j \l '->UE MI-:N \v \.STKI. W\CK. ii like travel, unless it is too many hot'meath. Ont., who wrltes:-"l have infantile paralysis, which is the most, and (when not otherwise engaged) 1 K b^riraue' umierTamous Molar fudge suudres l rour children and whenever any of| reeent addition to the list cf free street cleaning department, was at a I them are ill 1 always use Bahy'a Own | Products distributed by the Depart- i os to know what to do. The demand of the people who can 'Tablets and have found them good in i niellt - * 'as undertaken during! ... 1 would not be without tlle resent year whei. an within the merican plan, world's moat reliable barber solionl system Write or call Immediately for free catalogue Motor Barber College. 121 Queen West. Toronto do things the way they should be done every way. 1 would not be without ; Is still as great as ever. Talking pictures may have to be abandoned because the patrons insist on iloinx all the talking. "Henry, it says here that Mr. Jack- son pelted the pill for three sacks. What does that mean?" "Good heavens. Mary, can't you un- derstand plain Kn-vi-h'.' It means that he slugged the sphere safe and landed on the third pillow." the Tablets and would also like your : of thi Not only is the Royal Winter Fair , of DntflHn i namo,! if lonvt a' 01 untano seemed at least a fnr hnreaa pitrlo Ses, Caiue, FOB SALS. T?-i iiv-'w i"\\rri uaoy a uwn a ru t, ! , 1 hv are soiu oy ? *iiipnttflr ** " ' rhnt th< I Ilal lilt frill f nn*T ' and net stock SILVER oxes. *4> 'J a |ian delivered. Wm. KMgetown. Ont. RKtJlSTERKD fi Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Right again! A thing keeps you broke forever. ot beaiit]i If she calls he sweetie "papa" the only kind she can hook Is one old enough to be her pauu. Don't question your wife's Judgment look who she married. Even a small town has Its exclusive social leader who borrows sugar from a neighbor she wouldn't Invite to a party. era Dr.Willicims' PINK PILLS *A HOUSEHOLD NAMB IN 54 COUNTRIES" "Baby's getting on wonderfully i I'm sure she'll be able to walk oon." "Do you think it's worth the trou- ble teaching her hardly anybody! walks much nowadays." ! feet if injected into an acute case in) the early ttaee. Fully 200 cases ! cases have be?n treated with blood 4 Stop Co ' ds wtth Card's Liniment. ' strum obtained and prepared by tbisl ~~"' f Department during the current ye*r. "iture archeologists c;;n trace our Without this tratm -nt either par'alyz- development of styles by tiie niigra-, ed or would have suffered death. The ' ti( n f "'e vaccination mark. Brook j complete cures in the treated cases |' 5n rimea. this year show a successful result of j over ninety-five per cent., wliis-h meaas ' The R . v l Winter Fair, held in To-| that nearly 200 citizens cf thN Pro- i rollto in November, is a robust pro- vince will be alive and well instead of , moter ot national unity in Canadian being Pit!ir .lead or paralyzed, and ; agri<-iilture. the cost In connection with this work has been !n the neighborhood of fifteen hundred dollars. In a certain reach of the Thames, bathing is popular iu a quiet back- \\atci-. and not always, It appears, art the bathers provided with the conven- tional attire. . ness EAR Oii. Jl 25 Ml Dn-c;-",l Dncrlltiii 'tilt' ttil!l A. O. LEONARD, Inc. 70 Fifth Avr.. Nrw York' fily WAGING WAR ON INSECTS The Entomoli p'.oal Branch of the Department of Agriculture is protec- tive in every sense of the word, and the Destructive Insect and Pest Ant, which tlie branch administers, is nne of Canada's mo^t Important lesisl tive measures .based as it Is on the fact that the ' )p st way to control dan- j genus insect posts and plant diseases] Is to prevent their Introduction, SIMONDS "CROSS" CUT SAWS The surgical operation used to be employed only as a last resort; now ' it's employed as the first, last and all in between. for the Employee "I won't work salary you pay me." Kmployer "i'ou don't now." Plie "I'll be a sister to you." lie "A!l right, sis. lend m> a quar- ter." SUNSPOTS VARY IN NUMBER S'inspots vary In numbers In a period of average length of eleven and a halt years. The weather Is found tr> vary along wtth these changes in the sun, in somn localities quite definitely. As a result living conditions vary with consequent ef- It Is miK-h easier to love a poor girl a rich one. There Is not nearly so much competition. Johnny was proudly displaying his ney puppy. "What kind of a dog is It?" querriod his uncle. . . . . tin, >* ** " ' LULUCI "ao ait fret, on birds .animals, trees, grain; ..-.' 1, nn.\ nnnm\r*\lt+ nmnlitliinc* ** *....^ growth, and economic conditions. "Did yon notice," asked one woman pf another, "that Mrs. 'Awklns 'ad a ' black eye?" "Did 1 not?" was the! answer. "And 'er 'usband not out ot I The would Canada's Oldest Sailor "I ti'iiik I've earned a spell in dry- dock" says U> atswain II. McEwen. | aged 73, who sailed from Vancouver for the Orient on his last voyaso be- fore retirement, on board the Emrress of Russia, recently. He has bjen at sea 6i years and is the oldest sailor in the employ of Canadian I'n 'i!i>' Steamships Ltd. As a lad cf 11 he snipped out of London In a sailing vessel, served in the United States Navy and entered tha service oil i!ie Canadian Pacific in 1S93 where he re- maind until his retirement. "I don't regret my days at sea', he said, "It w'a.i a hard business to learn in the old days but conditions to-day are as good as most trades ash re." Mr. Hoover and Animal Pets Herbert Hoover doe* not have many old fashioned woman who pe(g o{ h)s own b ,, t he fully under . have beeu turned out of the gtan(]8 how mnch , hey inean to olhers . While tlie Mississippi flood was at ASTHMA QUICK RELIEF obtained by ;i"".t- ru\ 'f thro I iJr. J II. CiilM'* <!rt?*n Mountain Athinn Comi and. lt plrasant gninke vapor snotties and uriirinutrd in 1869 by Dr. Guild. p. ljil!-<t in respiratory ais- as>-s. Also ri-lievps rntarrh. Standard remedy nt I'.nigiiist*: P.5 < MUS, - .IM<! *! .'.". ;>n'Ail.r .r 'MKaro form. 8ei i < r TBEE TRIAL p:i,-i<- HKB nf 8 ' : .K.I. ^.'-. Canadian Dl- Irlonturi. Ly:::.in. Xitd , Dept. CC1. 286 St Paul St. We*'. Montreal. Can. \\ r p,i i I j 1 *4- CBEEN MOUNTAIN V I. Ll II I ItIS ASTHMA COMPOUND Good for Cattle Keep Minard's in your barn for distemper and colic. Aa excellent first aid for your stock. Johnny paused for a moment and then said, "Well, his father was an I so 1 don't know just what he is." for dancing now has a daugh- i prison for an other week, call It respectable." I don't Heaven knows best, but It would be nice If some ot these Imported In- ter who dances imril midnight Satur- , tg height am , h!s whole attellUon day night and sings in the choir in r(veted on tbe ta9k ot assUt i Dg Sunday. thousands ot re'iicet?". a soldier came They were playing strip poker, and iuto hls temporary office. the Good Little Girl has lost steadily; _ _ "What are we goun.i do with these sect pests liked dandollous. San | she was down to her last garment. i d K ;'.-.. Mr ' Secretary? 1 he asketK Francisco Chronicle. nardest With less effort e id in less time the Simonds Cross Cut eats through the toughest woods the specially tem- erea Simonds teel gives extra long service. SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LTD, \en Food Sours L U X O FOR THE HAIR Ask Your Barber He Knows About two hours after eating many.ard with physicians in the 50 years This was terrible; she racked her! "\Vhat dogs do you mean?" asked peop'.a. suffer from "iir stomachs, since its invention, brain for a way out. Ah! 'Hoover. . They call it indigestion. It means that j It Is the quick method. Results "I'll have to stop" she told them. "Why, a lot of these refuses have the stomach nerves have been over- come almost instantly. It Is the ap- "I've no more clothes to stake" i brought dogs with them, and some stimulated. There is excess acid. The proved method. You will never use "Your chemise" they chorused [have cats, too," replied the soldier. ! way to correct it is with an alkali, 'another when you know. "But slips doti't count, you know,"' "We'll take care of them, and good .which neutralizes many times its vol- j Be sure to get tlie genuine Phillips' she said. ' icare," Hoover announced. "Those urae in ncld. Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- 'people haven't saved much. If any of | The right way is Phillips' Milk ot. clans for 50 years in correcting excess T< u may have noticed that Maggie them have pets dogs cats or ele- , Magnesia j-.ist a tasteless dose In acids. Each bottle contains full direc- of the funny papers hasn't a monopoly phauts let them keep them and take ' water. It has remained the staud- tons any drugstore. The man who would never walk again. TIV.o cuuM iinii'jine a mom jtoiamw! ttorj Ifian thit '' A champion tifttii't !<-'ir,iitlen ]' 4A Utut fie nuiii in \-tr n-alh ui/oiii . . . . ! Alut Uieit lie took Knitrlirn. " My ilottur told my lanJIaily that I fimlil never WHlk .nirain. L lia.l rli^iiniaiinn wt in al"<iiT. * htiAtinn--timc, and nu^ itniilnrii to btnl for t\vi miiiitiis. " I tin nearly ilxty yars M( aei-. Afti-riakiTig i.\ bottlra I nrii starting to w.irk nr.\t. ,ik. I p till -\v.r \>.ire ao I li.n| bevu a ( ham- plfm Harinii ( y.'liM. ; I..IVU won a piiat -vrry time I liava riddpn. ll>>inii an atliloti-. Init poor KhoUur, It would taki- nw a wtek to write the fails about, Kniietiea S iii^." II'. //. /(. on.injl Iptier .)Qftl*(ot lnr*rtion. Knischon Sails is obtainablo at, dpic snd department sinn^ ;n fanailit at. T.'ic. ,1 bottle, A btiltle ctiiitaiim rnou^h to last mr 4 c.r & """"" tt""^ '"'"H" lor iiaif-a.-ccm a .my. on that kind of disposition. Real are easer to use DIAMOND DYES are used by practically the same method as any other dye. They go on easier, though more smoothly and evenly ; without spotting or streaking. That's because they arc made from real anilines, without a trace of fillers to injure fabrics or give things that redyed look. agree Diamond Dyes are better dyes. The white package of Diamond Dyes is the highest quality dye, prepared for general use. It will dye or tint Diamond Dyes contain the highest silk ' * )l ' cotton linen, rayon or quality anilines that momy can buy. als> lne "That's why they give such clear. package is a special dye, for silk and r,ri*ht new lo ikinz colors which WCK)1 only ' With !t ^ can Jye bright^ Jw .looking colors,^ _wlu< valuaMe artides of si)lc or woo , keep their depth and brilliance so remarkably through wear and washings. results equal to the finest professional work. When you buy remember thij. The blue package dyes silk or wool Xext time you have dyeing to do, only. The white package will dye . TX- .1 r-v _ _-_l_1_ i- - .-- <_! 9 - t 1- !__, _?!_ try Diamond Dyes at our risk. Sea that they art easier to use. Then comport rtsvtts. You will surely every kind of goods, including silk and wooL .Your dealer lias both packages. Diamond Dyes Sun Proof EASY TO i s; ut I I tu BESVLTS care of them. Have some ot the re- fugees build corrals with runways for the dogs." A few of them have canaries" the soldier began. "All right," said Uncle Sam's emer- gency man, and turning to his secre- tary, "Order some bird seed and if It Is not on the regulation list, charge It to me." Northfleld, Vt., News. Night Peace Even as the lily All night awake, Upon the still waters Of the dark lake. Moves not nor stirs. Even so she. So white, so weary, Sleeps as the lily On the dark lake. Even as the lily % All night asleep In the still waters Looking down deep, Mi ves not nor stirs On the dark lake Even so slit WSo lay long awake Who lay down to weep Dreams with the lily On the dark lake. rhyllls Howell, In. the English Country Life. The U.S. national affection, for the hot dog has proceeded far beyond tSe puppy-love stage. Arkansas Gazette. When Babies ALL Minrd'e Liniment for Warti. Babies will cry, often for no pparent reason. You may not know what's wrong, but you can always give Castoria. This soon has your little one comforted; if not, ' you should call a doctor. Don't experiment with medicines intended for the stronger systems of adultsl Most of those little upsets are soon soothed away by a little of this pleasant-tasting, gentle-acting children's reniedy that children like. It may be the stomach, or may be the little bowels. Or in the case of older children, a sluggish, ccm- itipated condition. Castoria is still the thing to give. It is almost certain to clear up any minor ailment, and could by no possi- bility do the youngest child the slightest harm. So it's the first thing to think of when a child has a coated tonjfuc; won't play, can't sleep, is fretful or out of sorts. Get the genuine; it always has Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on the package. Felt Tired and Miserable "I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for mis- erable and tired feelings and it save me strength to do my work. My nerves arc better and I feel well and strong and have a good appetite. 1 sleep well and am in pretty good spirits and able to work every day now. 1 recommend the Vege- table Compound and you may use this letter as a testi- monial." Miss Dekena Wal- lace, Utiioti Street, North Devon, New Lydia E, 'Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound Ldn E Pjfthhjm M, d Ci J i fl Cobout; Onl ISSUE No. 4129