Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Oct 1929, p. 2

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Lesson Sunday School Novrmbir 3. Lestot V Resp.r for Rightful Authority (World's Tem- perance Lesson) Mark 12: 13-17: Romans 13: 1-7: 1 Peter 2: 13-16. Golden Text Let every sou be sub- II. THK Ft LHLIJNG OF THK LAW, Rom. 13: 8-14. Tho debt which no man can escape is the debt nf love. We own this love to God first of ali for his (creat love and abundant goodm s. God would havo us pay in kind to our fellow men. He that loveth anot'-er, Paul says, hath fulfilled the law. Of this Rauschenhusch writes, "The Law call- o-l for love for one's neighbors; the scribe* had added the permission to ject unto the higher powers. Ro- ' nHtc OI1C ' S enemies. '<"" raises the man 13- 1 standards of (fowl will. The Inw of love applies la all. There '< nothing ANALYSIS. great in loving those who love us. I. MTV T<> ciicKrit .->M> STVTK, Ma/k Anybody can do that. Heroic love lo- 1'J: 1:1-17; Rom. 1!!: 1-7; 1 Peter ; jrins whore no love comes to meet it. _': i:t-17. Those who can win that triumph show II. TIIK Kt:t.ni.LlNC UK Tin: LAW, Rom. tlo vu family likeness of God." To 13: 8-14. pity, to love, and to redeem the un- iNTROturTloN The Bible is every- lovely, unwholesome, and depraved is where and always on On- s.Jc of good , to ,'' e > n| l?**l ROttlOw. government, thv l.ind of govtrnment . Ixive wlll> f , f<>a , -' lo "' ,"" that restrain* evil ,1,,. n and promote : J"'* 6 "I whom it ^ is poured ut. and guards the welfare of the people. I J " vc ?""?**? no ." !1 *? ' l.ove i.> the law ui light. Out ot t "A wis,f king scalt-r-.-th the wicued." j deadly deep of selfishness and indif- "A king that sitteth on the throne of ; ferrnce to the needs and sorrows of More of a Curiosity Than a Milker judgment those about us Paul exhorts men t ' ScatUTi-th av.ay all evil with his awake. Hf believes that Christ's yes." j preat day of triumph is approai'hinK- "Mtrcy and truth preserve tl.e kiiifr: The day is at hand, the day of salva- And liis throne is upholdcn by mercy." j tion. The works of darkness are self- "Take away the wicked f T the king, before ishness nnd hatred, light is lve>. The armor of MofTatt ren<ie:-s, "No revelry or l>ouls of drinking, no debauchery or sensuality, no quarreling or .i " ""' his fonnor manner ,,f - - h ; j ^ haa ... And his throne shall In- established n righteousness." In such passages as the above the.i , , , ,, wise- man ; IVovo,-:,- declare, the 'No. P , on , thc character of th benefits of a jut and merciful ule. ! ^ C h r lst - V8.13.14. It was the Th ltat is but the cnh-TK-d family. l^\V f Just as parents exercise authority in th- hoir,.-, M> must the appointed ruler, or ruli-rs, in the state. The great prob- lem is to find ard establish the \>"A ,. rulers with' the best and most effective kind of government. And equally great and difficult is the problem of how to gvt rid of bad or :i competent rulers. "Kluciency in government," suy.s a recent writer, ''is an indispensable t<>l :al progress. I!ut it must lie another kind of eflicie:cy than C mi- Australia Has Big Dried Fruit Year Ausiialin I' r (ho year ei,d..,l JIIIM- 30, I929, the quantiiy of Australia Board t- ns. tons tor monly admired. It must be efficiency I dr(cd frllils ],]r,duc. i In in caring for nil th.'- ii.'"'i' I "f nil . t ..^ TI| . , ^^ital'deside^oT the whole i'" ' lf ""' 1 "' il ' J Fnl " ' ' peop?e n doinK together in nil justice ! for ih- year r.n'S L"t was^7 and iii-i.theihi-od the thing* they can- aa < uipar- d with ::t.v,!i not do Mjiart." S'ich n govennii'T:' Uti'TL'.s. wiivn tli- yield wa< material .d citi/.en will rwpvct asd obey, jy reduced in cou^'qui-in "f dam I in TV TO nit KCII AND STvir Ma, I. age done by fro 12: l:M7; Koin. 13: 1-7; 1 1'eter ' The sal--, t Au-trulian sultanas j. l:;-l7. in London fr I'.c'T -^ showed a marfc The I'hai !-(< nnd the Herodians ed derllne on C o tiuur.-s for the pro to enta-ir'.e .I'--'.;.- i:\ tl.eir fi -e:> vi> us >car ll.n'.iT IOIH. in compar- THIS COW IS CONTENTED WITH HER PEG LEG To save the life of. this valuable brood cow, Dr. Mimckeberg R-101 For India Are Latest Plans When Details Are Completed New Airship Will Sail Egypt-India Route London Great Britain's new mon- ster airship, iM'ii, which lias just made a nine hours' experimental flight, has come through the trial so well that it Is now settled that i! is to undertake the long-distance Jour- ney to Egypt and India. Spare en- gines are to be sent to some over- seas base for renewals en route, but the actual date of the airship's de- parture is not yet settled, as t!'e Air Ministry's policy is safety first and every precaution will be first taken to insure success. The speed of the recent flight was over 70 miles per., hour, with only three engines out of five running and | Attention Paid To Spark Plugs Is Asset to Car Important Bit of Mechanism Functions So Well That It Arouses Little Interest Water Must Be Avoided The spark plug Is a very small part of the automobile's mechanism. In fact, it Is so small and has been made so reliable that many motorists have overlooked It entirely. Impn vements in motor design and in the spark plug itself have brought the working of this important engine part to such a high degree of perfec- tion that many of the troubles which at one time were quite usual are now the throttles less than three f. urtl-s open. It Is hoped therefore that 80 I miles per hour will be reached later, noted The Air Ministry. Lord Thomson, ac- companied the flight. Danish veterinary surgeon, amputated its leg below tho knee and replaced it wl'h a wooden leg. Bossy gets around all right with H and seems quite) Two of the most remarkable fea happy. unknown. It is not now unusual for cars to be driven 5,000 miles or even 10,000 miles without it becoming nec- essary to clean a spark plug. ; Hecause it needs so little attention 1 the motorist is likely to be unfamiliar How King George Saved a Warship Story of Torpedo Boat 79 Fold by Sir George Arthur How the King, as a young naval lieutenant, saved a disabled warship from heiiig dashed on the rocks on the Irish coast Is revealed by Sir (jeorgo Arthur In his book, 'King (ii-orgr V.; ;i Skelrii of :i Civa! Killer." The orca-lim was the naval tnan- iiMvrf-; 01 ixs-.i. I'riiu-,. (|.>uree (a-i tin' Ki:ii; v. u< i!i"iii w.n l:t command Ae . The l'h:>n-. and :li" ; .. ,.,| W jii, :,-!.", ions. Tli. ie .i- also Ji-v/isli nati'.n;ili-t- ., ri . ( ||,ct| n in t'.ie averapo ]irico.s man rule and wrie I .,,.,ij zr ,| > ], ;l - n,u v.u. hugely d 1 follower- were > . unwilling to pay the Roman tax which ,,. ilir ,. ,,,,,. (|Ua uty of tin; f ..it in 1 congeqil&< ..... f th- fn,,t di.ni:,^. lM,r in . ,r : ntipas, wrn waa de- e upon the favor of ll-um- f... 60,000 OHM. whiHi will c-fahlish .1 his throne and kingdom, ritul would new record In exports. to Groa Brian irlll The quantity t >.,-, rejrnrded t') l>ay ; s lii|ip"(l IIP 1" J:IM.- -". ' the tril.ute nioivy a< tiv:i-on to Iv ' j;,; ( | ns. i,,.<l by .leath. If .lo-'in ^aiil yi>s to their que-tior, (1^: M). '.lu- Ihar- wi.uld d- Mi-urn l.iin to the pe r.d of their oppv.'- -.-,'-. If lie would necM-e (in'> 580 ion-, of i 'irrants icd t.) (ireal llriciln for on air. ,11111 of frost tin- y.-ar, damage. To prt-si'i-v! lln- trade that . ,,,ore vne auu.u ,-. Josn ' -" '"' ''I' 'l'l '""' "' '"" *** ! , . ,v 'L.-i- hyp.x-n-'.y, and. MS so often f-w year. It,- h ard de.-m.'d it t| d in th- controverslei wlii>-h M< oppon- ent to send tin- major portion of tl . ,i. he lifted the whole matter! exportable surplus of currants to that to the mu.-h hiirhir plant- of duty. I n, )m i,iiiin. It is conlidenlly expect- Let Caer have hi due: let Cod have) ed , h:l | .,,, :i ,,. su i t ,,f the appnlnt- of I'lrpedo-biiiit No. 7'.'. lie was only -4, and ..t was his Tui |iei]i. boat No, 7'.'. with two ot: er lor|)-di -Ixiats, had to ninki; Ka'.hmnl- len. on I.onuh Swilly. for a r^'id.'/v- oils with 'i senior officer. NIL 7'. ttmiPil up at daylight one iniirnlm:. :niil lier coinmauder : i-,i ilta- n ne of hi- c in-; rts ha. : en down, ami was anchored on a lie ''."i . iiot f.ir from tho rock.-. Hi- had tri'.d to tow ln-r (,ff. but had carried away his only luiw-er. ami uothiiur c ulil be donn but leave her there, with the third boat stand inn liv. wh:l" ho came In fftr fresh ropes. Tli" p'is-itloii was so friin^lit with i peril that tho senior officer's impulse ^ was to proceed himself to tho scene ( and superintend tho salvage. Prince (leur^e, however, hepped !n he nil- wed to try n^ain, nnd, supplied with a iifiw hawser, he took his ship out auain In thw teeth of a heavy Kale and Prince Hires of the trip, he said In an Inter-] view with the Daily Herald, the Gov-j ernment organ, were first the o^eer-i j ing of hundreds i f school children at; I Nottingham, the young voices com ing dimly through the air to the pas-j j senpeii en board This fact U ex- I p'.ained because, as the Minister said. plug's construction and uncertain as to how to cure Its Ills when trouble does develcp. The spark pins consists of a metal ! shell which is threaded to screw into . - the cylinder of the engine nto tins G52 MOI.liEl) HIPS. A slender two-piece type that molds its hip and waistline to contribute ;x bit of Is placed a "porcelain" insula- which has a metal spindle run- the engine were so nolTeTeM "tT.a't ! n! " R throush it. One end of even at 2100 feet, at which the 11-101 "P"" Is l'roi, K ht close to a pn JPC- was then traveling Krounrt sounds' 'I fi ; om th f ;_ ^ f ., the _P[ U ^ __f came to Ihera as a voice spi- thrcugl: an iQinary teleph nrs So smooth was the trlt), Lord Thomson added, that he was able to; dispose of a full boy of Air Ministry, ** ' las compile circuit-that papers nurin? the time it lasted. "You " !t mu ". t get," he said, "complete detarhnu-n; and apart from the tremendous .s.^nso of security, there Is no doubt rbal flying in ships of this description Is conducive t > contentment of mind " i tllese tw ; I' 01 " 1 , 3 form th , e the s " ark occurs lnslde of the cylinder. Thp "'""^ r " 1 can travet 0!1 '? Canada First in Nickel, Newsprint Fifth in Total Trade able to Ret back i! started fr m. In the spark plus circuit it starts from the induction coil and travels on a wire whic'.i i.-> '.tf-avily insulated with rubbed to the center spindle of the spark phip. It follows this spindle Into the cylimi.. and there jumps to the propection o". the spark plus a- q f, giving a spark a< it crosses the gap. From thn base i I the plus It travels through the metal j of the piiKluc back to the Induction coil from which it started. In order to jump the .tap a' Mi? , "points" of the plug It is nece-siri Ottawa. Canada ranks higb in pro- , nat |he plectric cutrent i iavi . a duction' and International trade hi ,; h prMsurPi as this sap oners s among the leading commercial nations | resls , ance to its travel. It is t keep. of the world. In product! n she th , s hiBh tpns , nn current from jump leads the world In output of news- InR at any p]ace excppt UlP ,,.,,., print, nickel, asbestos and cobalt; she occupies second place in the pro- that the insulator Is employed In th spark plus. duction of wheat, and third place in; Wa(er .,,, ,, ar i, (m art , tn . the output of lead and g> Id. In ex-; KOod C0n(illotor9 of thls curr ,, nf . lln ,| port trade aba lead s the world In ex if water ,, etR on , he j nsnlator , , lfsi ,|,, ports of wheat, newsprint, nickel and of the cvllnder tho cnrre nf may trav.-i asbestos; he occupies sec nd place (hruoeh it to the metal of the cylinder in exports of wheat Hour and third ',, not jump , he po , nfs , theplus place in exports of wo, d pulp. Ac-| nt a , , L ii tew i ? e. Is carbon collects cordinpr to most r 3 cent comparative on , he part of , he Insulator whi( . h pl . ojpp!s , nto tnp cvlln der. the current statistics available for the calender 192S - Canada occupies fifth posi- may )nss . 1IKh ' lt , nstea( , of lieen up nil tho previous nifrht. grap- occasions. Tho uiagonal neckline with I .. L L f .' It ! . ll_'l * * , lion In aggregate trade as also in im- ports and exports, among the leading c mmercial nations of the world; sec- his. What von ri^hti'iily -we tm- ^ ||t (>f |( A Hayneg ng commercial I Roman (tovernmcnt. .ay. What ,t.,iivo in Canadi. every cf- ther; but by bold initiative, rifrhtfully owe to Cod. pay that aUo. j r i I1U U- to exploit t'Js'mar of sto.-l nnd skilful seamanship, he ' acter. The edfi of bodice is scallopsnl, -et to Hi utmosl capacity, in order was able to salvo Ms sister-ship and j repeated m turn-back cuffs and skirt corns mdic.-ited a > nl-i| nd . . i ) lt . n .. nml " total tr-\do Ing t!ie gap. If it doe? not jump tho When splashing through puddlos ot or In a very heavy rain water k r -tl i ! g f -i uiiu iiuniiiuu ill %T.\IIUIL tiiiil luiai u.vuu .,.., .._ ,._ I., n ...* h^..,.,. ...,;,. %....i .- with a touph job In rough wea-jjabot frill is smart details of feminity ' . third place in favorable f, e I J , i,,,i i, hold I itUe. nerves ' noted in frocka of tailored sports char- !? I '' a .' J I ' P ... . !, .,'* J ' e . will sometimes pass throu K h the ra.l.a i Paris model in printed sheer velvet in mar Christians, counsi'U ubmiwiion to their rulers, ('...vei-notci .ts : n tlu'ir origin are ordained <>f ''- ' " would not be correct to interpret what Paul Myi h-rp as .-stntili- hii.i' the divine i ; i'lit of any government. r rt <d or bad, or ,-n i-niidi>mT.in>r rosistancp to an evil and unjust rule. But he does ?:iy that a reo-/ni7.od and accepted pov- prnrni tit oujrht to lx> obeyed. For rulrri are not a terror to tfood works. but to the evil. Pr.'il had himself been protected from harm more than once 'iy the Roman authorities. The ru'.er be fiiys, is the minister of God. Th kinjr, or jmhje, or inaKistrate who reootrnir.es this fart imd all that it implies, will surely seek Gods guidance that he may be true nun- i-ter As for the subject it l! better trado balance, and second place In fav- , or an( , Re( on , he porcolll|ns , , orablo trade balance per capita. l pumcl( . nt niiant ,, T , o causo tne cnsill< , Thew triklng facts are _revealed , sklp ThR ' heat nf the ongi ,,,, will generally evaporate th) quickly clear up tMs tnv.i the engine Is run with mixture, a poor grade ot oil .nnd when too nine! 1 oil Is belni; used, due to worn pn,;n parts or improper feeding, cirbon H on the Insulat* r nnd forms a path. over which the current can pass than . tho United States or: Sir Oeorgo states that the Foreign ! d<.t motifs in reverse color scheme, onion Informed tho department of the | The .skirt is seal brown with ebigc Master of the Ceremonies that as the ! 'lots, with bodice in beige with ni.-itch- Uusslnns had "come Into line" the re- 1 in B brown rings Tho jabot and cuffs Crea8ed utlllzalion of CanaiHan port8 -;"-; " :-;-' '' pre.eal.tlve. of the Russian Govern- use the brown velvet. It s luxuriously for both lnc , mlllg aml olltgoing trade . %J^ cLrbon nf^v be removed by d * smart and yet so wearable. satin in navy blue, wine red May-^weetheart. wou.d you a.. ]'a,il'< counsel is like that of Jesus: ; for me? Render therefore to all their dues . Tom "Woumln't do you a bit of ompare Titus :',: 1). . , Komi. I'm not Insured." mont were eligible for an invitation to the Hoyal garden party. Pro.suming that the F reign Office j canton crepe with beige Jaliot and hnd first communicated with tho cuffs, dull black silk crepe with eg-g- Klng. the usual formal notice ot the ' shell contrast, wool jersey in hunter's imrty was sent to the Soviet Embassy, j green and featherweight woolen in The King, It Is stated, on hearing of i coppery brown tones attractive. It is what hail happened, said very plainly designed in sizes Iti, 18, 20 years, 36, that the garden party was his private 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name and address plain- otntials who bad blundered must | V| K j v j nK m imber and size of such make, the best Job they could of the .patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern concern, that no Invitation was to bo sent to Cliesham House, and that tho lUfiijyu > * >i> _ The teaching of the npostle Peter i, practically the fume (1 PoU* '.- : 1-(.17\ The hiirhest motive of ol>ocli- He natural, lf. llo simple, honest, bungle. FINEST THINGS Llfo'a finest things, the things that last, Are ours, but never fettered fast. et, fdnccro. Affect no I The finest tilings writ on tho scroll lln yourself and 1 Aru Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by an early mail. Plutonic friendship Is love In cold soaking the plug in denatured alcohol, cleaning the Insulator with a snn!! stiff brush and a piece of cloth. Care should be taken not to scratch tlia insulator with a knife i r sandpaper. as this will open up the pores, with j the result that carbon will thon en! ' lect more quickly. have boon PAYMENT Let every man consider this: One must pay for tho best the world has to offer whether one gets what Is paid for or not. Success Is had only at a price. Hut nil of us alike must pay. If you do not pay for It with the posl- Wifle "I suposo you with that Irleud ot yours all evening, J tlve forces and values that will bring helping him cary his load." it to you then you pay with the ne^a Hubby "No! I raiist say I never | tlve q U! ,i|(ip g that not only defeat bnl saw a man carry his load butler than a i ao bri ,, K a tralu ot un i, a ppiness, nnn y i m who is our Lord and Ha will grow naturally. A. Mutt Discovers How He Stands With His Pal Jeff. MUTT AND JEFF JUST AS He AM ALUGV TG COP FRC:D AT - T IMC s: IS IMDGGb r\UMOROUS I THIS IS WCWS 'to IT SAYi He CHAS<> THe f\ LARG ' \ OP (\OMOfi w/AS LAv-'GHlfOG t\\ TUG A AT BY A CoP, '. \ l\e'^ Gor TO w ? V .i \ LAUCH AT jucce TOR ?' \Aol\OOTIWG . . I .

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