Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Oct 1929, p. 5

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\ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCF, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30. 1929 . An Essential of Modern Life, BANKING Sen-ice is one of the essentials of modern life. It assists in the production of every article and i.i the transportation of every com- modity. Without it, d^rtribution v/ould be impossible. Yet Banking functions so smoothly that we are scarcely aware of our depcndance upon it. By tJ.king Panking Service fcr granted we pay our greatest tri- bute *:o its efficiency. Each year an increasing numbor of dc-positors and client? affcrds evidence of the char- acter of Sen-ice offered by Ihc Ca- nadian Esnk of Commerce. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ([THE STANDARD IB AN K" OF CANADA ) C-J'-tt. TIME TAliLK The World Grows Smaller Local and Personal f 0! 315 322 294 358 4C3 . 351 380 340 . cc 175 119 707 841 767 192 250 S :'.:, f21 776 601 GTLi 534 547 461 123 1S5 129 259 471 466 18 189 520 505 482 24 21G 18 lu 121 57 10 LO 44S 370 301 174 a Truing leave Flesherton Station aa follows; Going South Going North 8.08 a.m. K.52 a.m. , 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. | The Arthur Enterprise says: "In 8.11 p.m. 4.33p.m. a letter received by his parents re- The mails clesa at Flesherton aa ccntly from E. W. Brocklebank now follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. cf London, England he told of stand- outh at 3.30 For morning train bg one day at an intersection in old south mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the England where the traffic was very previous evening. i heavy, waiting his chance to get M-- .. j. ^ :.c -oss and probably feeling that in the fullest sense of the term he was a stranger in a strange land. Xatur- ! ally he was greatly and pleasantly Hallowe'en Thursday night. ! surprised when he heard a voice close IMr. and Mrs. F. Pinder were at '">' '-eniark familiarly, '-You had bct- Inirldwood over the week end. ' <?r take a running shot at 'i'., 'Brock. Mrs. A. Stewart spent last week ^he V ' ; ' CI ? v>ns that of Chief Justice with her mother a". Fevc -shim jWiight, of Toronto, formerly of Flesh Mr. W. Southgate of Seaforth was ' ' " da> ' S e ne by th in town on Tuesday. opponents in many a h.-.rd-iought ame at tournaments on the bowling Mr and Mrs G Mitchell motored , ; . ; , n< and the chief Justice had not to Palgrave and spent the week with for:ro uen our former townsman's i preference for run ling shots. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hodgson and daug-htc--, Barbara, of Islington spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. X. Richardson and Mr. W. W. Trimble. Mr. and Mrs.W. Hancey and Mr. ' and Mrs. F. Dovf.ing cf Alliston, ' E(rc ^^ were visitors last week with Mr. and A i*'*me-ia ' M- 3 . F. Pinder. iprrton".... Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Coldhawk Euplv.-osia of Toronto were callers in town re- Bantinck cc-ntiy. Gordon plays in R. N. Osnrey . . . Cornfield's orchestra i:i Toronto. Holland . . . Mr. Harry Foster is intending to Glcnelg . . * open a now blacksmith shop in Flesh Chatsv.-orth ertou :ext week and is busy at the Du.'dal!; . . present fitting up ths shed behind Fleshcrton ths Wright block. j Durham . . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hortort and TIanov e" Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibson and daugh- Normanby ter, Eleanor, of Toronto were the Neustadt . guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Stewa-t over the week end. Rev. Dr.. A. Phillip Brace, Ontario organizer for the Sons of Temper- Tutal ma - lorit y for Ohver - 116 - ance, delivered two excellent address- .^7? ."-{1% a^ag. es in St. John's United Church at the morning a:id evening services. Mr. Robt. Do\vn, the local Ford dealer, has rented the Rcburn block at present occupied by the Markdale Th ' s Frida y and Saturday will see Garage Co., and will take possession deer hunt ers from this district leave the first of November. Markdale tor tlle ' r tr 'P to tne north country. Standard. There are two hunt clu-bs, the mem- Miss Gladys Pinder, R. N. of Tor- bers of which intend travellin f by car onto has been visiting her parents. to Parry Sour ' d ' Lakin?r the train thore ' Mr. and Mrs. F. Pinder, in town dur- the Rock Mllls clab to Ardbeg and the i*,v the past week and returned this ?J^ club tO Broakvicw on the Wednesday to continue her profess-, 'JJy , ion in Toronto. e c Ml1 3 club ls com P sei1 ot i Messrs. Jas. Dargavel, Wm. Chard. . Master Angus Turney, 10 year old x ed C roft, Les Chard, Robt. McMul- son cf Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turney of i ell) w.n. Phillips, Robt. Croft, Ed. town was suddenly attacked by ap- Harbottlc and Otto Loss of Palmer- pendicitis last week a->.d was taken to s t on . Durham hospital where an operation The Hish Falls Hunt Club of Flesh- was immediately performed. The erton w m h av e as its members P. operation was a succes and Angus is Mimshaw. G. B. Welton. John McKee. improving nicely at the present time. g. Button, A. Sparks, W. Lever, Geo. Several Flesherton W. M. S. ladies McTavish, Royden McDonald, Chas. attended a missionary meeting in Stewart and Emerson Thompson. Markdale on Friday last, when a Tll e hunting season opens Monday, couple of returned missionaries from' November 4th, end the various clubs returned missionary from China j will be settled on Saturday ready for spoke on the work there, and Rev. [opening of the season on Monday. S. Martin, 'the man who put the church in Churchill" spoke on the/ work of the new Presbyte'-y of the Unitefl Church. Rev. Jas. Reidie of Hillsburg con- Mal >y of th * ra dio fans in Flesher- ducted annive -sary services with the to n ar e complaining of local electrical Presbyterian congregation on Sunday.' disturbances whic interferes with per- His able sermon was heartily apprec- fect reception. It has been continuing iated. Then on Monday evening a for 30me time and in P lace of lessen- fowl supper was held at the home ', ' s becoming greater as time goes of Mre.D. McTavish. at which there n - We 1 <1 ^ pleased to reveive a was a good attendance. A short vis 't fr m * h government radio re- program was enjoyed after the ception interference car to locate the I source of the troudle This car has visited o'her localities and their suc- F. R. Oliver Agaia New Church At The iscal Member Wareham Dedicated 5940 7100 1354 2514 Radio interference cess . defecti radio troub , e hag fceen ye MILK PRICE ADVANCES supper. The Women's Institute w.ll meet at the home of Mrs. G.lchnst on Wednesday, November 6th at 3 p.m. "Grandmother's Day," and a good program is being provided. Every grandmother is especially invited to On ard after Friday, NovemberHst. attend this meeting. Everybody wel- the price of milk delivered will be come. Social Com. Cake, Mes- raised to 12c. per nuart or 17 pint dames J. Wilson, E. Bartj Kennedy ticckts for $1.00. This is necessary and Findlay; Sandwich, Mesdames O n account of the increased cost to Wes Armstrong, McCauley, Bryce produce the milk, F. R. Oliver, member of South Grey in the Provicial Legislature was re- turned ^ his seat in the elections 01 Wednesday, but by a reduced major- ity. The returns were very hard to get in and we have a total vote, but it is not correct by any means, and by it we figure Oliver's majority to be 632. We give below the rstn i-. the three surrounding 1 township, bi Wednesday nis'it we were unable ij secure the vote by polls in Proton We also print the summary of the vote in the riding By last returns the FVrfruson government was return- ed to power with an milled mnjc rity in the house, having 91 seats. ARTE5IESIA Oliver Perdue Pri:cvi:le 161 26 Flesherton 84 33 Ceylon 101 47 Proton Station .... 58 54 Eugenia 118 54 Orar.se Valley 90 40 Port'aw 56 25 Vandeleur 85 27 OSPREY Oliver Singhampton 36 Mclntyre 60 Wareham 28 Feversham 115 Maxwell 89 Rob Roy 62 Badgerows 83 306 Perdue 60 33 44 98 86 19 89 490 EUPHRASIA Woodhouse 63 Cherry Grove 75 Rockiyn 60 Bcaverdale 48 Goring 48 Hcath:ote 36 Duncan 31 Kimbcvlc-y 87 Fr.irrccunt . 19 487 402 25 60 91 34 34 35 21 59 50 495 SUMMARY OF VOTE Ai:. mcsia Bcntinck. Csprey Prctc i Chstsworth Gknelg - r\.- shorten Markdale Oliver Perdue Mai. Maj. 466 307 537 83 16 Durham Holland Xcustadt Euphrasia Normanby Hanover 18 148 82 247 134 139 9 308 333 Oliver majority G01 201'.) 1418 Sunday, October 27th, was a red- letter day for the little community of Warcham, being the occasion of the dedication services of their beantiful new church. In the moruiog the Rev. Dr. F. L. Brown, B.A., D.D., preached, and assisted by the pastor. Rev. A. F. Bamford, conducted the : ,.;r:.;iou ceremony. During this o. ---- _> the Trustees and Session ol the church came to the front anu ljrr.;al!y handed to Dr. Brown tht key cf the -lew church, that it migh he dedicated to the glory of God :: .< for His worship. Rav. Dr. Browi took as his theme Kings 1: T, ''Tht Lord was wit him." He dealt '.v:th your.tj King Hc::ekiah and show- ed how he set his heart to do God's v.i'I -\rd establish cfresh the pure worship of Jehovah ar.d how God was with him and blessed him. In the afterncon Rev. Jas. Brovvr. now pastor at Maltcn, formerly pas tcr at Warehar-., conducted the sei vice. Rev. Brown preached fror. Eph. 5: 25 "Christ also loved thv church. ' Love is the highest mani- festation of Christ in the church. Mr. Brown expounded his theme in a masterly manner and backed it home by very apt scripture quotations. Ir the evening Rev. D :. Brown agii- prcaeh-rd. taking as his text Acts 4:2 "For WL- cannot but sprcr.J the thing? which we have seen and heard." H< dealt with the apostles' whole ant' earnest witness for Christ, ar.d if-? results in the lives of others :'.>' winning of 3.000 and 5.000 to Chrisi and daily thcr w:u added to t'u v'hi'- - h such as were beinr saved, and this challenge to us to-day v.-ho arc followers of Jesus. It was a pov.-- r.-ful sermon nr.d all were consji :: of ':v presence uf God's Holy Spirit : thejj. ;<i| v ;.--. The church i a beautiful littlr struktv.rc. capable cf seating 15f : <c,-'-le comfo tr.bly. but easily ac- >-!? at !'.-n c t 100 more. .' ice the church was well fin cd, the af ^rn^o". and evening: it wu- pc.kcd to t'.iB dccrs. It measurer ;" f. ; : -.ehi-.-s by 2S feet G inches it i> bi'.'it rf brick, v. ith a pT'ticu lariv f'.: : e front and has fine twir wsnUov.T.. three pair-- along each ?:tlc. A nice vestry, platform fo th? choir and entrance to the base- '.'.'.tr.l is ?.t the fro;:t. A nice ba.'e- ir.rr.t v.-ith kit 'hen iccommodatior; civos for r.iki-week activities an^ 1 .:, -;.ICTS. It is heated by furnace am: lit by Cok-mr.n ga 1 ? lamps. Alto- f..t!-.e;- llic cf V.'ivehnm ire t.- and Inkster. H. FREEMAN, Fleherton. Mrs. R. Bentham was in Toronto over the week end. Mr. Wm. Ccrgoe of Markdale was in tr.vn en Monday. Mrs. D. Dow of town received the sad ne\vs on Sunday af the death of hei- brother-in- law, at his home in Lions Head Work commenced on Tuesday on the rciiecoration of St. John's United chinch, The contract was awarded to the Crawford-McDougall Co. of Toronto, which firm just finished re- decorating the Markdale United Church. The Ladies' Aid of Eugenia United Church are holding: a fowl supper in the baseir.ent on Friday, Nov. 8th. Supper served from 6 to S p. m. A concert \vill be held a:id a play given entitled "Home Acres'', by the Osprey young people. Admission 50 end 25 ren^s. Mr. Walter B. Thistle of Owen Sound passed away, on Saturday after a short illness, interment tak- irg place on Tuesday. The late Mr. Thistle was well known in this dis- trict, where he sold tea for a number of years, and made many warm friends. Two arrests were made i:i connect- ion with the alleged planned robbery the Dundalk banks, which was to have taken place last Tuesday. The supposed robbers were two forni- Dundalk boys, whose families are hrghly regarded in that district, Wilfred Beamish, arrested at Kitch- ener and Wesley Wiltshire, who was arrested at his Rome near Dundalk on Sunday morning. He was lodged in the jail ot Owen Sound. The Conservative Candidate, Mr. J. Nelson Perdue, held a meeting in the to\\n hall on Thursday evening | last week, and spoke to a crowded hall. Other speakers were Rev. W. Martin, M. P. P., of Brantford, Mrs. Peppier of Hanverv and Mr. Henry of Markdale. Each speaker gave his or her views on the questions of the day in an interesting: and forceful manner. We would have been pleas- ed to have enlarged upon the appeal to the people these speakers made, but as the voting was on Wednesday, it would not serve any good purpose to do so. We are also holding the paper back until this Thursday morn- , ing, so as to have the results of the.' polling in this rifling. ~j be vcty hoart:!y cong-atulated on the ' .-.vitiful little structure which the;-.- 'ravc erectrd for ths worship nf .\\ 'mighty God. ~ J *- The choir throughout the day. g;u?- most excellent music, and was finely augmented by old members, such as tbo Drs. Henderson and Murray. The services were continued by a fowl s-ope:- and concert on Tuesday evening. A chicken pie supper will be held in the Army Bar-acks at Feversham on November llth, under the auspices of Providence Ladies' Aid. Sitppet from 6 to 8 p.m., and program to be given in the chu-ch. Admission 40c. and 20c.. Come and enjoy yourselves. Ship your live, fwl through the Co-Operative Company. Have them t our i-^re each Tuesday and Thurs- day by 5:00 p.m. Crates will be supplied free. OSPREY & ART. CO-OP. CO. LISTEN! DO YOU Each year when cold weather comes and nothing happens \vhen you step on the starter on a cold morning except a few rattles and a buzz, do you make a solemn vow by all the frosty nights to rhave your engine put in shape before the cold comes "next year" ? Do you? And when next rear comes around" forsrct all about it till "some cold morning, etc., etc. Don't you? \\ ell. don t take any unnecessary vows and don't be worried and fussed with a car that's hard to start, this year. Drive it to our garage and tell us you want to drive in comfort this cold weather. L 7 .very part of every part in your power pro- ducer must be clean as a whistle, timed to a nicety, and working smoothly for good action in cold weather and that's how it will be when you take it from our mechanics- Cold Weather Gasoline and Oils. Chains to fit every size and make of car. Get them now. stay on the road. Protect your car with Alcohol and Glycerine Anti-Freeze. Down & Sons THE FORD GARAGE PHONE 36J FLESHERTON Now is the Time to do your Fall amting S.W.P. Outside Paint the old reliable covers most, looks best, wears longest. Marnot your floors before cofd weather comes. AUTO ENAMEL SHER-WIL-LAC Stove Pipe Enamel. Brushes, etc. runs. non.KKS. WASH BOARDS. FRUIT JARS. RINGS, RUBBERS. PRKSEKY1XC, KKTTl.ES, etc F. W. Duncan Hardware -:- Flesherton Stamped Goods for Embroidery Striking New Designs Specially Priced Infant's [libs, 2 Kiddies' Aprons Ladies' Aprons Clothes Fin Laundry 1'ag's for 25c. 15c. 29c., 39c., 50c. 39c- 75c. Tea Towels 29c 39c Linen Towels :. 25c., Me*3fe, 50cl \ amty Sets 25c Buffet Setts !!.'.'!' 25c."to 50c.' Hresser Scarfs 39 Ct Centres ., Luncheon Setts $1.50 Bed Spreads $1.79 to $2.50 Pillow Slips, per pair $1.00 to $1.49 Linn Lunch Cloths $1.00 to $1.79 Tray Cloths SOc. to 75c, Baby Pillows 75c. Quilted Cushions 19c. Kettle Holders 15c. Cushion Tops 79c. Hooked Canvas Mats SOc. ..^ 49c. to $1.00 Embroidery Requisites tmbroidery Needles, hmbroiderr Hoops. All colors in Boil-proof Standard Cot ton Strc-uidsheen.^Artsyle Rope, Silk Floss. Pearl Cotton. Knitting Cotton. Mer- censed C rochet Cotton, Padding Cotto n. Silkine Brilliant Cotton, Ovster Linen, ian Art I,inen, Handkerchief Linen, Drawing Linen, Terry Towelling-. .._ WAVE YOUR FANCY WORK READY IN GOOD TIME FOR CHRISTMAS F. H. W. HICRLING Flesherton

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