De war Asks War London Has Moved Be Delayed Till Debts Are Paid British Peer From Scotland Hurls Barrage of Witti- cisms at Chemists' Dinner Takes Fling at Football Also Declares Any Speaker Can "Gas" His Audi- ence London. Lord Dewar, who is even more celebrated for bis epigrams than for his whiskey, and who la said to have put out more wise cracks than j George Bernard Shaw, revealed his j panacea for war In a speech recently! at the annual chemical dinner here. 'Within ten years' time," he said.) "chemistry and airships should ma,ka , war impossible. Present day defences ! Back to the Ocean Transatlantic Passengers in Biggest Ships Can Land at Tilbury Docks London. London tas moved itselt back to the ocean, where It used to be in the days of Drake. By sprvnjr, when the next rush of transatlantic tourists begins, travelers will find that they can sail up to London's very dooxstep !u the biggest and fastest ships. Instead of disembarking at South- ampton or Liverpool and going 78 to 200 miles by train, they will be able to laud at Tilbury docks, a half hours' ride from the big London hotels. The new Tilbury entrance lock, capable of handling a':y passenger ship afloat, was opened recently. By* spring the new landing stage and railway statiou are scheduled to be ready. World competition In tlie building on both land and sea may become ob- of bigger and faster liners begaa to have Its effect on London more than a quarter of a century ago. The solete before disarmament n.Ttions Naval can agree on disarmaments are Rood, but hen you get rid of one 1 Brewing number of passengers Ihipe team express. The>" to bis" fr the port of London be- 1 gan. in effect, to pusli London far- ther from the sea. Londoa' answer to 'The threat which this involved has pouring of millions of HIS MAJESTY'S MAIL Top Sis-dog team leaving Churchill for the far n^rtli with mail for Hudr son Bay Points. Right Tha Year's mail for. Chesterfield lalet. Baker Lake and other northern points piled up on the snow at Churchill waiting for dog trouble another always appears way to^outlaw war Is to eliminate the cause of war. Cue way to abolish wars for all time would be to agree to post- pone the next .conflict until World I* FAILURE There could hardly be a more dis- mal confession of moral and intellect- War debts are all paid. Chemistry ' poumis 8terlin S Into harbor improve-' ual failure than to admit that our and the Gospel bare done more for civilization and the well beiug of man- kind than any other phase of human activity." Crop of Epigrams The following r.o among the latest crop ot Dewarlb-- matlcal nients. The new entrance lock is 1.000, leisure hours bans so heavy oa our that we must needs escape from, feet long, 110 feet wide au<l 4ri' feet, our own empty-lieadedness by betting deep, or roomy enough to handle the; on a football mat.'h or a hone race. 915-foot length of the S.S. Majestic! rj ean i nge . with plenty of space to spare. The! new landing stage, which floats iu the, * 3 "' lhl9 epigram- river ig 1 U2 f ee t long and lies 170 j feet from the concrete "shore" which has been built upon what used to be| mud Bats. Poised on 60 steep pon-, toons, the floating stage ia connected! South Australia to Vancouver Port Meet Water Need traffic. A 750-foot drydock, capable ot be- operation, is under construction, and will be ready by sprfn;. Greatest Drawback to Austra- lia is Lack of Adequate Water Supply Je, Australia. The annual more .9 electi-1'y tnelr audiences and others on' gvi them." ''Chemists can gas an audience." "I should like to be a chemist now." "A combined saxophone bagpipe has '. been invented chemists also dlscov-i ered Nu-lethal gas recently." "There seems to be no finality in the discoveries in chemistry. You have been able to make two hairs j grow where only one grew before." "Xo man can tell the number of. blondes the Imperial Chemical Indus- < tries have made for the benefit of man- 1 kind. Was It Shakespeare whose gen-' tlcmen preferred blondes? But we , must not forget that the black sheep of the family isn't always a blond." "Football aud chemistry run In fami- lies." . "Whether genius Is transmissible or not in tho world is chemistry's ques- tion but all authorities agree as to gout." "The c.ial of every man is to make moihcy faster than his family can, spend H thero ar* no kite rich to- lanj anj Canada, has delivered sev- , day so many are chasing them to get | *1 speeches strongly urging the 9,400,000,000 gallons. necessity for closer trading relations Will Establish New Hisrh Record Tolls of Death in European Storm Five Members of Crew of Finnish Schooner Drowned Are rainfall average having than seven inches short, the Govern- ment here is discussing water restric- tions for the coming summer, and gar- dens in the metroolitan area may either have to be abandoned or their demands severely limited. To guard against serious shortage !n future, preliminary steps are now ::g taken. It is proposed to build Inter Empire Trading Creating a reservoir twioe the size ot the present Premier Interest in all Parts of I luge Organization (largest scheme, situated in the Ade- Hills at Millbrook, which, when full, resembles a miniaturo harbor. Sydney, N.SAV. T. R. Bavin. pre- ; But th" capacity of Millbro. k is only mier of New South Wales, who w 3,850,000,000 gallons. At Myponga, cently returned from a trip to Eng- situated :!0 miles south of Adelaide, it London. Ma:i to conquer tbe seas brought additional tales of : and rescue from various MacDonald Talks On American Trip Premier Says People of U.S.; Now Understand British SON SUPPORTS JAPAN London. Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald told tha National Labor Club that "The American people are understanding us." Tin audience, which crowded tha Friends' Meeting House, cheered his variou.. references to the new Anglo- American friendship. The Prime Minister stater that "in my whole life I never met eople who can be more en- thusiastic in the welcome they give a stranger than the people of Canada and the United States have shown themselves to be. It was great. "We went out to the States and a number of people gave us solemn not to take the risk. But if there is a doctrine that I have been preaching insistently for a great num- ber of years, it is the doctrine that you have to take risks in order to get peace. I took them, and I think I was - justified In doing so." Son In Japan Tokio. Malcolm B. MacDonaid, Labor member of the British Par'.ia- ;nc::: ana son of Prime Minister J. . : .MacDonalJ, declared himself very im'c-'n impressed with the presen- tation of Japan's case with rcirard to Manchuria as place*! before the In- stittue of Pacific Relations, now in session at Kioto, by Yosuke Matsuoka. former vice-president of tin South Mar-./hv.ra Railway. Although he recognizes China's dis- content with the present situation in Manchuria, Mr. MacDonald said there v.-:i3 a great deal of merit in the Jap- sr."?e viewpoint. He believes that tha Jifr.c'j'ties between China and Japan i 1 settled if a :r.ixi! eon.. would fret together and discuss frank- :e t-.vo countries' mutual roblems. China was selected to ba host to '.ha next conference of the Institute, two years h^r.ce, but the Chinese city in wh;ch the session will be held their worldly goods." Inventions Still Lacking "Man to-day can fly like a bird, but man will never be able to sit comfort- ably on a barbed wire fence." of the liomlnlons of the Empire with The building of tha reservoir will i * submerge one of the prettiest land- the mother country and with each ' scapes in South Australia. Farm other. | houses, roads, schools and extensive "The sooner the Donfinions regard red gum flats will form the bed of the the British Empire as an economic new lake. This year tha water in the "Man is tho noblest work of God. un it [ n relation to the rest of the Millbrook reservoir got so low that the but nobody e vor said^so but man him- world tbe better it will be for all ; chimney of the old mill showed up for self." I members of the British Common- the first time since tho area was flood- 1 Western Harbor Anticipates Huge increase in Ship- ping Business Vancouver, B.C. Nothing can pre- '^"^^r^^ K;iro^" during The vent Vancouver from breaking all h.r pa , wwk , inland .ind Europe. '.'.. '^'Vr^David Yuf leader' o;' the records as an -xporting Port foUowing Five mender-, of the craw were Chinese delegation, was elected chair- teleg-anis r"CL>ivcd here by relatives drowned and s :- , n ot the next con f erence . The con- from seamen and officers .-f -hiis now ninsh schooner Dr:il;.-u ;:car rio^Fin- ^.,-ence also accented the resignation en route hero for ffrain. The ships have not been posted, be- ing freighters, but th?y are cumlni; for grain cargoes. They will prove to the w-iM -:.. r. Canada is not an ice-bound country | tish fishing ileetj which set out be- . :-.a:; of the British delegation a: dependent on movement over the fore storm warnings i i :. .1 them on the conference, declared that arbitrary Great Lakes *>r through eastern char.- Monday. :i->n of extra territoriality in nels. A Lowestoft report -i.d 200 Scot- China by decree of the Nanking Gov- These ship* will take grain to Eu- . tish drifters 1 ist 500 nets and that err.;; on January 1, 1930, would be when Europe requires grain most. ''.! ::-h^rm-.'ii r.iuhr ;>.j forced to aban- condemned by the wh>le world as an don th.-ir work. Two drifters sank i extreme breach of international law with tha loss of tli.-ja lives. is t!ie greatest ossible proof that Four hundred Yarmouth drifters China was r.dt ready for such rights. lost .0,000 nets, valued at $750,000. Patience, he said, is all China needs A violent te:np--st swept numerous ''> ?n\r. her end in this matter, sections of Franca Tuesday, ravaging _.... land. The; a wa smashed on the rocks during a gala on Sunday uislu. and more tliaa 21 attempts at rescue failed because of high seas. Thousands of nets were lost by Bri- of J. Merle Davis, as secretary, al- though he will continue to serve ua- tii his successor !s appointed. Lord Hailsham, former Lord Chan- cellor of the United Kingdom and The demonstration will be convincing. Vancouver has elevators lining the -front full of grain and in the there are more elevators. As the coast elevators are emptied they will be tilled with more g\-.\.n "Still you have yet to invent a fer- wealth of Nations." he declared when ! ed many years ago. tlllzer which will make lawn seed grow half an inch and then s'op." Lord Den-ar said that the distiller's company to whlcli he belonged had addressing members of the Legacy With the completion of the Myponga Club. reservoir, tho rive water schemes serv- "Tho Imperial Goverumeut believ- ing the metropolitan area will have ar. od, with a certain amount of justitlca- ! aggregate capacity of nearly 13,000,- gone in for the production of bodies tlon," continued Mr. Bavin, "that tbts ! 000,000 gallons. That is, assuming containing alcohol as required in cer-; problem was an Kmplre matter. It the smaller reservoir will be built, but tain industries. "You must not elopo Is one of tha adjustments we must , if the larger catchment is carried out, with Mie Idea," he said, "that wa only : make, not only in regard to uuem- 1 the figures will be more than 17,000,- catcr to the inner man. Consumption ' t ployment but to trade as well. This, | 000,000 gallons. The catchment area of alcohol in that direction is decreas- j too, la an Krapire problem, rather o f the Myponga reservoir will be about ing so rap'dly that we are casting our' than a British problem. The avenues' 50 square miles, and that of the other bread upon other waters. Cast your | for trade outside the Empire are grad-;four reservoirs is 175 square miles. bread upon the waters aud you williiially being closed. The United . The next largest reservoir to that pro- realize bow nwny people are after it."| States is actally discouraging trade' postxl at Myponga is Millbrook. .'i.'IfO,- .j, | with the Dominions. The Interchange j 000,000 gallons. i ' 17 1 ' ol eoods and products within the Em-[ Up to tha pi-usent South Australia tO tliXlclin ;p're should ba encowagcd la every lias spent nearly $50,000,000 on water way possible. IXo not refer to Em- ' schemes, plre free trade: that Is a dream. But that does not necessarily mean we cannot do rnoro th'an we are doing. "Existing lnter-_Kniplre machinery Is unsatisfactory. If \va have a real the movement can proceed until all shipping and . : nets and orders are rilled. small boats. Recent flurries in price did iu>t af- The Italian - : .- Arborea l.iu-i-'ii feet Vancouver grain. | at Clvlta Vecehla -.vita t.ia pilot and But the Port is arranging to handle; wireless operator of a Marse: a record arrival of ships in 'ha near Algiers plane, tile tii.rd forced down future. Dead Woman's White Lilies Turn to Crimson as Relict Expires Postage Rates Times: The reason for keeping up the foreign postage rates, ^ \Ms-a, England. The weird bios-; p n c y Dy peoples who sincerely de- recently given by tha authorities, is ot a des.l woman's flowers has furnished tho town of Swansea with a mystery which seen-s destined never to be solved, lows: mand something more than mere 'that the public revenue would sufftr formality, this machinery difficulty I by too large an amount if tiny were , will pass, nutlet us Inve a real lai materially reduced. That is what is' Tha story la told as fol- ' perial policy on all matters of vital ] seen it Is the unseen which is lost Interest to tho Empire. It is only by, sight ot. Kven If only what is on tho Several rears ago, Mrs. Alfred co-operation tli*t_ social Jeffs, a prominent resident, died sud- denly. She had been foud of flowurs. and Indus- surface be considered It is clear that trial progress c.ui be made. The fact the Post Office should never be used that I have come back witli a deeper j for profit-taking. For as this column' Canada Scouts Plan of Ocean Plane Service on the Mediterranean i:i two weeks without loss of life, '"lie two French- men ot the plan ' r:ew were at tha Dominion Officers I_ naware point of exh.iustiou i'iv:n starvation and exposure wlieu rescued. Tho Uiirtlipou!, l.ut s-.irvlvor of Bri- tish four-masted ships of t!is 'a.-it cen- tury, ran ishor-s at ilan S:uid!ieaJ, on tha west coast of Africa, and was ' : i Canada are con? believed Its crew likely to !>a a .! . "it. total wreck. "Tha statistician who avers that somebody dies every timo you'.u Empire Preference mme II-.':-aM: Trade rol.i'. v.s l.'i.''.wi-en (li-'Mt T."'.':\;:I and Australia aro lop-sided. T'.i< N i':ia of the pra- t'ereiici-s granted by Britain to Aus- tralia does not exceed S.i.000,000 a year, while oa more tl:;iu $300.000. 000 worth of gooiis \ istralia .civ'.>s Britain a prpfereni'x ' '') annually. . . . ^lioilld thi! Kr.'ls;-. l.aHr M i::sist on wiping r>ut :'.: trade jjrefer- ences to th iloir.i:-: ''i.i. Ans'-.-:ilia will most certainly V.ivo to consider where she SMM .It l:i regard to the generous trade. pr-MV:v.u',> now grant- ed to Great Brit.i > What inafos (lie avrraga oldster so ot Negotiations With Imperial Airways Ottawa, Out. Reports of a ran* .nl.intlc air service bet'.veet Great as highly premature by officers of the Roya'. Canadian Air Fore-?, :!]. dian Air Board, tlie Air Ma ! <.-rv!-- ' .< Ministry of National Det'-'nsu. Tha passage "f tha Af.aiitio bjr plane will sor.ia day !>o a .l.iily rou. tina but tliat day :i .'onstii. ;;,! as far distant. Tha : ir lia beer, p'lfi-ly * ierl M Government ul!V:,i^ have --vird no- '.* of any C:::: - en- -ig into iii.'^.)i:a:iim with -ho lai- V'rwa} : - it S h Is to accon wlien it tnak M its, but : 'aks place until next > M.-. T'.in is expressed tha will ba made fir-' salesman." frequently so darn pertinent. especially lilies. Immediately after , love for ana pride In England and ; has continually painted out, the mail j ghou , d b(J aa antl ;, CIlUc ], , u th-waah ' mad is that the Impertinence of youth her iK-.v.U several \vhita lilies In her i the Kmplra does not make mo any | Is but a road between gardivi suddenly stopped blooming, the less a good Australian." Her IiMtb.tud gave them to n Rardoiifr, ^. > H! them carefully, but they Theatre Audience who r > ! !>;tnvn aud flowerless. A few days URO tho plunfs bloomed-' again, as MuUlouly as they had ceased' tl ' , Tlio flower", however, iu- : sto.ul ot being white, \vero a drop crin: Tlio !;:ii clener, amazed by the smMeu j chant;-.', hurried to tell Jeffs. \Vheu he arrived at the house, he found that Jeffs bad died the same day. Applauds Ruler His Majesty "Steals Show" From Actors at Drury Lane you and me and the next man. Jd just as an enlightened policy long ago took down the toll-gates on the turnpike roads, i so should every block be taken out j of the way to give the cheapest pos sible intercommunication by mall. Member of Cactus Family London. King George Went to a theatre recently for tha first time since his illness, and "stole tbe sbow" from tha actors themselves Accompanied by Queen Alary and Great Waterspout Seen in Channel Lorn! ni -A waterspout In t'oe Chan- nel WH vielbla from Deal for about i the l)ke and Duchess of Yorlt, five :.-.fully. Looking like] went to the Drury Lane theatre to , a gigantic hour-glass, a mass of cloud sae the American production, "Rosa descended, and a large, couical-shap- ed mass of water was drawn from the sea to meet It, Travelling first sea- wards, then shorewards, and even- tually disappearing ! tho south, was accompanied by a loud lii-isi it sae the Marie." His entrance brought the audience to IU feet in a prolonged tumultuous cheer. The monarch, looking fit and bronzed, waved his band and smiled happily. The cheering continued, de- laying the raising .f tho curtain. After the performance tha audience 'God Save the Kins," while the is all right if you know how sang i:;.n" "I halo these p -oplu \ ,'_:nK bowed his acknowledgment. j t't \>j l.iiH'lled like a buttle ! Mo was i-hooreil again | crowd on loiivlnj the REVERENCE The moro a naturalist studies Na- ture ,tha more mysterious she be- comes to him. "So God grows more sublime and awful as we labor for Him in tbe tasks which Ha .u set us," says Phillips Brooks. "Would you. grow rich in reverence?' be asks. "Go work, work, work with. all your strength; so let life deepen around you aud display Its great- ness." MAKINQ"FR:ENDS Blessed aie tliay who have tha gift of making fr'^-tds, for It Is one of God's best It Involves many things, but, abc -e all, tha power of going out ot one'n self and seeing and appreciating w^ lever loving In another. Is noble and If the five powers can in. -at on the live points when they como together liy a largo for naval reduction, there will ba no JtMBttoa us to the outcome. TO BLOOM BUT FOR A SINGLE NIGHT NlglH-bloi mlug Cereus, owned by Sirs. McCartney ot Grlmsby, blooms I air craft and later by :iad giant planes. So sura are Kovern:!ii nt u.MU'iali tliat trans-Atlantic I'.u-.j crossing* ara not yet feasible that tiiey au- courage any trans-Atlantic flying, warning people who attempt It that tha Gove: iiii.ent c.inuot ba expected to send sea.-ehers out after planes that coma down In Canadian terri- tory. ^Vs a matter of fact such marches ara always made with gov- . but no tlyor Is en- ed to attempt it. i'.i:i;iJa'3 attention at present la directed to traaeCaTirula air service, to b:-ldga the thousand uiles of rocks and trees lying between eastern and i western Canada, and tbe grja bar- ! riar to the expedition of business. ' Air-mall sorvice now exists to and from tha llnors in tbe St. Lawrence passing Fa'her Point; from Montreal to Ottawa ,nad Toronto, and thence to \Vlndsor and Detroit. Connec- tions ara made with trans-Aiuerlcan air lines from Detroit. Christian Science Monitor. SUCCESS It is no success to build up a for- tune without a chnrnc ar; but it ! the highest success to build up a char- at night for n;ily one night each year, tha flowers lasting but % few hours. a eter, and tha fortune otturally BOM It Is a member of the cactus family. ! with it.