Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Nov 1929, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTOX ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1929 - . . , : When Your Money Travels By Mall. SEND your remittances by Cana- dian Bank of Commerce money or- ders. They are convenient, efficient end economical. The money is fully insured against loss or theft in tran- sit. It can reach only the person to whom it is addressed. Canadian Bank of Commerce Money Orders are as good as cash and are accept- able anywhere in Canada. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (uiitH wftic/t if oma/9<2ma/tf<f ^ THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Jl CJ.I'.K. TIME TABLK Trains leave Flesherton Station aa follows: Going South fl.08 a.m. 4.10 p.m. =8.11 p.m. Going North 11.52 a.m. 8.34 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mail* close at Flesherton follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. Flesherton High School FORMl ALGEBRA Hon. Doris Bannon 96, Verdun McMaster 95, Kathleen Pedlar 95, Margaret Ferris 85, Earl Ottcwell 80, Dorothy Wolstencroft 78, Isabel MacMillan 76. Pass- John MacMillan 70, Burton Sled 70, south at 3..10 For morning train | Martha Ostrandjr 68, Joe Gibson 67, south mail closes at previous evening. 9.00 p.m. the Local and Personal Aln-.a MacLean 65, Annie Akins 03, Cecil Chard 61, Ita Pedlar 58, Stan- ley Hunt 57, Frank Eagles 56, Vera ..ieMaster 54, Fail LaV'erne Pip- er 47, Jessie Ostrander 46, Mervyn Jc hnson 45, N'eilbert Mackenzie 44, F - ed Fawcett 44, Lucy Macdonald 42. Ed. Patton 41, Everett Talbo: Mrs. and Miss Scott of Beaverton 40 - Besaie Cairns 33 - Hazel McKi1 ' are guests of their son and brother, | lo P M . Monica Rae 27 > Ph y llis Grah - am 26, Gordon Pat'erson. FORM 2 FREN'CII Hon. Elmore Fisher 89, Ellen Parker 82, Mervyn little Mrs. Wm. 'Moore spent a few days in Toronto last week. Rev. W. J. Scott, for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. C. Whit.: of Waubu- sher.e were visitors in town last week. OJ7. Mr. J. A. Lever spent a few days | -,. Pas3 _j ean H incks 71, Daisy in Toror'o last week, attending the McFadden 65> Murray Stuart 64, Geo. Royal Fair. (Ailen 03. Dorothy Snell 62. Maci! Mesors. F. \V. Duncan and Joseph j Sne n G o, Almeda Hincks 60, Rowena Duncan and Mr. ar.d Mrs. John Heard >i agce 56, Jeanette McLeod 54, Geo. spent a few days in Toronto last week, j McMaster 50, Audrey Warling 50. Mr. Wm. Castle has returned to j Fail :c!la Marshall 4Q, Verdun town after having spent the past year ' Me Master 49, Dorothy Jarr-.ieson 42, Margaret Ferris 42 Gordon Stuart eyesight specialist, 40. Transferred to Form 1 James at Windsor. Dr. Almond, viil be at the Park House, Flesherton ! Bar.non 28, Ruby White 37, Muriel on Thursday, Dec. 5, for consultation, j Knos 34, Earl Ottewell 34, Fred Gor- Jarr.es Johnston of Dundalk died of . re 33 ' Neilbert M ' K nz * 27 - Haro! '' Will be Election in Artemesia Township Th; Artemesia township nomina- tions were held in the Flesherton town hall on Monday . The after meeting filled the hall to its capacity. Mr. T. R. McKenzie occupied the chair. The meeting was, very orderly as the various members of t!:j o!d Council reviewed tlie work cf th . ;u : year. The contest for the Reeveship is expected to be very keenly contest- ed, both candidates >Mr. Cameron and Mr. Corbett being' popular through- out the township. Mr. Cameron has given good service as Reeve, while his opponent has also done good work as Depu.'y-Reeve in both the township and county fields. Mr. Corbett wa3 nominated for both Reeve and Deputy- Reeve, but chooses to stand for the former. Messrs. John A. Davis and I. B. Whittaker, both members of last year's council will fijjht it out for the position of Deputy-Ueeve. The for- mer has spent four years in the council and the latter two years. The council, composed of Messrs. C. D. 'Meldrum, Wm. Burnett and Garnet Magee, was elected by acclamation. The nominations were as follows: FOR REEVE CORBETT, Herbert Proposed by E. A. Stinson and W. J. Caswell. CAMERON, Alex. Proposed by J. Portcous and R. Clark. FOR DEPUTY-REEVE CORBETT, Herbert Proposed by E. A. Stinson and W. J. Caswell. WHITTAKER, I. B. Proposed by H. B. McLean and Geo. Fisher. DAVIS, J. A. Proposed by Wm. Bowles and F. Browr.. FOR COUNCILLORS MELDRUM. C. D. - Proposed by John McKee and Thos. Phillips. BURNETT, W. Proposed by H B. McLean and Geo. Fishev. (Councillors elected by acclamation) MAGEE, Garnet Proposed by T Fer. -.vie:'.; and J. Parsons. Mr. Garnet Magoe failed to sign up when the hour cf nir.2 o'clock came on Tuesday evening:. a= he wai in Toron- to and was unable to return ir. time. Therefore there will be another nom- ination in Artemesia township for the fillinir of the extra scat on the boai d. Election in Town Best 26. FORM 2 GEOMETRY Stella Marshall 87. Gordon Stuart 87, Mervyn Little 72, Dorothy Ottswell 66, Bill Patton (54. Ellen Parker 63. Macil Snell 60, Dor- iothy Snell 59, Jeanette McLeod 55, Pope, of Toronto spent the week end Ruby white 55 Elmore Fisher 52, with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Thistle-|r. ;orgc A!!en 51 Ed Ferris 50> Jean thwaite. I Hincks 49, Muriel Knox 49, Monica Mr. and 'Mrs. H. Down attended ( R ae 49, Jim Bannon 48, Emerson Mc- the funeral of Mrs. Wilfred Hall of-Killop 47, Frank Eagles 46, Verdun Epping which took place at Thorn- 1 McMaster 46, Murray Stuart 45, Fluff pneumonia on Monday evening. Mr. Johnston was about 73 years of age. Mrs. Robert Richardson visited fritnds in Toronto last week and took in the winter fair. Mr. Alt'. Field and friend. Miss bury on Monday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gazeley of Milton were visitors over the week end wiMi Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stewart of town and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Stew- art of the West Baekline. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Trimble of Toronto, recent bride and groom, mot- ored up and spent the week end with the former's father, Postmaster W. W. j We'.'on 44. Audrey Warling 43, Fred Gorrcll 38, Margaret Ferris 37, Ear! Ottewell 37, Neiibert Mackenzie 27, George McMaster 27. FORM 3 CANADIAN HISTORY Bessfe Beard 85, Herbert Akins 82, Blanche Genoe 78, E. Gorrell 75, Bert Morton 75. Pass Ruby Kerton 74, Sadie Carson 73. Jean McCormack 68, Jas. Trimble z McFadden 56, Annie Akins 55, Alice There will be a rally of all rhose | R , eil ?f 5 M ' Fail ~ Harold Best 43 ' interested in Sunday School work in Annesley church, Markdale, on Mon- day evening December 2nd. Rev. J. C. Robertson of Toronto, Secretary of the S. S. Board and Young People's Society, will deliver an address and Myrtle Moore 39, Geo. McMaster 38. Some Large Apples aho answer the question box. Ladies kindly bring lunch. A social evening of games, con- tests, etc., also sale of Christmas gifts, homemade baking and candy, etc., will be held in the basement of the United church. Eugenia, on In a recent issue the Durham Chron- icle announced the receipt of a large northern Spy apple from Mr. Dan Wade of Bentinck, which measured 12 by 11 '-j inchas and weighed ten ounces and three quarters. Pooh! That's a crab apple, man! We have some real grown up apples in owi i Tuesday. December 10, at 7 p.m. Hot apP '?, bi "' Ur app1 * 3 mM * Ur ' ^ dogs and lunch will be served during \ oy U * Inches - Therc are 64 m the the evening. Come and enjoy an ev- bo3 ^ antl ever y n ' f the: wei * hs ex ' vning of fun. i actly 14 ounces - Three of these boxes to a barrel means 192 apples in the Dr. E. C. Murray motored to Wind-| barrel Thpse are the ,, f sor on Thursday last. Mrs. (Rev.) Raymer returned to her home in that city, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. I Lowndes. Mrs. W. J. Scott went as' far as Goderich with *:hem to visit her parents. -if Spies and were ^rown in the Geor- gian Bay district near Thornbury and fancy price. An puction sale of farm stock, im- plements, etc., will be held on lot Mr. Ed. Kennedy from Glenbdro,' 15, C on. 6, Osprey, IV* miles east of Manitoba, paid a short visit to his| Maxwell on Wed., December 4th, the home town last week, when he vis- property >>f Geo. Priestly. See ited his sister. Mrs. Isaac Smith, of bills. W. Kaitting, Auctioneer. Flesherton. He has not been down> _ from the West for a great many years The provincial highway was blocked and is looking well and is in excel- to traffic on Tuesday morning with lent health. The family had a rewi- heavy drifts near Markdale. A visit ion at the home of his sister, LMrs. J. f rom the Department of Highways' English, before he returned West. | motor snow plow at this time would The Women's Institute will meet at be opportune. home of Mrs. Murray on Wednesday, Dec. 4, at 3 p.m. Paper "The Christ-' Miss Mildred Pedlar, a bride of mas spirit," by Mri. Murray; -report last weelt was the recipient of a mis- of convention, by Mrs. McAuley. Roll cellaneou's shower, when her friends Call "A year's thought." prose or and neighbors gathered at her home poet -y; an exchange of Christmas on Friday cveninr. Nov. 15. She re- gifts. Social Com. Cake, Mesdames cc/ived many ''useful and hi.iufifil K. Bentham, Wes. Armstrong, L. A. presents . The evening was spent in Fisher. Sandwich Mesdames Thos. music and frames, at the ciosa of Bentham, Robinson, Rbert Best. which lunch was served by the ladies. Flesheiton nominations were held on Monday evening in the town hall, but a very quiet meeting was held, with- out any of the fire works that have made tli2 Fleaherton nominations famous in 'he past. The hall was filled with interested residents, both of Flesherton and the township who not only came to hear what the var- ious candidates had to say on the year's work, but to participate in any fan that was going. All the council- lors of this year, with the exception of Councillor Welton, were present to give account of their activities during the year and each received a good hearing. The following were nominated feV the various offices: FOR REEVE H A. McCAl'LEY by T. W. Find- lay and W. H. Miller. T. W. FIXDLAY by H. A. McCau- ley and W. Miller. - D. McTAVISH by Fred Stuart and E. McKillcp. FOR COUNCILLORS CHAS. RICHARDSON by H. A. McCauky and F. J. Thurston. T. W. VlXDLAY by U". Miller and W. I. Henry. W. J. MEADS, by W. Miller and W. I. Henry. WM. MILLER l*y T. \V. Findlay and W. I. Henry. J. O. IMRGAVEL by John Wright and W. H. Thurston. G. B. WELTON by John Wright and W. H. Thurs^on. Schol trustees elected were W. J. Belhimy. F"ed Brown and W. Turney. 7. W. Findlay, W. J. Meads and W. M : ! I'r-v ! ' from the competition hr.\ '. -;T :' i>-' r four councillors elec- ted by acclair.i-.ion. The contest is on for the Keeveship between H. A. McCauley and D. Mc- Tavish and the elections on Monday next wil '.ell who will be Reeve of Flesherton for the coming year. Wm. A. Hutchinson Passed Away in U.S.A. .... On Thursday noon, Nov. 21, the people of Pittsford, .Mich., were shocked when it was known that the pastor of the Congregational church, Rev. William A. Hatchinson, had pas- sed suddenly to his reward. He had been the guejt of a fraternaj society ^ dinner, leaving the company in .; ...-r.tly the best of health anil spiuts. On arriving at h/.a Jiorne tie sat down in the office chair, anil ,vas gone in five minutes. His daugh- ter, Miss Ruth, was alone with bar father and did all that she could to comfort him. \ Six'y-eight years ago last June 5th lie was born on the Hutchinson home- stead farm, two miles north and south of Inistioge, the second son of Leah (Little) Hutchinson. Forty-two years ago he entered Obclin College, Ohio, graduating from that institution he served as minister of the Gospel of Christ in the Congregational de- nomination as their pastor in two churches in Colorado, three in Illinois, one in Ohio, and seven in M'ichigan. In 1893 he was united in marriage to Miss Nancy Bowman of Kitchener, who survives him. At the funeral service on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 16, were his son. Professor Howard B.; his son-in-law, Mack McGregor, real estate bro- ker of Chicago; his daughter, Mis.-i Lillian, a teucher in the Detroit public school; and Miss Ruth at home. Outside of the immediate family were Mrs. Marion Snyder of Ki'chener.Or.t.; Mrs. Ye a (Connell) Welch ar.d daughter, Patricia Ann, of Detroit; Amoo C. Connell and wife of Jackson, Mich.; William J. Hutchinson. of the Detroit Testing Laboratory, ar.d the Rev. J. p. Hutchinson of Flat Rock, Mich. The church services were cotJ- dujted by two of the deceased's life- long friends Dr. Harger of Lansing. 1 M i.-h.. and Rev. Elliott of Hu,! Mich. As the sun was setting his body was laid to rest in its earthy hoir.o in the Pit'sford cemetery, near the place r r rib Ust labors During tho funeral hour tha townspeople stood al attention. Signs of sorrow were everywhere evident. The profuse display of flowers in Lhe homo and in the church were meaningful. Dr. Hutchir.son was one of the numeroui '.i'Ofig contributions that Ontario has nu-.de to the border states. JIe wa.i .-. r.-..-.n of strcn;; conviction, a cm-n- il*, r; he did not halt between two opinions; one of Gideon's 300. he was bound by the ties of friendship anil wisdom. By the large company that foregathered at the '"Little" family crathcrin? at :he time of the Flesher- ton Home Coming in August lust, h? will be remembered. He was one of the threv ministe-s who occupied the platform during the church service in the United church on Sunday morn- mar. The Montgomery hymn says: There ij a world above Where parting is unknown; A whole e'ernity of love. Formed for the good alono. And ftiith beholds th? dying here Translated to another sphere. Hiiliard N. Hutchinson of Palmers- ton, Ont.; George W. Hutchinson and James F. Hutchinson of Fergus, Ont., are his brothers; Miss Maria and Mrs. John Parker of St. Catherines. a"c sisters. . .. WILL BE HELD IX THE new Town Hall FLESHERTON - ON Tues., Dec. 3 A GOOD PROGRAM WILL BE GIVEN, Consisting of a play entitled "Parlor Matches" INSTRUMENTALS AND OTHER NUMBERS THERE WILL ALSO BE A LUCKY TICKET COX- TEST. EVERY PERSON WILL BE GIVEN A TICKET UPON ENTERING AND THE HOLDER OF THE LUCKY TICKET WILL GET, FOR A PRIZE. AN SI 1.00 TABLE Supper Served from 6 to 8 o'clock ADMISSION Adults. 50c.. - Children under 12, 35c. C.EO. CAIRNS. PRKS- T. W. EINDLAY. Sec. DUNCAN'S HARDWARE TACO RANGES MOST ECONOMICAL AND PERFECT COOKING RANGE ON THE MARKET I : > :; . EMPIRE RURAL QUEBEC COOKS _ ^ " ? - Serviceable and Excellent Heaters *''-' EMPIRE FURNOLA *J- ** The Modern All-Enamel Parlor Furnace Stove Pipes, Elbows, Stove Boards Coal Hods gr '< '. Tees, Dampers /. ",^ v ^ Glass, Stable Fittings, Shoveis, Etc. In Collingwood police court Clifford Hughson, of Singhampton, whose motor dhiver's license was suspended following the accident at Duntroon, was charged with driving without a t II , permit, and fined $25 and costs. $32 in ? tiamware all. The fine was paid. F. W. Duncan Flesherton ORANGE VALLEY BOX SOCIAL. Ora-nge Valley L.O.L. No. 509 will hoW their annual box social this Fri- day evening, Nov. 29, 1929, in their lodge room and we wish the entire community to co-opera!* with us in making the evening a success. A good program will be provided, consisting of Orange speeches, dialogues, songs etc. Ladies with boxes free, others 25 cents. About twenty five members of Grey- Chapter No. 170 O.E.S., Flesherton at- tended the official visit of the D.D.G. M. at the Owen Sound Chapter on Wednesday evening of last week. An excellent banquet was held prior to the Chapter meeting. Christmas Handkerchiefs A wonderful assortment at special prices. Single Handkerchiefs priced from 5 cents to one dollar each. Handkerchiefs in Fancy Boxes Priced from 25 cents to one dollar. The latest novelties specially imported from the best Irish and Swiss makers are represented and include Fancy Crepes, Crepe de Chine. Silk, Fine Lawns and Pure Linen. . . -Y ^e of novel shapes and are all attractively; colored with arfistic designs Manv ne i i , i -i .1 . ^. - * op le are inakuii;' their selections now while the asortment is at Us best. HANDKERCHIEFS ARE APPROPRIATE AND ACCEPTABLE GIFTS AT ANY TIME, BUT MORE ESPECIALLY AT CHRISTMAS. .j . k F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO

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