Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Nov 1929, p. 7

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Is your daughter enjoying life? TT a just in her "ten * age"* that a girl ihoulci be getting the most fun out of life I Yet so often it happens that girls of iixteen - to - twenty have outgrown their strength are quickly tired, pale, nervous, generally run- down and unhappy ! ThM *n tare ugai ot nMtc-.it, condition that rrmla from thin, worn-out, andcr- nourished blood. Dr. William*' Pink Pi'J h,. corrected this in thousand* of (iris. Hera U the mctutl irxr.enc* of MrJ. Ben Nicholas of Ericau, Onf. "My daughter u in run-down (Ut. s:- was aaily tired and did not wish to ejsociat* with other*. A thi* wu unnatural, I bfan giving he* Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, aad they toon mad* a strong healthy girl of her. Now the u as happy girl at one would wish to He." Start your daughter on tnis proven treaonene now by buying Dr. WUHarns' Pink Pills at your druggist's *iv dealer in medicine or bv nail, TO cent*, pcetpaid, from Tha Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock-rille. Out- ,. "Permanent*" Are WHEN YOUR BABY Profitable Now f British Women Pay Estimat- ed Sum of $600,000,000 Every Year Losidon Permanent waves are a permanent source of revenue to Bri- tain's hairdressers. It is estimated T'i >pite of all prev-utiona little ones will take colds especially during the. changeable days of our Fall season. When the first symptoms appear redness of the eyes, run- v nose Baby's Own Tablets lhat 10,000.000 memseri of tha so-caU-' should be given at once. They will d weaker sex spe:i I 1600 .000. 000 : rapUlly break -jp the i-oM aad prevent every year on this par \.i'.j.- foi-m of! more serious complications. glorifying their crowning glory. A! Mothers who keep a box of Baby's permanent in thU .-o.intry cost* on! Own Tablets In tile home alway* Jeci an average tl'j .-< ! one is needed : safe. In fact Vhey are like having a doctor in the house. They are a gen- tle bat thorough laxative ttut sweet- en the stomach and regulate the bowels, thus driving out constipation and indigestion and relieving the baby of the many childhood ailments which four tlme<? i year. la addition rh- average ipenda Jf) a r- u :.i the hairdresser's parlcr in u-i . i.'upooing, shing-' lia? and so on. Fashionable women iometimes par as much a.s Si.WO L year M f-.r iair-i are the direct result of a cloeged ccn- dreasers. The feminise haircut or- rti . ;oa o & bowels or sour stoma.ca. tsn costs as much as a dollar, a tar; They are absolutely afe being -;a-- shampoo a little more, and if a aat eed to contain no dru? at all harm- b.ue rinse is given M well, which ! ful w evea the Toua ~ est babe . simply m-aas a waier rinse with tie oannct j^sM* ia harm-they i::on of a blue ba^. it cos:s La . ,i o , oo ^ Own Tab'.*-* are sold by iiea.'ers cr wfl ;a* Co., Brec -. bv Oct. Fortune Discovered In An Old Building a dollar extra. Five dollars is fee for bleaching, and two dollars for i me j icijll an egg-and-nim aha:: According to a aanioer of tonsoria! . experts, ttie society woman of today' spends something like five cr six hours every week at tiU shrine of beauty. Indicative of the *x'.reT.e laterest of both se.-cj la tali coxpa new industry or profession. !s the Hairdressing Fair of Fash-on, whi was held here recenr'y. Two Old Prospectors Make All the latest fashions and styles Strike in "Ghost" Town Wire reveaied. Then? were seen - f \T' explained the mystries of the c!a~- ' " es ^ issle. the sa'ia shingle, tie si'.v^ry Ytrinston. Net-. Acg-ira. one '. the glory, the piquant crop, and even a west's "sho<-. ' -. -\z^ whose streets wonderful method of trainins a baby's' once echoed to the tramp of soar- hair to grow early. ; doughs and plodding burros, again has The necbaEical side played an im- , yielded "pay dirt." Not from the | portaat part la tt exhibition. \Veird eartil tDat men prot) a hopefully in specimens of e'e-f ical kpptrafau. ^M* ot r , ;cile , [n a b ygone era ot &<> super-permanent waving machines. 1 so ;j 6:i ; som tentacles, super-w'r.ders. i:i'i all the paraphernalia of the industry : j were shown. I There were deznonstraiion.s of the PI SK PILLS "A HC N1HI IN 14 ..-.< I. but in -- tu::e recovered. Buried treasure 4 J.') sold pieces wa with bljod aad tying unmolested tor 65 years to become, strangely enough, a "strike" for iwo old prospectors Wallace Dowel! aad James Handel, tt of /'OO v.-prth of ther>?. stained' an i'e-pack. SSelves were '.adea witl lotions, biilms anu complexion ,pow , ders. One revelation of the exhi'jtioa | " a * enanetj : rought an unexpect- was that, women are not the B '* m * D - j seekers after beauty. There was a two ^ tla * fa<t disappear:^ type of fair pen-en'ige ot men iu the Stl ' sectors who followed the trails i ,.. ... over mountain and desert. In an au- -ly ,men spend nvich time and] cient motor vehicle which they nursed sums of money tryiu* to! along one driving, the other holdio^; smooth away wrinkles and tie double .the clutch Doweil and Handel chins, aad young meu crowd the stopped one day recently in ttse shad- hairdressers' parlors trj-iig an t) ow of th* crtiotolicg walls of look like the old men. ruii^-s east of here, jwk'.ug relief ,. from the desert heat. MALICE ^k* desolate picture which &: - l ho prospect. I as t --d for Malice at any time. - [il i r 8 i tfjta Conveyed nothius of th- . one-time greatness of 'iie v.lUse that round by sweetest dream;.. K > be-ug. faere i< .1 r-: .: a to the prti av Uves . . ^ Ie . live. Probably yie psychologists jeud. ' t aesoribe it as a return to type., Ouce Angora was a w. ^ U> :. \Vo would probably say tt-jff.is a 'coveted by i.- . . : Xe- "throw-back. ' vaOa. and flcal'y marked o- the map It doesn't matter Wu.it -*e ca'.l - ^ tte !atter . . . nulioe is a vory bad thing. And when veT ss; _,- , . . [. w;li j it comes, there is no telling how far <.^- eve:l irl an ^ ,, ;..... CHILDHOOD Happy season of Childhood! Kind Nature, that art to all a bountiful Mother; that- visitest the poor n hut with auroral radiance; and for thy Nursling hast provided a soft swathing of^Love and iuSnile Hope, whereia he waxes and slumbers, <;bie state of mind. When tt const- s :r. y sweetest dr#am. Thomas Ca^lyle. Son "Why do you suppose Adam .ule before Eve?" IXid- upp>e it w.is to ?ive hint a to s-y a 'i!;tle something first. L U XO FOR THE HAIR Ask Your Barber He Knows we shal go in it. It grips some biut-y tlle WU4 a , !uw ^-^ anlo ,^ seriously: it '. iu a very toWM o ; t h tf you:l:fa! west Thea daus^rous. and even a crimlaal, ~ tiou. ATTENTION FERTILIZER DEALERS Messrs. Tanguay, Limited erf Quebec, Quebec. Beg to an- nounce The opening of an Ontario Sales Office at 2834 Dundas St., Toronto, under the direc- tion of H. L. Spicer, former- ly Secretary-Treasurer of Empire Fertilisers Limited. We can offer EXCEPTION- ALLY LOW PRICES on Mix- ed Fertilizers, Superphos- phate and Fertilizer Mate- rials sold !n carlots for cash ONLY. Write above ad- dress for prices, etc. AGENTS WANTED the rebellion against the di atu-e of the ' -aicut in Ffbr- l!ut malice of the usual known kiiul. U-ity 1S ,; 4 Tit , ; a ., va bidins or- ' the kfud that i-s obvious and. If the a v;;i!.i:o committee. s<?::ed tl'.e ar- ' odd expression may be used, above- mory ., u j ?s ; a - y ;ishea order after ar- ;v\ira U bad euous'.i. Uiia: *! : ... aR t {, 9 g j er :jt h^ J.^uties and wurso !s that suier-maHv.-o tha: creeps f olir despernios. wh >ru they hanged. It was coneruiu? that clean-up tl:.'.: in and out aud around us until we feel it doing Us fell work, and yet we a sory a ;> ou: Q v .j ot Nevada never know w'u-u it .s s;v'Uig to strike u*. This sort is so deitc.i'* in its ma-' chluationj that !t becomes positively snakish. You cuu never tell where Is toM. Hearing of the excitement, he telegraphed Saiu.it-1 Yoir.-sr. then a county commissioner, warning that no violence must be done. Back went reyly: "All quiet and or- '.:> fungs ar going to bite next. The \j er iy. Fuur me'a wi'.I be hanged in I mind that has this kind oJ malice in it ts not far off insanity: (or It Is uo [normal malice. "AnJ certaiuty It Is no i normal tuinU that cosctlves It. Fortunately It Is not r B Franchise Dangers Ti;aes of Inilia: XVe iavo fv . - v s . r<SStfa the po;t:t . ana : we do hav M d-al i limes. ^. ith ,.. ,.. u ,, s .., at the -. it l A*t our soul and hapr'ue** : , re sent is not the time to enlarge In- ; are in Jeor *et Sore' Use MinartTs L - .--ft. electorates. There is i:: much ground for thinking that ; s 9 o already > nutty cast's '. "Oar opi>onifs are trying to w'--. '" -' !oal ^^"^ atid smaller mun!- this e!ei".ton wi:h a canipulsn of Jy- but, thank Heaven, we havo a WQO oa beat them at their itltc> Iu '- liaa tands ' .- y rvsr. '.u the first Reduce the Acid cipslities point the same mor-.il. As i the control of admicistra' nust of neces- se efforts .t"e -:ud to be hampered by the - of a large a;:d Iguoraut electi-raw. To give people the vote first a"d educa- tion atterwanlsi wor'u! be ti-> put th^ cart before the horse. Ki' : must coma first. It Is the duty of the Government ar. I the intelligentsia to educate :tie masses .is si-eodiiy as pos- sible so that they can take an lutelii- ' seat part iu the government <.-'. Sick stomachs, sour stomach* ami Indlgpstfou usually mean excess acid. The stomach nerves are over-stimu- lated. Too much acid mak? & th stom- ach aud Intestines sour. Tai. .: ; ''"-.ful In water atul your -v -o:iJUion will probably euj iu vt> miuutes. Then you will always kuow -what to do. Crude and harmful methods wilt never appeal to you. Go 'supply Mm, nd his higher nature count -y. APPRECIATION Ap-.'r(fo : a:'on '. a happy *:a:<* cf n:Icd awakened by souietiing that Is felt as welt as perceived. It is wholly a question o* the value of that which Is perceived. Anif the appre- ciation of values depends upon cul- ture, which Is analogous to wli.it re- li&lous teachers call a state of. grace. A man might absorb all the book that the pubtlshe.-s could Alkali kills acid Instantly. Tha best ! prove tbls for your owu sake. It may! still rema'a unfed. form Is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, be- i sav great nuuy disagreeable hours, j <^ cause one harmless, tasteless dose 1 B sur to |t the genuine Phillips' Louise "I -wish I'd neutralizes jnany times Its volume in i Milk of Mans!a prescribed by physl- cld. Since Its Invention. 50 years ao, ' olans tor 50 years In correcting: excess U has remained the vtandard wlth'actds. Each bottle contains full dlrec- rhystclans everywhere 'tlons any drufstore. thought twice Huh before marryluj you." I'd be satisned It I had thought once." Mlnard'i Liniment relieve* ttiffneta. Botha am) His Countrymen Johannesburg Times: The Cabinet kas refased a sits at Union Buildinrg for a memorial statue to General Botha, one-time Commaaiier-iii-Chlef of the Boer Army and tfla first Pre- mier of South Af ria under whose aegis the Caio-a Buildings were erected. One would have thought tiuu any South African Government whether Na- tionalist or Sourii African Party would hare been proud to honor the memory of so di3ting'::saI a son of Soutli Africa aa Louis Botha al- though iis good deeds for the Union iiave given him a monument mi:ca more enduring than stone or brass. Louis Botha loved this country with. i!esp sincerity and tnat tlie country lonsd him has been prored with great fre ;ienoy. The farmer's boy of the past waa destined to become Com- mander- in-Chief of tie Boer forces during the most momentous years in the history of the Republic, aad. af- ter the signing of tae Peace Treaty of Vereeniglng, be developed a sense of vision aad statesmaaIiip which trans- formed four antagonistic, proviu to a gr^at Union how great In the future depends entire'/ upon I - :; it. Every package of Red Rose Tea is prepared with the same care as if our reputation were to stand or fall upon that single package. is good tea' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good . FAITH more satisfaction In looi- ing through the telescope of faith in:o the microscope of criticism. Classified Advertisements \f - 1 srsrtr.incys VACANT 11=1.-. . , (. tiiu Mother-ia-Law "Wjy. Marie, any woman would be satisned with fhat =ay* h-; ; ' Marie "S<-v would I." thera !s tj be no more war. ose of tha habits a:i'iired in the war may possibly be continued. One who obviously has ti2 we:'-. - tte nation at heart hai - - g the wearing of iden:.:;- c.i . j>} ccnip:iljcry, la view of :.. ; ties in the st: - i i~i. - T A ; ^ -i ^ - : Q ii ! '-~<6 L . - .1 Mo! yoit beer. ' ' "[n the hospital gettic* censored ." Censor- -ii ' ' "Yes. 1 had several imponaat pa. -= cut out." \V1icn you want the most economical & satisf actory lumber cutters, ^-rite us for information & prices. SINSONDS C.VS.VDA SAW CO. LTD. Mcncmi Toronto ^ ncouvr St. Johr Everything seemed a Burden / .'ill t mat terilt mi M t* y 'Jtf gnat * >*orj 1 ftffend tram -mif.ftaivrt. iiinf- . fun Jrtj wm*. vJmA nuiii ictr*&a*i urn - J.tir ftndiMt factor* m ****ff .*r tUf '.vn ! 'iT-'i.jtOt tat*** to m* i*ul *xu of . tt irjg ol VaiiM Kun* a Caoaja M TV. a buttle, cwotiins wuta to lau tor 4 or .'or An Ail ing CHILD Are ycJ ?rcpartd to render first aid ir.d quick comfort the moment your \T-.:rji".;r has aa upset of any sort? C^-IJ you do the right thing in- though th e:::ers'-".cy car. e out warning perhaps ta Caitcrii is a ^c f .!"sr'i stjr*.vlby at such times, i' he.-e is nothing like it in emergencies, and coth-.ng better for everyday use. For a sue^sn attack c: c^iio. or the gerit'e relief of cor.s'-.-.-at-.cn ; t9 ai!av a fever-' sS ccpo-tion, or to s-vthe a fretful tab-.- that can't sleep. Th-s pure %e^;etabla prepa- ration t.^ ease an - ; '' -. < --;s: aj harmless a? the recipe or. :"; wrapper rsjc?. It yea se Cbas. H. Fletcher's ngi - i: is genuictf Cistcria. It is harmltss to the s:valltfs: isiant; - will tel! >c-i so. You con tell from the recipe on the wrapper how :vi!J :: is. and hew good .'- l;"'e <vstem$. But i \v{:h LJit'.T'.i ur.til A gr.-vvn. No wonder this TORONTO ' Mother is frond v\ f Y little son. Richard. *as i 1 troubled a K-c w-.t'i constipa- tion," says Mrs. Ethel E^"sn3', '.KJ Monarch Farfe. Toronto, Oct. "He got verj- weak, run-down and uni'.er- weight. I gave him California Fig SjTup: and in just a little while be was eating heartily and gaining. Now I'm proud as can be; he's 30 robust, bright and active." Temporary relief should be far from the first consideration when a child shows by bad breath, routed tongue. biliousness, era listless, weak condition, that he's cc-nstiyaced. Of I F O R N I A FIG SYRUP THS R1CH.F11VITY IAXATIVB AND TONIC fOH CHtLDSN course, th<? ALd's s\-st<r-rn nwds a prompt deansing. Hut the young- ster's bowels tLSO need t^nir$ aad trngthenicg. That's where California Fig Syrup does its best work. It helps strength- en the bowel muscles; gi\ tore to a weak ^stomach. That's why faulty iLgvstion improves with its use; bcwel movements become regular aad remain so. Every child lovw its flavor; its cleansing action isprompt buc letxtle. A pure vegetable product ; no daagw of .-i^sing the laiative habit. It has full medical endorsement. There are many imitation*: but the word tWorN<a marks the i - Mmfc . i . T call i cn:ai"Kua- Jlolor *- '-'.'43^ L: rii^c . : : gaoti pay; wort sea: stay . - - - . - r . .-ir;aj Co.. Ti-MIOITY i Women aad mea al . :.;> in darters wkici : a^: --:itr. - tt - Jie first to ra- I cue v- . * are INVENTIONS * HOW TO PROTECT THEM ^ Fre informat .-- GLEN &GLEN Pit;-t S: : : .- -j SLACKBL-RN BLOG. OTTAWA Used by Doctors : V i- ill's tt 1 - - ' a:aj*. ' ASTHMA PBSE TRIAL FACXACrB . - ' < ! r- - - ! - "* FStEE T*^li C.iaal'J3 ~ totore. iTmani. t: ! . ODr CC ' Sr Fiil S: Vjt. it CRKNHOOMTAJII A5THJ.A P*m -I think Lyviia E. Pinkham's J.?aipounj is woaderfuB f which four ! my ycunjcsr U * bon- a;e bjbv bx now ei^Ht aionthj old . . .! haveaken ;-;h of thctn w.y born and Save ccrtaioly t*- ceiveJ jrvat K-ncdt from it. I urge .my tVcnJs to w'itf it u I am sure they will receive the sarao help I did." Mrs. Mirn Nf.-MuLH Vanessa, lyii E, Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound No. 47 '

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