Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Jan 1930, p. 1

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* ' . Vol. 49 No. 3 1 Flesherton Ontario, January 15, 1930 W. H. Thurstofi & Son, Proprietor KIMBERLEY ROCK MILLS (Last Week's Items) We wish The Advance and its many eaders a prosperous and ha~py yeas of 1930. The flu is making its rounds and putting 1 many on the sick list. The most serious are Mrs. W. T. Lewis, Mrs. W. E. Myers and Mr". Grieve, ail are now on the mend. The McLaughlin boy? of Hamilton, are visiting the Ellis cousins here. Mr. Russell Hammond of Toronto visited friends for a w^ek. Mr. A. Andrews of Gait is spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Plewea. Messrs B"sil and Clark McConnel returned from the North country, where they have been for some months. Miss Lena and Mr. Milton Hutchin- ?on spent Christmas with their sister, Mrs. F. Smith in Detroit. Mrs. E. Mrwood and Miss Ruth of Aurora are the guests of Mr and Mrs. L. Hawkens. Mrr. Walker of Eugenia is visiting her brother, Mr. Jas. Armstrong. The W. M. S. officers for 1930 are, pres, Mrs. G. Hutchinson; vice pros., Mrs. S. S. Burritt; rec. sec., Miss M. Fawcet:-; cor. see. and treas., Miss Myrtle Stafford. A meeting was held at the parson- age for S. S. election of officers, Mr. G. Hutehinson, supt; Mr. F. Chard, asst. supt; sect, treas.. Miss Myrtle Fav.-cctt; Home Dept. supt and Mis- dorary supt., Miss Mary Stafford: Tcmnerance --unt. > f rs. S. S. Burritt. A spc.iul program for the r-.iv* Temperance Sunday Feb. 9. VANDELEUK I Mr. Luudy Johnston, who recently . underwent a critical operation in a ; Toronto hospital is making satisfac- | tery uro^rri-<s toward revovery. Mr.-,. Richard Genoe is recovering nicely after her recent operation for ' goitre in Markdale hospital. Miss Hazel Wyville, R. N. of Buf- ' falo visited recently with her mother, Mrs. Stella Wyville. Miss Lillian Buchanan has taken a position in Sarrna. The Vandsleur Farmers' Club held an interesting meeting in thj school house on Wed. evening last. The next meeting- will be on Monday, January 20th. when a fine program will be given. ' Miss Edna Cripps of Acton, vis- ited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hawkins. Messrs Edgar and Herb Betts were in Toronto a couple of days last week. Mrs. Alex English went to Mark- dale on Saturday to see her mother Mrs. Boyce, who is very ill at the homo of her daughter there. Messrs Henry Tucker and Alex McCauig of Priceville were in this vicinity on business last week and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hargrave, while here. Mrs. S. Doupe of Saugeen is vis- iting with her brother, Mr. Wm. Hawkins. A godly r.umber attended ths joint meeting of the U. F. O. ana U.F.W.O., which was held on Wed. last at the home of Mrs. W. Magee. 'Mrs. Sam Croft visited recently with her friend. Mvs. C. Newell. Mr. Dave Kinnee of Durham was here for a few days last week. Chas. Newell and Chas. Croft com- menced las'- week to draw logs for the Durham Fu -niturc Co., from the valley bush. FEVERSHAM THE ROARIV GAME. MAXVVLLL EUGENIA ANNUAL MEETING. The aunual meeting of Eaast Grey Agricultural Society will be held in the Tov.-n?!uj> Hull, Flesherton, o Saturday, Jan. 18, 1930, for the elec- tion of officers ard general busi- nes-. All members and those inter- ested in the society are urpred to be present. Gea. Cairns, Pres.; T. W. Firdlay, Sec. VICTORIA CORNERS Miss Vera Moore \va - , in Owen Sound a couple of days last week. On Saturday afternoon Inistioge United church held their annual mect- injr. The weather was very stormy and not many present but financially we have had the best year for a while. We havv me' our objectives r. i : small surplus. Mrs. Will A-heJon is on the sick '.ist. V,"e hope she will soon recavo* The ladies of the \V.M.S. and a few is hold their Jan. meeting- at cho home of Mr. ar.'l Mrs. Wm. L'.ul- . -.-.n \Vcd. Jan. 8th, :t being the oc- aiion of the 40:h anniversary of their wedding. So eajoyable a time was spent that tho lad:.", di-oppecl ;i hint to the host and hos'ess that they would be abked to help them eelobratc their fiftieth anniversary. Mr. McDonald is taking up with the child.cn at school, the course of study prescribed by 'he \V. C.T.U., and pivcn by the "Messenger"' p;ner. This is as supppleniontary to their hygiene and we think it a splendid help to the children. Last year it was taken in the S. S.. Maud Acheson took firat htnior prize. Ina Achcson, second and Florence Hat- chclor ^hird among Jr. girls. Jipi Caila^hor, 1st Jr. boys, Russell Acheron, Is'. Sr. boys, Beatrice Moor, 'si. Sr. girls. Hope they will do well this year. ANNUAL MEETING The Annual meeting of the Pricc- vi!b Agricultural Society will be held on Saturday. Jan. 18 at 2 p.m., for the election of officers and Dir- ectors, receiving of reports and any ether business that may arise. By order of the Board. W. \V. RAMAGE, Sec. Wm. ALDCORN, Pres. CARD OFJHANKS I \vish -^o thank all tiuse wlv> - : kindly remembered n;^ when ill, and for the many lovely treats sent me. Wishing all a Happy and ?r<.i-' ; :croii:i New Year Gertr'.u'n Lever. EMULATING J. B BOWES Master Frank Ritchie. Upper Town has constructed a weather chart, in the main iruided by *he phases of the moon. The predictions extend from a couple of weeks ago to the first of May. and to date, he states, he has hit the weaMier iiuite well. Csprey, passed away at his home on the sixth line on Saturday morning last. Mr. Milne had lived here al- most all his life. Mrs. Frank Sayers visited with friends in this village last week. , Mi. John Paul is on the sick list at present. I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hawtcn of Staync.- visited with friends here last W3ek. Miss Lavina Konoid of Pricevilij visited with her sister, Mrs. John j Stonehousc, and family, over tLe week erd. Mr. Alex. Stonehouae of Pricevilla wa.5 thc ^uest of his uncle, John Stonehou^e, here over the week end. The Osprey Council met ii. Maxwell on Monday last. There are three ne.v c 3uncilrv.en this year. (Last Week's Items) Tha Salvation Army Sunday school h''d their social evening in the S.A. Ba racks on Tuesday the 31st of Dec., when a good program was given by th? scholars and a goodly gathering of peopls from the village and country gathered to encourage and hr'r> Superintendent Ed. Ped'ar and the teachers who have kept the school going no-v f.ir a r.umber of years ana hnv? a % j (.'. attendance each Sunday morning. The scholars took thr>:r parts well even do-.vn to the little tots, .'luster Hillie Burk made a good chair- man, having charge of the program ; :\ii dointr his part in a masterly rlyle for a bey ef about ten years f ;--S<>. Ihe report of the Secretary -i:.".vi:--! thr.t the finances were in gjcd chrpc, v.-ith a surplus on hand -'.'n; ?-'.s: yea;-. After each K<-'-olar !;a<! been riven a nice book as a prize and an extra to scholars who had nt- t.nrici' cvev thirty Sunday and there ! a r.j:;:ber who got the t>\"ra. some having been present nearly .very Sunday in the year, a nice lunch r ' i ako and sandwiches \vas served and a very pleasant evening was brotjrht to a close by the singing ci Hi" Dozology. A silver collection v. .1.5 tak^v.. v.-hich ai-.ounted to S10.48. j M:-s Evn Spencer of Toronto is i spending: the holidays at h-*r parental i home near hore. M - Ken Boyd of Oshawn v| <;.,' here for a few days. Yr. Boyd -.3 :er teacher in oui- school. Mr and Mrs. Fretl Barber n? Fi.-sh- erto", -rent Christmas w-'-.h the '':rn- ' i :iiv.-nt.-. Mi-, ar.d Mrs. Jos. Eur- ber here. Mr. Jc.V? Ppprr of Kimbc-icv sner.: ' : Years v.-ith his -'s-or :.-. thi - vi:- ' . j ?.--. .' M--?. J. A. Kernahan ami daughter, CS.T> ;--por; Nc-.v Years -.!/' .r. c.::d Mra. Jas. I e"MN- :> r.ib-?'i :i -. Tho teacher; h-;v< '-oturr." 1 m>! hav? t-.iken up thei- titties for another ?;-. V\";-.i. C.inn. Sr. cf Oollinjrwoon is vlgliiii.T wi.h hi: ro-\ ^"m. Co-.:i, Jr. nrd oth.'v friends ii t 1 -'-. lo-alitv ?.Irp. Jair.es Leg;)'- 1 cf Ci'v-:Ii.ar '* visiting v.-ith her p.ircrt 1 *. ?':. cr.cl Mrs. ,i. '. Ketiha- u' -"rrsrr 1 -. Mr. Wm. Osborne IIP = returned borne af!?r a visit with his suiter, Mrs. Wm. Bellamy i-' Flesherton. Mr. John Milne, an old resident of To the rink, to the rink, to the curiin' rink, Let us haste, for the ice is gude: And tho roarin'stanes come down the An' the skips shout clear and lood. The Women's Institute held their/ During the January thaw the regular meeting at the home of Mrs. ( snow made quite a disappearance. Leslie Poole on Thursday, Jan. 9th. j Mr. Thomas Tudor of Toronto is After the business of the meeting a ' visiting his brother, Mr. Henry demonstration on the making of flowers was given by Misses Alice "Sweep her up, sweep her up, mon, Ling and Mabel Ross. The formei the stane is slow; i d. :nons:rating the making of bsad Can ye no get it ower the hog? Ye ha 1 sv.-ept gude an' hard, aye, a VC:TB fire guard; That'll gie them a bit o' a jog. f'owerc, the latter on the making "Ho! a narra ane that, but come on wi'the broom, Do your best now to get her clean hy; I If the new curlers fa', shove their I u-.d waving of paper flowers. A ! due' given by Mrs. Brodie and Mrs L. Poole "Thi Institute Chri.-i:r.as cake" was well given. After the meeting a ^umptuo-.Ts lur "- h served b the hostc<3 ' logs cot, awa', Aweel. mon, a verra gude try. "It's the last end noo, mind, get them in on thj ico, For t".e win oot we need to lie three; M.n. that's five i' the hoose! but we ir.ustna be crease, , Next r.iee.ing will be held at the ; home of Jliss Ella Mrrison, FebM. | P.cli call v.-ill be given in the form 01 | wearir.g a favorite apron. A prize Losh- his hist stans's a drr.w tac the "Noo.then. skip, daa yir best, it is fair up tae you, I .' 1 tak' a' yir :k 11 tae win thr.mgh So ye'll gio carjfu' need, for the ice has a !aaJ. | An.' tiie port is a narrow ane, too." I :' j ::.' l-.-'c!;- doer, thj i:e a:i* he --:'.:! every y^rd, IIo examines the port o'er and -'or. ' ITc\ ;: little L'.--^ ice," aan' '.hen in a trie* 1 The ;tanc'a comin' doon wi' a ;:'. 'Oh, he's got it jist richt! No, he's narrn t!io ; <Tt! What, the L-ad's h-cujjht him :-traicht! ir.on alive" Noo. oi;r hur.d.s they an- grirned, for tiie JMXT ij chipusd, .' n' v:e lie on thc ico r< "ude i\o. Oh, the curiin' game is a bonnio game [fa :'. "-an' frecnly game av-- 1 ! Lift.; oor hai-ts wi' gude cheer, n"tche.; i-p oor low gear; Would ! :-..!< ony -.-latch? Ilouts, J. B. in T>;roruo Star. LI:.;:, on'i;i:v will be given for the best home made apron. The Cong-gational .meeting of the United church in the form of an oyi'cr supper was held Friday evening '.. : .: thc church Irul. Rcport.'- wcrc gi.';n of the difrerent organiz- iti:::s of '.ho churcli and adopted A f.-'v items ei prccrnm were \vel: yi\\:i and er. joyed. I'.jv. Banifirci very ably p. ;s:deil ove.- the mee'ing. Mr. Fred L jng t i' >,':.i ri'.ra is spen- : ' 11 fiw vpi-ks w'rh his mother. ."'iri. P. LC:-,P- ar.d In-ot!- -.-.- here. Mr. Harry Suphv.i i ; home from th.' West for a visit with hi; fa-.:., ;-. Mr. John Stephen and iarnily. extend O'U' sympathy t.j Mrs. Tudor, wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bigger and Miss Delmer Fenwick of Owen Sound spent New Years with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Fen- wiek. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson of Kimberley visited with the former's \ mother, Mrs. W. Wilson on Sunday- One evening recently while Mr. an^f Mrs. Russell Linton were holidaying .V!!!r,c i:i h?r boreavenient. '".'.. lir. J^li '' i r:\-seii a^ay Sundny 'ie hure v" 1 ; held ;'-. s. Uth. y ti roro-.t P:\ iviih piturisy, bu' !; ar ;un(i soon again. t:^- has Milne. <: .; Ti:r aftemoi .: .)aa. L -e liim (Las: Week'3 Iton.j) Woir.eu's Association t" the been s-. United church held their regular meet- injr at the home of Mrs. Edgar Belts on Friday afternoon la.st. The meet- in. ; was \vell attended. The next i-iecting will be held at the home of Mr. John Winters. 7!" 1 nr.nual election of ufficers for ' i r .! church Si:.'.iiay school was i'.iil ih 3(iav evening, when the fol- bc:n or ! Vng were elected to office: Supt, Mr. Wright: Asst. Supt, Mr; Bamford: Secretary. Marjorie See ley: Trea.;., .Mice Long: Organist. Ella Morrison: T (.-achers, Bible 1 class. Mr-=. Wrijrht: I jys intcrnietliate, Mrs. J. L. Mor- rison; girls intt'rmodYp. Ella Mor- ri<, n: primary class. Mabol Ross; be- ginners class, Bei-tha Pailister; a.-s:. K-achcrs, Mrs. Bamlord and George Priestly. Mis- Shirley Buckingham has re- t.ii-ncd to her studies at Toronto Uni- - ; - . . Mrs. Louis Kerton H spending a dnys v.-ith Mrs. Ceo. Long at tl House of Quality STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Come in and let us prove to you that a femall in- vestment gives you god returns by using Dr. Hess's improved Tonic. Every package guaranteed or your money refunded. Poultry Fac-A-Cea; Instant Louse Killer; Roup Tab- ; ; lets; Stock Tonic for Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs; a conditioner and worm expeller. Remember every one is guaranteed to give results. Vandeleur Ladies' A'd The LadieV Aid of held their annual meeting on .Tan. Sth at the home of Mrs. Robt. Pi<- v >- avdson for thc purpose of o'ecting officers for 1930. The following wore re-elected: Pre--., Mrs. Fitsim- moi---; Vice Pres., A'rs. Will John- ston; Treas.. Mrs. L. .Tnhnsto-; Sec., Mrs. Lou Teeter; Organist, Mrs. G<x>. Buchanan; flower and vis- iting committee, Mrs. Will Johnston, Mrs. Lou Teeter and Mrs. Fitsim- mons; Program committee, Mrs. D. McGcc. Mrs. Geo. Buchanan, Mrs. W. Hutch inson. After the business was complete the hostess served a dainty lunch The we a.!', or hr ;!i> 1- ; f -v/ dny.-. Mr. Spo i'ci-d h^s : : st thi.-, last woe!;. Mr.-. Neil Th.ir.i^.-j:! and children ''a- !:;:- '. isi-i/. ; hi.--.' r.iother. \) s, r Jcorga Lazier the past week. Conrrattilations to Mr. rnd Mrs. rlarry (.' -ihnr.i. nee A!m.t Hirmber- stsro. v.ho wove married in the R. C u-c!i 1-y tho IIcv. Fatho- Mc''v.'. - tho wedding breakfast thoy eo! 'r.e trail to visit frior.ds at :.' i Orar;fevi'ilc. Afler he ii!:r..?.vir^-. i they will reside a: '.-" . '.in. \V.' - ' M-i :-. ; ' vt,':i"e Murnhv. v. '.; i has 1 t.-a. hin^ in Fort Wil;i;-.-n .- 'In ^"hri. li.:ns holidays i' 1 : he- ;-;ii- : 1 ' ho;r..: ;'.r.' iias v.orj bak-k to re-! .,. , ... ( ;..-- . Mr. Wiili-.' Soric-s ha.- bucn visi- ting friends at Bra-.iptoa during the Christmas holidays. We are sorry to hear nbout Mr--. 'Hani John Poole of the tenth line being fick. We hope ta hear of n speedy recovery. Tha Christmas reunion of the Foole family was held at the home of Mr. sr.-J Mrs. Harold Fenwick on thc eighth line. An enjoyable time i lnor ' cii V1 was snent-. Mr. Jas. Harrison seen a few day: Misses Adeline and Lizsk- Mur-.ih.v. ' ;<o P ast w k with Mr. Leonard Al- and John Murphy, visited with thc'r cc>: - siste;, Mrs. F -ank Brow-.i. near Ea- 1 vcnna. A v t -rv cr.-'oyable timo was spent at th^ home of Mr. and Mrs. Marsh with the latter's parents. Mr. Mrs.Thos Fenwick, Sth Line, a nuii- ber of friends ar.d neighbors gathj-r- ed at the' Fenwick home in j|*<-'ir honor and presented them wit*' a miscellaneous shower. The 'jgifts were beautiful and useful .-hawing- the esteem in which the youngcouple are held. The evening was spent in music, granges and dancing. ' The party breaking up in the wee s'.na hours o' r.-.ornin', carrying w.th them good wishes for a happy and New Year. Mr. and Mrs. Linton returned tr hoir home in Mimico where Ru^eil will resume his duties us brakesman >n tho C. N. R. Mrs. Wm. Walker, Sr. vi--:te.t her brother. Mr. James Arm?'. < air ur.tl family in KimberK-y the pas; \v, !:. She also visit' d with i;-..' ?::=. a-- 1 Mi 5. anci Mr. llr. (1 >rd<;n Wi'son 'Vilfred P '. Thfiv wii.; a very ; our an. . u'ance a' church or. Sundn:' n . o 'janist. no choir and a sma'; c -r.jrreg'ation. \va surely a ' .: ;ntnuT.t t^ Rev. Mr. Barr.ford. v.-'nc i?rovj art the way from Maxwell to ijive hv erir.on. I.'e harvest Las ^on'.mur.ceiJ at the lake here. S. S. No. :> OSPREY Pr. 4 Viva Roberts, Myrtle Wriphf Sr. 3 Jim Haley, Iva S".y n, Mervin Somers. (absent) Jr. 3 Hubert Savers* Bci'iice Poole. Sr. 2 Doris Taylor(absent ' Jr. 2 Vernon Somers, Haley. Pr. Bernica- W::ight. Wright. Nellie Speni r, ANNUAL MEETi: Tho annual meeting i><prey , h.'ld at :>>on. I !'(>- t'ihi-'.- Agriovlturnl Soc Feversham on January 2t); ;; a 2 ticn of officers : cciving reports a::,: ross that might .::: Mrs. E. Hawtr-. Sec.-Treas. F M. M'-DonaM, 1'res. TORONTO LINE NORTH NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mrs. W. J. Alcox spent the .,\.ek with her daughter, ?! -. Smith :-." Rock Mills. ."v. MjKee and children of Fe\ - er- pasi Wes. tewart Mi's, vi-,ting witr; In the ' of the estate of "John E'.r.-y iHicker." late of the Townsh ' f. Arteniojia in the Count;. : t;ny. Fanner: TAA:-: NOTICE that all hav-'r-..-r claims or demands the 'state oi" .I.'hn Henry persons against Duckett. itc-d Mrs. Albert the first of the \voek. V-.'e nrc glad Vi learn that Eirrr.son VV'icfccns. \vho has bees ' wli died on or about the 14th day poorly for some 'r.r.e is now im- o i'i.v, m'ner. 192S'. at the township pi-'-ving n little. M'.-s. Vv". J. Le'.'or triondi ii Toronto. TIIE PASSING OF WILD L T FK Murphy ~n News Yea'-'s dav, when about eighteen sat down to dinner. A shower was held at the home of Men of science \iv e calln! this PC iod the 'Close of '.he Agre of Mam-' the parties entitled thereto, hav wals.' Travellers, Zoologists, and pho-| iega-d only to claims of which they i -uniesia in tile C-unty o" Grey, nrc required, on or before the first 'hi-'jary. to send by post.pre- [. .lid or delivered to the solicitor for the executors of the Last Will and Test- ament, full particulars of their claims. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned, the said exec- utors will proceed to distribute the assets "f the said deceased amongst ing A shower was held at the home of y Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fenwid- for 0(?raphers are reporting: that where-' shaV have had notice, and that th* Mr. and Mr* Russell Lin'on' n< ' * Ver thCV g '" ! ' dt clim:ltcs and in eXR ' utors wi " not b e liab 'e for the Clara Belle Fenwick. on TnuAdav I CPW ' in thc " rti ' * nd Mllth< n land ^" tC ' S CSSCts or aay part therct - January, 2nd. useful gifts. on Thursday. received many j every enjoyable j and a social time was spent. The time was spent in dancing until the nxt meetinj will be held the firs*. ' wee small hours of thc morning. in February. I DIED Jobll Paul PaiSeS MILNE-InOsprey, on the Colling- ^^ W^" M ^W J t. V *^ j ..,_ rt J -.,..,_ .1 t> J Just as we go to press this Wed- Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 46 I WE DELIVER IN TOWN j wood gravel. Sunday Jan. 12. John | C. Milne, aged 73 years. Funeral on Tuesday to Maxwell nesoay morning we learn of the death cemetery. of Mr. John Paul of Feversham, an ' old and highly^rwprttad resident. ' , Girh m ^^ ^ ^ ., ^ days weren't they, grandpa?" BORN " Mebbe, mebbe," ventured the old Kcntleman. "H-t it warn't so blam, - In Osprey on Mon danserou?. The old parlor ('a;.. Jannry 13th. 1930. *o Mr. and v.-ouM:i't smash into a tree about Mrs Dan Mclntyre, a son, >'<?." and in the oce:in,wild life is being de- rt anv persons or person of whose stroyed at a far. far greater rate c ' a ' ln notice shall not have been re- !ho" it can be reproduced. By moto ce '""^ by them at the tim of such car. by aeroplane with wireless. 7 distribution. < ade, by sportsmen*, by poison, by Dated at Owen Sound this 6th guns, by traps, by every conceive day of January. 1930. device, earth's wild ereatur-* "re C. C. MIDDLKBRO. Owen Sound. s f ca^i!y am; sui*'y being 1 wP fi d out Ont. of existence.' Solicitor for the Eiecutore. >'X~X.'<^-^X">X-sX-<^^'>^<>i.<^v.>^^^ Bates Burial Co'y- T2M2I Avenue Road TORONTO Phone: Klngsc'alc 45-14 'Bates. R. Ma -'docks.

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