' Canadian Politics in 1929 The session at Ottawa had several long debat<-a aud a variety of sub- Jecta were discussed, but the volume of Important leRi.slation was not large. A $400,000,000 budget was introduced but aroused little discussion. Tax and tariff alterations were not Important though relief was given i ft rough de- crease of the sales tax ar 1 abolition of some stamp duties. 'I here was some talk of a general elaction but the rumors rame to nothing and Mr. K. B. Bennett aud Premier Mackenzie King made speaking tours of the \Ve:<t and Pacillc coast in the summer and fall. The Government and the i country suffered a severe loss through . the death of Hon. James Robb, Min- ister of Finance on Armis-tice-Thanks- Kiviug Day. His place waa filled by the appointment to the post he had tilled so ably of Hon. Charles Dun- ning. Minister of Railways. Certain other Cabinet changes were freely rumored towards the close of the year. The question, of divorce occu- pied a large amount of the time of j A Grand Old Sport Has Birthday Too .he legislators. What amounted to a 'ilocka.de took place when divorce bills occupied the entire time of pri- vate bills legislation. The filibuster was halted when Premier Kins pro- nised that legi.slatiot. would be .'iroirght down in l:i;;o, providing a more satisfactory way of handling <1I- . orce cases. A proposal to hold au Inter-Empire Economic conference to iiseiiss the promotion of inter-Em- pire trade was brought up. It is un- lerstood that all units of the Kmpire save Australia approved the holding :>f sin h a conference at Ottawa next year. Efforts to secure federal aid for three. n>lds of activity no\v pro- vided exclusively by the provinces A Cargo of Stories For Children ATHLETICS' PILOT CELEBRATES HIS BIRTHDAY Connie Mack, manager of world-champion A'!ilticj, visits S i'>.> Par!,-. not 10 manage ball team, but to celebrato his ^ivy.sf vntii birthday. pay in full all reparation claims by <'anaddun civilians for damans suf- fered during the war which had be.-n approved by the Royal The amount involved was $4.:Mi!.>i;s and the number of c'ainn vv:i- 1 1^1 made liuriug the session pub-] The Board of r.rain Commlntonen DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR LITTLE ONES He health, technical education aud publii; highways. The proposals won- 't but the matter will come up again in in::". The largest individual vote was the u ranting of $50,000,000 to enable the Canadian National Railways to em- eame under tire. All ihe t'omtni.s- s-i.iners iv-Uned and now ones were appointed. Four deputy were also added. Parliament u iiui'Stion that had huna; liru PS el. IS f-.i- .-t'veral years when i: By Km ma I.orna Duff The author of this charming vol- ume of stories for children is a Toronto Kindergarten Teacher, who, through year.-; of MperitMice ha-- :-aih- irretl a rich harvest of stories of many kind.-', and through her love of child- ren and her knowledge of the educa- tional value ot beautiful imaginings, has learned how to tell them dfliRhi- fully. No child and but few grown- ups would fail to fail under the fas- cination of these tales ::mt \v.- can imagine no one dippiMjr into the vol- ume who is not made thereby a little kinder or tender. -d to youn^ thin;:*, or more w id- awake to th' '< .. [I B round them. The stories are told as they huve twi told many times to children and one cannot, fall to sense that, the t<-lli-r, .>i;i;a!!y w i'.h the child- ren, has enjoyed them. Here is one ! who frankly loves .-hiidreu and loves! stories, who*.- f motions are active ' yet wiioli-soin- and .iiiite under con- 1 trnl. HIM IB sentiment : ful assumption ,f a desire in her Us- 1 tenera for ^oi!::ess an.; absolutely ::o <=?u::ni.-uulity. The stories themselves rov . ;i wide ran::. 'I'l. nature slorie*. ;.:;::iui: itorles and the | story of tiie tirsr f'hri.--r;>i!is told hirge- ' ly in the Hiblo -.vords. This latter, 1 tli.)ii-:i very beautifully told, is inure' poctie.-i! am! -..ritual in its treatment' than many .-v-u amoi.. I gi i story tellers , oiild tell - - ei "'lily. Yet, ' provided tu- . vuca- huiary and (lie experience to follow it. they r. .mill n-vt-r for^i-: -:ji- atmos- phere nf r,.. , .-er-.-p ;,,( ;!W ., which perm.-:.;.-* t!;,, bea'i' I . coming of tin- Kin:.'. A sfcliu:! f.iil.in ',ir- ' ii- In :i. led "About. 'ho St..riis." and Is This is a :.-, and sell yours in the highest Market have paid far eggs fc week ending January 60c dozen 55c dozen 50c dozen 30c dozen We the 4th. EXTRAS FIRSTS PULLETS SECONDS Deal with an old rlial> busi- ness house with a reputation of more than sixtyflve years for square dealing. Best prices paid. Prompt payments. Cases returned quickly. Cases sup- plied, 60c each, complete, aeliv ered, payment in advance. Reference: Your Own Banker. Write for Weekly Quotations THE WHYTE PACKING CO,, LIMITED ESTABLISHED OVER 65 YEARS 78-80 Front Street East Toronto 2 SHIP YOUR GRAIN TO TORONTO LOW INSURANCE AND STORAGE RATES FIREPROOF ELEVATOR Write or Phone For Particulars TORONTO ELEVATORS, LIMITED Queens Quay Toronto, Ontario i Phone ELgin 7161 At no time of lit'..- i- delay or ne. led more serious than at cliiMhood. . f., r -.u-own-ups. The Ills of little ones come quickly SUX ^,...; V( . . r ul | ,, f .,,... .,,,. and mile-.-) the mother is prompt in ... treatment a precious ! stead of li^in^ ;i rerj <.d it little life may lie snuffed out almost had beeu expanded into before the moMiT rwillzi-* the baby O '^!i exposition . _ f _ 8 to pay the time lost by the postal i< ill. 'Hie prudent moth..- always of view. For hark upon a huge terrmnyl'pn.j.-e! for w " lk '' rs '"' "truck iu Winnipeg in ; !;, eps som-thim; in tlio medicine! theory of story tel - Montreal. Louu of 129.000,000 were | f. 9 * 1 Inking ot the ram ruuner cheut as a safeguard against the sud- and how it. snouli I, , \ .: k - ' * 1 rm A!<me '" w; ' : "''' ""at tile skipper den i!*o p:i--si'd for harbor improv. '-..in -ten millions for Vancouver an.l M.Miti-t 1 :!!. th millions for Halifa . uid two million-; each for ijiii hoc au 1 Chi. >i:?;mi. There were Ion:; discussions re ~ardhiK tbe Civil Servico am! ilia the storm subsided. The . ,e,,. ma elliat. subterfuge, were be- ,_.,. a ,,,, ^ ^ IVnMTM M fl-tro, the rules go^L, j(s flm ^ A ^-^ ,,f h-r litti,; oii.'s. Ti. . I)f Ul V1 '^ ' claim.'d were outside J ands of mothers hare found through ' ""''" ..... "on of Ihe United States experience that . mi i-ther raf8ed i<h i"'" li; "">- Premier inedlclne m iMiual Jiaiij's u*n Tab- r en which henrlnK -The -;, . out tile st-ssioii for alleged favonsm luwaids politic;:! frieni'.s. AM retaliatory legislation to off- gel iliii e.vp. .-ted discrimination of the new American tariff was friisrral.il by I'rrmier Kini:, who said that tile (.iovcniinent. would wait and <. e what aclion it would lake until th" t;iritT Kin;; promised ; o uain- asses OM '> lets and that is why they alwav s keep ... with similar apD-di.t.rs o f the j a box of Hie Tablets mi hand why ' baby-Iod United States to settle the matter and I they always feel -af.- with the Tab- of nature iu all her fon :.- . hlld," . . imy >o eiieii h-ard i ; :.i' . hildren are ciiiiiiot stanii i;i [he t'.ii ' timoti} .is ;li;<. -.\,) ,, ;ll . -A;],) ;;as .. . Pro- iittle .. !'.ili>'s Ort'it Talil.'ts iir>. .1 niiiil but tlior.iusli la.MHive which by n-milat- e^ing thed,.,,.,,!,., . ..' ,,-tive whic,, by ret ..i B. Ideated auacks were maiie^.^V'f " OWt ' N : ""' 8tomach banlsh .n 'in- I'ostm-i t-r (Vr-ril ! Columblu u:n discussed, but constipation and Indl n for nl!,..l f.iv i'"'" 1 . aCti "" " P"**"*! until next ' eol.ls and simple fevers ...id pro- ic h would >oo dwow? On one side charity or perhaps the generosity cf relatives. Or. the ochcr. an old ace ci independerlce and comfort, blessed 1-y the respect cf your fellow citizens. Make the second choice yours by rakirie advantage of the Canadian Government Annuities System. CANADIAN GOVERNMENT MOI tta ciNm *>A POSTAGE FREE ANNUITIES Department of Labour. Ottawa HON". PKTER HFFNAX, Mtnut.r AiinuJtiet Br&nin. 1 Otimrtz&ent of Labour >;.<*-?. I'lrMenrndTnpiT'Mi'i i^ ' '' .il'uul Canadian Govcmrnr'it VU N.mr ' T!IE \vnoLF. DOMINION . Addr sioii. A resolution rasiardinsj title mote healtby, iia'ii'al sleep. I u- was ..nc- a little dog 'hi ivna g them, .e. Ont. writes :-"l have been l "" n * " 1 ">" s Ow Tilll '" t< eTer 8tn once a pftwy/ ur -wwa I WM i girl i had a d a Unemployment t is '- .i!>|iiii f lore ii r tlmr in ' ilv l>."i. tii i-il ." but ii.e matter as drop,,-,! wlien ;, , i, a i,y was : , month oM and have found , their fa, es, ,e for an , ' 8 ;. c!-:itn ul ion will ha\ "A Imsy vviiina:) i- IcIIIUIll- ' fote along non-party lines that they reach ilie sp<.t :ui.l d.> moru . .,,. naturally mi,-! 01 - '.' ' 'I it< In-ill'-; lirinulit iin iu ; ^ooil ilian any o;ber uie.ii in.. I have f.>.irf'il HI; inal s are coin "rn.-'l . legislation wa s passed iu ,i,e fni.od I."" 1 ' wp triad, l always keep the lab- The love and can SUt.B. After sittins until late h, ' . V1 '" 011 lets in the bouse and would advise ladder upon W hU-h littl, . . , November the United States Con- 2!^!? !?^_ a ? a ^ """ l I l". . Ol . h ' -r mal * r * ! ^. K -. T " e l !iltl lle ' Blus " r (tr-ss iii'joiinH'd without taking any action mi tile tariff, bet We the Lower House .......,,.,. states. The Cabinet was generally Minard's for tne Ideal Rubaown. ATENTS Houses. J'.'titioiis si^ui.il l>y o\er . Tali'.ets are solil bv m.-.lirine dealers j expressive of the hialp'st and b. '!":! I way to i nivuuuL timing BUJ , ,-m .i/n i ,. ! **J LO .|..u ni ..^iii^i- i riff, due to difference! ' Government or by mail at j., cents :1 box from The , llal knowu-i,, later . ., . , lake ., rn , n ,, t ani , reen the Senate and W " . to prevent the ex- Dr Wlllam,, Me.llclne Co.. Brock- fle,l name of -altruismV .,,,. ,. . se \ Conseiv.sve Pl) ' Xature stories should fos lii.s In- _L-.> u -.rnia'-lon ?-o THE 2AMSAY CO.. D..--. 273 Bank St.. Ottawa On the Iminiuratioii , A new motion censoring Ifc-paruiHMit was iit-it-.icfii. n. new i . - ne of uumtlon on low priced mln- L b .' !?. t ^' M "':.^^..^. *?* i inj; anil oilier Chares brought about' to lie divided on '"is poim. KiiS tilk.'ll. the liovrriim.'iu iiiliinatiiis that the mud, iobbvi, 1B aud raised lo,m dis./," 1 "" 1 StatM au ; l; " 1 " 1 cussion. the i.nestiou raised bcin, sh " n " a "' V " ani ^ Mal ' *<*" \ wlietlici- power to pass such lesisla. 1 " 15 " s owu regulations. The return , Children in Poor Houses I'l-jor to the Thilih -n'-t Prol.>rti Itatch.wan ami Aibtrw were granted up new areiis for ex- 'ioll iiud developiiiont in the North. Tbe (loveniment ajirceil to '"' "timu!atin and I i . T;I ., ,, (1 , s . ,.,, nl ,. s ,. , , iii.u- it to leel the spirit ratlicr ha to ,..,,. ; , , ,. \ .. , ill accuracy the forms of nature to fffl tin beauty ii'orn nf ol.ed!, IZH^HirZ^I^IZIZI! lire to luw. and *o "-act; the mutual! dcpeniieiii f all liviiii thiiv HI tii,. ;-.,[,,. thai i-v.-n ehili'.reu in;r, . in slit ute the v.i;!i l.-^i-sliition ' Ciuif.ty poor hou.-c. the number of ' voun-sii rs i-i ih.'.M 1 Imtiiiitii.ns v;ry >-- - init froi.i two or tlinv to tweiuy. The Merchant Adventurers. ' -"'""'indinss wer -. ,,t ail ,o : ,i i; I'lve !' ;:<iil inornN and ii'ese ,-'.ii:,i- File ., i : ;i ,:;> u v* yvw i k MT w99 DUV^A ivmiOJU l , . , tlon rested with tbe provincial or Hi."' * !h " m "'"' al re8Ourc to M:l1 w a = a -(iniiic.ii practic federal amliovities. important ,-!,: * adyanced 8 step when a C rarlous Countiea lo send u,- s i tera for rail-, av extensions |tt s... ton brought down a report which U cbildren M well as adults to ,.,.. .,. , to be Implemented with legislation Cmir.iy poor u,iu>o. tbe numb. ithis year. "We :ire beid .... on And Ued soinr. l : With ;:s roundly for til Of wh.-.i. lie I'j.-ins no .. ainise L U X O FOR THE HAIR Ask Your Barber He Knows lap^*" r Reli f for Colds BUCKLEYS iff MIXTURE ** 4F' J Fost Eosn-Cutting S SMONDS \ SAWS Guaranteed because inado J. .ita our own steel riMONDI CANADA SAW CO. LTD. MONTREAL V.UKOUVCR, ST. JOHN.N.B.. TOUONTO London Times (Indi: The fitunda- , of Hritish furidun treide l^id by men who were adventurers I as well as merchiiii;-. They \\eiil out I into the word and saw with tlieir own ren were referred to by officials as! aran 68 cover .n;d v. i'li exeell ".t live. DIMM.. - ;>' form i' to !. ai 'old in "pauper brats" :uid similar ini; names. Dr. K. M. ('milter iu report to the York County Council in '* e\ei-.!eii:. dra \viiu-t by ''>*''' r-'-i the f\vt. e\ 6S needs of their' c ii-ioiuers. What seems to 1)e wuntcd is a more (jeiicrnl revival of that ;ulvpr,turons spirit. , Only by ilie jiersuna: 'ouch that cv - Jann;ir\. |s:M. I'IP health of in-'t ! '- v -vid and drU'iiaiie ;. : -.jinplo llieh . "The example and inflneii, .< of old '<' '''' tales :n<:i i.liieb il is .i,,,i to] ti' n of dissolute and vicious habits , 'iiil.ii-'.Mi to Altog is rniniiiR the boys, .-ind there is very | wa " ; "' e 1!1 ' ' V '.'V '' ''"* iiin." : " ureiit (ian.iier from tbt- coiitaminatitiK chlitiren are n ';>>- eoi-.^rat'iiateii on i of Mti l visits to foreiKii markets in) the child- the arrival of the Caa-go, which should I cau there be a proper undemumlin, ; ^ ()f ^ ^ ^ ^cVtheV > Invahmbl- to Hum! M-hiie children mii-st. alter': iin can i-'ad will -lo du.;i.i u. iM'oualii to UK? at- " with i!c!ij::i:. (McClelland .v ^'. So SKINNY Ashamed in Bathmq Suit Gamed I5lbs wrltrs. Thou- timls (aia 5 to 15 Ibs. in 3 weka with nw Irooizcd Yeast. Skin Uoar* I like magic. Narres, conxtipfttion tanisb uveroi|ht. Oft Iroaued Ycaat tmblrts from drujgist t ' <i<tii:.-it >7.'/ii Troubles by dally OM of of the mentality of potential custom ers and of the points iu which KrI- 1 tih methods of sale iiiiinsliip. as compared with those of fon-iwi rn.ils may call for amendment. When Pain Comes t.'irinii nC the tlovernnient and on ."Mr. Kelso's stiK.nestiou the follow ins BectlOO was passed by t'uo Ontario' l.c~ : >l:itur In March. 1S04: "Nil iliili! between I he ;ii;--< of two and sixtei'u year-* shall be reeeiveil or boarded in any house or lns;itution stuiiiishcd for tlie reception aiidi care of paupers or other dependent adults. This se.-tion r ; ik"s offect on and after ihe 1st of July. 1896 " I'liero were iiinot.'un cliilUrt'ii in the fiiilustrial Home, at Newmarket ami through the efforts of Mr. Kelso fos- ter homes were fotiud for them in various parts of tlio Province, To- day the Children's Aid of York Comity has a line Children's Shelter at l.;uislnj{ and a pireat work, is bii:ig ilono for the better care and protec- tion of children. wart, Ltd., Tnr i by Ciitioura Ointnieut fultl 1* r ryw hrrn "J."i . > . li That Cold Si !ni--c;-alt',i> ami lasting. Sll.ikt! it off with Minnrd's. Heat ami inhale. Also :tii> on d cliesi . What many people call imliuv.-,! ion i very often menus e\. ess acid iu One simont'iil of this luiriuK'ss. taste , "<s nlkali iu water will noulralize in- i CONTENT must 1 ok downwards as well From Mother of Six itomach. The stomach nerves have s . U "" ly T" y 'T 8 3S m " l ' h aoid ' -I!'"' ll * "t'ards inhuman life. MO,, K I, been ovoi'-stiiuulaled. and food sours. The corrective is au alkali, which neutralizes acids Instantly. Aud the best alkali Known to medical science is Vliillips' Milk of Masnesi.i. It has remained the standard with physi- ti.ini in the fifl years since its luven- tlou. the symptoms disappear at once. You will never use crude methods when once you learn th efficiency of this. Co get a small bottle to try. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by pbysi clans for 50 years iu oorrecttnjt ex- cess acids. Each bottle contains full directions any drugstore. A"tr I'n ini),,:l,l ><t ivlftrint- atttr Kr-dthrn a trial. ,\'i>u read iilint ihe $H* " I am just i ] .i.u a few nonls f i -.. . lit ivhii'h tlio wondcrtul wy jnr KniKlirii suits hao hdpci! :m. Mav 1 say 1 lm\a mffcml with li-rrlHc bncknchos ulglit. and day f.T this la*(. l iiMurla.. nml li.no si'fiif tiiiiny <!uilt vn advirtkNdniMakH,wltooatnMdt, ami dMMid it low uri^Uii :,&< Tu K' > KriHi-lton Salts a liml. aii.l 1 ra tii. muni toMiytnni foillna hotter and better ever slim 1 1 have fakiu Hum " I take KriiM-hiMi on rising In A cup cl tea. nd If only |H-ople .<:... they \\onl.t not peml tlm money Una- .In on other uiateiiah when tlieyirouM .jf-rlvo tiich tHMiertfe Irnrn Krinchcu "Speed is the one and oii'v reason ' Wilts. Wishing \our arm cverv iic.-eM." i\Ir.) .?. V. P. Oti|lQtl '.t'.ift on flit for lupKllcft. ._.-ii'. 'IK 1 !! S.ilti In ulitkiiiahk. at ilruK anil ile|>ntiinmt M.TH in ( auaJft t T.V. a bottle. A Dottle ivnrnini TioiKh fi> ll for 4 n 5 oiunttii |vu.l l.i al' h lor hall-a-ceut ,a day many have passed m In the race, there are many we have left behind. Sydney Smith. for the airplane." Kdclie Kickeuback- Falling Hiir Just try Minard's. ASTHMA QUICK RELIEF ol. :i nc.l hy thon- >-.in.!3 through uso e* L>i'. J Il.Guil.l's Green Mountain Asthma Compel. ml. Its Dlensant smoke vniior soothes an.l vellovcs. OrlKlnated in 1869 by Ur i^iilj, specialist In respiratory dls- enses. .Also relieves catarrh. Sfnndar.l remedy at drugRlsts: 3b cents. (\" .MI'S an.l $1 5il. powder <>r oiffaret;.- form. >-... tor FREE TRIAL pa.-i-- :ine of 6 clcarettM Canadir.n Dii- trlbatort, Lyman*. I>td . Dept. CC1. 286 St Paul St. Wot. Montreal, CBU. Mr.il 11 I U I S ASTHMA COMPOUND ISSUE No. 230 "I think Lvdia E. Pinkh-im's Vegetable CompounJ is wonJcrrul! I h ivc had six children of which four ate living and my youngest is J bon- nic b.iln boy now eight months old who weighs 23 pounds, t have taken your medicine .before each of thcra was bom anu have certainly re- ceived great benefit from it. 1 urge ny friends to take it as 1 ain sure they will receive the same help I Jid." \fr.. Milton McMtii/cn, V<inc55u, >irurio. lydia E, Piflktiain's Vegetable Compound H., E. P>rUf* Wed Co Lftv Mm. U S 3 I'd Co^attrg 0V" r CiflJdJ