If r F> * WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1930 THE FLESBEK 1 0\ r ADVANCE Kennedy's Grocery ~ Men,s Wear 12 liurrs 1'. & ('.. Soap 49c. t 7 liars I'uiv Castili- 25c. X 3 Ibs. Pure Lard 55c. 4 3 IJoxi-s Matches 25c. 'k (VCanada Flour S4.40 :; Every batf guaranteed. X Fascinating Links - ,' in Canada's History The picture galle-.y of the Doniin- M ens i in any of the countries of this state, I whether (fame be caujht or trapped for profit or otherwise." Special permits may be issued by the Commissioner of Fish and Game to trap predatory animals when such become a menace. Any viol- ation of this new law is made pun- ior Archives at Ottuw:. is full of in- islmble by the courts as a mis- tore-sting paintings and prints, and dimear.or. ,0116 of the most striking pictures un I exhibit is a life-sized portrait rf that , well known historical figure. Charles 1. 'I he figure is standing by a table X wli.li one hand resting on a large 3| black hat. He is v/e.inn;* a long J black cloak with a creamy lace collar v < .'A and cuffs and a large silver crust. . ."..-...*."..."... '"' Thj aistocratic features of the wan SHOULD I HAVE AN X-RAY? ;a-d the rather sneering smik- the : regal bearing and the challenging It is qnite evident that many per- rye, all well portray this strong wil- sons have the idea that in almost !e:I king. Although a despotic rul- cvery condition from which the human or it 13 immediately known from his body suffci-s, an x-ray examination i* features that he is a clever man. i squired to enable the doctor to un- This picture is warm and clear in Health Service - of the - CANADIAN MUD. ASSOC. Winter Overcoats, rcg. $25 fur $19.95 ... . ()< stum| thc case It is also appar . colouring . and shows g .. eat aUention \\ inter OverCOatS, rejr. $18 lor $14.95 | , n , that therc exists a popular idea to detail. The hands Hcaw \Youl Socks, retf. rUc.. 3 pair for $1.25 X that, by means of the x-ray, the ularly beautiful and tt Heavy \Voul Socks. re. 5Uc.. 3 pair for $1.25 % I /cave your cream can here for the Markdale Creamery W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 \Ve deliver in town. THE FLESHERTGN ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance S1.50. In ' sent them at Queen's Park. I the two |>arty government is the best ' I is a controversial subject, but it re ! mains that wherever there is govern- ! mm! there will be opposition to its ! policies and principles and our belief i- that 'wo party government is es- ., tutii'l to the safe conduct n"'l stab- U. S. A. $2.50 per year when paici .^.^ &f thp ^.^ ^ ^.^ in advaive $20< . ^ ^ ^^ (Members of Canadian Weekly News- _ paper Association) _ . . ,. , .. , W. II. TIU-RSTON, Kditor t U j ? H 3 L' U = 6$ A' F. J. TIH-'RSTON - Assoc. Editor _ , Thc ar.ii-.i:-! liU'i-lir.g of th? Ladies' A id society was held in Eugenia l~-U-' church I ioc. :!0tli. Election r officers resulted as follows: L. Gen' .i.' a? lYes; M-.-. F. are partic thut, by means of the x-ray, tho ularly beautiful and the pattern in physician can see all parts of tb" in- the lace is cxpuisitely pinted. sidp of the body and study their ac- Many critics c , aim that thjs ^ lion just as clearly and simply as he tu: - e was p - ainte( i by Peter Ltly, the views tin- skin with his eyes. cou ,'t painter to Charles 11 after the Th? majority of those who enter original VanDyke, and some even e doctor's office, whether because claim it to be an original of Sir they are ill or because they want to Anthony Van Dyke, the famous keep well, can be examined thoroughly painter of the early seventeenth cen- r.nd satisfactorily by the doctor us- ttiry, who was employed by James the servativo, thc Liberals next and the ^ FUch instruments as are found in first nnd kn jg htc d by Charles the U F.O. have one member to repre j an >' P^perly equipped offico and i,-; rst . Whoever the painter may be Whether , n!a!:in K su f'' tests as can be made > the work is a great masterpiece. wi*'i his ordinary equipment, by nn Mrs. Wm. White left Saturaaj evening for Toronto, where she ex- pects to undergo an operation for Koitrc. Miss La :ra accompanied her n:other. Mrs. Heslop of Eugenia is visiting with her sister, Miss Jesse McKenzi*;. Mr. John Sherwood is spending o few weeks with his many friends at Eugenia. Mr. Kenneth Hill of near Mark- dale spent a weak with Mr. Brad.v I- win; Mr. J. Richardson and Mrs. Linden" Brady of Markdale spent tue v/cek end at Mr. Thos Irwin's. Mrs. Archie McMullen, who wen: U Toronto for Christmas returnee home Monday night. Mr. Luther Duckett paid a business trip to Markdale the first of the week. Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Spence, Miss Lennie McPhaii, Mr. E. McPhaii, Mr. M. McPhaii, Mr. W. Campbell. Miss B. Aldcorn and Mr. Victor Wiley, all of Proton were visitors at tho McPhaii home on Monday. f-ny This gre"t treasure was presented qualified physician. , to Cnr.ada by Viscount Dillon in ac- \Vh.n the ordinary procedure; nrt? cordance with the wish of his wife. is; ''equate for a particular ra^p. and Lc_d Dillon was an officer in the v.htn the doctor believes that certain Bi-itish army arid was in Canada 'vith sp"cial examinations or tests will be hi-s regiment about the year 1870 of assistance, he will not hesitate to Here he met and married Miss Stan- inform his patient. The public son of Montreal. Ths picture was vhcjjilti understand thfu in any a family heirloom and the tradition ca;o, a diagnosis of disease is not W that it was pr.inted by Lely. made by special tests, x- vll y or other , oxaminations.What these do i to sup- __ _ /i J ) 1'Iy addiii"YicI informal ion which the I ha B.3[P lySlu 1H2 c!o'.tor considers . together with thc c,l!iei- fa-.-ts whi.-h k? has gathered fram hi:? questioning of the natisnt I tlio rc??u!'s (!' tho examination v.'- ich he himself ha;: aii'.d-. Phy si- CEYLON It was \vith deep reg -et that wo EDITORIAL NOTKS Therc is a law r.nnh- statute books of Ontario stating that all sleighs j an .; ( ...,,, ; _ : y, . ( , j>.. ,. Mrs. J. Camp- I ciana (!> not make a diagnosis on k:.:ncd Monday Jan. Cth that Miss and cr.ttc -s for winter travel are to bell as Sest. Treas; Muriel Carruthers j one symptom, or one test, or on what Catherine Muir had passed away be crjuipi-v.l with belb. Recently aiul court case- were held for the infrac- xh tions of *aid and ronvk-tions (;, m i,, n .,.. auditors. i.iuiv ;' Aid desire to p"l>licly .-,,., ,. . i;,.,j r thnnks for were made. Let your sleigh bells f,. om a num i,pr of Toronto jingle mer-'''y! frit-ndr,, i; r.i.xvn'by an x-ray, but upon thc A!i:'. two \ve;ka previous sh^ was ardimulation of all the findings. ir.oizcd \vith a stroke from wlikn The x-ray p. in many condition 5 ;, a rVio ntiver ucovcrsrf. althouirli every p-r)?t \aliiahlo nid tn the physician. t}..intr 'hat lovinjr hards could do Therc is t-i be a lively c:-~ - : i . the position <;f Wankn On > County for U'tfO. Sevc ;il r.rv.r.c-, are mcntio-.ed an C'.iit-- tar.ts, l-ut ih? most pron.i-rnt r.icmln vs arc Reeve AVm. L. T: \!or of Ospi\-y and Jack who sent us a nice and muth appreci- ' ' l 'ia s inc--cae'' >'* I'i > Id 'if usefulness \-/ag done, liut to no a ai!. r.te-J ''onati'jn. ; I 1 '.:' il i-'tiil li-i; it- limitations, and its Sh: was thj s?:rnd e!d?st daughler I rre and the interpretation f ''.3 find- of tho Iat-> Mr. an! Mrs. IVtei ' ings are not as simple ns arc c^nv M a j. nl ,,i wns l r)rn i;, 1858 on tho nionly thought. It seems necessa--y f^ rn -, s h e has always resided on nnd to refer to this, because it is onnnre-t v ..j, orc P h o ( ij o d. always n.aking hei <:.<r persona feel they hr-.vc been horoe with her brother, Peter. She ihfutc.I when thi-ir physician <loes nnt ;vas broadmirded, very kind and of SOURCES OF GOOD SEED GRAIN sometimes possibb to loca'e seed that traces back to Registered seed. When this is done, however, there is entirely no guarantee regarding he purity and quality in genaral of this stock, but it is often the case that this seed may be better than vdinary seed. Bp purchasing Registered seed in >.nada, one need have no fear as to its reliability, both as regards trueness to variety and quality in general It i-, never safe to invest money in seed upon which a crop is dependent, without a certain guarantee that the variety is recognized as being adap ted to the locality, and that the seeds a- e reliable and comparatively free from impurities. High qualiity seed of the registered grades can therefore be purchased ei- ther from the growers or from reli- able seedsmen in Canada, who usu- ally carry large stocks of this seed representing the standard varieties recognized by the Canadian Seed Growers' Association. Sheep and Dsg ' -ir.isfil Ti.v.-rship paid over $1.200 :'", sir i p killed or worried by dogs. Lnobke, of Sulliviin tinvn~'.; : '. ;i.:<l otliT 'ownships in the county Both men have bc.o r. ']^'-' e:;.ut!-.\.. |.:'iii la'ge sums liki-wi.-c. At the in County Cojiuil fur thvir respe;tivo romination meeting at Stroud f ,. ., . . : i .-, iniber of ".''-."day there was some older them to have an x-ray. Phy- a happy , atur(i which ma( | o ner Icians know when special tests and nmch bcK-ved by relatives and ni; (Experimental Farm Note) Good seed is the first requirement of good C''ops, and because of this, no effort should be spared in producing the best. Due largely to the effects of the Canadian Seed Growers' Association, good reliable seed is perhaps more readily available at the present time, han has been the case at any time in the past. This Asociation, made up cnthc-ly of growers has had as its objective, for a period of 25 years, the building up of reliable seed stocks ot standard varieties, and the production of this seed in quantities sufficient to meet the popular demand. Seed that conies up to the require- ments of Canadian Seed Growers' Association, and bearing a Govern- ment seal is known as Registered seed. Such seed is pure as to variety to ths extent cf 1*9.9 per cent, and furthermore is practically free from weed seeds and seeds of other kinds of grain. Registered seed is offered for sale by the prowrs themselves, and by re- liable reedmen in Canada. The Can- adian Seed Growers Association issues a dialogue each year, giving the ramcs and addresses of growers of re- gistered seed throughout Canada, and the approximate ruantity for sab. Thb catalogue can bo obtained hroufih the office of the Association in tho Jackson Building, Ottawa It ii therefore possible to obtain the names of Registered seed growers in any particular district in the county. This is a valuable service because of the importance of using Help the Otfier Fellow A Great Virtue "Help the other fellow" seems to bo the slogan in the Vandeleur district* and a fellow citizen in trouble has brought this virtue t3 the fore re- cently. Mr. James Cargoe had his two barns burned to the ground, with a heavy loss in property and the sea- son's crop, only partially covered by insurance. In order tj materially as- sist Mr. Cargoe in rebuilding, the neighbors at Vandeleur canvassed and secured enough lags in the rough to make it possible for him to rebuild at a vastly lower cost to himself. It takes the country folk to put across an ret of this kind, and shov.-s that the old time spirit of helping tlie other fellowis not lost to the prsent gneration. It makes ones heart warm to learn of st::h a splendid spirit, a .creat asset in a community. IIINCKS Born to Kr. and Mrs. A. L. Uinekr, North Li.-", Artcmcsia, on Thursday, Jan. 0. a daughter Be'ty Lttrena. WILSON' In Flesherton on Thurs- f'ny, .Tanuory Pth. 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson, a SOT^ Donald Leslie. NOTICE. years and 1- ivo give:-, cxci i nl - rrvice -'"I diumtir faction as to this tax to the county on the roany r.-mmiltcos It wr.uld seem ai if many farmers upon which they served. Wo believe "idn't earn whether their flocks were that W. L. Taylor h:is an excellent destroyed by dogs or not. They pay chan-c of being Warden of C.:vy for a dog tax and get full value for the this year. He i-= v.x-ll deserving of damage done anyway. Twenty-fiv, . t , years ago there were more sheep . . . ; raised than to-day, nnd yet there ' TIov/ history can be chanjr-.l in "ere not so many killed by dogs. N progress of time is demonstrated by it that the dog, to-day are encmirage,, . ... ...., to worry sheop? Evidently the time a chronicle of the pas r,i a ..agic m coming when more attention will have to he paid to the dog side of thc o*i | examination* are needed, and they |, now inp her. Ope !. 'othc" and two' sced grown loca "y' and adapted to will use them when they judgo them 8istors prc , c d..<i her., Mr. Alex Muir, I lot '^ conuiti ns in in a tjccu/renco in London. Ontario, January 18'J8, the floor of thj .... hall pave- way during a dance, when * "' Why shouM farmers be S /ere kilk'l. The truth is that ta ''' '" f " r th( -' <lamn ^ <lonp ^ the floor gave way during a dog.-i, which arc known to be danger- ; V , . ou, at large? If only half th, value jncetin,? of dtizena, who assemble as was their wont for many years, to celebrate a victory for their side in the nmnicipl elections of the city. There was no dancing, but oratory in plenty. A good editorial friend of ours, now living in retirement, saved Tiis life cons3q\;?nt on his side in tho contest having sustained defeat. For of slifi-p lulled was paid, we venture- to t : ay that in a few years many dojr$ UIIONMI to l>c dnngcrous would be do- stroyed. EUGENIA W. M. H. OFFU'KKS The annual meeting of the W.M.S. , me! in the Kuge:iia United church, years be ore, the ,de h, supported ^ ^.^ <>f ^^ ..:.. ^ ._..,,, ,1 n vrl It a r r\f\lf nlu Q**nnff II * re.uiilcd r.:; follow:,: Mr,. A. CuriTMiers, Pros; to be necessary. uho wns ft p/onlins>nt man in cnma ~ ~ was also Deputy Reeve and Reev- i tiffP " E'Knm al 1 "..^'/} " 'f Artemesia township, her sister iiCUC! HUH: /ilUtlld ;( Jam , t) M. W. Fatten, passed away I about five years ago and 'here- re- Leighmorc, Altn, mains to mourn her loss, one sister. Doc. 27 M>2<1. Mrs. John Baxter of Rochester, Ponn. Mr. W. II. Thurston Klesherton Advance Dffice Dear Sir. I hero enclose the sum of |2.00 to cncw my subscription tn th" van-.-p. We like to have the town paper so we can got all r ". n from down home. Ad- old thc ami one brother. Mr. Peter Muir. Tho Rev. Mr. Sullivan of Priceviile conducted th"e service giving com- lortinR messages to the bereft. Her six nephews acted ns pallbearers. Messrs Allic Muir. Stewart Muir Morvyu Baxter, Rev. R. W. Paton. The establishment of both large and small seed cleaning centres in sorr.."; sections of the country, centra- i lizes the cleaning and marketing of large quantities of Registered seed, and ".uppliei another medium through which high cuality s^ed can be ob- tained. When the purcharer is not pre- pared to pay the comparitively small difference in pvi.e between Registred seed and ordinary seed, it is Well Mr. Thurston this is a won derfrl country up hero in old northern | i ami Karl McLeod. The- caski-t was covered with frag- Allier'a. country. We are in the Peace River The crops were first class rant flowers, a pillow. Peter ;md family; r.pray. Mrs. Alex ^' ' *-\.lii.iviic.in i i> rw^ , i. i c. i 'and funiilv, Toronto; liasket, up hr . ,< this your, far ahead of Rask.;, Muir Mult- Mrs. Aul.-. ran all the w, from 75 to 110 lMal ' y A ' BaXter ' Mr> antl MrS " Mcr ' bun. prr acre. Whoat v,as also I vyn Baxter; spray, Mr. ami Mrs. K ao,l ..long with all other K rninB. I*"" M !" r nni! , S n: wr "" th - RrV ' road in one of our western papers Rohc ' n J at " n aml Ma ''' y Paton; a tlv Iho wheat yield fov m-thorn Al- ! xvr; ' ftth ' Mrs ' ^'"rdon Baxter and fam- bevta WHS 82,000.000 bus. that - |ily f Cnica ^: spray. Thc Cherry triumphed ar.d he took his stand a Ihc nfter-ehclion celebration again*' n great safe by tho platform. Beinn defeated he was absent on tho tragic occosion and therefore lives to-day as every I,y UK; .;ifc were crushed when the floor split in two and car- ried 'he srfe am! 'he mass of human- ity to their death on the floor be- low. * M -s. T. lainicfon. \ r ice Prc:;; Mrs. Rev. I5am- ford, Sect. Troas; Mrs. W. Graham, -.up. nf the "ino men stanclng .. Campbell, auditor to death Mrs. T. Cu-noe and ftirs. Newspaper A Necessity The Lonl Chief J'-sticc of Kngland, Lord Il^wart of Bury, in a recent nd- The Ontario Lejfislr-tu -o convenes ,i,-v S j n that county, had praise to on February 6th. The seating "f : K \ ve newspapers. He said : th members will be in the shape ot | "Jt j s now the fashion to goad at ;i horseshoe and thc Meaford Mirror, newspapers, but, after all, the person rises to say that the Liberals will w ho sneers a! the press anks first for bold down tho "ail holes. The t| u , newspaper when ha comes down II. F. O. will also have a hole. It has been expected for some time that two party government would 'ome bark to its own. This was to breakfast. In a country which en- joys representative Institutions, the newspaper is n necessity. But do we alwavs think as gratefully as we further demonstrated recently with mi<?ht of the amazing stability, dill- the 'pmoval of Hon. Robt. Forkc, Min- gem is'.er of Immigration in the Dominion hum- Liberal cabinet, to a seat in thc Sen- ate. This removed tho la^t Liberal- care and learning, th,- wit, kil1 '' versatility, the cour- , the conscientiousness and. the r hard work which uro t^ make 'he best kind of newspaper?" Progressive li'ken into thc Tnbinet up Jiv Mr. King. Hon. T. A. Cerar joins the King government Minister ofi F:NACTS ANTI-TRAP LA'.Y alono. Its just a now country f.-imily, Toronto; spray, Mr-;, ii. in here, but with so many new '"aeV-' Spiccr and ^"'"'V' PriiWille; spray. Hera coming in. thc land ' is nearly, Mrs ' U ' alksr a "-' Mrs - M-'Caho.. To- nll taken up. Of course there is n ' r< "' 31tp - lot of lund not r.urveyed yet. s-"^ 1 ' ll ' ose who attended the funeral South 1 - view nf thp' r-nm our hoestead, a clis-i teVl of us we have a irord view nf t- lfrom " '"stance were: Mrs. A Roekiei Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bax- tnnco of 100 miles. I tell you it is a grand sight on a Rood clear sunny day. T'loy are nearly always cov- ered with snow. We are just 14 nrils from the nearest 'atlroad. Well this is all for now. Wish ins you and the staff happy New Year. Yours truly, Fred Plcwis. Thn hi (! lovers along the coast of Mai"o are watching with interest 'he efforts of thc Canadian ment to protect sea fowl from kil- ling themselves by dashing into lighthouses during their flight. At thc presen! time information is being collected regarding the numh>r of birds destroyed at various 'Whi- ter, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baxter of Rochestc ; Mr. Mcrvyn Baxter, Mr. Richard Baxter, Collingwoort; Rev. Robt. Pa'on of Ai-di-n, Ont.; (Miss Mary Patton, Mr. Duncan Mini- Mr. Alex Stewart of Owen Sound; Mrs. Wm. Vickery, Mr. Harold Bax- ter of Caledon; Mr: Walter Muir. Corbetton; Mrs. Alex Muir, Mrs Walker and Mvs. McCabe, Toronto; Mr. antl Mrs. Thos Chase, Dundalk; and Miss Marion Muir of Peterhor Osprcy and Artemesir Co-Operative C.. Limited. Ladies and Gentlemen, The annual v mee'ing of the above mentioned Com- pany will be held at ARTEMESIA TOWNSHIP HALL, on FRIDAY, Jan. 17TH, l'J30, at 1.30 p. m. Your presence is renucsted without fail. The election of officers and general business arising out of the general , meeting will be conducted. Be sure to come. Any peraons, ladies or gen- / t;lemen,that are interested in the work , of this company are welcome to at- ., tend this meeting. Yours very truly, ' A, F. PEDLAR, GARNET MAGEE, President. See.-Treas. ough. The funeral, which wa; 'nrgely attended took place to Mc- Neil's cemetery, Prireville on WeiJ. afternoon. This community ex- tends its deepest sympathy to re- latives and friends. Mr. Dc/nnld Ferguson of Cu- Knife, Sfisk. visited at Mr. Robt. Campbell's last week. venting the birds from flying hlindly Mr ' Earl White is spending a few into the heavy glass with fatal r.| w * kl with hia unclc ' M r- White at nnlts. This is certainly a step in ' Sa W p " houses in Canadicn waters which will) ,, no doubt result in the erection of screens around the lights, thus pre At the recent session of the !effis- the right direction toward the wcl-' Ji; ' s - Jos - McKce spent the week Railways and Canals and was form- erly leader of thc PrOffTMllvfl inove- mci/t in (Canada up to the year 102R.J !:''in-p of Georgia an art was naHwnd He has fornake-n hi.- l'>rmer beliefs making it "unlawful fur nny nornn. anil cntpr.s Liberal eovornmont ns n. :'-in or corporation 1o use n steel straight Liberal. Thru in thc On- i 8P - ollyr device in trapping, or j Stafea Lighlhoi;^ Sc>;-vii\e will dn * father, Mr, P, HcPhnil, wha ]j j tario IIoii.-^ tho main party is Con- catching any bird, -game or animal something similar. Dumb Animals. _very ill. of o of bird life and if the methodu on(1 with rrl:\'i\v-; nt Priccville. | the Canadian government !>~-vn ^i 1 - *><! Mrs. Bailey and little- 1 no doubt the United ilruvrhter of Shiifrley visited the lat- for Long Distance Calls -> ' ' . ' -- Every Bell Telephone t* a Long Distance Station .. v t . ' i - " .- / . - ' - .' New reduced rates for long dis- tance telephone service in Onta- rio and Quebec have been in effect since January 1 . The new lower rates affect chief- ly calls to points from 75 to 800 ^SK miles distant the reductions be- ing from $.05 to $.20 per call. These mean an annual saving of $200,000 for telephone users. Long distance telephone service is constantly improving in speed, reliability and scope. Every Bell telephone is a long distance sta- tion from which one may talk with greater satisfaction and at lower rates than ever before. ;. .- - ;^ ' ' ' ' %-A . > . , -< tt. . . . -