Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Jan 1930, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, JANUABY . . -.- \\ The Money Losing Cow* THE average production of milk per cow in Canada is about 4,000 pounds annually, but authorities are agreed that the higher the produc.ion per co\r the greater the profit. You can materially increase thj produc- tiveness of your herd by breeding bettor live stock, and the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce is EC your service in supplying loans for the parchcse of stock which will give a greater cash return for the feed iand labo* expended. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (U'ttfl UsfllCfliS t,tnti.., .f'.i.t^tl ^ THE STANDARD BANK. OF CANADA j| C.l'.K- TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station U follows : Going South Going North 8.08 a.m. 11.52 a.m. 4.10 p.m. '8.11 p.m. The mails cl8 at Flesherton M follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. south at 3.30 For morning train south mail closes at 9.00 p.m. tha previous evening. Organized Men's Club on Monday Evening O.E.S. Officers Were Installed on Monday The installation of officers of Grey Chapter No. 170, 0. E. S., waa held on Monday evening. Past Wor- thy Patron, A. Sinclair acting as ;n- stallins officer, assisted by Sistsr E na Murray, the retiring \Yorthy Malvcn. Following arc tha officers instated: vy_ jj. fcistsr Sadie Cami'.V-c... i W. P. Oro. F. J. Thurstoi.. P. V,'. M. Sister Edna Murray. i p. \y. P. Bro. Geo. E. Banks. A. M. Sister Ha-el Ker.r.edy. j A. P. Bro. E. C. Murray. Se;. Sister Olive MeCauley. Treas. Sister Emily Dargavel. j Cond. Sister Margaret Mtiir. A. C. Sister Baa tries Sinc'-air. ley. I Marshall Sister Harriet Collinson. i Organist Sister Mary Bellamy. I Adah Sister Irva Clark. I Ruth Sister Alice Stephen. Esther Sister Mary Snell. Martha Sister Alice Pedlar. Electa Sister Dora Meldrum. Warder Sister Mary Phillips. Sentinel Sister Rose Hawken. During the installation ceremony Sister Cooper of Markdale assisted Esteemed Old Resident Passes in Toronto ! ! Inaugural Meeting of Village Council A meeting for the purpose of dis- very materially with her singing. 8.34 p.m. 4.33 p.m. cussing the organizing of a men s [club was held in St. John's United 1 church Monday evening It vraa 'quite evident from the spiri, mani- jfeated that there was both need and | desire for such an organization. ^ y Coundl mfit Qn , lt was decidsd to organize at once ' , day night, when thc following mem- The election of the President and bers took the oath o f O ffi cc . Reeve I nial a(lfi P?f<iflfl? i i Sceretar y was at oace P roceded th D. McTavish, Councillors J. Dar- LUUdl flllU 1 1,1 aunt.. | the honor of {irgt president failing gave , ( p Mathewson> B . Welton and ! to Dr. E. C. Murray and that of c x Richardson. Mr. George Grackenbury is in To- Secretary to Charles Bellamy J". A deputation was present fvom the ronto this week. It was agreed to complete the Rink Co. asking for. some assistance. W Hickling is spending organization at the regular meeting, as Mie rink was an asset to the town i A program committee was however and had nevjr made any money lor Sask, ' appointed consisting of the Pros, tho Company, vhile their money hncl 'and Secretary togethtr with Wm. been bound up in it for tight y-'ars Mi'ler, Thos Find'.ay and Dr. Bryse, r.r.J considerable oxper.dii.jri> had to which should be responsible for be nuile on it in the way cf repairs. skates sharpened at mil king a!l arrangements for tho The Council decided to renii: -.ne i-date meth- r.o::t ar.d first rejrul-r meeting of ta"cs on the rink for 1'.^.'. the club en Monday, Jan. 27th. Hydro had announced that there is hoped that thii organization va ' 3 cor.!;i'.k:-3b!e balance on har.d i:i sc-ve as a set-together for thc vor of the village fr.r atreet Ugh*- initv arcl its aims '>.rr and suggested that ihs locai Mrs. Wm. Fetch, formerly a side-nt cf Fleshertcn, died at the [ home of her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Piouden. Toronto, on Saturday la.--t. Tho remains were brought to Flesh- crtc'.i en Tuesday morning train an.T interment was made in Flesherton cemetery, where shs was placed in iiimily plot Lt-sida her husbanii, v.v.j pre-deceased her i:i 1901. Mr?. Fetch was born at Churchville, hor maiden name bein? Nettie Hall and was in her 73rd year at the time 01 her (ieath. She was wed in 1886 to William Fetch of Georgetown, and came with him to Flesherton where he \vas engaged in the butcher bus- iness. To them were born fiva children, who survive: Alva (Mrs. J.A. Houden.Toronto; Lloyd of Mer- vin, Sask; Glen and Bert of Toronto; and Almon of Regina. After her husband's death in 19U1 the family moved to Toronto, wher.' they have since resided. The deceased lady was a member of Victoria Presbyterian church, To- ronto. The funeral service here was conducted by Rev. St. John of $ Markdale, a personal friend of the > family. The pallbearers were K. Bentham, John Wright, Albert, Wu- *:' Ham and Charles Stewart and D. M-- < Tavish. $ I Commencing January 1st, I 1930, all accounts over $2 | will have 25c. added to the | cost of goods; lOc. will be I added under that amount. W. L. Morwood ! The Shoe Man Flesherton AUTEMESIA DISTRICT L. 0. L. Mrs. F. H. this week in Toronto. Mr. W. G. Akin-, of Regina made a flying visit and spent a day at his home here last week- Have your Down's Garage. Up ods and equip ment. Th= Be'.l Telephone Company has a ccnstruc'-on pang working on their lines out of the Flesherton cent Willard and Harold Shaw to- It and purposes shall be ID promote Messrs good fellowship and engage i:i any of Lbns Hoad spent a few days with act ivity by whL-h ths community a: tha forme.-'s grandparents, Mrj end i nrj , e raay be benefited. No s ' al linos will be recognized and membership will be open t > :-!i \vish to cor.:e. Coramiaaion hand back to the i - ? Thc Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Mrs. (Dr) E. C. Murray entertained the retiring officers of Grey Chapter No. 170. 0. E. S. to tea on Thursday evening of last week. Have your skates sharpened at McTavish's garage. A new skate sharpener has been installed which makes a first class job. While erecting an aerial for a radio, Mr. Geo. Banks fell and re- ceived a sprained foot. Geor;r< will be confined to the house for a few days. Corbcit shipped last week PIHEEI PASSED AWAY A highly esteemed resident of the Lockwccd 'iitrict nasseil away in the Regina General hospitpl Dec. 29, in the person of Edward Armstrong.) Field; Se.-. Board cf appointing car.:: \va5 :x!3:;?(! with the follc-.vi.-iu; rame.; tn ,, contained t-m-ein: IIy>! o, C. N. Richard: ::, Pi:')l:c Property. F. 3Ialhow3cn, Roads and sidcv/aliio, J. Dargavcl; Park.; rn.l Fire, D. Wel- ton. B\la\v appointing the following of- ii.>-:-3 v.-cs passed: Assessor, John "iVrii'.ht; Auditors, C. J. Bellamy an.; F.ank Duncan; Board ot Health. \>. A. Hawken; Sanitary Inspect jr, J.)?. Health, Frar.\ The Annual Meeting of Artemesia District L. O. L. was held in Fleshes- ton on Tuesday afternoon and the fol- lowing elected officers were installed by Wor. Bro. Geo. Cairns, Past Couniy Maxtor: P. M. E. Wai-ling N'o. 1358. W. M. W. Tumey 2855. D. M E. Bowles 509. Chaplain H. Co -bet t 244. Sc:ictary Goo. Little.iohns "00. Fin. Sec. T. Bjntham 2855 Trcas. \V. A. Hawkta 2S55. Jlarihail G. Cairns 883. \<t. Lcjt. H. Lever 509. 2nci. Lc--. il. Bake:- 1383. Com. Master of Primary Lodges. Tyler H. r.:eh;i-.j.;on 500. S ttincl C. Bellamy 2855. Order Your LY PAPE Through This Transformer psel Reeve 11106 he removed to the Lockwood district where he homesteads! west a carload of cattle of his own feeding of towl , j.j lvv j ; ie movec j to tho which averaged a little over $130 village, where he resided since a n .d each. With this lot he topped the w ;n j, e sadly missed. He leaves to market. I mourn, his widow, three sons and one Auxiliary will meet in St. daughter, Cecil of the Royal Bank United chu -ch tomorrow, staff Edmonton, Russell, Carol and The John's Thursday, at 3 p. m., when it is ex- pected that the newly elected officers will be installed with due ceremony. Mr. Harry Stephen of Fife Lake, Sask., called on The Advance on Friday while on his way to spend a month with his father, Mr. - T ohn Stephen of Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Akitt arc visiting in Toronto this week. Wal- ter is also attending a checker t~ur- nament which is attended by the best checker players in the province. Miss MaeMillan, Mrs. E. C. Mur- ray and Mrs. W. H. Thurston attended the Presbyterial executive in Owen Sound on Friday last. ^ It was de- cided to hold the annual Presbyterial meeting on Tuesday May 13th. A meeting of the plot holders and .j. othe:-s interested in the Meaford 'j. Road Cemetery, will be held at the Y home of Mr. Fred Boland on Tues. - evening, Jan. 21. A pood attend- ance is requested. Mi. Geo. Brackenbury of 'own Is busy with his motor sleigh trans- ; | porting hockey players to the scenes pf their various games. He took , I the Markdale-Flesherton players to | | Durham and also the Durham lads to Walkerton. It is certainly a com- < > for'able way for the boys to travel. ', '. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fawcett of ! Collingwood celebrated their twenty | | fifth wedding anniversary on Friday, J January 3rd. Mr. Fawcett is a nephew cf Mvs. H. Down of town and '* 've'l kn~w" her". Congratu- lations a-e extended to thc esteemed couple. R^v. Dr. and Mrs. Ca'''\veM ot Toronto have returned home from an extended tour of Western Canada and the U. S. A. , after a very enjoyable t'i". Tney formerly resided in Flesherton, but are now living at Ihei" homo. R3 St. Germaine Av^., Toronto. The deceased came West from Flesh- other fellow is not lost to the present erton. Grey County. Ontario in l'J03 Pcunukceper, H. Down; Sheep Value:-, &rA settled near Manor Sask. In Fred Stuart, High School Trustee, Ma.-k Wilson. Council instructed the Clerk to write thc County Council requesting pavement east and west through the ] village this summer. B. Welton and C. N. Richardson were appointed to attend tho Ontario Electric Association anp Mildred at h.ime, - Association of Municipal Electric The funeral was held from tho Utilities at Toronto, Jan. 29 and 30. , United church, Thursdav afternoon and was attended by a large con- There has been about four dif- course of sorrowing relatives and 1 " orent kinds of weather here since friends. The following officiated laft issue - Friday night and Sai- as nalbearers Messrs L. Hummason, urda J' mo/ning the thermometer re- jC. Campbell, C. Morningstar, F. Me- ff-stercd between 10 and 18 degrees Farland, F. Sutherland and E. Card- Lelow zero and the temperature falling ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY and the gradually rose until rain waj Tuesday morning and a real thaw in F -ogress. The Hydro Electric Commission was busy this week transporting ;. huge transformr to the power houso ir. he valley when a soft spot wu ; encountered in the road when ono mile east of town and the 22 ton of machinery upset, making fo.- iia'.iyht thi- heavy work already ex- pcndd on the moving of such a he-.ivy arti.-l. The load was righted on the skids used to transport it and it was returned to the C.P.R. station to be sent back for repairs. Thtre were two of the transform- ers to be transported to the power house, but with thc accident on Tues- day it b likely that both machine; will be returned and dismantled ami to bo re-erected at the power house by one of the experts. This would save considerable time and expens in ./.jving tho ponderous machinery to 'he valley. Six teams were required to move thc load and they were able to walk right along, once it was started. Offi ice. - . Reduction in Price to all the Subscribers of The Advance We will pay tlio following prices for Fatted Fowl Chickens over 7 Ibs ........................................... 26c. a Ib. Chickens h to 7 Ibs ............................................. 24c. a Ib. Chickens 5H> to 6 Ibs ......................................... 22c. a Ib. Chickens 5 to 5 l / 3 Ibs ......................................... 20c. a Ib. Chickens 4*/> to 5 ................................................ 18c. a H> Chickens 4 to 4# ............................................ 15c. Hens over 6 Ibs ................................................... 22c. Hens 5 to 6 Ibs ................................................... 20c. Hens 4ft to 5 Ibs ............................................... 17c. Hens 4 to 4>j Ibs ............................................... 13c. Live Ducks over 5 Ibs ..................................... 22c. Live Geese .......................................................... 15c- Markdale Creamery and Produce Co Phone 69w Markdale a Ur a Ib. a Ib. a Ib. a Ib. a Ib. a Ib. Berger Tailoring Company has authorized us to offer "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" Jan. 15th to Feb. 15th Only Berger "Clothes of Quality" and their wonderful values need no introduc- tion to thrifty men. But here's big news! In order to keep their tailor- ing plant busy during the "in-between Seasons" in the clothing year, we have been authorized to accept orders for "Clothes of Quality" AT A RE- DUCTION OF 10% FROM REGULAR PRICES, from Janaury 15th to February 15th. "Clothes of Quality" are a splendid buy at regular prices any time at this special reduction these are values you could not possibly afford to miss. Choose from the entire line of more than. 300 fabrics. Have your suit or coat tailored-to-measure by Canada's leading style artists and tailors. Act quickly however, as this offer is only positively f^or the short time in- dicated. Come in now and leave your order. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO

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