Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1930, p. 1

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Vol. 49 No. 45 Flesherton Ontario, April 30, 1930 W. H. Thurston & Sen, Proprieto WODEHOUSE VICTORIA CORNERS Intended for last week Mr. and Mrs. Harry Staples and family and Miss Gladys Cornfield of Kimbcrley were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cherry. Mrs. Williard Wiley and three children spent Easter with her sis- te:, Mrs. Clara Wiley, Markdale. The school is closed for Easter vacation. Sounds like spring to hear the hum of the old saw mill again which commenced work last week. Mr. Will Lawson took his little son, Wilbert to the Toronto Sick Children's hospital on Wednesday of last week to have the casts removed from his leg, which we are pleased to know has made good improve- ment. The little lad also had 21 stitches taken out of his leg, which were put in when operated on while there six weeks ago. Dr. Gillie per- formed the operation. He will re- tuin to the _ hospital again in a month's time. Miss En:ily Lawson took a car- lead of ladies to Harkaway on Sun- day evening and enjoyed the pag- eant, "Sunrise in the Garden." Little Gordon Clarke, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clarke, is recovering from an attack of pneu- monia. Mrs. Jos. Cherry has a nice little flock of goslings out. Here's hoping the little ones are soon greeted with warmer weather, so they will be abJe to enjoy the free range they must have. The high school pupils are all home from Markdale for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Chappie, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chapftle and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chappie visited thetr Hster, Mrs. R. Fawcett on Easter, who is only gaining slowly in health. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wiley of Cheese- ville were also callers. This Week's Items ' Seeding has commenced Lack of warm spring rains, the green grass is coming very slowly, continuous cold winds have checked growth. Mrs. Newt Hutchinson had the misfortune to break her arm just above the wrist. Her many friends rympathize with her and wish for her a speedy recovery . Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wilcox and Jlrs. Sam Wiley were in Owen Sound on Saturday. MJ-J. Annie Gilray of Epping is the jruest cf her daughter, Mrs- Nelson Wilc-jx. Mrs. James Wiley nnd sons. Elgin and Clarence we:e holiday visitors with he aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mr.;. El Wilcox Mi~s... Eisio. Helen and tiva Wiley halitiayed with their aunt. Mrs. Clara WUey in Markdale. &irs. Wiley and Hazel returned witTi them and spent the week end. Misses Verna and Ina \\'iley and (."r.i o!in,> Clarke and Messrs Earl .Morrison and Elroy Boyle returned to high school duties on Monday at Markdale. Master Carman Brown is en- gaped with Jos. Cherry at present. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cherry and two children, spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Symes, Barrhead. Mi. Robert Brown was at Thorn- bury one day the past week The Women' j Institute met on Thursday afternoon, April, 24th at the home of Mrs. A A. Thompson. A fair crowd was in attendance and several item.; of business were transacted, after which a good pro- gram was given and a dainty lunch was served at the clos-. Miss Elda Ward of Markdale is assisting Mrs. Newt. Hutchinson. IN MEMORIAM FISHER In loving memory of our dear parents, James A. FMier and wife. Kate A. M.-Comb, who departed this life, our mother on April 2?nd, 1926, and our Bather August 20th, 1D27. We laid them away in God's acre to rest, Whro the flowers were laid on the rod. Though our hearts were sat} and sore oppressed. We yielded them up to God. And a blissful peace like a holy calm Comes o'er our hearts like a spell When we bow in submission to God's will For He docth all thins-' w?H. Sadly missed by th.' family. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hawes Brght and Miss Margaret Stinson, Toronto, spent Easter week end under the parental roof at Mr. A. Stinson's. Mr. and Mrs. Brown Jarvis, Mr. Jno. Robinson, spent Easter week end at Milton Bannon's. Miss Sylvia Acheson came home a few days before Easter, too ill to continue her school duties, but is much improved and hopes to be able to start back after Easter. Mr. Storey, returned Missionary from South America gave a very interesting /iddress and lantern slides at Inistioge church on 'Wed- resday last. The contrast between the South American cities and the country around them is nearly un- believable. The cities are quite modern while the ignorance of the country is appaling. Mr. Wilfred Gallagher attended the 0. E. A. at Toronto last week. Jean Rosj of Maxwell spent Easter week with her sister, Mrs. txcr.. Acheson. Florence Batchelor visited her cousin, Ina Acheson last week. Teddy Moore visited at Mr. Robt. Ache-son's Proton Station. Mr. Moon, a Korean student filled the pulpit on Sunday at Inistioge and gave u.3 a splendid address on Korea. His English u very good indeed for one who has been in this country but 18 months. BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nicholls, Pontiac, Mich., a son Gerald Franklyn. Mrs. Blakely of Proton spent a few days last week with Mrs. Wil- fred Gallagher. PRIGEVILLE The teachers and pupils have all gone back to resume their duties again alter spending the Easter holidays. Rev. Mr. Stewart has purchased a new Ford car. Mr. Bob McKinnon and sioters, Ella and Laura of Toronto motoreii up and visited friends here. Miss Eva Carson of Toronto is spending a week at her parental home. We are sorry to lose the barber, Mr. Aicox, who ha.? moved to Mark- dale. Misses Sadie and Dorothy Carson, spent a t'-. \v days visitinsr their sis- ter, Mrs. A:t Richardson a Swmton Park. .M:. . ri.iri'.-n Mu :r and nephew, Archie 1 1 ouster, returned Saturday t.i Pcterboro, after spending the holidays here. Mr. Archie McKeclmie iias pur- chared a raw Ford car. Mr. and Mrs. We*. Smith and son. of Rock Mills anil Mr. and Mr>. l.-:iac Smith of Flesherton. vuited the first of tho week at Mr. A! . McLean's. Mrs. Kate McArthur returned home rfter spending a month viol- ting in Niagara Kails. Miss Margaret McDougall returned on Monday from Hamilton, after visiting friends there. Mr. Johnny McDougall and his mother and Mrs. John Meads ana baby motored to Hamilton over the week er-.t!. IN MEMORIAM KAITTING In loving memory of our dear father. J. J. Kaitting, who passed away April 27th, 1927. Cherished memories of one so dear Are often recalled by a silent tear No one knows the depth of our re- grets. For you were OUTS and we never forgot. Ever remembered by daughters. Ada ard Queenie. JUNIOR FOUND OUT The 4-year-old boy. perched on his father's knee in the crowded bus, looked hard at the stout, gaudily dressed womnn as he bustled in and edjred herself into tho only seat lei't. Then he turned to his mother. "Mum." he said loudly, "its a la(*y." "Hush dear," his mother said; ''we know it is." The little boy looked puzzled. "But. mummy." he said, " you just said to dad, "Whatever's that object 1 coming in? Lethbridj^ Herald. Premier King is in Bermuda. He wi'l. fir.d that a "nickel" is not con- sidered enough for a tip there. K1MBERLEY The juniors met at the home of I Miss K. Hutchinson with Rev. F. Stotesbury, and organized a junior league. Officers are: Pres., Opal j Weber; Vice Pres., Paul Stotesbury; Sec., Elsie Graham. The W. I. met at the parsonage on Thursday afternoon. There was & good attendance. Arrangements j were made for 3rd. of June celebra- : tion. Committees appointed were i sports, Mr. R. Lawrence and Mr. W. Gilbert, program com. Mrs. A. E. i Myles, Mcs. J. Eyles. Mrs. Stotcs- ' bury and Mr'. F. Weber. Two es- :ellen; par;e:r were given, first one by Mrs. Eyles, -'The princiules ot tight dressing" and 2nd. by Mi-.s *Iary Stafford. "Good manners a: home and abroad." Both papers 5 he wed srocd taste and thought n the preparation. Miss Stafford received some valuable hints from Mr. Put- nam. \ f rs. J. Stuart of Burk's Fails sans two heautnul sob.!, ai'.or which Mri. Stoterbury and the irirl^ served lunch. Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. Stuart and Harvey of Bui-ke's Falls were the guests of Mr. and Mr.-. W. T. Ellis. Mr. J. Abercrombie has returned home after spending the winter in Toronto !/:-. Carl Carruthcrs spent n few days in Toronto. The Sunday School will be held in the morning for the summer months We arc looking ror increased atten- dance. Mrs. Jack Gibson of Bowrr.anviiie visited with Mr. W. Harris for a few day. Our sympathy is extended to Mr. Geo. Curry and family in the deatii of Mrs. Curry. While living among us for several years, her kind and motherly way won for her many lasting friends. The Easter services were very In- spiring and beautiful. In the morn- ing the service was taken by the W. M. S. and all felt it very fitting for the spirit of Easter. In the evening Rev. F. Stotesbury ijave a En<ter sermon. The choir ajsisteu with suitaple music in the nurning Two sokj v.-L % rc given by Mi 3. J. Haynes and cr.e by Mrs. Stotesbury. The church was decorated wii:i flowers &nd potted Easter lihie;.. A'ce; the service these were criver 1 . to t!-.* sick and shut in.;. The h.i"'.e.< that were made happy by the return of ab;cnt cncj are tho i" Mr. and Mrs. Th.--. Saul, M;-S Rhocta r.nd Evelyn from > M:. :uv.i Mr-=. t\ T .. \VcV-or. U Alry.tda nnd Gcrrddine and Mr. F.llis CEYLON Mrs. Jas. Hales and son, Jackie of Trenton is visiting with 'her father, Mr. Jas. L. McMullen also with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair. She spent the week end in Owen Sound. Miss Margaret McMullen of To- ronto spent a few days of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMullen. Mr. W. J. Cook, Mr. Clifford Cook of Ebrodale and Mrs. Victor Fairweather and son, Gordon nf To- ronto were callers at R. Cooke's Wednesday of last week. Mr. Oben McLaughlan of Sutton spent a couple of days last week visiting vdth his father. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mills over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Mills. Jr. and two children, Mrs. !. McLean. Mrs. ParU Mr. V. McLe.ni. ML-i Tor.-.?, all cf Toron- to. \Ve ar^ rc-iy to report M' Jessie McKer.-'o r-uite ill witn pleurisy and ccr.?cjtio;a and under the care of Dr. Milne. Her sister, Mri. Hesiop of Eugenia is caring for her. Mrs. Jack Gibbon cf Bow.7ianv;ile spent part cf the pat \veeic with Mrs. \Vill Gibson. Mr. Harry Pedlar of Toronto visi- ted his ?ister, Mrs. George Fisher ar.d family. A neighbors' party was held Mon- day evening at the ho-ne of T>ir. Giorge Fiaher. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Neagauer of Akron. Ohio are visiting the lattc 'a parents. Mr and Mrs. Richard Whit- taker. Mrs. (Dr.) V. Patterson and two sons of Toronto spent the pas: week visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. D. McLeod. returning the first of the week to her home. Dr. Patterson came up for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper and Mrs. H. Piper motored to Owen Sound last week. Mrs. W. White and family visited v.-ith friends at Soring Hill the first of the week. Mr. Andy Kennedy happened with an accident Ivut week, while return- frvn Mar'.;i!a!c hi; horse fright at an auto and ho was thrown out. He was taken back t) ii.vk>ia'. '-. re it v a uij^cvcrod that h^s = h .v.M'-r L:>r.i v.-as hr. ken. Dr. Care- foot attended the injury, then he was taken home, where ever since Wo i BATES BURIAL CO'Y. ! . DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PARLORS J. \T. P.ATES. 122-121 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS. Presentation MRS. W. COUSINS PASSES AWAY AT FORWARD Prior to leaving Ftversham for Forward, SaskJ^ April 1 For- their nev. home at the Club House ward lost one of its old timers on in the Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thursday April 1, when Mrs. Vfm. Kaitung and family of Feversnam | Cousins, age 50. died suddenly at her -.-.-ire --lair.ped'' by tho citizens of home here. Mr.5. Cousins came to that village, when they v.vrs pre- this district 24 years ago \vi.h her scnted with a Colemsn lamp as s husband, and ;: tried on the farm token of remembrance. Miss Delsa here > coming from Singhampton, Kaitti.'.s aUo received a manicure st ; Ontario. fvom the pupils of tho public school ' Following a service at the house, a-.'.H a fewellery case from the Sal- the fur.tral was held Saturday, bur- vaticn Army. Mrs. Kaitting was i'al taking place at Khedive cemetery tho recipient of a lo.ely pink silk Rev. Duffield of Ceylon United bedspread frcm the Ladies' Aid of. Church officiated, tho Presbyterian church. Ap- Relatives present at the funeral propriate replies were ?iven to tho were. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cousins, of addnsst;:: a.-i.i the donors were than- Radville. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cousins, ked fc their lovely and usefu, . Ogema; Mr. and Mr*. Floyd Cousins apftf. The evening v.-is spent in , Hardy. The funeral was very largely dancing and everyone enjoyed the attended, and many floral tributes event to the fullest extent. sen t. showing the high esteem in BRA WLEY WATSON which deceased was held. Those left to mourn her loss are " , her husband and one son. Elson. A quiet v/eddmg was solemnized The pallbearers were Jim Cousins at 1 p.m.. Saturday. April 19. at Tom Earl, Jack Hart. Jack Branitf, the home of the bride's mother. Mrs. ^f r Colbourgh and Mr. Cathcart. Wm. Watson, Prieeviiie, Ont.. when R e gina Leader, her youngest daughter, Louisa _______ Sophia becar.ie the bride of Mr. Nor- A goose egg fourteen ounces in val Welleslcy Brawley, Beeton. Ont. weight, six inches in length, and nine The ceremony was conducted by arid a cuarter inches in circumference Rev. Frank Sullivan, pastor of St. we: sold en the Orillia Market on Columbia United church, Prieeviiie Saturday morning by Mrs. L. F. Shaw in tho presence of a few immediate of Hawkt-stcne. The purchaser of the relatives. The wedding march was big esz was Maurice Brass. clothing played by the bride's sister. Miss dealer. Marth:-. Watson and \V. G. Watson n. Brother, gave the bride away. The bride was becomingly attireiT in Alice Blue, embroidered georgette with lae-e ;in,i carried a er bouquet of butterfly r . v*rt : <= > i" The Advsnre NOTICE Borti- V.V-er. Myrtle Orm'i^ii:. ' \\-.-!..-r..-. Iol= Graham. Stu.irt Ellis Ted Myle-. r>rut-'n ''. rt'-,:?on an: F-..-.1 Ellis of H. E. P. C. a'.s.-- Lat-rio Lawrence. tb: and Mi-. P. A. r,r;--ii-i .-.->.: Miss Ann:.' Burritt v : .: '.:.-! v Y.- : : ard ?!rs. P. S. Ba-ritt. M:. J. S:'cct.-. ':i- [.rj'-.r.std the lot and flock of le-'hoT. chvkcr. - from Mrs. Norman Br./ri". There are 123 of good stock. Tho bird which took the cup forthe best bird in the recent poultry shew was raised from this flock. Messrs. Allen anil Thompson Ferguson and Norman Burr'.tt left last week for Haileybury to work OR H. E. P. C. eonctruction line. ! he I'.:!.-, tfuf'e.-c.l considerably. I hope ior a speedy reco v "ery. On the 1 1th .-:' May. Mother's Day Rev. Mr. M.-LeoJ r-Jia.T.c-! M. ary from Foinv*.i will hr.vc ch..rc^- the Sunday school ar.d cfc -, ices here. v. \;c:\ ;. - d 1 i-s expecttd. Mr. and Mr:. (.lien MaVe ol Vard.'leur a.-..i Mr. :in.i M--. C?atCy of Oranjre VaH-.y \is! v.i at Th<:. : "-vher's the fir.-t of th.' w .'. . ". . Stanley Chesney t > a loan .' potatoes to Hai-'.:!:on >:i Tuesday :or A. r. M :-. Mr-, ratnoro-i Sr>' -y nr..l daugh- I C T- #>>-' 'h' ''\-' " t!'-- week :-. 'i-. Sr-.ilev's ru-T'al home r.o i. Durham. Visitors ;it \'.~. iJeo. .\:rowr.iith's were: Mr. D-wiald Mi-Rao 01' Moose- min. Sask and Mr. Finley Mciiac of Toronto. Owir.- :> th<- arrangement of new . it is necessary for patients ine-valley and anJantiun fern. rj f0mo in by rear .. W est" door. V/ill "IK- bridal couple were unattended. pllt i en ta kindly co-operate. Dr. J. Following the ceremony the - a wedding dinner. ' "CLICKS AND EGGS Pure bred to lay Barred Rock 'VTV. hers mated to L. R. Gui: : i: sk C.vkerr.ls from high producing hen*. May chicks $15.00 ;vr 100: Jan-- per 100; eggs , cockerels arc for sale. J-.'.'O e:-.i-h. Write or : .. " ;^-:;r Patterson. F. R. 2 Pri^ev;;!^. Pho-.e -- r r 1 or -. i the f-'-nie d.-nneii a . ieloth coat trimmed wit'i 'x;r er and hatch to i-vitch. Mr. ar.J Mrs. Brawley left by t visit frit-n<ls i:i the Ni:i. u!:?. l"po:i - .-.rr, .-.,_.,.. will r::side at Beeton. Pr. .-. C,. Ru sc-I! will be ;i- Ar-r.- . Monday and Tuesday. "i v "> ; n.l *. Phc'-ne your apr C;-cn both evenin . ROCK MILLS Mr. end Mrs. B. Field visited re- cently with frienchi at Caledon East. Mrs. J. Park. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Patton, Mrs. C. Bowers and three children of Owen Sound, were recent visitors with the former's daughter here, Mrs. Dick Clark nnd family: A number from h?re attended the social evening in honor of Mr. W. J. Bellamy, which was held in the town hall. Flesherton. Friday night. Mr. and Mr*. I. Smith aid sons, Ross and Pelbedt cf FU.ihertcm and Laurie of Toronto and rau.j:';:er, .M'-*. Ailie M -Lesn, Prieeviiie. were recent vi-'it'-r^ wi'h th N former's son hero. ?>. \Vc3. ?:r.i.h am; family. The Mav Moetir.s cf Unity U. ?. W. O. will l-e held at the home o" Mrs. L. Gcnoo on Wednesday 7th. at 2 p.r;. Visitors welcome. Mr. ar.d Mrs. A. Blaekbum ana daughter. Mabel of the 4th line, visited recently with Mr. ar><! Mrs. Jno. Hargrave. Mr. Ned Croft made a business trip to Hatr.ilton on Friday last am! was accompanied by Mr. Jas. Stew- art of Flesherton. HARDWARE MAXWELL The Women's In<titute held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Geo. W. Ross on Ar-ril 24. with a good number in attendance. The of- ficers for tho following year are: P'resident, Mrs. R. J. Morrison: 1st Vice President. M-s. Eddio Sci'.ley: 2nd. Vice r"rident: Mrs. James T.r-ng: Secretary. ?-tab>l F. Ross: Treasurer, Mrs. J. L. Morrison. M ; ?i Mayrard h^s returned to her school after spendin.7 hc^- h-j'idays in Owen Sourd. Mrs. John Winters <nec Myrtle Winters) underwent an oprj-ation for appendicitij in the Owen Sound 1 hospital and b dcir.r: as well as pos- sible. i ;!; Fails Tubs Boilers Whitewash Brushes . ;j; Calsominc Brushes Papering Brushes ;j; Gtcvc Crushes Harness Parts Curry Combs J E-.vcai: Pads. etc. I* X C.ROCKRY STKCIAL Campbell's Chicken Soup J tins for 21c. X A. E. Haw, Ceylon Store clo-ii-s every evening 1 at t> p.m.. except c \Vednesdav and Saturday. X ADVAKCK An\TS. PAY TENDERS WANTED Sfaled tendei > for shinglin~ th* 1 church will be received by the undt---- siened up till at'.;i including Monday. Mav 12. for removing old sh ; ng'.e.: :ir-i1 reshingling east side of Ku^renla United chu;x-h. Successful tenders to supply own scaffolding. Lowes* or any tender aot necessarily ac- ivv>ted. Adi)re. ; all t Mulovs. ("> tinctly marked "Tenders" to Mis. .1. Campbell. Eugenia, Phone 74 r 13. Grey County Egg Grading Station in the old Scully Egg House EGGS CANDLED AND GRADED BY EXPERIENCED GRADERS OPEN ON WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY NIGHTS COMMENCING TC-NIGHT, APRIL 16 Thomas Ovvler & Son Phone 55 Proprietor $

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