Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1930, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY. APRIL, 30, 1930 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Huy your, Flour and Feeds from the . --. . Osprey Fanners' Milling Co. FEVKRSHAM Family Bread Flour Mode from No. i Western Wheat Paitry Flour Made From Choice Ontario Wheat Cracked Red Wheat, Grits, Bran, Shorts and coarse feeds always on hand What ground there is for the ru- mor of an influx of Hollanders to the rerlainred land in the Holland river irmrsh has not been revealci". ir> the Bradford district, but it Is stated there and in Newmarket thai some 500 natives of Holland, skill- ed in gardening arc about to arrive in this country and take up holding^ on tho rich land reclaimed from flooded areas in the townships of West Gwillimbtiry and East Gwillim- lu.-y. There are upwards of 1000 a.-ros in this tract. Be Certain of SAFETY Build tvith Gyproc TTIRE can hurl your JL homo to destruction unless a (ire-resistant ma- terial such as the new Ivory coloured Gyproc Wallboard is used in its construction. Inexpensive, perma- nent, easy to apply, Gyp- roc Wallboard does not burn. It is exactly what you want for fire-safe walls, ceilings and par- titions when you build, remodel or repair. Ask your dealer today for full information on Gyproc Wallboard or send for interesting free book, "Building and Re- modelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTIN1-, CANADA, LIMITED Paris Ontario Oratorical Contest The Oratorical Contest for high school students will be Ir.-ld in the auditorium of the Flesherton high school, Saturday, May 3. at 2o'clock Subject, League of Nations its or- igin, objects and chief accomplish- ments. 'Time from 12 to 15 minutes, prizes, $40, $25, $15, $10, $5. Throe students allowed from each high school. Material on subject has been in the hands of the high school principal fcr some time. The De- partment of English of O. A. C. * sewVng the judge. Everyone is welcome. Let us encourage the young orators by filling the hall. AGNES C. MACPHAIL. Auction Sale STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. 26 .J For Sftle by Flesherton Planing & Chopping Mills Flesherton, Ont. C. .1. THOMPSON Will sell py public auction on I.ot 14, Con. 14, Artemesia WED., MAY 7th, 1930 when the following will be offered: HOUSES Matched Team of Black Horses, 5 and 6 years; Aged Horse, good workci-; .Sorrel Driving Mare, ii years old; Drivinjr olt from Trim- ble's trotting horse, 1 year old- CATTLE 2 Cows, 9 and 10 yeara old v. i!h calf at foot; Heifer 2 vears old, due to freshen in May; Gsoti Heiie;. rising two years old; Year- ling Steer; 2 Good Yearling Heifers; 5 Ewes and 10 Lambs; 10 good Hogs will weigh over 150 Ibs. time of saie; Brood Sow 2 years old with 7 young pigs, ready to wean time of rale; 14 White Orpington Hens; CO good While Leghorn hens; 2 Geese and Gander. IMPLEMENTS Good Massey- Pinir l.'J Due Drill; Bain Wagon and box: Massey-Harris No. 21 Plow rew; Hay Rack; Cutter: Heavy Team Harnp.s.;. new, just used one vea ; Set of Good Single Driving Harness; 8 Bags Irish Cobbler Potatoes; Root Pulper: About 2 l.ushelr. Seed, half clover and half timothv: Stock of Alfalfa Hay, about 6 tonr,; 5 tons of good hsy, Timothv nd Clover, in barn. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 15 Cords of Split Wood; New Renfrew- Washer; New Renfrew Cream Separ- ator, No. 4; New Range Stove: Box Stove: Singer Sewirit Machine: At'.o KnitU : Glas;! Cupboard; Small Cupboard; Dresser and Wish Stand; Piecp Linoleum 10x14: 3 Iron Bed- steads; Mattresses; Iron Cot nnd Mattress; Arm Chair: G Kitchen Chairs; 4 Small Tables; Kitchen Ta! !e; 2 Rocking Chairs; 2 Congoi- cum Rugs !fx!2: Good Copper Boilpr: Pot.;: Pans; Many other numerous articles. TERMS OF SALE All sums of S10.00 and under, cash; over thai amount 10 months' credit will be riven on approved joint notes bear- inr interest at G per cent. 5 per renr tifl' fj.' ca e h. ."-ale nl J pm. sharn. Everything irust l>e sold as the owner is --'"inr, f-, rm j nc .. W. KAITTING. t I THE STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HIlL&CfUtd. ! CHAIN STORKS Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Cash Buying and Cash Selling Results in Lower Prices SMART HATS IN THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT $2.95 Beautiful and becoming hats of bright Toyos and Shiny Straw Braids. Hats with widf-r brims that droop about the d'acc, off the face stylos and drooped effect*, chic trimmings accent spring bright new blues, green.; and supremely smart black. This widely varied collection has several I iTMiiiiru' styles for Misses, Women and Matrons. Come early and sec the complete range of stylon and shades. Hill's Cash Price $2.05 You'll be Smart if you WEAR ONE OF HILL'S COATS THIS SPRING Made to sell $27,50 & $29.50, cash price ll.-'rii .!!. tiimmed with collars of molu and broadtail. These have .''tut arrived from th'j man- ufacturers. Up to date, new spring rfvles develop- -d in btHU'iful tiunlity tricatine and Kronch twill, lined with silk crepe. A wide rani;' 1 of styles in navy und black. Shop early if pcmih'.i. and have tho *dvnntagp of choosing from this complete assortment. Coat Department '2nd floor. NEW SHOES FOR SPRINC. AND SUMMER AT A BIG SAVING Styles that nre typically M>rimr, 1030, in st'-nn ties nnd pumn designs. Thev offer 11 tmlv worth- while value in dependable finality iwnte-inl. firmlv designed nimlels otul new colors in nlnriii '. Itrirro. brown and Mack KiJor Patent I.ealli:-:-. s, diffrrrnt style , all sizes 2/' to 7. See these lines at Hill.i. Cash prices mean u big savinjr. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S TOP COATS $13.95 All the popular new fabrics and colors for Rprinir. Beautiful shades of greys and fawns, smartly styled in radian guards and slip-on modcis Come in now for the best assortment. You will pave dollars if you buy your top coat at Hill's. This is a marvellous offering und unsurpassed values. Sizes 35 to 44. Hill's Cash Price $13.J!>. MEN'S NEW SPRING FELTS A Hat for Particular Men They fit the head nnd personality of the weaver Snap brims arc here for the younger man who prefers rakish linen, rolled and welt edges, for the more conservative drcssor. They are presented in various tones of greys nnd fawns, with sufficient selection to make certain that thev will harmonize perfectly with the now spring cloths. Hill's Cash Price I2.SI5. $3.95 and $1.50 HILL'S DEPENDABLE GROCERIES EVERY MONDAY I? SATURDAY PRICES 10 Ibs. (Iranulat^d Sugar 50c Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. 2!fc Pineapple slicod 2 tins 25c Pi-as. Corn, Tomatoes i 2 cami 25c Rhio Rihpnn Coffco 1 lh. tin flHc Cnrdon Seeds fl pkir:<. 2fp l!i:-!n'-l market prirpH paid for eggs and potntocH MRS. ROBERT PARSLOW PASSED AWAY IN TORONTO Death came on Saturday morning, April I'.ith to Mrs. Robert Parsiow, she having passed away in a Toronto hospital to which she was taken about six weeks ago. Mrs. Parsiow was tho daughter of Mr. nnd Mto. Samuel Smith (Grace Aldcom) and was born in the town of Meaford in September, 1870. Her father dying a few weeks after her birth she, with her lonely mother, came homo to the old Aldcorn home- stead at Swinton Park. Her maiden name was Ma'rgarct Jf not Smith.anti here she g-ew up and attended school in S. S. No. 7, Proton. Ln.ter she at- tended Owen Sound Collegiate and Ottawr Normal School. Then for several years she taupht school, and twenty-five years ago she was married '> R"b?rt Parsilrw also of this place. They have sir.-jc lived on the old D'.'r- ham Ro"d, ArtenrVi whore Provid- ence h-s nrcspcrcd them, not only in earthly goods but in the things that are moi 1 '' worthwhile. They ever kepi in touch with the friends of their v^uth in nnd a-ound Swinton Park, and in their own horns made many re\\ fric-ds, r>ll of whom sincerely .yr.ipathizc wit'i Mr. Par-slow in his g/eat loss. Last snmmc" M". arid Mr3. Parsiow spent touring Western Canada, going as far West as Seattle, visiting their host.-, of friends all along the way. They enjoyed the best of health and the awo-inapiring; sights in the mou.:- tair.-. Both had the ability to observe p.rd to remember and to relate their pleasant experiences in different places. It was ou- nrivil"ge ti visit with them or thir retur". and to enjoy with them thei 11 t^in as they ably related the pleasures by the way. Shortly after coming home Mrs. Parslow's health failed, and since Christmas she had quickly pone down. Six K ago sh^ was taken to a Toronto hopnit"! foi- treatment. In- .var' 1 cancel- was declared to be the trouble and little hope \\n. held ou: for her recovery. All that good nurs- ing and medical skill could do was ot no avail, and death came on Saturday April 19th. Nurno Berta Aldcom, n cousin of the deceased, waited upor. her throughout her illness. The body was akrn t? the home of Mrs. Cainm, an aunt in Toronto, where it remained until Monday morn- ing, and was then conveyed by train to Ceylon, where many friends and neighbors wore waiting nnd \vaa taken to St. Columba Church Price- ville. Her pastor, RPV. F. Sullivan, in his very able manner, addressed r church full of people, preaching a comforting sermon in a cheering man- ner, and showing that the deceased had gone to her reward that she had fougha a (rood fight and finished her course. It was not a sermo:i of death but of life nnd resurrection, !>ffittir.g '.!"? E;v ! ' .viison. Then the func al cortege proceetieu t i Swinlon Park :ind burial '.vn ; m:uie i:i thj family plot. Here- a^'.iin theiv wen- nvny i th" old D9igfabon io j.ay last tribute of respect to the one well known nnd loved. The pallbeai ers were six old neighbors, tried anil true, namely :Petei Muir. Dnr Muir John S. McMillan, Joseph Oliver, John Williamson nnd Herman Mc- Lean. The flower-bearer;; were five cousins: Bert Haw, Stephen, Charles Walter and Neil Aldcorn, and two nephews: Robt. nnd Richard Parslnw There nre left to mourn, her hus- band, who has so many friends nnd cousins hut none of his own fam ily near Mother, sister and brothers uncles, James Aldcorn of Corbetton; Will-am Aldcorn, Priceville, and ohn of Swinton Park, and one auiu, Mrs. Moody, of Killa -ney, Mani- toba. Three aunts, sisters of the descaaed'a father also will mourn. Mrs. Camm, of Toronto; Mrs. Ed- wards, of Midland, and Mrs. Carmicii- ael, of . also a preat many cous- i"s and other 1'rieads. Another dear one has gone to that other sho"--. where she will be wait- ing to welcome those who .j iui.u\<. trouble on the roads to lose his resi- dential property or his farm if the damages are heavy. It is a heavy price to pay for neighborliness should a car owner become involved, but there seems no other way to protect careful and innocent people from recklessness and it can be overcome by carrying insurance against a pos- sible damage suit. ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY Because he refused to tell the couri where he got his liquor, Ernest Allen of Glencairn had one month tacked on when Magistrate Jeffs fined him $100 and costs or three months in jail in Barrie Police Court on Wed- nesday of last week. i TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY AIPLI- | CATIONS WANTED Sealed applications stating salary 'expected will be received by thft 'undersigned up to 9. o'clock p.m. Friday. May 2nd for the position of Road Superintendent in the Township of Osprey. Applicants will be re- quired to use a car for driving pur- poses. The lowest or any appli- cation not necessarily accepted. Ap- plicants are requested to write "Ap- plication" on the envelope containing- same. H. G. Bnrke, Clerk. H. G. BURKE, clerk. Small Advts. MISCELLANEOUS LOST -Between Eugenia and \ , * T-- * * -t- Durham on Saturday, April 26th, house and garage . Apply to Geo . :ar license number FF 240. Finder I. Graham in care of E. A. Graham, please leave at this office. Clarksburg. LOST Between Markdale and Col- iingwood via Flesherton License plate No. DY-184. Finder plcr.se leave with W. L. Morwood, Flesherton. NOTICE After this date I will do _^ I CAME ASTRAY Black and tan hound came to my property on April 1st. Owner claim 'property and pay expenses. John Frynn, Flesh- erton, phone 31 r 13. LOST On road between Mark- dale and Shelburne, spare tire and rim belonging to ton truck 30x5 Plecse leave at this office. The Markdale Livery, Markdale. O R SALE FOR SALE Good general pur- pose team W. T. Genoe, CejJon. FOR SALE A number of sow pigs. J. Parker, Phone 32 r 25, Flesherton. FOR SALE 4 head of yearling cattle, also number of young pigs. Ben McKenzie, Ceylon, phone 22r5. FOR SALE Baby carriage, can be accn any time. Reasonable price. Mrs. Thibadeau, Flesherton. my live stock shipping by truck. Any parson having stock to ship will j kindly telephone 83 r 21, Dmidalk to i arrange date Chas. Moore, shipper,. Proton Station. PASTURE Lot 10. Con. 9. Os- i prey. Toacres fnr pasture or hay during the summer of 1930. J. J. Haley, R. R. 1. Eugenia. PASTURE Cattle taken for pas- j turc, plenty of water on the farm. Alex Morrison, Maxwell. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Berkshire Boar for ser- vice at lots, 151-153, 1st in 15 months class at Royal Winter Fair 1929 and reserve grand champion. Fees, $2.00 at time of service. II. C. Radley. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, being lot 37, Con. 4, Artemesia, 80 acres under cultivation. Good house and large barn with good stabling and out-buildings. For fur- ther particulars apply on prerrtisei, ALB. BLACKBURN, Phone 42 r 6 Maxwell. FOR SALE Ten thousand feet of inch and 2x8 and 2x4 spruce lumber. 'Mark Wilson, Flesherton. /"FOR SALE 15 tons of mixed hay 'at my farm F. G. Karstedt, Flesh- erton, phone 7. FOR SALE Chevrolet car for sale, in good shape Mrs. W. L. Wright, 68 Elm St., Windsor, Ont. FOR SALE Quanqthy of large seed peas. AAllan McLean, Fever- sham phone 3 r 42. FOR SALE 1 cows, 2 freshened . Richard and 2 to freshen soon Allen, Flesherton, phone 45 r 21 CAR OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY The Ontario legislature has passed a law which is going to make the owner of an automobile pay dearly for any accident of which he may be the urimary cause. It matters no;, who drives the car, the licensee id to be responsible for any damage to person or property wrought by the car. If White lends his car to Brown i'or Blown to take his family ou for a ride and Brown is involved In a collision, White must pay the dam- ages and if White has no property \\hieh Jan be seized to sati'sfy suc:i damages then White will b relieved ' of the privilege of driving his or any ' one else's cnr on the provincial ronOi or hifrhwcys till ho pays the damages awarded against him. It is not being made cnr.ipuliiory to tako out insurance against accident and per- [ .ional linbiliiy, l-.:t a m:>n \vilhout it! i.i liable in case he g*t3 into ' I FOR SALE About 200 bushels of oats Fred Smith, R. R. 2, Flesh- erton. ~For Sale Heavy team of horses and harness Apply at Advance of- fice. FAUM FOR SALE In the Township of Artemesia 120 acre farm, lots 143-46, 3rd range S. W.T.&S.R., half mile from station, 1% miles from Flesherton. Good buildings, 12 acres cf bush. Sold jn easy terms. -J. L. McMULLEN. Ceylon. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT The property of the late Ella- Gibson, lot 10. Collingwood street. Flesherton. On this property is a comfortable dwelling house of 9 rooms, with electric lighting. Barn 25 x 33 ft. with stable and driving house thereon, also a good well on the premises. This property is in a good location and will be sold reason- ably. For further particulars ap- ply ti the administrator. W. J. Fleiherton. Ont. FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Bacon hog West Back- FOR SALE -O.A.C. Barley No. 21 , for sc A rvice n !* 136, West 90s. per bu; Improved Banner Oats '""? Artemesia. G. II. Cairns. 75:-. per bu. Jus. Ferris, Pricc-villo, nn . R . CF-HVIOB- , 75?. per bu. Jos. Ferris, phone 4 on 4'.), Flesherton BABY CHICKS Baby Barred chicks for April, May and Juno de- livery. Phone or write. Ordor now. Mrs. Chester Long, Feversham. FOR S.Aji^E 18 purebred white leghorn pullets, also purebred Leg- horn male, year old. Mrs. Wm. Scmplc, Eugenia, phone 10 v 42, Feversham. BOAR rOH SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for r- vic by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of th Ontario 1/epart- ment ut Agriculture. r-C. STEWART. Carttakev. GliO K. DUNCAN DL'NDALK LICENSLD Al'CTIDNKKK Far th County of Grey. Tarmit I pr cent. Satisfaction guarnteud Datei m*d at Th Advanc* offlea. FOR RENT A good six roomed house, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB stable, hen house and garage, op- posite high school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. 3. Ont. Barley, $1.45 per 100, Ont. Wheat $1.95 per 100, Peas $1.00 per bushel, Oats COc per bushel, A. C. Muir, Ceylon phone 38 r 3. FOR SALE Hatching eggs from purebred Barrod Rocks blood tested and registered under government supervision. W. J. W. Armstrong, F.csherton, phono 13w. Registered Shorthorn bull for ^- vlce at .'ot 6, C^n. 9. Osprey, "Marry Marquis" No. 179,185; Sir*. Bonni* Marquis 142,881; Dam, Red Butterfly 181,078. Term? Purebred* $0:00. grades $2.00. Cows not returned "ill be ..;iai K -e full price. K. HAWKINS. FOR SALE Barn good frame, 45x60ft. For further particulars apply to R .0. Acheson Proton Station, phone 44 r 5 or Oscar G. Patterson, Dundalk, R. R. No. 3. Phone 103 r 24. MUDDLE BRO & BURNS Barrktera, et. Ofices Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton eveiy Saturday fu r noon and evening. CARDS Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surgeon, irraduate of Uni- vpvsity ot T-r^ntj. Gas administer- Fnn -AT IT P - ,ed for extraction Office at the resi- I- OR SALE-Eggs fm- hatching donee ot Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto from well-culled pen of purebred S. street, Flesherton. Phono 69 C. White Leghorn hens, Barron to strain. Eggs grading from 90 9G% extras. $1.00 prr 15 Harold Thompson, R. phone 31 r 21. R. Prince Arthur Lodge, 83a, A. F. ft A. M. meets in the Masonic ha:. Arm- 2. Flesherton. strong Block, Fleshcrton every Fri. day on or before the full moon. W . FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, M> C ' Nl Richardson, Secretary, a, lotj 166 and 167, 1st range west of. A> Mc Cauley. No. 10 Highway. Artemesia Tp. * | ~ WmY Kaitting, LkenseTA^cUon^er miles from Fleshertun, V, miio f or the counties of Grey and Slmcoe from school, 70 ncres under culti- ' Farm and stock sales a specialty, vation, balance swamp nnd pasture. ' Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- Any reasonable offer will be con- anteed. All arrangements and dates icta*d. Fo,- pni ti.-ulnrs apply in may be made at the Advance office or -L. R. Thistlethwaite, 24 Connor telephone 43 r 11, Fle.hcrton or by Avc., TDronto 6. addressing me -t Eugenia \

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