Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Jul 1930, p. 1

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I Vol. 50 No. 6 Flesherton Ontario, July 9, 1930 W. H. Thurstcm & Son, Proprietors ROCK MILLS Mr. ar.d Mrs. Jas. Russell and two younffest children ar'd Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Wilkinson viiitgd or. Sunday with Mrs. Wilkinson of Duncan. Mrs Ernie Russell and son, Orval turned hcme with them. Messrs Fred Drechsel and Eddie Walters, spent the week end at Neu- stadt. Miss Winnetta McMullen was a visitor at the home of Mr. Levi Bet's recently. There has been a change in the time of service at the Baptist church here to commence next Sunday at 7.30 p. m.. Sunday school will be at the usual hour of 2 o'clock. Mrs. Wm. T. Pedlar and grand- daughter, Laura, returned home on Saturday evening after spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. John Wickens of Kimberley. Word was received here on Satur- day that Mr. Whiteman's only son had passed away on Friday at his home at Hanover. Mr. Whitema;i is the foreman on the stone crusher outfit which is operating at present in Chas. Newell's gravel pit. We extend our sympathy to Mr. White- man and family in their hour of deep scrrow. A number from here attended the camp meetings at Proton again on Sunday . nc\v roof on Willard Wiley's barn. Mr. and Mrs. Alwyn Fawcett of Detrcit are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Fawcett. Miss Elda Ward was out from Markdale, a visitor with Mr. anu re- j Mrs. Newt. Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wiley and Helen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wii- ard Gilbert at Kimberley. Misses Mazie and Mildred Bussey spent the past week with their Grandma Cherry. CEYLON MAXWELL W<> welcome the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Pope to the Maxwell charges of the United church. Mr. Joohn and Margaret New of North Cobalt visited with Maxwell friends over the week end. Mrs. Huff and Mrs. Thomas nf Southampton an- vlsitinsr with Mrs. Huff's (laughter, Mrs. Cr.irns. Rev. Mr. Oldham delivered n fine sermon to the Orangemen and ladies on Sunday ovenin?:. A lareg number of friends at- tended the funer"! of the late Robt. Morrison nt Markdale on Sunday. W extend our deep sympathy to the family. The Women's Institute will be hold at tbe home of Mrs. Gao. Law- ler on Thursday 10th. Rev. and Mrs. New of North Co- bolt visitd with friends in this com- munity OP Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. Wm. McWhinney r.nd family of Kamsach. Sask., are vsiting the latter's sisters, Mrs. Geo. Ross and Mrs. John Black. WODEHOUSE the He for A severe electric storm passed cv-.-v thi* ?'-ctio" o" Saturday night, nccompanied by a heavy down pou>- of rain. During the storm Mr. Nelr.or Wi'"ox house VPS struck but no furious damage was done. Mr. Dick Fawcett's house was struck ehn-inr th- st-rm last wc?k For- tunately none of the occupants of cither hon'os wore afferted. Rev. Mr. McAuslan occupied pulpit on Sunday morninsr. will have charge of this circuit this term. Cor,t;ratu!ations to Geo. Lawsor. and Hazel Fawcett. who were both successful in the recent Entrance examinations, thp former taking honors. Georire did well after being out of school from Christmas tii: faster, when he was so seriously i!! Mr. Walter Harris and MUs Orace Morrison of Toronto were visitors among friends here over the week end. Several from here attended the big IT. F. 0. picnic at Flesherton on the 1st. of July and reoort - good time. We extend sympathy {n Mr. John Morriso" and family in the death "f his father, who passed nway on Friday afternoon at the hosnital in Mnrkdale. The funeral took place to Markdale femeterv from the horn? of his son. Win. in the suburbs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walsh nnd fiimilv and Mr*. W. J. Ward visited with Enerenia friends on Sunday. The W. T. held their Juno meeting at the home of Mrs. Matt. Devitr. w>th a large attendance. Mrs. Mary <~*ook of Rocklyn. who lost her home by fire last spring was tho honored jyue<*t a 11 '' was presented with n ouilt. The Institute have sriven over $250.00 towards tho building of th PW church shed. Mr. Willard Wiley sold n trood tonin of working horses last week, delivcri'iff thorn to Me.aford. H*; The Sabbath school will hold their picnic on Thursday, July 19th In Flesherton Memorial Park in the VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. S.M Mrs. Wm. Ludlow ami Mr. Emerald Ludlow and little daughter, Roseinont visited ilr. :vtui Haying is in full swing. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Harding ami spending a week with his boy friend Master Willie Fenwick. Mr. McCurl, Mrs. Middleton and Mrs. Patterson and two sons, Alex- ander and Morley of Orillia visited aftenwon, when everyone, old ana : ' !rs - Wm - Ludlow. Victoria Corners. | Mrs< Comford Rozell and dcuirhter, young are invited. Bring your has- ! Mrs. Nelson Miners, Hellendaie, Margaret of Georgetown were visl- kets and come and help the children Sask., who used to live here some , tors over the v.-eek end with Mr. ami to have a good time. j twenty years ago is visiting her j Mrs. W. Gordon and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White ana ' sister-in-law, Mrs,. A. _Stevens. Mrs. -E. Doupe visited over the" two children of Acton and Mr. ana the Sherwood, McDonald and Hawkln of are kind four left and Mr. re- am! Mrs. (Last Week's Items) This section has been having heavy down pours of rain which now n affecting the grain crops especial ly irt low-lying lands, causing it to become yellow. School closed on Thursday for the summer holidays. The children were all successful in their examin- ations with the exception of one and the holidays are welcomed with de- light. Miss Wiley is re-engaged as teacher for the coming year. BORN' On Sunday, June 29th, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie FawceU the gift cf a daughter. Mrs. Robt. Brown has the symp- athy of her neighbors and friends in the death of her mother. Mrs. Wyvillc. townlinc A & E. who pas- sed to her reward on Sunday even- ing in hr 71st year. She was n great sufferer for some time but bore i c all with a steadf-.'.st faith that Ho. in whom h< trusted, would soon bear her Home. She was one of our worthy pioneer mothers with a big heart and a capable hand, ready to help in any way and many a time and place, in time of sickness she was the one to help give relief. Her hlasband predeceased her some 15 years ago. A family sens and three daughters to mourn ^he loss of a loving mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cherry and and Mrs. Harry Cherry visited ecntly with friends in Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wiley family visited with Mr. and Will MacMillan. Priceville. Miss Emily Lawson. nurse is as- sisting in the hospital at Marx- dale. Several ladies from our burs: at- tended the W. I. District Convention at Rocklyn on Thursday last. All report a profitable meeting. The members of the Branch here helped provide the supper. Mr. and Mrs. Clive Dolan ami baby. May of Detroit who were on a visit with friends at Harkaway were the guests ff Ivr grandmother, Mrs. Geo. Lawson. A fari'wc!! gathering was tendered Rev. and Mrs. Stotesbury and family on Friday evening in Now England (hurch. They were presented witTi fifh-. as remembrances of co-warm- er;! here find best wishes for pros- perity and success in 'he new field of labor near Barrio. Mr. Stotes- burv preaehe'1 his farewell scrim . en Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Hnrrv C^errv visited !"?_ parents at Barrhcad, Mr. end Mrs. D Svmcr?. Mr=. A. A. Thompson hns been nursing in Rorkyln, carirp; for Mrs. T -w-on Sewell. ?/Tr. Ar"'on Thompson ?.r\i\ f".*vny have purchased a new Ford tinirinp;. PRICEVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Allie McLean and them home for the summer holiday:;. Flesherton, motored to London and spent the week end visiting friends. Jean and Dean Smith accompanied Number from here took in the Mr:;. Stevenson of Markdale is spending a few days with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Wm. Hincks. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oliver and twt> daughters. Emma and Sadie left on June 28 on a motor trip to the Western provinces. A number from here took in the big U. F. 0. picnic in Lever's grove and report a splendid time. Messrs. Alex McLean. Allan Mc- Ii'nis and Alfred and Cliford Hincks left on Wednesday to attend summer school in Hamilton. We are srry to report Mis. Ali- ens McKeehnie vory ill. She hfs spent the winter in Toronto and !s T-W home with her son, Archie. Nurse Margaret McDoujrnll is in at- tendance. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- pev was observed in the McKinno:: hull on Sunday last. We congratulate Mr. and daughter, Edna, who have been visi- ting here lefl; on Saturday f&r their he me in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roddie McLeod and daughter and son, of Detroit motored over and visited the former's sister, Mrs. Roy Piper and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright ot \Vinghain and Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Wright of Hamilton visited the Boyce, Wright and Snell families the first of the week. Mrs. (Dr.) PaUerson and two children of Toronto and Mr>;. (Dr.) Beatty and child of Mudoc, who have been visiting their parents, Mr. ana Mrs. D. McLeod, returned on Friday to their homes. The community picnic held In Mr. Thou. Genoe's bush on Friday afternoon was a real success and ail Mi. and Mrs. Jas. Lockhart and 1 Argyle spent the week end in C!in- 1 ton visiting their daughter, I>irs. \ Bert Rowcien. We are pleased to report that : Mrs. Corbett is much improved and able to take a little drive. Mrs. Jno. McConnel, Dundalk, spent a few days \vth her mother, Mrs. Corbett. Lnwscn Lockhart motored home from Detroit for the 4th of July. Lawson will soon know the road. The work in the pit closed on Saturday. They arc moving the outfit to Mnrlidale. On Friday evening the friends and neighbors of Mi"?. Earl Walton (nee Maricn Acheaon) met at her father's home a:ui presented Mr. and Mrs. Walton wi'.h a miicellaneoua shower week end with relatives here. Mrs. A. D. Thurston and two children, Ruth and Gordon of Mon- treal are visiting for a while at the homo of Mrs. Thurston's sister, Mrs. W. A. Gordon and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woods and fam- ily of Markdale and Mr. John j Heathers of Owen Sound visited or. i Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Miller. Sr. and two .hildren. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Young and babe and Mr. Dave Young of Duntroon, also Mr. and Mrs. Art. Portoous and children and Miss Young of Maxwell \vcre Sun- t and plenty of 'rood wishes for future enjoyed themselves. About 10L were ! hapiiir.es''- We wish 'o congratulate our teach e;, Mr. MacIXnald on his 110'; en- trance clasn. There were five trieu ani 1 five passed. Alphabetically. Jim mie Gallagher, Arqryle Lockluu-i. Helen Moore. Beth Talhot and las: but by far not least. John Talbot. ;'.nii Mr. Mr. Mrs. present. Contests, races ball, and games of all kinds were played anit at 6 o'clock all sat down to supper, where ample justice was done by ail present. Mr. J. B. Cummins, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper and family for the past fortnight return ed to Oshawa on Tuesday morning. Mrs. F. Marshall and daughters, Olive, F.dna and Barbara spent the week end with her daughter at Hol- land Centre. Mrs. Royden Gibson. Mr. John G")son and Mrs. John and Mrs. Stanley McFadden motored on Sat. to Caledon, where the funeral of Mrs. Campbell's aunt., Mrs. Gibson took place. Dr. Thos. McRae and Miss Coi- house of Dundas are visitor;; with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Arrowsmith and family. Mr. Baker of Dundalk is relieving at tho depot here in the absence of Mr. Percy Hemphill. who is on a holiday trip to the coast. Pr. Patterson cf Toronto, >7rs. King of Detroit and Mrs. G. R. J:u-k- ; in of Dundar, spent the week end with Mr. :nd Mrs. D. McLood. M'-s. Stringer. Miss Minnie String el-, Mr. und Mrs. Wm. Stringer. Miss Keith and Mr. Uan Baxter of Torors- ') Mi. Rich.-ird Baxter of fVling- waod ard Mr. Farqnhar Baxter of Brariinton Client the 1st with Mr. and Mr;. J. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Hcrbie Fisher two children -f Toronto ami Jack McLeod rf 1st. Ca'h." v.-( r.> visitors on the 1st with :tfd Mr:'. Rev ''r-c . Miss V-.'n-rht t ' McIiK-ro i. ; vi i ting ML- Rc-t ; II >:ir;n il. M-. F..'bt. Con'; nnd .':i- Mi ie pmto'-ed la Mildmay. Teeswotcr i;r. Kincardine for 'Iv 1--L of Jr.i;-. Mrs. Itoyden- Gio-"'" j-.nJ <i '.i:;chLer Helen of Toronto vislL'j-1 t.h p:>st week with Mr. aud I.Irs. J. <'ib>n. Mrs. Carnahan -:id b'.v) ciiildre- of Toronto are visaing her brothers, Angus and Arthur Whlttakcr; Mr. Carnahan spent the week end with them. Dr. I.aitd of Guclph and Mr. aria Mrs. Stcwirt a:id daughters cf O.wcn Sound were week end visitoi s vitli Mr. ard Mrs. A. Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Adams and two children of Toronto are spending a week v.ith the former's mother rnd brother Dave and family. Mr. ard Mr:;. Emerson Adams nnd daughter o'f Elmsvale spent a few hours also with them the first of tho week. Mrs. Raney and daughter of Toronto visited the past with her mother and sister, Agnes Masphail. Mr. RoK. Cook. Miss Milii.? ,Mi^-, Fright and Mr. S. Hemphill nrci daughter, Ret:>. im. tared to 51'.. Forest on Frul.iy c\ r oninrr. The friends and old neighbors In this community v/ill dee'iiy uegret to learn of the passing of Mrs. Jas. Boyce, r former resident of this burir. \vlin pus.-ed avvay at her home in Mt. Forest on July 2. The funer- al look place on Saturday after- noon to the Mt. Forest ceinetpny. She leaves to mourn her sorrowing husband, one (Knnv.a) Mr-. Lindcr nf Colling\vr>o(5 4 bro'hers and four sisters, to whom honors. Mr. MacDonald i.i re- engaged for another year, but our sympathy goes out to him for m> v.'ill have a very strenuous school, for unless some* benevolent family moves in and contributes to the rcholars, there will be only six m 'he roll, two of those belonging ;:> another section. Methinks these pupils will feel that they are being educated by a private tutor. Mrs. A. Stevens, Mrs. Reg Steven? and Wilbur Rosxella and M-irjoric Stevens motored to Exeter ' i at- tend the Miners Reunion on Thurs. Mrs. W. Ludlow accompanied then-, as far as Nuwray. where she visi- ted an uncle. Mr. ad Mrs. A. Stevens and Ros- xella, Mr. and Mrs. Rocs Steven.- visited the former's daughter, Mrs. Wm. Cantrell. Toronto. families. Mrs. Russell Lintor. of Mimico spent a week with her parents, Mr. a:ul Mrs. Thos. Fenwick. The two little sons of Mr. and Mrs Albert Williams born June 23rd are doing fine. Their names are Arthur ar.d Glen Frederick. WP are pleased to hear that Baby Proctor is recovering from her re- cent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith and family visited with the former's sis- ter, Mrs. Ed. McKean and family at Ravenna on Sunday. Mr. Will Martin and son, Mel- bourne of Ower. Sound and Orville of Detroit were visitors on Saturday with the former's brother, Chas. and family. Mrs. Will Campbell and. son, Biliie the day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Free < : f Toronto are holidaying at Young. J home of Mr. Jacob Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Phillips] Mrs. Jus. Fawcett is visiting re- a::d three children <f Rock Mills' Isitives in Toronto at nresc-nt. visited with her parents. Mr. am. Mr?. W. Pavii-s of Toronto visited Mrs. W. Gordon, on Sunday. recently with her parents, Mr. and Mr. Percy Magge and son, Bil- Mr. .laceh Wiliian.s. Us have returned homo fr::n a fort-j Mr. Cainpbull. the Conservative niah'. visit with frh'r.i!.; at Orasgc- candidate for the federal election. vil f. I held a meeting in the L. 0. L. Ci 'Hi.-atulations to Belva Genoe lu.-t Wednesdav evening. A <:;'. her .success in pa.-sing the En- trance cxamina'ions. We also offer Congratulations to Mr. Sam McDon- :.!,!. tiacher at Victoria Corners who had five successful Entrance candi- dates, four being junior fourth pupils, cue obtaining honors. Th? Fishermen'.-; Club House under! ronto. ..h'j ii!-\v management of Mr. ana Mr. Sam MacDonald hall good number attended. Mr. J. N'. Perdue ;i!so snoko. Mr. Russell Park wa^ ehnirman for the ever.inir. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cameron. Muriel and Donald accompanied by Dfirothv Jarrioson sr.^nt the wek end with frierds in Milton and To- :i"->ndir.g Mrs. Will Kaittir.g, now presents a : summer school in Toronto. Success very attractive appearance. The exterior as well as the interior has been re-decorated. The house is Sam. Mr. and Mrs. Fd. Hillock of Max- up accompanied to date in every respect. Mr. Kail- visaed with Mr. by Mr. .' and Mrs. Fred ting has erected a flag pole and the Jnniieson on Sunday. j British flag is hoisted thereon. We' Mr. nnd Mrs. Oiivpr of Detroit arc hospitality, visitors wi'h Mr. W. Sloan. May 3e Abolisded A Toronto despaU-h says: A pre- diction that within the near future indents at Ontario High S, ho-ls and C(!r>gi;iti'! will not have to \\rite matriculation examinations, was matin hero by Premier G. It. Ferguson, acting 'n his capacity :i - Minister cf Education. The Prcnii ir stated ;' system of rpjjonimr-nda i > : bj teachers, based on l^w cut ire ycav's work, i- 'i"in.!; < 'trider-d by .- :HM-''-' )!i;mitl--'i > . will' bis iMi:r:v- :]. P.r'l UK-- net or.!'. h:w.' "vtvrl-'d in u'.v ir "i' MI ' a .c-henii f-.r the ; i! . .-lit" >i!v '!('. in-- CM!-, duriiv.* rv.T-;;r'iii!T: <,., l!)" scho;.l year, but their ivpoyt i.< re r'.vinsr favorab": 1 .; tho pu,,,:: ' th" are sure with the kind and cheerfulness of Mr. and Mrs. Kaitting the fishermen will be "a: home." The Misses Mary and Isabelle Mc- Kee of Toronto are spending a fort- night with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKeo. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Biggar of Owen Sound visited over the holiday with the latter's parents, Mr. anil Mrs. Thos. Fenwick. Visitors at the home of Mr. W. A. ( : o:<lon and family over the holiday were: Mi. and Mrs. Robt. LaGerry, Mr. and Mrs. Will Crawford and two sons and Mr. Alex Gordon of Hamii- luckv to ton. Mr. Wesley Cooey of Toronto visi- 'cd friends in the village for a few M.,.<,.V fnlin Fvnt", of G:ilt \- Mr. and Mrs. Bi-aton and dar.arhter loan fni-p near Durham and daugh- ter Bcs'f and friend of Tor nto ,,-orc \-N'-<vs -.vith Postmaster. Park wife and family rerpntlv. Afro. Johnston and hn!p "f For* William - viitintr with the forme." mother, Mrs. Wilson. These political thos" "f r.ro irvoat days ff<r th * compared t lv d;<v<-. bi'foro ''u> motf car N'mv they can noM sever- T in one di'v n^fl locn hoii Tn *!<- old c?rVi tb"' w gt-l hoire ln-for" mirnir nfter hnldine fr'h in some sdv P a 'ia''k concession. nieitintrs :ii ni"ht. Blank counter check books lf nt Tho Ailvnnct offieo. for The I -.\\ :' Siki'.e r'ul'c'-o '::. ivad;' th" fine' ;-< tliat i' '"-'! :'. ''1 r^n;-- more a mile to drive over '-O"T I I I-K'-. than ov- T.md 'vp:-.'cr's Whe" r r--'..Mvisi fi-.i-tl- 10.000 i:>ii- : r vopr nv-r voi" ; i re-'ls it c^sti him just 82:57 ino-e ''u>.n if he \verc crri v.; over paM.'(i highway.. Conipl-ii-:i ". 'axpi'.ycr- should r.i<?''itate '.!"or. f ii;s lindins cf the Iiwa Stat; ColK'g 1 . . BATES BURIAL CO'Y. rirrnxcTivF FrxvRAL SIT.VICK AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CI1ARGE FOR THK USK () OI'U PARLORS 122-121 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONi:: Night or Day KI. 13 H Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS. .1. V.'. I'.ATllS. to The Advanrn Jean v/cei; Miss COME TO July 1 Softball Tournament Parade commences at 1 p.n. Mcuvell I lorseshoe Tournament Prominent speakers \\ III ad- loss, her dress the gathering at tlie daughter. Orange Hall grounds. Dance in the hall at nisiht vpfurnc,! with a niec one to takeStanley Harrison a:ul Mr. and Mrs/hi; community cstt-.vb its their pl-i"". Charier. Tucker on thfi.- rocrn': v v---athy. Mr. Vi'il'. Harris and son. Ira haveriage. They rc'rrned home from t<> coiniiKMice at 8 p.m. First cor.iplotcJ the contract of Ir.ying ^Detroit on Saturday night. SUBSCRIBE TO THE ADVANCE class orchestra. ONE DAY ONLY 12t ecials I 3 PIECE BED OUTFITS $17, $20, $23 and $25 All od St ch Guaranteed new WALNUT FINISHED DRESSERS Vr S2 ( '.50, Special offer at $J4.5" Regular S24.CX) for SJ0.50 Koekiny Chairs $2.50 m> Kitchen Chairs $1.00 tip Everything else in sioek at bargain prices Emerson J. Bennett Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director Fl.KSllF.RTOX

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