Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Jul 1930, p. 5

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li *i c. * 4 THE FLESHERTOX ADVAXCE WEDNESDAY. JULY 9, 1930 J ? A Safe Repository A SAFETY Deposit Box in your nearest branch of the Standard Ban* is the lop-ical place to kepp your vaiur.b'.es for security and con- vorienee. We shi!l be pleased to furnish you with space necessary for your requirements at minimum rate*. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE f* tviiH u>htc/\. is q/na/.?ama/crf >| 1[ THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA JJ Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Adams and two , children of Toronto are holidaying- at the former's parental home here. ; Miss Laura Boyd, Florence Me- ' Local and Persona! The Boy Who Didn't Pass Dr. J. E. Milne spent a few iloys A sad faced little fellow sits alone ,the first of the week in Toronto. in di;c-p disgrace Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Thaake and son, "There's a lump arising in his throa: Haro'd of Hamilton are the guests r ' (1 tears 'drop down his face; of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart. j Ke wandered from his playmates,for he doesn't want to hear Their shou's of merry laughter ?ince the world has lost its cheer. He has sipped the. i. up of sorrow h> has drained the bitter glass Fadden and Inez Brown are taking t . . . . . _ 5 , Ard his henrt us fairly breaking .summer course.- in Toronto. , . he s the boy who didn t pass. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Smith of Meaford were the guests of Dr. and lr lhp ^" !p treo the robin sin & s a Mrs. Murray on Sunday. cheer y little son S ; ,. ,|But he doesn't seem to hear it Mr. Bad Mrs. R. Harrison and k v e /- i L - -x j i_ showing plainly something wrong, babe of Guelnh visited with Mr. ana' T D ! Comes hi.: faithful little spaniel for Mrs. R. Wilson last week. r. romp and bit of play Mr. Herb Cripps of Toronto bM And a i one he gits in sorrow< bid:j *. r. situation with Mr. T. J.j hi , n stern]y go away lAna clone he si;s in sorrow wlfa Mr. and r.Ira.Emer^n Adams MU!| his nair a tangled mass, ('.ucrhtor. Jc.-an. sr.cn: the week r-nil And his eyes are reti with weepinp wkh Mr. ar.d Mrj. D. \V. Adams. Miss Rita Shav of Lions H<>nd is \L-itinr her grandparents, Mr. ar.d Mr-;. W. ' T . Thur-;ton. Cherries will be ready the week beginning the loth. E. A. Graham 'Clarksburg. Mr. and Mr*. H. A. MjCauley ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Henry of Berkley to Granton ove-- the week end. M-. Chas. Hoy and son, R. H. ino'ored up and spent a few days last week with the former's parents, Mr. ar.d M. P. Hoy. Mr. ar.d Mr. J. S. Griffen i nd two children of Calodon spent Tuesday wi'h Mr. Griffen'3 father, Mr. Jas. Armstrrmg. north cf Kimberley. If the label on your paper has figures less than 30 on it, remit Soldiers Left For Camp On Tuesday Tuesday afternoon the four com- par.ii > of the Grey Regiment left from Meafard by train for tiia an- r.ual c;mp, being he'd at Ne>v Lis- kcard this year. The contingent tror.i Grey will consist of 1:50 men of e':l ranks, divided ir.to fo-.:r rou- pr.nlc.3, two of which v.c-n: frow Owen Sound, one frsra iha Moaford district ar.d one from 'he southern part of the county. Cc'. D. Carmichael, D.S.O., M.C.. is in charge of the brigade, w'-ile 'he Regiment is commanded by Co!. R. C. Ferguson, M. C., V. D.. of Thorr.bary. Cant. A. E. Bellamy of Flesh'-- tc. is O.C. of D. Company and Lbut. W. E. Tir.-v nf Flesh- Ttor. is acting Adjutant. ThocD who left from this t'istrict pvr Co. quartermaster STgt. H. G. B.'rkp, Emerson Thompson, Peter Dnv, Geo. Sled, J. McMuHer., Earl Alexander. Fred Gorr-11. E. MeKillo; Ernest Fenwick, G. Lockhart ar.d E. Patton. Thr Gr^y Reo-impnt Bi'.gie Band will also accompany the P.e- g-'ment. Every arrangement has been ma-Je for a most successful camp !r.d in ?('fiition to military training every possible opportunity will be {riven the soldiers to \-iew some ol the siarhts of the north-land. A visit is x o be pid to thp silver mines at Cobalt "nd other noint-i of interest will be visited. A Double Wedding HARRISON -- HIXCKS TUCKER HIXCKS he's the boy who didn''. pass. Oh, you who bocst a laughing scr. end speak of him as bright And you who loves a litt'o girl who c r.T:- t.) you at right With shining eyes and dancing feet, vuh honors from the school Turn to that lonely littlt lad who t*"'n'"' he is a fee'. And take him kindly by the hand, the dullest of his class; He is the one who needs most love the boy who didn't pass. Where Palronage Gees (St. Thomas Tiroes-Journal.) A Kcnt!-:v.an who has cons'ik'^bb businesr, experier.ee in Unite.! States in-1 Canada h.-u i-<\ii\ a pamphlo: in which he sets out to show how ( u-v i idlavi enterprises may increase their J sales in this country and abroad. He attributes the success aiinteed by \r-.<-ri ca ;< manufacturers in disposing thoir \vsres in the Canadian mar- ket to well-organized publicity cam- paijms. This, combined with a policy which studies the ronui:-e- ments of customers aid makes every effort to meet their tastes, has re- sulted in expanding sales oustin? articles of domestic manufacture- which, it is admitted, are ofren su- perior, and putting other forei:"! ' competitors out of the running. But \ there is no reason why domestic con j cerns should suffer, says the author -> *'- : s pamrhlst, Mr. Victor Son- i?s* Let the Canadians adopt I similar methods; let full and =ntei , ligent use be made of advertises mftiia, and the importer t>p mot on i equal terms in this respect, and i there can be no doubt nbnur th" *e- ] suit, he says. It is no g-oorl having | meritorious commoditic.-. for rr-lo if ' their merits are noc sufficient.:* mario kr.own. The days -r? pas" when good wine needed m bush. In the complexity of modern bu ;i-.;s i advertising; plays one of th- cWJ ! roles; it is to the sroods which have the largest and best publicity thrc patronage goes. Have Your en Party Printed by The Advance i Reasonable Prices MACVICAR ROBERTS ADDITIONAL LOCALS M, and Mr--. R. P. Bellamy of the Bank of Toronto. Coldwat3r, -ipent the week end with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bellamy. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. F. Howe and the latter's two nieces. Misses Evelyn and Ruth Davis, of Chicago, Hoad. (called on the former's aunt, Mrs. W. 'tance for your subscription order. Mr. Ira Merriam of Lions the new principal of Fleshert,n H. Thurston the first of the week, public school, was in town on Satur- day. St. John's United .-hur"h Sunday- School picnic will b-> hold i". Flesh- ertor Memorial Pr.rk this Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Ball (nee Helen Welton) was the recipient of a sum of money frcm the townspeople in lieu of the customary shower. Owing to a doath in th~ f-rnilv this was made Mas'er Douglas Scott n on?ration in ? Hamilton hospital! i . pleasure of hearing Dr. Smith again. 1 The offering received amounted to quietly. Mrs. Ball thanks the friends underwent ' n Flesherton for their kindness. Anniversary services were held in last weok for the removal of his ton- j the United Church on Sunday last, sils. His father. Rev. W. J. Scott, and Rev. G. Sydney Smith, Ph. D., ol accompanied him. Trinity Church, Meaford. gave two Mr and Mrs. Mark Wilson nr-d^y hfrhly appreciated sermons, family ' Durh-m were in town over 1 1*- Smith is a former Flesherton Sunday. Mrs. WiUo- rendered two "bey." whom his old friends were plea lovely solos at the United church <"d to welcome. We hope to have the services on Sunday. Good accommodation for visitors to Toronto, by day or week with private family; convenient to cars 679 Bathursl St. (at Harbord) Toronto, phone Trinity 0472. Mr. Harry Sipnrel. of Badjevns, alleged to have fallen asleep while driving home one night this week, ran his car into a ditch near Maple Valley. The car entered a swamp breaking down rapplin??. He was not injured but the fender and axle of his car were dama.-red. During the past week considerable grading has ben done on the side streets throughout the village, with Councillor Jas. Dargavel, roads and streets superintendent, in charge o" the operations. The improvements have not been made before it was needed as many of the streets were in pretty bad shape. Gravel is also being spread and very soon the stree's will be in first class shape. Mr. Geo. Johnston snd son, Mer- vyn. accompanied by Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Sr. and Mrs. Ted Lyons and <<-ughtor o f Difdalk visited with friends in Oriilia over the week rnd. Will the members of the W. I. please meet for a few minutes at the pavillion r.t the close of the jiionic on Thursday. Important business has arisen, which must be rt'.onrlcu to at once. A Juno wedding of much interest V.T'- ?r>lcrv.i7<-<I on Saturday, June 2S at " Good Ch"?r Farm" Ceylon. On f wrn the tw.i eldest daughters of Mr. David Hiieks atv.l the late Mrs. Hiruk-- were marru-d. Sarah Glaily- to >.:r. J-'tanlev Fa'-' Knr ' : ; TC't ?on if Mr. ar.ti Mrs. Tho- Harn?-n. Vnrrr-y. On' a"d Ida Mac to Vr. Char<> Oliv. r T.'ck '"ip-srest son <"f Mr. anil Mrs. Thro. Ti'-koi. PriocviiK Or.t. The brides, who were given mrirriage by 'heir father, took their nlaces under an arch of manic and fnms interwoven vritli pirk- and white strear.'.ers. from which extended large white bells. Miss Jean Hincks. Bister of the bride presided at the niano ana Rev. R. G. Stewart conducted the ceremony. The brides were attirrd in frocks , of \vhite satin and la-e and pink ' gcorgct'e and were a wreath of i orange blossor.is and the grooms' ' gift, of pearls. ( After the ceremony the happy , c.'uples received congratulations ol their many friends, v.-ho were pre- | sent ar.d then led the way to the dining roorn. where a dainty dinner was served. For their going away costume: i Mrs. Harrison donned a frock ot I Alice blue flat creoe wi'h sand mc- ! hair ra f . with shoes, hose and gloves I t'i match. Mrs. Tucker wore ? bicjrc and figured crene ensemble, sand coat and matching accessories. The happy couples left by motor i for Arthur. Belfountain. Detroit I and Pontiac. Ar- a" - : "ht search was co-ducted in Gtielnh by police. fn^nHs r.nd par- ent? rf John Harris, n U-ypar old boy. who was frund nbout S o'clock next morninp 1 sleeping in a va.-anf . house, where h is said to have the night. Miss MargnrPt Prys Roberts, elder daushtT of Rev. Roberts and >T Y?. ' Roberta, ard Rev. Donald Hvijrh Mac- Vicar, son of Rev. Archibald Vao- Vic"r nd M's. MrcYicar of L'ttT- son. were married quietly at Sher- bov.rnc LTri'eii -hare!'.. Toronto, rf which the bride's father is nast-v. The bride entered the church wiih her mothor r-.r.d her father. a.'*;.Ur.i by tho father ef the groer.i. efficated. The brSd-.* wore a gr;-.i - ful gown o" eggshell chiffon, mai'o on Ions linos, 'vith mohair hat o* the ?ame shade, and carried a shea.' of talisman roses. Miss Gwen Roberts, sister of the bride, v.-a. her attendant, in a becomir-.ir -' of poa-.-h chiffon, with rea:h ry'hi'.a hat ~nd bou-iuf"- -f Jor-tr.a ro.^os. The best man was Rev. J. Gordon Patterson, and the ushers were: Rev. Robert Wall -> n << Mr. A. -T. Trobilcoc ; Mr. G. D. Atkinson was it the or- gan, ar.d during the ?i7nin? of T::^ register. Miss Annie Kinrslcy sa^I^. A reception was held af'erwards at 'he home cf the bride'; parents, fo'- the revives and out-of town fricniTj nf the two fami'i 1 -". Mrs. Roberts, rnt.ther of the bri''-\ received in r. gown of deep win? shade, with watching hat. Mrs. Mac Vicar, j mother of the groom, was in black j crepe de chine and ne', with blnck hat. Latr. the bride and groorr; left on their wedding trip, and will spend the comins year in Edinburgh Scotland. For Haying and Harvesting Beatty Bros. Cars Forks & Slings Plymouth Rope and Binder Twine Scythes, Snaths, Forks and Handles Massey-Harris Implements - Repairs Machine Oil, Cement, Paints, Cup and Pressure Gun Grease Hardware, etc. F. W. Duncan HARDWARE - FLESHERTON A veritable "whale" of a lobster was landed by a fisherman at Shel- burne harbour. N.S., a week or so afro, tipping the scale at 18 ^ pounds. A lobster weighing a pound and a half or two pounds is ordinarily raU-d cf good size. IT'S A WOW! IM)VT MISS S ['.!: IXC, Till-. SCKKAMIXC-LY FL'NXV PARl-oRM. \XCI ; . Ol-' (U.EXX TRVOX IX "THE KliVS CI.KVEK". HK IXX'EXTS A MOT- OR P,(\\T AXD MOTOR CAR CO.MP.IXED AXD TIIEX THIXO.S HAIM'EX IX A RUSH. ,*- Another one of our popular oversized proszrames. -THE KID'S Ci.EVER" with C.k-nn Try,,n SPEED AXD SI'l'RS" A \Vesetrn Thriller "SOCIETY CIRCUS" Horace in Hollywood Princess Theatre, Markdale FRIDAY & SATURDAY at 8:15. 15c. and 25c. \Ye apologize to thse who were unable to find room on Hat u relay niijht. This week's show is guar- anteed to please, and we will he glad to have yon come. WE ARE PLEASED TO THE APPOINTMENT OF A. C. M U I R Ceylon - Ontario : as dealers in this territory for C-I-L FERTILIZERS CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED FERTILIZER 'DIVISION AN NOg; Free Flowing Fertilizers CIF-1D MEN! Stop, Look, Listen! I have been authorized by the Berger Tailoring Go. to offer -CLOTHES OF QUALITY" Commencing July 1st In order to keep their tailoring plant busy during the "in-between Seasons'' in the clothinsj rear, 1 have been authorized to accept orders for "Clothes of Quality" AT A REDUCTION' OE 10', FROM REGULAR PRICES commen- cing Julv 1st. This is a great opporttnrty for you to purchase these style-cor- rect quality clothes at a considerable saving over the regular price. You can not afford to miss this exceptional value Your choice of over 300 Domestic and Imported Clothes. Tailored to your in-dividual measure. Ciiiaranteed to fit. Act quickly this special offer is limred. Drop iu and leave your order to- morrow. Prices $19.80 to $40.50 Tailored-to-Measure F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO

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