Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Jul 1930, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1930 "' Till-: FLESHERTON ADVANCE ENGAGEMENT Mis. Isaac MeKeown, Toronto, \vi; lies to announce the engagement of her younger (laughter Phyllis Aileen to Mr. Wilfied McMastcr, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMiister, I- iesherton, the marriage I o take place the latter part of July. U.F.O. MEETINGS in the interests of A. C, Macphail AYTON ^Nomination at Durham Moday, h,,v H ft L G Campbell HOLLAND CENTRE AND Liberal Con* tf k SOBBIES SCHOOL Candidate, . South-Si Grey 'J nex lay, July 14 . \\illbeheldasfollov.s. Political Meetings Meeting's in the Train Derailed PROTON STATION Congratulations to the four Proton Real excitement prevailed Tues- P"Pls- who wrote entrance examln- day in the community when it was ations - A11 were successful. Much reported around, that part of the credit is due to their teacher, Miss "DAD AND ME" The Old Way I left my dad, his farm, his plow, Because my calf became his cow; , The New Way With dad and me its half and half; The cow I own was once his calf; I'm going to stick right where I am Because my sheep was once his Jamb- Mown" afternoon C. N. R. train Johnston.who we are sorry to say has But my coh became hig horse> I left my dad 'twas wrong of course ni sta y with dad he gets my vote, was off the tracks by the old brick and wili take up residence work*, approximately north of Thornbury. four males in Toronto. The Holiness cump meetings in the in pro- FLESHERT'N - EUGENIA Wednesday, July 16 DUNDALK HAXOYKR AT 2 P.M. Thursday. July 17 MARK'>ALE Friday. July IS HOPEVILLE - DROMORE Saturday, July 19 i SINGHAMPTON IlainmillUall;Thurs.,July 10 at 8:15 p.m. FEVERSHAM Agricultural Ifcill. Thursday July 10, at 8.30 p.m. " PRICEVILLE Agriculural Hall, Monday, July 14, at 8.30 \i'.n> s of vital interest to e welfare and prosvcritv of Investigation of the scene of accl- Bible 8ch o1 grounds were dent was soon made by hundreds. K ress this week an <l last. The engine "tender" and express car Several from here are attending interests of I had come off the tracks, and the the Grey Presbytery summer school express ear was lying on its side, at, Presoue Isle. Gordon Acheson is the rails cut up for a piece, and the a delegate from Inistioge Y. P. S. roadbed or track ploughed up for a M r. Still, C. P. R. agent is holiday- :-hort distance. Fortunately PO on inf , at B ur jt' s Fa ij g and other points was seriously hurt, the expressman up x or th. . suffering a few hurts. The "repair train" was busy on the job Tues- I left my dad to sow and reap, Because my hog was once his shoat. No town for me I'll stick right here For I'm his tractor engineer. Because my lamb became his sheep; We work together day to day _ I dropped my hoe and got new work Believe me, boys, its the only way. Because my pig became his pork. The garden truck I made to grow Was his to sell and mine to hoe, Believe me too, I had to hoe, There was no riding down the row. "When a woman is determined to get anything she generally cries for it," states a writer. Where there's a will there's a wpil. day evening, getting things in pro- per shape. Thornbury Herald. School Fair Dates Cullingwood at Ravenna, Sept 8. Artemesia at Flesherton, Sept 9. Sarawak at Balmy Beach, Sept 10. Syd'nhani at Annan, Sept 11. Keppcl at Wolesley,, Sept. 12. Egromont at Holstein, Sent 13. Mrs. L. Wyville is visiting her son in Cleveland. Mr. Wyville of Cleveland was a guest of his brotrer, Mr. L. Wyville. The brothers attended the funeral of a sister-in-law at Markdale last week". Small Advts. LOST On Tuesday, July 1st at Lever' Grove, Flesherton, pocket boos containing $20 in bills and some for- eign money and a number of valuable receipts. Finder please kfcve FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER Mr. and Mrs. Vance and Mrs. Camp tWg office and receive reward . All meetings will begin at 8.30 p.m. .the people of Canada will be ' Bentinck at Lamlash, Sept 15. candidate, Miss Macphail. * disused by the candidate antl';!': u P hr f si a | K ckl ', SO P*- 16 (others. F. It. Oliver. M.P.P.. will address the meetings. "Houseof Quaky" Seed Bags t Shallow Lak". Sept. 17. Osnrey at Foversham. Sfpt. IS. Sullivan at Desboro, Sept 19. Norn-anby at Ayton, Son*. ?fl. bell cf Owen Sound were guests the home of Mr. and Mrs. Batchelor. L. O. L. 224 attended service nt Inistioge on Sunday last. Mr. W. G. Prosscr preached a thoughtful and earnest sermon. Mss Florence White of Lions Head spent last week with her parents. Mrs. Baguley and daughters, Jean and Mary have joined Mr. Baguley at Severn Falls, where they will F O R 8 A L R Lot 13, Concession 3rd, Souttr Durham Road, containing 40 acres,, more or less, in the township of Artemesia, belonging to the estate of the late Dan McDonald. Tenders FOR SALE 3 burner coal oil will be received for price on said' stove; cheap. Can be seen at The farm up to July 9th. Tenders can Advance office. be sent in to Mr. J. S. McMillan, -- Flesherton, Administrator of the FOR SALE 6 acres of hay, 1 esta t e or C. C. Middlebro, Solicitor wagon and 2 piles of hemlock lum- f or Administrator. ber.-Adam Smith. Sou'h Proton at Cedarville, Sept 22. s , )cm i the summer months. : North Proton at Yentry, Sept. 23. I St. Vincent at M"nfcml. Sopt. 21. j Derby at Kilsyth, Sept. 25. '. nieneJtr at Edge Hill, Sept. 26. j Holland at Holland C-jntro. S"r FOR SALE About 25 squares of first class Ont. cedar shingles at Registered Jersey Bull for service 27 ij We have 300 No. 1 Seed Bags ata very Special Price this week Ml an( , Mrs R H Moon , and daughter, Betty of Newbury anu Mjss Henderson of Glencoe were Ruest3 QVCr the lpl a> the home of Mr. R. G. Acheson. Mrs. Moore ana daughter remained for a fortnight's visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNichol - and daughter and Miss Gertrude "Diamond" Imported Percheon Lyons of Toronto are holidaying at Stfllion No. 1304-1, will bo at Fred Mr. Chas. Lyon's. Irwin's f-irni, 1 mile south of Flesh- Visitors at the home of Mr. A. prtoon on Provincial highway, at Hergott were his son. Arnold and Friday noon of each week for the friend, Mr. $4.50 per square. F. Priceville. G. Karsiedt. on lot 127 - 2nd - Range S. W. Terms: $2 and $3. B. A. Hargrave, Mark- dale. FOR SALE Three fresh milking- cows, one 4 years old and two three years old. H. Genoe, R. R. 1, Flesh- erton. BOAR FOR SERVICE PERCHERON STALLION Purebred Berkshire Boar for ser- vice at lots, 151-153, 1st in 15 months ' FOR RENT A good six roomed class at Royal Winter Fair 1929 and house, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, reserve grand champion. Fees, $2.00 stable, hen house and garage, op- at time of service. H. C. Radley. posite high school. W. J. Caswell, remainder of the season. Luther Rev. Love, Proton Station, R. R. 2. and Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES WE DELIVER IN TOWN PHONE 46 '' Boots & Shoes Work Boots Men's and Boys wo r k boots host (juality, from $3.25 up. A pood line of Oxfords from $3.00 up Mitchell cf Toronto; Mrs. McWhinney anu daughters, Marion and Isobel from Kimsack,, Sask. and Mr. and Mrs. McWhinney of Ceylon. Proton R.R. 3. FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE 3 good young York- shire sows supposed to farrow in , "| acres> "Nl It 37, Con. 4, August, also 2 good young Tarn- Artemesia - 8 acres under cultivation, worth hogs ready for u'se.-Geo. W. Good housc and large barn with Ross, Maxwell. TORONTO LINE NORTH stabling and out-buildings. For far- ther particulars apply on premise*. ALB. BLACKBURN, MarweH Mrs. Emerson Wickcns and daugh- ter Marion returned home on Sunday after spending the past week with friends in Toronto. Miss Ida Lever returned to Toron- FOR SALE Reg bull, "Ringleader Chief" No. 191018; dark read, born p h<e 42 r 6 July 22. 1927; choice animal; bred by Frank Taylor, Markdale; also M.-H. I FARM FOR SALE fertilizer drill, 11-disc nearly new. ' In the Township of Artemesia 120 Sold to on Sunday after spending a week , , , _ i be sold with or without furmshir.Rs. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.I . .. r t For particulars apply to \\ . r, Dwn John Meads, Phone 21 r 2, Priceville. ' acre ***"* lots 1-13-46, 3rd range S. (W.T.&S.R., half mile from station, FOR SALE Frame church 28 x'ltt miles from Flesherton. Good 10, and shed 75 x 22, situated on buildings, 12 acres cf bush, lot 9, con., 10, Osprey. Church will on easy terms. L. McMULLEN, Ceylon. x'25c. off tor cash on purchases j; over $2.00 :!: W. I... MORWOOD X'***********.:..:..:.. Flesherton and Ont. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STOKES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY I:\DKK K\ M'.I.I \i D T ) -:\v i 'K'IC :rv 'OUCYOFSELUNC FOR CASH ONLY \VF \RP (H-R MI'.KCIf \\DIS AT 15 _0' ( LOWER THAN IIKK'K AXD S.\\'|.; MOXI-Y LADII-.:-;' DKKSSKS C'hilln'i \'(i'lr in iiewi'st designs shades priced at S1.150 t \: $1 HOYS' l.( >.X(',S In tu.-c'ds and hliu- 26 (o M. Special scrg-e, sixed from WHITK CKI.KXT.SK DRKSSES Xew shipment just ;-niyed in the verv latest styles, special ............ $h.')5 cS: S7.'5 I'.OYS' SCITS I.ADII-'.S' MATS ('X SAL These are Hals picked from our regu- lar stock and reduced to |h\s price for this week end only. Special .................. n Sc. SILK IIOSK 7 ( A-. PAIR These Hose are in all he newest shades and pure thread silk. Special ........ 7o. * CIIILDRKX'S DUKSSKS We hav.c a lar^e '.assortment of Dress- es in ensemlilc and sleeveless styles, just the ri'dit tiling for siiininer wear. 1'riced at ................ $1.2'), $l.-l ( >, $-'.J'J and $2.95 Cllll.DKKX'S CANVAS SIloKS These splendid shoes for summer wear in hrown anvas with contrasting trim and rnhher soles, specially priced for (|tiick sale at .................. o')c. and 79c. In (needs \\illi vest and two pant lon-s sized 31 to 3-1. Special tor this week Lever. Miss Inez Morgan of is with her grandparents, Mr. .Mrs. J. A. Lever. Mi.i Agnes Irwin left on Monday to attend business college at Orange- ville. Miss K'.hel Shaw spent the past week at her home at ChceseviLc. or John Izzard, Feversham, or Hugli FR OPERTV FOR SALE OR RENT , Palmerston , Wright, Eusenia. FOR SALE Bran $1.40 property of the late Ella SuSSJ? 1 10 ' Co '.nn>od street. On this property is a dwelling house of 9 Barn ADDITIONAL LOCALS M.. ;md Mrs Sidney Abbot of De- troit; .Mr. S. X. Lend?:- and Mr. v itnr-: wi'.h Mr. and Vi . T. Fisher of '. iv.n and Mr. anil Mrs. If. Patt.in, Itli lino. Artomesin. Mr. W.Si-luiylcr Douglass, formerly shorts $1.50, Low grade flour $1.90; rooms, with electric lighting uora Prnirii? Pride Pure Manitoba Flour j- 5 x 33 ft., with stable and drfvTne per cwt.; Jl ouse ther *n. also a good well on a! -o ,,at, Demises. This property is in a aUo oats, ffood location and will be sold reason wheat, chop, coal. etc. Phone 3Sr3, ably. For further particulars ap- A. C. Muir, Ceylon. v t! the administrator. W J -Meads. Fle.herton. Or.t. per bag, $:!.UO; salt 75c. Barlej , $2(3.50 per ton, FOR SERVICE FOR SALE House and lot In j Proton Station. The lot is a good one and on it is comfortable dwel- 1 Registered Yorkshire nn;on of London; Mr and Mrs. \\ r . K house, a good stable and a never for service on lot 136 Jas. Cammage, Mr. Harrison and failing well, nlso a good sod plough line. Artemesia G II c'u'r" ' Mi. I Byrnes i.f Mount Forest were j and household furniture that is going : '. : L_ __ to be sold privately. Neil McCan- BOA FOR SERVICE. noil, Administrator. ,' Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vL-e by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, LOT. the property c f the Ontario Depart- FOR SALE HOUSE AND >f ihc Mi-aford K.iad, waj in town on situated in I'Yylun village on high- ment of Agriculture. MK.VS SUMMKR Silk hose in newest designs and colors. Special at 3 pair for ......................... $1 00 rn-'.s! In TIKS! I50YS t'ANVAS SHOI-.S In brown with crepe shoes, at per pair Special .. 'JSe. LADIKS 1 WMITK KID SIKH-. In newest tastes and stylos. Special al $3.95 naltu-st stripes and colors of Sta- tian Mogadoria 'and I'oulards. rcirular valtic $1, .?1.50, Special 75c. & 50c. .MI'.X'S NAVY WORK SIIIKTS _ 1'asl colors an;| n-al lar.^e. made in all sixes. Special al each Sc. I.ADIKS' IIOI'SIC DUI'.SSI'.S Ladies' printed I5roadcloth dresses in all colors and styles, regular priced . a ( J?2.50. Special at $l.;s MKN'S STRAW SAILORS New shapes and colors, Special $1.00 IJUY 1'OR CASH AXD SA'\ "K MOXKY .'.i. in-lay i-i-nowing old acquaintancea, :i:id iiu-idi-iitally asking for ub- scriptions towards defraying the ex- way. good frame house, well built, containing six rooms, nicely located, one and a ijuarter acres of well . Charlr s Ave., Toronto. M,lia. 70 Caithnoaii p/nsc's of putting the four Gospels ! cultivated land with bnrn: make into the- hands of the people of tin- \Vivlorn Pniviiu-i-s. He also has a] nn ul I army of Sabbath Scho-jl workers I under hi:i supervision, who are Fend- i ing the used Sabbath School papers ' to thousands of people in the West, who have little or no reading. SALE 100 acres, FARJI FOR lota 160 and No. 10 Highway miles from Flesherton, ' -I mile I C. STEWART. Caretaker. GEO E. DUNCAN" HUNDALK iiNSED AUCTIONEER the County of Grey. Terms: cent. Satisfaction gruarnteH made at The Advance office. 107, 1st range west on sHORTH % SERVICB niy, Artemesia Tp. 2 i r "" SE-KVICJI Registered Shorthorn bull for ser- vice nt 'ot 5, G^n. <, Osprey, "Merrv I'onalds record with vation, balance swamp and pasture.] '.iirquis" No. 170,135; Siro Bonnie ' , lis entrance class at Victoria Corn- ' Any reasonable offer will be con- ; Marquis 142,381; Dam,' fled Butterfly :rs was slightly hotter than we an- sidered. For particulars apply to 1S1 .078. Term.- Purebreds fS 00 24 Conner i^f de3 $-00. his eiilranci' ers nounct-d last week. He had five write in place of four with all suc- cessful and one taking honors. We .'rave him credit for 100 per cent, success and were informed that the honor candidate was a student at Proton : tation. We congratulate Sain on his succes. In the Fevcr- L. R. Thisllethwaite, Ave., Toronto 6. Cows no: returned BUNGALOW AT EUGENIA Modern C roomed bungalow with summer kitchen and wood shed, hardwood floors throughout, hot air furnace in Al condition, soft water sham report Kdith Longhead's name ! cistern in ''"se" 1 " 1 '- electric lights, | _ aturday should hnve appeared in place, or Kdith Long. Of Mr. Holland's fourteen pupils who tried and were- be charge lull price. S. R. HAWKINS. Eugenia. MIDDLE BRO & BURNS Barriatera. etc. Ofices Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Fleshertcn eveoy nn.i evetiir.jf; spacious porch with sleeping porch j succesi-.ful ten of 'horn wore and the other four had conic in from outside centres this year, but had spent two years in the fourth class. S. S." NO. 0, OSPREY Jr. H to Sr. 3 Klwuod Dobson (H), adjoining, largo lot with barn in n-ar. Will sacrifice for quick salo. t'^T-iF ;ARDS Dr. W. D. Prycc. L. D. S.. D. D. . . For terms apply J. E. Large R. R. ' s - dontal sursei n. graduate tf Dnl No. 1, Niagara Fal|s, or shaw, Eugenia. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE Any persons trespas- sing on lots 4 rnd 5, con. 3, Euph- rnsin, do so at their own risk. P. Mun- i Vl ' rsit y "f Toronto. Gas administer- ed f6r extraction. Office at the re-si- denes of Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 60. Heat rice Maxwell, Rcrnico Long, Fawcett Bros., R. R. 1, Duncan. Tom McKcnzie. Sr. .'! to Jr. JJ Earle Maxwell, Bur- ton Sanderson (R), FOR RENT Village lot to rent 1 Mi acres on which is houae, hen. i" 1 "ftauley. house and garage. Apply to Geo. ' Prince Arthur Lodge, 33.S, A F. & A. M.meets in the Masonic hail Arm* strong Block, Flesherton ever) Fri day O n or before the full moon. \V. M, C. N. Richardson, Secretary, KL :.on Poiiirlas, Tholma Long (ft). Jr. 1 to Sr. Bruce Douglas (H) Noil McKcn/.ii. (H). Jr. r. to Sr. Pr. M. Ottowoll. (II) Q. KAITTING, Teacher (Clarksburg. NOTICE All Trespassers on lot 37, con. 8, Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and dates may be -made at the Advance office.or Artrmosia, will strictly be prosecut-, telephone 43 r 11, Flesherton or by cd. Thos. Fcnwick, Eugenia P. 0. addressing me at Eugenia.

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