Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Jul 1930, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, JULY 23. 1930. - < : ,i ' Bank Collections IX MAKING your collections through the Canadian Bank of Commerce, you enlist the efforts of an organization which extends the efficiency of its courteous service into every part of Canada. Thus can you be assured of making regular collections locally or at distant points, with the courtesy due those with whom you transact business and the efficiency you demand. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ft Ltft r ft tL'fticfi is atiG.l^^'n^.t^cf * !(. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA jl To Hold Horse Racing At Flesherton Fair Duiing the past couple of weeks a ' subscription list has been presented ! to lovers of horse racing with the ' idea of recommending horse racing at the Flesherton Fall Fair in Sep- i tember. The pstitioners have been : meeting- with gratifying success, and s. considerable amount has been ' raised for this purpose and three ; good laces are planned for that day. ! The track b being repaired and will i be in first class condition for the races. This event is being antici- ! pated with ?. great deal of pleasure ; by hundreds of people who enjoy a ! horse race. The lists are still open i for lior.ation? and anyone wishing to \ sssiit this worthy ambition of horse f..r.:ier3 should leave their contri- i buttons with H. Freeman or M. Wilzon. ~ Local and Personal 1926 Election Results Mrs. Quinn of Toronto visited with Mrs. Chrs. Ottewell. I Miss Violet Watson of Toronto ts the guest of Mrs. Cargoe. Miss Lillian Bunt is the Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. Mr. Ted McDonald of Pickering is spending his holidays at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Duncan and family spent the week end at Midland Durham ._ 713 and Penetang. Hanover Mr. Herb Fisher of Toronto visited his sister, Mrs. A. McEachnie, last week. Ths W. I. will visit the Vandeleur' Branch on Thursday, 24th and all members are invited to attend. Mr. Walter LeGard of Toronto spent a couple of days this week with his brother here. ca & ^ Egremont 359 guest of Gler ' e! e 2 60 , Bentinck 353 Normanby 540 Proton 456 Artemesia 455 Sullivan 273 Holland .. 538 Markdale Fiesherton 153 Chatsworth 90 Osprey 571 Dundalk 225 Neustadt . I 836 651 735 728 906 875 618 527 246 93 95 526 156 e "5 S3 61 467 112 212 60 45 69 25 527 391 382 188 450 420 345 Wolf! Wcif! A gc-ritlenian from Dundalk was in the valley on Monday picking raspberries when he caught sight of a wolf and four young ones; at least this was the story he told In tcwn when he arrived shortly after making his discovery. How soon after we are not prepared to say. Quite a number from here left for the scene armed with rifles and sawed off shot guns (the usual arma- ment when after dangerous charac- ters) but ail that could be seen were two dogs that had been running rab- bits. It is a safe bet that if any wolves were in the district, the dogs would not have been enjoying them- selves so immensely. However, the hunters enjoyed a fine ride to the valley and a little recreation and excitement, even though the wolf cry was cr.Iy a fake or.e. Mrs. C. Boyce Dies 84 Years of Age After having been ill for the pas* nine months Mrs. Elizabeth Boyce passed away at the home of her ilau^htar, Mrs. Mary McKechnie at Markdale on Monday afternoon of this v.-eek, July 21st. The funeral i~ taking place this Wednesday after- nocr., when the service is being held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A!;:: English of Rosk Mills. Ser- vire is being held at the house at 2 p.m., interment taking place in Flesherton cemetery. The late Mrs. Boyce was born in liono Township 85 years ago and to- gether with her parents, the late Mr and Mrs. Jas. Snell, moved to Artem- esia township when she was six year-i of age and settled on the We: : Backiine on the farm now owned by i Mr. Geo. Snell. When about 20 I years of age she was married to the j late Calvin Boyje, who predecease;! j hor about five years ago. To them , were born two sons and five daugh- ters: Thos. of Melville, Sask., and J^'hn J., 4th line, Artemesia; Marj (Airs. McKechnie) Markdale: Martha Melville, Sask.; Ellen (Mrs. Wm. Kertcn) Osprey; Delia (Mrs. Morris! Toronto, and Annie (Mrs. Alex English) of Rock Mills. Deceased had been ailing for nearly . a year and spent some time in the Durham hospital but for the past two weeks has been with her daugh- : ter in Markdale. Who Can Vote A British subject by birth or nat- uralization. 21 years of a?e. Ordinarily resident in Canada for 12 months. Ordinarily resident in South East Grey since May 30th. Ordinarily resident does not mean constantly resident. If any person's name has been omitted from the list who has the qualifications to vote can do so by taking the oath E. on the card. lie must also be vouched for by som* resident whose name is on the list, such resident to take oath E. on the card. If an elector has become twenty- one since the lists were compiled he or she can vote by taking an oath that he or she is twenty-one and having some-one whose name is on the list certify. Among recent English politicians j there has been no one readier with the i witty and discomfiting .-etort than I Mr. Lloyd George. Addressing some ; Welsh farmers he once said, "We will I have home rule for Ireland and for \ England and for Scotland and for Wa.'.es." A German looked up at the sky and ' remarked. "I guess a leedle it will rain sometime pooty queek." "Yees, do, eh?" replied an Irishman. "What i business have yees tn purtend to know about American weather, ye furrin Galloot?" W. M. S. 1046 2768 Majority for Miss Macphail 1722. ARTEMESIA Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McCowell of To- Oran *e Valley rcnto are spending this week with the latter's father, Mr. H. LeGard. Mr. Cecil McKechnie of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. ana Fi tertono ... Mrs. Geo. Best and family. 16 Proton Station Ceylon Mr. Jack Dow of Toronto is spend- p ,.,, ing a couple of weeks with his moth- y a _j i "' here ' ' EugenU ..I!.! Mr. and Mrs. Harry MeCracken of Portlaw 53 Dornock'were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. McCracken. 34 96 (54 43 19 96 455 Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDevitt of OSPREY Sehotr.berg wore week end visitors ^ arehani 4;! with Mr. and Mrs. B. White, West Maxwell 113 backline. i Feversham 147 Mrs. Jos. Armstrong and two Siagfcamptoa 84 children and Mrs. Aikenhead of To- ronto are spending the summer at their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Honer and son of South Porcupine motored down and are visiting with Mrs. Honer's mother, Mrs. M. Jamieson. Rob Roy .. Badjercs .. Hatherton 3(5 21 63 43 571 10:5 js c. 81 124 117 157 92 136 65 875 29 101) 127 28 75 71 78 24 County L.O.L To U U PL ' C Hoidlmircaber/ice The East Gref County Orange ' I tags is holding a church service in Flesherton on Sunday evening next, ; July 27th. when Rev. B. G. GOS.S. Grand Lodge organizer for Ontario West, will preach to the Orange and r.lio the Ladies' Lodges in the County It u expected that the occasion wiii brin out th? largest representation of the Orangs Association that has ever attended a church service in East Grey, as it is the first time that the Ccunty as a whole has ever attended. Riifht Worshipful Bro. Goss is a wonderful speaker, is an ordained minister and his message to the Orangemen will be one that every member should hear. The regular monthly meeting of \ the W. M. S. was held in St. John's United church on Friday last with . Mr.;. Trempe in the chair. The h\mn "I need Thee Precious Jesus' ( was -r-ung and the Lord's Prayer was j repeated in unison. Mrs. W. Wil- cock read the Scripture lesson, and three members led in prayer. Mrs. Vt'ir. Inkstc-r read the devotiomu leaflet, which \vas on Temperance. One sentence wa.- arresting "Is il inle tj spend such millions of (i >' : :ir~ as Canada is spending for liquor, without taking bread ana milk out of children's mouths, and shoes off their feet?" The President, Mrs. W. J. Scott t--k the chair, the roil was called ar.;i eighteen answered to their names. Mrs. W. I. Henry reported what had been done about arranging for the pageant which is planned for the second week in September. By figures on the blackboard it v.-;;s shown that in our allocation \ve are short over eighty dollars: plan? have been laid with hopes that this deficit may be wiped out. A hymn v:as sung and tlu- benediction was pronounced hy the president. For Haying and Harvesting Beatty Bros. Cars Forks & Slings Plymouth Rope and Binder Twine Scythes, Snaths, Forks and Handles Massey-Harris Implements - Repairs Machine Oil, Cement, Paints, Cup and Pressure Gun Grease Hardware, etc. F. W. Duncan HARDWARE FLESHERTON Mrs. E. Best attended the funeral of her cousin, Mr. Clifford Cameron which took place In Toronto on Wednesday of last week. Mr. A. J. C'.ark and two daughters, Katherine and Lillian, of Uedlands. Calif., arc visiting Mrs. J. P. Ottewpil ant 1 Mro. Win.-!jv. Kernahan. Messrs. H. Freeman and W. Akitt took part in a horseshoe pitching toutrament at Markdale on Wednes- day afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson ami HIGH TIME BORN- ARMSTRONG In Durham hos- pital on Saturday. July 19th. 1930, j to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. W.Armstrong, i the erift of a son, James Weslev. At a wedding all went well until the bridegroom was called upon to The harvesting of fall wheat in produce the ring. In v,ain he fell the southwestern portion of the in his trouser pockets. Nothing- province has been general during ; could be found except a hole through the past ten days. Due to warm j which the ring had evidently fallen, weather with cool nights during \\hat \vas he to do? Suddenly a ripening time, the heads arc quite haupy thoU|cht struck thfe clergvman . plump and the ^^^ are securinp "Take off your shoe." he said. much lar^r vields than thev expect- Tho suspence and si , ence as pain . e; , R . Torts of a?ric . ultllva! .. epre . fuL The young man removed his sentatives from other parts of On- ^.hoe. The ring was found, also a tario would indicate a fair average two children of Toronto motored up ) lo i e ; n his stocking. The clergyman crop of wheat. and spent the week end with the remarked, evidently with more than former's mother, Mrs. A. Wilson am: tne jd ea O f tne cere mony on his Blank counter check books other relatives. .mind: . .sale at The Advanct office. ''Young man. it is high time you . \v.:v r'nrvicd.". ADVANCE A^tVTS. PAY Boots & Shoes Work Boots Men's and Boys wo r k boots best quality, from $3.25 up. A g-ood line of Oxfords from S3. 00 up off for cash on purchases over S-^.OO VV. L. MORWOOD Flesherton - Ont. I HELP Yourself to thrills while the POLICE are trying to solve the MURDER In that remarkable picture ~* ll SEVEN FOOT PRINTS TO SATAN . \lso Dorothy Devore in .1 clever mixup "Companionate Service" Princess Theatre, Markdale FRIDAY & SATURDAY at 8 : 15. 1 5c. and 25c. XY.xt week. The K in^ of O 'medians lUir-ter Keaton in "Steamboat Bill Jr." l for Good accoir.odation for visitors to Toronto, by day or week with private family; convenient to cars 070 athurst St. (at Harbord) Toronto, phone Trinity 047. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hogarth of St. Catherines motored up and speiv the week end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogarth, West Back- line, Artemesiu. Although shot through the head in two places, one bullet shattering the jaw arid the other lodging in the neck, by Hutchinson Jackson, South- ampton, who later committed suicide. Dr. P. J. Scott of Southampton, is making favorable progress at the Owen Sound hospital. His recovery is expected. Miss Donna Raymer of Sarnia is the guest of her cousin, Miss Betty Murray. Rev. and Mrs. Raymer ami family are at their cottage at Was- aga Beach. Mrs. Jas. Cargo attended the fun- eral of her sister-in-law, Louise Cargo, wife of Leonard Scott of Eloro. which took place last week. The 'ate Mw. Scott was a daugh- ter of the late William and Margaret Cargo and was born in Artenu-sia township. She was married in 1005 to Leonard Scott 'and resided in the Elora district where she was held in affectionate^ resrard. F"sides her. husband she is survived by ne daughter, Louise. Free Flowing Fertilizers -- i It's here at last! ... An entirely new, Free Flowing Fertiliser that can't clog in the drill! . . . That saves you time and labour! . . . That gives you greater and more even coverage! C-I-L Mixed Fertilizers, made in Canada. Let us tell you about them. Kept in stock by A. C. Ceylon M U I R Ontario C11'--2D . Time ' ) ORAXUI.ATE1) SUGAR PRESERVING KETTI..KS FRL'tT JAR FILLERS CROWN FRUIT JARS PERFECT SEAL FRUIT JARS JELLY JARS JAR RUHBERS METAI. JAR RINGS PARAWAX CERTO Buy Your Supplies To-day F. H.W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO

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