Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Jul 1930, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, JULY 23. 1930. THE FLESHKRTON ADVANCE Health Service I - of the - CANADIAN MED. ASS.or. One ot the reasons which makes heart disease difficult to (leal with is that, unlike tuberculosis, it is not one definite condition. In the fight against tuberculosis, we have been able to give definite instruc- tions, and by listening to our con- stant ropetiton of such instructions, most i>ersons have grasped the idea of how the disease may be prevented. Heart disease is not one disease. There are many abnormal conditions of the hear, due to different onuses, whi.-ii give rise to different symp- toms am! niuire different me' hods of t'TiUviirnt !;rd prevention. When some pail of the heart is d;,i]u.ired. \ve say that there is or- ganic heart di.-ca.-e. The significance of the c' million depent!:' upon whaT pait of tl.e K a t i damaged, how txtensivi- the damage is, and whether or not the condition is progressive, and ot! nr points de-' terminf- the gravity of the condition ami imli'-aU' tin- proper form of treatment. Some hearts are improperlyfonned from birth. The vn-'. majority of hearts that are dnuar;"-d have suf- fered injury because of the occurence fata! to abuse a damaged organ, of some diseases. Diseases of the Questions concerning Health, ad- body, due to the action of disease <)res.-;ed to the Canadian Medical As- germs which give off poison, are --.ceiation, 184 College St. Toronto, ve-.-y often the cause of damaged w jn be answered personally by let- hearts. Rheumatism in children is ( OI . serious because of the fact that it often involves the heart. Focal infections, such as diseased teeth or tonsils, are centres where germs persist for long periods of Mortality Among Young ADVICE TO BRIDES time, and are frequently responsible A writer in the Port Rowan News the following parental advice to for damage to the heart. ; young ladies about to enter the stage The heart responds to every effort of matrimony: I of the body and, within limits, it | "A lot of lovely girls in the corn- does so with ease and comfort. When munity a e planning to marry curing ,'ihe heart is subjected -to strain by the coming year. Let us give them ' improper living or by overexertion, some advice. Don't quarrel until the there is always the possibility of bridal year is over. It is a shame for permanent damage resulting. !a good young woman to quarrel with The prevention of heart disease "M 1 husband when she is still a bride, begins with the building up of a I f 1'our husband has a sore thumb, sound body through attention to a bab y nilr ' anii K' vo nim nice things proper hygienic mbde of living, j to cat. If he is real sick semi for Proper care during an attack of dis- the doctor, but nurse him yourself, ease, and particularly during the con- Babying him and nursing are paa- valescence from a communicable dis- aceais that never fail. Men arc born ease is essential. The removal of babies, and a good man is never abie any focus of infection should not be to free himself from his cradle ex- delayed. If a heart ilv. life of the individual must be woman to balance herself on this adjusted to the capacity of the heart path. But begin early when your Thi. does not mean that the person ; heart is young and your soul full of H-?omes an invalid; it docs mean gladness and neve<- let your hand fail that he must learn his limitations in its pra-.-tice. If all ynun-r women and live ar-cordingly . It never pays began this way Ontarb woaM h-u-.- to abuse the healthy body, and it is no use for a divorce court." 1 periences. It takes a well-balanced condition does develop, wife with the sweetness of a loving "HouseofQuaity" eed Ba^s We have 300 No. 1 Seed Bags ata very Special Price this week Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 46 WE DELIVER !N TOWN j ! * * f t Y MUSIC IN RURAL SCHOOLS The enthusiasm evident at mus- ical festivals staged by schools in various counties at the end of the ; .-I term in June shows definitely that the young pe.ipl" ot' ru"al On- tario are taking an increasingly reatcj.' intere.it in m;?sic. In MUi- iMi-s'-x, fe- eyr.inple, there were 150 entries including eleven school chor- tise.T, tl'rpy hiir'i school choruse?. ano tw i i!>.i"i-ii choruses. Over l.'iOu people wire in at 1 endance. Fifte^,. in a! s> It mis and thrc- urban hool lioruses competed at the ' 'ival in Peel, with some ir>-l en- nrd -i '-aj.:!-!!-. attendance. A? ' i. M!' if previous inu.-'iVn! fostivaN ' \V. Hini't,,]! i-ounty, n liirgi- n"in- !.>-! ' ! -i I , ijon! Ii inrcls V>-- e ninle il :-r;-a:M" i.-i-nts for the terv-'i- : '.i> thi-ir p'ipi! ^. J. K. \Vhit.li--!: ni' tin- Rgricutural re;;rc- :i-Mivi- lu.'-'h declares th.'. 1 ' nn ivil l ' bet n t"' ! up " '.vhole- '';!' ' the .I'lniors of Ontario nnd ' "i'v i - ' iadc 'S In ; i .- - : . I . 1 .. nsi.lcn fnr ''-' '''" " One of the most serious problems confronting swine breeders now, is undoubtedly the high mentality emong the very young pigs, some- times called "Anemia in suckling pigs." For some tibe the staff of th Ontario Veterinary College in co-operation with the Animal Hus- band y Department of the O. A. C. have been studying this problem and they are frank to admit that many pha:es of the disease c'.ill baffle them. The disease can be prevented by keeping the pregnant sow and ther. the litter in avi environment which includes plenty of air, sunshine and g: cen feed, but in winter timc when those conditions are out of the (jues- tion, the disease is much more dif- ficult ta control. In a ttst recently made a number of young bason type POWS were placed through the pro- vince for breeding purposes and _a check made on their growth and pro- duction of young pigs. Records o: 31) gilts farrowing this spring ?ho\v that the average litter contained only 10.9 pigs of whi:h 6.5 were saved to prow to commercial ape and weights. The greatest cause for loss is saic* to he too often carelessness and inex- perience on the part of the owner both during pregnancy and after. Man> losses might be prevented with a little care and ext~a watchfulness. The report of Hon. John S. Ular- iir;, Minister of Agriculture, fo:- the year ending October 31st, 1921), has l;eui released. It contains a wr> comprehensive review of all activ:- f children under one year of age, in j Ontario, only Victoria in British Col- umbia excelled us. That is the fruit ! a municipality can pick es a result of j preventative methods applied to | diseases. I regret to say we are away behind the Mother Country in such matters and, as a matter of fact, we are be- hind some of our own AVestern provinces, where clear vision is being used, "Id shackles of custom are being broken, and wondei-ful results are being obtained." Consult your doctor regarding pre- vention c NOTICE An Indian stumper, while making a speech, paused in the midst 01 it, and exclaimed: "Now, gentlemen, i what do you think?" Instantly a ! man rose in the assembly, and with ! one eye partially Closed,, modestly with a strong Scotch brogue, replied: "I thirk, sir, I do, indeed sir I think if you and I were to stump the country togcthc: we would tell more lies than any other two men in the country, sir, nnd I'd no', say a word myself during !he whole time, sir!" Come to Durham Town Hall Friday evening, July 2nd. to a social evening feathuring Paramount Blue AVater Boys Orchestra of Hamilton, Catholic AVomen's Society, Durham. Voters' List 1930 ^TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of "The up in my office at Flesherton on the 19th day of July, 1930 the list of ail persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Municipal elections, and that such List remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law the last day for appeal being the 9th day of Aug. 1930. Dated this 22nd. day of July 1930. W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. Small Advts v on s A i, B BULL FOR SERVICE FOR SALE 3 burner coal oil ., rtove; cheap. Can be seen at The "SS* J , cr " y Sul1 for service Advance office. " Iot 12 '' 2nd ' Ran * e S ' w - Terms: S2 and $3. B. A. Hargrave. Mark- tirs undertaken ceding year. during the pre- HEALTH UNITS Mr. 11 K. Silencer, U. F. A. mem ber for B-ttle Rivor Alberta iniru- FOR SALE About 25 squares of dalc ' first class Ont. cedar shingles at $1.50 per square. F. G. Karstedt, Priceville. BOAR FOR SERVICE __ Purebred Berkshire Boar for ser- RENT-A good six roomed vice nt Iots> 151 - 153 - lt in 15 months house, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, dass at Royal Wtotti Fair 192'.) and stable, hen house and garage, op- reserve grand champion. Fees, $2.00 pnsite high school. W. J. Caswell, at timc of service. II. C. Radley. Proton R.R. 3. FOR SALE Barred Rock Cock- rt-ls from Registered blood testeu FARM FOR SALE I'.acd : motion ji the last pur!:u- iiient aski:-i;- the Government to take uich if bought this month. W. J. int i consideration the advisability | \V. Armstrong, Government Breed-! of makiir grants tn the provinces ing Station, Flesherton. en'ial to one third of the cost of cs- Block, ! and 5 months old, $1.50 i , ' acre3 ' beln Io t 37, Con. 4. ArtemMla ' 80 ac " s un cultivation. t:.li!'.shing and maintaining He::U:i FOP. SALE Reg bull, "Ringleader Chief" Xo. 191018; dark read, born I'nits. In that debate it was , out that in 1900 the death rate <n I; '- 1 ' ehoice a:iil!ia! : bred by C.:,iada per thousand, was 19 in the ' l ' :u ' lk Tayior ' Markdale; also M.-H. and ir,.-J in IK- country. T n fertilizer drill. 11-disc nearly new. I'.'JO the urb:::i death rate had faKei : " h " Mi-ad.s Phone 21 r X, Priceville. to i:{ per thousand, while the rural rate had onlv fallen t) 1!. Dr. How house and large barn with good stabling and out-buildings. For fur- ther particulars apply on premises. ALB. BLACKBURN, Phone 42 r 6 Maxwell. FOR SALE Frame church 28 x 10 :uu! shed 75 x 2-, situated <-n E Manil iba pavo it as hi, op- . ., eo|lj 10> Os prcy. Church will inion thai Health Hormls. Health In- ; 0| . vvitho , :t furr . ishi ,, : ,. Health r. ,. illations pr>per s .r'ci-vis-iop in the c: i. FARM FOR SALE In the Township of Artemisia 130 farm, lots 143-46, 3rd range S. AV.T.&S.R., half n:ilL from station, !'- miles from Flesherton. Good buildings, 12 acrea cf bush. SolJ particulars apply to \V. F. Dean '." ' I':! ! sal. ' Slmcl i J, I ' i the l:)Wc;- iltath rate V<-. .'-'jiev.cer out!ine<l the rc- i 11 ' : 'lisli,'.|. In ton. Till. STOKK \\ 1 II! SLHVIl'E F T HN ! CO I tH 4 . Ill I (_ U. *. ; L. I U CHAIN M'dtfliS filTrkr!:.!o, Or.tario oru i YING POWER SAVES Y()f A LOT OF MONEY e ntinues KAYON IJI.OO' '. I".'!-' In pa : : ::iin and tra.sU:. colors. Jul ' '' i v| "' OKC \ !>! . & IMMA CO\V>..'. & I". JAMAS i . , and p; .'! ; ii i'i I.AIiil' ' C'OATS AND Dill I MA 1.1' I iMCK i il values last -$l .0(1 ., .'i .. c: fo:- $3.75 ' " AVi have '.. Hi h " "' pi ice : li'l IlOSIl-'UA \" ' ' ' ' ' l' :! -- ( 'd '"' (J;i ili'y ami ! in biege, unl and I!) Kt * Priced for July Sal ''l.l 1 i>" - ; ' I.M.U.IVI: IIM: SIIK nosi: Knll Fashioni d II noi .- ii.ni -. rov i : Ki n , , Dath 1 , ' > ' white wiMl O'.iS . ;:.'. (.1 p|- , 69 fi 79 .: |>r. I ADIKS 1 !'<< >TAV l :.\K These shoes conic in dom-ola, patent leatlu nn I kid, v. i Ii .-oi'iliinaii. u I mi, Ju y Snl i .... ! !.''" > ! ADII'S' SMAIM' I'OOTU BAR BhOW i'iu,-ii md er I air in "ohi- liiration Iflst.s ;;'iil Mi'iiy dilVe-'i ,\: itylttt to led from. July Sal Trice $2.45 pair TEN MS AND ori'iM; siior.s Hi I,, i;v , .-I-, of tiu..i' lines have been ttU reduced for ,lii': rut tanding sal", nnd we a'c alii" to feature such pi-ires as 1 Girls' Tetuin SI..,,-, boot an.l oxford, lis< to 2. Sale Price i, ; ' '!>:mi . ' . ! ' oil hl\les, : I to' 5. .'' il: 1'r: ................................ f)C. Cliildrci'' T. riiii.i !'.J,i . uxj "id ai'.cl lea, sizi i to M>. CT Sal- ................ 79-. ! (lit !. and l.i" !e IM . '-. .-. sorl il tyle.s and ci,:i'.l !':at i i'" , -i: :> i - |n a'd II lo .". Ill] Pi i:'" ................................... ,"i!li- |i,lii- ' Tennis S!io, . i and oxf l siv'e*, Sale Frees ................... 98c., s'.i!) a"d WO x SOCKS All \vuol plain f cy. ;;;:!. I'n e .. . 3 f.ir -19r. MKN'S FINK COTTON HOSSli IM di'"f' iviit . I'.'.ili , nnd di igi .Hil.v .' ! al I'ri'-o ............. ...................................... li pnirs -ro.' *l.{i : .i N'S \VOHK SOCK; . ; I-MRS Men'.i \\' } I; Socks ,'iul Ii!!:' BOCks, odd l} Sale Prii".- ........................................ :$ MKN'S Sl'Il'S Our Kir-i- r-toik of Men's S'lits are all rediuvd " ' ' 1 .75 an i H'.iod ra- .... -.n'ed :. 1 i special io; July Sale nt ........................... $12.7.*) MAKWVAK!' 1 SI'rci.U S ODD CUPS & S.U'CKI:;-' in Clovir Leaf and Other I lower p;>.tter'i... J'priiiul a! .'n'. each Ac H for 2.u- * i'\!)I'Si! SPAUl'S! 89c. Our entire .stock ol ,|KU! i--.l-i'ed from :i to /[U'l-ial (nil , ot .................................................... H9c. SCKI.LX HOOKS Sl.(ii) .v. $2.S'J We have n d'.leed our best nuality piinel door's to >'i 'M. Tin ,- m . -, in il ir value anil would merit their puicha - now for next > en ion'i UM< BUY I-'OUCASII AND SAVE MONEY i ' ill Que'ier a unit V three B before an-i , ,..- - . ,.; 0; salt 75c. per i" t'-'.t year (11-20) there woi ' : . .1 per t:;n, also oats, -. from enei--l causes in ti.- w heat, clsop, caul. etc. Phone 38r3, -crv, .' liv it. Last year I ,. ( . :'uir, Ceylon. pod to :*7, a sir. nf '"'' i^' T!I,- > ; ith oi For. :-:AM: -iiouxo tern- -. -J. I- McMULI.KN. C.ylon I'KOI-'ERTY FOR S.\LE~OR RENT The property of the late Ella ibson. lot 10. Collingwood street. On tuis oropcrtv is a comfortable dwelling house of 9 r,c!e Hour *l.'JO; , , n ,,;.,, clectr ; c ^^ J^J I'ure Manitoba Flour 25 x . :J ft., \\ith stablj and driving cwti . [house liiereon. also a good well on This oropertv is in a Hum and will be so!J reason- i.r John I/.zard, Fcvorjham, or II ; :i , l\;i.'c;::a. 1 > \I.K Bran $1.40 cwt., ? hurts SI. 50, Low pnuk- flour $1.'JO; i from i:i:: to li'.O; -I Suition. and lot In Til-- lot is a good ' irtable dwel- 1 er further particulars ap- 1 ' !v the admiuistrator. W. J Ueads, Flo .hertpn. Or.t. SERVICED '' from tulieri-ui.-: had drop- cn c :-;.d 11 a IL 13 conunriauie uwei- R '' from 56 to 51; av.d da tha fro , 1:v . hoU3C( R g0(H i . lta l,!e and a never f ' ^ J B vc'll. ,1,, a B ood sod plough ^.TteUu.^ H C SL miprises si) usehold .furniture that is going --__-___ I . '': - to I- oM -.i-ivatt-ly. Neil :,lcCa:> HOAR FOI: SLRVICE. a pub'.io health nurso, ] IU , H> Administrator. ,' Registered Yorkshire Boar for eer- sanital ' v "'' ' A. T. Younir, Medi.-al Provin- by Hcsharton Bnc : - \I.l.'- HOUSE AND LOT., he pr ,, p , r . y of lual:.h uflUv for I'.iitish Co'.u'n- ! situated in Ceylon village on r :;':i- 1 merit of Agriculture. :oted as hi (1 "thai way. gnod frame hou.se. well the : - oi 1 a i .mi'.ty health '.--.I:. i::i!ij; six rooms, ni-.ly I' . ' un) .; I.::; pi.i\ince saved one c nn- , one and a quarter uc:-.; ef w.'li llinu:a')d doM-ir.; in a ' >' Itivv.Ud land with barn; n.nke siiiKk- ye;;r, in i.-olation hospital offer. Charles Mclia. 7'J Caitl-.ncds fees. Agnes Macph i' the Memlu-i ; Av.- , Teroato. for S-mtlie:-.st (Ire;, dreiv attention | l i tin 1 DI ,'aleni e of ive.it i\- in O.'\- Club Caretaker l-Oil SALE 100 acres, lot.; ICO nrd l'>7, !-'t i an ere vest of some 9 f h lNo. 10 Highway, Artcmeaia T,,. 2 mlle8 from Pledieiton, 1 froni Bchool, 70 acres under nile v-alti- orcfanization I';;: 1 pre\ontin'v it. She saiil in nart ''In t!'\-y c.uintv we ! a: ^illcie- , frjia this dread (iis- i 1 vatii'-i, balance swaino ;.nd pasture. .seas;-. l he individual and u-'it cannot efficientlv V'.- i':cd :'ii;i.e larire " U . r ,,i; : ;iy t'i:i;!lli'.-(i . Anv reasoiiallo offer will be con- unit For n ly to If Biore _ L< ,,_ Thistkthwaite, 2t Conner a vt ' r> Ave., Ton.nto 6. simple preventative were tak.'-i in the early yeara of the child's lire ' l',i .MiAI.OW AT EUGENIA .oitro would possibly never dc- Modorn (I roomed bungalow with volop, These measures are n* taken j gummed kitchen and wood shed, and tin- result i economic '---.. hsialwo,?!! floors throughout, hot air Gfc.0 L'. DUNCAN DUNDALK I . U l : N S t" D A L CTIONEER the County of Grey. Terms: per cei::. S;itisfsction guarnteeJ Dates made at The Advance office. SUU1MIIOUN BULt, FOR SERVICE Registered Shorthorn bull for ser- vice wt 'ot 5, Con. y. Osprty, "Merry W iui.;" No. K'J.Kij; Sire, Bonnie Uatquta 142,331; Dam, ficd Butterfly <3t,"7t>. Term: - Purebreds s $o.OO. .. Cows not rcturnej h si.!;'erin and nerve strain a"J , f. lrn:u r [ n ,\\ annlition, soft water vill be cn.;rge tull price. '.' 'I AWKINS. En-enU. MIDDLE ERO & BURNS Harristers. etc. Of ices Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton evcey death:'. The experiment '(cittern in basement, electric lights, 'Saturday nrnoon and eve-ling. ::lim7 goiu-e was made in !!M ,'. ..,,,,.!.. us porch with s|eepinr jv.reh ' kron, ohi,.. !,> Dnr. Kin.i.U- an-.! ;;( | io i ninir , i arge lot with bnrn in It was so sucerssful that S>' '.i i land, a country that "-iff"' inn. h fs'i>r.i r-.v.r. Will -sacrifice for quick sale. rooomni<->i"i' in , For terms npp'.y J. E. Larve R. R. : - ;:; -^ i t: Pr. AV. D. fc'.-vve, L. D. S.. D. D. ' - fl '--: U . . ;!:..'te of Uni- , No. 1. Niagara Falls, or P. Man- varsity of 'i , . Ga., administer- <rh the v (,oit"<. ( ommu ; .s,on ' ....... ,. ed for cxtta ctio-5. Office at the rcsi- .It :>. of Dr. E. C. .Murray. Toronto street, Fleshorton. Phone CD. ef Switzerland, the uses of unli-i - ;i- , p nreve"tative. Tho result I. .is h>e,i P. very prcat 1 s.- "i"K of Eugenia MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE Any viersons tresins- tisi Maephwfl also pointed on* that gir( , on ] ots 4 nil( , 5i co;i . 3i Euph . ('MO to the !>; '.' the tcsi ,..,..;,,_ fa often suiter fronj (..iniia and a.le" ,i.M K awt . lltt ,,.. R. K . 1, Dunc-an. with tlv ''(.suit that th 'ir th,Ancet of r ;.. k __ F.ueees in life aro adver.si !y effected. FOR RENT Village lot to rent SI quoted th ' '.;! HralLh nif>- 1 '- rim '' " > -' 1lil - > h is h';--<o. hen. -A. 3 Cauley. i i n I'rince Aithur Lodge, 3S3. A v^. S-. A. M. meets in the Masonic Ha.,, Ann. strong Block, Flesherton every Frl* t!ay on or before the full moon. \V. M, C. N. Richardson, Secretary, H, B< Rd I ai'!: (Iwm . c ':ior. ' nfw 1'". -i fi'"" clinics for UK e;i ly diairno ; ;is of T. U..X :av included, free iliiiies fi>r the 'r-.-t- ment for venerfnl di e;u-es, fn-e NOTICE AA'in. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer , for the counties of Grey and Simcoe Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and dates linics and last year a free dental i-lin- All Trespassers on lot 3T, eon. 8. may be made at the Advance office, or i.- for .ii-ho.il children. I.r.st year Owen Artemcsia, will strictly be pro^e-ut- ' addressing me nt Eugenia. Sound had the lowoet death rato of cd. Thos. Femvick, Eugenia I'. O. telephone 43 r 11 Flesherton or by *. .

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