WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6TH, 1030 THE FLESHKRTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each wek. Circulation over 1100, Pric in Canada |2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In I and Mr. and Mrs. Simmons visited' 1 with Mi?. Lawrence Lvons. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walker and four children of Darryville, and Mrs. ' Akin of Toronto, visited with Mr. 'and Mrs. Wnlker. Mi.-s Allie Little of Toronto visited with hr parents, fourth line. Mr. ami Mrs. Nelson Wauchope ahd <?own to sleep as soon as he is | Health Service f' " b " L t - of the - t ? CANADIAN MED. ASSOC. * 8TH LINE put LABOR COST IMPORTANT It is said that the cost, of feed Is i the most important iU-m in the cost '. H. THURSTON. . J. THURSTON - Assoc. WODEHOUSE Haying in this Master Gordon Jamieson of To- ~ j ronto has been enjoying farm life ) with his uncle here, and often in the 'evening stillness we can enjoy his about 'broadcasting of good music with his *' of nroducintr milk. It will amount to . j n ./. Mfcs Bertha Otteweil recent teacher * *??5S!i * n,. tt.l costs cr P thls fal1 " "" at Oia-<re Valley has returned homo after sf,c-"Kng tv\. weeks holidays th with her cousin, Mr. Jim Otteweil rml family "nd o*h"r friends. Miss A<'eliii" Murphy hs returned at two-thirds that of last year, with the quality apparently good. The new 8100,000 cold storage plant at Sim- readiness to take care of the apple During the first days of life, baby sleeps practically all the time, excepting when he is being fed or hom<; {vom gcho<)1 fof her holiday3 . bathed. The time spent in sleep Mljscs Dorothy and Mary Whitehead gi-adually decreases and, at six spent a few day with their aunt and months, the baby sleeps about sixteen uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Belts and hours. He sleeps from six p.m. to also visited their teacher, a.m. without interruption, except- Beitha Otteweil at the home of ing for his feeding at 10 p.m.. He and Mrs. Jf.s. J. Otteweil. sleeps for two hours each morning BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. and a little longer Tn tno afternoon. Tyler, the gift of a daughter, con- about one-half of the total costs TENDERS WANTED on this continent, the average cost of , TENDERS will be received by the labor involved in the production of un d er; i K ned up to, and including Frl- 100 poi-nds of milk will constitute ( ] aVi August 15, for the construction about 25 per cent of the selling O f Hamilton's Bridge opposite Lot , The same survey indicates 70 Con 2 and 3 N.D.R., Osprey the labor per cow ranges from Township. (113 cu. yd. concrete 150 to 170 hours. The larger the 218 cu. yd. excavation 64 piles). Miss herd the less labor per cow is a very Mr. -ow cut and is being loo has proved to be good. The oats : nd barley are ripening fast and it - ocm will be ha / est in full swing - the men of the congrega ion, aim gmenl F. C. Pateraon, At one year, he is sleeping for four- teen hours. gratulations. Mrs. Jarr>"s J. Otteweil and daugh- Plans and specifications may be 'seen at the office of the Engineer, 'Court House, Owen Sound, agrkrul- A marked check for 10 per cent re- district tural representative at Simcoe, re- will be required from each bidder and ports Norfolk County's apple crop the successful bidder must furnish a The afternoon rest should be con- t e ,., Dollie Mae visited friends at i. .M, ..I until thn child I < i-ivt- or SlY <lli-,,.- fV,...L I H< ..., Qminrl on/1 Silver Creek, Owen Sound and Wiarton. wound ni enrly. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron MoRac :.nd little daughter. Joan of Toronto, pent civic holiday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Wiley. Sr. Mr*. R. I). Carruthers of MarkdaU- paid a short visit with her son, Bruce :nd wife. Mr. Wm. Bu.'kin and son. Wil'.moi rnd wife of Guelph spent the holiday with the Wiley families here Lilcs has been brought about, re-opening services will be held next Sunday at 11.15 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. to which a cordial invitation usua is extended to all. tinucd until the child is five or years ot age. The normal baby sleeps well. Re Mi. and Mrs. Iramcs of and 3hou;a visited with Mr. is to rest Somers over the must be properly fed contract bond covering 50 per cent of TENDERS t }, e amo unt of the contract. The lowest or any tender not nec- I Tenders will be received for the cssar j|y accepted. Orton erection of a Mortuary Chapel in the Tenders will be opened and cor.- J. P. Flesherton cemetery up to August s jd erc d at Maxwell, August 16th, at Motorists of to-day with riutomo nearly trouble free, mHs and Mrs. sleep in fresh air if he is to rest Somers over the w'.-ek end. Master 18. 1!>30. Plans and specifications to 2 p _ m . standard Time, quietly for long hours. I Willie and little Miss Helen re- be seen at my residence. H. G. BURKE. R.C. McKNIGHT Restlessness and frequent wakings turned home with them to Ortos JOHN S. McMILLAN, Clerk. Engineer, lly indicate improper feeding, or for the holiday. Sec. of the Cemetery Board. Feversham. lack of fresh air, or bad training-^ , L The baby should not be played with before he is put to bed, nor shoula he be rocked, patted or -sung to sleep. The baby should always have his own bed: a lined clothes basket does very well for this. The mattress also with Mrs.' Clara Wiley tho Kric f and thrills which were part ( c h ould be firm and even, and covered. v.nd Mis< Hazel in Markda'.e. M<--srv Walter Harris and 'and parcel of .1 >hn earlier years driving during the the industry. Thomas -. latht-ws accompani.-i l.v the Misses Tomlin, an Oldamobile-Viking sale Alabama, was Orace and NWma Morrison of To- ,., ;in a t Birmingham, -into, were visitors with Mr. and ,., nu ,. forward with a first class rc- Ir Bruce Carruthers over the hili- m j n isdcncc to illustrate the point. , , y . Back in 1'.'12. he found himself in Tho Fle'herton yr.ung people tw perplexing predicament .ne<l their play. "Parlor Matches In driving in the deep ruts of a rough iew England church on Thursday I1)a d. with the bottom of his crank " ' be open j n irht la and were greeted by a ( .. lf ~ scraping on the <rrr.un<l who" the V,r siudicnre an<! a nice sum wa- drain plug of the crankcase wa-: ailo to add to the funds in aid of knocked out and he ! --t all his e yne<l- The play wr. well give:; lubricating oil. There were no ser- . -1 much enjoyed. vice stations on the road and no tel- Mrs. Clara Wiley formerly of this cphones. Tom'.in walked to the near- ace underwent a critical operation t . 3 t farm hou^e. The farmer had no Markdale Vu.<|>ital for goitre and oil. but just at the moment he hap- we are pleaded to say. doing fine, pt-nod to be churning. Tomlin bought Mastrr Perry Wilev and little six quarts of the buU'Tmilk. plugged V <ris McAffee of this place hart .-., the c"ankca.*e drain and success- .ccessful operations on Monday in f u i| v ,| ro vr 30 mil"s to Birmingham "arVdale luspital for lemoval of w j t |, tho churr.oil milk functioning 7 isils and adenoids. n lubricant. This was probably The W. I. met on Wednesday last ft*. fj, s t and only time that an automo- ' i- home of Mr-. II. H. Wilev. A |,:] ( . c^nnc has been oiled with ol number wi-ri- present and had , )r(l( luct o(' the dairy. profitable gathering. The next .ing. Aug. 28th. will be at the FALL FAIP. LIST ' Tie of ?%. Robt. Clark. Mi> Evelyn Hogg of Toronto AUi*t<in nt the la'-t two wei-k a irue-it n: Bar-i" home o Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bolton ompson. Bramptnn Miss MavU Thompson of MHrl-'la: Chat.-worth returned home after a holiday Clark^um.' th friend hi re. . Dunialk Hazel Fawcet*. spent last week Col'.ingwood her uncl- Harry Cbappel a' Durham with a rubber sheet, then a quilted pad, and. over all a cotton sheet. This provides a comfortable bea The am- depend* whu-h can be kept clean. the the Sept. 1!-20 Sept. 22-2. Oct. 3-4 Sept. 23-21 Oct. <MO Sept. 30. Oct 1 Sept. 23-2-1 ount o coverings required upon the temperature. The baby should sleep out of doois during the daytime when the weather permits. A window should always the room where baby sleeps because only in this way can he obtain the amount of fresh air svhich he needs. His bed can be placed so that he H not exposed to having a draught strike one part of his body. Tho bed or basket should be cover- ed with netting in summer in order to keep insects from reaching the baby dining hij sleep. Regular hours for sloop are neces- sary. Tho child should awnys be put to bed at the same hour and left alone. If this is (lone he will settle Sure I'm \vell fed!" My mother trades at KENNEDY'S GROCERY 3 Boxes Matches 21c. 2 Ibs. Lard 35c.^e Jar Marmalade 29c. 2 Bottles Tijfer Brand Catsup 25c. 100 Ibs. St. Lawrence Sugar $5.25 O'Canada Flour $3.65 MEN'S CAPS Reg. $2 to $2. 50 $1 cash this week a number <>f "'ir a day at Wasaga Bench. PORTLAW aford. Fevewham c-'.ti/en'' Flesherton C.rand Valley Hanover Hostein Kilvth "trs. L. H. Sheardr.wn had tho mis- [, on ,ion 'une to fall at her <loor ste;; M nr l< ( lalc inst the nlatform of the verandah M t . n f, )r d ''.rating her right shoulder. I'/r. ji oun t Ko-ost Id was M,on in attendance nnd \,., ls ',.dt patient is progressing favorably,' -vilb- Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Caudcn of To- O wen Sound o visited at the homos of the p r ; ce villc "T'S brothers, Messrs. J. J. and R 0( .fclyi< H. Litt!-. Sbelburnc 'ises Dorothy and Audrey T ara u-son of Toronto visited witii Toronto, C N*. aunt. Mrs. W. C,. Jamieson. \Va!ter'< Falls "MS Corfu Little is spending r. Wiartonn with relative* in Toronto. Sept. 10-17 Oct. 7-8 Sept. 18-1VJ Sept. 30, Oct 1 Sept. 10-12 Sept. 23-24 Sept. 24-25 Sept. R-i: Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Sept. 17-15> Sept. 17-ih Sept. 27 Sept. 19-20 Oct. 2-4 Oct. 2-> Oot. 7-8 Sept. 25-20 Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Ar.jr. 22. Sent <*, Sept. 23-24 Sent. 23-24 Mis* Vi-'," Strx'dart of Paisley r New Ford Phaeton FLESHERTON "Buy-at-Home" CAMPAIGN COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE The Merchants and Business Men represented below are co-operating in an effort to prove to the resi- dents of the town and surrounding community that values equal to any of the larger towns or cities may be procured in local stores. A series of educational "Buy-at-Home" editorials will be reproduced weekly. The benefit of Home Buying will be shown to the general advancement and progress of the community. Kend the editorials, take advantage of the weekly specials offered by he merchants, and BOOST THE TOWN YOU CALL HOME. F.H.W. HICKLING <;ENERAL MERCHANT Special prices on runnine shoes childri-ns' sizes 6!)c.. misses, sixe 8Hc.. boys' sizes $ F. W. Duncan C.KNERAL HARDWARE White enamel preserving kettles !K)c., $1.10 and $1.25 values TELEPHONE 54J HH!> agfOP O "f nil; r.i"-.t i- cars weordtag ,:iH in tHo , w Ford phn.-ton. if pTOMnt^da- i -ndi BVU v?i.V ei"'_cn->ii ,iy of Canada, l.iinileti. Ideal for m invip:'.r:tin , -ough tho country, Ot l'< i' :i "' I > the club or airport, tbo now ,,1 phneton, in i's gi'.y ^ ; iwing in',n! and more t > ', .ice of those who love the .. it- < -irs, the tanff of <-""l n" 1 is tlio cr contribute much t-i i : bouuty. o wimlshielil. folding flat ii df ,1. ndils U> this ell'eit. Tho top rained 01 lov.orod (|Uio!(ly ml uij.l unnily. The wider scats which hold ftvo jui enjror conifortubly, " ""- hulatend in silver gray . 1 1.. r. with l>l'>> nrtiflcial finish. Body 'TH nrr offered in four attract- iv,. colon, 'In'-io blue, thOTM I., v M, maraba croon :ind black. 'ir tho t'UlCT ol COOI I*" rulim fti-< , i A : i3S SSSSS^ the hencllanip to ivar bumn-l i-.ent. _ Flesherton Advance Wi :>ri- otferinir ned subscriptions tn Th' - Adva'H'i 1 until 1 .lanunry 1 ( .).'{2 for only $2J)(. This ocer lasts until Sept. 1. FleshsrianPiaainiMiU COMPLETE LINE BUILDERS' BUPPLIB8 Lumber, Shingles, Lath, fiyproc Lime, Brink, Flooring. Etc. PHONF. 21 W . A. Hawken PHOTO (JALLERY AND MT SIC STORK EL CT n IC RANCrETTK 30.00 ('nl)lpll'tl' With OVi'll TELEPHONE 17w W. G. Kennedy GROCERIES, FRESH & Cl'RED MEATS. MEN'S WEAR Men's Caps, Rejr. $2.00-$2.50 $1.00 cash this week. PHONE 37 Emerson J. Bennett FTRMTrRE DEALER AND FINERAL DIRECTOR 3- pioco Vi'ickcr Suite Reir. 837.00 for $32.00 PHONE 78 J. A. Stewart GROCERIES. FLOUR & FEED Orange Mnnrmlade large Jar 29c. PHONE 4C W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELLERS 15'', oft' all Diamonds in stock. This week only. F. G. KARSTEDT STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS Special nricc-3 on Hay Fork Rope and Binder Twine PHONE 7 Watchmakers Opticians Price and Quality John Plester McCormack 7 ft. cut binder M. H.hay loader, in good repair. PHONES:Office 79w; Resid. 44r4 F. FINDER H. Down & Sons FORD DEALERS li>2f) Star Scdsin PHONE 30 Osprey & Artemesia Co-Operative Co., L^.d New Honey I> 11-..1. 65c. Spanish Onions I! Ibs. 25c. TELEPHONE 70 Did you over enter a store ami say "Oivo me the ehenfiMt suit if i-lc.thes have in the house?" Ym, ,.,-rtainly did not booau u- you realize that price is not tho dilv consideration anil that you must dt-maml quality for what you buy, whether it is a hoiv.-e and lot or a paper of pins. You want the best suit you can buy for the inonry. and the sam- then y applies tn all other linos of merchandise. The mere fa. I tb-t vou biive saved the money. You- homo merchant could have L-ivon" you a mit for $10.00 that wold probably be bolter than the <n< you bmi.irht. He could probably nave given you the same suit t'oi' les moi-ev. This maens that your home nu-rchant wants to satisfy you atit* uwe you your money's worth. He will not sell you anything that is not' worth the money you pay for it, because he wants your t-:ule \vh: you I'ome URain. Tbo ineivhant in tho other town does not 'He doesn't export t" OV.T sie you apain and will try to Re* Flesherton Bakery See that thte bread that srrace" vour table is made nt home. CANNOT BE BEATEN EAT MORE OF IT. \vh: !, re D. McKillop TINSMITH & PLl MBING Forks, Shovels, Hoes. Sr>ades at ripht prices. General Hardware McTavish & Son all be can out of you while the nottinR is pood. Thf next time you thin'; of buyincr anything outside Fl.^ 1 if you ever do thinU of '.'.-'h a thini*. pro first to your honic nuMvh.-v npil ask to soe the article or article which you we thinking of buy- ing. It is n courtesy you owe yorr comiv.nnity as well r.s your mer- chant nnd youru-lf, ant! it always pnya. CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE 1928 Ln.ndau Chevrolet Sedan 1927 Chevrolet Sedan TELEPHONE 9w THE HOME OF <)l \LITY MEAT M Wilson B V T C II E R Jellii-d Tongue. Veil Picnic Hams Smoked Moats of all kinds. TELEPHONE 47\v Thos. Owler ard Son C;REY COUNTY EGG GRADING STATION EKKS Graded bv Experienced Graders H. Freeman GROCERIES. FRUITS AND Fresh Tomntoos S Ibs. 25c. Pork & Beans 2 large cans 25c. TELEPHONE 60 Brack's Gc rage DURANT SALES & SERVICE Tread Tire 29x4.40 5.60 Special this week. . . i > I <