THE FLESHERTOX ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6TH, 1930 - What We Have to Offer i NO ONE chartered Bank in Can- ada has anything greater to offer the business community than its contemporaries unless it be in the character of the service it renders. During its life, the Bank of Com- merce has developed a distinct in- dividuality through the kind or ser- vice maintained in its daily trans- actions. The commercial aspect of this individuality is found in the many unioue services for which the Bank of Commerce is peculiarly equipped. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (u . .- 'i M<AicA is cunalyarmAtett - THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA J Local andJPcrsonal J Mrs. R. Genoe Dies Miss Beth Bentham of Toronto j Death came sudden , y on ^ursd&y was home for the hohday. j July 31st to Mr? Elizabeth Genoe Mr. Jack Bloedow of St. Catherines' O f Eugenia, when apparently in her holidayed in town over the week end.^ usua ] good health up till noon the Mr. and Mrs. Herb LeGard and passed away peacefully, in a short children of Pickemg are holdaj ing 1 time. in town. The late Mrs. G'enoe was the ! Mr. W. Gibbs of the Bank of Com-' daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.! merce staff spent the week end at Wm. Carr, and was born in Toronto } his home at Woodstock. i Gore, 78 yeais ago, and with her par' Mr:-. R. C. Phillips and son of To- ents came to Artemesia Township, j ronto are visiting her parents, Mr. when but twelve years of age. where and Mrs. R. Hoy. , they setted on a bush farm, in the Mrs. Wes. Armstrong and little' early pioneer day:-. On April 4th. son are spending a couple of weeks, I 876 sn w as married to the late in Dundalk. | Robert Genoe, who predeceased her I 13 years ago. There were three sons and two daughters, namely Herbert of Toronto, Ont.; Alice, (deceased) Horse Ran Away With Hay Rake; J. Watson Injured Mr. Joseph Watson of Saugeen Junction had a narrow escape from serious accident and possibly death while working in a field on hij farm on Thursday morning of last week. Mr. Watson was busy raking hay in a field when the inside tug on the harness on one of the horses becam* unhitched and he stepped down in front of the rake to hitch it again. He was wearing a straw hat at the time and an extra heavy gust of wind came, blowing it off his head, caus- ing the horse-3 to suddenly bolt and ! run away. Mr. Watson was knocked i down and carried along the field by the teeth of the rake rolling him along as it went. In the mad career over the ground the tongue of the rake suddenly broke, causing the ! broken end to stick into the earth ' and unsetting th? implement. Mr. ! Thos. Watson, a brother, work- ' ing in the nest field saw the runaway, bi't before he could reach J the scene of the accident and render j assistance the horses had quitted ' down. Mr. Watson was badly shaken up. had several deep gashes on his legs and also a deep cut on hi-s back caused by the tine on the | rake. His e-scape was miraculous and after a few days enforced absence ' from work was able to be around i again. L.O.L. Grand Master Visited Flesherton LF.VEP COATES Mr. J. F. Joslin of Toronto was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston for several days. Mi. Ernest McKillop returned home on Wednesday last from Tern-, Lewi , of Eu ., en ; a- Ont iskaming. Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. F. Finder left on Francis of Eugenia: Annie (Mrs; Leu;-, Teeter) o Flesherton and ' The late Mrs. Genoe was very i highly respected by all who knew Tuesday morning on a trip to "San- ^ ' Thc fi , nera , was held on Saturday, Aug. 2 from the home of Barrett accom- j, er , on Lewis, interment taking couver. Mr. nr.d Mrs. S. panied by Mr. and Mrs. James Field. p i ace m Flesherton cemetery. The and Audrey of Toronto spent thej serv j ces werc conducted by the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy and. Mr. Pope, pastor of the United son, Jack are spending thij week at Lindsaj. u Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Bryee are leav- church. Eugenia. The floral .tributes were beautiful and included a wreath, from the ing this Thursday to spend a week a: family; spray, Vandeleur Ladic-;' Wasaga Beach. j Aid: spray from the friends and Mrs. D. McTavish returned home neighbors of Eugenia; spray. Mr. on Friday after spending a month ai and Mrs. Alex Camithers. a summer cottape near Barrie. The pallbearers were: John Wi'.- Mr Bruce Thuirton of Montreal Kams, Alex Carruthers. Wallace is spending a couple of weeks witn ! Graham and three nephews. W. T. relatives here. ' Genoe - David Genoe and Hary Genoe - Mr. Alex Fisher and Mr. and Mrs.! _ Murray Walker and child -en of To-', ronto were the guest, of Mr. and Mrs ADDITIONAL LOCALS A ouiet welding took place at the parsonage at Dryden. Ont.. on TVed. July 30th. when Miss Dorothy Coates wa united in marriage to Mr. Georg-. Edward Lever, elder on of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever of Flesherton. the ceremony being performed by Re-. T. E. MeAli-ter. pastor of the United church there. The youn-r couple will take up residence on their farm ai Dryden. R. W. Bro. L H. Saunders, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of On- c tario West, spoke at an open meeting- in the town hall on Wednesday even- ing and received an enthusiastic re- ception. He spoke for over an hour . on the aims, objects and results oi>- ! taine-d by the Orange Association ' I and traced its work through the centr-y of itj progress in CanacTa. It was iust one hundred years sinct, the Grand Lodge was organized ana the principles laid down at that time are the same as now. mainly being for the protection of the home and religious liberty, equal rights to all and special privileges to non. County Maste-, Geo. W. Littlejohns presided over the meeting and re- ceived greetings from the CounCy Masters of North and We-st Grer . Musical selections were given bjj Mrs. Alex McDonald. Geo. Cairn-. J. McKechnie and Alex McDonald. A banquet and reception for t*e Grand Macter was then held in the banquet hall and the following toast, were given: to the Grand Lodge by Wor. Bro. Gordon Pearson. Mastd of Proton District Lodge, and re- sponded to by the Grand Master, r.. H. Saunders; King and Country. Bro. Geo. E. Banks and Bro. W. J. Stock- well of Di-ndalk; the Ladies by Bro. F. J. Thurston, replied to by Mr?. H. Down and A. Montgomery of Dur dalk; the visitors and those who as- sisted in the program by Bro. Jav McKenzie, Master of Osprey District and responded to by Bros. F. See!e> and G. Cairns. Flesherton L. O.B.A. were the caterers. Prior to the public meeting a fix, and drum band, composed 01 Messrs. D. McLeod and Alex English wii*r fifes and Robt. Fisher with the drun-. marched from the Lodge rooms to the town ha!'. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Ed. Fhher over the week end. Miss Sadie Warl underwent a suc- essful operation for appendicitis the Durham hospital on morning'. Misa Katheen MacDonald of .- , ronto spent the week end with her * , r i i. parents. Mr. and Mo. John Mc-| Mr. Carl \\alker of Godench wa- 1~ ,, .a caller at The Advance office on Donald. i Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jenkins of ues ay Mr. and Mr--. Geo. Banks motored to Stratford and London on Friday, " Sundav returnin K Monday evening. ' I Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Phillips and : son. Bob and Billie Welton motored Hamilton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKee and three th latter's" sister. Mrs. F. J. Thur- children of Toronto visited with re- ston. The traffic through town over the j holday was very heavy. Miss Louie Cargoe of Detroit is visiting her mother here. Civic holiday was observed here on \ Monday. M-. and Mrs. W. J. Bellamy are! spending a week with relatives at ; Nottawa and Batteau. ML-. We -. Armstrong has closed , up the shed at the rear of his stort ' arid is refitting it to serve as gar- j age 3 for esrs. Gradually the cat j is replacing the horse. \\\- have reeived a very interesting letter from Mr. T. Stewart Cooper. ! Agricultural Representative, who is at present in England attending the World's Poultry Congress, owing to li-mited space we are unable to pub- lish it. Horse Killed When Struk By Car A horse belonging to Mr. Bob Fer- ris was instantly killed on Wed. night when struck by a car. The horse had broken out of the pasture fie'.d and had started to walk across the road, when a car came along followed by r.nothe.'. The view of the latter car was olotrueter by the dust of the first and the horse, now in the centre cf the road, was struck on the head, breaking its neck. The car went to the foot of the hill. wher. it tivned over in a ditch. However the occupants were 'lot seriously in- jured. latives here on Monday. Mrs. Mc- , , ,. Kee's maiden name was Maggie | two children of Toronto we~e gues.- " Best over the Moorehouse. Sandiland of of Mr. and Mrs. R. week end. Good accomodation for visitors to Toronto, by day or week with private family; convenient to cars 679 athurst St. (at Harbord) Toronto, phone Trinity 0472. Dr. and Mrs. Bryce and E. J. Ben- nett spent tho week end at Graven- frk , n j g hurst. They were accompanied home by Miss Kathleen Bennett, who has spent the past mon* there. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Durant and two children of Mitchell rtnd Miss Oda Diurant of Stratford were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. H Thursten. Mr. and Mrs. Horb Smith and daughter. Jean, of Owen Sound were in town on Monday, returning howe Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dundalk were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Armstrong over the holi- Toronto spent the civic Fk . herton and Coylon A play entitled "The Younr Coun- try School Ma-m," will be given in the agricultural hall, F^vershnm, om Fri- day, August 15th, by the Presbyter- ian Ladi"*' Aid. Sec posters. Tho Salvation Army band of To- [rorto, comprising forty pieces, stop- peJ long enough for the collection at Shanty Bay, ^ ^ ^ col , e( . te( , ^^ thfn BORN FISHER At Sudbury on Wednesday July 30th. 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fisher of Gogama. Ont.. a son. Earl Joseph. SHEARD In Artemesia on Sun- da\. Ai'srust 3rL to Mr. and Mrs. \ Alvin Sheard. a daughter. Klythe Bam , of sixteen pieccs dtl , htet , thp citize ^ of the vi ,, ajfe ^ ^ heard on the splendid music provided and the many pieces from holidaying near Barrie. L. O. L. No. 2855, along with the members of Carnation Lodge No. 5-15. 1 ., O. B. A., enjoyed a picnic in Lever's Grove on Thurs- day afternoon last. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McTavish of remk . re ' (1 were cer tainly appreciated. Oshawa were in town for the holiday Tho , WJ(l had been on a tom . Jf) They returned East two week' ago Pan . y s oim j nru i W ere enroute home, after spending the past year and a _ r ^^ w , ^^ .^ Con half at Regina with General Motors. ^..^ .^ K , mwwd Baptigt ehlm , h on Thursday, August 14th at 10 a.m. at Me- am j o p nl _ ^ program of good Fndav t j,ings has been prepared. Address?-* are to be given by Mrs. G. E. Wright. Clarksburg: Mrs. R. L. Brown, Meaford: Miss Margaret The Ceylon Lades' Aid will hold a sale of homemade baking at Mc- Tavish'.s service station, afterr. n>n. Aa-r. 9th at 2.30 p.m Bu> your week end baking and help the Ladies' Aid. Mr. Wm. Buskin. Sr. and Mr. ami McGirr. Durham and Mr. G. A. Put- Wrs. Buskin, Jr. of Guelph called on nam. Superintendent of Women's old frieads in and around Flesherton Institutes. Toronto. Mrs. Walter over the holiday, who are always- Rcokie, Clarksburg is President arxl glad to svee them. Mrs. B. J. Long, Meaford, is Sec.- holiday in town. Man Injured When Car Was Ditched A car owned and driven by Mr. Jas. Ross of Toronto overturned into th? ditch as it was proceeding south on the Provincial Highway, south of Flesherton, on Monday. The car wa? . badly smashed and Mr. Ross -eceived serioi's injuries to his back and chest and wa.; immediately taken to the Orangeville hosrital, after a doctor f -on 1 , town wa-s called. A lady com- par.ion with him was not injured. Mr. Ross hod rounded the curves m f-ont of Mr. Russell Hill's farm and was travelling at an averags speed when the car suddenly shot across tbo road and turned over striking a hydro polo, which stopped cur in its flight. A car following saw the ac- cident and they coi;ld not account fo- the accident as they stated tho car was travelling a moderate speed. It was reported around town Mon- day evening that Mr. Ross had passed away, but advice on Wednesday was to the effect that he was progressing favorably. Advertise in The Adranee Boots & Shoes Work Boots Men's and Roys wo r k boots best quality, from 53.25 up. A good line of. Oxfords from 5o.OO up 25c. off for cash on purchases over 52.00 W. L. MORWOOD Flesherton Ont. ^ -^^ -^ ^ -r ^~ ^-^^^^-^^^ -VX--V SMP Potato Pots Strong and easy to handle. There ia a atrainer spout and an upright handle which locki the cover on while atraining. FRANK W. DUNCAN, DEALER, FLESHERTON. ^ ** ^- -^ "*- -^ v -* When School Opens WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ? Now IB the time to begia making plans Are you think- ., jf . ing of bu&iness, if M to Investigate the courses of study and the opportunities for making the preparation necessary for business lift at the Circulars Jrea to aaj addrooa, Write for ioformitloa r e*n Pboaa 107 during buslaea boon. Pboaa S3t T tnf n it r emll tt Uie oCot, au C, A. FLBMINO. PrincipL Own Soond. Oatirio. Lots of Laughs "Partners Again" A MTcamimj farce tVaturiny P^ta^h ami Forlnuitter. Those \vho enjoyed Cohens and Kelly s \vill like this play, which has some ot the same actors in the cast. Don't miss this laughable story of the business wories of this comical pair. BIG BCY in "Follow Te a cher"; needs no introduction and is sure to cause lots of fun. Princess Theatre, Markdale FRIDAY & SATURDAY at 8: 15. 15c. and 25c. Xext \Veek"I.OXE UX'I.F'S DALV.HTKR" ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Anna Ma'joriy. daughter of the late W. C. White ant- M <. White of Cey- lon, Ont., to Robert Alexander Brow:- of Toronto, youngest son -of the late Mrs. Martha Brown, the marriage to take place on the 16fh of August a: St. Leonard's Anglican church. North Toronto. English Semi Porcelain Dinner Ware Special Reduced Prices for August Only Regular SF^.r? for 517 75 Regular 5J5.00 for SJ1.75 Re-v.lar S27.NJ for SJ.V75 Regular 531.50 for S2'x75 Regular 835.00 for 530.50 There are twelve selected designs to choose trom, in \vhite and ivory bodies. They are from the best potteries and all are "Open St ck", so that you can pur- chase a full Dinner or Tea Sett or a single plate and cup and -aticer you may prefer. If you already have some of these 1 p-.t terns and wish to add a fe\v article- or replace" somethinii' broken. \ve will alloxv you a special 10 percent, discoun; on our regular prices during August. Genuine Limoges China Imported From France Reautiful new designs in Open Stock Tai terns, specially prices at $39,75 and $55.00 For the full >7 piece Dinner Sett F. H. W. HICKLlfoG FLESHERTON, ONTARIO