r "AND STILL THE WONDER GREW 25 yean ago . . . when the conquest of the air was in its infancy, Wilson's Bachelor cigars were already finding favour amongst smokers . . . and, today, there are more Wilson's Bachelors 100% Havana filler- smoked and enjoyed than any other ten cent cigar in Canada. It individually foil wrapped MM and in pocket packs of five ILSON'S BACHELOR Still m o s t for t h money Owl Laffs Always Too Much of Pain There will always be on 3arth The ancient pain of human birth; Always the sad release of breath At endless horizons of death; And men will always have to pay The toll on nature's perilous way. No progress can evade the urge Of earthquake and volcanic surge. Tet why permit war's Judaj kaife To snap the precious cord of life? Why must our factory-horded slaves Droop cold and ragged to their graves? Why let . .ich bitter acid steal Through wounds that kinder men would heal. Kinder men v/ho clear the sod For the commonwealth of God? Lucia Trent. Ragson Tatters rises to remark: "Ever since ma bought one of them newfangled cabinet furnaces, I never i know whether -I am pouring coal in ' the phonograph or putting a jazz re- 1 cord in th' heatrola. TAKE NO CHANCES WITH BABY! Cook Her Food hi the "Health Ware" Doctors recommend Enameled Ware for cooking baby's food. 1 1 is so simple to clean ... so easy to keep sanitary and free from germs. It cannot stain. There is no metal surface ex- posed to the food. Nothing to absorb moisture, flavors nor odors. Make sure you get McCtary Enameled Ware ... the Modern "Health Ware". Watch for the familiar McClary label. A Hecfth Product of GENERAL STEEL WARES Branches Across Canada ffCIaiy ENAMELED MARE Laundry Work Everything comes out in the wash- including the buttons. When some girls break off a match they try to make- light of it. Olive "Why can't lightning strike the front end of a street car?" Oiled "Because the motorman's a non-conductor." Maybe the only trouble with busi- ness the last few months is that It has forgotten all about Coue. If you thing to-morrow never comes just make a note at the bank due then and see. Judge "Have you any proof he hit you in the eye?" Prisoner "Why here !t is in Black and White." Another thing no girl should fall to put plenty of in her hope chest is patience. She'll need it badly before she is married three months. Automatically Speaking You may talk about your "nifty dogs" And cute calves all you please; But me, I am contented with A little peek a' kn->es. To a Bluebell Even Kings are- not immune from traffic accidents, as Alfonso of Spain French to Prevent Burial of Living 35 Doctors Shape Measure Requiring Scientific Proof of Death Paris. Thirty-five doctors in the French chamber of Deputies are pre- paring a law for the verification of death by medical-scientific means be- fore allowing burial. According to these doctors, there have been many cases in the past of the burial of liv- ing persons, who only appeared to be dead. Many French doctors adhere to the theory that it is impossible for at least two days to tell the difference between a dead body and that of a person in a cataleptic state. They sug- gest that before the burial of any body a poison be injected to make sure. In introducing the project before the Chamber the Deputies contend that one person in every 500 buried Is alive when lowered into the grave. They cited particularly the case of Abbe Prevost, composer and author of "Manon Lescaut," who was about to ,be buried when one of -he burial party saw a slight muscular move- ment. Dr. Dedvieux, of the Medical-Legal Institute, chief coroner of France, ex- plained to the Chamber that there are means of telling whether life is ex- tinct. Among the simplest, he sug- gested: The injection of a small quantity of ether. If the body is dead the ether will come out. If there is life it will be absorbed. The injection of flou- resceine in small doses. It Is not toxic, and if life Is not extinct the whole body will take a greenish tint. Another suggestion is that invisible letters written on paper with lead aee- tnte be held close to the nose of the subject. If the hidden letters appear, i the body is without life, for the sul- 1 phydric gas emanating from the body will have a chemical effect on the lead. ! There are other means sometimes j used to make certain of death, one of [ them being to hold a flame to the feet. > The Chamber may also be asked to ' make the "coup de grace" obligatory. ' by which the attending doctor would inject a mortal poison before allowing the body to be placed in the bier. (Wgratukttons to BWKS &GWXJMS vie twite, Classified Advertising FOR SALE in IRIS ALL DIFFERE.NT. SELECT - lu ED r.-ory. < only good stock Jl.OO postpaid. W. J. .*. Or. -. Weak and Depressed ASSA SLED FOP. SALE. MODEL 1*. -'- H.P. EvmruJe mo- I IT, all in P<T:..-- -/ ; a st. I-iti-ly sa:> spl~r..:: I *..-:. _- owner f - " > -' . \ ' I'.iy N\ ::-.: r>j . Df I W.. 1 Bo17 Thinning Hair S'.n:^:.i-e your scalp and prevent dandruff by massaging w.ta Minard's. It give hair new lustre. SITUATIONS VACANT found in London when a slip of a girl! in a two-seater car bumped his auto and kept him late for a luncheon ap- pointment with King George and Queen Mary. No doubt the lady gave hi* Majc-i'y a piece of her mind for being in her way: the women drivers do that bless them! I gaze into your bells of blue So delicate of form and hue. That here within this quiet dell. Bring yearnings that I cannot tell; A yearning deep to feel and know The touch of Him who formed thee so. And when the soft wind wakes and swells The muscle of they magic bells. There springs within this soul of mine A song almost as sweet as thine. And then it is you seem to me The work of the- average woman in the home makes greater demands on her vitality than she realizes. Long hours, care of children and home is the daily grin<l. NJ wonder she is depressed; that she suffers from h aches and is run down. What is needed is a blood-builder to give her vitality to perform her every day duties. Such a blood-builder Is . Dr. Williams' Pink Pl'.ls. of which Mrs Jos. L. Corbin. Monctoa. N.B., says: "I was weak: badly run down; house- work was a burden and I was greatly depressed. Dr. Wi'.Iiams' Pink Pi'.ls were recommended and by the time I had taken half a dozen bo** I was fully restored to health and strength.' You can get these Pills throus.-. ar.y medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents 5TART NO\V YOU CAN EARN money quickly. :.i the most be.ur:':l : ' A r . 1 _by ::: in Canada. Wr::-_> for pa.- R - Art Co.. 312 S \ AVJ., TJ- A part of God's eternity: A favored flower, thou art hy choice * bo1 from Th * Dr - William*' Me. A messenger, "the still small voice," j Co - Brockville, Oiit. That with the song of natur- rhymes Him "My, what a nice mouth you have." His 'Th huh, and remember it's lip year." There's nothing good or bad custom makes it so. Many a man who says he ^ as driven to drink was headed that way of his own accord. The morning and the evening chimes That call me from my house of sod To walk upon the hrlls with God. William Dovey. Summer Complaints Kill Little Ones It was a cold and stormy night. There was no f:.e in the furnace. They were sitting all alone In the- living room. She had no coat. Neither did he. They shuddered to think of how cold they might have been. The worttl likes a pood loser, es- pecially If p.~"r.?body else .ets some- thing out of it. At the first sign of illness during the hot weather give the little one Baby's Own Tablets or in a few hours he may be beyond aid. These Tablets will prevent summer complaint If given occasionally to the well child, | and will promptly relieve these trou- I bles If they come on suddenly. Baby's but ' own Tablets should always be kept in every home where there are young children. There is no other medicine as good and the mother has the guar- antee that they are absolutely safe. They are sold by all druggists or by mail at 25 cents per box, by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. Pansies Here they grew. From blue to deeper blue, in midst of each A golden dazzle like a glimmering star. Each broader, bigger than a silver crown: While here the weaver sat, his labor done. Watching his azure pets and rearing them, Vntil they seem'd to know his step and touch. And stir beneath his smile like living things: The very sunshine loved them, and would lie Here happy, coming early, lingering late. Because they were so fair. Robert Buchanan, in ''Hugh Suther- land's Tansies." A tall man ran. according to one ex- pert, swnil more intoxicating drink than :i snort OIK>. New Office Building to be "Shadowless" New York An unusual note In architecture is planned for a new office building by Kenneth Sranzheim, architect, by having the window panes even with the exterior surface of the walls and omitting all entabla- tures, cornices, architraves, pediments -, i Minard's Liniment on your shelf. Feeding Our Wild Birds For winter feeding of wild birds place suet, sunflower seeds, ami t of corn where tl: with >: ' -.' Dr. Will That child whose mother is a goif i widow and its father a bru!.:,? w I is like to become a : v :-<> orri-.an. "The cusomer complains that this sandwich is too small." "Put it on a smaller plate and take it back." FEROXON ITiUnhePin IheHoneyflyCatdier You Must Do Your Bit in the war ijunsi the lly. carrier of f emu lad breeder i tiiieaie. It provsn thai AEKOXON none of Che mot convenient and molt efficient meant of combating this fly evil. It it convenient, became of the push-pin. It i> hygienic ftiet never get away when once caufhL Each ip.nl gives three week' perfect tervice. BCWAJtE OF IMITATIONS S*tf ml drttf. fr<fr> It Ge C. 0. Ccntst & Fil>. Lmilce * ? When BABIES are Upset BABY ills and ailments seem twice as serious at night. A sudden cry may mean colic. Or a sudden attack of diarrhea. How ^ould vou meet this emergency tonight? Have you a bottle of Castoria ready? For the protection of your wee one for your own peace of mind- keep this old. reliable preparation always on hand. But don't keep it just for emergencies: let it be an everyday aid/ Its gentle influence will ease and soothe the infant who cannot sleep. Its mild regulation will help an older child whose tongue is coated because of sluggish bowels. All druggists have Castoria. When a girl tells you you're differ- ent, you know shes' not. I and similar ornamental features, ac- Sorne women contrive to look young, | cording to a recent announcement, others dye In the attempt. The effect will be of an entirely - "shadowless" structure of extreme Blessed are the poor. They just simplicity, depending entirely upon keep on working aud a cold wears off ; masses and proportion to give an im- instead of knocking off for a week, i pressioa of dignity and grace. Con- A woman cured hr husband of stay- 1 tr "" wi " %**** * *" "** ing out late at night by going to the whlte enamel anl black briClJ - door when he came home and whis- pering through the keyhole, "Is t'aat you. Willie? ' Her husband's name Is John, and he stays at home very night now and sleeps with one eye open and a re- volver under his pillow. rene stone and black granite, appro- priately relieved with silver metal. and the exterior of the base will bo nickel and black up to the third floor. Its height-505 feet -will be e m- ACI READ OF A CASE LIKE HER OWN Decided to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Many people, two hours after eating, suffer indigestion as they call it. It is usually excess acid. Correct it with phaslxed drels. by the use of black span- 1 au alkali - The best th * <l ult - %lt . A vacation Is halt anticipation and the other halt changing tires. ISSUE No. 31 '30 Minard't Liniment remove* Wart*. A small bo> was attending church for the first time. When the collect- ing plate came rou .d, he said, pclltely, "No. thank you. 1 have money of my owu." harmless and efficient way. Is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained for 50 years the standard with physi- cians. One spoonful in water neutral- izes many times its volume in stom- ach acids, and at once. The symp- toms disappear in five minutes. You will never use crude methods when you know this better method. And you will never suffer from excess acid when you prove out this easy re-j lit. Please do that for your own sake now. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' i Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- ; ciaus for 5i> YL'.II-S iu correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full direc-j lions any Moneton. New Brunswick "Befora my last baby was born 1 was very weak, nervous and dis- couraged. 1 saw an advertisement in the paper about a woman who had been like me so I bought a bottle of Lydia E. Pink- hani's Vegetable Compound 1 took three bottles and it carriitl me safe- ly through that critical time. 1 children to can? for and I feel well anil strong. I have told two other women about voiir medicine." MRS. Ors \KsiuNArtT s-J \lbcrtStrwt, 1 Mouctou, New Brunswick. have three