WF.nNK.SDAY, AUGUST 6TH, 1930 THE FLESH KRTON ADVANCE ; Sow Thistle Spreading HH WHAT YO' AM De' sunflower ain't no daisy, and mellon ain't no rose; Dairy Herd in August Offic'a! Shjarily 243 That the perennial sow thistle, re- Why is dey all crazy, to be somfin cognized as the world's worst weed, dsc ()at grows ? is spreading at an alarming rate In Jcg gticke to the p , MC your , )Ianted> ome parts of Ontario is the state- and do de bes' yo' knows; ment oi A. R. G. Smith of New Ham- Bc de Bunflower or de daisy, de mel- burg, who as district weed inspector Ion or de rose. for Western Ontario, advises farmers Don't be what yo' aint, jess yo to be on their guard. Mr. Smith re- what yo' is, ports that many fields sown to If yo' am not what yo' are, den spring grain in districts where the is not what yo' is; August the hardest month of Below is given the total vote in the i the years for the dairy herds. It sixteen municipalities of South-East 'milk production can be maintained G ' e >- ns ce 'i v <-' 1 from Mr. M. K. , ..... Murray, Returning Officer, on Tues- ; during this month little concern neea , day evening. It MOW! that Miss bo felt about maintenance of the Macphail - fl offiical n,aj,,it y island); i milk flow during the balance of the r>t 243. be season," declares one authority who Camp. Mac. ] has developed several high record Camp. Mac. Maj 'Ma.i. worth; Miss Myrtle Heights, Walter's Falls; Mhj Margaret Macauley of Berkeley; Miss LeCa Sinclair, R. Is.; of Windsor and Rev. E. and Mrs.j Hancox of Toronto. yo'!cows. For meeting- the difficulties Artemesia 444 I of this trying month, he suggests: Bentinck 4g5 wl'Jd "was "hitherto comparatively un- if yo - icss is a little tadpole, don't yo'\ Control of flies, protection from the Chatsworth 83 known, are at present a source of try to be a frog; h()t sun . am P le su PP'y of c o1 water ' nurham r " 35 wag worry to farmers. He points out: if yo - are d e tail, doVt try to If a perennial sow thistle plant <| e dowg. j conies to bloom it wiH mature its Pass dc p , ate jf y<) , cftn>t exhawt and seeds unless the plant ia burned. Farmers should not thresh their grain outside because will spread over adjoining areas, each seed having a parachute bloom which will carry for miles and stay up in the air for many hours." He advises farmers to cultivate gang- plow or plow immediately after har- vest on fields that are not seeded down. It is important to keep preach ; and the i;e of a succulent feed to Durdalk 215 ( supplement dried-out pasturage. The F.gremont N 368 first of these three measures can be Flesherton 150 i best secured by the use of a suitable Glenelg ' spray. The second may be provided Hanover 844 727 693 80 2r3 114 756 956 504 489 the blooms If y U ' rC R HUle Pebble> d n>t Uy to by 'hade trees in the pasture under Holla " d 593 441 be de beach; | ihich the cows may feed and rest Markdale 357 When a man is what he isn't den he out o f y, e sun . Another method is Neustadt 143 to table the cows during the day Normanby 544 Osprey 516 Proton v 368 Sullivan 342 isn't what he is; And a.; sure as I'm talkin' gwine to get his. he Is and let them pasture at night. Shading and screening the windows provides adden coolness in the barn the story ' an d also helps to control the flies. about to For the third, a succulent roughage 07 65 506 4P5 650 653 382 101 54 355 152 260 78 38 21 283 238 388 185 OLIVER CRUTCHLEY The marriage took place Saturday! of Fa -quhar R. Oliver, M.P.P. for. South Grey and son of Mr. and Mrs. James Oliver of Artemesia Township,' to Mi- Annie Mahle (Maymie) Crutchley, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Crutchley or Dur- ham. The ceremony was conducted at the United Church manse, Thorn- ton, Ont., by Rev. S. G. McCormack. The bride was attired in a brown canton crepe figured ensemble suit, with shoes and hcae to match, and rearing a red fox fur. The attend- ants v.-ere Miss Reta Hanna of To- ronto and Harold McKechnie of Dur- ham. The couple left on a motor trip for Ma,nitou!in Island, Sault Ste. Marie and other Northern points, the b:-ide travelling in a blue suit with egg-shell blouse. They will reside on the groom's farm on the South Line, Artemesia Township. Harold Fisher of town had a narrow escape from serious injury when a car he was driving Sunday evening took to the ditch on the highway in front of W. Stewart's farm, north of town. The car, a coupe of ancient vintage, was a complete wreck. Har- old was fortunate to receive only ono sc'atoh. 282 311 Small Advts. Maybe you hnv heard sow about the chap who was thistle from blooming or going to 'undergo an operation. The doctor may be fed as a supplement to pas- seed wherever possible. More than said he would have to administer an tu rage. Ensilage or corn give very 850 weed inspectors are now at work {anaesthetic. What for?" queried the | good results, in Ontario and every farmer should man's wife. "So he'll not know any-, make a point to report the presence thing," said the doctor. "I guess; 5 *A tr. tw upmost renr* he don't need it then," said she. j 6376 6619 1444 1687 Majority for Macphril 243. of this weed to Tentative. the nearest repr . Shelburne F. P. & Economist. She Got Her Fiver Several evenings ago as we were "0^<">4*MX^X~>***<^ > **fr4";^^ LATEST FIGURES GIVE BENNETT 32 MAJORITY The final standing of political par- ties in the recent elections, after the one doubtful seat in Quebec had been given tn the Conservatives, is re- ?OR 8ALB NOTICE BULL FOR SERVICE "House ofQuaity" Seed Bags We have 300 No. 1 Seed Bags ata very Special Price this week | entering The Sun door we picked up portef , to day as fol i ows: ja little leather pui -:-e that lay on the Conservatives sidewalk. On opening it w found that it contained a five-dollar bill and a two-cent postage stamp. We figured that the person who Ir.-it the pin -.;e must have been a woman and that $5.00 must have been her sole available capital. We made a good guess. We passed the word of the find around and the owner, who is an ederly woman, called and was Liberals 87 IT. F 10 Prop- 2 Lib. Prog 3 Labor 3 Independent 2 Total .. 245 delighted to get back her purse. She I told us about the many misf'ortunc i that overtook her lately and stated that all the money -she had in the world was contained i" that little put ;e. It as - rpl pleasure to us to be th" means of rrladdenine the old ladv's hcirt. Orannrevillr Sur>. MILES BEECROFT , I BETTER BULL AREAS Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 46 WE DELIVER IN TOWN Tuesday afternoon, July 29th. at 4 o'clock the South End Baptist Church, Owen Sound, was the scene of p pretty summer wedding when Pearl Arlene. only daughter of Mr. and Mr.i. John Beecroft. became tho bride of Frederick S., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Miles. Rev. Edward Han cox, former pastor, officiated. Mr. Harold Cooper ushered the guests into the beautifully decorated church. The bride who looked charming in a p -aceful gown of pale maize georgette and bridal veil, arranged in ("n effect, with a bandeau of orango blossoms anil pearl.', and STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY The Bi^ Sale Continues KAYON UI.OOMKUS -l!lc. PAIR In panty styles plain and trimmed with con- trasting colors. July sale price '< P'" r (IKCANDIK & RAYON COWNS & PYJAMAS In various color combinations and pn:-tel shades 4 July Sale Price !)Hc. LADIES' COATS AND DKKSSKS HALF PIUCK Come while these wonderful values lust Slii.OO fonts for $7.50; $10.50 coats for $5.25. Dresses on n<-w stylos and shades at half price $7.50 dress- os fo- $3.7'j; $.'!.. r ,(l Dresses for $1.75 We hav both coats and dresses here nt your price and style. HOSIKKY V A LI'ES Unsurpassed ill quality unit Price Fim- silk Hose in biege, suntax nnd lighter shade*. Priced for July Sale nt $1.1 4 pn^r IMAKINH FINE SILK HOSK Full fashioned styles in all new shades 88c. TOWELS Kim fluidity Hnlh Towdn, law r'\w in white with contr.( tinr trim or plain shade -. O X 7!) a pr. LADM'.S 1 roonVKAK TliCHC nhoeii come in doi;j:oln, put cut leal he- and kid. with combination trim, July Snlc .... $).' l>'*ir i \ ii i |.;s ; SM MIT i (<>: WF.AR from :"> nn.l > L ' - - per pair in OJH- liinalinn I" 1 '* "d ''"" ; ." 'l!ire"i'i>t st vl I" led July : i ^'- lr> At the close of last year the fol- lowing counties had, by bylaw of the county council, proclaimel them- selves Better Bull Areas: Bruce, Perth. Oxford, Wellington.and Peel. { In order that this bylaw may be 1 pasFod it is necessary that nt least carry j njf a bouquet of mauve sweet- .; titfhty per ent of the bulls main- pca . a|u) baby's breath, entered the ':* tained within the county are pure cnu rch on the arm of her father to bred. The work has been slow but thc stra j ns O f t h e bridal chorus, ren- IjJ thc events accruing are surh tout ,|ercd by Mi-.w Ora Heighes pale ' public MUCH' is behind the move- crt ,? n georgette with matching shoes ment hovte and hat. Miss Irene Sinclai a? bridesmaid gowned in tnrouoiso bluo georgette with white shoes and hnt nnd Mrs. RCR-. Jermyn. matron of honor, in rose georgette with hat to match, attended the bride. Mr. Reg. Jermyn cousin n( the irrooni, acted as grooms- man. The bridal party included two winsomo little flower cirb Marion Heecroft nnd Ji'equeline Jermyn. frocked alike in n lace-trimmed creai.-. georgette over satin. They carried between them the basket in which the ring wa'- concealed. The bridal party took their places before the flower-banked altar. Folowing fth.' ceremony and during the signing of the vegisti'-, Mrs. F. Hancox rendered :>. so!o. "There's within my heart a Melody." A reception followed at the home of the bride'; parents, when the bride's mother in navy crepe nnd the gloom's mother in black satin re- ceived with the young couple. Weii- dlnK' dinner was served to about fifty guesl.-i at prettily decorated tables. (Sold nnd white wn? the color scheme used. Seven fiirl friends of the brUli- acted as waitres ;o.<. Missos Jean Cur- rio, Margaret Macnuley, Leta Sin- clni -. Hndel Tre'.enven, Dorothy Showell, Myrtle Heighcs and Ina Heighes. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. Strntton seated the gue.sts in their places. Befort dinner her travelling suit the bride tossed the bouquet from the stairs nnd it wn-s caught by Mls. 1-cno Sinclair. Later Mr. nnd Mrs. Miles, the latter travelling in brown crepe suit with brown fox fur. matching hat, !HKO. shoes nnd purse, left by mntot t'o-- llnniilton, St. Catharines, Niagara and other points. They were shower- ed with con fit I i and best wishes, (lilosts present from out of to\vt> ' wen-: Mr. and Mr.i. John Pedlar and Mrs. K. Wickens and dtiughtcr. Mnr- ion of Flcsheiton; Mr. and Mm. Jas. Pcdlnr nnd d;n- h'./i ;. M:ir.iorii- and l-'lda. :ind Mr. iiiul ^\!r;. \ UlacKbu'-n SM. (.riiNi; SIIOKS i, : ck 'if tin':. lilif' li:i.'' bc.-n ."'I . ,,,, ,,ling siilc, :i'''l Wfl "- I fcnlui-- ' : ! ill ! 2. ' o .* Boys' Tennis Shoes, hunt and oxford styles, sizes 1 to 5. Sale Price 98c. Children's Tennis Shoes, oxford and strap styles, sizes 8 to 10. On Sale 79c. Boys', Girls and Little gent's assorted styles and combinations, sizes D to 10 and 11 to 5 July Snlo Price ">9c pair Men's Tennis Shoes, boots and oxford style*. Sale Prices '.'He.. SI -19 and $1.39 MKN'S WOUK SOCKS All wool plain grey. Sale Price .... 3 for 19c. MEN'S FINK COTTON HOSE In different shade.; and designs. July Salt- Price <' pairs for $1.00 MKN'S WORK SOCKS, 3 PAIRS 25c. Men's Work Socks nnd fine socks, odd lines. July Sale Price 3 pairs 25c. MKN'S SUITS Our Inrge stock of Men's Suits are all reduced $:t5.00 suitH are $23.75 and a good range of tweeds, priced special for July fsalo at ....: $12.Y."> HAKDVVARK SPKCIALS ODD CUPS & SAUCKRS in Clover Leaf and other flower patterns. Special at ",c. each & 3 for :!.">< SPADKS! SPADKS! K!)c. Our piitiro jito-'li of M'"d"S rdiic.Ml from SI.'JIT. to special price of 9c. sriM'.I'N IKHIUS M.r.ii X rs^>; Vt,> \\i\\\' rcilui'ril (iur I'c.-.t quality pan.'l doors l,i si r.'i an:! '.'>'. Tl.c ilon":-. an' i> v i-eplional i! 1 vnliu- and would mcfit their puivliar-o now for HX< ' BUY 1-oU i'\Sn AND SAVE FOR SALE-7 young piga. ready A] , Trespasserg on lot 3 - eon ^ to go.-R. J. Vause, phone 32 r 13, ; Artemesi8i will strictly be prosecut . Flesherton. ! ed.-Thos. Fenwick, Eugenia P. 0. FOR SALE Choice clover honey] " in bulk at lOc. per lb. Roy W. Fen- wick, Maxwell. Registered Jersey Bull for service FOR SALE Polled Angus cow, on lot 127, 2nd. Range S. W. Terms: due to freshen last of July. Mrs. $2 and |3. B. A. Hargrave, Mark- Partridge, R. R. 1, Flesherton, phone dale. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Berkshire Boar for ser- vice at lots. 151-153, 1st in 15 month* class at Royal Winter Fair 1929 and' reserve grand champion. Fees, $2.00' at time of service. H. C. Radley. - FOR SALE Shorthorn bull, 8 months old, dark roan, eligible for i \;gistration. Roy Piper, Ceylon phone 44 r 31. FOR RENT A good six roomed house, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, stable, hen house and garage, op- posite high school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. 3. FOR SALE-Breeding cockerels from bred-to lay registered stock, priced at $1.50 and up. -W. J. W. Arm- * tro "g- FOR SALE Reg bull, "Ringleader Chief" No. 191018; dark read, born July 22, 1927; choice animal; bred by Frank Taylor, Markdale; also M.-H. fertilizer drill, 11-disc nearly new. John Meads, Phone 21 r 2, Priceville. FOR SALE Frame church 28 x 40, and shed 75 x 22, situated on lot 9, con., 10, Osprey. Church will be sold with or without furnishings. For particulars apply to W. F. Dean or John Izzard, Feversham, or H-.igh Wright, Eugenia. FOR SALE Bran fl.40 cwt., shorts $1.50, Low grade flour $1.90; Prairie Pride Pure Manitoba Flour per bag, $3.70; ;salt 75c. per cwt. Barley, $26.50 per ton, also oats, wheat, chop, coal, etc. Phone 38r3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, being lot 37, Con. 4, Artemesia, 80 acres under cultivation. Good house and large barn with good' stabling and out-buildings. For fo ther particulars apply on nremkei. ALB. BLACKBURN, Phone 42 r 6 Maxwell. FARM FOR SALE In the Township of Artemesia 13O acre farm, lots 143-46, 3rd range S. i W.T.&S.R., half mile from station, i 1 H miles frcm Flesherton. Good : buildings, 12 acres of bush. Sold on easy terms. -J- L- McMULLEN, Ceylon. FOR SALE Hall rack, kitchen cabinet, Quebec heater, box stove, falling leaf table, washing machine, wringer, copper boiler, bedroom suite, single iron bedstead ami springs, electric heater, electric iron and other artices. Terms, cash \V. G. Shannon, Flesherton. FOR SALE House and lot In Proton Station. The lot is a good one and on it is comfortable dwel- ling house, a good stable and a never failing well, nlso a good sod plough and household furniture that is going to be sold privately. Neil MeCan- nell, Administrator. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT* The property of the late Ella uibson, lot 10. Collingwood street Flesherton. On this property is comfortable dwelling 52? of * rooms, with electric lighting. Barn > x 33 ft., with stable and driving house thereon, also a good well on the premises. This property is in a rood location and will be sold reason- i * 4v r further Particulars ap- ?i J ne administrator, W J Meads, Fle.herton. Ont. FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Bacon hog ifor service on lot 136, West Back- Ime. Artemesia.-G. II. Cairns. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for eer- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- jment of Agriculture. < c - STEWART. Caretaker. FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT, situated in Ceylon village on high- way, good frame house, well built, containing six rooms, nicely located one and a quarter acres of well cultivated land with barn; make offer. Charles Melia. 79 Caithness Ave., Toronto. FARM FOR SALK 100 acres, . lots 106 and 1U7, 1st range west of No. 10 Highway, Artemesia Tp. 2 I miles from Flesherton, *i mile i from school, 70 acres under culti- | vat ion, balance swamp nnd pasture. Any reasonable offer will be con- sidered. For particulars apply to L. R. Thistlethwaite, 24 Conner Ave., Toronto 6. BUNGALOW AT EUGENIA Modern (5 roomed bungalow with summer kitchen and wood shed, hardwood floors throughout, hot air furnace in Al condition, soft water cistern in basement, electric lighfs, spr.ciinis porch with sjeeping porch adjoining, large lot with barn in ivar. Will sacrifice for quick sale. For terms apply J. E. Large R. R. No. 1, Niagara Fal|s, or P. Mun- shaw, Eupenin. Mr. (ii'r i . . - '!. Mr. :'.':(! M' - Fi'nl Pi'Jlar of I'lKrenia: Mrs. Coi'di'M ;nv! ;!. \l- of \\ S rtojl v at) i M r .' rmyn ami ,lat: I( 'ii-lino oi' ''oil AtcVicol: Atv. nnrt ?.Ii . Si'inlcy VnK"!i <if Proton: mill M' -. Qo '. COOPW M) ! -r,.'ll, !!' of .Mont'inl- M: s J :IM C'.n:i.\ (.'hat; MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE Any nersor.s trespas- sing on lots 4 nnd 5. c<.n. ::. Kuph- 'iisi'i. do ';n at 'heir r>\\n ri '.. It liros.. M. T;. !, Dun '>>U UK NT- Yi!i;uvf lot to rent 1 '.; ju-rci oil \\hic!i i,; bi)',i<v'. hen. house ond iravnjte. Apply to i. 1 ('!'! :u i in caiv of E. A. Graham, Clarkiburi. E.~DUNCAN~ DUNDALK LICKNSEU AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Terms- 1 per cent. Satisfaction guarnteed Dates made at The Advance office. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Shorthorn bull for aer- vice t lot 6, Con. 9, Osprey, "Merry Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire, Bonni. Mar<inis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly 1 131,078. Terms Purebreds $5.00 {Trades $2.00. Cows not returned will be charge lull price. S. R-J1AWKINS. Eugenia, M1DDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc. Ofices Owen Sound, Durham [and Flesherton. Flesherton eveiy j Saturday afternoon nnrt evenicg. BU?!NF~TcARDS~ Dr. W. D. Brycc, L. D. S., D. Di S. dental surgeon, graduate O f Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at tho resi- d.'iuv of Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto, street, Fleshevtoti. Phone 69 i . | Prince Arthur Lodge, 3S3, A. F. & A. M. meets in the Masonic Hail, Arm. strong Block, Flesherton ever> Frl- ' day on or before the full moon. \V, M, C. N. Richardson, Secretary, IL A. MeCaulev. Wn<. Knitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of (Jroy and Simcoe Farm and stock snlca n specially. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and dates may be made at the Advance office, or nu , nt Eugenia. -13 r 11, Flesherton or by . ,