Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Aug 1930, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1930 : OUR OPPORTUNITIES ARE OFTEN FOUND IN YOUR PROBLEMS OUR local manager is ready to ri;3c5s your financial requirements and render any service compatible with good business practice. Oui opportunities to render financial service can only be restricted by you; failure to approach us. The Bank of Commerce maintains a stafi in your locality which is organized to especially deal with the financial problems of your particular com- mercial community; call and see the Manager of the Bank of Commerce. THE CANADIAN BANK. OF COMMERCE (THE STANDARD'S ANK^CF CANADA jl Upper School Results Were First Class The results of the Upper School examinations at Flesherton High School are exceptionally good. Of the seventy-nine papers written sev- enty five have been passed. There were 100 r 'r obtained in Mathematics, Latin and History. Florence Allen, Helen Heard, Beth Hincks, Jack Jam- leson and Margaret Sinclair hav e completed the requirements for first- c ass Normal Entrance. The aster- sk indicates that the candidate ob- tamed standing on all papers written. Allen, Florence* - Mod. Hist. 3; Alg. C; Geom. 3: T-ijr. 1; Phys. C; Latin Auth. C; Latin Comp. C; Fr. Auth. 2: Fr. Comp. 3. BEARD, BESSIE - Comp. C. RfRRV \r\RTnv <- r B\. MARION Comp. C; Literature 2. CAMERON, MURIEL'- Comp. C; Lit. 2: Fr. Arth. 3; Fr. Comp. C. < F \WCETT RET\* Comp C- Lit. C: Fr Auth. C/Fr' Comp. C.' ' FERRIS, LESLIE* Comp. C; Lit. C: Fr. Auth. C: Fr. Comp. 3. i GRAHAM, IOLA.* Comp C- Lit. 3: Fr. Auth. 3: Fr. Comp. C. HEARD, ALICE* - Lit. 3; Mod. HNt. 2: Geom. 1: Triir.l; Latin Auth. 1 3; Lntip Comn. C. , HEARD HELEN'* Tvi? 1- Phy ; :!; Latin Auth. 3: Latin Como. C; Fr. Auth. 3: F-. Comp. C. HINTKS. BETH' _ Geom. 2- Trie 1: Latin Anth. 2: Latin Comp. C; Fr.i Auth. 1; Fr. Comp 3 French Comp. 2. MAGEE. CHRISTINA. Comp. C: Literature C. McFADDEN, JAS.* Comp. 3; Literature 2. MORTON, BKRT Comp. 3. SINCLAIR. MARGARET" Mod. Hist. I; Geom. 2; Trig. 1: Lat. Auth. 3; Latin Comp. 3; Fr. Auth. 2; French Ccmp. 2. SLOAN. DONALDA* Comp. 3; Lit. C; Geom. 2; Fr. Auth. C; French Comp 3. THOMPSON, HAROLD Comp. C: Lit. 3; Mod. Hist. 3; Geom. 3; TURNER. HAROLD' Comp. 3; Lite-ature C. SUMMARY BY SUBJECTS Written Passed English Comp 13 English Liter 13 Modern Hist 4 Algebra I Geometry fi Trigonometry 7 Physics 2 Latin Authors (? Latir Como 6 French Authors .... 11 French Crmp 10 12 1 6 7 2 A 6 to 10 92i 100 100 100 i 100 \ 100 loo! 100 j 91, Local and Personal Dr. F. W. Murray and son, Jim, of Toronto spent the week end in town. Mr. and Mr. A. E. Preston left on Satu.-day on their annual vacation. Mr. E. J. Bennett spent the week end in Toronto. Miss Jean Johnston of The Advance staff is holidaying near Meaford. Miss Winsome Grabel of Walkerton is spending this week with her friend, Miss D. Thurston. Miss Florence Bunt of Toronto has been the guest of Mrs. Geo. Mitchell the past week. The Presbyterian W. A. will hold a sale of homemade baking in Mrs. W. L. Wright's old store on Saturday, August 23rd at 2:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. McTavish of Oshawa are spending this week with tho former'; parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. McTavish. Dr. J. E. Milne has been confined to the Durham hospital fo-- the past w'-rk er^so suffering with an attack "f the flu. Miss Sadie Ward arrived home from the Durham hospital on Friday and is recovering nicely from her recent seriou-3 operation. Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd and granddaughter. Miss Jane Laird, of .North Battleford, Sask.. visited with relatives and friends here during the I 1 ;: -t few days. Mr. W. H. Burt returned to Tor.-n- to on Tuesday after spending the past-week renewing old acquaintances in town. While here he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hawken. Mr. and Mr-.. Ros:-. Sheppanf ^uid babe and Mr. and Mr?. Copeland and babe of Toronto were callers on the former's i-ncle and aunt. M^-. and Mrs. R. Bentham, on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. S. Pemicoll and four children of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Myers of town and Mr. and Mrs John McDermid of the East Backline. Artemesia. Mr. Claud Akins and mother, Mrs. Walter Akin--, and sister, Miss Linnie. of Xiaga a Falls spent the first of t^A week with Mr. and Mrs. Claud Akins, Springhill. Mr. W. W. Trimble returned*home on Sunday, afte- .'pending: the pasc week in Collinewood ho^nital. On Monday of last week, while watching a horse race in Collingwood he was knocked down kv a horse wliich had bolted and received injuries to his knee, besides a shaking up. We art 1 pleased to know that he is improving nicelv. School opens in two weeks. Mr. Gordon McRae and sister, Miss Hattie, of Dundas spent the week ' end at their home here. , Mr. and Mrs. The.;. Bristow of Stayner and ?on. Gordon, of Toronto spent the first of the \vcelv with Mrs. H. Wi'.jon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson and two children o* Toronto spent the week end in town. Mrs. C. 1. Bellamy and son, B;-rt:,n. returned with them to spend a week in Toronto. Mr. and Ms. W. B. A. Cro;:j of ManitTwanin.fr visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore and called on old friends. Mr. Cross was manager of the Bank of Montreal here for a counle of years. A humorous 3 .act play entitled, "Clubbing Husband" will be given in e Cdanpre Hill. Eugenia. We. even- injr. August 27th. unde - the auspices of Unity U.F.W.O. club. Concert to commence at 8:15 p.m. Admission 35 and 15 cents. The members of Grey Chapter No. 170, O.E.8., enjoved a picnic at Wa- -aga Beach on Thursday afternoon of last week. Supper was served at the cottajre of T5r. and Mrs. Murrav and a royal time was snent by all. Our readers' will please excuse us for the small amornt of reading matter in The Advance this week, aa the extra advertising matter was received too late to allow us to print an extra page. Boots & Shoes Work Boots Men's and Boys \vo r k boots best quality, from $3.25 up. A <jood line of Oxfords from S3. 00 up 25c. off for cash on purchases over $2.00 W. L. MORWOOD Flesherton - Ont Mr. Harold Bellamy is in Toronto i'nc!ergoinj* an operation for goitre. Mi. and Mrs. G. C. McDonald anj son, Boyd, of Toronto have been visit- ing friends here the pa.it few days. They expect to leave the end of this month by motor t'or Edmonton, Alta., \vr.ero Mr. McDonald has been trans- ferred to a new position. We wish Mr. and Mrs. McDonald all success pcsjible in their new home. Mr. O. Clippt -ton of Toronto spent the week end with hu family here. Mrs. Robt. Croft and family have moved to their home in town purchas- ed from Mr. Wm. Miller. Mr. and M-s. G. Calder of Mount Dennis were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robertson over the week end. The Misses Alice, Margaret and Helen Robertson of Toronto are holi- dayir.K with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston and daughter, Mus Dell, and Miss Win- same Grabel enjoyed a motor trip to Parry Sound and Muskoka districts for a i.'v: <k'.ys last week. Owing to th" crowded condition of ^ur columns this week we are forced t.j hold over an ankle on Ye Editor's impressions of the trip. Advertise in The Advance English Semi Porcelain Dinner Ware Special Reduced Prices for August Only Regular $19.75 for $17 75 Regular $25.00 for $21.75 Regular $27. 5 for $23.75 Regular S3 1.50 for $26.75 Regular $35.00 for $30.50 4 1 here are twelve selected designs to choose from, in white and ivory bodies. They are from the best potteries and all are "Open Stock", so that you can pur- chase a full Dinner or Tea Sett or a single plate and cup and saucer you may prefer. If you already have some of these patterns and wish to add a few articles or replace something- broken, we will allow you a special 10 percent, discount on our regular prices during August. Genuine Limoges China Imported From France Beautiful new designs in Open Stock Patterns, specially prices at $39.75 and $55.00 For the full 97 piece Dinner Sett F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO PROTON BIBLE SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL REULTS The Middle School candidates who wrote at Fleshertono obtained the fol- lowing -.landing: BAIN. JESSIE C->pm. C: Lit. l; Anc. Hist. 3. CORRECTIONd.lc School -C ( ^. c, as f,-llows:-Lit. C: Can. Hist. C; Ancient History 3; Geom. <"; Phys- JACKSON, ALVIN- Literature C: Ancient History 2. ics C; Chemistry 2. JOHNSTON, Lily Comp. 3; Lit. STEWART, 'JACKSON obtained -' Ancient History 2. standing in four papers: Geom. 1; WATSON. MYRTLE Literature Jhys. C: Fr. Auth. C; Fr. Comp. 3. :t; Ancient History 2. ary Pickford Till- MOST FAMOUS STAR OK ALL TIME IX A \1-\V DKLIOHTKL KOMAXCK "The Coquette" A lovelv pic tun. 1 with the loveliest star of all. also a Mermaid Comedy "Making Whoopee" No advance in prices Princess Theatre, Markdale FRIDAY & SATURDAY at 8:15. 15c. and 25c. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGHWAYS MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH TO OWNERS AND OPERATORS OF MOTOR VEHICLES FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY LAW A New Measure for Safety on the Highways in effect SEPTEMBER 1st, 1930 /TT\HE amendment to The Highway Traffic Act. known 33 the I "Financial Responsibility Law," will coi::e into effect on * September 1. PURPOSE of the LAW The purpose of the Financial Responsibility Law is to further encourage safe driving of motor vehicles, in th; interest of the public as well as of owners and drivers. WHAT the LAW will ACCOMPLISH No motorist is affected by this Law until he brirgs himself within its provisions. It will not impose any cbligi'.tion upon those who drive safely and obey The Highway Traffic Act, and who, in case of accident, pay judgments rendsred egainst then 1 . Tor injury done to persons cr ('roperty. HOW the LAW ivill OPERATE Upon conviction of an operator of a motor vehicle for any one of the offences named below, his driver's license and all motor vehicle permits issued to him will be suspended until such operator or owner gives proof of his ability to compensate financially those whom he may endanger in the future. The OFFENCES Fo!lc-.ving are the offences named: (a) reckless driving, if any injury to person or property occurs in connection thcrt'.vith. (b) racing on the highways, which is prohibited by The Hi-!iwav Traffic Act. (c) exceedins the speed lin-.ir, if any injury to any person or property occurs in connection therewith. (d) failing t j remain at cr return to the srcne of ar. accident and to furnish ths na:r.es and addresses of driver and c\v:-.er of \--hi, lo and failiru; to render nil possible assistance, if direct ly or indirectly a porty to the accident. (e) driving a motor vehicle on z high'.vay v.-ithout holding a driver's license. (f ) any criminal ofifence involving the use of a motor vehicle, including driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated. (g) any offence against public safety on highways as may be desig- nated by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-CounciJ. NON-PAYMENT of JUDGMENTS If the holder of a driver's license or owner's permit fails to satisfy a judgment rendered against him for damages on account of injury to, or death of, any person, or on account of danv-^e to property in excess of $100, occasioned by a motor vehicle, within IS days from date of judgment, s>:c!i license or permit shall be suspended until such judgment is satisfied to the extent of at least $5.000 for injury to, or death of, any one person and, subject to th.it limit, for each person so injured or killed to the extent o"f at least S10.0CO for injury to, or death of, two or more persons in any one accident, and to the extent of at least $1,000 for damage to'propcrty of others resulting from any one accident, and until such person give* proof of his financial responsibility in case of future accident. OFFENCES OUTSIDE ONTARIO Bv Drivers Licensed in this Province For similar offences committed in other Provinces or States of the United States and reported to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles of Ontario under reciprocal arrangements, the Minister of Highways shall suspend the driver's license and owner's permit until that driver or owner has given proof of financial responsibility in the same manner as if the offer.c* had been committed in Ontario. PROOF of FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Amounts and Hott' to Cm-e Proof of financial responsibility shall be given in the following amounts by every driver and in the case of an owner in the same amounts for each r.-.otor vehicle registered in his name: (a) at least $5.000 for injury to, or death of, any one person and, subject to that limit for each person so injured or killed, at 'cast $10.000 for injury or death of two or more persons in any one accident. (b) At least S'.OOO for damage to property of others resulting from any one accident. Proof of financial responsibility may be given in any one of the following forms: (a) The written certificate Sled with the Registrar of Motor Vehicles cf any authc-ized insurer that it has issued to the person named a merer veh- ,-le liability policy or policies which at the date of the certificate is in full force and effect. (b) The bond of a guarantee insurance cr surety company licensed in Ontario, or abend with pcrscnal sun/lies approved, as adequate. (c) The certificate of the Treasurer cf the Province that the person ii. ::ol I'.'.; dept iivd with him a suia cf inpney or securities for u-.oney approve .1 ly him to the amcu--. or vaiv.- cf 511,000 foe each i.-.otor vehicle registered in the r.a.'ne cf such person. PUBLIC NOW PROTECTED !>> INCONTESTABLE INSURANCE ' j event ef dam.-.. ' le by th< owner cr driver of a motor vebi< u tooi or r.o prop , owi-. . rv [river hulds an iri:n::.incc ;v_i;;cy to p.->.y t" ;'. ility of the ins'.-.r--:.! i'cr such L ; i if throui . .ut.ition upon ;!.c : -VK-ntiun for such policy or in the event of a breach by tlic.' ''isured of any term, pir.vision or coiuUtk-i <-f the policy . v.-culu relieve the insv-cr from liability, u-. . 'cr the Safety Responsibility Law, pay i to the person injured up to the limits nanu-.l above, but in such case t! f insurance company by a provision in their policy mny have the --cover from the person insured the air.ount cr J'v.cunts so paid in !iq; i.i.uicn cf the damages for the injury he has done to the pcrscp.3 cr property cl' others, including interest and costs. REPORTING of ACCIDENTS Every person in charge of c. mctor vehicle who 13 directly or indirectly involved in an accident, if the aec : dent results in personal injuries or i:i damage to property apparently exceeding $50, shall report such accident forthwith to the nearest provincial or municipal police officer and shall furnish such information or written statement con- cerning the accident ay may be required by the officer or by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS The HON. GEO. S. HENRV, Minister 1208

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