Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Aug 1930, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1H30 THE FLESHERTON 'ADVANCE Substantial Drop In of SHINGLES and More Shingles Every Time The Price of Shingles Drop You Rceive The Benefit Every time the prior of shingles drop you get the l>n>p. A oar of 5\ 3\ and 25x 100' Edge grain clear and KX)', no ^ap\\md to arrive Aug 18th. I \\ill df liver these shingles at the following prices: No. 1 3x at $3.50 per sq. cash No. 1 5x at $4.10 per sq- cash No. 2 5x Sin. cle'ar $3.40 per sq. cash A square o-vers 10 x 10 at Sin to weather Also gal. nails at 7o. per 11). Don't lav a 30 vear roof $i nri " f " - thc P wer ( ^ town pavs of ^l"* ard Mr ' . . ' ., . . i ' -i IL i ? i $2 per horse power, the new payment Mclntyie. with a ten year nail and it take only 2 Ibs. to the Jj v -i" bo 54.3 po .- h.p. | Mr. and Mrs. square to lay Xo. 1 shingles. The lust car sold out in 3 clavs so place vour order earlv. Telephone 24 and Y i " *' reverse the charges Knitting. Sound visited her brother, Robt. Rich- Kilsyth I Mr. Chas. Martin. Master Argyle ai'dson, the first of the week. London 'and Miss Cnnnell. in company with v n -,,. _. f ., . Mr. Edgar Linton, visited in Owen I **' S " B yd and * &ml ^ from near Markdale Sound on Sunday. Argyle remained | - icai01 'd were visitors at A. Miller's. Meaford for a week's visit with his aunt-s, the ] -at. > Mount Fo-est Notification of another splendid Misses Nettie and Corn Mnrtin, and j FALL FAIR UST Qrangeville other relatives. Charles and Edsrnr | Owen Sound Sept. 19-20 priceville Sept. 22-24 Rock , Oct - 3 - 4 Shelburne Aliiston Barrie Bolton Brampton Chatsworth 1 1 reduction in the price of hydro in Fl shin-ton was received by Mr. C. aPine" hospital there and ("found "him jN. Richnrdsoon, Secretary of the ,.,,. 0?rpssin g nice ] y a feer hw recent i local hydro commission. Th" new ] )01 .ation {! rates to go into effect with . Aug- ' K Mr Ernje u.t billing announce a reduction in ; ye we) , at , c , arks , tho flat rate to domestic users of his condition will im- Dundalk electricity of twenty-live cents, mak- ing the minimum bill $1.00 in place prove SOon> , , Colhngwood nt S1.25 as heretofore. There -ill Mr. Alex. Carruth.rs has recovered , I)urham bo quite a number in town who will f' an attack of the flu His Feversham benefit by the new rates. The con ^"J-'bter, Mis. Mae. is now laid up FIcsherton s-mption charge is 3.5 cent-, per k.w w " h the ame complaint. We wish ^^ r-u- tor the first 55 k.w. hou<- per her a speedy -ecovery. i Hflnover month and an additional consumption ... Sur _ f ! av vi=lto; ' s w >th_Mr. and Mrs. i Hogtejn Sept. 23-24 t Tara Sept. 30. Oct 1 Sept. 23-24 Sopt 25-28 Sept. 16-17 Toronto, C. N. Walter's Falls Sept. 24-25 Sept. 8-13 Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Sept. 17-19 Sept. 17-lh Sept. 19-20 Oct. 2-4 Oct. 2-3 Oct. 7-8 Sept. 25-28 Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Aug. 22, Sept 6 Sept. 23-24 NOTICE The Artemesia & O.-.prey Shipping Oct. 7-8 Association is shipping stock every Sept. 18-1!; Tuesday from Flesherton station. chargr of 1.5 cents. Th commerc- Kaittinjr --" Mr. PIT' Mi <. . . ia! rates remain the same as before, Hindle and son. Ronald. Miss Leila nnd. no doubt, thse will receive at- McKeown and brother, Ray, of Dun- tention in the next readjustment of can, the Misses Nina and Bermce rates. One important item in the McKeown cf Toronto, Mr. Orvil!e prices is 'the reduction In the McWhirter cf Red Wing, also Mr. Ken- Bert Xerton of Sept. 30, Oct 1 Sept. 10-12 Sept. 23-24 .?~>. Trucking of stock is also done. F, TAYLOR, Shipper. Phone 63J to make arrangements. H. A. McCauley Flesherton Planing & Chopping Mills Flesherton, Ont. no S43 per h . p . . Mr . ard Mrs. irvin-r of Toronto It is very gratifying to know that visited with the latter's si-ster, Mrs. FlertertdS hydro is paying its way Alex. Cameron, recently. X I and that a su-pli'i en the right side, Miss Delsa Kaittinsr has returned ! of the ledger is in prospect. The borne afte" spending a .few pleasant Small Advts. whole trouble with the hydro in the holidays with her aunt. Mrs. Will j School students preferred. _ Mrs. M. pa ;t was based en the low estimated ( Co"n, and oome girl friends at Fev- j Thi-stlethwaite, Flesherton. cost of the power when the Hydro crsham. ACCOMMODATION FOR VOTTPF STUDENTS High School st'-dent.s tn board _ M:-3. A. Down, Phone 36F. A11 Tres Passers on lot 37, con. 8, _ - - Artemesia, will strictly be prosecut- ROOMERS WANTED - High ed.-Thos. Fenwick, Eugenia P. 0. BULL FOR SERVICE Commission released their first rates. Recen t K ,.,sts of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. I WANTED High School Students to Registered Jersey Bull for servic* _ " I-* *_. j >i. i/i..- .1 I TOOlll TlPJlr Viitrh cnhrtrtl .ITnstuit*** nf SUMMER FALLOWING PAYS Purvis were. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Purvis and family of Orillia. Mr. and M-s. Edwin Purvis pnd family and . R. H. demons, agricultural repre- 1 M] . s jf cnzies of Toronto. sontativr in North Wellington, Mr. and Mr-.--. Howden (ne<> Alva ( hay e occurred had it not been for the alone W JH have about 4,000 acres Health Service - of the - CANADIAN MED. A8SOC. measles. The real cause ot the child's n f KmT impr Ku mer ami Mrs. Edear Betts, 8th lin. Mr. "Mnthinw VITJ im- 1 """ '' lla ' t "" 1 "' "=--'' " ....... - --- Nothing has mi , M Howden, accompanied hy death is measles and this should h- ' . , M Howden, accompanied y ' , ' -i proved our crop yit d so much and:., . ,, r, * -M - . , nn o,i Mr iclearlv understood T i I Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Morrison and Mr. reduced our weeds more than July ' R ., v j,s t pd nv*r the week In the years which see a measles 'plowing." he declares. "Some have am M . f ***~ tSf !1* v T MEASLES I epidemic, there is also noted a con- found, however, that when a " siderablo increase i" the number of | deal of work is put on a clay field, j deaths in children under five years.it runs badly in the spring and be- of ape from pnoumoniu. comes wet and sojrgy, remaining so Measles is one of the most common These facts should be sufficient to until it becomes hard on top and and dangerous diseases of childhood, persuade parent ; that measles is a | produce i a later crop than one would It is difficult to understand why so serious disease, and that they shouli!| expect. This may be overcome to many parents look upon measles as take every precaution to protect their j a prefit extent by duck-footing in the a trivial disease, as one which is not children from its serious and fre- to be compared with Diphtheria or quentiy fatal results. scarlet fever. It is thought so little Measlcv? is infectious from the tim* 1 fall with n rr.lt ivator and some farm- ers are nlanning on ridging with - plow. Ridging summer fallows with of that some parents, regarding it as the first symptom shows itself. It a p i ow j s highly recommended in clay something inevitable that must occur starts with what is apparently a cold j areas, sooner or later, do not hesitate to ex- 'in the head, and the rash does not! pose their child so that he may have pppear for some days. During the the disease and get it o>'er with. dayi before the appearance of the Measles never dies out altogther; ' rash, the disease is snread by the there are always a few cases, and secretions from the mouth and nose. usually, every two years, there is a This is one of the reasons for keep- EUGENIA Beach and enjoyed a pleasant outing. Mr. arid Mrs. Chas. Qresnel and family of Owen Sound visited on Sal- urday with Mr. Jos. Sherwood. Miss Lucy McDonald returned home with them for a week's holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Falconer and children of Toronto are holidaying with Mrs. Falconer's sister, Mrs. Percy Magee. Master Wessie Jamieson. accomp- anied Mr. LaSalle to Toronto, where he will spent a few holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Bellinger have re- turned to Toronto after a visit with relatives here. Mr. Sam McDonald has given u;- his school at Victoria Corners ami has accepted a better position in To- ronto. He will be the teacher for a Sr. 3rd class in Lambton Park schoct. Sam had excellent success this year with his Entrance Class, which were all junior fourth pupils but one. We wish yor every success, Sam. at your a large number of children after an proper care wcro given. Bed is the unc i e aml a ,", nt " Mr ~~^ d M ~\fHl ncw P st - attack of measles ar> shown to have place for a child who is developing I _ . Mir-3 D. Conn of Feversham is holi- 1een difctly caused by bronchial- measles, and there he mint stay until those exposed to it. Blood serum dayintr with her cousin, Miss Del-sa pneumonia. I he has recovered, no m.* tor how mild from n convalescent measles case can Knitting. Parents think their child was a vie- the attack may appear to be. be used by the physician to prevent I We extend our sympathy to Mr. tim of pneumonia. This is true, or Fortunately we have learned some- a n attack or to lessen its severity if Court Smith and other relatives in course, hi-t the pneumonia would not thing about preventing measles in jt occur". ' "- JJ J ~ tt - - --- -. - Pastures are in a very poor condi- tion, owing to the extreme drv weath- rcal epidemic. Measles causes more ing children who suffer from colds er. A shower of .-am would, indeed, deaths than scarlet fever, and in epi- away f^-om other children. Colds . be very, very welcome, d-nic years, its death rate is often are bad enoueh in themselves, but] Miss Muriel Cameron has returned greater than that of diphtheria. !what anpears to be a cold may often, after spending a short vacation with One reason which may account for be a still more serious condition. [friends in Durham. the feeling that measles is not par- The serious results of measle* i Mansel and Jimmie Conn of Fev- ticularly serious is that the deaths of would be prevented in manv cases if ,.,-, >,..,,, , s nent a few day* with their THE 8TORB WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY WORK SHIRTS In Blue and Dark Bluo Chambray. Regular value fl.UO, Special, each All size-}. .. 89c. BRACES Men's Elastic Web Braces in good heavy police style. Guaranteed long wears. Special at .... 49c. COATLKSS BRACES In white, exceptional quality, long wearers, in either 2 or 4 point styles. Regular f>0c. value. Special at per pair ^ c - HATS! HATS! New shipment Fall Hat .<. All new shades and shapes. Priced right at $3.93 SIIOi: DEPARTMENT We have a few lots of odd Shoes which must be cleared to make room for new stock, hence the exceptional price. LOT NO. 1 25 pairs Boys' Oxfords in tan.i and browns. All sizes. Reg. $3.25 Special .... $2.40 LOT NO. 2 12 pairs Men's Oxfords in tans anu blacks. All sizes. Regular $4.25 and $4.50. At a special price of per pair $:i.H) LOT NO. 3 Boys' and Youths' Panco Soled Boots, exceptional wearers. Just the right thing for fall wear. Priced as to sizes $2.19 and $2.79 LINGERIE! LINGERIE! New shipment of Ladic.i' Bloomers in Panty styles just a-rived. Priced at the greatly reduced price of 44 cents per garment. HOSE! HOSE! Finest quality Thread Silk Hose in all shades. Regular $1.00 lines. Priced for tin - week only at per pair 79c. CHILDREN'S HOSE Children's Fancy Colo -cd Thread Silk Hose in all shades. Will give exceptional wear. Regular 35c. Priced this week only per pair 25c. TOWELLING, 29c. A YARD Linen Checked Towelling in assorted color* and patterns, made by one of the foremost manufactur- ers. Special at, per yard 29c. PRINTED PERCALES Just new arrivals. Fancy printed Percales in all good shadtj. Priced for quick sale per yd. 25c. RAYON GINGHAM Fancy Rayon Gingham, best quality procurable. Reg. 49c. Priced special clearance 39e. UR()( ADKI) RAYON This high quality cloth reduced to the excep- tional price of Sllc. a yard for this week end only. ALL LINEN TOWELS ^ White Towels, all linen, convenient sine for everyday use. Regularly priced at 50c. Priced for clearance iT, 39,.. SPECIAL HINDER CANVASS This cloth mado specially for use as Binder Canvar s. Regular 45c. a yard. Special at .... 39c. ' FRILLED CURTAINS These Curtains are all made from extra quality scrim with colored trim, valance and tie back. Are priced at, per pair ." $1.29 HOUSE DRESSES Printed Hrondcloth Dresses in all sizes. They are special at $1.95 SPORT FELT HATS All shades in Smart Fitting Felts. Priced for quick sale at $i. 69 and |j 95 GROCERY SPECIALS For Wednesday, Thursday, Friday a.id Saturday Lard, 20 pound pails for $2.95 Raisins, choice seedless 2 Ib. 21c. Sugar, best granulated 10 Ibs. 50c. Oranges, large size, a dozen 59 C . Corn Flakes, 3 p kgs. 25c. ENAMELWARE SPECIALS We still have a small /isortment of these won- derful values left. Buy yo.urs now and save money HARDWARE SPECIALS " We have just received a new shipment of Allad- in Lamps in all new styles, and have priced same at Special Prices for this week only. 15UY I'OR CASH AND SAVE MONEY thc sudden death of his brother, Jim, jat Hamilton. The funeral took i place on Tuesday. | Mi. and Mrs. Walter Gillesnie of Toronto visited with Mrs. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson over the week end. Mrs. Gillespie remained hero for a visit with her cousin, Mrs. Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons of Sarnia visited over the week end with the Proctor and Latimer families. Mr. Gco, Jamieson of Porcupine and little Billie Honer visited with Mr. Fred Jamie-son recently. Mrs. Frank Elder is visiting with her hrsband, who is employed with the H.E.P.C. She is accompanied by his sister, and they are staying with MM. L. Latimer. Mr. Fred Forman's wife is also visiting he e and staying with Mrs. H. Foester. Mrs. Poss Lehman has returned home to Toronto after ft visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Williams. Mrs. Stanley Campbell and family motored with Mr. Russell Prk to (Iwen Sound or Sunday to visit her husband, who is in the hospital thcri' \V'p wish Stanlev a speedv recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith of Owen j Sound and Mrs. White of Toronto i snent a few davs with their si-<ter, , Mrs. Williams, the past week enroute from their cottage at Shanty Bay. REDUCTION IN ALSIKE A considerable reduction in the seed crop of alsike and red clover is offic- ially forecast for 1930. Ontario ia expected to produce not more than 70,000 bushels of alsike or about one- third of the 1929 production. An increased acreage of alfalfa is being held for seed in Ontario. There was practically no carry-over of alfalfa seed and owing to the extent to which this year's crop was winter killed it is expected there will be a good de- mand for alfalfa seed during the coming season. school.-Enquire of TORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. Donald Mclntyre and Mr. and Mrs, Unger of Toronto are spending ther vacation with the former's uncle, Mr. Robt. Richardson, and family. Miss Agnes Irwin of Orangeville Business College spent a few days with her mother here. Good accommodation for School Students, to either board or rcom. Mrs. Ed. Best (opposite High School.) en lot 127, 2nd. Range S. W. Terms:: $2 and ?3. B. A. Hargrave, Mark- High dale. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Berkshire Boar for ser- ' o p a A t. p vice at Iots 151-153, 1st in 15 months- FOR SALE Moffatt steel range, class at R yal Winter Fair 1929 and"- at a bargain price. Geo Stewart, rei3erve Brand champion, r'ees, $2.00' Flesherton. at time of service. H. C. Radley. FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE Seed Wheat, also fowl, live o- dressed B. Mackenzie, Ceylon._22_r.J. IQO acres, being lot 37, Con. 4. FOR SALE Choice clover honey Artemesia, 80 acres under estivation. in bulk at lOc. per Ib. Roy W. Fen- wick, Maxwell. FOR SALE-^Child's sleigh, a baby carnage and a good washing machine. Mrs. M. Thistlethwaite, Flesherton. FOR SALE Polled Angus cow, due to freshen last of July. Mrs. Partridge, R. R. 1, Flesherton, phone 75 r 2. FOR SALE Shorthorn bull, b months old, dark roan, eligible for registration. Roy Piper, Ceylon phone 44 r 31. FOR RENT A good six roomed house, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, stable, hen house and garage, op- posite high school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. 3. FOR SALE Breeding cockerels from brcd-to lay registered stock, priced at $1.50 and up. W. J. W. Arm- strong. Good house and large bam with good 1 stabling and out-buildings. For fur- ther particulars apply on premise*. ALB. BLACKBURN, Phone 42 r iManr.lL FARM FOR SALE In the Township of Artemesia 13ft acre farm, lots 143-46, 3rd range S. W.T.&S.R., half mile from station, Itt miles from Flesherton. Good 1 buildings, 12 acres of bush. Sold on easy terms. -J- L- McMULLEN, Ceylon. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT The property of the late Ell p, u"l Iot Flesherton comfortable On this property is dwelling house of rooms, wrth electric lighting. Bare 26 x 33 ft., with stable and drrvinr house thereon, also a good well on the premises. This property is in arood location and will be sold reason- ably. For further particulars ap- ply ti the administrator. W. X. Meads. Fle.herton, Ont. FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Bacon hog for service on lot 136, West Back- Hnc, Artemesia. G. H. Cairns. BOAR FOR SERVICE, FOR SALE Reg bull, "Ringleader Chief" No. 191018; dark read, born July 22, 1927; choice animal; bred by Frank Taylor, Markdale; also M.-H. fertilizer drill, 11-disc nearly new. John Meads, Phone 21 r 2, Priceville. FOR SALE Frame church 28 x 40, and shed 75 x 22, situated on lot 9, con., 10, Osprey. Church will be sold with or without furnishings. For particulars apply to W. F. Dean Registered Yorkshir. Boar tor or John Izzard, F u " " ' 'arior Wright, Eugenie. FOR SALE Pastry Flour"75c. per bag; Prairie Pride pure Manitoba Flour $3.70 per bag; White Table Beans 5c. per Ib.; Bran $1.40 cwt; Shorts $1.50 cwt.; Middlings $1.75 per cvt.; Salt $2.25 per barrel; Sound patched bags 6 for $1.00; also oat-.5, barley, wheat, chop, coal, etc.; grain for feeding sold on credit to respon- sible farmers. Phone 38 r 3. A. C. Muir, Ceylon. er- Izzard, Feversham, or Hugh vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. -C. STEWART. Caretaker. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEEB For the County of Grey. Terms: I per cent. Satisfaction guarnteed Dates made at The Advance office FOR SALE House and lot In Proton Station. The lot is a good one and on it is comfortable dwel- ling house, a good stable and a never failing well, also a good sod plough and household furniture that is going to be sold privately. Neil McCan- nell, Administrator. FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT, situated in Ceylon village on high- way, good frame hoirse, well built, containing six rooms, nicely located one and a quarter acres of well cultivated land with barn; make offer. Charles Melia, 79 Caithness Ave., Toronto. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, lots 166 and 167, 1st range west of No. 19 Highway, Artemesia Tp. 2 miles from Flesherton, U mile from school, 70 acres under culti- vation, balance swamp and pasture. Any reasonable offer will be con- sidered. For particular* apply to L. R. Thistlethwaite, 24 Conner Ave., Toronto 6. MISCELLANEOUS FARM HAND WANTED Apply to Charles Doupe. Phone 32 r 14, Mr. Leonard Alcox and Haroltt I Flesherton. Richardson spent the week end with ' J_ friends in Owen Sound. | FOR RENT Village lot to rent- Master Argyle Martin spent the l'/6 acres on which is house, hen- past counle of weeks with his grand- house and garage. Apply to Geo. parent ?. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lever. I. Graham in care of E. A. Graham, Miss Ar.r.ic Richardson of Owen Clarksburg. MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc. Oficea Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton eve* Saturday afternoon and evening. BUS!NF S CARDS Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 388, A. P. 4 A. M. meets in the Masonic Bali, Arm, strong Block, Flesherton ever> Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. M, C. N. Richardson, Secretary, H. A. McCauley. . Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and dates may be made at the Advance office.or addressing me at Eugenia, telephone 43 r 11, Flesherton or by

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