Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Dec 1930, p. 1

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m Vol. 50, NO. 27 Flesherton, Ontario, December 3, 1930 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietois MR. AND MRS ADAM SMITH. The above is an excellent picture QJ Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith of Euge- nia, whose golden wedding was rec -rtly celebrated. At the same time this highly esteemed couple were presented with the following address by th" ladies of Eugenia: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith, A few of your neighbors have gathered here this afternoon to congratulate you OP this happy event, the celebration ot the fiftieth anniversary of your ed neighbors. Here you have raised your fomily. Your boys have nobly given themselves to their country. Your daughters have gone out to bless other homes, yet always, wher- wedding day. For fifty years you ever they may have bean, they could have travelled life's pathway together , look back to the place where they sharing life's joys and sorrows. You ! were born and say, "There is home," have, for over half a century, been "There is father and mother.'' identified with the life of this village, j We as.k you to accept as a token of Sr-h citizens leave the imprin' of orv esteem and affection this little their lives and are stabilizing factors gift, and trust you will still be spared in their community, as those who arc to share together many years of wea- constantly shifting never can do. jcled life. May the sunset of life for We are glad to have this opportur.- i you be all golden is the wish f your ity of expressing our appreciation for, many friends. Mrs. L. Latimer, Mrs. you as honorable citizens and esteem-! W. Slo^n. Mrs. R. Parks. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ferguson, Mr. Roy Ferguson and Miss Annie, of Erin, Mr. Farauhar Baxter of Bramp- ton, were recent guests at Mr. Alex. Stewart's. Mr. Dan Cambpcll arrived home Fridny after spending a couple of weeks in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pedlar of To- ronto motored up and spent the week end with the letter's narents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carson. Mr. Earl McLeod has invested in a fine new crude oil engine and chop- per pnd started on Saturday to chop. lie is kept busy. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Brown ard faiv.- il>, of Bunessan, were recent gue-AS tit Mr. Henry Tucker's. M-.-. Gorrio McTaitKart and sister Minnie, of Toronto, are back to the village again and living in their ow.-. house, which had been occupied by Mr. und Mrs. Jack McMcokin. The latter hav" moved to the apartment over the Presbyterian place o: wo.-- Carson, neatly attired in a gown of beige georgette and lace, hat and slippers to match, and carried russet ., h thcmums- The was ^.^ Mr Knox D the ^ Qf the ef Miss Lman Bom _ t ^^ yery swcetly ,. A ,, joy bc thine." Rev. John McNab. M.A.. B D officiated- Messrs. Herbert, Ken- ne ^ h and Ne}1 Cn .. SOSi cousin , ; (he b-ide. acted as ushers. A mention am i supper followed at the home of tnp brides aunt and uncle, Mr. and !n,. s . gam Carson. 30 Per'h Avenue- The happy counle left amid congratu lations and showprs of confetti for a motor trip to Buffalo. Rochester anu other points, the bride travelling in .brown with fur coat. Upon their re- turn they will reside t 358 Summon Ave.. Toronto. tiUCENlA Rc-ent visitors at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Will Magf- ind Mr. and Mrs. Percy Magee were Mrs. J. New some ot Smiths F->lls ->nd Mrs. D. Vancisc of Stayncr. nieces of Mrs. Will Magee. contributed a solo The Sunday school of St. Columba [ church will hold their Christmas en- tertainment on Dec. 19. Great prep- arations are being made for it. The Presbyterian Sunday school concert | will be held on Dec 22. tor. Alfred Hincks of Holstein spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conkey have through th Public Service Bureau of the Toronto Daily Star offered to Rive a real old-fashionecl Christ mas to some poor mother and kiddies from the city, inviting them to spend a month with them. There are no conditions attached except tht they be healthy and clean. Their trans- portation will be provided by them- selves. This is a very kindly act. Mr and Mrs. Alex. Carson visited the first of the week : t Vandeleur. Some from here attended the fowl supper at Scotchtown on Tuesday night, after which card playing and dancing were indulged in and a very enioyable time was spent. Mr. Clifford E. Hincks and sister Beth, of Toronto, spent the week end at their home here. Mrs. Archie Currie and son, Tommy, spent a couple of days in Toronto lasv Pedlar-Carson Nuptials Saturday, Nov. 22, in High Park Presbyterian church, Toronto, a very pretty wedding was solemnized, when Dorothy Margaret, daughter of Mr. pnd Mrs. J. A. Carson, Pricevillc. waa united in mar'-iage to Mr Harry D. Pedlar, son of Mrs. C. Pedlar, and the late Mr. Wm. Pedlar, Promptly at .30 p.m. the b^ide entered the church on her father's arm to the strains of th Weddinir March, played hy Mr. Harry S. Reid- The bride looked "hs.rtnm<r in her wedding gown of tnroiMs blue georgette nnd silver lace, silver ard blue hat at!<' silver sl'imevs She carried shower bouquet of pink- roses and lily of the valley. The hrii*^ was attended by her sister. Miss Eva -si. Richardson. Toronto Lino. Saturday. Elect '" .>' " the municipalities is over again for another year. Con- to thosc wfc Mrs. Edgar Betts has returned home from Toronto, where she at- tended th Institute convention as a delegate. Mr. Russell Cameron has returned to Toronto to resume his stud'es at the University there. Russell had been laid up at his parental home here, with bronchitis, the past few weeks. We are glad to know he has recovered again. Mr. Claude Akins and son, Herb, of Springhill visited recently with the former's aunt, Mrs. W. J. Magee. We arc pleased to report Miss Lucy MacDonald well again after her ill- ness of the past week. BORN On November 29th to Mr. pnd Mrs. Russell Linton (nee Miss Clarabel Fenwick) a daughter, Congratulations. Mrs Thos. Fenwick is spending a fortnight with her daughter, Mrs Russell Linton. Mr. Adam Smith had the misfor- tune to fall over a tub and hurt his side considerably. We hope he will be well again soon. CEYLON On Friday evening a social time was held in the church for the mem- jers and all their friends, of the community when a very enjoyable time was pent. The men of the con- gregation gave the program. Mr. Troa. Gilchrist acted as chairman. g-iving a short address of wele 'nit?. Masters Robert and LeVerne Piper ga'-'e a couple of violin selectiov:s with THcore*. accompanied by M^s. R. Piper. Rev. Scott and Cairns gave a duet accompanied Mrs. Blnckburn. Mr. J. McWilliams then gave a humorous reading, and Messrs. P. Hunt, Brady Invin and I B. Whittaker gave a trio, ac- companied by. Mrs. Piper. Mr. R. Cook gave a reading and was encored and Mr. Geo Cairn? also gave a sole. Harvey Archibald and Sherman Piper gave a dialogue which caused much mirth and Rev. Scott delivered an address on the Indian of former days, which was quite interesting. This brought the program to an end. The gentlemen then proceeded to serve lunch. Rev. Scott cutting the k<, and hio assistants pouring tea and passing cake and sandwiches was much enjoyed by the ladies. Mrs. CoAlinson moved a vote of-thark to the gentlemen for their fine enter- tainment. The gathering dispersed with the National Anthem Mrs. Alfred Joses, a former resid- ent here 16 years ago, visited at S. Hcmphill's and called on o'u! neigh- bors before returning to Toronto. Mrs. M--ry Rutledge visited hor son Holland Centre Saturday. Miss Margnret Sinclair, v ho is at- . ending Normal at Tero.i f o, sjicnt the pk end at hey horn. 1 here and fav- ;d the congregati >u on Sunday afternoon with .1 solo, wh'ch was en- ioyed by ihose pi"s-j-i\ Mrs. Georire Arrovsort : i and Mas- ter Melville Hu-nt .spent the past week visiting friends it Uramr.-ton, N'irval and Toronto, returning hom Satur- day, accompanied i\/ Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery, Tono'i Mrs Cecil ArchioU.l spent tho week end with he>- parents and two son*. Lloyd asd Har"cy. Mrs. Geo. Fisher visited her mothei in Toronto and attended the marriage c.! her brother, Mr. Harry Pedlar, to Miss C-<rson, the weddin-r taking place in Toronto November IHth. Miss Peta Hemuhill, wh.> i:>d been visiting her sister in Toronto for a 'ortnight, returned home Satuulay. M--S. F. Marshall ~nd little dai.-h- u ers Dori-, ami Barbara, spem the v-ok end with her d-jughtev a' ilo!- anr> Centre. Mrs A'/chif Fisher spent .-. few dnys -it St. Thomas. aecnmpa-'cd hy lie daughter. Porothv. wh > w'" re- T"'*' them t'yr '.Iv \\int i- nouths. Mr. :IP.| V"-s. Oliver Simt'.i '.' To- r>to moored up for thi- \\-vk i-,d. Mr**. J. (libj'Ti. who has bee: 1 vi-iting \v:'V> tii'vri lo>- a, week, -etu'-.n--! hime BORN* To Mr. and Mr'. ' . !' ri \\, 01 Ptctmber t-<t, the -rift . ;' :> son. C> nrrratu!ntion< are extended. \V - aie sorrv t'.' report ?-lr. J:is Mi-Wr'.-'i'fV i"id u,) with " hf-ivv c <'nl. On Sunday nex. December 7th. the hurch p'l'-ivprsary services \vi'.l lv- hr'il in the .tfternoon it 2-30 and i>< the evening at 7 j.m. T:i. pa<t:v. Rev. W J. Scott, will have cha:'ij of the flftorno'Mi service ^nd i-> the even- ing Rev. Warren of Markdalo '.'ill n>-each. when it is hoped for H large att.endar ( at both service;-.. Special music will be given. This community was shocked when it was learned that ".-. ,) . P. Fsan. beloved husband of the late Winrifrcd Morgan, had passed a>vay 'it his home ;.28 High Prk Ave., Toronto, on November 26t'n, after a li"i.ly .>ver aj week's illnef-.. The f u i :.'. to ik v.ace Satu-ua> rt 0-15 a.m. to St. Cx:ilia's church, interment being in Mt. Hope cemetery. His wife pre- deceased him about two mm tin aero. He leaves to mourn his low* his daughter. Miss Marie Egan of Te* s ' water. Mrs. J. Runstndler of Toronto late of Flesh'.-rton. was also a sifter. Their many friends here deeply sym- pathize with them in their hour of sorrow. PORTLAW Went Astray Last Week. Sir. Densmore Watson, whose health hr-s'rot been good for some time, um'.'rwent 'a eri1^; - al tperation 'in : Collingwood hospital recently. Lat- : est reort is that ho is progressing fnv- I ovably and we hope to see him home i soon and before long fully recovered. Mrs. Wm. Fisher, who went to To- j ronto f .>! treatment, was operated on for the removal 01 goitre and abcesa. The operation, although a critical or.e, wa.i successful and sh" h;i2 been mak- ing such rapid progress towards re- covery that she was able to arrive home bst Thursday, and is being cared for by her daughter, Mrs. Hill. Her family and friends are reioieea it the prospect of her. ultimate re- covery. Airs. L. Lynns held n successful zz'c 3f farm stock and implements. Good prices were the rule. Mr. James Badgerow has installed a ehonpin? n'ant here, anil started work. We wish him <=u<"-'ess. The Sunday sdil held its annual social evening l:>sf Friday, at whL-h the-" was a snlendid attendance of people of the community and some other friends, showing that the heart? of all beat in svmnathy with Sunday schoo 1 work. The msto 1 ". Rev. Mr. Pcpe. discharged the duties of chair-- mn in a wav that made nil feel ip a mirthful mood. A very nice program was '.-resented and thorough- ly ep'oyed. after which presents were distributed from a Christmas tree to all ip connection with the school. The arrangement ensured that no one was overlooked. A generous supply of eat including homemade candy was a fitt- ing finale to a hnpny so.-ia! time. The Secretary, Mrs. Osborne, presented a good report, of the standing of the school. Mar\ Fisher atterded every Sunday, and a number of othejr pupils came -lose to this perfection, mark In attendance. % ake this Store the I ers for VICTORIA CORNERS IN MEMORIAM WALKER. In loving memory of j dtear husband and father, who pas- ' sed away Dec. 8, 1923. December brings sad memories Of a loved one gone to rest. He will always be remembered By those who loved him best. Sadly missed by WIFE AND SON. The ..irmer who says he cap make butter out ofmilkweed might %o nn and tell * how to make causage out ci scnvthis.lie. This Monday morning looks as though winter has coni'! in earnest, hut yet, many wells have very little water. Mr. Wm. Acheson has been laid up for a couple of weeks, having caught cold in the nerves and muscles cf vhe jaw. He has been taking the lamp treatment from a chiropractor and is slowly improving. Whoever heard of anyone "breaking hig neck" to get up in the morning. Most of us would rather be still, but such was the near experience of Ivnn Lockhart. One morning last week when getting out of bed, he dislocal- ed the muscles of his neck. He was hurried to Durham to the chiroprac- tor for treatment and is also imorov- ing slowly, but will be off work for some time. Mrs. Janet Robinson is visiting at Milton Bannon's. ROCK MILLS Very cold and stormy weather the first of the week and plenty of 'now for good sleighing. Cars are also running. The Durham Furniture Co. is ia- tending to again put in a stock of 'KS during the winter at their mill here. The Ba-itist Ladies' Aid will ! U )Ui their annual meeting at thf homo of Mrs. Ned Croft .,n Thursday. Dee. 11. Please notice the ehanp of date. teacher nnd puoils are busy nractHivr for their Christmas coa- "*. vhi h they intend having on Wed., D< -ember 17th. to cnn-<ist of iOpiT*. recitations, dialoere.:. .'tr Mrs. Jones ret::v:e(! to Toronto l.isf ivrek after siiemliri-r n few nuruhs with her cousin. Mi's. Sam Croft, and 'ami''-. The R.ip'isr Sunday school rit>nd "- thei 1 Christmn; fnt'.-rt;-'n- nien! in t'n % church on I.'^j-iy ev?n- np. Docemhe-,- 2l':id. ; to M i:vi'iv ''ii'.g - r -' an-' "torru- r,,:-'iber from here did not ,r:et oat to -T ; .A DEAR DEER IT WAS. Orillia Packet and Times. Returning h"me from n hunting trip, Edgar H. H. Maynard oj.' 51 Cold- water Road, and his brother Albert Maynard of Mimico, met with a strange adventuiv hal. way 'letv.'een Gravenhurst and Bra. (.'bridge in the small hours of Tuesday morning. Ma- kipg their way lowai'd.; Gravonhurs., s 150-pound deer leaped fror.i the righe hand side of the road, landed fairly on the front of the Chevrolet sedan they were driving ar.d turne," a complete somersault on the L 1 .": hand side of the road. Mr. Kdfinr Maynard, who was driving, had no warning before the imoact octL.red and did not know wh-t it was until he srw its white till, as it toppled over or>to the highway Mr. May- nard's brother, who was asleep at the time, was awpkened by the terrific force of the collision, and at first was at a loss to know what had hap- pened. The car was brought to a standstill as quickly as possible, and Edgar Maynard, leaving his brother to hail an approaching car, went back in search of the animal, with revenge more than sportsmanship uppermost YOUNG PEOPLE Take this road to a GOOD POSITION -j Use The Advance Small Auvts. A prncticol course ol Business Training nt tha NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Owen Sniini). Onlniio. Wriia fur C'lrcu'nrs. your Christmas shopping. Fine selection of gifts for everyone W. A. Armstrong and Son f Pnone I 3w FLESHERTON in his mind. Luckily it was a moon- light night and he found the place where it had crossed ba^k to the right side of the road intj a gravel pit, from whence it had evidently come, just prior to the a:cident. Mr. May- rard soon came upon the deer ana discovered that both its front legs were broken; but despite this it led him a merry chase down the first em- bankment into a pit below, where it dropped, completely exhausted. The hunter ws close behind all the way. and at this opportunity he got the big fellow by the horns, then callel for help. His brother Albert had suc- ceeded in stopping a car, which prov- ed to be a party of hunters from near Bairie. but before they could get to the scene i f the trouble the buck had arot hi:: sivoml wind and started to fij;ht. Freeing himself, he began to make off once more, but Mr. Ma..-- nard, who had by this time visions ol a battered in radiator :ind head lamps, pot to mention skinned knuck- le-;, was euually determined not to lei the guilty one escape. He made >. leap i'<v- the door's horns and barely held him long enough until his bro- ther and the other huntsmen arrived to finish the deer with a knife. In a businesslike fashion they cleaned it just where it lay (perhaps Mr. Maynard wanted to make sure the deer would not begin his capers anew). Mi Edgar Maynard had shot t fawn buck, and could not legally keen this sudden gift that had been thrus upon him. at his own expense. How- ever, this problem was easily solved, for the rescue hunting party had bag- ged no deer. Mr. Maynard gave them his fawn buck for their share in the capture and kept the big fellow that had cost him so much effort to take. Upon examination of the cai it was found that the radiator was smashed so badly that the motor would not run. Both head lamp* were shattered and bent backwards. besides both fenders being dented and the bumper broken. The hunter* who aided the Maynards towed the wrecked car into Orillia and went hoiiK- with : deer, after all. Mr Maynard says that he does not advis anyone to go hunting that way b ai-'o. It is far too expensive and at. the same time dangerou.5. A wife may worship her husban '.. '>".t she -.hould not place burnt offer- ings gefore him. I BATES BURIAL CO'Y. I * DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PARLORS > 122-124 AVENUE RD. Y TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 * J. W. BATES. Formerly of Flesherton 8. MADDOCKS. ?. "House of Quality" Xmas Sale Special ! Seedless Raisins, 2 Ibs 21c Puffed Raisins. 2 Ibs 25c.. Valencia Raisins, 2 Ibs 22c Currants, 2 Ibs 29c Figs, 3 Ibs 24c Dates, 2 Ibs 22c Walnuts, per Ib 52c Almonds, per Ib 49c Extract. 3 bottles 25c Cut Peel, J / 2 \b. packages 14c TERMS: Cash. . _ -. Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES FHDNE46 WE DELIVER IN TOWN

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