Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Dec 1930, p. 4

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\ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1930 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Flosherton, Wednesday of each j week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canad* $2.00 per y.-ar, i when paid in advance |1.50. In ' U. S. A, $2.50 per year when paid in advance $2.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly Newt- paper Association) W. H. THURSTON, - - Editor F. J. THURSTON - Assoc. Editor EDITORIAL NOTES. A Bruce County man paij $50.10 as fine and costs for {'ailing to take out a driving permit. The order came into effect three years URO. It if a stiff penalty to pay, and should be a lesson to mony. - The merchants of Fle.sherton have, \ve believe, done a commendable thing in insuring the public the free use of of the L'nited Church shed for the teams ol those coining to town. As it is shed a.-cnmmojation in Fleshor- ton is all fni little and ar> effort phould be made to secure other sheds for that purpose al:-<>. It is during the winter season th:n the sheds are in u.-e. * Beavers are so numerous in the Durham di.trict that tcame wardens are killing the animals or capturing them to be sent to other points. How long should ministers preach?" v.i- a fiiicsticin raided by the Strat- ford Bfiic'i.n-Herald. WP have lis- tened attentively for three-quarters of an hour tu one preacher and hoped he would not siop, while others have had ui lidgcting inside fifteen min- i;u i. Time is a relative question. * The Durham Chronicle ha; been under fire lately by various newspa- pers with Liberal editors (, ri- Diving "inside informtion" as to the Conduct of the Old Ago Pension Act f.s In-ini? interpreted in firry Count v. The Chronicle states that it has no inside tri'i-k, liut only secured information which any ne\v>paper can secure if it wishes. The Advance had the same information last spring, hut did not think it wise or nc-cossary to subiecl the Borrd to public censure in order n jrot a l;nn?k at <>w individual. There wu-f. other and het'.or ways of jrettini: ovor the difficulty. * The chnneo in tlis date of elections in this district from the new year to thn prc-fi' <iat(> lin < ml (i far. bcfn of any :!' n! ;::<. < v.. ( .],f that of having the i-lecti-.n date taken away frru;i the holiday Ken-on Both last year and this thr voting day was st< rniy and t-ol-l and only ii snail per centai;'" "f the v ileiv. canv mil to c:i-1 llieir balli.t in ArrMn''-i:i T"-.vnship. In Ospn-y about half the voti-r> Wryc nil', no doubt rii ,1.- comit rif Ivivinr a f: 11 slate runninv;, A-l'ili in \rtomesia tho R'nvc \ i in by aci'la:iiat'fiii. It is hoped th.lt m\t vi a r Ih" \v-.t IT r '.vill bo fin<"- nml that :\ keener interest will lie t:i!:en in the electiuns. * * There was one unlooked-f' r turn- i.ve;- at the municipal elections c,:i Monday and that was the di-i'V-M in Ospny ..I-M-. V.'. J,. Taylor, who has been Hi-eve of that township for fo many years. Mr. Taylor has been a prominent member "f the Counly Council, serving on many of the most important committees with very ',iurh credit to himself and to his township. Last year Mr. Taylor \vas runner-un in the choice of War- den for th" county and it was confi- dently i-xpoctcd that he would bo the hnicr :<: the \'M\ session. It would Vave been n fitting: tribute f.r Mr. Taylor's faithful service in his town- .'hip's interests for .o ninny years. In crate-fctdimr poultry particular rare should be taken to feed a ration hich will nroduco the white fat and Hie milk-fed duality. The follnwing ration has been tested and found suit- I'blo for crate-feedinj?: K<iual pail- f middlings, ground oat* and ground J-arley; equal parts of middlings .round oats and ground new potatoes; '<iual parts of middlings, ground oats nnd mashed potatoes; equal parts of middlings, ground oats and cornmeai; 'qual parts of shorts, ground oat * and ground barley; equal parts of low irrado flour, ground barley and oats; qual parts of giound whole whet', 'tround whole oats and ground whole Imrley: POUR! nnrts of around barley, jrround buckwheat and bran. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my supporters for thoir efforts in my behalf at Mon- ilay's fli'ctiiin. Wishini? everybody n Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Yours .sincerely, CECIL MKLDIll'M. Telephones: Business 78 Residence 60. Emerson J. Bennett Furniture -Funeral Service Hon. Graduate of Ontario School of Embalming & Funeral Directing OUR SERVICES ARE REN- DERED AT MODERATE CHARGES MOTOR EQUIPMENT MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Township of Artemesia FOR DEPUTY REEVE Polling Division 1.. 2 ..3t 45678 Total DAVIS. JOHN A 71 32 17 28 49 32 41 26 296 Whittaker. I. B 14 23 16 56 G7 27 48 22 273 FOR COUNCILLORS BURNETT, WILLIAM 27 27 17 45 118 1 18 12 265 MAGEE, GARNET 30 28 28 44 8 5 82 22 247 WARLING, G. ELMEK 4"> 27 3 41 8 60 40 18 242 Meldrum, Cecil D 32 42 22 55 ID 6 23 38 237 Township of Osprey FOR REEVE Polling Division 1.. 2 ..3; 45078 Tota; SHORT, GEO. D 21 72 141 8 30 34 50 36 395 Taylor, \Vm. L 32 65 b5 107 50 30 32 15 376 FOR DEPUTY REEVE HEITMAX, WM .... 17 100 156 40 51 40 31 41 17!) Oummett, John' 43 S3 32 C7 28 22 52 13 21)0 FOR COUNCILLORS WILTON, ALBERT 39 47 41 63 42 12 S'J 30 343 MORRISON, R. J 9 85 71 54 3'J 11 22 4 295 MONAGHAN, JAMES 12 G9 104 69 47 46 24 22 299 Fildlay, \V-n 38 62 54 17 22 4 34 37 268 Clarke, Sylvester 3 B3 3> 19 25 8 !> 2 135 NOTICE TO STOCK SHIPPERS Small Advts. Lost or Strayed | HOUND ASTRAY. Came to the property of Alex. MeMullen, near Flesherton. Prove (property, pay expenses and take away. | FOUND A bag of wool. Get it at The Advance office. I FOR SALE 2 Yorkshire Sows, due in February. A. Sparks, Flesherton. LOST On or about November 20th, Bcagte dog, answers to the name of "Jay". Any information as to its whereabouts will be thankfully received. A. Sparks, Flesherton. i <^^^ Thursday and Saturday. G. C. I am prepared to ship stock each Tuesday or any market day that would benefit the sniper from the stock yards at Ceylon and Proton Station. EARL H. BEST, Phone 32 r 15 STRAYED TWO yearling red hcifer calves from lot 40, con. 14, Artemesia, during the summer, each has split in left car. Finder please communicate with Herb Maxwell, Hcathcote. For Sale WANTED Second hand heater, must be large and cheap, box stove would do. Mrs. Archie Fisher, Cey- lon, phone 40 r 5. FOR RENT A good six roomed house, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, stable, hen house and garage, op- posite high school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. 3. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, Iota 1(j and 167, 1st range west of No. 10 Highway, Artemesia Tp. 2 miles from Flesherton, Vt mile from school, 70 acres under culti- vation, balance swamp and pasture. Any reasonable offer will be con- sidered. For particulars apply to L. R. Thistlethwaite, 24 Conrfcr Ave., Toronto 6. NOTICE TO STOCK SHIPPERS I am prepared to ship stock each Tuesday or any market day that would benefit the shipper from the stock yards at Ceylon and Proton St-ition. D. E. SEELEY, Flesh-rton 75 r 33;" Dundalk 52 r 12 H. A. McCauley New Reeve of Fiesherton The ek'L'tion in Flosherton resulted in thy election of Mr. Howard A. M r-ii.'cv ;-s Reeve, with a majority of 2'i over Mr. D. McTavish, the vote being 125 to 99. The council was olecVsri by ju'dammation am. will be composer) <<f H. A McCauley Reeve; Councillors. Richardson, Wei- ton, Mathcwson and Dargavel. CARD OF THANKS Wr desire to express our 'thanks to kind friends for assistance, sym- pathy and flowers cheering the illness ar.d de"lh of our husband and father Mrs. Pntchard and Family. CARfToF THANKS i,. the Electors cf Artemesia: 01 o.iisap i 'uaiuojiuofj pun s.ip-.-j espri-s m.v thanks for the handsome jpport giver me in Monday's elec- tion. As :i new member of the Coun- il I v.-Uh to as-urc you that the bc---,t 'interests n, the lo.v::shi!i will always comes fir-'L with nin. Wishing you !!: t :'-p!imcnt3 of the sc-a-on. - KI.MKH \VA1JLIXG. CARD OF THANKS I It'ii- < allow I:K- to us" this: method (.! thanking you fur your :'i">p""t in i>criniltini4 me to be again rt'lurnod a C.-itr. illor for !!^1. Vova KiTVant, WM CARD OF THANKS At this time p( rnu't me to thank tht- elector? ol Artemeaia for the generous support accorded me nt the polls on Pdontlay, and I assure you that your interests will continue to be mv int- erests. Yours faithfully. JOHN A. DAVIS. Health Service ! - of the - ;|; CANADIAN MED. ASSOC. * THE TODDLER DISCOVERED I years, and start out into adult life i\vith a sound body. Throughout the Itiviliztd world we find doctors, nurs- lou and dentist:; working in the schools to safeguard the health ol itho school children. It is generally understood also that the mother may be advised as to the care her baby requires, so that she may protect her infant from disease, keep him \vell and see to his proper development. Ea.h year an increas- ing number of mothers take their v. : !1 babies to the doctor for health i sl . pervision. They do this because they have learned th->t by following 1 the advice they receive, their babies i."" kept well. In many places, \vc"-biby conferences are held for th? purpose of giving health instruc- tion. As a result of this preventative work wh;:-h has been done for infants and school children, there has been 'among them a great reduction in dis- t ast % , and a marked improvement in heir health. The results have been / .\ti_-factory t'nat sv.-h work is rx- tTHinT, and in s:mi(! rlaces. the health supervision v.-l-.' : 'h is being ivca roaches practically every in- :.' rrd school child. l ; n'.:l n short tir-e a,-ro. the young 'iVi'l, l.etwern infarcy :md 'school i-j."-. was thouglit not to require any I parttc'ular caro. It ii only recently tllat the toddler, o:- pre-school child, has be?n, as it were, discovered to require health supervision. j The child, from one- to six, is pass- | ir^ through years where growth and (ii vilopment are rapid. lie requires proper care if he is to have a prop- eily developed, sound body when he enters school. His diet should in- clude- cereals, merits and vegetables; , particularly does }-.e require |nilk each day, fruit at least once a day, !.".nd green leafy vegetables regularly. I lie should not have tea, coffee, fried food*, pie, pickles, or rich cakes and puddings. lie should not be given ifood or candy between meals as this spoils the appetite. Well over half of all deaths from communicable, diseases occur nt this age. The child should be vaccinated against smallpox and immunized against diphtheria. He should never he exposed to such diseases, and if they do occur, he should be carefully treated. FOR. SALi: Oxford Ram, 2 yrs. old. Fred Jamieson, Eugenia. FOR SALE Range stove in good repair. Mrs. G. A. McTavish, town. FOR SALE Two Brood Sows. G. A. Hutchinson, Kimberley. NOTICE I hereby forbid trespassing, cutting timber or in any way illegally inter- fering with thf> tenant on lot 2, Con. 8, Osprey township Jas. M. Burns, proprietor. NOTICE FOR SALE A few bags of Carrots, set ot heavy sleighs, 2 cows" due to freshen, 2-year-old Heifer, a number of small pigs. Geo. Cairns, phone 44 r 13, Flesherton. FOR SALE 75 Barred Rock Pul- lets, 30 yearling hens, two young Cows due to freshen in December, Richard Allen, ring 45-21, Flesh- erton. FARM FOR RALE In the 19th con. Proton and the second lot. This farm has a lot of good timber and there are 15 acres of cleared land. Apply to Mrs. Catherine Stewart, Proton Station, for price and terms. FOR SALE -- Barley ~sic~50~per ton, Peas 85c. per bu.; Ontario Wheat 75c bu.; Pastry Flour 75c per bag; Eclipse No. 1 hard wheat flour $2.90 IK-.- 1'Slb bag; Sugar $4.90 cwt.; Salt St.no per 200 Ib. bag; Coal $11 per ton; special prices on C. I. L. fertil- izer. A. C. Muir, phone 38 r 3 FOR SALK S1300 buys house and let in Fleshf-rton Electric li<rhte:. h.-ivl and .=oft water, smr>II stable, and ahout two acres of land Good invest- ment, bringing in 8 per cent. nee. Mrst he quick salo to wind up "statt 1 'i! W. A. Armstrong J.W. Armstrong, Executor. Any person or persons found cut- ting wood or logs, posts or poles, or molesting timber in any way, on Lot 2, Con. 8. Osprey, without my permission, will be prosecuted ac- cording to law. By order of Cath erlne A. Haley, Eugenia, Ont. R.R.I FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire P"-in V-.(j for service on lot 136, West R-- it- line, Artemesia. G; .H. Cairns. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for eer- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Clubv the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Terms: 1 per cent. Satisfaction guarnteed Dates made at The Advance office. "MIDDLEBRO &IBURNS Barristers, etc. Ofices Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton every Saturday afternoon and evening. BOAR FOR SERVICE Yorkshir Hog for service on lot 40, i. 6, Artemesia. Terms: $1 cash, SI. 25 charged. C. S. MONAGHAN, Prop. BOAR FOR SERVICE Young Registered Tarn worth Boar for service on lot ICO, Con. 2, S.W.T. & S. R., Artemesia. R. J. STEVENS, R. R. 3, Proton Station. BOAR FOR SERVICE Boar for service at Lot 177, King's Highway, purebred Yorkshire hog, bred from prize winning stock. RUSSELL HRL BUSINESS CARDS Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A. P. * A. M.meets in the Masonic Hail, Arm- strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. M.. W. R. Meads; Secretary, H. A McCauley. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneei for the counties of Grey and Simcoa Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and dates may be made at the Advance office.or addressing me at Eugenia. telephone 43 r 11, Flesherton or by BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Berkshire Boar for ser- vice at lots, 151-153, 1st in 15 months class nt Royal Winter Fair 1929 and! > > X">X"X~X~:-X~X"X-X~:~>-X">X' reserve grand champion. Fees, $2.001 at time of service. II. C. Radley. Miscellaneous WANTED -- Furished rooms for litrht housekeeping. Apply at this office. NOTICE Chopping en Tuesday,! , FAKM FOB SALt. In the Township of Artemesia 126 acre farm, lots 143-46, 3rd range S. W.TASJL, half mile from station, Hi miles from Flesherton. Goo-i buildings. 12 acres cf bush. Sold on easy terms. J. L. McMULLEN, Ceylon The man who carved 100 words on a grain of rice was probably trying to start p cereal story. A Paris bootblack has successfully masqueraded as a count for two years. No doubt people were deceived by his polish. London is to .have a newspaper owneJ by a million women. If tifo city editor can please them he will be a wonder. It is generally kkiown thfit the rchool child should receive regular health supervision in order that he may get the most out of his school The only timn n horse gets scared nowadays is when it meets another horse. "Let Me Work for You," says the Pension Investment Bond Now, while health and strength are yours, while you can spend your money freely, secure in the knowledge that .^^f^i-^ you can soon earn more, set ^-LV^i'jSlii aside the modest payments iRi3!l!':IMBL requked for a PENSION INVESTMENT BOND. When inclination or neces- sity causes you to retire, your Bond will work for you, supplying you with a regular monthly income which will continue as long as you live. With a Pension Investment Bond you become your own pensioner. Let the Sun Life Man give you fuller particulars. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL B7 Christmas Suggestions For The Men Sweaters, pure wool $2.25 to $5 Tics, ranging from 50c to $1.00 Shirts $1.50 to $2.50 Si-arfs, ranging from $1.25 to $3.50 C'aps $1.50 to $2.25 Wind Breakers $5.95 Underwear $3.00 to $5.00 Ik-Its 75,. to $1.00 Mitts & Gloves 25c to $2.50 Braces, ranging from 50c to $1.00 W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 Men's Wear FLESHERTON .

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