Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Dec 1930, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1930 ~ : Conduct Yonr Affairs With Dignity. A BANK OF COMMERCE Savings account lends dignity to the transac- tions of the depositor. It identifies him with an organization that te known and respected in the commun- ity, and establishes a contact which is invaluable should he at any time desire counsel or advice on money matters. Open a Bank of Commerce pavings account. It will help you to develop your financial resources as nothing else can, and enable you to Conduct your personal affairs with dignity. i THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (tt'""> '"CA '* tuiialgamatatl 1 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA jl W.M.S. Thankoffering The autumn Thankoffering of the ' W. M. S. was held in St. John's Uni- ted church on Thursday of last week, ; when a large audience was present ' from Vandeleur, Eugenia, Inistioge. .Ceylon, and from the sister churches ! in the village. The President, Mrs, j (Rev.) W. J. Scott, was in the chair. I The meeting was opened by singing i"Come thou fount of every blessing;" i reading, Ps. 1'22, and prayer by Mrs 'Thurston; a duet by Mrs. G. Bucha- nan and Mrs, W. Johnston was sung very sweetly. Mrs. Murray welcomed i not only the visitors, but many of our :hurch members who should be pre- sent at each meeting, but who are not. Mrs. D. Williams brought greetings from the Baptist circle; Mrs. A. Sinc- lair, Cey'on, from their women's asso- ciations who raise money for mis- sions, and Mrs. S. Moore of Inistioge Mi* M. McMillan made a plea on 1 behalf of the Missionary Monthlj mentioning the November number a: being particularly interesting, as i dealt with our African mission whicl was opened by the former Congrega tional church. Miss Kate MacMillan : read the story of "The people who go /eady." a tale of an African race wh< 4th Velm? Fisher, Ted Dixon, -did all they could to prepare for th Arleen Pallister, Doris McRae, Del- missionary whom they believed would FLESHERTON PUBLIC SCHOOL Seo. Pritchard Dies After Second Stroke Local and Personal bert Smith. Douglas Stuart, . Ruby -e some day. Mrs. (Rev,) E. Baker Only three weeks until Christmas. Akiijt, Julia Crept, -Ethel Burnett, of Dundalk. 5th Vi^e President of A well known resident of Artemesia ' ;ownship, in the person oil Mr. Geo. , Pritchard, passed away at th" home of his daughter, Mrs. Robert Rich | ardson, on Thursday evening, Novem- ber 28th, in his 78th year. Mr. Pritchard was anc of the pio- S of the country. Born in YorK ' township in July 1852, and when a! ilH. he moved with his parents to Sullivan township, where he spent his early life. In December, 1876, he, was mait'ied to Miss Mary Jane ! Clarke of Euphrasia townshin, after i which he started blaeksmithing at! Blantyre and Kimberley and later' moved to Vandeleur, where he spent 44 years at his trade. Two years ago Mr. Pritchard was stricken with ! a stroke and was compelled" to retire ; from active business life and together with his wife, has spent the past two years with his daughter, Mrs.Richard- son. One week ago he was stricken' with another stroke from which he failed to rally. The late Mr. Pritchar.i was a reg- ular attendant at Meaford Road Un- , ited church and in politics was a rtaunch Conservative. He wa^ a The Literary Society of the High School will present the THREE ACT PLAY "The Birds' Christmas Carol" FRIDAY & SATURDAY December 12 and 13 ORCHESTRA, FOLK DANCING Curtain at 8.00 p.m. Adults 50c. : Children 35. Saturday only 25c. All Seats Reserved. C.et tickets from the students. Do your gift shopping early. Mr. Fulton Timmins of Toronto was Betty Murray not ranked. Grey Presbytery, gave a most interest- Sr. 3 J"ck Wright, Mack Pun- ing address, taking the initials of can, Nellie Thistlethwaive, Dougias the Woman's Foreign Missionary So- a visitor last week with Dr. and Mrs. Sco ^ t> Helen Lov6( Ru . :h W olsten- -iety and showing what they might Murray. croft, Georgina MacDonal.-l, Winnis stand for. Mrs. Baker is a very Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones of Toronto Giaham, Marguerite Croft, Fred }'at- pleasing speaker and her address was spent the week end with the latter's ton. Jean Alexander, Ella McRae, well received. We hope \ve may hav e parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Inkster. Everett Croft and Douglas .Vlcrgar. the pleasure of hearing Mrs. Baker again. It was moved by Mrs. Murray. * not ranked. 3 _ A McCl . ackeR> Roberta seconded bv Mrs . w Moorp Ethe , Dargavel> Goo Loil ^ Mrs Mitchel , js confined tQ ... , . Prosperity is like parking space. There ,s always plenty of it for the > lellow who gets there first. __ fietty MacDona l d , Jack Welton, Burt through illness, a letter of love and We believe that there is one mara Bellamy. Ben Leavell, Fred McTavish, sympathy be sent her. Carried unam- thon which has no champion as yet: a Tom Wright, Freida Cald-vell. mously. Mrs. Mitchell is one of our number counting contest. Unlimited gr. 2 Fred Gibson, A. MeKillop, oldest and most esteemed officers. DIED SMITH At the home of her kind, loving and devoted husband and nephew, Mr. Henry Walton, Artevnj- i"thor and will be much missed by sia, on Sunday, November ;>0th. Miss h ; s family who are left: his widow, Annie Smith, aged 84 years and four one son and two daughters. RPV. R. months, after a two-years' illness. G. Pritchard of Brandon. Man.. Mrs i Aftei a short service at the house on Richardson and Mrs. Wm. Reid of Mcnda>, conducted by Rev. Mr. AIo- Ann Arbor, Mich. ; Auslan, the remains were tal;en to The funeral took place from the Barrie and on Tuesday, after a scr- Buy your Flour and Feeds from the Osprey Farmers' Milling Co. FEVERSHAM Family Bread Flour Made from No. 1 Western Wheat Pastry Flour Made From Choice Ontario Wheat residence of his daughter to Markdale vise at St. Paul's church, m>ar Barrie, Cracked Red Wheat, GritS, ?emetcry an Monday afternoon. Dee. interment took place mere. Mr. p_.._ ci lrv .-tc irul -irc/> f^^^c 1st. service being- held in Anneslcy Henry and Miss Lucy Walton accom- United church, Rev. Scott of Flesber- panied the remains to Barrie. ahvavs on hand possibiliities in this o-ie. D. Taylor. Bob Stuart. The hymn, "Jesus shall reign." was . Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoy returned home Jr. 2 Doris Pedlar. Norman sung, the benediction pronounced and from Toronto on Saturday after a Loucks, Donald Scott, Resr McEach- lurch wn^ served and our most sue, fortnight's visit with their children nie, Tom Banks. Sr. 1 Stewart McRae, Evelyn but n ot nnded. oessful Thank-offering meeting closed The off'erincr received amounted to by Leavell, Dorothy Welton. Jack L.iucks. The Durham Road school, S. S. No. j r . i _ Wes McCracken. C. Little- $35.00 7, will hold their Christmas entertain- iohns. Edna Croft, Oly MacDonald, some absentees merit on December 19th. Admission Dor Graham, Ben fJellamv, Thelma ' 25 cents. Miller, Marion Wickens, Joe Banks. _ ^ The Presbyterian W.A. held a ba- Sr. Pr. Betty Teeter. Donald M;- \onfo | loilC nflrO JYo/ 1 Q zaa: and cake sale Saturday afternoon Eachnie, Dorothy Patton, Harold UUllla VldUoIlCI C ISCt. it) and evening, and realized over $45. Graham. Oysters and light lunch were aUo j r . Pr. Bernice Leavell. Ruth Santa Cluus is again to served. Mr. Thomas Florenc Boyec writes from annual public appearance in Flesher- ton, assisted by Rev. Warren of Markdale, conducting the services at the church and grave During the ; service Mr. Dundas sang "The City, Four Square." The pallbearers were old friends and neighbors: Messrs. | Geo. Wright. W. Hutchinson. Samuel Gilbert. Jos Buchanan and Fred Bnl- and cf Vandeleur and Colgan and Reburn of "Markdale. Among the friends who at^onded i from a distance were M v . an--' M'-s. ' John Montgomery and Mr. 'V Yoadel' ci' Toronto. M". ,->nd Mrs. .Toy<"> Minr? and Miss Bes.iic Minns of Port Cr-dit. Messrs. John and Geo. Y-udcll of Rocklyn ar.d Mr. Wm. \Vvorombio , 01 Barri". Floral tributes wr"-e from: nillow. ; the family; siv.-ays. Robt. r\nj family thwaite, Eldon Fisher. Ethel Tay!.-'-, Saskatchewan stating that they have Bobbie Banks , va BrOwn char , ie had a fine fall there, with light sno* M !tt Evipon Wilson Irene Woods, r falls, but at time o: writing, Nov. 24, R^ie j it was more like winter. Thr evening service in St. John's United Church will be withdrawn next Sabbath, as Rev. W. J. Scott - December 13th. *hen he to see nil the bov.-? and srirli. nr.(i far, in trVn that dny and rf Brar.Hon, Brnnd'xi Church. Mi= ?Iona Wilson. M-. and M-s. T". C. V. Tntvre of Toronto. Mr i nid Mrs. E. Wickens a.i I Mr. A. Wickens; wreath?. S S. 11. Van i- Shed Remains Free will eivc of them a Kf of candies and ! '""r- ^ r ""' 1 v '' s - -Inhr Radford ur.d Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kennedy, Toronto. 1 goes to Markdale while Rev. ?. H. Warren conducts anniversary serv- icp in Ceylon. If the day is fine it hnn<-d thnt the lanrfst rrnwr) that hn.< cvr I'oen rj-esent. will he out tn f'-ft jolly old Santa upon his The Flosherton business men have 1 _ ' ' mode arrangements with the BoaH p ,Jj Ti 1" Miss Helen Huul, missionary from of Stewards of St. John's United Japan, will spcok at Kimberley on Church whereby the church shed will Sunday evening next in the United '-cinain at the service of the public Church. Miss Kurd is pn old Kim- entirely free of charsre until further berley girl who has been for a good notice. It is understood also that the many years a missionary in ttfc Flow- accommodation will be improved, ery Kingdom. -'** do- -j *< ""li'I^h t"h 1 Vn ' " ' lh f" v ' h ; L. M _M,v rlan , w , a* -bairnJM of the Dnv at th- rt-.imr Monr'av p"eninir with F. .1. Tlmrpton a Cur.vr.:- Cvnn P.epi rt. Livestock throughout th.' prov- ince h re-ported to he in a irenei-ally good rendition. In Brnnt the nbscncu >.. :-:iin has created - diil'irui.y as far .IK .v;iu-rip.:r :'tc-k i-; I'on.-iTncd. but. farm '.v.irk i ; well comple'i';!. Stock ;-.pi:<>:\,--. healthy in Bruce, '-"t. some A committee of leading agricultur- "V iteo During the past few days we have ; st3 was recently appointed to study y*"^ appear to have gone back Sec -Treas. and n com- ! somewhat because of the poor graas.J i* nnnointed composed of , In Essex a complete clean-un of the . K Brackonburv. .Tas. Dar- I sugar beet crop is indicated. Fall Dr. Murray, Fred Pinder Peculiar Incident At Osprey Elections A peculiar incidest occurred at the experienced real winter weather with ,-ations and suggest mixtures of feeds .. the temnerature hovering around the that would be suitable to Ontario con- Al r>OWT1 i zero mark, sometimes below. Plenty jjtions. The committee comprise.. A cornD ' et '' ;t i W events on the of snow fell over the week end, but ,J r ' i'. J. C. Steckley, Ontario Agrieu* nrr> ~ram for tV>< dv will be announc- the cars are still running. None of turfl j College; R. W. Wade. Director Cl1 in next woek 's '"we. the highways here are closed to wheel Ontario Livestock Branch; W. .1. Bell, traffic as yet. Kemptville Agricultural School; an.- The W. A. of Maxwell United *' R - Rce > RWgetown Experimental Church will hold a bazaar on Sat., Station. The following ration was December 6th. H the church hall, suggested for cows in milk and get- wher they will sell homemade bak- tln K clover or alfalfa na >' : l P und ing, .randies, Cnristmas gifts, etc. hay per 100 Ibs. live weight; 2 pounds Lunch ard hot dogs served, to com- sila K e P er 10 P unds live weight; mence at 4 p.m. |- P u nds roots per 100 pounds live Feversham poll at the election Mon- ; weight; and a grain mixture of 200 day that caused considerabel incon- Reeve D. McTavish was in Toronto pounds ground or rolled . oats. 200 venience to quite a number of voters. on Tuesday on a delegation appoint- ,, unds bran, 100 pounds barley,- 50 In some unaccountable manner a ed by the County Council to wait on pounds oil cake and i>0 pounds cot- sheet of manuscript, with the names the Minister of Highways with regard t on see j Another suggested mixture of the voters thereon, became detach- to -certain roads in the county. ; s 200 pounds oats, 100 pounds glu- ed before being printed and was lost, Reeves Bell cu' Durham and Field of ten> am j 05 pounds oil cake. The the omission not being discovered Collirgwood were the other members pro tein contents of the' first ration >. until the voting took place on Monday, of the delegation. i? per cent, and of the second 17 V It just goes to show that each voter A social evening was enjoyed by the P er eent - Either is \ be , fod at the " a s an idea his name is on the list people of town on Tuesday evening at ratc of one P nd of mea l *r each anyway nnd does not make sure the home of Mr andMrs. D. McTavish four "un<ls of milk. Wheat may be whether it is or not when called upon when a presentation was made to the used in P lace of barley and, if roots i to do so alter the list has been posted recent bride and groom, Mr. and are not available, feed three pounds ' at the Clerk's office and other notif i- Mrs Cecil McTavish, of a chesterfield ''ilage. If silage is not available, 1 cation given All the omissions in chair. Both Mr. and Mrs. McTavish feed four Pounds roots per 100 pounds the list were among the names corn- heartily thanked the donors for their "ivc weight. I mencing with the letter M. gift. The evening was mostly spent ^|^^^^^(MBB|j|^^^^^^^^^^^^^M((g^BMi^^MMMBBBB in games and dancing. | _ _^ At a meeting of the shareholders of the curling rink Friday evening it was decided to instal a hydraulic ram and secure water for the rink from the Boyne river. It was decided that the membership fee for the year t would be set at $8, and a drive for members would be commenced. The cvflrlers are very enthusiast^* over , their new quarters and expect a most interesting year at the roarin' game, j Any person donating fruit for the L.O.B.A. will kindly deliver same to Mrs. McDonald before the end of this week. The ladies of the order desire to thank Mrs. Stephen Roy for knitt- ing fifty pairs of mitts, and Mrs. L,. Badgerow foi a Krge donation 01 flanelette, some twenty yards. | Three Swinton Park young men | were up before a Dundalk Magistrate ' on Wednesday of last week, charged with bieakinjr the game laws. The case against two of the boys was dia- ' missed. Robert Watson was fined ten dollars and costs for having a loaded rifle in his car. and five dollars and cot* for being in possession of r. muskrat. A charge of hunting deer, dismissed. wheat in Hastings is in good condition and the report states that live stock will go into winter quarters in fine shape. Cattle are moving briskly in Oxford with many head being shipped to Quebec and the United States. Be- tween 30 and 35 carloads of cattle hm-e been shipped out of Temiska- ming so far and all live tock is re-, ported in first-class condition. Far- mers in Welland are fearing a water famine this winter as a result of the \bsence of rain. Many wells and streams are already dry. READ THE SMALL ADVTS. Koyal i urple toultry Specific Keeps Poultry FreefromWORMS Mr. Wm. Jorrott, of Briclen, wr.-tc us a y?5r njo stating that his poultry hod become badly infei ted with wcnn. We advised him to use 2 Ibi. cf Rnyal Purple Poultry Specific in each 109 Ibs. of Lav-ins Ma&h for two weeks or.d continue throughout the Winter with I Ib. After using it for three weeks he wrote us stating that in thrre days he nctirrd blood ctrealis in the droppings, ar.d that his ens pro* ducticn had eonr up 100 .' . Durin 1 : thr r^'.l. '.'."j:tc: air.: L';::::-;: i:ii-.n:h* he pur- chased 600 Ibs. cf this Poultry Si.-e\ i.v. V,' _ ,-i.v.vcU a letter f r.n hi.n tl-.s latter pan of Ai:~j-t, :-..: -3 :hat l:r .v^j r. . J .-.'. '.he T.sul:: he * tau.rl. ;hut hi* poultry wtr entirely free f.-om .ttTr.;. ar.J th dur-r-s August of this ;-esi h:s production was 100'.' larger t..an '..*.t year. It will pay e\Try p^^ltr;.*rni^. r.o rr.^'.ter wh,:t ."..-u he is usin;., c; if he mixes his cwn. to add one pound of Huyal Purplf Pouilrv V-ciiac to ei..!i hundred pounds of feed du:inz t'.ic whole sea^n Uie poultry nrc ah'_: :.:. \Vlule '.hii tt~at tm;.: dt- strovs the wcrrr.a. it at the same ti.-r.c tones up Mi-- birds. Utrrr.n; their di^nt:ve or^nni tittive the same as if they wrc on r^nce. rotnuriliiig Them to take from 15' j to 20 ' more ^cvd fio:n the f^til -;:.- cat. '' ic.'.ccicj tn increased egg production. Worms in po.ll'.ry 11 oft. :. .-lil-.I-^r:! '..<- :.:.- dir : i-ei. I':', i :: :- Un 'jr. : very thin and ii:ow >:.-.; tonw af J..JT.V.TJ. V. . : ..ilKUc. Put up in 30c. and 60.-. pr - . 75 and S6.0D t:n<;. also 100-lb. air-r : .shr, he 31; S14.00. For pale by 4. GOO dealers i.i Canada. If your dealer c;-::r.c. supply you, write dire--' cyal P jrp* 1J We T.n -upiiir yo-.i ::!i P.nyal r-ir,-:i- >- r ' '. " ' :'->i ' wi : -' Poultry tpivir, MM- -j in. Mr. T. L,. '* '. ii.r:]:. . On':.:: . tcllj ;lr fctl Rural I'lirjili; Laj i:ii Meal to 6CO pulk-.- 1 i thr Rnynl Pr.iple Poultry Spoci'.ic :::-i: ^ n an avcrr^; cf 1'- . prciui-ion from Uie riiiklle of Dc^m- bcr until the midiilc of Maruh. lie ^!so Lat'--3 llul lie has received the !arr,--t pru- ducticn of ccZ5 hr h^3 ever h?A -!nri.-is tlie f.ve'.vc niuntlu he ho ucen uina Royal Purple !.J> i.iA Meal, and '.hat it teeps h'-~ ^c J'try brtUUiy Juiinu t!ic entire sr^w.n. If your dealer cannot supp'y you we w.ll be p^-jru '.o ij-jcl: you 3 price, frc:cht paid to your station. ...... -~. . Tr_ 1't \Ve are ^o'.e VI?JLITii 'formerly Lnc-.vn as Vitaiito^ ^^^^ for lius wonder f;:l -Airc-l.llcd piodiu t ,:K.d for windows in poultry houses, barns, aun-rooins. etc. It I, is through iv.e ulti.i-violct. growth rays from the sun that will not pu throuj^i ortiinary t;luu. V.'rile fcr dcacripuve circular. Wc Wl ' ! ^" c '" IJ " l 1 '"- 136 ^ to Kn(1 >* ou one f our -2-pnac boots with illustrations in colour, describing the common disease* of Stock nnd Poultry with particulars of the Royal Purple remedies for each, and details of all the different lines of feed we manufacture. It deals with 186 subjects of vital interest to every farmer and poultryman. 10 THE W. A. JENKINS MFG. CO. LTD., LONDON, ONT. CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS A WONDERFUL ASSSORTMENT AT SPECIAL PRICES JL. . FOWL The Markdale Creamery & Produce Co., through its method of killing poultry and producing- choice birds, has esablished the 1 best maket for your poultry. \Vc have paid even more money for poultry than you can realize in Toronto, plus your shipping and hrinkage expense. To insure you a furthpr good market for the baance of the poultry season, \ve have placed a truck in Toronto in case of bad roads, to help to dispose of the poultry at the highest possible market price, which we always have obtained in our way ot" marketing. To realize the top market price your poultry must oc starved and in first-class shape. For best, results market your poultry with us. \Ye also buy raw Furs -. , . Markdale Creamery & Produce Co. MARKDALE, ONT. - Phone 66w Single Handkerchiefs priced from 5 cents to one dollar each. I i Handkerchiefs in Fancy Boxes PRICED FROM 25c TO $1.00 EACH The latest novelties speciallv imported from the best Irish a'ml Swiss are represented and include Fancy Crepes. Crepe de Chine, Silk. Fine Lawns' ami Pure Linen. The Fancy Moxe's include a big range of novel shapes and are all attractively colored with artistic designs. Manv people are making their selections now while the assortment is at its best. HAXDKKRCliiEKS ARE APPROPRI.Vl E AND ACCEPTABLE GIFTS AT ANY TIME, I5LT MORE ESPECIALLY AT CHRISTMAS. : .- F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO

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