Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Jan 1932, p. 1

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Vol. 51, No. 33 Flesherton, Ontario, 13 January , 1932 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors ' FEVERSHAM A goodly number of friends and old neighbors attended the funeral of the late Lawrence Hawton from his par- ents home in Nottawasaga township to the United cemetery, near Colling- wood on Wednesday last. Lawrence's people were natives of Osprey town- ship and moved to their present hom t only a few years ago. Lawrence was born near here. His father, Mr. Samuel Hawton, owned a farm about a mile north of this village on the 10th line and bought his present farm on the 6th line of Nottawasaga town- ship. Much sympathy i-3 expressed for the bereaved family in having their son's bright young life -snuffed out by the shooting accident last week. Another sad accident happened to the son of one of our Osprey families, by the drowning of Eldie Benson at Redwing, 10 miles north of here, while helping to take some planks out of the spillway of the Dam he fell off and was drowned in the flood which drives Mr. Benson waters of the stream the mill at Redwing. was the son of Mr. William Benson, who lives a mile west of this village on tho ei?hth line. Besides his father, brothers and sister, he leaves to mourn his demise, a young wife and one daughter. PRICEVILLE BORN On Monday, January 4th, 1932, at Brighton, Ont., to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wilson, a son, Donald Edward. Mrs. Buckham of Toronto visited friends here. The annual school meeting was held Wednesday of last week when con- siderable business wa-s transacted. The trustees are: Wm. Burnett, John Nichol' and Harold Karstedt. Mr. Allan McLean was re-elected as care- taker and Mr. W. W. Ramage war appointed as delegate to the O.E.A convention to be held at Toronto in Easter week. Friends gathered at the home of Mr. and MPS. Wm. Mead-3 on Monday night to spend a pleasant evening and to bid farewtll to Mr. and Mrs Jas. Turner and family prior to theii departure from our midst. Tht evening was pleasantly spent in card playing, dancing, music and sociaJ chat. At an appropriate hour Mr and Mrs. Turner and Robert were re- quested to come forward, when Mr Jos. Whyte read p. complimentary address and the presentation of a lovely bed couch was made to them and to Mr. Robt. Turner a club bag. Mr. Turner replied in a few well- chosen words, thanking them kindly and invited all to visit them in their Mr. William Osborne, Sr., attended | new nome at Laurel. The Onward Y. P. Club .also honored the family. Mr. Wilbert Burnett read an address the funeral of the late Mrs. Robert Burke of Toronto. The funeral took place on Monday to the Collingwood cemetery, where her father, mother and sister, Lottia, are laid. Mr. and Mrs. Will Colquette ann two children motored over from Owen Sound and visited with fritr.ds here oxer the week end. Miss Queenie Kaittinir of Owen Sornd spent the week end with friends here. While walking donn ts church OP Sunday afternoon, Mr. H. Coulthard, slipped on some ice, falling and break- ing his arm. KIMBERLEY The annual school report for the east half of Euphrasia is given by Mr. S. S. Burritt, school attendance oiiicer. School section No. g, 91.- 94%; No. 3, Jnr. room, 94.49 ','<; Sni. room, 82.1 r /i; Union No. 5, 96.29'.i ; Union No. 1, Art. and Eup., east, 88. 3 r ' f ; No. 6, 93.837r; No. 7, 94.47 %; No. 6, 94.15%; No. 13, reported only 3 months, 94.37r'r ; No. 21, 91% ; Union No. 20, 91.61 r /c\ No. 16, 96. 38^; Union No. 4, ( Heathcote only reported 6 months) Sr. room 95.54%, Jr. room, 95.43%; for the year 1931 93%. No. of pupils on the roll be- tween the ages of 8 and 14, 142. Total enrollment 246. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. W. T. Ellis for reports and election of officers, Ausland presiding. Rev. S. Mc- The auditor's VICTORIA CORNERS Ernie Stinson and Carl Atkinson spent a few days in Toronto recently Mr. and Mrs. Ott. Lee spent last week at the later's home at Shrigley. Mrs. Jas. Robinson is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Robert Robinson of Bethel. The Y. P. S. held their weekly meeting at the home of Chas. Moore on Friday evening, it having been decided earlier to meet in the homes this winter. 1 The ladies of the W. M. S. held' 8 isted of a their annual meetine at the honnj of Chas. Moore's on Thursday afternoon New officers are: Pre . Mr-. Chas. Moore; V:ce-Prs.. Mrs. W. Acheron; Rec. See., Mrs. Carl AUir.son; Cor Sec., Mrs. Milton Bannnn; Treas., Mrs Acheson; strangers Sec.. Mrs. Ren. Acheson; Tempe-s ve, Mrs. Stevens: Organist. Mi 1 '. Walter Nichol. On Monday evening the annual meeting of Inistioge congregation met at the church. New Stewards ap- pointed were: Russcl Patterson and Robert Lee. It was decided that r.'t will celebrate our diamond jubilee p? this is the 60th year for Inistioge church. TORONTO LINE NORTH On Monday evening the members of L.O.L. and their families held a social evening at the Orange hall. A few very pleasant hours were spent in dancing and card playing, a lunch- eon of cake and sandwiches was pre- pared by the ladies. Mr. Robert Richardson visited in Toronto the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woods and fam- ily of Markdale spent Sunday at the home of T. Lever. Mrs. Albert Stev.-art spent a few days with friends at Kimberley. Sorry to learn that Mrs. G. Prit- chard fe not improving any in health. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Benson and fam- ily wish to thank their friends for sympathy extended to thorn in the loss of their son and brother, for floral tributes, ^specialty Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hewgill and family ot Redwing. The want ads ere one of the most practical and most interesting de- partments of The Advance. They will turn many kinds of used goods into ready money, anil exchange goods of on behalf of the Club and Miss Batricc Watters and Mr. Charlie Aid- corn presented Miss Margaret with a lovely necklace, Ivan a fountain pen and to R. J. military brushes. R. J. replied and thanked the Club for their kindness as the gifts would be long remembrances of their many friends in the Clull Lunch was Served at midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Turner and family and Mr. Robert Turner left Thursday afternoon for their new home. The beat wishes from ftieir many friends follow them [ as they will be greatly missed in the community. The funeral of the late Clovcrdaie Patterson was held on Wednesdav afternoon in St. Columba church and was largely attended. Rev. W. H. Bartlett, assisted by Rev. Mills ot Markdale, gave a comforting message to the sorrowing friends and relat- ives. The pallbearers were Messrs. Edwin Fowler, Edgar Patterson, Wil- fred Campbell. Henry Beaton. Wm Beaton and Aubrey Foster. Messrs. I Donald Campbell and Ed. Sullivan were the flower bearers, which con- [ of roses from the I children and one from friends and neighbors Friends from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Foster and son, Clare, and Mrs. Norwood of Markdale, Messrs. Moody and Stanley Paxraan of Dun- dalk, Mr. Edwin Fowler of Mulock The deepest sympathy is extended to the parents, sisters and children, who are so sorely bereaved. Interment took place in the McNeill cemetpry. Rev. Brown, M..A.. B.D., of Sask- atoon, Moderator of the Geenral As- sembly cf Canada, gave a fine address in the Presbyterian church here on Tuesday afternoon last, on "Preoby- terianism and the Churches as a Whole." There was a large crowd present and Mr. Brown proved to be a iplcr.dicJ speaker. ,Rev. '0. T. Miller of Markdale was also present and Rev. Brown accompanied him home as he was to address the Mark- dale congregation that evening. He ?avc Mr. John L. McKinnon g-eat praise ifor the splendid work he has done in Saskatoon. Mr. McKinnon is a professor in the University there. These who were absent from the meeting missed a great deal by not hearing this fine speaker. report received, showed amount rais- ed $273.12; amount on hand $70.12. Officers for 1932: Pres., Mrs. F. J. Weber; Vice-Pres., Mrs. R. Chard; Sec., Mrc. Saul; Treas., Mrs. B. A. Carruthers; Committees as last year. They decided to drop the bazaar for this year, but will continue work on aprons and articles for sale. $7C was voted on minister's salary. Mrs. W. Trimble visited with hei covoin on Friday, also Mr. J. T. Abei- crombie of Markdale. Mr. S. Osborne, who has been ill for some weeks, passed away eariy Monday morning. We regret very- much his passing. He was a good business man and wa-3 always kind and obliging. He will be very much missed. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife and one daughter. Mrs. (Dr.) Roszelle, af Caledonia and an adoptee dar^ht^r, Mrs. Jas. McFadgeon. ol Stayner. Interment will take plac< in F!c-:hcrton. \Vcdnesday afterr.oor. Services at the home and in St. John's United church, Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Myres visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Grieve's on Sunday CEYLON Mrs. Will. McFadden of Orange Valley spent a day of past week with her cousin, Miss M. Cook. BORN On January 7th, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Plester,- the gut o a son. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall spent a couple of days the past week in To- rnnto. Mrs. Jack Gibson left on Saturday to spend the wee'.; end with her hus- band in Toronto. Mrs. Cecil Archibald of Proton Sta- tion spent the week end with her par- ents and two sons here. The Young people have resumed their weekly meetings for the new year and will meet in the church at 8 p.m. every Saturday night, when it is hoped, all will be present. The congregational meeting, which was to have been held on Friday, Jan- uary 8th, has postponed for one week and will be held on January 15th, ai. 7.30 p.m. in the evening, at the church, when everyone is requested to be pres- ent. The pastor. Rev. Mr. Scott, took for his text on Sabbath afternoon "I thought on my ways and turned my feet unto thy testimonies", giving splcr.did discourse. The Sabbath school had an attendance of scholars and officers of 52 and we stiil have ream for many more, to whom a hea;- ty welcome is extended. Mr. Clarence Marshall spent Mon- day at Chatsworth. Mrs. W. Flynn and two daughter- Annie and Lilly, are visiting her par- ents near Swinton Park. Mrs. Jas. Patteson, who ha.? bee" visions Mrs. Kn3>: and Mrs. Haw for a week has returned to Toronto. In the budget intended for Dec. 30. Mrs. Alex. Carson and Benin are a " d which was ,. in last weeks . paper ' visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Wilson at Brighton and also her daughters in Toronto. Mr. Innis McLean of Toronto is holidaying at his home. Mr. David Hincks returned home Tuesday evening, after visiting with friends in Toronto and Guelnh. Mrs. Earl Seismer (nee Wills Mc- Ouaig) of Walkertnn snent a few dav<! visitinp- her sisters and hrothers. Mr. and Mr*. Archie McCuaisr nf Top Clifif Minted the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hincks. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbor-! fry their rrany acts of kirH- T.C3S shovn us in o'ir recent trouble. all Ui-f -.. And they will keep you] informed about opportunities ami i bargains of all kinds. M-.\ and Mrs. John Fpnw-rk Send The Advance to a friend. EUGENIA KOCK MILLS "Yes, write it 1932, but ye editor didn't for he dated his paper, January 6, 1931, last week, after telling us to write it 1932." We are wondering if Sir Winter has really come to stay this time, er not. We hope so, and desire a little more snow for good sleighing. A shower was held at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McSCullen, East Mountain, in honor af their son, Gor- don, who was recently married to Miss Alma Lever of' FleshertoTi. We ex- tend our heartiest congratulations to the young couple. Mr. Peter Sherwood of Toronto vis- ited over the week end with his broth- er, Mr. Joseph Sherwood. A dance was held in the L.O.L. hall last Friday evening. A large crowd j was in attendance and a very plea-3an; time was spent. Messrs. Jos. and Peter Sherwood and John Mapee visited with the for- mer's sister, Mrs. Wilson of Durham on Satrrday. Mrs. Wi!-son has been very iil and we are pleased to report her recovering nkely. Miss Patricia Morgan was home from Toronto normal school over the week end. Mr. Will Magee,son, Percy, anci daughter, Ila. also Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mageo attended the funeral of the late, Mr. Eldie Benson, on Friday afternoon last. Mr. Benson was the victim ol the drowning accident at Redwing dam last Wednesday. Service was held at the home of Mr. Albert Hew- gill, .from where the remains were taken to Thornbury cemetery. Rev. Osborne ol' St. Paul's Presbyterian church, Thornbury, officiated. The deceased, who was a son of Mr. Will Benson of Fevcrsharc, was in his 27th year. He was a member of the Fever- sham L. O. L. Xo. 1085. An Orange service wj conducted at the grav e and six of the brethren were pallbear- ers. The floral tributes were manj and beautiful, expressing sympathy to the bsreaved and love for the deceased. These were: Pillow from wife; spray, Benson family; wreath, 1 Glenn family; spray, Mr. and Mrs. j Chas. Turner; cress, uncle Will and aunt Maggie Magec and family; wreaths, L.O.L. No. 1085, Redwing Ladie's Aid, Mill Creek Women's In- stitute, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hewgili, M:-. Geo. Zenner. Mr. Benson leaves to mourn him, a L cloved wife, who wa3 formerly Miss Dora Glenn, only daughter of Me. and Mrs. Theodore Glenn and a litle son. We extend our sympathy to those left in sad bereavement. We are very sorry to report Mrs Tucker Phillips very low at present. The Baptist Ladxa' Aid will meet o a Wednesday, January 20th, at the home of Mrs. Dick Clark. Master Lav.rence Phillips has been laid up the past week with a very sora foot, having cut it with an axe. It was necessary to have several ;titches put in to close the wound. We trust Lawrence will soon be better ana able to return to school again. The January meeting of Unity U. F. W. 0. was held at the home of Mrs. G. Mag-ee on Wednesday last. with a fair attendance. The report of the annual convention held in To- ronto was given by the delegate, Mrs. W. Magee and was a splendid one. A contest was put on and won by Mabel Betts. At the close of the meeting the hostess served dainty refreshments. Miss Dorothy Foster is visiting friends in Toronto. The young '."oik around here have been having great pleasure on the opsn air skating rink, quite a number attending some evenings. Mr. and Mrs. A. Blackburn an-' daughter, Mabel, and Mrs. J. Thomp- son visited the first of the week with friends in Collingwood. Mrs. Sharpe of Toronto and Mrs. Deitz of Cleveland are at the bedside of their mother. Mrs. Tucker Phillips who is seriously ill. MAXWELL The United church held their annual meeting and oyster supper on Friday evening of last week with a good at- tendance. After the supper the bus- iness meeting was held and officer? for the following year were appointed. Mrs. Robt. Priestley is visiting hei friend, Mrs. John Langdon, at Dun- dalk. The L. O. L. will hold a dance on Friday evening, January 15. Miss Florence Stevenson of Mc- Intyre visited with her sister, Mrs. R. J. Morrison this week. The annual meeting of the Osprey Agricultural society will be held in the Orange hall, Feversham, on Tues- day, January 19th at 2 o'clock p.m. All members are requested to be present. Geo. McDonald, Pres.; Geo W. Ross, Sec. Although aqnitted on a charge of keeping a common gambling house. OIlie ."( 'ir.son, Oakville. was fined $10 by Judee Munro for having a punch board in his possession. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN MEMORIAM IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES C. NEILSON. DECEASED. TAKE XOTICE that all persons having claims against the estate of J .Tries C. Neilson, late of the Town- ship of Artemesia, in the County of Grey. Farmer, deceased, who died on the Twenty-third day of February. 19.31, must file same with the under-' signed on or before the Tenth day of February. 1932. F. 0. MACKAY, Barrister Owen Sound, Ont. Solicitor for IN MEMORIAM MACPHAIL, In loving memory of Dougald Macphail, who departed this life January 17th, 1929, aged sixty years. His vivid spirit lives on. Wisfo and Daughters. Read The Advance regularly. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having any claims or demands against the Eatate of FLORA CAMPBELL, late of the Township of Osprey, County of Grey, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of November, A.D. 1931, are required to forward their claims duly proved to the undersign- ed Solicitor of the Executor on or before the 30th day of January, 1932. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after such mentioned date the Executor will proceed to distribute the money amongst the parties entitl- ed thereto, having regard only to such claims as they will then have notice of. Dated at Collingwood this 23rd day of December, 1931. MALCOLM MoLEAX. Collingwood. Ont. Solicitor for the Estate. BATES BURIAL CO'Y. DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR FUNERAL > CHAPEL 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Niht or Day KL 4344 J. W. DATES Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS Le CARD Memory's loving trib- ute to our beloved mother. Christena Lc Card, who passed peacefully away, January 12th, 1923. We seem to see in the soft dim light A face we loved the best, And we think a! her when the sun's last ray.., Go down in the far-off west. We miss her no less as the time passes on, For absence can never close the doo: of cur hearts, And the lamp of our love is still glov.-ing. Hei- heart v.-as the truest in all thr ; wide world, Her love tho best to recall; For no one on earth could take her pla:e, She is still the dearest of all. Sadly missed, Meda and Alia::. Proton town-ship paid out $609 for sheep claims last year. Chopping Prices Changed - TO - 7c per Bag This price is for cash only Flesheiioo Planing & Chopping Mills Flesherton, Ont. the item extending 1 congratulations to Master Lloyd Vause, for winning 2n prize in township of Artemesia, at the public school fair, the word, Vausc, i was omitted and there being othei j boys by the name of Lloyd in thatj neighborhood, readers at a distance ) would not know who was meant, we correct it this week. 15c LB. 2 LBS. 25c Mince Meat SIGNIFICANT SEVEN William of Orange had seven let- N>rs in his name, had alliances against Frar.re with reven 'countries, Vi- ; *M'ited t-> Knelnnf' bv seven conspir- >*". !"--iv<><! *t Kvetor nn the "C T - ith r> f November, brought about ?ev- 1 , ,'.-* *.- ,,-.,} there rxre seven letter:-; n Holland whence he came, in Ire- lard where he foiight. in Britain which he defended, in liberty n-hv'h : lard & Shortening 2 LBS 23c V rrpterved. and he maintained. in freedom which Figs 3 Ibs. 25c Honey LARGE FAIL 69* Ken Kennedy's For G cceries ME WfcAR Overalls ........................ T '^ ' Men's Socks .................. , ... ?5<. v Work Shirts ...................... f .:?< Underwear, ................ spsc . ' ^-'c " SPECIAL PRICES ON \VL\ ; T! OVERCOATS Tomatoes 3 TINS 25c 3 TINS 25c REAL GOOD TEH 35c LB. 3 Ibs. $1.00 Caking Onions NO 1 10 IBS. 25c ,

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