s ONE-SCOUTS Th Valu f Scout Train4ng u is recorded that the first place * mon * 25 Competitors for 20 appro* ticeships In the Royal Air Force was wol , by a 13 . yearK) i d S( . ollt wllo i a a A few weeks ago I told you about "Buy British" canii ';" of tho Kmplre the Scholarship Opportunities which Marketing Board, are being offered by the Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild sponsored by the Fisher Ilody Corporation division of General Motors. This week we publish a picture of Patro , Leader , ft Tro()1 , , a Coventry> two Toronto Scouts of the 3Sth Tor- j,;,,gi atl( i onto Troop, who are out to win one of '_ We ,^ pe Uiat Lonc Scoute are tak . the prizes, of which there Is a total , ng , a(lva . ntage ot the opportunity ' value of $75.000. These two boys are which u , the , r handl| of |na ,. lllB full koen at work on their model of the use of thelr goout 1 . roK ,. amme whioh BUte Coach of tho Kmperor Napoleon ,, of Mlch ilss | stan , e , ,, 1Pm , n tUe of France, In tho showroom window aev( .i ,, mellt o , t i ieir faculties, both of Messrs. Breay-N'ash, Ltd., of Bay menta i ttll( j physical Street, Toronto. | Am , n()W rc;ld the f()11 ,, wil ,,, ,, ai . a . I hope that sonic Lono Scouts are ., r .,.,|, . ent-ring this competition and taking " ' where Deaf and B(ind Pajr Off advantage of th- unique opportunities Hlim , boys and doaf buys pail . off for that it affords. If you have not al- the , est work , n the ScolU Troop at ready done so you can enrol in the the Vancouver School for tha Blind competition and obtaln^fuU particulars] and Uear The b ,, nd ,, oys act ;u ,. ear3 for two" and the deaf Scouts are "eyes." Surprisingly good work is by applying to any General Motors dealer In your neighborhood. Free Fishing For Scouts 1'r. fishiiiK prhilez.'s iu Big \Vliif- flab Lake, surrounding Mystery Island, have l>. -! n urantf-U by ' '! Hon. Hector I.afi'i>. Mini t-T of 1- i.-heii.--, fur Quo- done. Scout games are played, and the boys have greatly benefltted in mental outlook. ICven tho physically handii apin-d boys make KOCH! use of th! Scout I'ro- Latest Addition to Chicago Police Dept. . n s police speed lur ouglit to slow up the activities of Ciik-aao .-.t'jr.--. It has bulletproof radiator screen, stiatter-proof glass, revolvers Iu dash compartments, carries hand grenades, tear gas guns, machine gun, rifles and sawed-off -shot guns. A Little Garden liaside a runnel build my rtaed, \VJh stubbles cover'd o'er; Let broad oaks o'er its chimney spread, And rass-plots grace tho door. Croydon-Cape Town Air Service Now In Operation A little garden, not too line, Inclose with painted pales; And woodbines > round the twrine, Pin to the wall with nails. cot to C'roydon. Kng. Ou January 20th the 38-passenger airliner Helena took off from the airdrome here oil the first stage of the regular weekly 6000-mile air service between Eng- land and Cape Town. It was just a year Silver Lining BY HECK. Here is a little sidelight on the sup- posed lack of money in Canada: ''In one day the Sun Life wrote $8,300,000 of application and in one week -5 '.-,- 000,000 of business." This happened last week and as insurance companies do not accept payment in vegetables Jack Canuck must have produced the i CASH. Saskatchewan butter production in : 1931 exceeded by 2,000,000 Ibs the ! previous high mark, set in 19'Jrj. The j figures given ars 18,900,352 Ibs. | Northern Alberta Dairy Po' have, repaid the government nearly $20. 000 1 and declared a bonus of nearly: I $14,000. Toronto General Printing Ink of j j N.'w York have completed negotia-j j tiona for the establishment of a plant! j in Toronto to manufacture ink at !TO; John St. Sir John Aird, president of the Can- adian Bank of Commerce, stated at the annual meeting of the bank that: "Canada seems to be moving steadily,' though slowly, toward economic im-j provement and recovery." Increased production in shoe maaa-l fading in Canada (over half million' pairs), according to Louis 0. Brti- thaut, recognized shoe business auth-t ority, shows general improvement in business conditions. Boston. Ten carloads of Canadian turkeys were sold to the trade ir. Bos-j ton on January llth, 1932- Exchange) GINGER ALE SALAD i DISSOLVE 'GELATINE ADO ING WATER. LINGER ALE IEMON JUICE SUGAH COOL then ADO CHOPPED CELERY *$ CHOPPED APPLES DICED PINEAPPLE CRYSTALLIZED GINGER 1 PuriNMOiDS TO 5r- SERVE ON LETTUCE LEAVES AMD SLICED TOMATOES GINGER ALE SALAD The Chef has received a great many situation on the Canadian dollar al- letters, also many suggestions as to most overcomes the American duty o.n appropriate name for this new ide* in these goods. ago that the Dominion Government cooking, but so far uone have been ac- statistiCo'c^P'ed- A twenty-three piece set of as Kisumu on Lake Victoria central Let hazels grow, and spindling sedge. Africa. It has required another year's steady preparation to reach the pre- wood- s ,_,, n t stage of complete London-Cape first stage was Inaugurated as far claim that cheap, low grade woollens Bend bowering over-hoad; Dig old man's beard from land hedge, To twine a summer shad-;; previously imported in great quanti dishes will be given to the reader who suggests a snappy title. Some of tin Town service. ties from Great Britain and the Con-' aam 3 which llave l)t?en received tinent are being produced here in were: The Sketch Cook, Visible Vic- Canada now, in satisfactory qualities 'J^ Eye - D , ea , 1 . Cook ' Loofe and Cook> and prices. Kor the first few flights, only mails j London.-The K. G. Dun Cigar Co., and officials! will be carried. Liners Beside the threshold sods provide. And build a summer seat; riant sweet-briar bushm by it* side, j,, B changed over to a flying boat at ' ] '"* ,''",! \ ,, ft i\ i-.ll-nru u 11- n A * L8II I I II I which established a Canadian factory . - ! leave Croydon every Wednesday here recentl have secured addlt ioiial and roach Cairo the third day, har- , floor space am , have increased thcir b*c. ' .".cssary d.ir Kramiii.- \ou si-u, and iu Toronto, the Lono Sic-outs of other 1'ro- Robert Louis Stevenson Troop, attach- Scout or vine i s to purchase Qm Licem wlii-n % i-ltini; land A Flag From the London Cenotaph oc Fishini; od to the Hospital for Sick ( hiltlrun, Is Mys'i'iy is- flourishing, with the majority of its members in bed. Some of thorn, how- lever, havo been out in tha II<>*pit;i'. And flowers that blossom sweet. - John Claro I'ooms Cheap Water Route Opened in Malaya I'onang, Straits Soi.t'.nmi'iits A new development for cheap trana port In of a water-borne trallic, originally n tho .So|.uii;or Itivor and Tort BrindIM for the trip over the Medi- terranean. . l-'rom Cairo to Khartoum the jour- ney is to be continued by land plane with another change to flying boat up to men. ; , Woodstock, Ont Wood Mosaic Cu.. Irc ' of . Ky., have purchas- ed the Canada Furniture plant hore to manufacture mostic floorings, ven- iheTiie"to"Jubrw : hlch'irreadh-i <*" and Rothic oak for '"^rior work, od on tho sixth day. Then Into a j Gold Dominion Bureau of Static- land plane again in Nairobi In I l ' cs show a total production of -,<>7 > .i.- Malaya is tho establishment ^i. Mboya In Tanganyika, Salts bur. In Bonthern Rhodesia Johan. ; -h ouncw of gold at a value of $o, J94.892, placmg Canada as second Cook's Art Gallery. Special Offer Se-nu twvuty-five cents and you wili receive six illustrated cooking recipe* as above. Address THE CHEF. ::: Adelaide Street West. TorouU .3. A Day Well Spent January loth, itJoO. In the morn- ing I went up to Mr. Crew's, and at his bedside he gave me direction t | go tomorrow with Mr Edward t> One of the signal !i'iiio>:n ronf'M-rcd grounds in wheel chairs i > pass theli Kwcttcnliain, l>ut now spreading mucli m* HfUVtKVn wifcM ui- *^ut>aiu nesburg In the Transvaal, and final- , largest gold producing country :n the Twicker . hami aiul likewise did talk ly Cape Town on the eleventh day. : "Olid, com-orm,,^ thin of star*- upon th Canadian Scout contingent at .S-n.nd Class Cooking T.- farther south. .Malayan Water It is hoped to reduce this figure to th last world Scout gathering in Eng- When wo road such tilings as Ihe Transport Company Is the name of ... lim , d land was the procuration of a large 'above, doesn't It make us fi'd that we, the new venture. vblte ensign that had flown from the who enjoy good health and the full use Already produce from :i4 c<imp C. ; n(i';iph In \Vlil'"!::il!. Tin- lt:i< ii.iw'of all our senses, >linul,| HM- iheni tn ha an honouro.l ])! a . at Dominion ' the fullcHt d<>grc>o to benelil oiir-clvc-s Scout Headquarter . on iua Summer Camp, 1932 UNO Lone Scout h:n already -.nt in 1m application to a'li-nd tho Summer Camp which we ;uo planning for this year. \VI1 yon bo there too S'urt th.it ('.imp Fund riglr. now! Scouts Thanked in Parliament whilst wo can do so? If a hoy can ho a keen Smut undor such dilhViililus, how much greater Is your obligation to carry out your Scout I'mmi-o to tho I t tor? I "Luiiu K" will he glad to hoar from i boys between 12 and 18 years of ago j who cannot join a regular Troop of Scouts and who wish to bo onrollod as anias U handled liy IliU concern, and the trallir carried i month. Tho now Increasing entcrpriso each has , ._ things of state; and United States Government will sup- expressed hi* mind how just it was nine when more experience has been port Industrie, through a Finance' th at the secluded members shcwld Csrporation. to the extent of $:>00.- 1 come to sit again. . '. . From thence to my office, where nothing to do; but Mr. Downing he Canadian debentures. A yield of came and found me all alone; nnd did proved singularly apt at a limo when the plantation industry is luaiuiiu tho ksson of economy, aiul the work started may load to a largo M-alo ro- vival of commorro up.>n Malayan tvatera. Thf Hoy Hi-out ol' Kiigland were | Lone Scouta. Write to tlio Loin. Scout Paris Raises Dog Taxes thanked In the Houae ot Common* by j Department Boy Scout-, A*soclatlou,| purls Tno Municipal Council of tlio So i rotary loi tlu Dominions, the!;i30 Bay Street, Toronto L'. and ask for p ar i s w |,ich. liko most other cities iu lion. J. II. '1 In. n. i., for valuable Her- . full particulars, which will lio gladly \in--t ii-nili'i-od in coiiii.-cilon with the' Belli to you "Lono K ' lly The Elfin Valley rock i>"ol dai'l. and i-i con Is, liov No In..) ll)W sweet, panting feet, ironlurn stirs, oxi -i-pt ihe hme., That Homotlmo.i glide along the air I.lkn <-hlldroii down a .shallow Htalr. Ond nothing slrivo-i or grlitva*. Tin; Jong forimlrip r'roincvory liuiid i!ro< n p round and polished lies he pond, A mirror for the stooping moon. Above, thn full ll .iirali;M and wlilto, A .-omi't In a miliry night, Among tho loavi-,1 of JIIIID. All spellbound In Hie drowsy glonin, (iray Inuved whlio iloworod, Uho mul- leins bloom; And If a swallow Hinldonly Should rut thn poni with ono sharp wing, Or If a thru-ill rono- Itera '" slni?. || i-ins prodigy. A lone green vallny, KIMII! for sheep, Whore Htlll tlui ain-lont fulrlos kop Their right of way nnd copyhold the world al |ir-<ent t finds iiself undor 'liiil ymir lfu uiv<- ion particu- lar lit-, IHM auso you came lioma at II o'clock tho otluir morning'.'" "No, sho didn't say a word. It'* too Hour lioi blrtbdav " Popularity of Chocolate Dates Back to Cortez Whim stout Cortez ;! his little ..i ni) Into tha Valley of Moxlco 400 yours ago ho dlscovmoit a MOW omplro and u now food, chm-olaln. Ills his lorliin reports that tho A/.iocs used tho cacno IHMII, from whlrh rhocoUUe is the noro-.-iiiy of raising morn taxos next yt-ar. has dociilod to double the (H)st of licenses for dots anil llo one I ran possess n dog in 1'arU without a license. With true l-'n-iii h logic Iho as~o>.-,- ; in-ill has bt>en based on tho degree to which the dog Is either a luxury or a 1 necessity. Thus, more pots cost 40 francs (fl.&O) by way of tax. Licenses for hunting dogs, however, only cost half that, ami owners of watch dogs pay no morn than 15 francs. Beginning Jan. 1. dogs worn divided into only two classes -pets and hunt- Ing dogs, whoso owner* will lie charged 80 francs a year, and watch dogs, on which Iho tax will be 30 francs. These taxes are expected to not thn municipal government about {40.000. Dogs which are Iho companions of the blind or war maimed will bo exempt from any lax, as they always havo boon. The Imperial Airways has ordered 000,000 and anothei $1,500,000,000 a new fleet of fast monoplane air- ! will be rais4.nl in debentures, liners for this service. They are to havo a maximum spqad of 150 miles j 5% ^ cent _ for investors is ' offerej ! mcntior to T>ie his going back into speed of 1_0 |,y the Province of New Brunswick on' Holland, and did ask me whether I tota,,,,,: 111 !::':;; SSAfS^ dcbe " tur " itin(f to K.*****-*** *> < - ; ^ me ^ gln M aro to l,o sniK-rcharged to en- Windsor Building permits which encouragement, but bid IVHS consider ah!o them t operate at full power ' -niounted to only $11,915 for all O f | of it ; and asked me whether I did not ,, 1,^1, .,ltitiulos September, 1931, jumptxi to $i)7,7U3] thlnk th a' Mr - Hawly could perform I IB fare is jc'iso and letters for for November. Total employment the work of my office alone or no. 1 the wholo distance cost a shilling a comparis,ni tables show that unem-, c""^ I ' as at a great loss, all the half ounco. and pan-els eight shlll- ! Payment had de<-rea.sed by MS durins' / "*.'. to bethink myself how to lns a pound to 11 pounds. U ' e month of November. carry this business At noon, i 'oincidi'iitally with opening the now service it is rrvra'.od th;it a - .v..,, -,v....-,^.., -secret military living boat, the lar- to detectives, who exjH^t to recove ,; ^l*>ury lourt. and there we set I . . (lf\*rv a ,l 11* A *-an^ * ,x 4h A **L gi-st lii the world, is neiirlng com- plot ion at UoclnMtcr. Fewer Youths Working On Britain's Farms i There ha* been u falling of Chicugo.-Thugs surrender *:,".(W '. ' th l al i, ca " 1 , e 7** " le d "*>* of loot secured in Lincoln, Nebraska. 1 "'^ Mr ; M:l >- ;ll ' a I'.v coaoh as far a* the rest of the plunder. i own anU we went to the Clerks - _ ... , ., i where we came a little too lat, tut Peaces-British, French and Amen-; in a clowt we had a verv ^ dinuer can ambawtdon confer on pact to by Mr . Pinkney . s oour t e ; y , an d after prevent war, or at least to prevort d nni . f wo mu u ^ sin ^ conflagration from Manchurian situation. and om. Hazard, san alom. aftelhe o.d fashion, which was very much At Urn tnumb .tud out, attending classes In farming and allied subjects ha, incroasod. Those facts havo been discovered by meaiia of a qucHtlamialro clrou " P Hill, both the M Europe _ Smith. Harrison, Morrice. that .. ' n<lustna ' the bass - She P le >' and l - ni1 the ' tls Country." sang all sorts of thing, and I ventured Nl ' w Toronto. -The Goodyear Tiro w >th Rwd success up- n things at first alul Kul)bt>r I'ompany's plant at New sight; and after that I played on n>jr - lated among agricultural wages com- Torollto went illto a -'-hour per day flagvlot, and staid there till ' mitU'oa nnd farmers' organizations. Sincu 1929 there haa been an In- rioanod nuiiilior of day studonta In agricultural courses from 3208 to L'21'5, in ovenlng classea from 7204 to S076, nnd in manual processes ' operate hero shortly. nine operation on January 7th o'clock, very merry and drawn on with Montagny, Que. A real and arti- on * SO " K after anothe - ti'l >t canw to Ik-iiil silk industry is to locate here, j ^ * lalc - Uranby, Que.-A ribbon factory/ Af ff that ?2Ss. 1 KE5 '" d which will turn out silk goods is to '"T ! *" T?' ,1^? r. tmlnrter on toot, aiul at the lioiu-en Lion, near us plowing, hodge laying, I k -:, .,, ,, . T - - ' K . itdH ""- ^xirioh lire and Ho- Charing Cross, we went in. And All night with mullein torches. Fur ( imido, very Rttnnrully. They madft a Within HID atrnum. ft ilroamlng (Ian laid a i-i-oM of gold Mary Wolili, In "I'ooms nnd the Sprlnn of Joy." More Machinery Used In British Coalfields Sholtlold, Kiu- StatlsllcJ of tlui Yorkhlre r(al Iradn IsHiiod In NOT- mi bur Hln i w that In this district the u. 'ia of in.ii ii'ii' -.- In Incrnoslng. The iiiiinhnr of coal-rutting muoblnos In use during 1!)30 rose by 3 per cent., nnd the amount of mechanically out coal by nearly 9 per rent. The out put of coal por Mhlft \-r IIOI-MOII ulso lUhtly liicnvi'.i-ii A Hlmllar toiuli-tn > inward ' inoro nxlond"d . M'I.I.I 'i. of nmrhlnnry ID the coal trade <-i\n nUo be notetl In Scotland and In I In* north wowtorn division of Knglund. In Hootliind the piirconlimii <>f niacliliin cut coal was 06, wblln In blin northwestern division It Incroimoil ilnrlnn from 30 to 35. delicious beverage from c liocoiuto, und It is reported that thn M niie/iiina would drink no other. Th Spaniards trie! to Keep Iholr rhni -nlaiu reclpu from tho rest of ihe wiirlil, hut without success. Soon th* wnalthy In Franco, Kngland anil other Kuriipi'an cnniilrlivi wuro havini- choc- oliilii IM'I > day. Knur hiiiulivi! , .vim' iliiiiKd has mil ilrcreiised lint popularity of tills i, .ml ami North America now lni|x>rt* Mi'oal iiinintllliM of cacno hiians nvory yeai GOOD TEMPER (iooil to.ni|H<r Is fruitful In happy fanclon, In fair vistas, In hopes nnd plant of pleas u iv. t!<x>d temper (* to the pleiusurrts ot man what Im- agination Is to Ihe Hnn arts i In (Jioni, lovnn, them Joiihort. multiplies, croatas ditching, thatching, shoop shearing, basket niakliiR, Mid milking, etc.) from 3432 to 3.">03. Lecturus nnd i demonstrations went up from 9364 to 10,185, and whole time. Instructors ami Instructrossc* Incroasod from ::77 to 421. IMAGINATION Tha mill of Imagination without learning has wings and no fee. 1 .louhert. thence home, where I found my wife . the; and maid a-w-ashing- 1 staid up till ""*/;>. the bellman came by with his boll just better busy Uncier Experimentation BEAUTY Among all Iho de\ i<<M of .roiill<ni (horn ll not ono morn uoiuli-rful than (ho profunciuiss Which tin- Mighty, Maker ha been ploaiod to shod over Mm works f HIM bandi ;m om|l<' mid houndlos* bnaiily. SUFFERING . On i in.-! whole earth of ours thoru Arn but faw iiouls that can wlth- Hland the .lomlnlon of the onl that liim mifferpil Itsolf lo hocomo lu'iiutl- ful M:u<li>rllnok. - minion Tire iiulust forward with confidonce to under my window as I was writing of business. They are gvtting this wry line, and cried, "Past one of on Spring business. , ^^ cl(X . k and a coW> frosty> windy The Kobt. Simpson Co, Ltd., of To- 1 morning." I then went to bed, nd ronto, sold over 10,(H)0 dresses ; n one left my wife and the maid a'washr.tg day last week in thoir Toronto store, still. '' -;' Diary." Plenty of Sunlight Urged For Winter House Plants In winter many house plants grow spindly and weak. They lose their healthy grin-miess. I'sunlly this conili tion is due to in ut't'u-ient sunlight. Green plants must have sunlight in order to utilize this energy to niavu I'ncturo HIH! st,u-e t\nid necessary in their growth. In tho ab.xeive of sun light tho ortM of food pivvioul- iiianufiu-tunxl nro utilized and tli plants become iicak Ouring the short days of winle:. hen tlu- intensity of the sun's rays ia low, place the house plnutrt in the sunniest spot in tho house. Foliage plants (ferns, etc.) will, in gonernl. thrill- with UTS Sight than will Min- ing plants. ...l! of .1 misht." LOVS as u l.i.uUs like :i Km.- hat. but they call it "I'lorodaclyl U." at Kwrnb air Atittion. It Is oiu< of tho tailless aircraft recently pnivh t by tha Iloyal Air Korce for exporlmontiil pni-\mso<i. WAY Uiv Is^as u id hU'ivlns; on the tlower ot lift*. Sometimes It ! a si>ft-acented brtx-io, goivtly touehtax Other factors luvo-^ary for grontli tihe leaves, and the blossom bio should bo eonsidoi-i'il. St>ak the soi'. out In Its life ajnld the sum of thoroughly when watering plants -ind do not water again until the soil be- gins to look dry. A moist air is <l- slrable, so keep water aronn 1 radi- ' akors or stoves. plnaas and dews ni sympathy And HK&ln It U a hot blast from passion'* wastes, v. i -\er!ti the petal* aa bllghlin-. 1 thf '>'i<l -ri> It h(w yet