V ZHow to play Bridge AUCTION * CONTRACT ay Wynne Ferguson Author of 'PRACTICAL AUCTION BRIDGE* Hearts K, Q. J. 10, Crabs K, J, Diamonds none Spades 9 ARTICLE Xo. 1 ' Problem Hearts A, 7, 6, 5 Clubs A, Q. 10 Diamonds K, 5 Spades none Hearts 4, 3 Clubs none Diamonds Q, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 Spades 10 1 -ts 2 Clubs 5. 4, 3, 2 Diamonds J, 3 Spades J, 8 If spades are trumps and Z is In the lead, how tan Y Z win eight of the nine trlcka against any defense? Solution In the next article. Contract, as the came, implies, al- lows the player to score towards game only the number of tricks he has bid. For example, If a player bids two spades and makes four, he can only core two, the number bid, and the re- maining two tricks are scored in bis honor column at 50 per trick. This role makes It necessary (or players to bid for game on every hand, whether w MUM ibnr own children. Brand CONDENSED [Tk Bordol Co., Ltd. 115 Gcor* St., Toronto. tti literature on I Send mofreocopira of Toarauthri- F~d.n ( . Sun in Manhattan At dawn fhe sun begins his dally work To make the city cognizant of him. He faces walls inflexible and grim, i They film? a Joyless and defiant smirk. He Jumps to some tall building and his darts IGlancp In great flashes from the glassy quartz; [Another building catches these gay gleams 'Annd throws back jauntily its onyi beans. Thus is the light sent out and caught again Till all the upper spires are lit. and then 'With darkness hiding in his last retreat, | The searchlight of the sun sweeps l^f| down obe street; - I - 1 *t c . w . li He climbs across the buildings, and helow In sunny garments men and women go! Myrlam Page in the Christian of rour nfant 4USWB. Science Monitor. such hands will bring up points of play or bidding that, if properly under- stood, will be invaluable. These hands have all been submitted to the writer for analysis and came up in actual play. Study them over and make up your mind as to the correct bid or play ] in each instance. When the analysis Is given, compare your opinion with the writer's and, If there is any dlffer- 1-9 their opponents overbid or not, pro-'ence, think It over and then adapt Tided, of course, these hands warrant yourself and your game accordingly. a try for game. [Handled In this way, test hands will As a result, there are no "dead" , prove Invaluable, hands at Contract where one player, I There Is one point in the play of a for example, bids one heart and all pass, as occurs very frequently at Auc- tion. When one side holds all the cards there is bound to be plenty of action whether opponents bid or not. The lucky side must bid for game if they want it and once they feel sure of game, they have the still further incentive of trying for "slams." At Contract a little slam, if bid and made, scores 600 pelnts If not vulnerable BABY'S OWN SOAP // i> it's Best for You ui Bo b u too hand that some ot the good players don't always follow, and yet is gener- ally a consistent winner. When the i declarer has won the declaration at a suit and you have four or more ; trumps, open your long suit. With four or more trumps there is always a pos- ' sibillty of being able to establish your ] They were discussing dogs, and the Owl Laffs long suit and break up the declarer's a - hand by forcing him to trump your es- tablished suit. For example, hearts and 750 points if vulnerable and a big are trumps and your holding ! as fol- alam. It bid and made, scores 1000 lows: points If not vulnerable and 1500 points if -vulnerable. As a result of these large premiums, the effort to bid and make stems offers one of the exciting features of Contract. In the regular game of Auction you Hearts Q. 9, 6, 5 Clubs A, K. 7. 6. 5 Diamonds Q, 6. J Spades 10 :es were becoming "pretty tall" when one of the group took the lead. "Smith." he said, "had a most Intelli- gent retriever. One night Smith's house canght fire. All was instant confusion. Old Smith and wife flew for the children and bundled out with them in quick order. Alas, one of ] What New York Is Wearing BY AXNEBELLE WORTHINGTON Our tea-tasters jealously guard our modest but famous slogan REDROSE TE A is good tea " 2 CHOICE QUALITIES Red Label & Orange Pekoe Classified Advertising AN 'jfFEP. T" EVERY l.NVENT'Ml. I.:-t (if w inted :':v.-:.::uns and I'lll InformatloirMni free Tn "Great as are T.H liifferences that separate Jews and Catholics and Pro- testants, I!IH - 'hat unite them, are still greater. ' \v:;!iam Lyon Pheips. Illustrated Drrsitniakiii<j F.rssnn Fur- nished II' Pattern With' such a hand, it is much belter them had been left behind. But up may take a chance now and then with l to Op6n lne c!lll) suit tnan to leati tne 'jumped the dog, rushed into the house, a weak bid. It costs very little but In Contract you'll find it very expensive. For Instance, in Contract you bid one no trump with just an ordinary thin ao tmmper. What will happen? If second hand passes, your partner may have good help for a good no trumper. Your partner will of course bid you up. He may be justified in bidding three no trumps. Think of the wallop you'll singleton spade. Suppose you have bid clubs and your partner has supported the bid. You lead the suit and the de- and soon reappeared with the missing child. Everyone dashed saved; but the flames rounds of trumps. If he leads three one knew - Presently the noble animal round*, you can win the third round ] reappeared, scorched and burned, with with the queen and force him to trump what do you think?" again. Then it takes his last trump to draw teners. "Give It up," cried the eager Us- aiu w* ULI_H'O. A uiu rt VM. iuv " n. vj- j wu u, get if IPs doubled. You have no place !>" f your partner can take a ; .. WIth , ne flre :1 ,, ;l ,. ani . e policy. S SAMS' " ^ M BKJSi'S^S K !. d in a damp towe,. gentlemen, It's the ambition of all Auction and has on] * five 'rumps but great strength . Contract players to become experts, |' n voilr ' ipleton suit, the lead of your , but it is really surprising how little stron K sult woul<1 beat n! . but the I real work they are willing to do to ac- complish this result. There are prob- Glum "Why are you so blue?" Gloomy "Because my boat finished lead of your singleton up to his strong first In the race." suit would give h' i an advantage that Bad "Why, I'd think you'd be hap- ably ten million people In the country woud enable him to s-ore game. The p> ... Unlay who play Auction or Contract j singleton lead is always a gamble and and yet not five per cent, ot them ever 1 s seldom a waning play, unless hold- 1 uy i book on either game and. if they l inB , thrt?0 tr un>P*- Witt a strong suit SS.XrSiVS'S^' " ^I'SStt^ttifSS ! "*" "' '* ' '*" But If you will not read a book on aml - when >" ou understand the theory ; Judge "With a leaf?' the game, you will derive much bene- | of if - vou wi!1 be ajmu-h better player, fit from a study ot the various hands Worse "But the motor went dead." Witness "Then he tipped and 'e Witness "Yes. your Honor, leaf from the table." With ', T... . 1U~ In Turkish Mosque that are analyzed in t ese articles and, Radio Now Installed it you keep at it, you are bound to Im- prove your game; and if you learn to play a little better than your associ- ates, you will win, even without the aces and kings. Aa one player des- cribed the game of a well-known ex- pert: "The boy certainly knows how to play 'em. He d. n't get much to work with, but he can sure make .evens and eights act like kings and queens." We cannot all be experts but we can certainly Improve our game; and one of the best ways to do so Is to study over the analysis of the test hands given in these articles. Every one of Japan and Manchuria Economist (London): Time. :n the second chapter of the Manraurian . 1 1 i u i Hi ,i i . ' " I :?--,;(. . . v v .*> MV im^ v ^>>- story, shows signs of changing sides. ' may. '.v.irw Pa:<-:u .vror.-.i-ys. ;73 U->n Prom 'he seizure of Mukden on Sep- j tember 19 down to the completion of the Japanese occupation of Man- churia '.ast wcnit. time worked in Japan's favour. While the League j Council wavered, the Japanese Army carried out its operations swiftly ac- cording to plan. Xow that the plan has been executed, the Japanese are faced with the new problem of hold- ing wha: they have taken; and now time may begin to work on the site of the Chinese guerillas, to whose favourite method of warfare the Japanese have exposed themselves by the enormous lengthening of their lines of 'omuuin'i'ation. We do not believe That the Japanese Army will succeed in clearing Manchuria of brigands within three mon:hs or within many times that period. And meanwhile the N'.ne-Power Treaty and the Kellogg Pact will be work- ing, impalpably but potently, upon the pub'.'c opinion of the wor'.d to Japan's undoing. We have not seen th* "rr-i f ::.* Japanese ad- venture. Of all eleu.ents of strength, none Is more vital than self-reliance; a de- termination in be one's own helper and not to !nn to others for sup- port. William Matthews. WOOL HIGHEST PRICES PAID The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd. 2 CHURCH ST., TORONTO Nothing is more destructive ' B- j dividual vjiiaracter than for a man to lose all fa:;h in his own abilities for the p~' ' his work. Samuel Sm !- For 60 year* the world's Dest corrective far CONSTIPATION nd INDIGESTION SoM rvrrnvhere in 25c and 75c rtd | CARTERS ESLPILLS litre's much youthful charm. ./IT.'.! : th A black vc.vrt \\ith ocrue luce made :he original. A woman says she is troubled be- For practical wear, it would be very causa her nusbautl talka in , Istanbul, Turk. For the flrst tlme iand mum bies so that she can't under- in Islamic history a radio has been stand him. Gleeful Gladys says some When TEETHING mole. HIM FUSSY Ou ot the most important things yon can do to make a teething baby comfortable is to see that little bowels do their work ot carrying off waste matter promptly and re- gularly. For this nothing is better than Caaturla, a pure vegetable pre- paration specially made for babies and children. Castorla acts so fent- !y you can live it to young infants to relieve colic. Yet it is always ffeotlTe, for older children, too. llemember, Castorla contain* ao liarah draft, no narcotics is abso- .tt'y harmless. When your baor is tretral with teething or a feo4 upset, five a cleansing dose of Cat- toria. Be sure yon get g -nuino Cas- tjrla with the name: lergymen. This is the second notable de- installed In a Turkish mosque. women go rlg ht on chasing illusions Choosing one of the most famous re- 1 at f ort y by that time most of us are llglous edifices in all Turkey, St. kept bugy dod g iug disillusion. A wo- Sophla, for this Innovation, Musb- man 8e ldom comes out ot a sullen spell apha Kemal has directed that the untu sne be iieves her husband has suf- radio services be chanted from the j fere<1 M much as she th i nk8 nfl 8noujd . "l^- Pted Turklsh Koran by 25 Most of us try to put off everything \ opt a good time. Foolishness is still foolishness, no matter how august may I be the man who utters it. A lot ot people don't care much what happens so long as it doesn't happen to them. The time to start advertising is _ _ when the other fellow says: "Aw, isV\ransTationr "These" Innovation's i there aln>t no new business; let's cut are in consummation of the Nation- .<l wn our appropriation." A large man allst Government's aim of adapting ' n T r complains when Joshed about the Islamic rellgioj to the needs of n' ' but the little man Is sure to parture from ancient custom in re- ligious service instituted by the progressive Turkish President this : year. The Arabic Koran, always , unintelligible as Latin to the lay- ! man, was replaced early last month ! !n some Istanbul mosques by a Turk modern Turkey. get sore if you call him a runt. No man Is so handsome that he Is good , CAA -v nu J looking In a dirty shirt. A lot of 1 ,bUU- I r.-Uld Jug Unearthed ( -geir-made" men would have fared In Nebraska Cemetery much better had foey let the contract Butte, Neb. A Jug, believed to be at J to somebody else. least 1,600 years old, was unearthed near here. It was hand-carved and i He was a guest of a Cockney family nice carried out in u canton-faille crepe silk in rich dark brown or in black. Crepe muioc.iin, wool crepe and supple woolens are also suitable. The diagonal scalloped treatment gives charming height to the figure, j The softly draped bodice is slimming. Style No. 345-1 may be had in sizes 36. 38, 40, 41!, 44 and 46 inches bust. ! Size 36 requires 4'i yards 39-ir.ch with s i yard 3-inch lace. HOW TO ORDER PATTERN'S Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred ; wrap it carefully) for eaih number, an address your order to Wilson Patt?rn Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toron: Babies Thrive - On the easily digested SCOTT'S EMULSION t bl Norwegian * Cod Liver Oil F ' - ijf i| Rich in the ^=*" Rickets Preventing Vitamin D hould always r . it on iiBiul. IN TOUR CELLAR! WANTED Pmont to erow fanhrtMinui for u in r*Ur. r Ern apwanb of 125 w*kl. lllojtlratml l.ooklt fra. Mui>hroom Co., Toronto. Theatre to Seat Women Apart Madrid An 'ld Spanish custom separating men and women In the theatre is lioins revived here. The actress Ilortensia Gelabert. who plans to operate- the Theatre Bea- trice, said sin; would reserve or- chestra sf;iN fur \\orn 'ii. SAFE, SPEEDY PROVEN! Too Much ACID MAN\ people, two hours after eating, suffer indigestion as they call it. It is usually excess acid. Correct it with an alkali. The best way, the quirk, harmless and efficient way, is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It "has remained for 50 years the standard with physi'-ians. One spoon- ful in water ncutrali/es many times its volume in stomach acids, and at once. The symptoms disappear in live minutes." You will never use crude methods when you know th:s belter method. And you will never suffer from excess acid "when you prove out this easy relief. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed oy physicians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. 50c a bottle any JruB store. Tne ideal dentifrice for clean 'eelh and healthy gums is Phillips' Dental Magnesia tooth-p:^!-. once had been protected by a wicker *Tn England. They were eating ham. frame. The discovery was made In' Young Son "Please pass the 'am, what is thought to have been a ceme- Father." tery of early Indian tribes. Pieces of j Father "Don't say 'am. Say 'am." pottery, flint arrow-heads, teeth and | Mother (turning smilingly to the jyj^ FilZJBtrick TellS HOW Df. Williams' Utterly Worn-Out fiUiNGUfti AIRS WAS AGONY Hobbling With Rheumatism bones also were found. guest "They The relics may have been the re- 'am." mains of a civilization of mound build- \ think they're saying' ers, it is believed. Specimens have been sent to anthropologists at the University of Nebraska. Germany's Oldest Church The teacher had labored long and patiently to teach little Arthur the' points of the compass. Teacher "When you stand with your face to the north, your right hand Shows Date Block of 732 ' toward th " EMt - your left tow * r(1 Slegen. Westphalia. A stone hear ng the date 732 has been found in the wall of the old church In Raum land, a small village on the Eder Rlrer, and research has established that the building was erected br St. Boniface. It is thus the oldest der initely dated Church in Oeraany. looking back this year oa twelve centuries of existence. he west, and your back toward the south. Now, tell me the directions. What Is in front ot you?" Little Arthur (after a thoughtful pause) "My stomach." Mother "Would you like to come ..:id rock the baby for a bit, TommyT Tommy Rather! But I haven't got :'. rock." CASTORIA There is never again folnt to be sa era of prosperity just like that which the t' Titled States and Canada enjoyed before and after tne wmr." Lord LothJan. _ A if "A speculator becomes an investor when the price does not go up and be bold* B. "-Cbarles . She "Do you know you'd make a uderful fireman T" lie "How's that?" She "You never take your eyes off :he hoee." The reader is often carried away by lae author's train of thought. I Pink Pills Made Her Well. "I became run- down and unable to do my work for a family of seven," writes Mrs. W. P. Fitzpatrick.Marauii, Sask. "I was told I had anaemia, and I took treatment, but with very little improvement. Finally my sister,' who had had the same diseatt, advised m* to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pilb, as they had done her so much good. I have taken seven boxes. Today I'm well; able to do my own work; no more tired feeling or weak spells. I can run upstairs without puffing. I sleep and eat well. My friends are astonished at my changed appearance and never fafl to ask what I'm taking. My reply t: 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills'." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually create an abundance of new red blood, which is the reason why they have given new vitality and strength to thousand* ot such nervously exhausted and overtired \vomen. Equally helpful for growini; girls. Try them. At your druggist! In thr new glass container. 50c a package. .THOUGH NOT YET 30 I-* i :i dramatic picture o,f the deforming .mil disabling effects of acute rheu- matism, read this lady's letter. She, liad often looked at Krusehen advertise- , inrnts and laughed little dreaming that she herself would toon be joining in the churui of Pfaise for " the little daily dose." " I suffered Agonies with Rheumatism. The doctor sud he had never known a woman under 'M to get Rheumatism like I bad it. I was so bad I could only .rt upstair* by sitting on each stair. J poison known as uric acid, which is until I had pluck enough to pull myself ' composed of knife-edged crysuils. It is up to the next one. My hands and feet bred in accumulated waste matter were* *o swollen that they looked un- which the organs of elimination have canny, and neighbours used to wnt.li failed to expel. Kruwhen is a powerful me hobble round and say how awful I , solvent of these flint-hani crystals. It looked. I had often laughed at the swiftly dulls their sharp edges, then 272 Kruschen advertisements, but thought, in I had given almost everything cue a trial, 1 might as well qive Kruschen a trial. I did 10, and will always say I nnsidiT them wonderful. I take half-a- tratpoonful of Kruschen every morning. Now I oan run upstairs. Yet I have tuken Knisthen Salts for two numths only." MM. R. F. (lushes them out of the system. Your pains ease ; swellings subside, ; knotted joints become loose. Better still, Kruschen eliminates UM rout cause of the evil. Taken regularly, it keeps your liver and kidneys in pelt !' ' tune, so that these elimine/'~" nr-.Miis free your inside from all ; l>nvdin^ waste product*. SSUE No. ft '32 The system of the rheumatic subject is Kruschen Salts is obtainable el a producer of that dangeruu* bud> , Urug .Stores at iSc. and TJo. pet bMsS